rajesh gomra ppt on project report on pen

( comparative Study of Most Preferred pen’s among responden K A PROJECT REPORT ON

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( comparative Study of Most Preferred pen’s

among responden




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Pens taken for research

Cello max writer ReynoldsPeter parkerMontex

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Introduction of cello max writer

Cello is largest manufacturer of writing instrument in India with in installed capacity of 4.5 million pen a day and currently predicting 4.2 million pen a day the men power to produce 42 million pen with the support of 4900 people• Year established: 1982• Total annual percentage US$100 million• Factory location: India

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Introduction of Reynolds • Milton Reynolds first introduced Reynolds

ballpoint pens to the United States in October 1945.GM pen international PVT limit. Is a excusive licensee of Reynolds ,France ,in India ASSARA country. Headquarter in Chennai .GM offered many instrument and accessories in the Indian market

• Ceo of company: fino’ neill• Vic- president: Doug ventora

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Introduction of Peter parkerThe peter parker company was establish in1888 George Parker Pen Company it’s an expert, traditional and well known fine writing instruments manufacturer based in Janesville, Wisconsin. Its founder, George Safford Parker, initiated the company’s history back in 1889 with the fountain pen patent, which would enable him three years later (1892) officially give birth to Parker Pen Company.By 1982, Parker Pen would embrace a new president and CEO, James R. Peterson,

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Introduction of Montex on the feed

The Montex company was establish in1976President: Raman Jain Montex has been the first in India to introduce Transparent Ball Pens, Trendy Fountain Pens, Precision Tips, Gel Ink Pens, Roller Ink Pens, Tank Pens, Rubber Grip Pens and Co-molded Pens. Montex is recognized as a pioneer in the Indian pen industry with innovations to its credit.

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Objectives of study1. To find the most preferred pens among the

respondents 2. Purpose of purchasing the pens. 3. To know which of the source of information

influenced the respondents to buy the specific pen

4. To know Additional features demanded by the respondents

5. To know about satisfaction level of respondents

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Research methodology

Research is a systematic efforts to gain new knowledge. It is a systematic inquiry to who’s objective is to provide information to solve managerial problem & help in decision making.

Research Methodology :It is defined as search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding solution to the problem.

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Data Collection Methods :- In this data collection process the following methods has been used

Primary Data : The whole data is basically a primary data: mainly the data us collected by the questionnaire. Total 100 questionnaire have been filled up by different respondents.

Secondary data: In this survey the scope of secondary data is less, but even then we used it up to some extent whenever needed. The source of secondary data were books, website and magzines.

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Sampling method Sample size: The total sample size for the study is 100.This divided in to 3 categories as :-1. 57 respondents are students .2. 13 respondents are businessman .3. 30 respondents from service class .Data collection technique:- The data for study was collected through field investigation and respondents were personally contacted. A structure of questionnaire containing mostly close ended questions pre-specify all possible answers administrated to the respondents. All efforts are made to make questionnaire easy & less time consuming. Only those people are ask to fill the questionnaire those are having pens.

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Data Analysis Techniques

To analyze the collected data, mathematical tools are used . for example %Tables are also prepared to analyze the data.Graphs & pie charts are used to compare the tabulated data

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Category wise distribution of respondents

Interpretation:-in the above graph it is shown that 57% of the respondents are students,13%business man and 30% are service class respondents.


No. of respondents


Student 57 57

Business man

13 13

Service class

30 30

TOTAL 100 100

graph no. 1

studentsBusibness menservice class


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Most preferred pen of respondents

Interpretation: from the above graph it is clear that cello max writer is most preferred pen among the respondents 39%,reynolds 21%,Peter parker

16%,Montex 15%,any other 9%

Respondents Cello max writer

Reynolds Peter Parker Montex Any other


Students 21 12 7 10 7 57

Business men 3 5 4 2 0 13

Service class 15 4 5 3 2 30

Total 39 21 16 15 9 100

Table . 2

Graph no. 2

celloReynoldsPeter parkerMontexAny other

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feature which influence the respondents most

Feature Design price ink

smoothness grip any


No of respondents 17 14 21 39 8 1 100




Graph 3

design price inksmoothness gripe any other

Interpretation:-39% of the respondents are influenced by the smoothness of the pens & design of the pen(17)and 21% ink


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Comparison of different pensFeature Cello Reynolds Peter parker Montex Any other TOTAL

Design 9 3 3 1 1 17

Price 4 2 1 3 3 13

Ink 8 5 4 1 3 21


14 11 6 6 2 39

Grip 3 0 2 2 1 8

Any other

0 0 0 1 1 2

Total 38 21 16 14 11 100





r Par









15DesignPriceinksmoothnessgripany other

Interpretation:- most of respondents(39%) prefer the smoothness in their pen, 17%respondents prefer the design and 21% ink.

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Purpose of using the Pen Table.5


Purpose =>

Office use

Business work

College work

Other uses



28 9 56 7 100

%age 28% 9% 56% 7% 100%

Interpretation:- from above table & graph it is very much clear that most of respondents use their pens for college work (56)& office work(28%)

graph no. 5officebusiness collegeother

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Source of information used in making purchase decision

Sources No. of respondents


Advertisement 54 54%

Friends 34 34%

Family 6 6%

Any other 6 6%

Total 100 100%


Interpretation:- from the above table we came to know that advertisement have a great impact in the mind of respondents(54%) that make them to buy the pen


6% 6%

Graph no.6

Advertisement FriendsFamily Any others

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Category wise analysis of source of information used by respondents

Interpretation :- from the above graph it is clear that most of the respondents are influenced by friends and advertisement and less impressed by the family members

source adv. % age family

%age friend

%age Any other


Student 33 28% 3 5% 18 31% 3 5%

Business man

6 46% 1 8% 6 46% 0 0%

service 15 50% 2 7% 10 33% 3 10

% S






% S









Graph no.7

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Respondents are satisfied with their pen or not

Interpretation :- 98% respondents are satisfied with the performance of their pen

Options No of respondents


Yes 98 98%

No 2 2%

Total 100 100%

yes98% no


graph no. 8

Table. 8

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respondents want to change the pen

Interpretation:-Most of the respondents(60%) are satisfied with pen and are not intend to change the pen

Options No. of respondents


Yes 7 7%

No 60 60%

May be 33 33%

Table .9




graph no 9

yes no may be

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Preference of the respondents those want to change the pens

Interpretation:- cello max writer & Reynolds are the 1st choice of the respondents to change their pen .

Options cello Reynolds

Peter parker

montex Any other Total(yes, may be )

No of respondents

13 12 7 7 1 40

Percentage 33% 31% 17% 17% 2% 100%

Table .10

cello reynolods peter parker

montex any other0




Chart TitleGraph no 10

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Purchasing point of pens

interpretation:- Above graph shows that most of respondents bought their pen from shops (i.e.80%) where as only 14% respondents bought their pen from malls and just 6% people bought form sales man

Options No of respondents

% age

Shops 80 80%

malls 14 14%

Sales man 6 6%

Total 100 100%

Table .11



graph no11.

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Recommendation given to the friends

Interpretation:- Above table and graph is showing that 33% respondents prefer the cello pen, 31% respondents prefer the Reynolds , 25% preference to montex and just 11% preference to peter parker

options Cello Reynolds

Peter parker

Montex Total

No. of respondents

33 31 11 25 100

Percentage 33% 31% 11% 25% 100%

Table .12



peter parker11%


Graph no.12

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Respondent’s visit to any pen factory

Interpretation:-from the above information we came to know that 27% respondents have visited in pen’s factory where as 73% have not yet visited in any pen’s factory.

Table .13

Options Yes No Tatal

No of respondents

27 73 100

% age 27% 73%



Graph no.13

yes No

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Finding of the research • Cello have largest market share as compare to other 3 pens ,

39% Respondents are using the cello max writer pen,29% Respondents are using the Reynolds ,16% Respondents are using the peter parker pen and 15% Respondents are using the montex where as 9% people using any other pen

• 17% respondents prefer the design of the pen ,smoothness is preferred by 41% people,14% people preferred price , 21% respondents preferred ink and 8 % respondents preferred grip of the pen.

• 56% respondents using their pen for college work , 28 % respondents using their pen for office work , 9% respondents using their pen for business purpose and 7% people uses their pen for other cases .

• 54% respondents are influenced by advertisement ,34% respondents are influenced by friends , 6%respondents are influenced by family .

• 98 % respondents satisfied with their pen • 27 % have been visited to pen manufacturing plant

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• The sample size was very small as compared to the market of pens.

• The constraint of time also prevent an in depth research of the subject under study .

• Area of the Research is limited up to LCET and Ludhiana

• Sometimes respondents does not give the exact information due to personal reasons .

• All the persons could not be covered due to large population.

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Conclusion While the demand for Pen’s is never ending . The pen’s segment is dominated by the cello max writer , Reynolds , peter parker , montex . etc.The survey done by us was on the topic ,”A Study of most preferred pen among the respondents. ”. The survey was done in LCET.,LUDHIANA and the sample size was 100 respondents. Analyzing the report it is clear that cello max writer is most preferred pen among the respondents .Under this survey it was also analyzed that respondents give more importance to smoothness ,grip and design of the pen.Most of respondents are attracted by the advertisement as the source of information for purchasing pens.

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QUESTIONAIREWe Avinash choudhary and narender Kumar of department of business management of LUDHIANA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY KATANI KALAN are undergoing a project on “comparative analysis of the customers towards pens” for the purpose this we need to get this questionnaire fill. Please spare some minute from your precious time. Q1 do you have a pen?Ans. YES c NO Q2 which company?Ans. a) Cello max writer . b) Reynolds c) Peter parker d) Montex e) Any otherQ3 which of following feature influence you buy this pen?Ans.(a)Design (b)Price (c)Ink (d) smoothness (e) Grip (F) Any other Q.4 For what purpose do use this penAns. (a) for office work (b) college work (c) Business purpose (d) Any other work

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Q.5 what were the source of information used by you in making the purchase decision?Ans. (a) Advertisement (b) friends (c) Family (d) any otherQ.6 Are you satisfied with the performance of pen?Ans. (a) yes (b NoQ.7 from where do you prefer to buying the pen?Ans. (a) shops (b) salesman (c) malls (d) any otherQ.8 Are you intend to change the pen?Ans. (a) yes (b) No (c)May be Q9.if yes then which pen company brand you would like to purchase?Ans. (a) cello max writer (b) pilot (c) Reynolds (d) Any other Q.10.what you like most in your pen?Ans. (a) smoothness (b) Grip (c) Good ink (d) any other, specify Q.11.which pen you would like to recommend to your friend?Ans. (a) cello max writer (b) peter parker (c) Reynold (d) any other number_________________________________________________________

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Q.12.Have you ever visit any factory of pen?Ans. (a) yes (b) No People’s descriptionQ.13. Name Q.14. Age: (a)15-20 (b)20-25 (c) 25-35 (d)35-45 (e) 45-55 Q15.category:(a) student (b) businessman (c) service Q.16.Address with phone number_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

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