question bank - vidyarthiplus

12 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ME 8391 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS 2 YEAR & 3 SEMESTERS Question Bank COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: CO1 Apply first law of thermodynamics for the applications of both open and closed systems. K3 CO2 Apply second law of thermodynamics for the applications of heat engines, heat pumps and refrigerator. K3 CO3 Understand the Thermodynamic behavior of steam and Apply Rankine cycle to steam power plant and compare few cycle improvement methods K3 CO4 Apply the concept of thermodynamic principles and relationship in to ideal and real gas mixtures. K3 CO5 Understand the concept of psychrometry, apply and Analyze it for various psychometric processes involved in thermodynamic devices K3 Prepared By Prof.P.Yogesh.,B.E(Mech).,M.E(Thermal Engg) Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Vel Tech- Avadi. Chennai-62

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Page 1: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus




Question Bank


On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Apply first law of thermodynamics for the applications of both open and closed

systems. K3

CO2 Apply second law of thermodynamics for the applications of heat engines, heat

pumps and refrigerator. K3

CO3 Understand the Thermodynamic behavior of steam and Apply Rankine cycle to

steam power plant and compare few cycle improvement methods K3

CO4 Apply the concept of thermodynamic principles and relationship in to ideal and real

gas mixtures. K3

CO5 Understand the concept of psychrometry, apply and Analyze it for various

psychometric processes involved in thermodynamic devices K3

Prepared By

Prof.P.Yogesh.,B.E(Mech).,M.E(Thermal Engg)

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vel Tech- Avadi.


Page 2: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus

UNIT-1-BASIC CONCEPTS AND FIRST LAW Basic concepts - concept of continuum, comparison of microscopic and macroscopic approach. Path and point

functions. Intensive and extensive, total and specific quantities. System and their types. Thermodynamic

Equilibrium State, path and process. Quasi-static, reversible and irreversible processes. Heat and work transfer,

definition and comparison, sign convention. Displacement work and other modes of work.P-V diagram. Zeroth law

of thermodynamics – concept of temperature and thermal equilibrium– relationship between temperature scales –

new temperature scales. First law of thermodynamics –application to closed and open systems – steady and unsteady flow processes.


CO Mapping : C01

Q.No. Questions Previous Year

K No 1 List the limitations of first law of thermodynamics (Nov/Dec 2012) 1

2 What are the conditions for steady flow process? (May/June 2013) 1

3 Define Zeroth law of Thermodynamics.

May/June 2009 1

4 Define thermodynamic equilibrium. (May/June 2014) 1

5 What do you mean by quasi-static process? (Nov/Dec 2012) 1

6 Differentiate


between point function and path (May/June 2014)


7 Name and explain the two types of properties (Nov/Dec 2013)


8 Why does free expansion have zero work transfer? (April/May 2015) 1

9 Distinguish between ‘Macroscopic energy’ and ‘Microscopic energy’.

(Nov/Dec 2012) 2

10 What is microscopic approach in thermodynamics?

(Nov/Dec 2013) 1

11 Enlist the similarities between work and heat. (Nov/Dec 2014) 2

12 Define extensive property (Nov/Dec 2013) 1

13 Should the automobile radiator be analyzed as a closed system or open system? Explain

(Nov/Dec 2016) 2

14 Define thermodynamic equilibrium. (Nov/Dec 2014) 1

15 Why does free expansion have zero work transfer? (April/May 2015) 1

16 State the thermodynamic definition of work (Nov/Dec 2015) 1

17 Show that the energy of an isolated system remains constant.

(Nov/Dec 2015) 1

18 What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics (Nov/Dec 2012) 1

19 Define the heat and thermodynamic definition of work. (May/June 2008) 1

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90KJ of heat is supplied to a system at constant volume. The

system rejects 95KJ of heat at constant pressure and 18 KJ of work

is done on it. The system is brought to its original state by adiabatic

process. Determine;

(i) The adiabatic work

(ii) The values of internal energy at all states if initial value is

105 kJ

(Nov/Dec 2014)



A turbine operating under steady flow conditions receives steam

at the following state: pressure 13.8 bar, specific volume 0.143

m3/kg, internal energy 2590 KJ/Kg, velocity 30 m/s. The state of

the stream leaving turbine is turbine is; pressure 0.35 bar, specific

volume 4.37m3/Kg, internal energy 2360 KJ/Kg, velocity 90 m/s.

Heat is lost to the surroundings at the rate of 0.25 KJ/s. If the rate

of steam flow is 0.38 Kg/s, what is the power developed by the


(Apr/May 2015)



A gas undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of the

following processes:

(i) Process 1-2: Constant Pressure P1=1.4 bar,

V1=0.028 m3, W1-2=10.5 kJ.

(ii) Process 2-3: Compression with

pV=constant, U3=U2.

(iii) Process 3-1: Constant volume, U1-U3=

- 26.4 kJ.

There are no significant changes in KE and PE

(1) Sketch the cycle on a p-V diagram.

(2) Calculate the network for the cycle in kJ.

(3) Calculate the heat transfer for process 1-2.

Show that Qcycle=Wcycle.


2015) 3


Determine the heat transfer and its direction for a system in which a perfect gas having the molecular weight of 17.76 is compressed from 101.3 KPa, 20°C to a pressure of 600 KPa following the law pV1.3 = C. Take specific heat at constant pressure of a gas is 1.7kJ/Kg-K

(Apr/May 2014) 3


(i) Air enters the compressor of a gas-turbine plant at ambient

conditions of 100 kPa and 250C with a low velocity and exists

at 1 MPa and 3470C with a velocity of 90 m/s. The

compressor is cooled at the rate of 1500 kJ/min, and the

power input to the compressor is 250 kW. Determine the mass

flow rate of air through the compressor. Assume Cp=1.005

kJ/kg K.

(ii) Derive steady flow energy equation.

(Nov/Dec 2016) 3


In a gas turbine installation air is heated inside heat exchanger

up to 750OC from ambient temperature of 27OC. Hot air then

enters into gas turbine with the velocity of 50 m/sec and leaves

at 600OC. Air leaving the turbine enters a nozzle at 60 m/sec

velocity and leaves nozzle at temperature of 500OC. For unit

mass flow rate of air, determine the following assumptions

adiabatic expansion in turbine and nozzle, (i) heat transfer to

air in heat exchanger (ii) power output from turbine (iii)

velocity at exit of nozzle. Take Cp for air as 1.005 kJ/kgK.

(May/June 2014) 3

Page 4: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus


An insulated rigid tank having 5 kg of air at 3atm and 30°c is

connected to an air supply line at 8atm and 50°c through a value.

The value is now slowly opened to allow the air from supply line

to flow into the tank until the tank pressure reaches 8atm and the

value is closed. Determine the final temperature of the air in the

tank.Also,find the amount of air added to the tank




8 Derive the steady flow energy equation and stating the

assumptions made.




9 A gas occupies 0.3m3 at 2 bar. it executes a cycle consisting of


i) 1-2 constant pressure with work interaction of 15 KJ

ii) 2-3 compression process which follows the law pv=c and

u3=u2 and

iii) 3-1 constant volume process and reduction in internal

energy is 40 KJ.

Neglecting the changes in kinetic energy and potential energy.

Draw the PV diagram for the process and determine net work

transfer for the cycle and show that first law is obeyed by the





10 In a gas turbine the gases enter the turbine at the rate of 5kg/s

with velocity of 50m\s and the enthalpy of 900KJ/Kg and leave

the turbine with 150m/s and the enthalpy of 400 KJ/kg.The loss

of heat from the gas to the surroundings is 25 KJ/Kg.Assume

R=0.285 KJ/Kg.k cp=1.004 KJ/Kg k and the inlet conditions to be

at 100 kpa and 27°c.Determine the work done and diameter of the

inlet pipe.




11 A mass of air is initially at 260°c and 700 Kpa and occupies 0.028

m3.The air is expanded at constant pressure to 0.084

m3.Apolytropic process with n=1.5 is then carried out, followed by

a constant temperature process. At the process are reversible.

1.sketch the cycle in p-v and T-S planes

2.Find the heat received and heat rejected in the cycle.

3.find the efficiency of the cycle.

(Apr/May 2016)


12 Three grams of nitrogen gas at 6 atm. and 160○C in a frictionless

piston cylinder device is expanded adiabatically to double its

initial volume, then compressed at constant pressure to its initial

volume and then compressed again at constant volume to its

initial state. Calculate the net work done on the gas. Draw the P-

V diagram for the processes.




Page 5: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus

UNIT-II-SECOND LAW AND AVAILABILITY ANALYSIS Heat Reservoir, source and sink. Heat Engine, Refrigerator, Heat pump. Statements of second law and its

corollaries. Carnot cycle Reversed Carnot cycle, Performance. Clausius inequality. Concept of entropy, T-s

diagram, Tds Equations, entropy change for - pure substance, ideal gases - different processes, principle of

increase in entropy. Applications of II Law. High and low grade energy. Available and non-available energy of a

source and finite body. Energy and irreversibility. Expressions for the energy of a closed system and open

systems. Energy balance and entropy generation. Irreversibility. I and II law Efficiency.


CO Mapping : C02

Q.No Questions Previous Year

K No

1 Define Clausius statement. (May/June 2008) 1

2 Write Carnot theorem and its corollaries. (May/June 2014) 2

3 Define Kelvin Planck Statement (May/June 2013) 1

4 What are the Corollaries of Carnot theorems? (May/June 2014) 2

5 Draw a schematic of an Heat pump. (Nov/Dec 2013) 1


A heat engine with a thermal efficiency of 45 percent rejects

500 kJ/kg of heat. How much heat does it receive?

(Nov/Dec 2016)


7 What is a reversed heat engine (April/May 2015) 1

8 What is PMM2 and why it is impossible (May/June 2017) 1

9 State Carnot theorem. (May/June 2014) 1

10 Write the expression for COP of a heat pump and a refrigerator? (May/June 2009) 1

11 What is the principle of increase of entropy? (May/June 2008) 1

12 Explain entropy? (Nov/Dec 2015) 2

13 What do understand by high grade and low grade energy? (May/June 2017) 2

14 When a system is adiabatic, what can be said about the entropy

change of the substance in the system?

(Nov/Dec 2016) 1

15 What is temperature entropy diagram? (Nov/Dec 2011) 1

16 Define irreversibility (May/June 2016) 1

17 What is a thermal energy reservoir? Explain the term source

and sink.

(May/June 2015) 1

18 What are the processes involved in Carnot cycle. (May/June 2009) 1

19 What are the causes of irreversibility? (Nov/Dec 2015) 1

20 State Clausius statement of II law of thermodynamics (Nov/Dec 2013) 1


A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs a

temperature of 600○C and 40○C. the engine drives a reversible

refrigerator which operates between the reservoirs at temperatures

of 40○C and -20○C. the heat transfer to the heat engine is 2000 KJ

and the network output for the combined engine refrigerator is 30

KJ. Evaluate the heat transfer to the refrigerant and the net heat

transfer to the reservoir at 40°C.

(Apr/May 2015) 3

A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs a (Apr/May 2015) 3

Page 6: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus


temperature of 600○C and 40○C. the engine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates between the reservoirs at temperatures of 40○C and -20○C. the heat transfer to the heat engine is 2000 KJ and the network output for the combined engine refrigerator is 30 KJ. Evaluate the heat transfer to the refrigerant and the net heat transfer to the reservoir at 40○C.


Two heat engines operating in series are giving out equal

amount of work. The total work is 50 KJ/cycle. If the reservoirs

are at 1000 K and 250 K, find the intermediate temperature and

the efficiency of each engine. Also Examine the heat extracted

from the source.

(Nov/Dec 2014)



5 Kg of air at 550 K and 4 bar is enclosed in a closed vessel.

Examine the availability of the system if the surrounding

pressure and temperature are 1 bar and 290 K (6)

If the air is cooled at constant pressure to the atmospheric temperature, determine the availability and effectiveness (7)

(Nov/Dec 2014)



Air flows through an adiabatic compressor at 2 kg/s.The inlet conditions are 1 bar and 310 k and the exit conditions are 7 bar and 560 k.compute the net rate of energy transfer and irreversibility .take To=298 k.

(Apr/May 2017)



5cm3 of air at 2 bar,27°c is compressed up to 6 bar pressure following pv1.3=c constant. It is subsequently expanded adiabatically to 2 bar. Considering the two process to be reversible determine the network, net heat transfer, change in entropy. Also plot the process on t-s and p-v diagrams.

(Apr/May 2014)


7 2 Kg of air at 500 KPa, 90°C expands adiabatically in a closed system until its volume is doubled and its temperature becomes equal to that of the surroundings at 100KPa and 5°C. calculate (i)the maximum work,(ii) change in availability and (iii)irreversibility

(Apr/May 2015)



A heat pump working on the Carnot cycle takes in heat from a

reservoir at 5°c and delivers heat to a reservoir at 60°c.The heat

pump is driven by a reversible heat engine which takes in heat

from reservoir at 840°c and rejects heat to a reservoir at

60°c.The reversible heat engine also drives a machine that

absorbs 30 kw. If the heat pump extracts 17KJ/s from 5°c

reservoir. Determine

i)the rate of heat supply from the 840°c source and

ii) the rate of heat rejection to the 60°c sink.

(Apr/May 2017)


9 A heat engine operating between two reservoirs at 1000 k and

300 k is used to drive heat pump which extracts heat from the

reservoir at a rate twice that of which engine rejected heat to it.

If the efficiency of the engine is 40% of the maximum possible

and the coefficient of performable of the heat pump is 50% of

the maximum possible, make calculation for the temperature of

the reservoir to which the heat pump rejects heat. Also workout

the rate of heat rejection from heat pump if the rate of supply of

heat to the engine is 50Kw

(Apr/May 2016)


Page 7: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus

UNIT-III-PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCE AND STEAM POWER CYCLE Formation of steam and its thermodynamic properties, p-v, p-T, T-v, T-s, h-s diagrams. p-v-T surface. Use of

Steam Table and Mollier Chart. Determination of dryness fraction. Application of I and II law for pure substances.

Ideal and actual Rankine cycles, Cycle Improvement Methods - Reheat and Regenerative cycles, Economizer,

preheater, Binary and Combined cycles.


CO Mapping : C03

Q.No. Questions Previous Year K No

1 Define quality of steam. (May/June 2008) 1

2 What is pure substance? Give examples. (Nov/Dec 2012) 1

3 Is iced water a pure substance? Why? (Nov/Dec 2016) 2

4 Distinguish between flow process and non-flow process.

(Nov/Dec 2012) 2

5 State the advantages of using superheated steam in turbines. (Nov/Dec 2014) 1

6 Draw the p-T diagram for water and label all salient points. (Nov/Dec 2014) 1

7 How is Triple point represented in the p-V diagram? (Nov/Dec 2013) 2

8 Define heat of vaporization. (Nov/Dec 2011) 1

9 Find the specific volume, enthalpy and entropy of saturated

steam at 10 bar. (May/June 2009) 2

10 How is triple point represent in PV diagram?

(Nov/Dec 2013) 1

11 Explain comparison between Carnot cycle and Rankine Cycle?

(Nov/Dec 2011) 2

12 Mention the possible ways to increase the thermal efficiency

of Rankine cycle. (May/June 2014) 2

13 What is the effect of reheat on (a) the network output,

(b) the cycle efficiency and (c) steam rate of a steam power


(Nov/Dec 2016) 2

14 What do you understand by specific steaming rate? (May/June 2009) 2

15 What is critical point? (Nov/Dec 2005) 1

16 State the Rankine cycle. On a PV plane and name the various processes

(Nov/Dec 2006) 2

17 Define critical temperature and pressure of water

(Nov/Dec 2006) 1

18 Explain the term super-heated steam and super heating.

(May/June 2009) 2

Part B &C


Explain steam formation with relevant sketch and label all

salient points and explain every point in detail.




Page 8: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus


(a) Define specific steam consumption, specific heat rate and

work ratio.

(b) A vessel of volume 0.04 m3 contains a mixture of

saturated water and saturated steam at a temperature of

250oC. The mass of the liquid present is 9 kg. Find the

pressure, the mass, the specific volume, the enthalpy, and

entropy, and the internal energy of the mixture.

(Nov/Dec 2012) 3


Steam at a pressure of 15 bar and 250OC expands according

to the law PV1.25=C to a pressure of 1.5 bar. Evaluate the final

conditions, work done, heat transfer and change in entropy.

The mass of the system is 0.8 kg.

(Nov /Dec 2008) 3


A steam power plant operates on a theoretical reheat cycle.

Steam at boiler at 150 bar, 550OC expands through the high

pressure turbine. It is reheated at a constant pressure of 40 bar

to 550OC and expands through the low pressure turbine to a

condenser at 0.1 bar. Draw T-s and h-s diagrams. Find (i)

Quality of steam at turbine exhaust (ii) Cycle efficiency (iii)

Steam rate in kg/kWh.

(May/June 2014) 3


Consider a steam power plant operating on the Ideal Rankine

cycle. Steam enters the turbine at 3 MPa and 623 K and is

condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 10 kPa. Determine

(i) the thermal efficiency of this power plant (ii) the thermal

efficiency, if steam is super-heated to 873 K instead of 623 K,

and (iii) the thermal efficiency, if the boiler pressure is raised

to 15 MPa while the turbine inlet temperature is maintained at

873 K.

(Nov/Dec 2009) 3


In a Rankine cycle, the steam at inlet to turbine is saturated at

a pressure of 35 bar and the exhaust pressure is 0.2 bar. The

flow rate of steam is 0.2 kg/s. Determine (i) the pimp work (ii)

the turbine work

(iii) Rankine efficiency (iv) Condenser heat flow (v) work

ratio and (vi) specific steam consumption.

(Nov/Dec 2011) 3

A steam power plant operates on an ideal

regenerative Rankine cycle, Steam enters the turbine at 6 MPa and 4500C and is condensed in the

(Nov/Dec 2016) 3

Condenser at 20 kPa. Steam is extracted from the


turbine at 0.4 MPa to heat the feed water in an open Feed water heater. Water leaves the feed water heater. Water

leaves the feed water heater as a saturated liquid. Show the

cycle on a T-s diagram, and

determine (i) The network output per kilogram of

steam flowing through the boiler and (ii) the thermal

efficiency of the cycle.

Page 9: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus

UNIT-IV-IDEAL AND REAL GASES, THERMODYNAMIC RELATIONS Properties of Ideal gas- Ideal and real gas comparison- Equations of state for ideal and real gases-Reduced

properties-.Compressibility factor-.Principle of Corresponding states. - Generalized Compressibility Chart and its

use-. Maxwell relations, Tds Equations, Difference and ratio of heat capacities, Energy equation, Joule-Thomson Coefficient, Clausius Clapeyron equation, Phase Change Processes. Simple Calculations.


CO Mapping : C04

Q.No. Questions Previous Year

K No 1 State law of perfect gas (May/June 2009) 1

2 What are the properties of ideal gas? (Nov/Dec 2014) 1

3 Define Real gas. (Nov/Dec 2013) 1

4 What is equation of state? (Nov/Dec 2012) 1

5 State the Vander Waal’s equation of state. (Nov/Dec 2014) 1

6 Have you ever encountered any ideal gas? If so, where? Apr/May 2008) 1

7 What are Maxwell relations? May/June 2008 1

8 What is meant by equation of state? Write the same for an

ideal gas.

(Nov/Dec 2007) 1

9 What do you mean by reduced properties? (Nov/Dec 2016) 1

10 Explain law of corresponding states. (Nov/Dec 2008) 2

11 Explain Dalton’s law of partial pressure. (Nov/Dec 2008) 2

12 What is mass of carbon dioxide from one kg of carbon combustion?

May/June 2009 1

13 What is the law of corresponding states? (April/May 2015) 1

14 In what way the Clausius Clapeyron equations are useful? (Nov/Dec 2012) 2

15 What are the assumptions made to derive ideal gas equation

analytically using the kinetic theory of gases? (May/June 2014) 1

16 Write down the two Tds equations. (Nov/Dec 2016)


17 Explain Joule-Kelvin


Effect. What is inversion (May/June 2013) 1



(i) What is joule – Thomson co-efficient? Why is it zero for

an ideal gas?

(ii) Derive an expression for Clausius Clapeyron equation

applicable to fusion and vaporization.

(Nov/Dec 2016) 3

2 Derive the Maxwell relations and explain their

importance in thermodynamics.

May/June 2009 3


(i) Derive the Clausius – Clapeyron equation and discuss its


(ii) Draw a neat sketch of a compressibility chart and

indicate its salient features.

(Nov/Dec 2013) 3


(a) Derive the TdS equation taking T and C as

independent variables.

(May/June 2008) 3


(a) Explain the physical significance of the Compressibility factor Z.

(b) Derive the Joule – Thomson co-efficient equation and

draw the inversion curve.

(Nov/Dec 2014) 3

Page 10: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus


Determine the pressure of nitrogen gas at T=175 K and

v=0.00375 m3/kg on the basis of

(i) The ideal-gas equation of state

(ii) The Vander Waals equation of state.

The Vander waals constants for nitrogen are a=0.175

m6kPa/kg2, b=0.00138 m3/kg.

(April/May 2015) 3


(i) State the conditions under which the equation of state

will hold good for gas.

(ii) State the main reasons for the deviation of behavior of

real gases from ideal gases.

(iii) Explain irreversibility with respect to flow and non-

flow process.

(iv) Explain the effectiveness of a system.

(Nov/Dec 2014) 3


(i) One kg of CO2 has a volume of 1 m3 at 1000C. Compute

the pressure by (1) Van der Waals’ equation (2) Perfect gas

equation. The Vander Waals’ constants a=362850 Nm4/(kg-

mol)2 and b=0.0423 m3/(kg-mol).

(ii) Write the Berthelot and Dieterici equations of state.

(Nov/Dec 2016) 3

Page 11: Question Bank - Vidyarthiplus

UNIT-V-GAS MIXTURES AND PSYCHROMETRY Mole and Mass fraction, Dalton’s and Amaga’s Law. Properties of gas mixture – Molar mass, gas constant,

density, and change in internal energy, enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs function. Psychrometric properties,

Psychrometric charts. Property calculations of air vapour mixtures by using chart and expressions. Psychrometric

process – adiabatic saturation, sensible heating and cooling, humidification, dehumidification, evaporative cooling

and adiabatic mixing. Simple Applications


CO Mapping : C05

Q.No. Questions Previous Year


1 Define mole fraction (May/June 2009) 1

2 Explain the following terms: (a) Mole fraction (b) Mass

fraction. (May/June 2008) 1

3 What is compressibility factor? What does it signify? What is

its value for Vander Waals at critical point? (Nov/Dec 2015) 1

4 State Dalton’s law of partial pressure. (Nov/Dec 2016) 1

5 What is the adiabatic evaporate cooling? (Nov/Dec 2012) 1

6 Define degree of saturation. (Nov/Dec 2013) 1

7 What is dew point temperature? (Nov/Dec 2016) 1

8 What is meant by dry bulb temperature (DBT) (May/June 2008) 1

9 What is by-pass factor? (May/June 2014) 1

10 Define adiabatic saturation temperature (May/June 2014) 1

11 What is meant by adiabatic saturation temperature (Or) thermodynamic wet bulb Temperature?

(May/June 2014) 1

12 What is psychrometer? (Nov/Dec 2014) 1

13 What is Psychrometric chart? (May/June 2009) 1

14 Define sensible heat and latent heat. (April/May 2015) 1

15 What are the important Psychrometric processes? (Nov/Dec 2014) 1



An air-water vapour mixture enters an air- conditioning unit

at a pressure of 1.0 bar, 38OC DBT, and a relative humidity of

75%. The mass of dry air entering is 1 kg/s. The air-vapour

mixture leaves the air-conditioning unit at 1.0 bar, 18OC, 85%

relative humidity. The moisture condensed leaves at 18OC.

Determine the heat transfer rate for the process.

(May/June 2014) 3


(a) One kg of air at 40OC dry bulb temperature and 50%

relative humidity is mixed with 2 kg of air at 20OC dry bulb

temperature and 20OC dew point temperature. Calculate the

temperature and specific humidity of the mixture.

(b) With the aid of model Psychrometric chart explain

the following processes.

(i) Adiabatic mixing (ii) Evaporative cooling.

(May /June 2013) 3


Atmospheric air at 1.0132 bar has 200C DBT and 65% RH.

Find the humidity ratio, wet bulb temperature, dew point

temperature, degree of saturation, enthalpy of the mixture,

density of air and density of vapour in the mixture.

May/June 2008 3

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It is required to design an air-conditioning plant for a small

office room for following winter conditions:

Outdoor conditions…..140C DBT and 100C WBT Required

conditions……200C DBT and 60% RH Amount of air

circulation…0.30 m3/min/person. Seating capacity of


The required condition is achieved first by heating and then

by adiabatic humidifying. Determine the following:

(i) Heating capacity of the coil in kW and the

surface temperature required if the bypass

factor of coil is 0.4.

(ii) The capacity of the humidifier.

(Nov/Dec 2016) 3


A perfect gas mixture consists of 4 kg of N2 and 6 kg of CO2

at a pressure of 4 bar and a temperature of 250C. For N2;

Cv=0.745 kJ/kg K and Cp=1.041 kJ/kg

K. For CO2; Cv=0.653 kJ/kg K and Cp=0.842 kJ/kg. Find Cp,

Cv and R of the mixture. If the mixture is heated at constant

volume to 500C, find the changes in internal energy, enthalpy

and entropy of the mixture.

(Nov/Dec 2011) 3


An insulated rigid tank is divided into two compartments by a

partition. One compartment contains 7kg of oxygen gas at

40OC and 100 kPa and the other compartment contains 4kg of

nitrogen gas at 20OC and 150kPa. CV, N2=0.743 kJ/kgK and

CV, O2=0.658 kJ/kgK. If the partition is removed and the two

gases are allowed to mix, determine (i) The mixture

temperature (ii) The mixture pressure after equilibrium has

been established.

(Nov/Dec 2012) 3


A mixture of hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) is to be made

so that the ratio of H2 to O2 is 2:1 by volume. If the pressure

and temperature are 1 bar and 250C respectively, Calculate:

(i) The mass of O2 required (ii) The volume of the container.

(Nov/Dec 2014) 3


A rigid tank that contains 2kg of N2 at 250C and 550 kPa is

connected to another rigid tank that contains 4kg of O2 at

250C and 150 kPa. The valve connecting the two tanks is

opened, and the two gases are allowed to mix. If the final

mixture temperature is 250C, determine the volume of each

tank and the final mixture pressure.

(Nov/Dec 2016)