questionare results 2

Questionnaire Results Khrystlyn Wilson

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Questionnaire Results

Khrystlyn Wilson

Page 2: Questionare results 2

Question 1- Age of my audience

13- 15 16 - 18 19- 210






It is vital that I have asked my audience their age because then I can clearly target my audience in an efficient way. This can also clearly help me know the kind of things that they like in order to help me in any primary research that I may wish to carry out. It allows me to get to know the audience and their likes and dislikes in their age.

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Question 2 – The gender of my audience




By asking my audience that their gender is it allows me to know the different between the preferences between a female and male. It also gets me to know who my audience is and to try and expect what I may see in my results.I also asked both genders to that I can get a varied answer and that they would hopefully bot be different.

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Question 3 – Martial Status

Married Single Divorced02468



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Question 4 - Occupation

Student; 18

Working; 2

Other; 1

I believe that asking this question would be useful in terms of knowing how to make my advertisement appeal to my audience not only in terms of the things that they may like but also in terms of their occupations as well. This can also help me in my advertisement because it can allow me to give advise or help in all the fields of possible bullying or any other situation in different work occupations.

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Question 5- Main Hobbies










By asking my audience what their hobbies may be it helps me as a researcher to target them directly in a different way in order for the advertisement to appeal to them and for them feel like the advert may be just for them. It also gets me to know the kind of things my audience may enjoy lets me know the kind of things that I should actually put in the advertisement that they would enjoy so that they wont get bored or feel like what they are watching isn't related to them.

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Question 6 - Ethnicity






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Having the ethnicity of my audience is one of the vital point that I have to think about when making the advert. The reason as to why this would be a vital point to think about is that we don’t want any offensive language to be said that may be viewed as racism unless its going to be a topic within the video. In order to avoid offense to my audience I have to ask where they are from and ensure that there may not be any jokes about their ethnicity.

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Question 7 – How many hours of Tv do you watch?

1 to 4

5 to 8

9 to 13


I'm not sure






Chart Title

In order to ensure that my audience would actually watch the advert I need to ensure that they would be available to watch it and that I air it in the right time. By doing this is allows me to know the average hours that the audience may watch which could either be an advantage or disadvantage to me airing the advert.

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Question 8 – What platform do you watch TV on?




By asking my target audience what platform in which they watch varies things from would be useful to me due to the fact that the advertisement may be viewed and would fit around peoples schedule and their daily schedule. It also helps me think about the size of what my advertisement would be so that it may be seen on any platform and that my audience may watch it on any platform that they would wish to. It also allows me to consider the varies thing or themes that I may be able to put in to the advert that would consist of the kind of platform that they are watching the advert on in order for it to be interesting in a creative way .

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Question 9 – What's your religion












It is very vital that I ask this question to ensure that there wont be any kind of mis-understanding if there are any comedic themes within the advert in order for it not to be offensive for anyone that has a religion. Its very vital that I don’t target one religion or say anything that may make them think that they are being targeted in their advert. I also have to consider and take into account beliefs in religion so that it doesn’t make them feel singled out in the advert.

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Question 10- have you moved out of your house


SalesYes No

I thought that asking this question would be useful information because if the target audience has moved out and into their own place then they would have the freedom to do as they wish in their own home. It could also possibly mean that they would be able to watch the their preferred viewing platform more often, so there would be a higher chance for them to be able to watch the advert multiple times or that they would see the pop-ups for it.

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Question 11 – Do you pay your own bills.

No; 20

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Question 12- What is your favorite genre of music.





Chart TitleSeries 1 Series 2 Series 3

Asking my audience what their music preferences are is going to be very useful for me in order to make the advertisement interesting and appeal for my audience to watch. This would allow me to be able to connect with my audience and know what's current and new that they may like and would want to watch. It would also help me in case I would like to add some music to the advert I would know what kind of music would be preferred and how to possibly put in the advert successfully. This would be in order for the audience to feel like the video is specifically for them and it can be something that they can relate to due to the music genre.

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Question 13 – Social Standing

Working Class; 5

Middle Class; 9

Prefer Not to say; 1

don’t know; 5

This is may be a very personal question however it is crucial that I know this in order to successfully target the right audience to that they can relate to it and feel like the advertisement is made for them. It allows me to think about setting, themes and other things that the highest ratings would normally have or do.

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Question 14- What is your taste in humor





al Comedy

Wit/Word Play


ve Comedy



I believe that in asking this question I can effectively use comedy to make the advert a bit more exciting and interesting to watch for my audience. By asking what they prefer I can directly relate to the audience and use the highly recommended and preferred comedy genre to be able to make the advertisement interesting in a comedic way.

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Question 15 – Are you easily offended?

No; 18

Sometimes; 2

This can relate to the religion, and comedy. This question was asked in order for the advertisement not to offend the audience with any remarks or themes within the advertisement. In order for the audience not to feel ridiculed I had to ask this question so that my advertisement doesn’t state anything wrong and offend my audience.

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Question 16 – Do you find bright colours childish.



In order for the advert to aim and appeal to my target audience I have to think about the qualities and themes within the advert. Its crucial that I make the advert about them and aim at the kind of things that they would ensure. In order to do this asking them directly is a much more useful approach because I'm asking the audience themselves.

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Question 17 – How do you feel when you are interrupted online

Depends what it is



I don’t like it

Don’t mind


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

In order to avoid hatred or tension within the advert asking this question would be useful so that I don’t interrupt my audience if they are watching an already exiting video and the advert interrupts. This would be ad for the advert because it means that the target would be fed up if its continuous and wouldn’t want to watch it in the future.