ramazan işbaran 3. ödev

Why do you want to run your own business? I want to run my own business I have since I was little because of a feeling of gratification. achieve success whether you are a human being and always wants to be innovative in their target group should be established from adjusting to work, so I'm reaching my destination, and our goal now must be before a civil engineer. their life conditions at the time I made my own business resume below, our goal is to provide a quality living environment for the people priority and as a result there are quality if life. Previous work experience In 2011, a Turkish construction company in Erbil, Iraq began to work as a construction supervisor, enter into a different culture, a different life, a different tazrlarını saw the people that had something interesting and beautiful to me. Requests to different conditions of life as they are different. There are 74 units and was responsible for the construction of the villa in 2013 and this time I tried both my school and I have read your terms and your show a few pictures to compare the differences.

Upload: ramazan-isbaran

Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Why do you want to run your own business?

I want to run my own business I have since I was little because of a feeling of gratification. achieve success whether you are a human being and always wants to be innovative in their target group should be established from adjusting to work, so I'm reaching my destination, and our goal now must be before a civil engineer. their life conditions at the time I made my own business resume below, our goal is to provide a quality living environment for the people priority and as a result there are quality if life.

Previous work experience

In 2011, a Turkish construction company in Erbil, Iraq began to work as a construction supervisor, enter into a different culture, a different life, a different tazrlarını saw the people that had something interesting and beautiful to me. Requests to different conditions of life as they are different. There are 74 units and was responsible for the construction of the villa in 2013 and this time I tried both my school and I have read your terms and your show a few pictures to compare the differences.

This is my Office at IRAQ


University and ınstıtute Balıkesir Üniversity-Balıkesir European University of LefkeConstruction Teknician 2008-2010 Civil Engineering 2011-2013

High School Erdemir Lisesi-AdıyamanScience-Maths 2002-2005

Social Activities

Reading, tennis, cinema,game,football



Civil Engeneering