rahma hidayati

Tea Production in PT TAMBI WONOSOBO YULIA RAMADIKA WIBOWO 11/315277/DSA/05402 A Graduating Paper Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Diploma III Degree in the English Program, Vocational College UniversitasGadjahMada Yogyakarta 2014

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  • Tea Production in PT TAMBI




    A Graduating Paper

    Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    for the Diploma III Degree

    in the English Program, Vocational College




  • Proses Produksi Teh di PT TAMBI




    Tugas Akhir

    Diajukan kepada Panitia Ujian sebagai Salah Satu Syarat

    Memperoleh Gelar Ahli Madya

    Program Diploma III Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Vokasi




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    I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.

    (Albert Einstein)

    Dont worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss

    when you dont even try. Jack Canfield

    The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will

    to try and the belief that it is actually possible. Joel Brown

    Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone

    can start from now and make a brand new ending. Carl Bard

  • v

    Dedication Sheet

    This paper is dedicated to:

    Allah SWT

    My beloved mother, Sri SutanBudiarti

    My beloved brother, DzakyFadhilahHazim

    All my family

    And my friends

  • vi


    Alhamdulilahhirabbil alamin

    Thanks to Almighty God, Allah SWT, for the blessing, guidance, and

    mercy so I can finish my graduating paper. Also, I thanks to the Great Prophet

    Muhammad S.A.W.

    I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my beloved mother who

    always supports me, for your praying, faith, and giving advice every time. Thanks

    mom for your love and time during I write this graduating paper. I know its hard,

    but you never give up accompany me. Also, thanks to Dzaky and all my family

    for your support and motivation.

    Mrs.ErlinEstianaYuanti, S.S, M.A, thank for your time, support, advice,

    ideas, and being a great advisor for me. For all lecturer in English Department

    Vocational College UGM, Mrs. EndangSoelistiyowati, Mrs. Wati, Miss Dewi,

    Mr. Supriyono, Mr. Vincent, Miss Inung, Mbak Grace, and all lecturer who have

    taught me, thank you for all knowledge you share, amazing experience, and great


    I would like to thank PT Perkebunan TehTambis staffs who help me

    finish my paper. Thank to Pak Anis, Pak Tuyitno, and all staffs. I thank them for

    the support, motivation, and guidance during my observation.

    Then I would like to say thank to all my friends in English Department

    2011, especially for class A. I thank them for all moments, memory, experience,

  • vii

    knowledge, and beautiful friendship during these three years. Uul, Heni, Cindy,

    Rahma, Aka, Ninda, and my classmate, thanks for beautiful day we passed

    together and moments that we cannot forget.

    Irmi Setia Arum deserves her name to be mentioned here. I thank her for

    being my friend, for her support, her love, and everything she gives for me all the

    time. Rizka Widya, thank for being my friend and support me. Sagita Effendy,

    thank for the motivation, support, and help me to fix my laptop. Rizqi Wahyuni,

    thank for accompany me looking some books and her support. Ririn Irayanti,

    thank for her support. My best friends; Arum, Rizka, Gita, Yuni, and Nyin-nyin,

    big thanks for them for accompany me during these hard time, for their effort

    makes me smile when I stress, for all their joke, and everything they did for me.

    Finally, my great thanks go for all of my informants who gave me a lot of

    inspiration and to all people who have helped me to finish this graduating paper. I

    thank them very much. I hope everyone enjoy what I write.

    June 2014


  • viii


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai PT

    Perkebunan Teh Tambi yang berfokus pada proses pengolahan teh dan

    pengklasifikasian teh di Unit Perkebunan Tambi.

    Informasi yang diperoleh berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan tinjau pustaka

    dengan membaca literature yang berhubungan dengan proses produksi teh.

    Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, penulis menjelaskan mengenai sejarah

    perusahaan, proses pengolahan teh yang dimulai dari pemetikan hingga

    pengemasan produk, dan pengklasifikasian teh.

    Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa proses pengolahan teh di UP Tambi

    menggunakan orthodox rotorvane system. Proses ini terdiri dari pelayuan,

    penggulungan, penggilingan, sortasi basah, oksidasi enzimatis, pengeringan,

    sortasi kering, dan pengemasan atau pengepakan. Setelah itu, teh diklasifikasikan

    di proses sortasi kering dalam ruang penjenisan. Setelah itu teh akan diuji oleh

    ahli teh di ruang tester. Teh yang baik memiliki aroma yang kuat, berwarna hitam,

    ukurannya sama, bersih dari debu, dan air seduhan berwarna cerah,

    Kata Kunci : PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi, Pengolahan Teh, Pengklasifikasian Teh

  • ix


    This paper aims to provide information about PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi

    that focused on the tea production and tea classification in UP Tambi.

    The information are obtained from interview and library research by

    reading literature about tea production process. Based on the qualitative method,

    this paper explains the history of the company, tea production process that starts

    from plucking until packaging products, and tea classification.

    The conclusion of this paper is the production process in UP Tambi uses

    orthodox rotorvane system. Those systems consist of withering, rolling, grinding,

    wet sorting, enzymatic oxidation, drying, dry sorting, and packaging. After that,

    the tea will be classified in dry sorting process in grading room. Then, the tea will

    be tested by the tester in testing room. Tea that has good quality has strong aroma,

    the colors is dark, the size is homogen, its clean from any dust and fiber, and the

    steeping is bright.

    Key words: PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi, tea processing, tea classification

  • x

    Table of Content

    COVER i



    MOTTO iv



    INTISARI viii




    1.1 Background 1

    1.2 Objective 3

    1.3 Scope 3

    1.4 Method of Research 4

    1.5 Presentation 4


    2.1 History of PT Perkebunan Tambi 6

    2.2 Vision and Mission of PT Perkebunan Tambi 8

    2.3 Location of PT Perkebunan Tambi 9

    2.4 Organization Structure of PT Perkebunan Tambi 10

    2.5 Bussiness in PT Perkebunan Tambi 12

  • xi


    3.1 Tea Production 15

    3.1.1 Plucking tea leaves 15

    3.1.2 Production in Factory 19

    3.1.3 Packaging 30

    3.2 Tea Testing 31




    APPENDICES 1 List of Informant 46

    APPENDICES 2 Pictures 47

    APPENDICES 3 Diagram 52

  • 1



    1.1 Background

    The tea plant is classified as Camellia sinensis. Tea was found for the first

    time in Sichuan, China. At the first time, tea was used for medicine, then, it

    became a drink for the noble. Nowadays, tea has been spread out to the entire

    world, including Indonesia. People that have a role to introduce tea are the

    colonialist. According to Ratna Soemantri, a tea connoisseur from Indonesia, she

    said that Indonesia is the biggest country that produces tea but Indonesia does not

    have any drink tea tradition, such as in England. This was because Indonesian

    people thought that tea is drink for lower class.

    In China, England and Japan, there are drinking tea ceremony. Usually,

    people in England and Japan do the ceremony in the evening. Tea tradition in that

    country is well known around the world. According to Valley, the writer of The

    Way of Tea, the drinking of tea itself eventually became the focus of the

    gatherings, and participants used the Chinese objects for serving the tea, as well as

    for display in alcoves and on shelves. It means drinking tea is the important part

    of gathering. The Chinese usually serve the tea with beautiful porcelain. China,

    Japan, and England still do the drinking tea ceremony until now. They keep their

    tradition to introduce to next generation that drinking tea is one of their traditions.

  • 2

    There are a lot of tea plantations in Indonesia. One of the tea plantations is

    PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi that is located in T. Jogonegoro Street 39, Wonosobo,

    Central Java. It is a factory that produces tea. This company produces black tea as

    the product. Wonosobo is a small city located in Central Java. It takes three hours

    from Yogyakarta. Wonosobo lies between two mountains, Mount Sindoro and

    Sumbing. This condition makes Wonosobo has cold temperature in the afternoon

    and at night. Wonosobo is well known for its tobacco and tea plantation. The

    temperature in Wonosobo is about 10o-28C. Sometimes, the temperature went

    down to 6C if it is rainy day. This temperature is really good for tea plantation

    because on that temperature, tea plants can grow well. Then, the quality will be

    good if since the beginning the plantation had good nutrition.

    Some years ago, not all people could drink tea. Tea is a drink that was

    usually consumed by a noble in China (Farsinet, 1). At that time, tea only had one

    flavor that was original. Nowadays, there are four types of tea: black tea, green

    tea, white tea, and oolong tea. Black tea is the biggest production. There are a lot

    of flavors of tea; for example: blackcurrant tea, milk tea, etc. Also, there is tea that

    is mixed with soda. Tea itself has good taste without any additional flavors.

    Usually, people who like original taste of tea are the elders. It is because tea gives

    sensational bitter taste and is good for the body. Also, tea is good for health. It

    will bring good effect to the body, especially, when people drink tea continuously

    at least twice a day in the morning and afternoon (Teavana, 1). Therefore, there is

    tea that becomes medicine. As the time goes by, young people like the bitter

  • 3

    sensation of tea. Those who like it have reason to keep their weight stable or

    because they are on diet.

    Although there are a lot of people who like the taste of tea, they did not

    know the process to make tea. It starts from the leaves then become tea that has

    good taste. The process is not short, but it takes long time. From that process, we

    can taste the tea from highest quality to the lower quality. The reasons why the

    author chooses this topic are the author is curious about the process of tea

    production and about how the expert can divine the quality of tea. The author

    observed this in the factory named PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi to get the answer

    and to learn about tea processing. Also, the writer conducted interview with some

    people who work in the company, including the experts who divine the quality of

    the tea, to get the information accurately.

    1.2 Objective

    This paper aims to explain about PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi as Tea

    Company. Also, it discusses how to produce tea and the characteristic of tea that

    has good quality.

    1.3 Scope

    There are a lot of tea companies in Indonesia. However, this paper is

    focused only on PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi Wonosobo. In order to have

    systematic research, this paper limits the study on the production of tea and the

    role of the quality control persons. Thus, this paper would like to discuss how to

  • 4

    produce tea until the packaging and how the expert can divine the quality of tea

    based on the observation in PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi.

    1.4 Method of Research

    The method that the writer uses is qualitative. Qualitative method

    comprises observation, interview, and library research. This method is relevant to

    get the data accurately. The writer observed the factory and interviewed workers

    and the expert. Also, the writer conducted library research about oxidation,

    fermentation, and tea processing to get information. The data obtained from this

    observation were analyzed and presented descriptively. The research started on

    February until March 2014.

    1.5 Presentation

    This paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter I consists of the

    background, the objectives and scope of the research, the methods, and

    presentation. This chapter is considered as introduction. Chapter II consists of

    explanation about history of PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi, its mission and vision,

    location, and business in PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi. It explains about the

    company profile. Chapter III consists of the explanation on the process of tea

    production and tea classification. Finally, the last chapter is the conclusion of this

    paper. Moreover, the author encloses the documentation (photos) and other

    material needed.

  • 5



    PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi is a company that runs a business in a tea

    production. This company is located in Tumenggung Jogonegoro Street 39,

    Wonosobo. As the company that produces tea, this company has three tea

    plantations that are spread out into three different areas. The plantation is in

    Bedakah, Tanjungsari, and Tambi. From these three plantations, PT Perkebunan

    Teh Tambi produces black tea with three qualities namely quality I, II, and III.

    This company does not only sell their tea to the local people, but they export their

    tea to some countries in Europe and America, such as England, German, Russia,

    Canada, New Zealand, Chili, Pakistan, Irak, Mesir, and America. According to

    Tuyitno, 80% of their tea will be exported, 15% of their tea will be sold to another

    company, and 5% of their tea will be sold to the local merchant1.

    Beside producing tea, this company is also running another business. The

    business also uses the plantation to get more visitors. The businesses are home

    stay, outbound, tea walk, and Wisata Agro. According to Anis, this business is

    another way to promote PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi2. In order to know more about

    PT Perkebunan Tambi, there are several information about this company such as:

    1 Interview with office manager of UP Tambi on Friday, Feb 28, 2014

    2 Interview with factory manager of UP Tambi on Friday, Feb 28, 2014

  • 6

    history, vision & mission, structure organization, and the business in PT

    Perkebunan Tambi.

    2.1 History of PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi

    In 1865, PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi was a company that was under Dutch

    East Indies and it was leased to Dutch entrepreneurs that are D.Vander Ships (for

    Tanjungsaris Plants Unit) and W.D. Jong (for Tambi and Bedakahs Plants Unit).

    In 1880, all of the plantations were bought by Mr.M.P Van Der Berg, A.W. Hole,

    and Ed Jacobson. After that, they built Begelen Thee & Kina Maatschappij in

    Wonosobo and for the management and tea manufacturer they gave it to John Feet

    and Co. firm that was in Jakarta.

    When Japan took over Indonesia in 1942, the entire plantation of PT

    Perkebunan Teh Tambi was under Japans control. After Indonesias

    independence on August 17, 1945, all of the plantations belonged to Indonesia

    and under the authority of Central State Plantation (Pusat Perkebunan Negara /

    PPN) in Surakarta, and the office for the farm was moved to Magelang, Central


    Based on Konferensi Meja Bundar (KMB) result in Holland on November

    1949, foreign corporation in Indonesia that has been owned by state must be

    returned to its original owner. Based from this result, the plantation of PT

    Perkebunan Teh Tambi which was in Bedakah, Tambi, and Tanjungsari should be

    returned from Indonesias government to Bagelen Thee & Kina Maatschappij.

  • 7

    After that, the ex PPN employee built new office named Perkebunan Gunung on

    May 21, 1951.

    After Perkebunan Gunung Company managed the three plantations for

    years, Bagelen Thee & Kina Maatschappij did not have any interest to continue

    the company and they felt it is hard to arrange the plantation because the condition

    of the plantation was worse. This condition made Imam Soepomo as the Head of

    Central Java Plantation Department tried to make Bagelen Thee En Kina

    Maatschappij becomes Indonesias. The company agreed with the suggestion.

    After that, they built Perseroan Terbatas (PT) NV Eks PPN Sindoro Sumbing on

    May 17, 1954. The purchase contract between NV Bagelen Thee & Kina

    Maatschappij and PT NV Eks PPN Sindoro Sumbing was done on November 26,

    1954, so it made Bedakah, Tambi, and Tanjungsaris farms status were officially

    under PT NV Eks PPN Sindoro Sumbing. In 1957, there was agreement between

    Wonosobos government and PT NV Eks PPN Sindoro Sumbing to manage the

    plantation together and make new company with 50% capital from PT NV Eks

    PPN Sindoro Sumbing and 50% from Wonosobos government.

    The realization of that purpose gave birth to a new company named

    Perseroan Terbatas (PT) NV Perusahaan Perkebunan Teh Tambi by the issuance

    Act of Notary Raden Sujadi in Magelang on August 13, 1957 Number 10, which

    got legalization from Minister of Justice on April 18, 1958, Number JA 5/30/25.

    Then it was published on national news on Augusut 12, 1960 Number 65. In

    2010, PT Indo Global Galang Pamitra bought PT Perkebunan Sindoro Sumbings


  • 8

    The difference between PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi with another tea

    company is on the plantation. The plantation in PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi is

    spread out in three places. However, to minimize the transportation fee, PT

    Perkebunan Teh Tambi makes three tea manufacturing process that is called

    production unit (Unit Perkebunan / UP) Bedakah, Tambi, and Tanjungsari.

    Moreover, to develop the potential of nature around the plantation, PT Perkebunan

    Teh Tambi makes new tourism object named Wisata Agro Kebun Teh Tambi and

    Kampoeng Teh Tanjungsari. As the tea company, PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi also

    has their own vision and mission to make the company exist.

    2.2 Vision and Mission PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi

    2.2.1 Vision

    PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi has a vision to actualize Tea Company

    that is environmentally friendly, has a high productivity, strong company,

    everlasting, and the quality of the production is based on the customers


    2.2.2 Mission Bussiness Mission

    To encourage the economic growth, get tax and national income.

  • 9 Social Mission

    a. To conduct nature conservation using tea plants as the second line

    after forest. The conservations are to prevent erosion, settle water

    arrangement (rainwater catchment), and to arrange micro climate

    (keep the temperature and humidity).

    b. To get employee from nearest village as needed.

    c. To produce tea for Indonesian and people around the world.

    2.3 Location of PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi

    The office of PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi is on Tumenggung Jogonegoro

    Street 39, Wonosobo, Central Java. This company has three plantations which are

    UP Bedakah, UP Tambi, and UP Tanjungsari. However, this graduating paper

    only focuses on UP Tambi.

    UP Tambi is one of the tea plantations in Wonosobo. The location is about

    16 kilometers from Wonosobo to the north and this tea factory is in the west of

    Sindoro Mountain. The plantation wide is about 256, 43 hectare, the height is

    1250 2000 meter above sea level, the humidity is about 70%-90%, and the

    temperature is about 10C-23C. The territorial boundaries in UP Tambi are:

    a. North : Tambi, Kejajar village, and Perhutanis forest.

    b. South : Jengkol, Tlogo village, and Perhutanis forest.

  • 10

    c. West : Maron village and Perhutanis forest.

    d. East : Sikatok, Canggal village, and Perhutanis forest.

    UP Tambi has four areas for the tea plantations. The company named

    every block based on nature, such as:

    a. Taman Block : the location is in Tambi village, sub district

    Kejajar, Wonosobo Regency

    b. Pemandangan Block : the location is in Sigedang village, sub

    district Kejajar, Wonosobo Regency.

    c. Panama Block : the location is in Tlogo village, sub district

    Garung, Wonosobo Regency.

    d. Tanah Hijau Block : the location is in Jengkol village, sub

    district Garung,

    Wonosobo Regency.

    2.4 Organization Structure in PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi

    PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi is a company that runs tea production. This

    company has two stakeholders that are PT Indo Global Galang Pramitra (IGP) and

    Wonosobos Government District (Pemda Kabupaten Wonosobo). The managing

    director is Hj.Sri Wahyuni, S.E, M.M. and the director is Ir. Is Hartanto. As seen

    on chart below, there are three farms that are under PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi.

  • 11

    Scheme 1 Organization Structure of PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi

    (Drawn by Yulia, March 4, 2014)

    A. Direction

    I. Plants

    II. Manufacture &


    III. Finance

    IV. Public

    V. Head of UP Bedakah

    VI. Head of UP Tambi

    VII. Head of UP


    a. Head of UP

    Bedakah Farms

    b. Head of UP

    Bedakah factorys

    c. Head of UP

    Bedakah Office

    d. Head of UP Tambi


    e. Head of UP Tambi


    f. Head of UP Tambi


    g. Head of UP

    Tanjungsari Farms

    h. Head of UP

    Tanjungsari Office

    1. Head of Bismo Block 2. Head of Rinjani Block 3. Head of Mandala


    4. Head of Argopuro Block

    5. Head of Kembang Block

    6. Head of Muria Block 7. Head of Taman Block 8. Head of Pemandangan


    9. Head of Panama Block 10. Head of Tanah

    Hijau Block

    11. Head of Kutilang Block

    12. Head of Gelatik Block

    13. Head of Murai Block

    V VI

    a b c f e d


    h g

    13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



  • 11

    PT Perkebunan Tambi does not only have structure organization for the

    whole company. However, every unit production (UP) has their own organization

    structure. Every people that has the highest position in every UP, has

    responsibilities to the director. The second chart is about the organization

    structure in UP Tambi.

    Chart 1. Structure Organization of UP TAMBI

    (Yulia, February 28, 2014)

  • 12

    2.5 Business in PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi

    PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi is a big company that has tea as the main

    product. This company does not only sell their main products for people around

    the world, but they sell another thing. They sell view from their plants to people.

    The view in a tea farm is really beautiful because the tea plants only grow until

    around one meter and they grow in a high place that has cold temperature and

    fresh air. This is another business that PT Perkebunan Tambi runs:

    a. Homestay

    As company that has huge plantation and beautiful scenery, PT

    Perkebunan Teh Tambi makes side business that is home stay. The

    location of home stay make visitor enjoy the fresh air, beautiful scenery

    and able to relax themselves. Visitor can stay in this homestay and enjoy

    the scent of mountain here. The homestay includes breakfast, tea service

    plus local meal standard package of agro tourism, insurance, service

    charge. Below are the room and the price list:

  • 13

    Homestay Agrowisata Perkebunan Teh Tambi

    Homestay Capacity Price Flower 3 rooms 438,000 Mountain 3 rooms 375,000 Bird A 5 rooms 315,000 Bird B 10 rooms 280,000 Podang 345,000 Merak 1 room for 4 person 375,000 Gladiol 3 rooms 1,250,000 Teratai 4 rooms 1,250,000 Cemara 3 rooms 1,565,000 Louhan 1room for 4 person 625,000 Kersen Kembar 2 room 1,250,000 Extra Bed 125,000 Anggrek Room 1room for 4 person 800,000 Tulip 1room for 4 person 500,000 Sansevieria I 1room for 5 person 650,000 Sansevieria II 1room for 4 person 500,000 Sansevieria Meeting Room 450,000 Camellia Meeting Room 650,000

    Table 1. Home Stay Price List

    Courtesy: Dieng Tour website (Sunday, March

    09, 2014)

    b. Wisata Agro

    Since this company has huge plantation, this company makes another side

    business named Wisata Agro. The activities are outbound and tea walk.

    Usually, this activity will be held if there is reservation. This activity can

    increase your skill and knowledge because in this activity, visitor can get

    experience on the outbound in the middle of tea plantation and visit the

    factory. Below is the price list:

  • 14

    Some Outbound Packages in Agrowisata Perkebunan Teh Tambi

    Information Standard

    Package Exclusive


    Exclusive Order



    Plantation Tour Plantation Tour Plantation Tour Factory Tour Factory Tour Factory Tour Tea Service Tea Service Tea Service Luncheon Luncheon Outbound Games

    Duration 2 Hours 3 Hours 3 s.d 5 Hours Minimum

    Participant 10 Participants 20 Participants 20 Participants

    Price Rp. 25,000 Rp. 50,000 Rp. 105,000

    Table 2. Outbound package

    Courtesy: Dieng Tour Website (Sunday, March 09, 2014)

    Visitors can pick between those packages, they can choose to stay or only

    enjoy the wisata agro. Visitors who want to try the home stay and wisata agro

    should make reservation a week before, so the company will prepare everything

    that is needed. Visitors can book the home stay from website or come to the home


  • 15



    Tea is famous drink world wide. Even some countries have ceremony to

    drink the tea. Tea has good taste, good smell, and the price is not expensive.

    However, to produce the tea is not easy; it takes long time. One of the companies

    that produce tea is PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi in Wonosobo, Central Java. In this

    chapter, there will be explanation about tea production in PT Perkebunan Teh

    Tambi. All of the information is from the staffs and some books and internet.


    Tea production in PT Perkebunan Tambi takes place everyday. It starts

    from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. There are about 1500 kilogram tea leaves everyday that

    this company produces. Those leaves will be processed during 24 hours. The

    processes start from plucking the leaves until packaging.

    3.1.1 Plucking tea leaves

    Plucking is an activity to pick tea leaves so that the leaves can be

    processed in factory. According to Siswoputranto (1978), the higher location

    to plant the tea, the better that quality will be obtained. This argument has

    been approved by Anis, a managing factory in PT Perkebunan Tambi, he said

    that well, it is true, but the higher place will bring good taste and the lower

    place have strong tea scent. It means tea that plants in high place will bring

  • 16

    better quality for its taste. Since in high land almost does not have pollution, it

    is good for the tea plantation. That is why almost all tea plantations are located

    in mountain or high land. Based on the type, there are three types of plucking tea leaves:

    a. Jendangan Excerpts

    This plucking is done at an early stage after the plants are trimmed,

    to form a field picking wide, flat leaves with a coating thickness

    sufficient maintenance, so that the plant has a high production


    b. Production Excerpts

    This plucking is usually conducted after excerpts jendangan is over.

    This plucking can be done by asking someone else (this plucking

    does not need any skill) and payments for picker based on the

    number of leaves they earn in a day.

    c. Gendesan Excerpts

    Plucking production ahead of pruned plants is called "gendesan

    excerpts". It is picking all the shoots that are eligible to be processed

    regardless of the leaf left.

  • 17 Plucking that are done in UP Tambi are:

    a. Fine Plucking

    This picking is done if the shoot consists of peko3 tip (P) with one

    leaf, or it is written by formula P+1 or P+2.

    b. Medium Plucking

    This picking is done if the shoot consist of P with two leaves, three

    leaves and bird4 shoot (all leaves) with one, two or three young leaf,

    written by formula P+3, B+1M, B+2M, B+3M.

    c. Coarse Plucking

    This picking is done if the shoot consist of P with four leaves or

    more, and bird shoot and some old leaves, written by formula P+4

    or more, b+(1-4t). Plucking Analysis

    This process is an activity to separate and classify the shoot based

    on the formula. The aims of this activity are to know the condition of the

    plants, to grade pickers skill, to determine plucking, and to know the

    condition of the tip of leaf. The picture below is the formula to analyze the


    3 Peko : actively growing shoots

    4 Bird shoot: one leaf, not only the shoots

  • 18

    Picture 1.Shoots Analysis

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014) Transporting the leaves

    The plucked tea leaves are collected in a waring5 (Javanese) then it

    will be taken to truck to be weighed. After that, the waring will be carried

    to factory. The truck must be covered by tarpaulin so the leaves will be in

    a good condition.

    5 Waring (Javanese): things like sacks

  • 19

    Picture 2. Tea Weighing Process Picture 3. Goes to Whitering Trough

    (Yulia, March 7, 2014) (Yulia, February 28, 2014)

    3.1.2 Production in Factory Withering in Withering Room

    Withering is a process giving air to tea leaves. This process is the first step

    that should be done. This is an important process because if the withering

    process is not perfect, the following process will take lot of times. The aims of

    withering are to evaporate the water content in the leaves slowly, then it will

    be easier to be ground and to get the scent of withering. This process takes 18-

    20 hours to get good tea leaves. This is the process of withering:

    a. Pengiraban6 (Javanese)

    In this process, the shoot will be placed in a place named

    Withering Trough (WT). Every tea that has been weighed must be

    placed here quickly, so the quality would not change (Picture 4). The

    6 Pengiraban: spread out

  • 20

    size of WT is 24 x 1,8 meters and the maximum weight is 1500

    kilograms. The leaves must be placed evenly, so the withering process

    will be good.

    Picture 4. Pengiraban on Trough

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    b. Shoots analyzing

    After the leaves were placed in WT, the leaves were analyzed.

    The analyzer will take the leaf randomly. Every 500kg tea, the

    analyzer will take 200grams tea. Formula to know the quality of tea is

    shown on Picture 1. Standard in PT Perkebunan Tambi is at least

    50%. Based on the analysis, if one block gets result of more than 50%

    of the total production, the plucker will get bonus.

    c. Giving fresh air and hot air

    There are two types of air that will be given to the tea leaves on

    the withering process; those are fresh air and hot air. Fresh air will be

    given twice an hour after the leaves were placed in WT. The aims of

    giving the fresh air are: to omit strange smell (such as tang), to

  • 21

    evaporate water on the leaves, normalize leaves temperature, and to

    prevent red withering. It should be checked every two hours and the

    staff should pay attention to temperature and humidity. Tools that

    they use are thermometer and hygrometer that are put on the leaves.

    The temperature must be 26.7C.

    Besides giving fresh air, withering also need heat to process the

    tea leaves. The aim of giving heat is to reduce moisture and to

    evaporate water on the leaves. Good time to give the heat is five until

    six hours after the leaves are put in trough. The hot air is given if the

    relative humidity is more than 75%. The hot air is given through fan

    (a machine that is similar to ventilator, Picture 5).

    Picture 5. Fan that used to give the air

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    d. Reversal

    When tea leaves have already been withered, the tea leaves are

    reversed. There are two people on every trough. They will stand in

    front of WT and reverse the tea. Tea on the top will be put on the

  • 22

    trough that is already prepared, and the tea on the bottom will be put

    on top. Reversal will be done two until three times. Grinding in Rolling Room

    Grinding is first step to classify the quality of the tea. This process takes 2

    hours. The processes are rolling, grinding, and wet sortation. The machines

    that are used in this step are Open Top Roller (OTR), Rotorvane (RV), and

    Rotary Roll Breaker (RRB). The temperature in grinding room cannot exceed

    25C and the humidity 90-95C. The steps in the grinding room are:

    a. Rolling

    This is the first step in grinding room. The aim of this step is to

    prepare the good quality of tea, both physically and chemically; to roll

    the shoot, and to solve tea leaves wall cells so the fluid comes out on

    the leaves surface evenly. The machine used to roll the tea is Open Top

    Roller (OTR) with capacity 350kg/hours. This step takes 40-45

    minutes. As for chemical process, there will be reaction among

    polyphenol compound and polyphenol oxidize enzyme because of

    oxygen, and this process is a basic formation for inner quality. Rolling

    will cause the leaves bruises and the cell broken, so the fluid will come

    out evenly, and at that time process named enzymatic oxidation

    (fermentation) occur.

  • 23

    Picture 6. Open Top Roller

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    b. Grinding

    The aims of this process are to shrink the size of tea leaves, to cut

    the rolling results into smaller size, and gets wet powder as much as

    possible. This process takes 40 minutes. The machine is named

    Rotorvane (RV), and there are four units of RV used here. The result of

    the rolling goes to RV I (15 inch) through conveyor, then it goes to

    RRB I (Rotary Roll Breaker) with mesh size 7-7-8 to get powder II.

    Particle that cannot be done in RRB I will be cut again in RV II, and

    then it will be sorted in RRB II and get powder III. Particle that is not

    qualified will be cut again in RV cones, and it goes to Ghoogi. In

    ghoogi, particle will be sorted using 7mm and 8mm holes. Particles of

    tea that do not have quality will go to next RV. The RV will cut and sift

    the tea leaves. The tea leaves that failed in this process are named



    7 Badag: tea that has bad quality

  • 24

    Picture 7. Rotorvane Picture 8. Rotary Roll Breaker

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014) (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    c. Wet Sortation

    Machine used in this step is Rotary Roll Breaker (Picture 8) and

    Ghoogi (Picture 9). The process can be seen on the Diagram 1. The

    result that is wanted is 70% powder and 30% badag. The aims of

    this process are to get same powder, make dry sortation easier, and

    to make dry process easier.

  • 25

    Picture 9 Ghoogi

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    Below is the diagram shows grinding process in rolling room and the


    Diagram 1. Grinding Process

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)


    Powder IV


    Badag RV

    RRB II


    Powder III

    Powder II

    RV 15 RRB I Wet powder

    from OTR


  • 26 Enzymatic Oxidation

    This is the important part for tea processing because in this process,

    the most important characteristic of black tea will come out. The

    characteristics are taste, the color, strength, and briskness. The enzymatic

    oxidation in UP Tambi is influence by water amount, temperature and

    humidity, condition of tea, and the oxygen. UP Tambi used aluminum tray

    to put the tea during this process. They choose aluminum because it does

    not give any reaction that can influence the process. The machine that they

    use in this process is humidifier (Picture 10). This machine will make the

    tea get the best temperature to oxidize. The best temperature is 26,7C,

    and the relative humidity is more than 90%. The humidity cannot be too

    low because it can make the room dry and the temperature high. This

    condition makes the fermented powder will dry before it goes to drying


    Picture 10. Humidifier and Aluminum Tray

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

  • 27 Drying in Drying Room

    Drying process aims to stop enzymatic oxidation process and to

    decrease water up to 3-4%. This process takes 25 minutes. There are three

    frying machines used in this process named Endless Chain Pressure (ECP)

    that consist of three circuit dryer and two circuit drier. Dryer machine is

    used by drying the heat that is pumped by fan. There will be moving trays

    operated by machine that distribute the tea leaves to the next machine and

    caused the tea on the trays moving. There are tools named spreaders that

    are used to flatten the tea powder on the trays. The tea powder on the trays

    will get heat from heater, and then the water on the tea powder will

    evaporate up to 3-4%.

    UP Tambi staff will test the dryied tea leaves by smelling the tea and

    kneading the tea. If there is sound kres during kneading tea, it shows that

    the drying process is success. Inlet that is suggested cannot be too high or

    too low, the optimal temperature 90-95C, and the outlet is 45-50C. Tea

    that comes out from drying machine should be refrigerated and it cannot

    be stacked more than 10 centimeters high. The high temperature drying

    from drying machine can cause chemical reaction that can make the tea

    quality lower. The next process is dry sorting.

  • 28

    Picture 11 Endless Chain Pressure Picture 12 Heater

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014) (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014) Dry Sorting in Grading Room

    According to Arifin (1994), the aim of this process is to get size and

    particle colors based on the standard that customers order. Tea from drying

    room is heterogenic, the size and the type are still mixed. Beside that, the

    tea contain dust, stalk, and another things that bring effects to quality.

    Drying sorting is needed because it can reduce unwanted substances on the

    tea. The machine which performs the dry sorting process is named buble

    tray. This machine will shake the tea, and then in the end of machine it

    will show the tea quality. Products that UP Tambi produced are:

    a. Quality I : PS, BPS, BOP, BOPF, PF, Dust, BP, BT, BM

    b. Quality II : PF II, Dust II, BP II, BT II

    c. Quality III : Dust III, PF III, Bohea

  • 29

    According to Muljana (1983), the tea that comes from sorting

    machine will classified into three types:

    a. Leafy Grades

    a.1 Orange pecco (O.P.)

    a.2 Pecco (P.)

    a.3 Pecco Souchon (P.S.)

    a.4 Souchon ( S.)

    b. Small Grades

    b.1 Broken Orange Pecco (B.O.P.)

    b.2 Broken pecco (B.P.)

    b.3 Broken tea (B.T.)

    c. Broken Grades

    c.1 Fanings (F.)

    c.2 Dust (D.)

    Those kinds of tea qualities make steeping tea different strength and

    colors. Usually, broken grades give strong steeping and have brown color.

    Leafy grades give medium strength and the color is not dark. Leafy grades

    is the best quality because it gives better steeping.

  • 30

    3.1.3 Packaging

    After the tea is processed in grading room, the tea will be packaged. The

    purposes of packaging are to protect the products, to maintain the products

    durability, and to promote the products. Every package has its own standard

    which is 50kgs. If the package is more than that weight, it will bring effect on

    the container. In UP Tambi, there are some packaging types used:

    a. Plastic sacks

    Plastic sacks have same size as a paper sack which is 120 x 70 x

    20cm. Plastic sacks have function to keep the tea from water and

    make the water content stable. This aims to keep the quality, so the

    tea would not be covered with mold. Usually, packages using plastic

    sacks will be sent to the local merchant.

    b. Paper sacks

    Paper sacks package will be used for exported products because

    paper sacks can keep the quality of the tea. The paper sacks will be

    put in aluminum foil in layer. The advantages of using paper sacks

    are: paper sacks gives the better protection from water, it can survive

    from the external pressure so the tea would not be asunder, and it is


    c. Tea Bin

    Tea bin have function to keep the tea for a while if the warehouse

    capacity is full. Every tea bin has capacity 2500 kg 3000 kg. The

  • 31

    wall of tea was made from aluminum, so the quality of tea will be


    d. Blending Tea

    Before packaging, tea will be blended. The blending aims to make

    the size same and to classify the tea based on the order. There are

    two kinds of blending process which are manual and using machine.


    Tea that has finished all aforementioned process will be classified in

    grading room. The classification which has been done in grading room will be

    tested in testing room. The tea will be tested three times in a day. The testing

    method that used in UP Tambi are organoleptic and physically (by tea


    a. Physical testing

    Physically quality testing is quality testing using tongue and hand. Now,

    the tester in UP Tambi is Anis. The tester tests the tea every morning. The

    tea is steeped, then the tester smells the tea to check whether it has strange

    smell or not, such as smell of smoke. After that, the tester will drink the

    tea to know the taste.

    b. Organoleptic

    The aims of this testing is to know the taste, color, appearance, and liquor.

    Tools for organoleptik testing are standard balance with weights 2,84gram

  • 32

    and 5,63 gram, boiler, timer, gas boiler, white cup made from porcelain

    size 140cc or 280cc, white bowl made from porcelain, white base, black

    base, spittoon, tea filter mesh 60, dust cloth, and analyzing table from

    ceramics. The method for forming organoleptic testing is as follows:

    b.1 Appearances

    Tea will be put in a white base and black base. The tea must be spread

    out in the base, so the tester can grade the appearance. The grades

    showing the tea amounts are tippy, some tips, and few tips. Grading

    for colors are very handsome golden tips, good bright tips, fairly good

    bright tips, and very satisfactory tips. The tea must have few leaf veins,

    fiber, and it is not contain another materials.

    b.2 Analyzing colors, taste and smell

    The tester will prepare for its tools, such as cup and cap, bowl,

    timer, and spoon. Then, he or she will put 2.84 grams of tea to the cup

    and 140cc boiled water. If the cup is bigger, for example the cup is

    280cc, the tea that should be put is 5.68. When the boiled water is

    already on the cup, the tester will set the timer for six minutes. After

    six minutes, the tester will pour the liquor to the bowl. The tester will

    make sure there are no dregs in the bowl because the dregs will be put

    on the cap to analyze the scent. Then, the dregs on the cap will be


    Every tea produced has different result. Sometime it can have good

    quality and sometimes it does not. To know the quality of the tea, the tea

  • 33

    should be tested. During organoleptic tea testing, there are a lot of terms that

    are used to analyze the tea quality. The terms are about appearances, colors,

    taste, liquor, and infusion. The terms are:

    1) Appearance

    1.1 Particle

    Particle is one of important part to know the quality of the tea.

    Particle shows the production process whether it is good or not.

    Sometimes, during the production process the result of particle is

    different. Below are the table that shows some results of particles:

    Terms Definition

    Choppy Cylinders particle, usually this particle is cause by pressing

    in cutting machine.

    Flaky open

    tea leaf that has opened leaf is caused by unsuccessful

    withering process or it comes from old leaf

    Curly The leaf appearance of whole leaf grade teas such as O.P.,

    as distinct from wiry

    Grainy tea particles that have dust type that are usually used for

    Fanning and Dust

    Leafy tea leaves that consist of good leaves

    Powdery tea particles that is like powder

    Wiry used to the highest OP, it comes from young tip; the

  • 34

    opposite is open

    Table 1 Particles Appearance of Tea

    (UP Tambi, May 17, 2014)

    After the tester put the particles in a clean paper, the tester analyze

    the particle using eyes and hand. The tester kneads the tea and sees the

    particle. Good particle usually has kress sound when kneading. After

    the tester knows the particle, the tester will analyze the tea particle


    1.2 Particle size

    Every tea that already finished the production process has different

    particle size. There are three types of particle size which are bold,

    normal, and small. Tea that has bigger size from the sortation standard

    is included on bold size. In contrast, tea that has smallest size from

    sortation standard is included on small size. Tea that has same size as

    sortation standard included normal size. Good tea usually has normal


    1.3 Flatness size

    Thickness or flatness on the tea is important to know the quality of tea.

    There are four kinds of flatness which are even/regular, irregular,

    ragged, and mixed. Good quality of tea has regular flatness because it

    has same size and same sortation sorts, it consist of same size.

    Irregular is tea that does not consist of one kind. Ragged is an uneven

  • 35

    tea, this tea usually does not have good sortation, also size and the

    colors is not same. Mixed is tea that consists of a lot of kind and size.

    1.4 Tip

    There are two kinds of tip as the results, these tip are tip number and

    tip colors. For tip number, it consists of three kinds which are tippy,

    some tip, and few tips. For tip colors, it consists of golden and silver


    1.5 Particle colors

    There are four types colors for particles. Every colors shows

    different mistake during the production process. These are some

    particle colors shows after production process:

    Terms Definition

    Blackish Tea that has blackish colors, it shows that the tea good

    process. It results in satisfactory appearance

    Brownish Tea that has brownish colors, it shows that there is

    something wrong on the withering process, grinding, too

    much pressure on the sortation

    Greyish Tea that has grayish colors because there is too much

    pressure or handling on the sortation

    Reddish Tea that has reddish colors because there are too much stalks

    Table 4 Particle Colors of Tea

    (UP Tambi, May 17, 2014)

  • 36

    1.6 Cleanliness

    Tea that has good quality has well cleanliness. However, not all tea

    production has clean results. Sometimes, there are stalks and fiber

    that follows the tea. There are three kinds of stalks and fiber that

    come out. Those kinds are stalky, some stalks, and few stalks.

    Stalky happened because of coarse plucking. Then, for fiber there

    are three kinds results which are fibrous, some fibers, and few

    fibers. Good tea does not have any stalks, fiber, or other strange

    materials. This condition is rarely because sometimes during the

    production process there are some strange materials, fiber or stalks


    2) Colors, Taste, Liquor

    2.1 Colors

    Tea that already finished the production process will have some

    colors as the results. The colors may be different because of the

    fermentation and mount eruption. These are some colors of the tea that

    already finished the production process:

    Terms Definition

    Bright Fresh steeping, this colors come from good processing and


    Coloury The water can become dark if the grinding process is too

  • 37

    powerful and it takes long time during withering and


    Cream A precipitate obtained after cooling and usually it has turbid


    Light Steeped tea that has pale colors and lacking strength

    Sweet Translucent colors on the bad tea quality

    Thin An insipid light liquor that lacks desirable characteristic



    Lacks of brightness and usually denotes poor tea. It results

    from faulty manufacture and firing, or high moisture


    Table 5. Colors

    (UP Tambi, May 17, 2014)

    Those colors were analyze when the tester drink the tea. This

    colors appearance shows the quality of the tea. Usually, good quality

    of tea has light colors. After tester sees the colors, the tester will

    continue the testing to taste the tea.

    2.2 Taste

    There are a lot of taste that tester get after try the tea finished

    production process. This taste comes from different cause such as mistake

    during withering process, too long process in production or because of

    bacteria. Below are the table shows some taste that will get after

    production process:

  • 38

    Terms Definition

    Quality The taste of steeped tea is good and this is the most

    desirable liquoring qualities

    Brisk/point The most live characteristic. Results from good


    Body/thick/strength A liquor having both fullness and strength, as opposed to

    being thin

    Pungency Steeping that has astringent taste but not too bitter

    Flavoury Steeping that has strong fragrance

    Brassy Steeping that has bitter taste, usually taste comes from the

    leaf that is not withered and has too much old leaves

    Character Steeping that has taste, quality, and fragrance

    Mature Steeping that has good taste from continued fermentation

    during its storage

    Mellow Same as mature, but is has darker color, the opposite is


    Plain Steeping that has low quality, brisk and flavor, but

    sometimes it has strength due to season changes

    Thin Steeping that does not has strong taste; it is because the

    leaves are too withered, rolled and fermented too long.

    The opposite is thick.

    Stewed It almost does not have tea fragrance and the

    characteristic is not good; it is because the continuing

  • 39

    fermentation in dryer because of the low temperature. The

    opposite of this process will cause case hardening.

    Washy/weak The steeping is really thin

    Soft The steeping is not point or brisk, although it is not really

    fresh, but this is not as bad as flat. It is because over

    fermentation and high moisture.

    Weathery The steeping is similar to soft, usually this is happened on

    the monsoon

    Flat The steeping is tasteless, not fresh; the opposite is brisk;

    usually it because too long kept outside with a moist


    Coarse Steeping that has strength but it is less from quality: tea

    from lowlands has this case.

    Harsh/raw/rasping The taste is very rough and it is generally due to under

    withered leaves.

    Sweaty Taste of steeping is not tasty and the cause is not certain.

    Maybe because it is tainted or during the drying process,

    the tea is too dry then the tea is stacked without


    Greenish An immature, raw character. It is often due to under

    fermentation (sometimes under withering)

    Bitter It has bitter taste but not astringent

    Tainted It is not tasty; often due to being stored next to other

  • 40

    commodities with strong characteristics of their own

    Dry Taste of steeping is dry because high temperature in the


    Over fired The taste of the steeping water is above dry

    Smokey Taste of steeping water is smoky

    Bakey An over-fired liquor. Tea in which too much moisture has

    been driven off

    Burnt Extreme over firing, the taste is above the bakey

    Malty Steeping water with low sour taste

    Fruity Can be due to over-fermentation and or bacterial infection

    before firing, An overripe taste.

    Sour Tea that has sour taste; it is because of bacterial infection.

    Case hardening Tea that has sour taste because of too fast drying process.

    Table 6. Taste of Tea

    (UP Tambi, May 17, 2014)

    2.3 Scent

    There is one possibility of tea scent after it is finished the

    production process. The possibility for tea scent is tainted. Tainted is

    the fragrance of steeping water is not really good because there is

    another fragrance from outside; this can happen because contamination

    from other sources, metal, bacterial infection, etc.

  • 41

    3) Infusion

    There are some infusion results when the tea finished the production

    process. The infusion shows when tester makes the tea to be a drink. The

    infusion is important because usually people see the infusion firstly and

    smell the scent. When the tea is too dark, people make argument that the

    tea is too thick. However, every tea infusion has different meaning, not

    only because it is too thick. The table below shows some results of

    infusion. These results are:

    Terms Definition

    Bright Lively bright appearance. Usually indicates bright liquors.

    Coppery The dregs steeping have copper color; tea from highland

    with well manufacture will produce coppery dregs.

    Greenish The dregs steeping that has greenish color, because of less

    process during fermentation and rolling, so it cause the

    taste become harsh.

    Dark/dull The tea is not bright, brownish, and greenish; this is

    because during manufacture the temperature is too high, too

    long during fermentation and bacterial infection.

    Mixed Leaves of varying colors.

    Table 7. Possibility of Tea Infusion

    (UP Tambi, May 17, 2014)

    According to Anis, from all the aforementioned before, the best quality

    of tea is tea that has strength, flavor and the steeping is bright, has black colors,

  • 42

    the size is homogeny, its clean from any dust and fiber, and the require density

    is good. Tea from Tambi is different from another tea because it has unique


  • 43



    PT Perkebunan Tambi is a company that runs business in tea production.

    Formerly, this company was named Begelen Thee & Kina Maatschappij. This

    company was under Dutch Government in 1865. After Japanese colonizing, PT

    Perkebunan Teh Tambi was under the authority of Central State Plantation (Pusat

    Perkebunan Negara/ PPN). In 1949, this company was under Begelen Thee &

    Kina Maatschappij based on KMB results. On May 17, 1954 NV Bagelen Thee &

    Kina Maatschappij and Imam Soepomo built Perseroan Terbatas (PT) NV Eks

    PPN Sindoro Sumbing. In 2010, PT Indo Global Galang Pramita bought PT

    Perkebunan Teh Tambis share.

    PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi is located in Tumenggung Jogonegoro Street

    39, Wonosobo. This company does not only produce tea as its product. It has

    another business related to tea. The businesses are wisata agro and homestay.

    Visitors can enjoy fresh air from every plantation because this company has three

    locations for tea plantation. Every location has its own management but they are

    still under PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi. Visitors can stay in the homestay if they

    want to stay in Wonosobo for some days. Also, there are wisata agro as another

    business. Visitors can enjoy package in wisata agro based on the companys

    offering. Visitors can get new experience when they do the wisata agro. However,

    visitors must book a week before if they want to make reservation for homestay or

  • 44

    wisata agro. Both side businesses that PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi runs is a good

    way to utilized the tea plantation. The company can get more customer and they

    can promote the company to the visitors.

    The main product of PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi is tea production. The

    production process in PT Perkebunan Teh Tambi is going on every day. The

    factory will process the tea starting from 7 a.m. until 5 p. m.. Based on the

    observation, the tea production process is using Orthodox Rotorvane System. This

    process consists of withering, rolling, grinding, wet sorting, enzymatic oxidation,

    drying, dry sorting, and packaging. Then, the tea classification process happens

    during the production process of the tea. The tea will be classified on dry sorting

    process in grading room. After that, the tea will be tasted in testing room by the

    tester. The tea will be analyzed from its appearance, scent, and colors. The tea will

    be tested every morning. The testing tea is important because it is a process to

    keep the quality, so the company still has tea that has good quality. Good quality

    of tea has strong aroma, black colors, same particle size, clean from any dust and

    fiber, and the steeping color is bright.

  • 45


    Arifin, M.Sultani. Petunjuk Teknis Pengolahan Teh. Pusat Penelitian Teh dan

    Kina Gambung. Bandung, 1994. Print.

    Lestari, Feny Margita, dkk. Laporan Kegiatan Magang Mhasiswa Di Industri

    Pengolahan Teh Hitam PT. Perkebunan Teh Tambi. Surakarta, 2012.


    Medical Benefit of Drinking Tea. n.d. Farsinet Web. 2 July. 2014.

    Muljana, Wahyu. Petunjuk Praktis Bercocok Tanam Teh. Semarang, 1983. Print.

    Paket Outbound. Perkebunan Teh Tambi. Dieng Tour. n.d. Web. 9 March.


    Profil PT TAMBI. Wonosobo, 2011. Print.

    Siswoputranto, P.S. Perkembangan Teh, Kopi, Coklat Internasional. Jakarta,

    1978. Print.

    Sompotan, Johan. Alasan Masyarakat Indonesia Anggap Teh Gak Keren.

    Okezone, 26 Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

    The History & Origin of Tea. n.d. Teavana Web. 2 July. 2014.

    Varley, Paul. The Way of Tea. Microsoft Student 2009.

  • 46


    List of Informants

    1. Name : Tuyitno, S.E.

    Occupation : Office Manager of UP Tambi

    Address : Peumahan Tambi Gajian RT: 27 RW:10, Kejajar,


    2. Name : Anis Giyarto

    Occupation : Factory Manager of UP Tambi

    Address : Perumahan Tambi Gajian RT: 27 RW:10, Kejajar,


    3. Name : Rian Budi Nugroho

    Occupation : Staff

    Address : Garung

  • 47


    Picture 13.UP Tambi Factory Picture 14. Head of UP Tambi Office

    (Yulia, Feb, 28 2014) (Yulia, Feb, 28 2014)

    Picture 15.Tea Sample Picture 16. Tea Tasting Room

    (Yulia, Feb, 282014) (Yulia, Feb, 282014)

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    Picture 17. Tea Testing

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    Picture 18. Tea Grade I Picture 19. Tea Grade II

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014) (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

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    Picture 20. Tea Grade I

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    Picture 21. Tea Grade II

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

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    Picture 22. Tea Grade III

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    Picture 23. PS and Packaging Picture 24. BPS and Packaging

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014) (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

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    Picture 25. BOP and Packaging Picture 26. PF and Packaging

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014) (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    Picture 27. Sample of Packaging

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

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    Picture 28. Tea Grading

    (Yulia, Feb 28, 2014)

    Picture 29. Peko Shoot Picture 30. Bird Shoot

    Courtesy: Tea Shoot (June 2014) Courtesy: Tea Shoot (June, 2014)






    3.1.3 PACKAGING