question six

Question two: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

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Post on 02-Aug-2015



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Question two:What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?


This is the camera that we used to record our film. It allowed us to zoom, record and focus. This camera was beneficial because with out having use of this camera we would have had to use one of our mobile phones. So having use of the camera helped us to improve on the quality of the film. However the pros of the camera is that it doesn’t have a big memory card so if we recorded a lot of footage on one day then we might of lost some of the footage.

Overall the camera came in useful and without it we wouldn’t of been able to record the same quality of film and to over come the problem after a certain amount of footage that we filmed we had to upload it up onto the computer this is so we had all the footage we needed.


We used the tripod when we were making our film, this is for the reason that it kept to camera still. The benefits of using a tripod is that it kept our camera still. This was useful because we had no unwanted shaky footage. Moreover the tripod was also beneficial because no matter of what height we wanted the camera at the tripod was able to be changed to what ever height we wanted. However the tripod did have some drawbacks, this is because when using the tripod you had to stay in one place this is cause you were unable to move around freely.

However the tripod fulfilled its purpose and we did not have to move around with the camera much this is because we worked around the problem.

The Mac’s-

The mac helped us to complete our course work, whether it was to make the music, edit our video and complete our site. The mac was beneficial to our work because it helped us upload our film footage and then edit that, this allowed us to put in transitions, add in music, edit the footage and to add titles. It was also beneficial this is for the reason that it allowed us to create music for our video, this was then edited over the film. Nevertheless the drawbacks of the mac’s were that if our mac was broken then we were unable to complete work that was due. This then had a knock on affect to the rest of our course work.

Overall without the mac’s we wouldn’t of been able to complete our work. And the mac’s helped out film to be at the good quality that it is.

Mac; YouTube-

When we use the Mac’s we used a wide range of different types of programs. These consisted of YouTube. This is because when we had finished out opening sequence we uploaded it to YouTube so we could see what he general public thought about this video. We did this because it is a free way of people finding out about it. This then gave us a response on weather or not the

film would be a success or not. So if we did decide on making in into a real full length film the response and help us decide whether or not it would be worth it.

Mac; Wix-

Wix is a site that allows anyone to sign up and create a website so they can showcase all of their work. This has helped us complete our course work. This is because it is a place that we can show to other people what work we have done prior our video, and now after. This is beneficial because now any one can access our site and either get inspired by our video or our wider audience can see what we have done. However because it is a free site our URL has the word wix in it. Also our at the bottom of our site has a sign of wix.

Mac; Garage band-

We used garage band to help us create a good background music for our film. This is where we were able to make our own song from beats. This was beneficial because we could add extra part to our film. Moreover the sound can heighten feelings depending on what is happening in the film.

Mac; final cut express

We used final cut express to make our video. This is because it allowed us to edit our film, add the music, add titles and transitions. Finial cut allowed us to make our video the best that we could.


Overall I have learnt how to probably use a camera, tripod and a Mac. However if I was now to make another film I know now was to make the footage better, how to edit correctly. Because I have now learnt from my mistakes.