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President's Letter To the Greatest Chapter, As I reflect on our first semester together, I feel extremely lucky to lead such an incredible group of people. Temple PRSSA will always be a meaningful part of my college career, and I’m beyond thankful to have the chance to share this experience will all of you. Our chapter has a lot to be proud of this semester. In October, Temple PRSSA was nationally recognized as a Star Chapter for the first time in its history by PRSSA National. As a member, you are part of one of the leading PRSSA chapters in the country, and it's all because of your dedication and ambition. Our national recognition has brought a lot of positive attention to our chapter around the Temple community and beyond. Seeing everyone network with guest speakers, get involved with community service and fundraising initiatives, participate in our workshops and form friendships have been the most gratifying experiences of my job. All your hard work does not go unnoticed, and I am proud of each and every single one of you for taking the initiative to grow personally and professionally within our chapter. 1 Inside This Issue: President's Letter .................................................. 1 Programming Update ............................................. 2 Fundraising Update ................................................ 2 Interning Evolution ................................................ 3 Community Service Update .................................... 4 From a Tiny Dancer to a PR Pro ............................. 5 Social Media Update ............................................... 5 Architectural & Physical Changes on Campus ....... 6 PRowl Public Relations Update .............................. 7 Mentorship Update ................................................. 8 Major Changes ........................................................ 9 FALL 2017 HROUGH CHANGE 1 As we continue to hold the title as the largest and oldest chapter in our region, thinking ahead to the spring semester inspires me to continue growing toward greatness with all of you. Coming up in the spring semester is our fifth annual TU Invitational Conference, more networking events, guest speakers and an exciting collaboration event with the Temple Advertising Club (TAC). I am inspired each day to be a better leader for all of you, and I can’t thank you enough for making this semester unforgettable. Keep up the great work! Marissa Piffer President

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President's LetterTo the Greatest Chapter,

As I reflect on our first semester together, I feel extremely lucky to lead such an incredible group of people. Temple PRSSA will always be a meaningful part of my college career, and I’m beyond thankful to have the chance to share this experience will all of you. Our chapter has a lot to be proud of this semester. InOctober, Temple PRSSA was nationally recognized as a Star Chapter for the first time in its history by PRSSA National. As a member, you are part of one of the leading PRSSA chapters in the country, and it's all because of your dedication and ambition. Our national recognition has brought a lot of positive attention to our chapter around the Temple community and beyond. Seeing everyone network with guest speakers, get involved with community service and fundraising initiatives, participate in our workshops and form friendships have been the most gratifying experiences of my job. All  your hard work does not go unnoticed, and I am proud of each and every single one of you for taking the initiative to grow personally and professionally within our chapter. 


I n s i d e T h i s I s s u e : P r e s i d e n t ' s L e t t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 P r o g r a m m i n g U p d a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 F u n d r a i s i n g U p d a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I n t e r n i n g E v o l u t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e U p d a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 F r o m a T i n y D a n c e r t o a P R P r o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 S o c i a l M e d i a U p d a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A r c h i t e c t u r a l & P h y s i c a l C h a n g e s o n C a m p u s . . . . . . . 6 P R o w l P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s U p d a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 M e n t o r s h i p U p d a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 M a j o r C h a n g e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9





                H R O U G H C H A N G E


As we continue to hold the title as  the largest and oldest chapter in our region, thinking ahead to the spring semester inspires me to continue growing toward greatness with all of you. Coming up in the spring semester is our fifth annual TU Invitational Conference, more networking events, guest speakers and an exciting collaboration event with the Temple Advertising Club (TAC).  

I am inspired each day to be a better leader for all of you, and I can’t thank you enough for making this semester unforgettable. Keep up the great work!

Marissa Piffer President

Lifestyle blogger Ian Michael Crumm spoke to the chapter about the delicate relationship of public relations practitioners, bloggers and journalists. Finally, Jen Lassen from 6abc spoke about conducting marketing and sales relationships in the country’s fourth largest market. 

Amid all of the intriguing guest speakers, members attended public relations, newsletter and communityservice committee meetings. Executive board members also hosted workshops about LinkedIn and career development.The chapter celebrated the end of another successful semester by playing Temple PRSSA and PRSSA National jeopardy and a pizza party. The chapter has learned so much and is extremely thankful to the variety of guest speakers who offered insightful information about all things public relations. 

Fundraising Update

Our chapter was packed with guest speakers from various companies and organizations. Members networked and learned from seasoned professionals who offered industry- leading tips and stories.

 Just in time for the Philadelphia Public Relations Association’s (PPRA) annual Networking 101 event in September, chapter members listened to Adam Dvorin, PPRA current president. He shared the professional organization’s upcoming events and the reasons why it is never too early for students to start networking with industry professionals.

 To kick off October, students had the opportunity to learn about personal branding. Temple Professor, This Is It TV host and i-g creative owner Cheldin Rumor shared the importance of knowing what you want and telling others what your goals are. Rumor was a dynamic speaker and engaged the chapter with her captivating public speaking skills.

Flackable CEO Brian Hart spoke about his unique Philadelphia-based finance public relations firm. The chapter also hosted Intern Queen Inc. CEO and founder Lauren Berger via Skype. Berger completed more than 15 internships throughout her college career and is the Rachael Ray of internship advice! Lauren’s Skype talk took to social media through Twitter in a PRSSA National Twitter chat. The chapter was thrilled to have the national spotlight on them and get their questions answered by the queen herself. 

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“Fall”-ing into the swing of things at the start of the semester is never easy, but with the help of an awesome committee, our chapter  exceeded our fundraising expectations and we cannot wait to continue the hard work next semester.

 Our chapter hosted a fundraiser at Blaze Pizza. With every Blaze purchase made during our fundraiser, a percentage was donated back to Temple PRSSA. Shortly after, we organized a homecoming-themed bake sale and had a great turnout. With more than $100 raised within a month’s time, our committee was ready to think of new ideas  the entire Temple community would be excited about. 

Programming UpdateMarissa Reale, Vice President

Lauren Marhefka, Director of Fundraising Photo by: Marissa Piffer

With the help of Temple PRSSA’s executive board and committee members, we successfully ran a basket raffle made up of donations from 6abc, the Philadelphia Union, Philly Shipyard and other local businesses and organizations. 

During the stress of finals week, we thought there would be no better way to put a smile on everyone’s face than to do a holiday bake sale.

After the great success we had this fall, we have set the expectation of raising more money than we did this semester. To all of the hardworking members of the fundraising committee, thank you for your creative ideas and willingness to volunteer; it is appreciated and I can’t wait to see what ideas are in store for the spring! 


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Photo by: Marissa Reale

 Nothing in life is concrete. Change is

inevitable, whether it’s changes in social

media, your college campus or your

professional life. Another instance is change

in the internship game; everything from how

internships operate to how to get hired. A

common thought when someone hears the

word “internship” is fetching coffee or

organizing manila envelopes in a dingy office

cube. This is far from the truth; internships

have moved from observing to participating.

 Nowadays it’s very rare a student will land a

PR internship and simply take notes. Sure, you

might take a back seat at times, but most of

the time employers are looking to get interns

into the process head-on. My first internship

as a digital communications intern was

extremely hands-on. I  assisted the digital

media coordinator in updating content for the

entire website through Eventbrite and

Wordpress programs. All of this content had

to be approved prior to official posting, but it

was still exciting to get to contribute to

something that would be viewed by thousands

of people. Even internships I interview for

now all talk about how they like to get the

students they hire involved in their work.

The art of getting an interview has changed a

bit as well. For starters, there are so many

outlets where you can apply for internships.

These vary from connections you’ve made, to

LinkedIn, and even resources at your school,

like Temple’s Career Center. Getting involved

in student organizations on campus is also a

good way to hear about internships. Temple’s

chapter of PRSSA always mentions companies

that are hiring, which is helpful if you don’t

know where to start.


Interning Evolution



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Although change is inevitable, changes in public relations

internships are a good thing. Interns are getting more

experience than ever, they are able to give back to the

company by doing more hands on work for their

employers and the internships are more accessible. The

changes in internships have proven to challenge students

and help them grow before kickstarting their careers



"Although change is inevitable, changes in public relations internships are a

good thing."

This semester, the Community Service

Committee participated in a lot of

programs to get our chapter involved

in the Philadelphia community. We

started off with volunteering at two

events in the city. At the AIDS Fund

Walk, members were able to help with

 social media and help with event

operations. Members were also able to

learn about Jumpstart Philadelphia, a

community service organization

dedicated to early childhood education

in North Philadelphia through their

event, Read for the Record. There,

volunteers read to children in

preschools in an effort to be part of the

world’s largest reading experience.

“The event was such a great

experience and I loved getting the

opportunity to help young kids,” said

PRSSA member Cameron O’Donnell.

“It was a very humbling and rewarding

day for me and I would love to do it


Members were also able to participate

in a canned food drive for the

Thanksgiving season and volunteer at

Sunday Breakfast Mission, a favorite

from last year’s community service

opportunities. Members will make a

strong presence as they represent our

PRSSA chapter at Temple’s Hootathon

event. Our chapter began fundraising

in November and look forward to

participating in February 2018.

Community Service UpdateB Y : E M I L Y M C K A I N , D I R E C T O R O F C O M M U N I T Y S E R V I C E



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Next semester, the committee plans to

continue to participate in new programs as

well as create our very own Temple PRSSA

sponsored community service event on

campus. We are very excited to continue this

work, so be sure to stay tuned for our very

own community service project! 


Cameron O'Donnell (left) and Lailumah Faisal (right) with the book,

Quackers that was read at Read for the Record

Photo by: Emily McKain

From a Tiny Dancer to a PR Pro

"I instantly became invested in the

impact public relations

professionals make for their




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Social Media Update  By: Kayla Boone, Director of Social Media


In the Fall 2017 semester, Temple students

and faculty started to enjoy several

renovated “hotspots” on campus.  Some of

these major changes include a renovation

to the Bell Tower, Founders Garden, the

Howard Gittis Student Center and the

addition of the Aramark Student Training

and Recreation (STAR) Complex.      

Two of the most historically well-known

features on Temple’s main campus include

the Bell Tower outside of Paley Library and

the Founders Garden on Liacouras Walk.

 This past summer, the Bell Tower was

transformed into a tall, smooth, structured

statue with updated walkways surrounding

it.  Also, The Founders Garden now has a

water fountain, and was re-named

O’Connor Plaza, in honor of Board of

Trustees Chair, Patrick J. O’Connor.

 Included in O’Connor Plaza is a bronze owl

statue, making it a new landmark at the


In addition to the new architectural

structures, the Howard Gittis Student

Center was renovated under a new dining

services partnership with Aramark. The

building was updated into an urban-chic

platform with millennial-friendly food

options, including Salad Works, Chick-Fil-

A, Which-Wich and more.      



Architectural and Physical Changes on Campus



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Finally, Temple has added the Aramark STAR Complex

next to Geasey field.  The recreation center includes

Jamba Juice for smoothies after a hard workout, student

classrooms, lab centers for the College of Public Health

and a new gym.      

Within the next few years Temple will continue to grow

by adding a technology-rich library and computer lab,

giving students more workspace.  Temple University is a

vastly growing university taking in new students each

year, and with these new amenities offered to students, a

great place to spend time inside and outside of the



Updated Information Booth at the

Howard Gittis Student Center

Photo courtesy of: Howard Gittis Student Center



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7PRowl Update

By: Clarissa Ford, PRowl Firm Director

Whether you’re entering the college or the

work environment—life changes can be

frightening. Having someone there to be a

guide along the way is an incredible

resource to make any transition smoother.

In PRSSA, we ensure our members have

the opportunity to gain a mentor or to be a

mentor through our Mentorship Program.

 Mentors work to alleviate the fears many

younger students have. Finding

internships, networking and professional

development can be daunting tasks for

students who are beginning their pre-

professional journey. The bonds formed in

the Mentorship Program make students

who are new to Temple or to public

relations more comfortable, and helps

students to see their full potential as a

mentor or mentee.

 This semester, our chapter welcomed 19

mentor/mentee pairs to the program. Pairs

were matched based on their interests

academically, professionally and socially.

Our October kick-off event was a success.

 Members bonded over Halloween treats

and icebreakers including “two truths and

a lie” to get to know each other better. 


Mentorship UpdateB Y :   G R A C E H A N L O N , D I R E C T O R O F   M E N T O R S H I P



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17“As a mentor this semester, I love having the

opportunity to help an underclassman, because I

remember exactly how it felt to be lost in the

major. My first semester in PRSSA, I saw

upperclassmen talk about their internships,

classes, and just be friends in general. Through

PRSSA I have gained knowledge and confidence

in searching for internships and in my

coursework, and I have made great friends along

the way. I love that I can help someone else get to

that point as well,” said Mia Hinterwalder,

mentor and PRSSA member.

A new aspect of the program we are excited

about is our collaboration with the Temple Ad

Club (TAC). In an effort to stimulate conversation

and make connections between our two related

fields of advertising and public relations, both

TAC and PRSSA’s mentorship programs came

together for a Thanksgiving dinner event.

 Breanna Pegula, TAC Event Planner said “PRSSA

and TAC’s joint mentorship event was a huge

success. At the event, students worked

collectively on a mock campaign by incorporating

public relations with advertising tactics. It was a

fun way to network and show members the

importance of utilizing different industries to

enhance a brand’s identity."

 Looking ahead, I am excited to continue

integrating different aspects of the

communication field to our events and I am

looking forward to an action-packed spring



Photo by: Grace Hanlon

Change can be a scary thing, especially when that change is your career path. When I started at Temple

in Fall 2014, I was a Tourism and Hospitality Management major. I was confident in my choice and really

thought I would build a career in the field. But like many other college students, I discovered my first

choice of major just wasn’t for me. I found myself doubting my interest in my chosen field of study and

through other experiences at Temple, began to gain a better understanding of where my true academic

and career interests lie.

 Halfway through my junior year, I decided to become a Strategic Communication major. Of course, the

change wasn’t easy; I had to overload and take 18 credits, adjust to a completely new subject matter,

and cross my fingers and hope I’d still be able to graduate on time. Yet with all the changes and new

experiences, I still felt comfortable knowing I was on a better path more aligned with my interests.

Without a doubt, I feel like I made the right choice.



Major Changes



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 After graduation, I hope to become a professional in higher education and eventually attend graduate

school. Fortunately, my new major and work experience as a Peer Advisor in the Study Abroad office and

as a Temple Option reader for admissions has introduced me to different aspects of higher education.

Because of this, I feel much more prepared for a job after college. My piece of advice for any student

questioning their path is this: Listen to your instincts and if you’re unhappy, act sooner rather than later.

It may change your life for the better.