q2 word

Question 2-How does your media product represent particular social group? My media music magazine is based on the genre Indie/Pop as it involvesColdplay Lily Allen APPEALING …And more that make it to younger readers such as

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Post on 17-Jan-2017




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Page 2: Q2 word

That will be interested in my or

Which are featured in my Magazine, therefore promoting it to the younger genre of the teenage social group.On my front cover… There are many front covers with a band as the main image and represents a stereotypical representation of an Indie magazine by having the artists usually with instruments looking straight down the lenses. Also another stereotype would be not as many cover lines which doesn’t make it overcrowded and not to over face to look at which may make it more appealing to younger readers by having younger artist on the front page to promote it more like on the other music magazines. As well as that the picture doesn’t look specifically higher or lower class due to what they are wearing or the type of pose they have, therefore the type of class to buy this magazine would be any also due to the fact that the price of the magazine isn’t too expensive.

M u s i c G e n r e


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On the contents page…On the contents page, uses of the colour scheme of white black and maroon

Which makes it simple yet effective as it draws the reader in and doesn’t distract them from the information. As well as that, only having 3 simple colours like in NME Magazine it gives a chance for the younger readers to become compelled and remember it the next time they see the magazine, encouraging them to buy it or view it on social media as it is somewhere they would read things like this.

Finally my Double page…

Features a stereotypical layout as the image is full size on one side of the page and the article is on the opposite side with a kicker at the top. This will help promote my magazine to the young audience as the page itself looks appealing and interesting with the use of the colour scheme and image that involves an eyelevel shot with her looking directly down the lenses but also a indirect image of the other artist which makes the reader interested and wonder about where she is looking.