questions final ems

QUESTIONS 1) The procedure of compressing cricothyroid cartilage posteriorly against vertebral bodies during endotracheal intubation is called: A. Valsalva maneuver B. Sellick maneuver C. Heimlich maneuver D. Leopold's maneuvers 2) Which of the following pairing about Glasgow Coma Score is wrong? A. 6 —Spontaneous Eye Opening B. 1—No Verbal Response C. 5—localizes to pain (Motor Activity) D. 3—Eye Opening to Verbal stimuli 3). A nurse would know one of the most effective treatments for decreasing cerebral edema in a patient with increased intracranial pressure would be which of the following? a. IV mannitol b. IV furosemide (Lasix) c. Assessment of CSF for protein

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sample mcqs for ems



1) The procedure of compressing cricothyroid cartilage posteriorly against vertebral bodies during endotracheal intubation is called:

A. Valsalva maneuver

B. Sellick maneuver

C. Heimlich maneuver

D. Leopold's maneuvers

2) Which of the following pairing about Glasgow Coma Score is wrong?

A. 6 —Spontaneous Eye Opening

B. 1—No Verbal Response

C. 5—localizes to pain (Motor Activity)

D. 3—Eye Opening to Verbal stimuli

3). A nurse would know one of the most effective treatments for decreasing cerebral edema in a patient with increased intracranial pressure would be which of the following?

a. IV mannitol

b. IV furosemide (Lasix)

c. Assessment of CSF for protein

d. Force fluids

4). Which of the following is the most effective first line drug for treating status epilepticus and is the treatment of choice for controlling seizures acutely?

A. Lorazepam

B. Etomidate

C. Flurazepam

D. Sodium Valproate

5). A 23-year-old man is brought in by ambulance after falling off a roof. He is moaning and has sonorous respirations; he will not open his eyes to pain but withdraws to pain when tested. What is his Glasgow Coma Scale score?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

E. 8

6) Which of the following is NOT a structural component of the Tetralogy of Fallot?

(a) Pulmonic stenosis

(b) VSD (ventribular septal defect)

(c) Left ventricular hypertrophy

(d) Dextroposition and overriding of the aorta

7) Which one of the following agents is an inotrope?

a. Epinephrine

b. Metoprolol

c. Diltiazem

d. Ramipril

8) In managing the head injured patient, the most important initial step is to

a) secure the airway

b) obtain c-spine film

c) support circulation

c) control scalp haemorrhage

e) determine the GCS score

9) A 7 year old boy is brought to the emergency department by his parents several minutes after he fell through a window. He is bleeding profusely from a 6-cm wound of his medial right thigh. Immediate management of the wound should consist of

a) Application of a tourniquet

b) direct pressure on the wound

c) packing the wound with gauze

d) direct pressure on the femoral artery at the groin

e) debridement of devitalized tissue

10)The most important, immediate step in the management of an open pneumothorax is

a) endotracheal intubation

b) operation to close the wound

c) placing a chest tube through the chest wound

d) placement of an occlusive dressing over the wound

e) initiation of 2, large-caliber IVs with crystalloid solution

11 )Which one of the following statements concerning intraosseous infusion is true?

a) only crystalloid solutions may be safely infused through the needle

b) aspiration of bone marrow confirms appropriate positioning of the needle

c) intraosseous infusion may be utilized indefinitely

d) swelling in the soft tissues around the intraosseous site is not a reason to discontinue infusion

12) Shock is defined as an abnormality of the circulatory system that results in inadequate organ perfusion and tissue oxygenation. What are the 4 different types?





13 ) Why is proper size important when using an OPA or NPA?

A. Too large may block the airway

B. Too large may damage tissue

C. Too small may not adequately control airway

D. All of the above

14 ) Asystole is a common rhythm and should be treated with all the following EXCEPT:


B. Ventilations

C. Defibrillation

D. Epinephrine

15) Which of the following are treated with synchronized shocks?

A. Unstable atrial fibrillation

B. Sinus tachycardia

C. VT without a pulse


16) Which drugs are involved in the Bradycardia Algorithm?

A. atropine, epinephrine, dopamine

B.  atropine, norepinephrine, dopamine

C.  atropine, lidocaine, adenosine

D. atropine, epinephrine, lidocaine

17 )Narrow-complex Supraventricular tachycardia is best treated with

A. Epinephrine

B. Adenosine

C. Magnesium

D. Atropine

18) You are doing CPR on a child with bradycardia. An intravenous line is in place. What is the first drug of choice for the patient?

A. Epinephrine 0.01 mg/kg of 1:10000 concentration every 3 to 5 minutes

B. Atropine 0.02 mg/kg; may repeat every 3 to 5 minutes

C. Atropine 0.02 mg/kg; may repeat once

D. Epinephrine 0.01 mg/kg of 1:1000 concentration every 3 to 5 minutes

19) High-quality CPR for the pediatric population includes all of the following EXCEPT:

A Compress at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute

B. Compress to a depth of at least one third of the child's chest diameter

C. Minimize interruptions in CPR

D. Ventilate fast and hard

20) You are treating a child in hypovolemic shock who weighs approximately 15 kg. The initial bolus of fluids should be

A 300 ml of isotonic crystalloid over 5 to 10 minutes

B. 300 ml of colloid over 5 to 10 minutes

C. 150 ml of colloid over 5 to 10 minutes

D. 150 ml of isotonic crystalloid over 5 to 10 minutes

21) Potentially reversible causes of bradycardia include all of the following except

A Hydrogen ion deficit (Alkalosis)

B. Hypoxia

C. Toxins

D. Hyperkalemia

22) Kindly fill in IV cannula colour and flow rate

A 14G (COLOR) ____________ (FLOWRATE)__________________

B. 16G (COLOR) ____________ (FLOWRATE)__________________

C. 18G (COLOR) ____________ (FLOWRATE)__________________

D. 20G (COLOR) ____________ (FLOWRATE)__________________

23) All given below are FAST (ultrasound) views except

A Morrisons’s pouch view

B .Supra pubic view

C. Subxiphoid pericardial view

D. Femoral canal view

24) You respond to a call for help from the ED waiting room. There is an elderly patient lying on the floor. List the order for the actions that you must perform.

A. Perform the chin lift or jaw thrust maneuver.

B. Establish unresponsiveness.

C Initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

D. Call for help and activate the code team.

E. Instruct a nursing assistant to get the crash cart.

1 .A B C E D

2. B D A C E

3. C A B E D

4. D C B E A

5. E C D B A

25) In a multiple-trauma victim, which assessment finding signals the most serious and life-threatening condition?

A deviated trachea

B Gross deformity in a lower extremity

C Decreased bowel sounds

D Hematuria

26) A patient in a one-car rollover presents with multiple injuries. Prioritize the interventions that must be initiated for this patient.

a. Secure/start two large-bore IVs with normal saline

b. Use the chin lift or jaw thrust method to open the airway.

c. Assess for spontaneous respirations

d. Give supplemental oxygen per mask.

e. Obtain a full set of vital signs.

f. Remove patient’s clothing.

g. Insert a Foley catheter if not contraindicated.

1 C B D A E G F

2. C B D A E F G

3. A D F G E C B

4.A D F G C E B

27) According to American Heart Association ACLS guidelines, when available, the best way to confirm and maintain tracheal tube position is by


28) To quickly evaluate a child's neurological status, all of the following standard evaluations can be used EXCEPT:

a. The Epworth Scale.

b. The AVPU scale.

c. The Glasgow Coma Scale.

d. Pupillary responses to light.

29) When evaluating a patient for Acute Renal Failure, it is helpful to use the RIFLE criteria for classification. This acronym refers to:

a. Risk, Injury, Functional decrease, Loss, and End-Stage kidney disease

b. Risk, Iatrogenic factors, Failure, Labile diabetes, and End-Stage kidney disease

c. Risk, Iatrogenic factors, Failure, Loss, and End-Stage kidney disease

d. Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-Stage kidney disease

30) An eight-year-old child is brought to the emergency department by his parents after receiving multiple fire ant bites at his home. His lips are swollen, and he is complaining of itching. During your assessment, you note that he is wheezing. The most appropriate immediate treatment for this child is:

a. Antibiotic

b. IV antihistamine

c. IV steroid

d. IM epinephrine

31) A 12-year-old patient is brought to the emergency department by his parents after accidentally swallowing a disk battery while changing the battery in his watch. A chest x-ray reveals that the battery is in the patient's esophagus. He is able to swallow and breathe without difficulty. The most appropriate intervention for this patient is to:

a. Prepare the patient and his family for emergent endoscopy to remove the battery.

b. Allow the patient clear liquids until repeat x-rays show that the battery has moved into the stomach.

c. Discharge the patient to home with instructions to check his stools until the battery passes.

d. Prepare to administer polyethylene glycol.

32 ) A seventeen-year-old is brought to the emergency department complaining of leg pain after a motor vehicle crash. X-rays show a fracture of the femur with several bone fragments at the fracture site. You note that the skin above the fracture site is intact but bruised. This type of fracture is called:

a. Open

b. Avulsion

c. compression

d. Comminuted

33) Identify the ECG RHYTHMS





34) Patient came with h/o RTA-bike vs Car. Upon arrival patient is tachypnic, hypotensive, with distended neck viens and air entry reduced on the left side.

An emergent procedure has to be done-

a.What is the procedure? Describe the site and instrument used.

35) an elderly patient comes to the emergency department with c/o palpitation .His vitals are stable ECG taken shows

A ) Interpret the rhythm

B) What is the Initial steps taken to terminate the rhythm?

C) What is the drug given to terminate the rhythm?

D) What is the dose of the drug?

E) Describe how the drug is delivered,and why?

D) What are the precautions when delivering the drug?