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  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3


    More Reading


    Tardy Sheila

    Sheila looked sorry when her teacher asked her yet again why she was late. You are late again,

    Sheila, said Ms Rose. What happened today? Sheila didnt answer. She had missed the bus. It

    was the third time this week that she was late. You really must try to be more conscious of

    time, said Ms OConnor.

    Sheila settled down to work and continued even after the bell

    rang. She wanted to catch up with what she had missed, so

    she arrived late for Games class. Sheila loved Games and was

    a very good sportsperson. Though she often arrived late her

    classmates were always willing to have her on their team.

    Ms OConnor , their sports teacher, was instructing students about selections for the school

    basketball team. It was to be held on Saturday at 9 oclock. Sheila was excited. She played well

    and felt confident she would be selected.

    When Saturday came, Sheila was excited but to her surprise, there was no one on the field. Then

    a friend told her that selections were over on Friday. The teacher had given fresh instructions

    two days ago, when Sheila was late for class!

    Are You Ready Eddy?- Unit 3 Worksheets: Reader 3

  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3


    Sheila was very upset. She cried. Then she told herself that she must be punctual from now on.

    She had missed a good chance but it should not happen again.

    At lunch, when she joined her best-friend, Sheila turned to Ruth and said, Ruth, how do you

    manage to be on time for everything?

    Ruth thought a little and replied. I like to be punctual, she said. I have an

    alarm clock that I depend on and so far its never let me down. I also make a

    note of important dates and events.

    Maybe I should do the same. said Sheila.

    Two days later was Sheilas birthday. When she met Ruth at lunch, her friend greeted her and

    handed her a brightly-wrapped box. Excited, Sheila opened it. It held a lovely pink and white

    alarm clock. She wound it up and listened to the lovely Rrrrriiiinnnggg sound it made.

    Thanks so much, Ruth, said Sheila. Its just what I need. I truly am going to try and change.

    Every night, Sheila would set her alarm clock. She was on time for school. She would write

    important dates and times on a board in her room like Ruth had told her to. Her parents and

    teachers were pleased with her. They encouraged her. Ruth was always ready to help. It felt

    good to be on time everywhere.

    She was soon chosen as the captain of the school basketball team and she was on time for every

    match they played. They won many matches .Sheila was proud of herself and grateful to Ruth

    for helping her change.

  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3


    Answer these questions.

    1. Why was Sheila often late for class?

    2. Who helped Sheila to change? How?

    3. What does conscious mean? Write what you think it means. Use the clues in the sentence to

    help you guess the meaning.

    For example: must try, of time

    Your meaning:

    Refer to the dictionary for the exact meaning.

    Dictionary meaning:

  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3


    4 What does confidentmean? Write what you think it means. Use the clues in the sentence to

    help you guess the meaning.


    Your meaning:

    Refer to the dictionary for the exact meaning.

    Dictionary meaning:


    5. Do you think it is important to be punctual? Why?

  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3



    Match column A with column B to make complete sentences. The first is done for you.

    No. Column A Column B Answer

    1. Mrs Rose felt Sheila a. the basketball team selections

    in school on Friday.


    2. Sheila did not know about b. an alarm clock that would help

    her wake up and be in school

    on time.

    3. Ruth told Sheila c. made no effort at all to be


    4. Ruth decided to give


    d. to see that she had changed for

    the better and become punctual.

    5. Sheilas parents and

    teachers were happy

    e. that the selection for the team

    had taken place on Friday.

  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3




    adverbs of frequency

    Choose the right word in brackets to complete the sentence.

    1. We love animals and go to the zoo to see them.(rarely/often)

    2. She has been told by the doctor to walk.(every morning/always)

    3. I need to take these pills (never/twice a day)

    4. We leave the front door open. Is not safe.(never/always)

    5. I shop at Grace Super market. I find it has everything I need.(always/never)

    6. I dont usually sleep in the afternoon. But I do if I am tired.(never/sometimes)

  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3


    Words in Use


    You have learnt that collective nouns are names for a group of special people, animal or things.

    Complete the collective noun crossword below with the help of the clues given.


    Across: Down:

    1. a collection of ships 2. a collection of dancers

    4. a collection of dolphins 3. a collection of newborn pups

    6. a collection of lions 5. a collection of students

    7. a collection of mountains

    8. a collection of pearls put together

  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3




    Read these words aloud. Underline the silent letter in them. Then write them in the correct


    silent h silent l silent w

    sword hour calm two talk

    whole honour almond pooh

    calf dumb

  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3




    Sheila is writing a thank you note to her friend Ruth. Help her to complete it. A blank can take

    more than one word.

    Dear Ruth,

    Thank so much for the that you gave me on my birthday.

    I am glad it is and since they are

    mycolours. It is very and looks


    I love the it makes and I know I am going to

    every day. Each day when I it ring, I will of you.

    Thank you once again.

    Your ,


  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3



    More Reading


    1. Ms Rose asked Sheila why she was late. She told her that she should not be late everyday and that she should

    try to be punctual.

    2. Sheilas friend Ruth helped her change. She gave her an alarm clock as a birthday present and helped her to

    make a note of important dates and events to help her remember to be in time for them.

    3. Students response: variable.

    dictionary meaning: tardy slow or late in arriving, an instance of being late, especially for school or work.

    4. Yes, it is important to be punctual if we want to use our time well and do everything that we have to. If we are

    not punctual, we miss opportunities and people think we are not able to do our work well.


    No. Column A Column B Answer

    1. Mrs Rose felt Sheila a. the basketball team selections in

    school on Saturday.


    2. Sheila forgot all about b. an alarm clock that would help her

    wake up and be in school on time.


    3. Ruth told Sheila c. made no effort at all to be punctual. 3e

    4. Ruth decided to give Sheila d. to see that she had changed for the

    better and become punctual.


    5. Sheilas parents and teachers

    were happy

    e. that the selection for the team had

    not taken place on Saturday.


  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3




    adverbs of frequency

    1. We love animals and often go to the zoo to see them.2. She has been told by the doctor to walk every morning .3. I need to take these pills twice a day.4. We never leave the front door open. Is not safe.(never/always)5. I always shop at Grace Super market. I find it has everything I need.6. I dont usually sleep in the afternoon. But sometimes I do, if I am tired.

    3 Words in Use

    Collective nouns


  • 7/27/2019 reader3_Unit3




    silent letters



    Dear Ruth,

    Thank so much for the beautiful alarm clock that you gave me on my

    birthday. I am glad it is pink and white since they are my favourite colours. It is

    very useful and looks pretty too. I love the sound it makes and I know I am going

    to use it every day. Each day when I hear it ring, I will think of you. Thank you

    once again.

    Your friend,


    (Individual responses may vary slightly.)

    silent h silent l silent w

    hour honour pooh calm almond talk


    sword two whole