rapid sexual attraction 1-2.doc


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Page 1: Rapid Sexual Attraction 1-2.doc

Rapid Sexual Attraction 1Peter SweenyUse negging, quick wit, hang out with interesting people learn new things NLP,Night set a sexual frame- not necessarily escalation, childlike attitude, be playful, talk about sexual things in a childish way or reverse.

You can be slightly camp in clubs, look at it from a female perspective.Seek women of value, set a honest frame with female don’t apologize for what you are. Use statement of honesty yea im player im been with 10 girls this week how many you slept with.

Social intelligence- reward and punishment, give women want they really want.Characteristic of strong men- look for men in society who have strong qualities you like and copy them firm, lead, ambition etc.

Maybe do some routines- re-invent your self social proof have real value, move out new job feel good about self.

Not caring about other peoples opinions.

Change your lifestyle- sport, actor drama, etc beware of haters just do you. Have nice around successful people interesting inspiring people constantly develop.Tell a women you are seducing her – cheeky cocky funnyUse honest statement’s about her you are have some prepared. Call her out on her shit *** let her know about stuff

Challenge- girls- make you think about things question her realityForce number close- routine

Rejection is nothing personal- go for hard girls becai=use they have higher value- bitch shield. Tactics to deal with the shield.

Have game plan in your head- Bitch shield- response to any negative with a positive, I like that about you you ned to be more fiery though, you need to work on your charm more, im a bitch too but with charm.Use good frame- sense of humour.

Master the bitch shield-

Rapid Sexual Attraction 2Relationship management-

Page 2: Rapid Sexual Attraction 1-2.doc

Push and pull- negging but in a positive way bring her up, challenge her in playful way.

Vocal push pull action with movement touch. Put people on a rollercoaster ride- calibrate it to her.

Build rapport and breaking rapport- light and deep rapport- look for thing you have in common. Control frame- call a girl out on her shit if she get free drinks tell or playful hit on her hand grabbing drinks she is control frame too much. High five playful push pull.

Playful smile with a serious face to be fun with

Have natural value in your life

Social proof learn- get another girl to approach her or get her to approach you.

Use opinion opener to ask another to ask her friend question to open her.

Wait for the right moment- to approach

Club you have to be physical and ioi and non-verbal.

Ioi- stick your tongue out, point at something, never look for a reaction from the person and then have something funny.

Raise her value and mine- compliment with honesty- get her to meet high value people

Relationship management

Eradicate jealously

What your longest relationship- question

Give a girl freedom- to move around

Have abundance of females in your life

Social circle big-

Tell a girl to stay im a bad boy but you escalate her still

Are you still friends with you ex’s – why did you break up to find out her mind set. Seek a girl who says good things about her ex’s

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