rajya sabha - · 376 rajya...

376 RAJYA SABHA ———— List of Questions for WRITTEN ANSWERS to be asked at a sitting of the Rajya Sabha to be held on Thursday, July 24, 2014/Sravana 2, 1936 (Saka) ———— (Ministries : Prime Minister; Atomic Energy; Development of North Eastern Region; Earth Sciences; Environment, Forests and Climate Change; External Affairs; Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises; Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation; Information and Broadcasting; Overseas Indian Affairs; Parliamentary Affairs; Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions; Planning; Science and Technology; Social Justice and Empowerment; Space; Statistics and Programme Implementation; Tribal Affairs; Urban Development; Women and Child Development) Total number of questions — 155 Decisions taken by Cabinet 1676. DR. T.N. SEEMA: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: (a) whether it is mandatory for all departments of Government of India to comply with Cabinet decisions; (b) the manner in which Cabinet ensures whether its decisions are being compiled with or not, and action taken against the department, if any, which misleads the Cabinet; (c) whether all the reasons cited in the Cabinet Note on the basis of which decisions are taken by the Cabinet form part of its decision; if not, the justification behind those reasons on whose basis Cabinet take decision; and (d) who is responsible for the implementation of the decisions taken by the Cabinet and Cabinet Committees? Rare Earths in Kollam 1677. SHRI K.N. BALAGOPAL: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: (a) whether Government has data regarding the deposit of Rare Earths in Kollam District in Kerala, if so, the details thereof; (b) the components of minerals contained in the above; and (c) whether Government has plans to utilize the Rare Earths for value added products? Concern over nuclear liability law 1678. SHRIMATI JAYA BACHCHAN: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: (a) whether many countries have expressed their concern regarding the nuclear liability law;

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List of Questions for WRITTEN ANSWERS

to be asked at a sitting of the Rajya Sabha to be held onThursday, July 24, 2014/Sravana 2, 1936 (Saka)


(Ministries : Prime Minister; Atomic Energy; Development of North EasternRegion; Earth Sciences; Environment, Forests and Climate Change; ExternalAffairs; Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises; Housing and Urban Poverty

Alleviation; Information and Broadcasting; Overseas Indian Affairs;Parliamentary Affairs; Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions;Planning; Science and Technology; Social Justice and Empowerment;

Space; Statistics and Programme Implementation; Tribal Affairs;Urban Development; Women and Child Development)

Total number of questions — 155

Decisions taken by Cabinet

1676. DR. T.N. SEEMA: Will thePRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is mandatory for alldepartments of Government of India tocomply with Cabinet decisions;

(b) the manner in which Cabinetensures whether its decisions are beingcompiled with or not, and action takenagainst the department, if any, whichmisleads the Cabinet;

(c) whether all the reasons cited in theCabinet Note on the basis of whichdecisions are taken by the Cabinet formpart of its decision; if not, the justificationbehind those reasons on whose basisCabinet take decision; and

(d) who is responsible for theimplementation of the decisions taken bythe Cabinet and Cabinet Committees?

Rare Earths in Kollam

1677. SHRI K.N. BALAGOPAL: Willthe PRIME MINISTER be pleased tostate:

(a) whether Government has dataregarding the deposit of Rare Earths inKollam District in Kerala, if so, the detailsthereof;

(b) the components of mineralscontained in the above; and

(c) whether Government has plans toutilize the Rare Earths for value addedproducts?

Concern over nuclear liability law

1678. SHRIMATI JAYABACHCHAN: Will the PRIMEMINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether many countries haveexpressed their concern regarding thenuclear liability law;

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

(b) if so, Government’s stand in thisregard; and

(c) whether Government plans toamend the law or water it down to addressinternational concerns, and if so, thereasons therefor?

Facilities for workers in Atomicprojects

1679. DR. V. MAITREYAN: Will thePRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government hasconstructed adequate infrastructurefacilities to shelter large number ofworkers working at various ongoingprojects at the Madras Atomic PowerPlant, Indira Gandhi Centre for AtomicResearch (IGCAR) and BhartiyaNabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited(BHAVINI) at Kalpakkam;

(b) if so, the details thereof and thesupport to be extended for the constructionof these multi-stories buildings at AnuPuram in Kalpakkam, near Chennai;

(c) the details of the technological andfinancial support extended byGovernment to multi-speciality hospitalsand schools in Kalpakkam; and

(d) the measures taken to provide thesefacilities in the vicinity of Kudankulamnuclear power plant?

Preparation of nuclear and radiationsafety policy

1680. SHRI PALVAI GOVARDHANREDDY: Will the PRIME MINISTER bepleased to state:

(a) the reasons that Atomic EnergyRegulatory Board (AERB) so far notprepared nuclear and radiation safety

policy in spite of getting Board's approvalin 1983;

(b) the reasons for not developing 27safety documents by AERB even after 25years of its approval;

(c) whether the above lacuna have beenpointed out by the CAG in the recentlysubmitted Report; and

(d) if so, the action DAE has taken onthem?

Production of atomic energy inGujarat

†1681. SHRI LAL SINH VADODIA:Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleasedto state:

(a) the States where atomic energy isgenerated in the country, alongwith thelocations;

(b) whether Gujarat produces atomicenergy; and

(c) if so, the places; if not, whetherGovernment intends to produce atomicenergy in Gujarat?

Lack of development in NorthEastern India


(a) whether Government has taken noteof the lack of development in North EastIndia compared to other parts of thecountry;

(b) if so, whether Government hasdeveloped a roadmap for development ofNorth East India; and

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

(c) if so, the details along with timelinesand budgets and if not, the reasons for thesame?

Policy for people from north-easternStates

1683. DR. T.N. SEEMA: Will theMinister of DEVELOPMENT OFNORTH EASTERN REGION be pleasedto state:

(a) whether people from north-easternStates are getting alienated from the nationalmainstream, if so, the details thereof andthe reasons therefor;

(b) whether the look-east policy ofGovernment has failed to organise adecentralised multilevel developmentalstrategy aimed at basic infrastructure andall inclusive growth of the region, if so, thereaction of Government thereto;

(c) if not, the reasons therefor and theachievements made during last five years;and

(d) the steps taken by Government toprovide opportunities, honour, dignity andequality to people from north-east?

Checking of environmental pollutionlevel

†1684. SHRI LAL SINH VADODIA:Will the Minister of EARTH SCIENCESbe pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Governmentis testing the level of environmentalpollution in Delhi and other cities of thecountry;

(b) if so, whether it is also a fact thatthe pollution is on the rise in other citiesof the country including Delhi;

(c) if so, whether Government iscontemplating to take any step to checkthe pollution; and

(d) if so, the steps Government wouldtake and by when, if not, the reasonstherefor?

Pending application forclearance

1685. SHRI TARUN VIJAY: Will theMinister of ENVIRONMENT, FORESTSAND CLIMATE CHANGE be pleasedto state:

(a) the number of applications pendingfor clearance and have been cleared in lastone year for making roads and publicutility purposes in Uttarakhand, HimachalPradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh,Sikkim and North Eastern States; and

(b) whether Government is of the viewthat in critical and sensitive border areas,development work must not be halteddue to the forest and environmentalclearance conditions?

Environmental clearance for SingajiThermal Power Project


(a) whether the Madhya Pradesh’sSingaji Thermal Power Project has receivedthe Ministry’s proposal for forestclearance; and

(b) if not, the reasons therefor and bywhen it will be approved?

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Fixing of green bonus for States


(a) the criteria adopted for fixing ofGreen Bonus for the States along with thedetails thereof;

(b) the list of States that are deemed tobe entitled for Green Bonus in the country;

(c) whether environment and forestsenrichment work undertaken in the Stateof Uttarakhand are lesser than thoseundertaken in other States; and

(d) if not, the details of reasons forgiving less Green Bonus to the States?

Buffer zone around Okhla BirdSanctuary

1688. DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY:Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE bepleased to state:

(a) whether Government is consideringbuffer zone around Okhla Bird Sanctuaryas an eco-sensitive or no developmentzone;

(b) if so, whether it would allow theproposal of Haryana and Uttar PradeshGovernments to declare 100 metresaround the zone;

(c) if not, would it ensure that theproposed eco-sensitive zone should notcause hardship to the people who haveinvested in about 60,000 flats in the region,since most of them are from low middleclass family having taken home loans frombanks; and

(d) whether Government would issueguidelines and safety norms for future

construction in the region, if so, the detailsthereof?

Allocation of forests to industrieswithout clearance

†1689. SHRI LAL SINH VADODIA:Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGEbe pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that several Statesin the country have allocated the foreststo the industries even without obtainingthe approval of the Ministry;

(b) if so, whether Government is goingto take any action to save the jungles; and

(c) if so, the details thereof and by whenand if not, the reasons therefor?

Concern for threat of climate change

1690. PROF. SAIF-UD-DIN SOZ:Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE bepleased to state:

(a) the level of Government’s concernfor the threat of climate change; and

(b) whether Government proposes tomaintain balance between developmentand protection of environment and ecologygiving priority to the safeguards forprotecting the ecology which has alreadybecome fragile?

Setting up of National ConservationBreeding Centre


(a) whether proposal has been receivedfrom Rajasthan Government for setting up

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

National Conservation Breeding Centre for'Gondavan' (Great Indian Bustard), if so,when this proposal was received;

(b) whether Government has accordedits approval to the proposal for setting upNational Conservation Breeding Centre;and

(c) if so, the date on which approvalwas given, if not, the reasons therefor?

Schemes for extending forest cover


(a) the details of the various schemessanctioned over the years for extendingforest cover in the country;

(b) if so, the increase in forest coverwith the implementation of these schemes;and

(c) the names of States where forestcover has increased?

Forestry projects with externalfinancial aid

1693. DR. KANWAR DEEP SINGH:Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGEbe pleased to state:

(a) whether the Ministry isimplementing forestry projects in thecountry with external financial aid; if so,the number of such projects completed;

(b) the amount of fund granted andutilized for forestry projects, for the lastthree years; and

(c) the list of States in which theprojects are implemented; and the criteriafor selecting States for the programme?

Cities generating maximum plasticwaste

1694. SHRI KALPATARU DAS: Willthe Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE bepleased to state:

(a) the major cities in India thatgenerate maximum plastic waste;

(b) whether such waste is very harmfulto the residents of such cities/towns;

(c) if so, whether Government has laiddown certain guidelines/instructions for thesafety of the workers so employed insuch plastic industries, if so, the detailsthereof; and

(d) the mechanism to ensure that suchguidelines are followed by all concerned?

Deterioration in river waters

1695. SHRI HUSAIN DALWAI: Willthe Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE bepleased to state:

(a) whether deterioration in riverwaters is largely due to discharge of raw/partially treated sewage into the rivers, ifso, the details thereof;

(b) the estimated waste-watergeneration per day in Class I cities andClass II towns in the country;

(c) against this, what is the treatmentcapacity available per day at present; and

(d) in what manner Governmentpropose to narrow and ultimately wipeout this gap?

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Forest land used for public projects

1696. DR. R. LAKSHMANAN: Willthe Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE bepleased to state.

(a) the details of forest land which wereused for Public Projects during the lastthree years;

(b) whether Government has fixed anyparameters which are to be taken intoconsideration for deciding the projectswhich will be in the interest of public atlarge; and

(c) whether any comprehensive studywas undertaken to ascertain the loss offorest cover after allotting the forest landfor public projects, if so, the detailsthereof?

Definition of reserved forest area

†1697. SHRI PRABHAT JHA: Willthe Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE bepleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact thatindustrialization and developmentalactivities are not allowed in forest areaclassified as reserved area, if so, the detailsthereof; and

(b) whether there is any proposal tochange the definition of reserved forestarea, if so, the details thereof?

Clearance to developmental projects

†1698. SHRI NARESH AGRAWAL:Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE bepleased to state:

(a) whether the developmental projectsheld up due to lack of clearance by theprevious Government will be cleared;

(b) the policy to be adopted to giveclearance to the developmental projects;and

(c) whether development will be givenpriority or environmental balance will beour concern while giving clearance?

Poaching of wildlife around NationalParks


(a) whether it is a fact that large scalepoaching of wildlife is going on in andaround the National Parks and zoos in thecountry during the last two years;

(b) if so, the details thereof, year-wise,category-wise, national park-wise; and

(c) the action being taken to protectwildlife and to punish the guilty?

Environmental clearance norms forprojects


(a) whether Government has decidedto relax environmental clearance norms forprojects requiring forest land, if so, thedetails thereof and the reasons therefor;

(b) whether an adverse impact onenvironment is likely to take place in theevent of such relaxations, if so, the reactionof the Government thereto; and

(c) whether Government hasformulated any guidelines so as to reducethe diversion of forest land, and if so, thedetails thereof and if not, the reasonstherefor?

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

Maharashtra request forenvironmental clearance


(a) whether Central Government hasreceived any request from the StateGovernment of Maharashtra regardinggrant of environmental clearance to theproposals of dam construction in theState, if so, the details thereof as on date,the latest status of this proposal; and

(b) by when this proposal is proposedto be finalised along with the reasons fordelay?

Relaxation from environmentalclearance


(a) whether the demand for givingrelaxation from the environmental clearancefor the mines with an area of less than fivehectare of secondary minerals in MadhyaPradesh will be met to fulfil theemployment and construction relatedneeds of the people; and

(b) if so, the action taken so far alongwith the status of the clearance?

Lake rehabilitation projects

1703. DR. CHANDAN MITRA: Willthe Minister of ENVIRONMENT,FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE bepleased to state:

(a) the details of lake rehabilitationprojects undertaken under the National

Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-System (NPCA)-State-wise;

(b) the progress status of each of theprojects undertaken under NPCA; and

(c) the fresh steps taken byGovernment to restore and conserve allthe fast degrading lakes of the countryespecially in Madhya Pradesh through anintegrated eco-system approach?

Assistance for forest cover in hilly andterrain districts

1704. DR. V. MAITREYAN: Will theMinister of ENVIRONMENT, FORESTSAND CLIMATE CHANGE be pleasedto state:

(a) whether Government has providedany financial and logistic assistance forincreasing the forest cover in hilly andterrain districts of country;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the listof such districts in the country;

(c) whether it is a fact that the forestcover in the country are in decrease due toacute water shortage and environmentaldegradation by human agencies;

(d) the remedial steps taken byGovernment to provide adequatetechnological and financial support toincrease the forest cover in these districts;and

(e) the total funds allocated to TamilNadu in the last three years in this regard?

Plan for plantation of trees


(a) whether Government is aware that

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water enrichment is being affected due tochir, poplar and eucalyptus trees in thecountry;

(b) if so, whether Government wouldconsider to make any action plan forplantation of trees saving water in placeof chir trees in hilly areas and poplar andeucalyptus trees in plain areas so that theeffect on water enrichment may be ended;and

(c) if not, the mode and steps whichGovernment is going to take for reducingthe spread of chir, poplar and eucalyptus,so that depletion of ground water may becontained?

New Haats on Bangladesh Meghalayaborder

1706. SHRIMATI WANSUK SYIEM:Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether India has firmed upagreements with Bangladesh, during therecent visit of India's External AffairsMinister to Dhaka, on opening up fournew haats on the Bangladesh-Meghalayaborder;

(b) whether agreements were reachedto commence Bus Service from Dhaka andother cities in Bangladesh to Shillong inMeghalaya and Guwahati in Assam; and

(c) if so, the details of the agreementsand the time-frame set forimplementation?

Strengthening of India-ASEAN ties

1707. SHRI TARUN VIJAY: Will theMinister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS bepleased to state:

(a) whether Government has envisageda new and better policy to strengthenIndia-Association of Southeast Asian

Nations (ASEAN) ties, specially inrelation to trade, investment and culturalrelations, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the total quantum of investment inIndia from ASEAN countries and theIndian investment in ASEAN countries tillMarch, 2014; and

(c) the targets set for the next ten yearsand the methodology to achieve them?

Special schemes for Indian citizenswho returned from Iraq

1708. SHRI K.N. BALAGOPAL: Willthe Minister of OVERSEAS INDIANAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has noticedabout the difficulties face by the Indiansin Iraq and the citizens who came backfrom Iraq; and

(b) if so, whether Government isplanning for any special scheme to helpthem to get employment inside India?

Status of Indo-Pak relation

1709. SHRIMATI SASIKALAPUSHPA: Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the latest status of the Indo-Pakrelations;

(b) whether there has beenimprovement in bilateral relations withPakistan, if so, the details thereof; and

(c) whether Indian Government hastaken up the issue of state-sponsoredterrorism with Pakistan so that it stopscreating troubles on our borders in future,and if so, the details thereof?

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UN security council reforms



Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether India's representative tothe UN emphasized recently in theinternational meeting, G4 bloc of Brazil,Germany, India and Japan, the muchneeded UN Security Council reforms, tomake it more effective and representative,if so, the details thereof;

(b) the response that was made by theUnited Nations Security Council (UNSC)permanent members; and

(c) the overall progress made towardsembarking upon ambitious post-2015development agenda for the UNSC,including a permanent seat for India?

Complicated procedure for passports



Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that on-linesystem of applying for the passports andestablishment of Passport Sewa Kendrashave complicated the procedure of issuingPassport and is resulting into moreharassment and exploitation of Passportseekers;

(b) whether it is also a fact that thepresent system is delaying the issuance ofPassports and has increased the role oftouts and middlemen; and

(c) if so, the steps being taken tostreamline the system?

Establishment of Indo-Sri Lankatrade center

1712. DR. E.M. SUDARSANANATCHIAPPAN: Will the Minister ofEXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased tostate:

(a) whether Government of India iscontemplating an agreement with Sri Lankato establish "Indo-Sri Lanka Trade Center"in the Island "Katchatheevu", to developthe Trade as MFN and to have permanentsolution to solve the dispute; and

(b) if so, whether Island having nohabitation should be used for day timealone as done during "barter system"which was in existence focusing on eco-tourism too?

Attack on Consulate in Herat,Afghanistan

1713. SHRI RITABRATABANERJEE: Will the Minister ofEXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased tostate.

(a) whether there was an attack on theIndian Consulate in Herat, Afghanistan on23 May, 2014, if so, was there anycasualty;

(b) if so, was there any injuriessustained by the officials and the staff ofthe Indian Consulate; and

(c) whether the AfghanistanGovernment have been able to trace andcapture the culprits behind the attacks?

Shortage of diplomats

1714. SHRIMATI JAYABACHCHAN: Will the Minister ofEXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased tostate:

(a) whether there is a shortage ofdiplomats in India in comparison to other

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major countries, if so, the details thereofand the reasons therefor; and

(b) whether Government has taken anystep to address the issues, if so, the detailsthereof, and if not, the reasons therefor?

Hindu families displaced inPakistan

†1715. SHRI LAL SINH VADODIA:Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Hindufamilies living in Pakistan were displacedduring elimination of extremists;

(b) if so, whether Indian Governmenthas expressed its concern thereon toPakistan Government; and

(c) if so, Pakistan Government'sreaction thereto and if not, the reasonstherefor?

Revisiting of Nuclear Liability Bill

1716. SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Willthe Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRSbe pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has enteredinto/signed an additional Protocol withInternationalAtomic Energy Agency(IAEA) on Nuclear Safeguards, if so, thedetails thereof; and

(b) whether Government proposes torevisit the Nuclear Liability Bill forenhanced co-operation in civil NuclearEnergy with partner countries?

Continuation of Nuclear Weapon Freeand Non-Violent World Order

1717. SHRI MANI SHANKARAIYAR: Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government continues toendorse the Action Plan for a NuclearWeapons Free and Non-Violent WorldOrder presented by former Prime MinisterRajiv Gandhi to the UN on 09 June 1988and the Working Paper on Global NuclearDisarmament circulated by India at UNGAin 2006;

(b) whether Government has acceptedthe recommendations made in the Reportof the Informal Group on the Rajiv GandhiAction Plan submitted in 2011; and

(c) if so, the further steps proposed tobe taken in this regard?

Hiring of consultants for businesspromotion

1718. SHRIMATI WANSUK SYIEM:Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether with the privatization/outsourcing trend catching up, Governmentwould consider hiring private sectorexecutives/independent consultants/professionals for business promotionunder the Indian Foreign Service on shorttime assignments;

(b) whether India would also considerengaging firms for lobbying its interests/causes with overseas countries like US,European Union etc; and

(c) the other measures Governmentwould consider to engage eminent Indiancitizens in the realm of art, literature andeducation in its diplomatic effortsoverseas?

Rail link from China to Gwadar port

1719. SHRI ARVIND KUMARSINGH: Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is aware that

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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China has commissioned a research studyto build international rail link from China'sXinjiang to Gwadar port in Pakistan viadisputed territory occupied by Pakistanbut claimed by India, if so, the responseof Government thereto;

(b) whether Government has raised theissue of international rail -link with ChineseGovernment; and

(c) if so, the details of the response ofChinese Government thereto, if not, thereasons therefor?

Shifting of headquarter of HajCommittee



Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that suggestions/request have been received for shifting theheadquarter of Haj Committee of Indiafrom Mumbai to Delhi; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and theaction being taken in this regard?

Transferring of subject of Haj to otherMinistry



Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether any suggestions have beenreceived for transferring the subject of Hajto the Ministry of Minority Affairs; and

(b) if so, the details of the stand of theMinistry in this regard?

Waiving of second policeverification

1722. SHRI B.K. HARIPRASAD: Willthe Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRSbe pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is set to waivea second police verification in case of apassport renewal;

(b) whether the new guidelines wouldexempt minors, Government servants andsenior citizens from undergoing the policeverification; and

(c) whether by making the passportdelivery system time-bound, especiallythe police verification process,Government would be able to discontinuethe Tatkal system in passport issue, if so,the details thereof?

Building of SAARC headquarter inIndia

1723. SHRIMATI WANSUK SYIEM:Will the Minister of EXTERNALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government, in a move toboost the relationship with its neighbours,has offered to build a headquarter for SouthAsian Association for RegionalCooperation (SAARC) in India;

(b) whether SAARC headquarter ispresently located in Kathmandu; and

(c) whether of late top levelfunctionaries in India are meeting theircounterparts in the Asia Pacific Regionfor initiating dialogues towards closerregional economic collaboration, if so, thedetails thereof?

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One heavy industry in each district

1724. SHRI BHUPENDER YADAV:Will the Minister of HEAVYINDUSTRIES AND PUBLICENTERPRISES be pleased to statewhether Government is contemplating toset up atleast one heavy industry in eachdistrict of the country specifically in underdeveloped and backward areas?

Revival/restructure of HMT(bearings)


(a) whether it is a fact that the Ministryhas undertaken revival/restructure ofHMT (bearings), Hyderabad, if so, thedetails thereon; and

(b) the details of funds released duringthe last three years, year-wise and bywhen the revival process would becompleted?

Legal assistance to overseas Indians

1726. SHRIMATI KANIMOZHI:Will the Minister of OVERSEAS INDIANAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether legal assistance is providedfor overseas Indian workers;

(b) the number of overseas Indianworkers who have availed funds for legalexpenses under this scheme in the last threeyears; and

(c) whether Government has alsoconsidered setting up of Legal Cells in theembassies for providing legal aid todeserving overseas Indian workers?

Mechanical defects due tomanufacturing aspect for

car fire incidents

1727. DR. CHANDAN MITRA: Willthe Minister of HEAVY INDUSTRIESAND PUBLIC ENTERPRISES be pleasedto state:

(a) whether Government proposes toset up an agency to investigate vehicle firestaking manufacturing aspect includingserious technical and mechanical defectsinto consideration;

(b) the total number of incidents of carfire and the total number of persons dieddue to such fires during the last three years,year-wise; and

(c) the corrective steps taken byGovernment to check the increasingnumber of vehicle fires?

Heavy Industries and PublicEnterprises in Bihar


(a) the details of Heavy Industries andPublic Enterprises in Bihar;

(b) their annual turnover and theprofit/loss volume;

(c) their effect on the economy of theState; and

(d) the role of Government inimproving the development of the Statesthrough these measures?

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

Shortage of housing for weakersections


(a) whether the overall shortage in EWS(Economically Weaker Sections) and LIG(Lower Income Groups) housing in Indiahas been estimated at 25 million dwellingunits;

(b) whether the investmentrequirement in urban India where most ofthe demand exists is ` 7,50,000 crore, ifso, how is the estimated expenditure goingto be generated; and

(c) whether Government intends touse part of the JNNURM funds for directprovisioning of housing for poor urbanhouseholds and if not, the reasonstherefor?

SJSRY in Andhra Pradesh

1730. DR. K.V.P. RAMACHANDRARAO: Will the Minister of HOUSINGAND URBAN POVERTYALLEVIATION be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Ministryhas been implementing a CentrallySponsored Scheme namely Swarna JayantiShahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY); if so, thedetails thereof and the major objectives ofthe scheme;

(b) the amount of assistance providedto Andhra Pradesh; and

(c) the number of beneficiariesassisted in the country including AndhraPradesh?

Rural to urban migration

†1731. SHRI NARESH AGRAWAL:Will the Minister of HOUSING ANDURBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION bepleased to state:

(a) whether urban poverty is risingsharply due to increasing migration fromvillages to cities; and

(b) if so, the steps being taken byGovernment to curb this rise and if not,the reasons therefor?

JNNURM for urban slums


(a) to what extent JNNURM helped inreducing slums in the country;

(b) the efforts being made by theMinistry to reduce urban slums from 11per cent to more acceptable level; and

(c) whether any special emphasis ismade in the Twelfth Plan on this count, ifso, the details thereof?

Rate of decline in urban poverty

1733. SHRI HUSAIN DALWAI: Willthe Minister of HOUSING ANDURBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION bepleased to state:

(a) the details regarding the rate ofdecline in the urban poverty in the period2004-05 to 2011-12;

(b) in what manner, this compares withthe decline registered during 1993-94 to2004-05;

(c) the details of the factors responsiblefor decline in urban poverty; and

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(d) how Government proposes toaddress this issue in the Twelfth Five YearPlan 2012- 2017?

Rajiv Awas Yojana in Odisha

1734. SHRI BHUPINDER SINGH:Will the Minister of HOUSING ANDURBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION bepleased to state the special provision underRajiv Awas Yojana for the backward areasof the country and the amount of fundssanctioned for Odisha under Rajiv AwasYojana?

Skill development for urban poor

1735. SHRI S. THANGAVELU: Willthe Minister of HOUSING ANDURBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION bepleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the skilldevelopment among the urban poor is anissue which needs to be addressedurgently; and

(b) whether it is also a fact thatGovernment has held a meeting to addressthe issue of skill development for the urbanpoor through public private partnershipsand corporate as the Government alonecould not provide jobs, if so, the detailsthereof?

Amenities to urban population

1736. SHRI S. THANGAVELU: Willthe Minister of HOUSING ANDURBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION bepleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the urbanpopulation would increase from 32 percent today to 50 per cent by 2020;

(b) whether it is also a fact that forproviding urban housing, the States, local

bodies, private sector banks, the publicsector and agencies such as the LifeInsurance Corporation of India would beinvolved, if so, the details thereof; and

(c) whether Government had set anytarget to make housing units in urbanareas?

NUHHP in Andhra Pradesh

1737. DR. K.V.P. RAMACHANDRARAO: Will the Minister of HOUSINGAND URBAN POVERTYALLEVIATION be pleased to state:

(a) the mandate of the National UrbanHousing and Habitat Policy (NUHHP),2007;

(b) the achievement made so far underthe policy; and

(c) the amount of assistance given toAndhra Pradesh?

BPL in Andhra Pradesh

1738. DR. K.V.P. RAMACHANDRARAO: Will the Minister of HOUSINGAND URBAN POVERTYALLEVIATION be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that as per thepoverty estimates released by the PlanningCommission, the percentage of populationbelow poverty line in urban areas hasdeclined from 25.5 per cent in 2004-05 to13.7 per cent in 2011-12; if so, the figuresfor Andhra Pradesh; and

(b) the major schemes beingimplemented in this regard in the countryincluding Andhra Pradesh?

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ILCS in Maharashtra


(a) whether Government has receivedany request from the Government ofMaharashtra regarding Centrallysponsored Integrated Low Cost SanitationScheme (ILCS), if so, the details thereofas on date; and

(b) the latest status of this proposaland by when this proposal is proposed tobe finalized along with the reasons fordelay?

Flats for poor


Will the Minister of HOUSING ANDURBAN POVERTY, ALLEVIATION bepleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the flats arebeing constructed for the poor in Delhiunder the Jawaharlal Nehru NationalUrban Renewal Mission;

(b) the details of total flats beingconstructed in the phased manner and thedetails of allotment process of these flats;

(c) the amount of money allocated bythe Jawaharlal Nehru National UrbanRenewal Mission under the above saidproject; and

(d) the comprehensive details of thenames of agencies associated with theconstruction work and the number of flatsfor which the construction work has beenallotted?

New Housing Policy

†1741. SHRI MOHAMMEDADEEB: Will the Minister of HOUSINGAND URBAN POVERTYALLEVIATION be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government proposes tochalk out new Housing Policy, the detailsthereof; and

(b) by when this policy will beimplemented?

Centre of National Excellence topremier film institutes

1742. SHRI S. THANGAVELU: Willthe Minister of INFORMATION ANDBROADCASTING be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Governmentis considering to accord the Centre ofNational Excellence to premier filminstitutes in the country, if so, the detailsthereof; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that thismeasure would enable the institutes todraw a road map to address the growingneeds of media and entertainment industry,if so, the details thereof?

E-auction of FM radios

1743. SHRI MOHD. ALI KHAN: Willthe Minister of INFORMATION ANDBROADCASTING be pleased to state:

(a) whether phase-III e-auction for FMradios took place; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and theresponse received so far?

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

Telecast of vulgar songs

1744. SHRI RAJKUMAR DHOOT:Will the Minister of INFORMATIONAND BROADCASTING be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that vulgar songsparticularly Bhojpuri and Punjabi songsare being telecast by various TV channelswhich is spoiling the minds of the peopleparticularly the youth; and

(b) if so, the remedial measuresGovernment propose to take to tackle themenace?

TV channels promoting superstitionand blind belief

1745. DR. R. LAKSHMANAN: Willthe Minister of INFORMATION ANDBROADCASTING be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that there isincrease in the number of TV channelsairing programmes which promotesuperstition and blind belief, if so, theaction taken against those TV channels;and

(b) whether Government would bringin any content regulatory mechanism tocontrol such programmes and if so, thedetails thereof'?

Doordarshan and AIR stations in thecountry

1746. DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY:Will the Minister of INFORMATIONAND BROADCASTING be pleased tostate:

(a) the number of Doordarshan and AllIndia Radio (AIR) stations in the country,State-wise, including Andhra Pradesh andTelangana, location-wise;

(b) the details of upgradation andmodernisation works undertaken in thesestations during each of the last three yearsand the current year, location-wise;

(c) the number of vacancies in each ofthese stations, since when they exist andefforts taken to fill them up; and

(d) the details of non-functionalDoordarshan and AIR stations in thecountry including Andhra Pradesh andTelangana?

Telecast of Pakistan TV


(a) the dates on which complaints werereceived by Government during the lastthree years regarding telecast of PakistanTV in the bordering districts of thecountry;

(b) if so, the details of measures takenby Government in the last three years tocheck it; and

(c) whether Government plans toinstall high power transmitters in thebordering districts, if so, by when and ifnot, the reasons therefor?

Broadcast of News by private FMchannels

1748. SHRI TARUN VIJAY: Will theMinister of INFORMATION ANDBROADCASTING be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is planning toallow private FM channels to broadcastnews; and

(b) if so, under what conditions andfrom when?

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Development of Panaji DoordarshanStudio

1749. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK:Will the Minister of INFORMATIONAND BROADCASTING be pleased tostate:

(a) whether there is any plan to expandand develop Panaji Doordarshan Studio;

(b) the items Government proposes forexpanding and developing the studio andcost of each item projected and incurred;

(c) whether Government proposes toallot required staff to the studio; and

(d) the details of the staff strength atpresent, staff ideally needed to run such astudio and staff that Governmentproposes to give to the studio for propercoverage and for increasing the limit ofduration of telecast?

Portability of DTH providers

1750. SHRIMATI JAYABACHCHAN: Will the Minister ofINFORMATION ANDBROADCASTING be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has taken noteof the differential in pricing and servicequality by different Direct-to-homeproviders;

(b) if so, whether Government plansto allow portability of DTH providers;

(c) if so, the details thereof; and

(d) if not, the reasons therefor?

Single-window system for filmproduction

1751. SHRI BAISHNAB PARIDA:Will the Minister of INFORMATIONAND BROADCASTING be pleased tostate.

(a) whether it is proposed to set upsingle-window system for film productionif so, the details thereof;

(b) the other major grievances of thefilm industry; and

(c) the action plan to control depictionof women in bad taste in the films etc. tomaintain a congenial environment in thehouse-holds?

System to regulate private radiostations

1752. DR. KANWAR DEEP SINGH:Will the Minister of INFORMATIONAND BROADCASTING be pleased tostate.

(a) whether there is any Act whichregulates the electronic media, like thePress and Registration of Books Act(RRB) that regulates the print media andthe Press Council; if not, the reasonstherefor; and

(b) whether there is any system in placeestablished by Government to regulate theprivate radio stations?

Problem due to weak immigrationlaws

†1753. SHRI PRABHAT JHA: Willthe Minister of OVERSEAS INDIANAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a largenumber of migrant Indian labourers hasbeen trapped in several countries beingthe victims of all fraud by the employersdue to existing weak immigration law, ifso, the details thereof;

(b) the steps being taken or proposed

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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to be taken by the Government forrespectful extradition of these migrantIndian workers trapped in other countries;and

(c) whether Government proposes toamend the existing immigration law, if so,the details thereof?

Centre to help Indian workers abroad

1754. SHRI BAISHNAB PARIDA:Will the Minister of OVERSEAS INDIANAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has opened acentre to guide and help the Indian workersin UAE and other countries, if so, thedetails with feed back thereof;

(b) whether it is proposed to open suchcentres for Indian workers in othercountries as well; and

(c) whether it is proposed to run theabove help-line round the clock to addressgrievances of Indian workers, if so, thedetails thereof?

Support to Indian workers overseas

1755. SHRIMATI KANIMOZHI:Will the Minister of OVERSEAS INDIANAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Indian Embassies havebeen able to register and provide supportto overseas Indian workers, the detailsthereof;

(b) whether Government hasconsidered regulating and monitoringagents and agencies who are involved inoverseas Indian workers, the detailsthereof; and

(c) whether Government hasconsidered staffing Indian Embassies withmultilingual staff, especially those in

Singapore, Malaysia with more Tamilspeakers, if not, the reasons therefor?

Granting of dual citizenship

1756. SHRI PYARIMOHANMOHAPATRA: Will the Minister ofOVERSEAS INDIAN AFFAIRS bepleased to state:

(a) whether Government is consideringa proposal to grant dual citizenship tooverseas Indians who have taken upcitizenship in the countries of theirresidence; and

(b) if so, the time-frame by which itwould be done, if not, the reasons for thesame?

Scholarship under SPDCprogramme

1757. SHRI AVINASH RAIKHANNA: Will the Minister ofOVERSEAS INDIAN AFFAIRS bepleased to state:

(a) whether Government has started ascholarship under ScholarshipProgrammes for Diaspora Children(SPDC);

(b) the number of students who havegot admission under this scheme so far,country-wise details thereof;

(c) whether the details of admissionare based on the result dates of USA only;and

(d) whether Government wouldconsider the demand to fix the date ofadmission while keeping in mind theresults declared by different foreignuniversities, i.e . of United States ofAmerica, United Kingdom etc, if not thereasons therefor?

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

Complaints against fraudulentrecruiting agents

1758. SHRIMATI KANIMOZHI:Will the Minister of OVERSEAS INDIANAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the process of registeringcomplaints against unauthorized orfraudulent recruiting agents;

(b) the number of complaints that havebeen made against recruiting agents in thepast three years; and

(c) the action taken by Government inthis regard and if no action taken, thereasons therefor?

Reservation in Government jobs

†1759. SHRI RAMDASATHAWALE: Will the PRIMEMINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government proposes totake effective steps to ensure 25 per centreservation in Government servicesseparately for poor people of higher classwithout making any change in thereservation being provided for the peoplebelonging to Scheduled Caste, ScheduledTribe and Other Backward Class; and

(b) if so, the details thereof?

Discrimination against UPSCaspirants from Hindi Medium

1760. DR. PRADEEP KUMARBALMUCHU: Will the PRIMEMINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Union PublicService Commission (UPSC) is showingits biased attitude against Hindi aspirantsin UPSC examinations;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and thereasons therefor; and

(c) the action being taken byGovernment in this regard to protect theinterests of such candidates of UPSCexaminations?

Direction on appointing officials inMinister's staff

1761. SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Willthe PRIME MINISTER be pleased tostate:

(a) whether Government has issued adirective to all Ministries/Departmentsnot to appoint officers/officials who hadworked in any capacity/the personal staffof Ministers in the previous Governmentin the staff of Ministers of presentGovernment, and

(b) if so, the details thereof and thereasons for the decision?

Special cadre for super specialistdoctors

1762. SHRI MANSUKH L.MANDAVIYA: Will the PRIMEMINISTER be pleased to state the actionthat has been taken by the Ministry inconsultation with Ministry of Health andState Governments to create special cadrefor super specialist doctors like; IAS, IPS,IRS, IFS etc. as with a view that, most ofsuper specialist doctors are reluctant tojoin in Government services?

Introduction of C-SAT in CivilService Exams

†1763. SHRI RAMCHANDRAPRASAD SINGH: Will the PRIMEMINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the questionpaper on C-SAT has been introduced from2011 in the preliminary exam of Civil

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

Services Exam held by Union PublicService Commission (UPSC) and therehas been a sharp decrease in the numberof candidates having Indian Languages andArts background among the successfulcandidates of the years 2011, 2012 and2013 even since C-SAT has beenintroduced;

(b) whether Government would like toannul question paper on C-SAT in thepreliminary exam in order to provide alevel playing field to the candidates withIndian languages and arts background inthe national interest and for the sake ofjustice; and

(c) if so, by when and if not, the reasonstherefor?

Prohibition for appointment of PrivateSecretaries worked with UPA


†1764. SHRI RAMCHANDRAPRASAD SINGH: Will the PRIMEMINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that theappointment of private secretaries withthe Ministers in UPA regime on the postsof private secretary with the Ministers ofNDA cabinet has been prohibited and ifso, the reasons therefor; and

(b) whether the abovesaid prohibitionhas also been made applicable to thecabinet secretary and if not, the reasonstherefor?

Award to industrious Governmentstaffers

1765. SHRIMATI WANSUK SYIEM:Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleasedto state:

(a) whether Government has mooted a

proposal to award industriousGovernment staffers every month with acitation of excellence;

(b) whether Government has alsoproposed to all departments to organiseoffsite events for junior officers; and

(c) whether it has been proposed toinstall 'Idea Boxes' in all Ministries forsoliciting 'out of the box' and innovativesolutions to various issues?

Sanctioned strength of IAS officers

1766. SHRI DHIRAJ PRASADSAHU: Will the PRIME MINISTER bepleased to state:

(a) the actual requirement/ sanctionedstrength of Indian Administrative Service(IAS) officers in the country, Centre andState-wise, specially in Jharkhand,whether there is any shortage of the same;

(b) if so, the details thereof and thereasons therefor; and

(c) whether Government has anyproposal to recruit more IAS officers toremove the shortage, if so, the detailsthereof, and if not, the reasons therefor?

Problem of double/simultaneousselection in the exams

1767. SHRI VIVEK GUPTA: Will thePRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is aware ofthe conundrum that the thousands ofcandidates would face in case of theirselection in Combined Graduate Level(CGL) 2013 and CGL 2014simultaneously as both the exams are beingconducted in the same year;

(b) if so, the immediate stepsGovernment is going to take to addressthis situation affecting future of manyyoungsters;

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(c) the reasons for cancelling last year'sCombined Graduate Level, 2013examination; and

(d) the measures that Government ismulling to avoid severe cases of cheatingand copying in examinations conducted byStaff Selection Commission (SSC) in thisyear's CGL?

Identification of backward districts

1768. SHRI GARIKAPATI MOHANRAO: Will the Minister of PLANNINGbe pleased to state:

(a) the norms adopted for identificationof backward districts in the country andthe districts identified as per these normsso far, State-wise;

(b) the achievements made as a resultof the measures taken in these districts sofar; and

(c) whether Government has reviewedthe status of these districts afteridentifying as backward districts?

Norms for categorizing BPL people

1769. SHRI GARIKAPATI MOHANRAO: Will the Minister of PLANNINGbe pleased to state:

(a) the existing norms to categorizepeople living Below Poverty Line (BPL);

(b) whether there is any proposal toreview the norms for the people livingunder BPL;

(c) if so, the details thereof and thereasons therefor; and

(d) the time by which the revised normsare likely to be finalized and implemented?

CSSs for Jharkhand and Gujarat

1770. SHRI PARIMAL NATHWANI:Will the Minister of PLANNING bepleased to state:

(a) the number of Centrally SponsoredSchemes (CSSs) that are in operation inthe country vis-a-vis the States ofJharkhand, the details thereof;

(b) whether there are any instances ofmismatch between funds allocated,disbursed and utilized for financing of suchschemes, the details thereof;

(c) whether Jharkhand and Gujarat arealso in such a scenario of the mismatch incomparison of other States; and

(d) the details of the steps taken toensure that funds released for CentrallySponsored Schemes (CSSs) are utilizedproperly?

Issuance of Aadhaar Cards

1771. SHRI PALVAI GOVARDHANREDDY: Will the Minister of PLANNINGbe pleased to state:

(a) the number of Aadhaar Cards thathave so far been issued in the country sincethe beginning of this project, district-wise;

(b) whether the work in all the districtsof States has not been completed, if so,the reasons therefor;

(c) whether Home Ministry has raisedthe matter of integrity of data collected byUnique Identification Authority of India(UIDAI) as well as its security;

(d) in what manner Ministry is goingto address the security of the data socollected; and

(e) whether there is a proposal to mergeAadhaar and National Population Register,if so, the reasons therefor?

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BPL people in country

†1772. SHRI NARENDRA KUMARKASHYAP: Will the PRIME MINISTERbe pleased to state:

(a) whether a large number of peoplein the country are living below povertyline;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise/UT-wise during last three years;

(c) whether existing norms todetermine the number of people livingbelow poverty line are like obstacle inpoverty alleviation, if so, Government'sreaction thereto; and

(d) the corrective measures taken/likelyto be taken by Government thereon?

Submission of RangarajanCommittee report



Will the Minister of PLANNING bepleased to state:

(a) whether the Rangarajan Committeehas submitted its report to Governmenton Suresh Tendulkar Committee'smethodology of estimating poverty whichhad drawn flak in September, 2011 whenthe Centre had filed an affidavit in theSupreme Court;

(b) if so, whether the RangarajanCommittee review report has affirmed thefindings of the Suresh TendulkarCommittee's findings;

(c) if not, the new findings of theRangarajan Committee on poverty lineestimation; and

(d) whether the Reserve Bank of

India (RBI) Governor has recentlycommented that financial inclusion fordevelopment does not need precisepoverty definition?

Allocation of funds of CentrallySponsored Schemes

1774. SHRI VIVEK GUPTA: Will theMinister of PLANNING be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the fundsallocated for the Centrally SponsoredSchemes (CSSs) would go directly to theState Consolidated Funds bypassingImplementation Agencies;

(b) if so, the likely advantages of thechange therein; and

(c) the details of the flexi funds of 10per cent allocated to each State underCentrally Sponsored Schemes and thereusage during last one year?

Submission of RangarajanCommittee report to Government

†1775. SHRI PRABHAT JHA: Willthe Minister of PLANNING be pleasedto state:

(a) whether it is a fact that RangarajanCommittee has entrusted its reportregarding study on poverty toGovernment, and if so, the details thereof;and

(b) whether it is also a fact that thisreport has disclosed the fact that previousGovernment had presented incorrectfigures regarding poverty before thecountry, and if so, the details thereof?

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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Action to encourage women to choosecareer in S&T

1776. SHRI AMBETH RAJAN: Willthe Minister of SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government hasformulated any action to encourage womento choose career in the field of science andtechnology, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) if not, the reasons therefor?

Science and Technology projects

1777. DR. V. MAITREYAN: Will theMinister of SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:

(a) the science and technology projectsinitiated in the last three years and thedetails of the projects pending completionin the last three years;

(b) the amount allocated, disbursed andutilized for these projects, project-wise;

(c) the total amount left unutilized inthe last three years and the amountreturned; and

(d) whether Government has newlyconstituted new committees in the last twoyears and if so, the composition of thecommittees?

Women Scientist Scheme

1778. DR. R. LAKSHMANAN: Willthe Minister of SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has initiated'Women Scientist Scheme;

(b) if so, the details of the womenscientists enrolled under this scheme fromthe State of Tamil Nadu; and

(c) the details of their area of researchactivities?

Shortage of qualified scientists

1779. SHRI A. W. RABI BERNARD:Will the Minister of SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is shortage ofqualified scientists for undertakingresearch and development work in variousresearch institutions/laboratories in thecountry, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether it is a fact that a number ofscientists in various research institutions/laboratories under Government haveresigned to join more remunerativepositions in private sector and also goneabroad, if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the steps taken by Government toretain scientists in these institutions andalso to prevent their migration?

Research and developmentinstitutions

1780. SHRI C.P. NARAYANAN: Willthe Minister of SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:

(a) the number of research anddevelopment institutions under theMinistry, and the number of scientists andtechnologists working therein, the numberof the posts that are vacant now;

(b) whether these institutions are fullyutilised for the purposes for which theywere established; and

(c) whether Government has made astock taking of their work in recent years,if so, what are the conclusions?

Drug abuse among citizens

1781. SHRI B. K. HARIPRASAD: Willthe Minister of SOCIAL JUSTICE ANDEMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether after a gap of 15 years

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Government proposes to conduct anadvanced survey on the extent, patternand trend of drug abuse among thecitizens;

(b) whether the survey being conductedby the National Sample SurveyOrganisation is co-sponsored by the UNOffice on Drugs & Crime;

(c) whether Government proposes toconduct pilot surveys in Punjab andManipur to assess the extent of drug abuseespecially opiates and alcohol; and

(d) whether tobacco and gutka addictswill also be covered in this survey?

Inclusion in Scheduled Castes fromOdisha

1782. SHRI P YA R I M O H A NMOHAPATRA: Will the Minister ofSOCIAL JUSTICE ANDEMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the number of proposals receivedfrom the State Government of Odisha forinclusion of specific castes in the list ofScheduled Castes and the year(s) fromwhich such proposals are pending in caseof each caste; and

(b) whether Government would givepriority for final decision on suchproposals and bring necessaryconstitutional amendment early?

Eradication of dry latrine system

1783. DR. BHALCHANDRAMUNGEKAR: Will the Minister ofSOCIAL JUSTICE ANDEMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the number of dry latrines in thecountry as on 31 March, 2014, if so,details thereof, State-wise;

(b) the roadmap and the time-frame forthe complete eradication of the dry latrinesystem; and

(c) the total number of manualscavenger in the country and what is theplan for their rehabilitation?

Female drug users

1784. SHRI MAHENDRA SINGHMAHRA: Will the Minister of SOCIALJUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT bepleased to state:

(a) whether the Ministry or anyMinistry related agency has conductedany survey to determine the number offemale drug users in India;

(b) if so, the outcome of the surveyand action taken in this regard; and

(c) whether any treatment facilities areavailable for female drug users and if so,the details of the same?

Legislature on eradication of manualscavenging


(a) whether Government has preparedany plan to introduce a new legislation toeradicate manual scavenging in the countryand rehabilitations of manual scavengersand their family members; and

(b) if so, the details thereof along withthe funds allocated and utilized forvarious programmes/schemes foreradication of manual scavenging duringthe current year?

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

Permanent shelters for thehomeless


(a) how many States had implementedthe two-year old directive of the Hon.Supreme Court to set up permanentshelters for the homeless before the onsetof winter;

(b) the findings revealed in a studyconducted by Supreme CourtCommissioners to check the average levelof compliance during the last two years;

(c) whether this does not imply willfuldisobedience of the Supreme Court orders;and

(d) the action taken to ensure thatSupreme Court orders are implemented inthe wake of the directions issued twoyears back?

Atrocities against SCs

1787. SHRI TARUN VIJAY: Will theMinister of SOCIAL JUSTICE ANDEMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the incidents of atrocities againstSCs registered State-wise in the last twoyears;

(b) the convictions achieved in suchcases in the last five years;

(c) the reasons SCs are always at thereceiving and to face brutal and savageassaults; and

(d) the solutions Government isthinking/planning to put a stop to such atrend?

Scholarships for disabled

1788. SHRIMATI KANIMOZHI:Will the Minister of SOCIAL JUSTICEAND EMPOWERMENT be pleased tostate:

(a) the total number of scholarshipsoffered to persons with disabilities,scheme-wise;

(b) the number of beneficiaries underthe scheme during the past three years,year-wise and scheme-wise; and

(c) the steps taken to improve theuptake of such schemes?

National overseas scholarships forSC's

1789. SHRIMATI KANIMOZHI:Will the Minister of SOCIAL JUSTICEAND EMPOWERMENT be pleased tostate:

(a) the total number of availablescholarships under the national overseasscholarships for Scheduled Castes duringthe last three years, year-wise;

(b) persons qualified for thescholarships over the last three years,year-wise;

(c) whether the scholarships arerestricted to only a few fields of studyand details thereof; and

(d) whether Government shall considerexpanding the number of fields of studyfor future applications?

Inclusion of castes in single category


(a) whether it is a fact that Kashyap,

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Nikhad, Bind, Kewat, Mallah, Dhimwar,Dhimar, Kadhar, Turaidh, Turah, Majhi,Majhwar, Gond, Raikawar, Bhatham,Gudia etc. are synonymous castes, theyhave close bonding, Turah, Majhwar andGond are Scheduled Castes and remainingcastes are in backward caste list; and

(b) whether Government wouldconsider to include all thesesynonymous castes in a single categoryeither in Scheduled Castes or ScheduledTribes, if so, by when, and if not, thereasons therefor?

Employment for disabled in privatesector

1791. SHRIMATI KANIMOZHI:Will the Minister of SOCIAL JUSTICEAND EMPOWERMENT be pleased tostate:

(a) the total outlay and expenditure forthe scheme for Providing Employment toPersons with Disabilities in the PrivateSector during the Eleventh Five Year Plan;and

(b) whether this scheme has been ableto achieve its target of creating 1 lakh jobsper annum and details thereof and if not,the reason therefor?

Reservation policy

†1792. SHRI RAMDASATHAWALE: Will the PRIMEMINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) whether the reservation policy forappointment in the Ministries and theundertakings is not being followedeffectively;

(b) the action taken by Governmenttill date keeping in view the

recommendations of the NationalCommission for Scheduled Castes/theNational Commission for ScheduledTribes to fill the vacant posts;

(c) whether Government proposes tobring any Bill in this regard; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

National Commission for BackwardClasses

1793. SHRI GARIKAPATI MOHANRAO: Will the Minister of SOCIALJUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT bepleased to state:

(a) the mandate of the NationalCommission for Backward Classes(NCBC);

(b) the number of castes, sub-castes,communities etc. notified on the advicetendered by NCBC till March, 2014;

(c) the comparative powers of NCBCvis-a-vis the National Commission forScheduled Castes; and

(d) the extent to which the NCBC hasachieved its objectives since its inceptionin 1993?

Launching of Mars Orbiter MissionSpacecraft

1794. SHRI MOHD. ALI KHAN: Willthe PRIME MINISTER be pleased tostate:

(a) whether the country's very ownMars excursion—a journey of over 385million km—is just over a month away asthe ISRO prepares to launch the MarsOrbiter Mission spacecraft betweenOctober, 21 and November, 19 fromSriharikota in Andhra Pradesh; and

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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(b) if so, the details thereof and thepresent status in this regard?

Launching of SAARC satellite

1795. DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY:Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleasedto state:

(a) whether there is any proposal tolaunch South Asian Association forRegional Cooperation (SAARC) Satellite,for making available the benefit toneighbouring countries, after the successfullaunch of PSLV-C23 rocket, if so, thedetails thereof;

(b) the total expenditure for the launchand time schedule; and

(c) whether SAARC countries wouldbe consulted on this matter for providingfull range of applications and services andto find scientific solutions for theproblems, and if so, the details thereof?

Problem of waste deposits in space

1796. SHRI K.N. BALAGOPAL: Willthe PRIME MINISTER be pleased tostate:

(a) whether India had done any studyregarding the problem of waste depositsin space because of satellites any otheractivities related to space studies andexpenditure;

(b) if so, the details thereof and in whatmanner it would affect future activities;and

(c) whether there is any planindividually and jointly with othercountries to control and restrict this outerspace contamination, the details thereof?

Space projects initiated/pendingcompletion

1797. DR. V. MAITREYAN: Will thePRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

(a) the space projects initiated in thelast three years and the details of theprojects pending completion in the lastthree years;

(b) the amount allocated, disbursed andutilized for these projects, project-wise;

(c) the total amount left unutilized inthe last three years and the amountreturned; and

(d) the reasons for the no new projectsinitiated in the last two years?

Review of function of MPLADS


(a) whether Government has reviewedthe functioning of MPLADS;

(b) if so, the details of the feedbackreceived by Government; and

(c) whether Government has framedany specific procedure for scrutinizing theMPLADS works, if so, the details thereof?

Higher education for tribal students

1799. SHRI RITABRATABANERJEE: Will the Minister ofTRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the number of tribal students in theage group of 17-23 years under the ambitof higher education, the details thereof,State-wise; and

(b) the plans of Government to increasethe number?

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Funds for tribals

†1800. SHRI VIJAY GOEL: Will theMinister of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleasedto state:

(a) the provision of budget allocationsfor schemes of tribal development;

(b) whether it is a fact that the majorportion of allocated budget money fordifferent schemes and sub-schemes fortribal development is lapsed; and

(c) if so, the special action plan ofGovernment to improve this situation?

Misappropriation of funds forTribal Welfare

†1801. SHRI NARENDRA KUMARKASHYAP: Will the Minister of TRIBALAFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the amount allocated and the amountreleased for welfare of Scheduled Tribesduring each of the last three years and thecurrent year, year-wise and State-wise;

(b) whether information regardingirregularities including diversion,misappropriation and misuse of the fundsunder these schemes in certain States hasbeen received;

(c) if so, the details thereof and thetype of complaints received in this regardduring the said period and the action takenthereon; and

(d) the strict measures taken/to betaken by Government so that suchirregularities may not be committed again?

Regularisation of unauthorisedcolonies

1802. SHRI PARVEZ HASHMI: Willthe Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has drawn updetailed guidelines to regulariseunauthorised colonies in Delhi, if so, thedetails thereof;

(b) the implementation status of suchguidelines; and

(c) the manner in which Government islikely to meet the financial need?

ILCS in Andhra Pradesh

1803. DR. K.V.P. RAMACHANDRARAO: Will the Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Governmentis implementing revised Integrated LowCost Sanitary (ILCS) scheme to convertall identified dry latrines in urban areasinto sanitary twin pit pour flush toiletssince 2008, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the achivement made so far underthe scheme; and

(c) the amount of assistance given toAndhra Pradesh?

Construction of houses by NBCC

1804. SHRI MOHD. ALI KHAN: Willthe Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether the National BuildingsConstruction Corporation (NBCC)proposes to add as many as 2000 housingunits in Delhi city by 2018 and about10,000 across the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;and

(c) the present status thereof alongwith the budgetary amount allocated andspent so far, State-wise?

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

Financial assistance to Metro RailProjects

1805. SHRI DILIPBHAI PANDYA:Will the Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has beenconsidering for providing assistance forMetro Rail projects;

(b) if so, how much provision has beenmade for the projects in the Central Budget2013-14;

(c) what type of infrastructure doesGovernment envisage to cover under theproposed scheme JNNURM-II; and

(d) whether any special criteria arestipulated to benefit the States like Gujaraton the basis of better performance?

Irregularities in Delhi's drainage,desilting and flood control measures

1806. SHRI ARVIND KUMARSINGH: Will the Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether as per the recent report ofCAG, there are serious irregularities andfraud in Delhi's drainage, desilting andflood control measures, if so, the detailsthereof;

(b) whether Government would initiateinquiry into the alleged irregularities andhas fixed responsibility in this regard, ifso, the details thereof; and

(c) if not, the reasons therefor?

Land far smart cities

†1807. SHRI MAHENDRA SINGHMAHRA: Will the Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether the decision to establish

100 new cities in the country has beenfinalized;

(b) if not, by when the decision is likelyto be taken;

(c) whether Government will acquirefertile land of farmers to establish newcities;

(d) if not, the type of land thatGovernment would select to establish thecities; and

(e) the names of places where the newcities would be established?

Water scarcity in urban areas

1808. SHRI AMBETH RAJAN: Willthe Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is facing anyhardship/hindrances in supplying waterto urban areas across the country, if so,the details thereof; and

(b) whether Government is mullingvarious measures so that supply of waterin urban areas is not affected and if so, thedetails thereof?

JNNURM in Jharkhand

1809. SHRI PARIMAL NATHWANI:Will the Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government proposes toreplace Jawaharlal Nehru National UrbanRenewal Mission (JNNURM), if so, thedetails thereof;

(b) what has been the performance ofthe State of Jharkhand in terms ofJNNURM implementation since itsinception; and

(c) how the new scheme would be animprovement over JNNURM?

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Exemption from Land Act

1810. SHRI SANJAY RAUT: Will theMinister of URBAN DEVELOPMENTbe pleased to state:

(a) whether DDA has requestedGovernment for exempting it from theLand Act to acquire small pockets of landto remove road blocks in the way ofacquiring land for infrastructure projects;and

(b) if so, Government's responsethereto?

Linking of NCR through Metro Rail

†1811. SHRI PARVEZ HASHMI: Willthe Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) what provisions have been madefor linking of National Capital Region(NCR) Delhi and adjacent cities ofneighbouring States, Haryana and UttarPradesh for extension/transport by DelhiMetro Rail Project;

(b) the names of routes of above citiesselected for this purpose;

(c) the details of current projects ofMetro in neighbouring States, taking intoaccount the provision of easily accessibletransport for rising population in future;and

(d) the details of the estimated cost ofabove projects, current projects orprojects to be undertaken in future?

Infrastructural facilities inurban areas

1812. SHRI P. RAJEEVE: Will theMinister of URBAN DEVELOPMENTbe pleased to state:

(a) the number of the Central schemesin operation to strengthen the

infrastructure facilities in the urban areasof the country; and

(b) the present status of these projects?

Monorail in Hyderabad

1813. SHRI MOHD. ALI KHAN: Willthe Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has startedMonorail in Mumbai, if so, the detailsthereof; and

(b) the steps being taken to startMonorail in Hyderabad also in future?

Subletting of Government quarters

1814. SHRIMATI BIMLA KASHYAPSOOD: Will the Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether some allottees hadencroached land around the quarters morethan their entitled in DIZ area/BKS Margand J and H Block, Kali Bari Marg, NewDelhi-1, if so, the details with names/withquarter numbers;

(b) the action Government would takeagainst them as encroachment is against theruling of Hon'ble Supreme Court;

(c) whether it is a fact that some allotteeshave given their garages on rent and areusing electricity without electricity meterand other allottees are facing lot ofdifficulties due to this dirty atmosphere;and

(d) whether Government will take strictaction against those who had given theirgarages on rent?

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

Allotment of Type I & IIGeneral Pool Quarters

1815. SHRI ARVIND KUMARSINGH: Will the Minister of URBANDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Ministryhas not been able to relocate the affectedresidents of Kidwai Nagar East even afterwithholding allotment of Type I & II generalpool quarters for waitlisted applicants sinceSeptember, 2012;

(b) whether it is also a fact that on onehand, more than 2000 type I & II quartersare lying vacant and on other handallotment process has not yet begun, whichhas led to unnecessary hardship to Group'C' Government employees, if so, reasonsfor such callousness and individualsresponsible for this; and

(c) the steps taken to address this issue?

Awareness programme for women

†1816. SHRI NARENDRA KUMARKASHYAP: Will the Minister of WOMENAND CHILD DEVELOPMENT bepleased to state:

(a) whether Government has initiated/proposed to initiate awareness programmeto educate women with a view to controlatrocities against them;

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not,the reasons therefor; and

(c) the other measures taken/being takenby Government in this direction?

Re-harnessing of ICDS Scheme



Will the Minister of WOMEN ANDCHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased tostate:

(a) whether 42 per cent of the world'shungry children live in India;

(b) whether schemes such as IntegratedChild Development Scheme (ICDS) andPublic Distribution System need to be re-harnessed to reduce malnutrition amongchildren and mother, if not, the reasonstherefor;

(c) whether Government considersintroducing a working ICDS scheme thatfocus on improving maternal nutritionduring pregnancy and lactation, providesessential micronutrients and adopts saltiodisation, while also ensuring appropriateimmunisation; and

(d) if so, the time-frame wherein thesaid scheme will come into place?

Nutrition rehabilitation centres

1818. SHRIMATI RAJANI PATIL: Willthe Minister of WOMEN AND CHILDDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the details of nutrition rehabilitationcentres, State-wise;

(b) whether the National NutritionCouncil provides food only to infants andnot the rest of the family; and

(c) if so, whether Government intendsto increase its scope?

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Funds under ICP Programme

1819. SHRI AMBETH RAJAN: Willthe Minister of WOMEN AND CHILDDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the funds earmarkedfor Integrated Child Protection Programme(ICPP) since its inception;

(b) whether there is any substantialincrease in the fund allocation to theprogramme; and

(c) if so, the details thereof, and if not,the reasons therefor?

Anganwadi in Odisha

1820. SHRI BHUPINDER SINGH:Will the Minister of WOMEN ANDCHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased tostate:

(a) the number of Anganwadi and MiniAnganwadi Centres in India, whether theyare functioning from their own buildings;

(b) if not, by when, will the Anganwadiand Mini Anganwadi Centre run from theirown buildings;

(c) whether Government is consideringto allot special quota for Odisha because ofits ST/SC population being 40 per cent ofthe total population of the State; and

(d) if so, by when it shall be allottedand if not, the reasons therefor?

Scheme for women of religiousminorities

1821. SHRI HUSAIN DALWAI: Willthe Minister of WOMEN AND CHILDDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the programmes/schemes being implemented by

Government for women of religiousminorities; and

(b) how far these programmes/schemeshave been successful in achieving theirobjectives?

Changes to Juvenile Justice Act, 2000



Will the Minister of WOMEN ANDCHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that Governmentis contemplating on bringing major changesto the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protectionof Children), Act, 2000;

(b) if so, the details thereof, and thereasons therefor; and

(c) the details of the issues related toprotection of childrens' welfare proposedto be addressed through the legislation?

Housing scheme for widows

†1823. DR. ANIL KUMAR SAHANI:Will the Minister of WOMEN ANDCHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased tostate:

(a) the steps being taken byGovernment for the welfare of the widows;

(b) whether Government has formulatedwidow housing scheme for the shelter ofthe widows; and

(c) if so, the details thereof, and thesteps being taken by Government to bringthe widows in the mainstream?

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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Features of ICPP for Rehabilitationand reintegration of destitute


1824. SHRI VIJAY JAWAHARLALDARDA: Will the Minister of WOMENAND CHILD DEVELOPMENT bepleased to state:

(a) the features of Integrated ChildProtection Scheme (ICPS) formulated byGovernment for rehabilitation andreintegration of destitute children in thecountry;

(b) whether Government has issued anydirections/guidelines to the States, LocalBodies, Educational Institutions andVoluntary Organisations forimplementation of the said scheme;

(c) whether abandoned children getbenefit under this scheme; and

(d) the number of abandoned childrenregistered during the last three years andhow they have been helped under thisscheme, the details thereof?

Loans to single women

1825. SHRI B.K. HARIPRASAD: Willthe Minister of WOMEN AND CHILDDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether many private bankinginstitutions, some headed by women, denya single woman home loans, insisting thatsingle women applicants bring along a co-applicant;

(b) whether there is any RBI norm onthis gender-biased discrimination bycountry's top private bankers;

(c) whether credit information bureaustend to conclude that default rate amongsingle women is high as they are bytemperament not likely to last on jobs forlong; and

(d) whether the Bhartiya Mahila Bankdoes offer a single-woman a home loanwithout a co-application/guarantor?

Commissions for protection of childrights

1826. SHRI RAJEEVCHANDRASEKHAR: Will the Ministerof WOMEN AND CHILDDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that several Statesare yet to form Commissions for Protectionof Child Rights (CPCRs), as per the CPCRAct, 2005, if so, the details thereof, State-wise/UT-wise;

(b) whether it is also a fact that CPCRsin other States are not autonomous and alsonot adequately empowered with resourcesand laws; and

(c) if so, the steps Governmentproposes to take to encourage all StateGovernments/UTs to establish their ownState Commissions, including making theseCommissions truly autonomous, to dealwith the increasing cases of sexual assaultand exploitation of children in various partsof the country?

Orphanages in the country

1827. SHRI C.P. NARAYANAN: Willthe Minister of WOMEN AND CHILDDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of children living inorphanages in the country, the number ofboys and girls among them;

(b) the number of orphanagesfunctioning in the country, and the numberof them run by religious/casteistorganisations;

(c) the number of orphanages run bysecular organisations; whether Governmentregularly reviews their work; and

(d) the details regarding atrocity/ill-treatment of children been noticed, if so,corrective action taken in this regard?

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Bal Bandhu Scheme for protection ofchildren

1828. SHRI BAISHNAB PARIDA:Will the Minister of WOMEN ANDCHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased tostate:

(a) the details of Bal Bandhu Schemefor protection of children's rights in areasof civil unrest i.e. naxal affected regions;

(b) whether this project has since beenimplemented in certain districts of thecountry, if so, the details with feed-backthereof;

(c) the action plan to trace the missingchildren especially adolescent girls in naxal-affected regions; and

(d) whether this project is beingmonitored by the PMO?

States running Anganwadi scheme

†1829. SHRI PARVEZ HASHMI: Willthe Minister of WOMEN AND CHILDDEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the name of the States of the countrywhere the Anganwadi scheme is being run

by the Ministry together with the detailsthereof; the details of estimatedexpenditures, State-wise; and

(b) the details of the estimated amountproposed to be spent under the head ofthis scheme in the coming Five Year Plan?

Duty hours of Anganwadi workers

†1830. DR. SATYANARAYANJATIYA: Will the Minister of WOMENAND CHILD DEVELOPMENT bepleased to state:

(a) the State-wise number of Anganwadiworkers in the country and the details ofwork done by them, their duty hour andthe emoluments/honorarium given to them;

(b) the measures taken along with thesystem put in place for teaching and trainingof Anganwadi workers in order to makethem more efficient; and

(c) the time since when the service ofAnganwadi workers was instituted orstarted and the details of their serviceconditions, the policy/rules regarding theirregularisation and salary and allowances?

NEW DELHI; SHUMSHER K. SHERIFF,The 18th July, 2014 Secretary-General.

Ashadha 27, 1936 (Saka)

†Original notice of the question received in Hindi.

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I N D E X(Ministry-wise)

Prime Minister % 1676]

Atomic Energy % 1677] 1678] 1679] 1680] 1681]

Development of North EasternRegion % 1682] 1683]

Earth Sciences % 1684]

Environment, Forests and ClimateChange % 1685] 1686] 1687] 1688] 1689] 1690] 1691]

1692] 1693] 1694] 1695] 1696] 1697] 1698]

1699] 1700] 1701] 1702] 1703 1704] 1705]

External Affairs % 1706] 1707] 1709] 1710] 1711] 1712] 1713]

1714] 1715] 1716] 1717] 1718] 1719] 1720]

1721] 1722] 1723]

Heavy Industries and PublicEnterprises % 1724] 1725] 1727] 1728]

Housing and Urban PovertyAlleviation % 1729] 1730] 1731] 1732] 1733] 1734] 1735]

1736] 1737] 1738] 1739] 1740] 1741]

Information and Broadcasting % 1742] 1743] 1744] 1745] 1746] 1747] 1748]

1749] 1750] 1751] 1752]

Overseas Indian AffairsZ % 1708] 1726] 1753] 1754] 1755] 1756] 1757]


Parliamentary Affairs % —

Personnel, Public Grievances andPensions % 1759] 1760] 1761] 1762] 1763] 1764] 1765]

1766] 1767] 1792]

Planning % 1768] 1769] 1770] 1771] 1772] 1773] 1774]


Science and Technology % 1776] 1777] 1778] 1779] 1780]

Social Justice and Empowerment% 1781] 1782] 1783] 1784] 1785] 1786] 1787]

1788] 1789] 1790] 1791] 1793]


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Space % 1794] 1795] 1796] 1797]

Statistics and ProgrammeImplementation % 1798]

Tribal Affairs % 1799] 1800] 1801]

Urban Development % 1802] 1803] 1804] 1805] 1806] 1807] 1808]

1809] 1810] 1811] 1812] 1813] 1814] 1815]

Women and Child Development % 1816] 1817] 1818] 1819] 1820] 1821] 1822]

1823] 1824] 1825] 1826] 1827] 1828] 1829]

