reading aloud and story telling

Reading Emergent readers Early readers Transitional readers Self- extending readers

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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Emergent readersEarly readersTransitional readersSelf- extending readers

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Emergent Literacy

• Begins developing in early infancy and childhood through PARTICIPATION with adults in meaningful activities involving talking and print - the key is the interaction between the adult and child.

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Emergent Literacy - Domains that Connect to Later Reading and Writing Skills

• Oral language

• Print Knowledge

• Phonological Processing

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Sad Facts

• Over 1/3 of the children in the US enter school unprepared to learn (Whitehurst)

• They lack oral language (vocabulary knowledge, syntactic knowledge, narrative understanding) or print knowledge or phonological processing or a combination.

• Children’s emergent literacy skills are highly stable -- indicating that children who start behind are likely to stay behind.

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Good news

• There are effective interventions for improving children’s emergent literacy skills.

• Educational strategies using these intervention techniques can be used to help children at-risk for reading problems become ready to read and ready to learn!

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Dialogic reading

• Dialogic reading is a way of creating a dialogue between readers and listeners that helps children become active participant in read aloud.

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Importance the of use of language interaction during reading

• With dialogic reading the adult helps the child become the teller of the story. The adult becomes the listener, the questioner, the audience for the child.

• Children learn or acquire a mental process by sharing, or using it when interacting with others. Only after this period of shared experience can the child internalize and use the mental process independently.

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PEER Sequence (National Center for Family Literacy, 2003, p. 49-50).

• Prompting the child• Evaluate• Expand• Repeat

5 ways to prompt CROWDCompletionRecallOpen-endedWhDistancing

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Read aloud

• During Reading….1. Question; 5 wh2. Label; words and questions 3. Describe; things, action (new vocabulary)4. Explain; how things works5. Compare: Tell How things are different or same.

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Teacher take this opportunity to model reading and teaching the elements of reading

• 1. Phonemic awareness• 2. Phonics• 3. Fluency• 4. Vocabulary• 5. Comprehension.

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Model the proper way to read

• Teach parts of the book like:Front cover, back cover, spine and pages Author and illustrator, title of the book Left to right sweeping Top to bottomTurn the page

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Mental movie

• Storytelling: Listening teaches story structure and helps children learn to predict outcomes. One advantage of storytelling (versus reading aloud from a book) is that you can change the story depending on how the children respond.

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Why is story time important?

• As Barbara Hardy wrote “ we dream in narrative, day-dream in narrative, remember, anticipate, hope, despair, believe, doubt, plan, revise, criticize, construct, gossip, learn, hate, and love by narrative”

• When you tell a story to children, stillness descends over the listeners. Technology has not replaced the power of the person telling a story. Their minds are captivated.

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Creating a strong connection

• If you put the book away now and then and just tell the story, and enduring bond forms between you and your students. Without the book as a barrier, the teller looks directly into the eyes of the audience and is free to use gestures, facial expression, and body movements to enhance the telling and to help listeners understand the story.

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• Proficient readers spontaneously and purposefully create mental images while and after they read. Proficient readers use images to immerse themselves in rich detail asn they read.

• Unfortunately, in our society it is difficult for children to trust the validity of their own images. Everywhere they look they are bonbarded with the images of others:on television, at movies, even in pictures books!

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• Children need to have ample opportunity to exercise their imaginations so that they can begin to see that the pictures in their minds are valid too. Storytelling is unmatched as a tool for stimulating the imagination, a higher mental function…