quick searching - pcrecruiter · web viewquick searching a company, name or position quick searches...

Quick Searching Setting Defaults Categorizing Results Keyword Searching Advanced Searching Searching within a rollup list Building Custom Search links Keyword Coding Activity Searching Quick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search up to three fields for records that match the criteria specified. 1. Click Company, Name or Position on the main toolbar depending on the type of record(s) you want to find. 2. Select the field to search. 3. Enter search criteria. 4. Click Search to display results. Hints & Tips PCR searches for records where the data in the selected field “starts with” the search value entered. If you want to find records where the selected field contains the text entered as the search value, insert the percentage sign (%) before the text. Separate multiple search values with a comma (i.e. OH,MI,IN) The search is not case-sensitive. Click the arrow next to Menu to retrieve the 10 most recent records you worked

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Page 1: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

Quick Searching Setting Defaults Categorizing Results   Keyword Searching Advanced Searching Searching within a rollup list Building Custom Search links Keyword Coding Activity Searching

Quick Searching a Company, Name or PositionQuick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search up to three fields for records that match the criteria specified.

1. Click Company, Name or Position on the main toolbar depending on the type of record(s) you want to find.

2. Select the field to search. 3. Enter search criteria. 4. Click Search to display results.

Hints & Tips

PCR searches for records where the data in the selected field “starts with” the search value entered.

If you want to find records where the selected field contains the text entered as the search value, insert the percentage sign (%) before the text.

Separate multiple search values with a comma (i.e. OH,MI,IN) The search is not case-sensitive. Click the arrow next to Menu to retrieve the 10 most recent records you

worked You can change the dropdowns and enter criteria, then click the Save As

Default box. Each time you return to this screen, the fields chosen and search values entered will display automatically.

The more search criteria you enter, the more targeted your search will be, which results in fewer records returned.

To find all name records that have a resume associated with the record, select Resume Y/N as the field to search and then enter Y as the search value.

Page 2: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

To find all name records that have an email address, select Email Address as the field to search and then enter %@ as the search value. This will find all records where the email address field contains the @ symbol, which is part of all email addresses.

When searching by Status, you must use the abbreviation. See Related Topics below.

Customizing Search Options and ResultsAfter clicking the Company, Name or Position button on the main toolbar, the “Quick Search” screen is displayed. Each user can select which fields should display as a default and the search values. Once selection is made, user must click the Save as Default box and then the Search button. When user returns to the search screen, the options will display as the default.

Users can also change the default search fields by clicking the Customize link at the top right. This screen enables you to select which fields a user is able select as a field to search, and how search results are displayed.

To select which fields a user can select when searching:1. The Customize Search Screen Item List area contains two boxes. The box

at the left contains all fields in the database. Select the fields users can search on using one of the following methods:

o To select one field, click on the field name. o To select multiple fields, press and hold the Ctrl key on the

keyword as you click on each field name. o To select a range of fields, click on the first field name in the range,

then press and hold the Shift key on the keyword as you click on the last field name in the range.

2. Click the Add>> button to move the selected fields names to the box at the right. The box at the right stores the selected field names. If no fields are selected in the box at the right, PCR will display all fields in the database.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save.

To customize the display of search results:1. Scroll to the Customize Search Results Layout area of the screen and

click in the desired column. The Select field will become active and provide options for inserting a new row and selecting a field.

2. Once selection is made, enter a value to determine the width of the column.

Page 3: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

3. Using the Default Sort dropdown, select which column’s criteria should be used to sort the results as a default.

4. Using the Rows per Page dropdown, select how many records should be displayed per page when viewing search results.

5. Click Save.

Categorizing Names Using StatusStatus When Used Typically

Linked To Status Abbr.


When resumes are imported via The Inhaler but the record has not been verified to have imported properly. Once the record has been verified, it is common practice to change the status to Candidate.

Default Company U


When the person has the potential to be a candidate. Candidate is the default status for names that are added to companies specified as "Available."

(Available) C

Developed/ Qualified

When you have talked to and qualified the candidate's skills, experience and motivation to change careers. For example, you will use this status after taking a complete profile on the person.

(Available) D


When the person works for a company that you have established a business relationship with and should not recruit from, but the person does not have authority to make hiring decisions. For example, you would use Employee to categorize your hiring authority's assistant. When you search for names, people with this status will have the red symbol next to their name. This purpose of the symbol is to alert you that you should not attempt to recruit the person since they work for your client company. Employee is the default status for names that are added to companies specified as "Client Company."

Client Company E

Hiring Authority

When the person has the authority to make hiring decisions. When you search for name records, people with this categorization will have the red symbol next to their name to

Client Company


Page 4: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

indicate that they should not be recruited since they work for your client company. This status and symbol makes it easier to identify whom to talk to when developing clients.


Can be used when a name has been submitted for a position. However, this status is not automatically changed by the system and the red symbol is not inserted next to the name.

(Available)Default Company


Offer Accepted

When the person has accepted an offer, but is not necessarily placed yet. Can be used when person has accepted the offer but has not yet started. This is not automatically changed by the system.

(Available)Client Company



When you search for name records, people with this categorization will have the red symbol next to their name to indicate that they should not be recruited since it is unethical to recruit someone you placed.

Client Company P

Contractor / Temp

When the person is available for contract/interim employment. "Available" and a green circle appears with the name to indicate that the person is currently not on assignment.

(Available)Default Company


Not Available

Used mainly for contractors to record that they are not available to work at the moment. This is not automatically changed by the system

(Available)Default Company


On Assignment

When a person is placed for a contract/interim assignment. When adding a Contract Placement, the system automatically changes the candidate's status to On Assignment. The clock symbol appears at the top of the name record along with the company name and assignment’s begin and end dates until the person starts the assignment. Once on assignment, the red circle symbol appears with the company name and assignment begin and end dates. When the assignment ends, "Available" and a green circle appears with the name to indicate that the person is currently not on assignment.

(Available)Default Company


Reference When you are adding a person who will provide a professional reference for a candidate.

(Available) Default Company


Internal Organizations rather than recruiters use this status. It can be used to indicate that the person is an employee of your firm.


Page 5: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

Please note that when searching the database, you must use the letter in the last

column as the search value when searching the Status field.

Keyword Searching Companies, Names or PositionsKeyword searches look for text that has been entered in notes, keywords, resumes, summaries, job descriptions, and candidate profiles.

Keyword searches work the same for all record types. PCRecruiter indexes free-form text so that any word greater than 2 characters in length may be located in a search. Items of 2 characters or less in freeform text cannot be searched.

1. Click Company, Name or Position on the main toolbar. 2. Click Keywords. 3. Enter search criteria following the rules in table below. 4. Click Search.

To Find Enter AsTo find records that have at least one of the words (broadens) word1 word2 word3

To find a phrase “phrase”To find records that have a word or a phrase word “phrase”Records where a word or phrase must be in the search results (narrows)

+word1 +word2 +”phrase”

If a word or phrase must not be in the search results (excludes) -word -”phrase”

Hints & Tips

The List button opens your keyword tables loaded to your database. You can select from this table to insert keywords into your search.

Open Saved Search allows you to retrieve a previously executed search. Search Tips reminds of searching rules. Suggest Concept displays other words that you did not request, but are

commonly found along with your search terms within database records. This is helpful to find other words to expand your results. However, this is only available when keyword searching names.

Match Whole Word and Match Part of Word controls how PCR will search for the word. For example, if you were to select Match Whole Word and the keyword was engineer, PCR will only look for engineer. However,

Page 6: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

if you select Match Part of Word you would get more results because PCR would find engineer, engineers, and engineering.

vLimit To dropdown searches specific areas. The dropdown options are All, Resumes, Notes (keywords), Summaries, and Profiles.

Limit your search to specific cities, states or countries. The Limit To Zip option allows you to enter a zip or click the button to the right of this field, enter the zip and select the radius in miles. The zip codes in the specified radius are entered into the search. The maximum radius is 100. However, if you need to target a geographical area beyond 100 miles, you can enter a partial zip code. Each digit you add narrows your search geographically

You can also limit a search to people who are linked to a specific position, a person’s work phone number, names on a specific Rollup list, records owned by a specific user, the date the Name record was created, or date of last activity.

Advanced Searching NamesAbout New Advanced Name Search

The Advanced Search provides more flexibility than Keyword Search. The Advanced search allows you to search all fields for that record type in addition to keywords, whereas the Keywords had limited filtering options. Use Advanced Search when, you need to:

Search more than 3 fields. Combine field and text searching. Refine a rollup. Perform a radius search.

Please note that the New Advanced Search screen displays when select to perform an Advanced Search for Name records. The New Advanced Search has several advantages over the Classic Advanced Search:

User-friendly interface Ability to enter more than one search value when searching predefined or

custom fields. Ability to search names that are on a specific rollup or not on a specific

rollup. More complex Conjunction Operators include And, Or, End Group (And),

and End Group (Or). Ability to save search criteria with a name for later use vs. viewing 200

recently executed searches.

Performing a New Advanced Name Search1. Click Name on the main toolbar.

Page 7: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

2. Click Advanced. 3. To open a saved search, click the Open link at the top-right corner of the

screen and select the search name. 4. Do one of the following:

o To search pre-defined or custom fields: 1. Select Predefined Fields or Custom Fields in the

dropdown. 2. Select the field to search. 3. Select the comparison operator:

Operator When used

Like. Select this operator to search for records where the field's text begin with the same characters as the search criteria.

Not Like Select this operator to search records where the field's text does not begin with the characters specified as the search value.


Select this operator to return all matches whose numeric value are greater than the value entered.

Less-than Select this operator to return all matches whose characters are less than the search criteria.

Less-than Equal

Select this operator to return all matches whose characters are less than or equal to the search criteria.

Greater-than Equal

Select this operator to return all matches that are equal to or greater than the search criteria.

Equal Select this operator to return all matches that are the same as the search criteria.

Not Equal Select this operator to return all matches except those that are the same as the search criteria.

Is Empty Select this operator to return all matches whose fields are Null.

Is Not Empty

Select this operator to return all matches whose fields are not Null.

4. Enter the Search Value. When using New Advanced Name Search, you can enter multiple values separated by a comma (e.g. oh,mi,in,il).

5. Click Add.o To perform a Radius search:

1. Change the Predefined Fields dropdown to Zipcode Radius.

2. Click the List button. 3. Enter target zip. 4. Enter the Radius in miles (must be 100 or less).

Page 8: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

5. Click Search. 6. Uncheck zip codes if necessary and then click Accept

Selected Items and Continue.o To find names that are on or not on a specific Rollup:

1. Change the Predefined Fields dropdown to the type of Rollup List.

2. The second dropdown defaults to On List. Change to Not On List if you want to find names that are not on the Rollup List you will specify.

3. Click the List button to the right of the third dropdown and select the Rollup List name.

5. Your search query is displayed. Repeat options in Step 4 to further refine your list. Once you add a new line to the query, change the comparison operator.

6. Add keywords following the rules provided in the table: To Find Enter AsTo find records that have at least one of the words (broadens) word1 word2 word3

To find a phrase “phrase”To find records that have a word or a phrase word “phrase”Records where a word or phrase must be in the search results (narrows)

+word1 +word2 +”phrase”

If a word or phrase must not be in the search results (excludes) -word -”phrase”

7. Select one of the following keyword search options: o Match Whole Word. Select this radio button to configure the

search to return whole word matches. For example, your criteria hospital will not return the keyword hospitality.

o Match Part of Word. Select this radio button to configure the search to return partial matches. For example, your criteria hospital will return the keywords hospital and hospitality because they begin with hospital.

8. Click Search.

Advanced Searching Companies and PositionsHints & Tips

The Advanced Search provides more flexibility than Keyword Search. The Advanced search allows you to search all fields for that record type in addition to keywords, whereas the Keywords had limited filtering options. Use Advanced Search when, you need to search more than 3 fields, combine field and text searching, filter a Rollup, or perform a radius search. Please note that when

Page 9: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

searching for Names, the New Advanced Search will provide for easier searching. See Related Topics at the end of this page for instructions.

When searching by Status, you must use the abbreviation. See Related Topics below.

1. Click Company, Name or Position on the main toolbar. 2. Click Advanced. 3. To use a previous search, click the Open Saved Search link. The Open

Saved Search window is displayed listed previous searches. Select the row containing the search criteria you want to use. The Open Saved Search window is closed and you are returned to the Advanced Search frame. The selected criteria are displayed in the provided text box.

4. To narrow your search to a specific Rollup List or to perform a zip code Radius search, click one of the following links and make a selection:

o Name Rollup o Company Rollup o Position Rollup o Radius

5. Select to search a Predefined or Custom field. 6. Select the field to search. 7. Specify the comparison operator:

o Like. Select this operator to search for records where the field's text begin with the same characters as the search criteria.

o Not Like. Select this operator to search records where the field's text does not begin with the characters specified as the search value.

o Greater-than. Select this operator to return all matches whose numeric value are greater than the value entered.

o Less-than. Select this operator to return all matches whose characters are less than the search criteria.

o Less-than Equal. Select this operator to return all matches whose characters are less than or equal to the search criteria.

o Greater-than Equal. Select this operator to return all matches that are equal to or greater than the search criteria.

o Equal. Select this operator to return all matches that are the same as the search criteria.

o Not Equal. Select this operator to return all matches except those that are the same as the search criteria.

o Is Empty. Select this operator to return all matches whose fields are Null.

o Is Not Empty. Select this operator to return all matches whose fields are not Null.

8. Enter the Search Value. Please note that the Classic Advanced search will not search more than one value. Each value will need to be a separate row.

9. Click Add. Your query is inserted into the white text box.

Page 10: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

10.To expand your search:

1. Use Conjunction Operators to expand your search. And: Select this operator to add another query statement.

Matches that meet both requirements will be returned. Or: Select this operator to add another query statement.

Matches that meet at least one requirement will be returned. 2. Repeat steps 5-9.

2. Add keywords following the rules in the table below. To Find Enter AsTo find records that have at least one of the words (broadens) word1 word2 word3

To find a phrase “phrase”To find records that have a word or a phrase word “phrase”Records where a word or phrase must be in the search results (narrows)

+word1 +word2 +”phrase”

If a word or phrase must not be in the search results (excludes) -word -”phrase”

3. Select one of the following keyword search options:

o Match Whole Word. Select this radio button to configure the search to return whole word matches. For example, your criteria hospital will not return the keyword hospitality.

o Match Part of Word. Select this radio button to configure the search to return partial matches. For example, your criteria hospital will return the keywords hospital and hospitality because they begin with hospital.

11.Click Search.

Sub-Searching a Rollup1. Open the Rollup. 2. Click Search on the Rollup's toolbar.

See "Performing an Advanced Search" from above in this handout.

The same actions apply when searching within a rollup. When entering search criteria users must keep in mind that the search is already filtered by the rollup list that they opened.

Page 11: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

Customizing the MYPCR Welcome Page (#5 Customize Search Links)The MyPCR Welcome Page displays after successfully entering PCRecruiter. This page consists of the menu bar, the selected startup screen, and convenient links to commonly accessed information and URLs.

The welcome page can be tailored for each user. For example, you can select which screen and links to display on the Welcome Page. To customize the MYPCR Welcome Page:

1. Log into PCR or click the MyPCR button on the main toolbar. 2. Click the Customize hyperlink located at the top, right of the bottom

frame. 3. Under the Customize Welcome Screen heading, use the Startup

Screen to select which screen should display when you log into PCRecruiter. Available options are Company Search, Name Search, Position Search, Activities, Schedule, Rollup Lists and Reports. Most users prefer Company Search, Name Search, Schedule, or Rollup Lists.

4. Under the Customize Welcome Screen heading, select which links to display. Available options are:

o My Available Positions: Displays all positions created by the user where the position status is "Available/Open".

o My New Positions This Week: Dispalys positions created by the user for the current week.

o My New Names Today: Dispays all names records created by the user for the current day.

o My New Name Activities Today: Dispays all Activities added to Name records that were created by the user for the current day.

o My Interviews This Week: Displays all Interviews created by the user for the current week.

o My Scheduled Tasks Today: Displays the current day's schedule for the user.

o All New Candidates Via Web Today: Displays all new candidates via Web Extensions for the current day.

o All New Employers Via web Today: Displays all new employers via Web Extensions for the current day.

o Show Funnel:Displays the Funnel, which is a tool to track names through a Cool, Warm, Hot and Out stages of a process.

o My New Company Activities Today: Dispays all Activities added to Company records that were created by the user for the current day.

o Show Phone: Provides ability to launch SoftPhone interface. (Link reads "Launch SoftPhone").

Page 12: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

o Show My Active Positions Link: Displays all active positions created by the user with subfolders holding candidates based on stage in the process.

5. Under the Customize Search Links heading, add up to 30 links to favorite database searches. The steps are:

1. Enter text to be the link in the Link Description field. 2. Paste the search query into the Advanced Search field. This

information is can be copied when you create an Advanced Search for Names, Companies or Positions.

3. Use the Search Type dropdown to specify if it is a Name, Company or Position search.

2. Add up to 20 links to favorite websites. This will allow you to have access to these sites via PCRecruiter, which does not make you dependant on the computer you are using. The steps are:

1. Enter text to be the link in the Description field. 2. Enter the address of the site into the URL field. 3. Use the Target dropdown to specify how launch the website (New

Window, IFrame or Top Frame). Most users prefer to have pages open in a new window.

3. Click Save. 4. Click Back to return to the MyPCR welcome page.

Customizing Keyword TablesPCRecruiter provides the ability for the system administrator to specify the keywords users can choose from to attribute Company, Name and Position records. This can be done manually (data entry) or by mass adding codes from a spreadsheet file. Available tables include:

Industry / Specialty Codes Skill Codes Equipment Codes SIC Codes User-Defined Codes Education Codes

Manually Adding Codes1. Click System on the main toolbar. 2. Click the Open button corresponding to the type of code to add. 3. Click Add.

Page 13: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

4. Enter a Category. Category is used to group related codes together and improves efficiency when coding records.

5. Enter a code. This can be an abbreviation or a number. 6. Enter the Description. The description is what will populate the keyword

textbox once the code is selected. 7. Click Save.

Mass Adding Codes from a File1. Create an Excel spreadsheet with the number of columns that matches

the table's layout. For example, a Skill Codes spreadsheet should contain three columns: 1) containing the category, 2) containing the code, and 3) containing the description.

2. Save the file as a .csv (comma delimited file). 3. After creating the .csv file of codes, you will then import the file into

PCRecruiter. Log into PCRecruiter and click System. 4. Click the Open button corresponding to the type of code to add. 5. Click the [Import Codes from File] link. 6. Click the Browse button and then locate and select the file containing the

codes. 7. Select Comma in the Select File Delimiter dropdown. 8. Click the Delete Any Existing Codes checkbox if you want to remove all

codes previously saved to the list and replace them with your file. 9. Click Go. A message will display confirming the number of codes added to

your database.

Configuring the User-Defined List

A User-Defined Keyword List is available in addition to Industry / Specialty, Skill Equpment, SIC and Education Codes. This area allows you to define the table name in addition to the codes it contains.

1. Click System. 2. Click the Open button corresponding to User Defined Codes. 3. Click the Change Label link. 4. Enter the Label . 5. Click Save.

Follow instructions as detailed under the 'Manually Adding Codes' and 'Mass

Adding Codes from a File' headings above.

Viewing Name Activities

Page 14: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

You can view a list of activities for all names or for a specific name from the Name Activities frame. From this frame you can also group records  in a Rollup List and print a Name Activity Report.

1. Click on the main menu. The View Activities frame is displayed.

2. Click the View Name Activities link. The Name Activities frame is displayed.

3. In the Beg and End text boxes, specify the time range for which you want to view name activities. Type the dates or do the following:

1. Click the corresponding button to display the Select Date and Time window.

Page 15: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

2. Use the provided controls to set a new date and click OK. You are returned to the Name Activities frame and your selections are displayed in the provided text boxes.

4. Choose one of the following sort options:

o Date Entered. Choose this option to sort matches by the date they were entered in the system.

o Last Name. Choose this option to sort matches by last name of the person with which the activity is associated.

o User Name. Choose this option to sort matches by the user name of the person who created the activity.

o Company Name. Choose this option to sort matches by the name of the company with which the activity is associated.

2. Do one of the following: o If you want to define your criteria further, go to Step 6. o If you want to run the query, go to step 13.

3. If you want to filter your activities by Last Name or First Name, do the following:

1. Click the corresponding button to display the Dropdown List window. 2. Type the entire name or the first few letters in the provided text box and click

List to display the closest matches. 3. Click the desired name. You are returned to the Name Activities frame and

your selection is displayed in the corresponding text box.

5. If you want to filter your activities by User Name, do the following:

4. Click the corresponding button to display the Dropdown List window. 5. Click the desired name. Tip: To locate words in a long list, enter one or more

characters in the Lookup text box and click List. You are returned to the Name Activities frame and your selection is displayed in the Filter by User Name text box.

6. If you want to filter your activities by Company Name, do the following:

6. Click the corresponding button to display the Dropdown List window. 7. Type the entire name or the first few letters in the provided text box and click

List to display the closest matches. 8. Click the desired name. You are returned to the Name Activities frame and

your selection is displayed in the Filter by Company Name text box.

7. If you want to filter your activities by Activity Type, do the following:

9. Click the corresponding button to display the Dropdown List window. 10. Click the desired type. Tip: To locate words in a long list, enter one or more

characters in the Lookup text box and click List. You are returned to the Name

Page 16: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

Activities frame and your selection is displayed in the Filter by Activity Type text box.

8. If you want to filter your activities by Rollup List, do the following:

11. Click the corresponding button to display the Limit to Rollup List frame in the Dropdown List window.

12. If the Rollup List you want to view is not displayed in the provided list box, click [Show All Rollup Lists].

13. From the provided list box, select the desired Rollup List name. Tip: To locate words in a long list, enter one or more characters in the Lookup text box and click Search.

14. Click Select List. You are returned to the Name Activities frame and your selection is displayed in the Filter by Rollup List text box.

9. If you want to filter your activities by the Position to which the name has been linked, do the following:

15. Click the corresponding button to display the Limit to Position List frame in the Dropdown List window.

16. Type the entire position title or the first few letters in the provided text box and click List to display the closest matches.

17. Click the desired position. You are returned to the Name Activities frame and your selection is displayed in the Filter by Position ID text box.

10. If you want to filter your activities by the Activity Text, type the text in the Freeform Text Search text box.

11. Click . Name activities matching your criteria are returned for the time period specified.

Page 17: Quick Searching - PCRecruiter · Web viewQuick Searching a Company, Name or Position Quick Searches are used when searching a specific field. When using quick search, you can search

12. If desired, do one of the following:

o Click to return to the Name Activities frame. o To add the names (to which the activities are associated) to a Rollup List,

select the corresponding check boxes of the names you want to add to the

same list and click . Read Adding Items to Existing Rollup Lists for further details.

o To generate a Name Activity Report, click . Choose File/Save from the new browser window to save the report. Choose File/Print from the new browser window to print the report.

o To send a form letter to the names to which the activities are associated, click

.  Read Form Letters to learn more about sending form letters.