quickstart autopipe nozzle

T able of Contents Section A: Installation Guide A0. Considerations Before Installing a. Windows Vista or Windows 7 Request to Run as Administrator b. Installing Bentley IEG License System A1. SELECT V8I License b) Standalone workstations c) Networked workstations a. Using a Bentley SELECT license server b. Using a local SELECT license server c. Local license Server installation Section B: Troubleshooting B1. SELECT License Configuration B2. How can I get a Standalone License for AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I? B3. How can I Activate AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition? B4. V8I Licensing Questions and Answers Licensing Usage Reporting SELECT Server Application Security Concerns Bentley Policy B5. Moving to SELECT Server V8I Edition Introduction B6. I have lost my Network Server connection, can I still run the program if I have not checked out a license? B7. Features of the IEG Security B8. My AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I or pre V8I cannot find a license

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Table of Contents Section A: Installation Guide

A0. Considerations Before Installing a. Windows Vista or Windows 7 Request to Run as Administrator

b. Installing Bentley IEG License System

A1. SELECT V8I License b) Standalone workstations

c) Networked workstations

a. Using a Bentley SELECT license server

b. Using a local SELECT license server

c. Local license Server installation Section B: Troubleshooting

B1. SELECT License Configuration

B2. How can I get a Standalone License for AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I?

B3. How can I Activate AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition?

B4. V8I Licensing Questions and Answers

• Licensing

• Usage Reporting

• SELECT Server Application

• Security Concerns

• Bentley Policy

B5. Moving to SELECT Server V8I Edition Introduction

B6. I have lost my Network Server connection, can I still run the program if I have not checked

out a license?

B7. Features of the IEG Security

B8. My AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I or pre V8I cannot find a license

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Standalone Installation

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Section A:

Installation Guide

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Section A: Installation Guide

A0. Considerations Before Installing Please read the following items prior to installation to ensure the process performs as expected. Note: AutoPIPE Nozzle is compatible with Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 operating systems only! Please refer to the Requirements Section of the Readme file for a complete list of compatible Windows operating systems and minimum system requirements.

a) Windows Vista or Windows 7 Request to Run as Administrator If your computer is using either the Window Vista or the Windows 7 operating systems, even if you are logged in as a user with administrative privileges. Certain programs may require confirmation to be run with administrative privileges. By default a Windows Explorer process runs with standard user privileges, even if the login ID has full administrative privileges. To overcome this, the installer may request to run with administrator privileges when launched. Please provide administrator credentials (if requested) and accept this dialog before proceeding.

Note: You may also be prompted with a User Account Control dialog asking for permission to make changes to your computer. Click Yes to proceed with the installation.

b) Installing Bentley IEG License System

In order to install Bentley IEG License System, please login as administrative user. The license system can be installed either by invoking e.g. “iegls02001803.exe”. If you use iegxxxxxx.exe, no other special consideration is necessary. However, if you chose to use the MSI file to initiate the installation process, please do so from a command shell with full administrative privilege as described in the previous section. Use the command msiexec /i “iegls02001802en.msi” to initiate installation process from the command shell.

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A1. SELECT V8I License a) Standalone workstations Overview This is for installations which do not use the internet or network to authenticate the Bentley SELECT License which is required to run AutoPIPE Nozzle. In order to complete the installation, your SELECT license file (*.xml) will be required. Without this file, AutoPIPE Nozzle will operate using a trial License for only 15 days. Instructions

a) Install AutoPIPE Nozzle Unless you already have an AutoPIPE Nozzle installation image available on a CD, local or network drive, please download AutoPIPE Nozzle installation image from Bentley SELECT download site (http://selectservices.bentley.com/en-US). Go to the section Downloads and Updates and click on Downloads/MySELECT CD Log in using your SELECT login and password and download AutoPIPE Nozzle. If you do not have necessary information to login to this site, please contact your Bentley account manager. To install AutoPIPE Nozzle ensure you have logged in with an account that has administrative privileges. If you are unable to log in with a suitable account, then contact your network administrator to login and perform the installation. Insert the CD for AutoPIPE Nozzle which should automatically run an introduction application from which you can start the AutoPIPE Nozzle installation. If the introduction application does not begin, then use ‘My Computer’ to browse to the CD and double click on the file SETUP.EXE which is in the …root folder of the CD. It is to be noted that, before installing AutoPIPE Nozzle V8i, you must install “Bentley IEG License Service”. The installation package for “Bentley IEG License Service” is available at the Bentley SELECT download site as the pre-requisite for AutoPIPE Nozzle and can be downloaded from the same location as AutoPIPE Nozzle. The dialog below will appear and it is recommended to install all options then click on the Next> button.

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The Setup will start and finish with the display of the readme_AutoPIPE Nozzle.htm file. Note: On some Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines, it is observed that trying to select a different installation path can crash or hang the installer. It is caused by some compatibility issues between InstallShield script and Windows Vista/7 in certain configurations. Please follow steps mentioned below to resolve this issue:

1) Right click on setup.exe and select Properties. It will pop up Setup Properties dialog 2) Select Compatibility tab 3) Check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" option and select Windows XP (Service

Pack2) 4) Hit ok to save these properties and close this dialog 5) Run setup.exe

When asked for SELECT Server name and site activation key, please enter the information if you have those. For Standalone workstation set server name to LocalHost and activation key to 1 or DEFAULT. For Bentley hosted or deployed (local) SELECT installations discussed later in this guide, you will need to use the proper server name and activation key. In case of Bentley hosted server both server name and activation key is provided by Bentley. For deployed (local) SELECT server installations activation key is provided by Bentley and server name is the name of your local SELECT server. You may also choose to configure these information later. b) Adding a Standalone License file You will need your Bentley SELECT license file (*.xml), which has been supplied. If you do not have it please contact your AutoPIPE Nozzle software supplier Copy the license file in your hard disk. Go to Start | Programs | Bentley Engineering | AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I | License Management Tool as shown below:-

If this is being set for the first time, then the following message is displayed:-

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Click on the ‘OK’ button and the following dialog box is displayed

As this is for a local license, click on the ‘Cancel’ button to cancel the Options dialog box and it is replaced with the License Management Tool, thus:-

Click on the menu item ‘File | Import…’ to open the Import License File dialog box, thus:-

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Browse to the location of the license file (.xml) file, select it and click on the ‘Open’ button to import the license file. If the file is successfully imported, the available licenses are displayed thus:-

The security is now in place. The installation is complete and AutoPIPE Nozzle is ready for use. When AutoPIPE Nozzle is launched the a Server name maybe requested and a localhost servername will be set for the standalone license to be active which will allow the program to be authorized.

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Go to Start | Programs | Bentley Engineering | AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I | SELECT License Management Tool will display the following Server information. If switching to a floating license server then this server information will need to be updated.

b) Networked workstations a. Using a Bentley SELECT License Server Overview This is for installations which use a Bentley Server to authenticate the Bentley SELECT License, which is used to run AutoPIPE Nozzle. In order to complete the installation, the SELECT Server Name and Site Activation key will be required. If you do not have this, please contact your AutoPIPE Nozzle software supplier.

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Section A: Installation Guide

Instructions a) Install AutoPIPE Nozzle Follow the instructions of ‘Installing a Standalone Workstation, a) Install AutoPIPE Nozzle’ in the preceding section. b) Adding the Bentley SELECT Server activation code Go to Start | Programs | Bentley Engineering | AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I | License Management Tool as shown below:-

If this is being set for the first time, then the following message is displayed:-

Click on the ‘OK’ button and the following dialog box is displayed

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As this is for a Bentley SELECT Server, enter the name and Site Activation Key for the server that you will have been issued e.g.:-

Server Name: licenseV8i.bentley.com Site Activation Key: 1234567890ABCDE

Click on the ‘Verify’ button to confirm that the entries are correct. Click on the ‘OK’ button to accept the settings which then display the License Management Tool with all the licenses that are available in the top window.

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The security is now in place. The installation is complete and AutoPIPE Nozzle is ready for use.

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b. Using a local SELECT License Server Overview This is for installations which use a local server to authenticate the Bentley SELECT License, which is used to run AutoPIPE Nozzle. In order to complete the installation, the SELECT Server Name and Site Activation key will be required. If you do not have this, please contact your network administrator. Details of setting up the SELECT Server are covered in the next section. Instructions a) Install AutoPIPE Nozzle Follow the instructions of ‘Installing a Standalone Workstation, a) Install AutoPIPE Nozzle’ in the preceding section. b) Adding the Bentley SELECT Server activation code Go to Start | Programs | Bentley Engineering | AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I | License Management Tool as shown below:-

If this is being set for the first time, then the following message is displayed:-

Click on the ‘OK’ button and the following dialog box is displayed

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As this is for a Bentley SELECT Server, enter the name and Site Activation Key for the server that you will have been issued e.g.:-

Server Name: LocalServerName Site Activation Key: 1234567890ABCDE

Click on the ‘Verify’ button to confirm that the entries are correct. Click on the ‘OK’ button to accept the settings which then display the License Management Tool with all the licenses that are available.

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The security is now in place. The installation is complete and AutoPIPE Nozzle is ready for use.

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Section A: Installation Guide

c. Local License Server Installation Overview This is for installations which use a local server on the client network to authenticate the Bentley SELECT License which is required to run AutoPIPE Nozzle. Instructions 1) Obtain your SELECT ID. This will be supplied by your Bentley software supplier. 2) Using your web browser, go to the URL:-

http://appsnet.bentley.com/myselectcd/ And use your SELECT login credentials to log on to this site

3) Download the SELECT Server Edition 4) Run this installation on the server that will be the SELECT Server. Details of the SELECT Server installation are included in the download.

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Section B: Troubleshooting

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B1: SELECT based license Configuration Select License Information is not yet configured or incomplete

The above message means that the SELECT server has not been configured or license information is incomplete. To rectify this error go to Go to Start | Programs | Bentley Engineering | AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I | License Management Tool.

The License Management Tool message will come up as shown next.

Click on OK and the following dialog box is displayed:-

You will need to key in the Server Name and the Site Activation Key. After typing in that information, click on Test Connection and you will get a message verifying the server name and the activation key. You will also be able to see the available licenses

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B2: How can I get a Standalone License for AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I? You must have Internet access and a proper SELECT ID and password to get a license from Bentley at http://selectservices.bentley.com or from Bentley Sales Support (formerly Bentley Administration Center) by email, phone, or Fax. Once you have received the license there is no need for an Internet connection until it expires (if it expires). If you do not have an Internet connection at the computer with AutoPIPE Nozzle, you can import license(s) by using the Bentley License Management Tool at Go to Start | Programs | Bentley Engineering | AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I | License Management Tool. For a standalone license (User locked license), it is not necessary to send the usage log unless otherwise asked by Bentley. In order to send the usage log, you must have an Internet connection at the usage computer. It is bound to a User SID and not a User Name. SIDs are long alpha numeric numbers like “S-1-5-21 953463015-1924512962-2519238931-23054”. There are two different ways you can log into a computer:

As a domain user: The SID for the domain user is the same irrespective of the computer you logged in. As a local user: The SID for a local user would most likely be different in different computer even if it has same user name and same access privileges. Note: If the user wants to change the User locked license to someone else, they must contact BAC.

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B3: How can I Activate AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition?

Product activation is achieved by connecting to a SELECT Server and receiving verification that your SELECT Server Name and Activation Key are correct. This document describes how to configure AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition for activation. After initial configuration, AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition automatically and transparently tries to activate each time it runs. If your organization chooses to run SELECT Server First access the Options dialog box of AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition's License Management Tool. The License Management Tool's Option dialog box displays if Go to Start | Programs | Bentley Engineering | AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I | License Management Tool. Choose Tools > Options to open the Options dialog box. Secondly, in the SELECT Server tab of the License Management Tool's Options dialog, enter the server name of your SELECT Server installation as well as your Site Activation Key. This information, along with any possible Proxy Configuration information, can be obtained from your Site Administrator. Important note for System Administrators: AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition requires Bentley SELECT Server V8I Edition and will not run with Bentley SELECT Server 2004 Edition (V8.5.2 and earlier). Bentley SELECT Server V8I Edition can be obtained from the Downloads/MySELECT CD area of SELECTservices Online. Please note that you need to obtain a new license file for Bentley SELECT Server V8I Edition. Contact the Bentley Administration Center that services your area for information on upgrading your current Bentley SELECT Server 2004 Edition license file. If your organization does not run SELECT Server If your organization does not run SELECT Server, then you need to activate AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition online against a server hosted by Bentley. Please note that this requires an active Internet connection at least for the initial activation. First, access the AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition's License Management Tool's Option dialog box via one of the two methods described in the "If your organization runs SELECT Server" section. Secondly, in the SELECT Server tab of the License Management Tool's Options dialog, enter the URL and the Site Activation Key provided to you by the Bentley Administration Center. Additional configuration may be necessary if you are running a Proxy server. Important note: If the workstation on which AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition will be running does not have regular access to the Internet for periodic activation, then consider utilizing a checked-out termed license from the Bentley hosted server. AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition will not attempt to activate for the duration of the termed license. Please see the AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I Edition “Installation and Authorization > License Management Tool” help topic of the “Getting Started” section of the Help documentation for details on obtaining a checked out license.

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Section B: Troubleshooting

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B4: V8I Licensing Questions and Answers

Licensing Top of document

Will I have to re-license my MicroStation seats for the V8 V8I Edition? All of Bentley’s V8 V8I Edition applications take on a new implementation of licensing, enabled exclusively through SELECT Server. However, you should be able to replace your existing SELECT Server with a SELECT Server V8I Gateway (see below). As long as the server name is maintained, you eliminate the need to make changes to each pre-V8I application.

What is Product Activation? Product activation is the act of authenticating a product for entitled use. V8 V8I Edition applications are equipped, by default, with three behavioral states – Trial, Activated, and Deactivated. The Trial period begins with installation and ends after the trial period license has expired or with Activation, which ever comes first. During the Trial period, most applications run in full-functioning mode, with no limitations applied to their activated state. Some applications like AutoPIPE Nozzle do not have a trial period available. Note: A standalone evaluation or node lock license can be requested from the sales team. An application is activated when it is licensed, which is most commonly achieved by connecting to a valid SELECT Server. An application can return to Trial mode if its licensing server cannot be found. An application will reach its Deactivated state only when the Trial period has lapsed and the product has not been activated. In its Deactivated state, an application generally runs for a short period of time and then stops e.g. Microstation however applications like AutoPIPE Nozzle run in a DEMO mode (20 node limit).

How does activation work for a large site? Will SELECT Server V8 V8I allow a system administrator to activate machines in batch mode?

SELECT Server V8 V8I works strictly on a pull basis – there is no way for SELECT Server to initiate an activity on the client machine. This means that SELECT Server cannot be used to pre-activate a desktop application. Support for Microsoft’s Group policy is built in, however. We will deliver a Group Policy file that will allow the administrator to specify the SELECT Server and Activation Key on an Active Directory/NT Domain group level.

How is a “Site”, as defined by a Bentley SELECT Agreement, used in V8 V8I Licensing? V8 V8I Edition applications, including SELECT Server V8 V8I Edition, understand the concept of a SELECT Site. The requesting application identifies itself with a Site. If the license server manages that Site, and has a corresponding Product entry in the license

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file, then the request will be granted. In other words, if you belong to a Site and your SELECT Server has a license for the application you’re trying to use, you'll always get a license. If you don't belong to the Site, then you won't get access to the applications that Site has to offer.

Are routine changes to my SELECT Server licenses automated? The system has been designed under the premise that one server exists per site, therefore, when you order additional products, the system will automatically add them to the server license and queue it up for download to SELECT Server.

Can I get a node-locked license for AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I? Bentley’s current node-locked licenses will be replaced by stand-alone licenses generated and distributed by Bentley’s hosted license services. Like node-locked licenses, hosted stand-alone licenses will be permanent and will be tied to the application and computer they are used to activate.

Do node locked licenses have to check into the Bentley hosted licensing server every 30 days?

No. Non-SELECT, permanent licenses are essentially checked-out licenses tied to a particular machine name and carry an indefinite term.

What is a Pooled License? A pooled license is a “floating” license, centrally managed by SELECTserver. A desktop application can draw its license from a SELECTserver pool of licenses located at the SELECT site. A pooled license is not permanently tied to an individual computer. This license type is available for MicroStation-based and stand-alone (non-MicroStation) applications. A pooled license is the most common type of license among SELECT accounts and is a major benefit of Bentley SELECT. Pooled licenses have a term that coincides with the renewal date of the SELECT Agreement.

What is a CAL? A Client Access License (CAL) is a license for an explicit connection between a client machine and a single, licensed server. The CAL is similar to the server license model that Microsoft uses (see following definition from Microsoft). For Bentley, a CAL is defined in our EULA and is simply a guiding principle, not an actual license type that we sell. "Microsoft offers flexible, cost-effective options for licensing the Windows Server 2003 family of products. Similar to previous Windows Server licensing models, one server license is required for each copy of the server software installed. In addition, a Windows Server 2003 Client Access License (CAL) is required for each user or device (or combination of both) that accesses or uses the server software."

What's the difference between a named user license and a CAL? A CAL is a unique connection between one user and one server. A named user license works universally, with any and all servers at a site. A named user license requires SELECT coverage and can be managed by SELECTserver. A CAL is enforceable only through the EULA.

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The Bentley model has the benefit of allowing all users unrestricted access to all server applications. If, for example, a site has 100 named users and 5 server applications, our licensing model permits the 500 user connections that are needed, if all users use all of the server applications. SELECT Server tracks the site license usage and reports information back to Bentley. If the site exceeds the license certificate usage currently agreed, then SELECT Server will still continue to provide licenses. The logs will then report the usage over and above the agreed baseline to Bentley in the next report.

Is Bentley going to stop providing concurrent licensing? No, the introduction of named user licenses does not imply that Bentley is moving away from pooled (i.e., "concurrent") licensing. We do believe, however, that named user licensing and its universal approach to server access, is the most beneficial way to enable access to our ProjectWise servers. Bentley will continue to offer pooled licensing for our MicroStation and discipline-specific desktop applications.

How does it work if we have 21 licenses and 30 users? I mean, is a license checked out for 30 days or so? If so, only the first 21 people will have a license and the remaining 9 won't get a license for 30 days. Right now it's rare that we run out of our 21 pooled licenses, in other words it's rare that 21 people are using AutoPIPE Nozzle at the same time.

The pooled behavior works essentially the same as it does now. You can have apps installed on as many machines as you wish and you have a "usage count" in the license file (called a "Site" on SELECT Server V8I). There's a slight difference in the "handshake" between the client and the license server, though, in the new SSV8I using IEG security. In your existing SELECT Server, the handshake is based on a license request from the client application and a corresponding license grant by the server. If successful, the client will emit a "heartbeat" as long as the session is open. This is how SS determines that the license is still in use and how it calculates and records the session time ("usage"). The problem with this model is that it requires this real-time connection to the license server and puts it in a precarious, mission-critical position. If this connection is broken or not available, users cannot get their applications to run. In SSV8I with IEG Security, the model is similar except the license will remain with the open application for up to 48hrs even if disconnected from the server. If the application closes the license returns to the server pool. The client runs the application and records usage locally. When a daily connection is made with SSV8I, the client posts its own usage log, essentially saying "this is what I used"; including the app, version, and duration (Usages are tracked by machineID on an hourly basis). Note: The license can be checked out to the client for up to 90 days or longer using the License Management Tool.

Usage Reporting Top of document

Is my company required to report application usage to Bentley? The transmission of usage logs to Bentley is a requirement with the advent of the SELECT Server V8I Edition licensing configuration. Previous versions of SELECT Server have compiled and reported application usage but none have allowed for disconnected working as a default. SELECT Server V8I Edition therefore introduces a brand new infrastructure and process for report transmission, automating the process and, thereby, removing any demands on the administrator’s time. This reporting function is very important to Bentley,

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as this detailed knowledge helps inform Bentley regarding: What products are in use? Where to direct future development efforts to the benefit of the user base How to resource for future support services Furthermore, long-range development priorities can be also be better validated when Bentley understands how many users will benefit from a compelling new product or feature.

Has this always been the case? No it was not previously mandatory however the Bentley SELECT Agreement does entitle Bentley to periodically ask for usage reports on the applications covered under your contract. SELECT Server has provided an electronic means for optionally transmitting logs for several releases.

What reports does SELECT Server now include? SELECT Server reports on application usage and version. The usage reports will allow the user and Bentley to determine which versions of which applications are being used at a site. Standard reports include: The Summary Report accounts for peak utilization of pooled applications, including the number of machines and the date the peak occurred. Daily Pooled Usage counts application utilization each day, including specific versions used. The Application Usage report details what applications ran on which machines. The Machine Usage report confirms which machines used a particular application. Application by User, which lists each application in use that requires a named user license and the user who used them throughout the reporting period. A monthly summary of the number of named users accessing Bentley tools. A summary of total server right-to-run licenses used during the reporting period.

Are there any differences between the reports generated by a deployed SELECT Server and those transmitted to Bentley?

The reports are essentially the same, although no proprietary account information is transmitted from the account to Bentley’s Web Services. Instead, machine names generally viewable from an account’s administrative pages are replaced by machine SIDs, or “security IDs”. A SID is a one-way hash that provides a means for Bentley to uniquely identify a computer. A machine SID cannot be reverse engineered to produce its corresponding machine name.

Can I tell what applications or machines are “in use now” (at this point in time)? SELECT Server V8 V8I is no longer a real-time reporting, so reporting on a Site’s “current” usage is not possible. The reason for this is that many disconnected machines may not have reported their usage statistics to SELECT Server and the server cannot make “assumptions” in the absence of a usage log. But SELECT Server can provide very accurate usage reports for previous days, assuming that client machines report in daily and send up their usage logs. It’s also noteworthy that any checked-out license is recorded as “in use at all times”, meaning that usage is recorded for each hour of each day as long as the license remains checked out.

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Does the license server have to be connected to the internet - in order to transmit the usage report? Or can this report be generated on the server then copied to and sent from another computer?

There is a manual process that is well documented in the SSV8I Help. Usage logs can be saved manually and attached to an email or copied to media and mailed to Bentley. We will respond with an activation key to reset the SELECT Server MX, making sure that it records a successful manual usage report transmission.

SELECT Server V8 V8I Application Top of document

Why do I need SELECT Server? SELECT Server V8 V8I is the exclusive enabler of several incremental SELECT licensing benefits, including the pooling of desktop licenses.

Who is the recommended user of SELECT Server V8 V8I Edition? A CAD or Systems Administrator is the typical user of SELECT Server. However, no special skills are required other than a general knowledge of the Bentley installation and the company network environment. What are the technical requirements for SELECT Server V8 V8I Edition? SELECT Server V8I Edition and SELECT Server V8I Edition Gateway are support on the following operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (SP 4 or later) Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP 4 or later), Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Web Edition Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (SP 4 or later) The following Operating Systems are also supported for the SELECT Server V8I Gateway Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Microsoft Windows XP Professional SELECT Server V8I Edition also requires: Internet Information Servers (with ASP.NET support) .NET Framework 1.1 MSV8I 4.2 SP2 or above SQL Server 2000, 2005 or MSDE with Service Pack 3 or higher Intel Pentium (or equivalent) processor or better TCP/IP Networking enabled 256MB RAM Minimum SELECT Server V8I Edition Gateway also requires: .NET Framework 1.1 MSV8I 4.2 SP2 or above Intel Pentium (or equivalent) processor or better TCP/IP Networking enabled 128MB RAM Minimum

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Does my SELECT Server need to be connected to the Internet? Yes, we recommend that SELECT Server V8 V8I Edition has access to the Internet. This will make routine transactions, like transmitting usage reports and downloading updated license files, much more convenient. All transactions are performed under HTTPS protocol, so no proprietary information will be compromised. If a SELECT Server cannot maintain an Internet connection, it should be connected at least once per month to retain its activation. If a SELECT Server can never be connected, all license and usage report transactions will need to be performed manually.

How is manual transmission between my disconnected SELECT Server and Bentley accomplished?

If SELECTserver does not have a connection through which to transmit usage logs, manual transmission is possible. Usage logs will need to be exported and sent to Bentley via physical media (CD). Once received, Bentley will provide a confirmation code that will reset the deployed SELECT Server registry, indicating that logs have been sent. In the same manner, license changes will need to be sent manually from Bentley to the account, in order to replace the license file on a deployed SELECT Server.

What if my network goes down and I cannot get a license? SELECT Server V8 V8I is no longer a real-time license server, so if a connection is lost, licensed applications are still able to run in full-functioning mode.

What happens to my checked-out license if my machine crashes or I lose my laptop? SELECT Server admin pages provide a way to backup checked-out licenses, so they can be retrieved and copied back to the client machine if necessary. In extreme cases, the System Administrator can revoke a checked-out license and return it to the pool.

What is the SELECT Server Gateway? SELECT Server can manage V8 V8I Edition products and pre-V8 V8I applications, such as MicroStation V8 2004 Edition or MicroStation/J. For the latter, SELECT Server provides a “gateway” as a proxy for the current SELECT Server. It allows pre-V8 V8I applications to communicate with the new SELECT Server. In fact, SELECT Server V8 V8I Edition can extend several benefits of the new system to existing applications, including the thirty-day evaluation mode, extended periods for checked out licenses, and the reliability of a system built on standard Web-based server technology.

Will my SELECT Server operate in a proxy server environment? Yes, SELECT Server will work in a proxy server environment in several ways. First, V8 V8I applications will be able to communicate to SELECT Server V8 V8I via a proxy server. SELECT Servers will also be able to communicate with Bentley.com Web services via a proxy server. Finally, SELECT Server V8 V8I Gateway will be able to communicate with SELECT Servers via proxy servers.

Security Concerns Top of document

Does Bentley remotely access SELECT Servers at a user’s site? No. All communication between a deployed SELECT Server and Bentley’s Web Services are controlled by the account.

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What information is transmitted in a usage report sent to Bentley? There is no proprietary or personal information in usage reports that are transmitted to Bentley. SELECT Server supports the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), so all transmissions are secure.

Desktop-to-SELECT Server Communications

SELECT Server-to-Bentley.com Communications

Product Activation / License Checkout Product ID Product Version Number MachineSID UserSID Windows Machine Name Windows Account User Name Activation Key Date and time application/tool was started Date and time application/tool was shut down

License Request for a Deployed SELECT Server SELECT Server activation key SELECT Server serial number Windows Machine Name Usage Reports SELECT Server version number SELECT Server serial number SELECT Site ID Product (application/tool) ID Product (application/tool) version Max usages statistics MachineSID UserSID

Can I obtain a fail-over license to prevent against catastrophe? There will be no need to replace redundant licenses that have been issued for the purposes of fail-over or redundancy. SELECT Server V8 V8I Edition is built on standard Microsoft technologies that are well-suited for clustering or other techniques used to safeguard application servers. In addition, SELECT Server V8 V8I is no longer a real-time license server, so if a connection is lost, licensed applications are still able to run in full-functioning model.

How will SELECT Server interact with the rest of my environment? All V8 V8I Edition applications that are installed within the corporation will need to communicate with the SELECT Server V8 V8I Edition. SELECT Server requires a database server, which can either be MSDE installed with SELECT Server or an existing SQL server machine. However, ORACLE is NOT supported. No special domain requirements exist.

What network protocols will be used, and what ports will need to be open? SELECT Server uses HTTP and HTTPS. The SELECT Server Gateway still uses a proprietary protocol on port 3998 to communicate with pre-V8I applications. In all cases Bentley applications will initiate the communications with the SELECT Server. Data flows from the client machine to SELECT Server. From SELECT Server it is summarized and usage logs are transmitted via secure web services to Bentley.com

If network traffic should be encrypted, does SELECT Server perform that encryption? SELECT Server does not encrypt any data directly. It relies on Microsoft IIS and SSL to do any encryption. All network communications are standard network protocols and, as such, can be routed through any standard network security mechanism.

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Bentley Licensing Policy Top of document

How is pooled usage defined? SELECT subscriber entitlement of pooled usage of Bentley desktop applications is defined in the Bentley SELECT Agreement (2004). SELECT Server reports usage based on 1-hour intervals.

Do I have to run a SELECT Server for every site I have? No. SELECT Server V8 V8I Edition can manage multiple license files (i.e., “Sites”) from a single application server. All V8I-based applications, however, are activated against one Site. This means that pools cannot be combined under the normal 2004 SELECT Agreement.

What if I don’t want to manage my own licenses? Bentley will offer a hosted license service, based primarily on SELECT Server V8 V8I Edition and offering essentially the same services that a deployed SSV8I offers.

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B5: Moving to SELECT Server V8I Edition Introduction A brand new SELECT Server, the V8I Edition, is about to be released. SELECT Server V8I Edition is required for V8I-based applications, such as MicroStation V8 V8I Edition or ProjectWise V8 V8I Edition. It can also manage pre-V8I applications, such as the V8 2004 Edition. As a SELECT subscriber, you have a choice to deploy SELECT Server V8I Edition or have Bentley host your licenses for you.

User Story 1 “I manage an existing SELECT Account and I want to move to a deployed SELECT Server V8I Edition.” Note: SELECT Server V8I Edition is required for V8I-based applications, such as MicroStation V8 V8I Edition or ProjectWise V8 V8I Edition. It can also manage pre-V8I applications, such as the V8 2004 Edition.

Request desire to move to SELECT Server V8I Edition to Bentley Sales Support (formerly Bentley Administration Center) by email, phone, or FAX.

Bentley Sales Support will: Create a new SELECT Server entry for the desired Site(s) in the CRM system. Issue a unique Serial Number and server Activation Key for the account’s SELECT Server. Email the SSV8I Serial Number and server Activation Key and the product Activation Key(s) for the requested Site(s) to the account’s system administrator. Change account’s contract status to note deployment of SELECT Server V8I Edition. System Administrator will install SELECT Server V8I Edition on desired server with an established an Internet connection. Activate the SELECT Server by inputting the Serial Number and server Activation Key and downloading the license for the Site(s). Install and activate a SELECT Server Gateway service for pre-V8I applications, as required. Activate any V8I applications directly to deployed SELECT Server V8I using SELECT Server machine name and Site-specific product Activation Key provided by Bentley Sales Support.

Note: Confirmation to Bentley of deployment of SELECT Server V8I is represented by the first transmission of usage logs by the account, as early as one day after a successful deployment. Note: If a SELECT account so chooses, Bentley Professional Services is ready and able to assist with the migration to SELECT Server V8I Edition, on a paid basis. Interested accounts should contact their Bentley account manager or Bentley Professional Services directly.

User Story 2 “I manage an existing SELECT Account and I want Bentley to host my licenses.” Note: SELECT Server V8I Edition is required for V8I-based applications, such as MicroStation V8 V8I Edition or ProjectWise V8 V8I Edition. It can also manage pre-V8I applications, such as the V8 2004 Edition.

Request desire to have Bentley host licensing to Bentley Sales Support (formerly Bentley Administration Center) by email, phone, or FAX.

Bentley Sales Support will: Create a new hosted SELECT Server Site(s) in the CRM system.

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Email the product Activation Key(s) for the requested Site(s) to the account’s system administrator. Enable access to SSV8I administration pages for Site administrator. Change account’s contract status to note move to hosted licensing.

• If you have an existing deployed SELECT Server (e.g., 2004 Edition), it should be deactivated within a reasonable amount of time and replaced with a SELECT Server Gateway service.

Install and activate a SELECT Server Gateway service for pre-V8I applications, as required. Activate any V8I applications directly to hosted SELECT Server V8I using SELECT Server machine name and Site-specific product Activation Key provided by Bentley Sales Support.

Note: Confirmation to Bentley of successful activation is represented by the first posted usage logs by the account, as early as one day after a successful deployment.

User Story 3 “I want to evaluate SELECT Server V8I Edition before I deploy it locally at my Site” Note: SELECT Server V8I Edition is required for V8I-based applications, such as MicroStation V8 V8I Edition or ProjectWise V8 V8I Edition. It can also manage pre-V8I applications, such as the V8 2004 Edition.

Request desire to evaluate SELECT Server V8I Edition to Bentley Sales Support (formerly Bentley Administration Center) by email, phone, or FAX.

Bentley Sales Support will: Create a new SELECT Server evaluation entry for the desired Site(s) in the CRM system. Issue a temporary Serial Number and server Activation Key for the account’s SELECT Server. Email the SSV8I Serial Number and server Activation Key and the product Activation Key(s) for the requested Site(s) to the account’s system administrator. Note evaluation of SELECT Server V8I Edition in the account record in CRM. System Administrator will install SELECT Server V8I Edition on desired server with an established an Internet connection. Activate the SELECT Server by inputting the Serial Number and server Activation Key and downloading the license for the Site(s). Install and activate a SELECT Server Gateway service for pre-V8I applications, as required. Activate any V8I applications directly to deployed SELECT Server V8I using SELECT Server machine name and Site-specific product Activation Key provided by Bentley Sales Support.

Note: Confirmation to Bentley of deployment of SELECT Server V8I is represented by the first transmission of usage logs by the account, as early as one day after a successful deployment. SELECT Server evaluation keys are limited to 60-day terms and may be limited in the number of applications and/or usages.

User Story 4 “I have just purchased an V8I Edition application from Bentley and I am not a SELECT subscriber.” Complete the purchase of the Bentley V8I Edition application.

Bentley Sales support will Post licenses to a hosted product activation site and provide activation details to the account.

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Provide media to the account for installation purposes. Users will install V8I Edition applications on the desired machines. Use the License Management Tool to activate applications from Product Activation site.

User Story 5 “I have previously deployed SELECT V8I, but now want to use hosted licensing instead.” Request desire to replace existing SELECT Server V8I Edition deployment with Bentley host licensing to Bentley Sales Support (formerly Bentley Administration Center) by email, phone, or FAX.

Bentley Sales Support will: Deactivate existing deployed SELECT Server and move the Site to the Bentley hosted SELECT Server. The site activation keys will remain unchanged when moving from a deployed to a hosted server. Email the connection string for the requested Site(s) to the account’s system administrator. Activation keys can be reset upon request. Enable access to SSV8I administration pages for Site administrator. Change account’s contract status to note move to hosted licensing. Retain local (deployed) SELECT Server Gateway service for pre-V8I applications, as required. Re-activate any V8I applications directly to hosted SELECT Server V8I using SELECT Server machine name and Site-specific product Activation Key provided by Bentley Sales Support.

Note: Confirmation to Bentley of successful activation is represented by the first posted usage logs by the account, as early as one day after a successful deployment.

B6. I have lost my Network Server connection, can I still run the program if I have not checked out a license?

Yes typically AutoPIPE Nozzle can be run for up to 48hrs if the network server is in the same timezone as the local client workstation. However the program MUST be running when the network server becomes disconnected. The IEG Client service will continue to try to communicate with the network server within the 48hrs.

Go to Start | Programs | Bentley Engineering | AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I | License Management Tool as shown below:-

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Check the Expiration date in the bottom window pane shows 48hrs from the current date then continuing running or restart the program.

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B7. Features of the IEG Security

After the application is opened, the IEG service will try to renew the license every 48 hours. A heartbeat will be established in the application i.e. AutoPIPE Nozzle will query the availability of the license every 3 minutes. If the license is no longer connected for some reason, then the AutoPIPE Nozzle program will generate a warning message to the user every 3 minutes for the next 15 minutes after which the program will convert to DEMO mode, if the connection to the license server has not been established.

Forced Synchronization: Normal open and close of an application – A license will be checked out from the server as soon as the application starts and will be checked back in as soon as it closes. Abnormal shutdown of the application: - IEG Service always keeps track of the status of the application so even if there is an abnormal shutdown, the license will be returned. Normal / Abnormal shutdown but server is not available for check in - Service will keep track of the unchecked license and will return when the connection is available.

Minimum checkout period for commuter licenses is 24hrs. Expiration date is based on the time zone of the hosted server. As the IEG service is always checking out a license from the server the usage log information is always saved to the hosted server.

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B8. My AutoPIPE Nozzle V8I cannot find a license Important First Steps: 1. Ensure running SELECT Server V8I version or later 2. IEG security is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

3. Remove checkout restriction

Internet Connection?

Admin rights on client ?

2. Re-Install IEG security

IEG Products in License Manager?

Is IEG Security Service Started?

No 1. Re-Start





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1. Check the IEG Security Service is running in the Task Manager

2. To Re-Start Bentley IEG Security Service If you have a crash when starting AutoPIPE Nozzle on a Windows 64 bit operating system (Win7 or Vista), please follow the following steps to resolve it or help us diagnose it: 1. Close all applications. 2. Open a command prompt. (In vista or Win7 run command prompt as administrator)

A. In MS DOS Window Type: SET MS_LMDEBUGLOGLEVEL=IEGLOGGER=1;FATAL=1;ERROR=1;WARNING=1;INFO=1;DEBUG=1;TRACE=1; B. Go to the folder “c:\Program Files (x86)\Common files\Bentley Shared\IEG\IEGLCS” C. Once in the folder, type “BAppMon.exe”. D. Go to the folder “c:\Bentley\AutoPIPE Nozzle V8i” and press <ENTER> E. Once in the folder, type “AutoPIPE Nozzle” and press <ENTER>

7. The log will be displayed in the BAppMon window. [Right click on the BAppMon icon at the task pane and the open it]. 8. A report will be generated from BAppMon. Keep the report open till after next step. 9. Now close AutoPIPE Nozzle and run it normally from Start menu.