rebecca sscreen inspired coach article

By Rebecca Screen Photography by Total Capture inspired COACH inspired COACH 55 54

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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By Rebecca ScreenPhotography by Total Capture

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or coaches, a modern, high tech office life may lead to increased stress, poor diet, lack of

exercise and environmental pollution. Environmental toxins include things like: heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, food additives and pollutants, which are present in the air, water, food that you consume, body care products you use daily, as well as electronical gadgets you may use to run your business. Your level of toxin exposure is called toxic load, whilst your detox capacity is how well your body processes and eliminates toxins. The more toxins you are exposed to over time, affects how well your body copes.

Detoxification is a naturally occurring process. Knowing how you can enhance your ability to remove toxins, by incorporating natural daily detox practices, can be one of the most effective strategies for improving your health and wellbeing. Sow the seeds for good health not disease.

How to detox effectivelyAs a Naturopath and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I believe detoxing is important for health to flourish and keep you feeling your best. A holistic approach to detoxification focuses on all elimination systems, including

your liver, digestive tract, kidneys, skin, lymphatic system and mind. This works by giving your body more than just a quick fix! It assists your body to remove accumulated waste and toxic overload. You may need additional support with a professional detoxification program, which also incorporates herbal medicine and nutritional supplements.

Benefits of detoxingDetoxing is a great “circuit-breaker” for unhelpful habits you may have developed over time. Your body prefers to maintain balance, but when too much pressure is placed on it, or too many of the wrong things into it, your body cannot function at its optimal best. The good news is, when given the chance, your body can get better and function more effectively.

Put toxins on a dietJust like rubbish accumulates around the house and needs a “Spring clean”, so too does your body. To reduce your body’s “toxic load” try these health promoting changes:

WATER: Drinking water is an easy way to give your body a helping hand. When coaching clients we can become quite dehydrated especially when

F “Knowing how you can enhance

your ability to remove toxins,

by incorporating natural daily detox practices, can be one of the most

effective strategies for improving

your health and wellbeing.


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“When coaching clients we can become quite

dehydrated especially when spending a lot of the day talking

and possibly in an air-conditioned or

heated room.


spending a lot of the day talking and possibly in an air-conditioned or heated room. Drink at least 2 litres of filtered water daily. Try adding fresh lemon juice, mint leaves or frozen raspberries.

ORGANIC: Eat organic food as much as possible, including lots of vegetables. Green plants are rich in chlorophyll which has many cleansing benefits. Include beetroot in your next juice - a blood purifying tonic and great for energy.

HERBAL TEA: Drink dandelion tea, green tea or any Detox blend. Avoid relying on coffee or energy drinks as a quick pick up.

Go deeper withinI believe detox is much deeper than just focusing on what you eat.

EMOTIONAL DETOX: Negative energy, emotions, thoughts, reactions and feelings can influence your health more profoundly than you may realise. Choosing to be positive and focused, presents the opportunity to detoxify your body from toxic negativity.

There may be relationships in your life that need a “Spring clean”. You may need to say “goodbye” and refer on a not so ideal client – that is ok. Tune into your thoughts for a moment. Are there any

repeated negative words or phrases that keep coming up for you? Discovering and resolving unhealthy beliefs can have a profound and positive impact on your health, happiness, wealth and even business success. What are some of your personal strengths that make you a fabulous coach? What are three things that are going well for you or your clients? Positive affirmations can be helpful at times; especially if running your own business. Concentrate on the things that are going well for you. Be and feel grateful.

LETTING GO: Free yourself from the past or those feelings that continue to bother you. Don’t let the past be your prison and trap you from fully moving forward and living the best life possible. Start a personal ritual of self-expression in a beautiful journal and let this be an outlet for you to express your emotions, worries or regrets, acknowledge them and move forward. Finish all journal entries with something you appreciate or a vision that makes you smile. Gratitude lifts the spirit and fills you with positivity. An important aspect for every coach to consider is this – “The Soul, like the body, lives by what it feeds on” (Holland). You may be running fast through everyday life with never a moment to stop, think, reflect, relax or let go. This process calms the body, clears the mind and lightens the spirit, helping you feel clear, purposeful and content.

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MEDITATION: A couple of quiet minutes in between clients, provides time to clear your thoughts and breathe deeply. You will feel refresh, prepared and uplifted for another fantastic session. Try ‘belly breathing’ – place your hands on your lower belly. Breathe out. Then breathe slowly in through your nose counting slowly to four. Hold your breath for two seconds. Feel your tummy rise with your breath. Breathe out slowly to a count of four, allowing your belly to drop. Do this for several minutes. With each breathe out release a feeling, or thought that may be bothering you. With each new breathe in fill your body with positive thoughts; inspirations of what is possible in your life or your next coaching session. When practised regularly you will use your energy and attention to stay present and be more productive. You may be more mindful of the decisions you make.

REDUCING ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FREQUENCY (EMF): Coaches are exposed to EMFs from such devices as computers, laptops and mobile phones. Try these tips to reduce your exposure. Avoid placing a laptop on your lap. Avoid having pow-er boards close to your work area. Turn your wi-fi off when not being used. Mi-nimise the amount of electrical items in your office. Unplug all electrical devices when not in use. Recharge your mobile

phone in the kitchen rather than in your bedroom overnight. Wherever possi-ble place calls on speaker phone. You can purchase laptop, mobile and tablet shields. Avoid making calls in the car and when you only have a few reception bars; as these situations automatically increase your EMF exposure.

MOVEMENT: Coaches can spend a large part of their day consulting and sitting down. It is important to incorporate some movement every day. This may include stretching in between sessions or going for a brisk walk. Regular movement or exercise can even be experienced with your clients. Try attending a Pilates, yoga, paddle boarding or flying trapeze class together – your clients will love you for it.

CLEANSING RITUALS: Dry skin brushing is an ancient Ayurvedic health practice that enhances circulation, detoxing and lymphatic function. It is best done on dry skin with a loofah, applying light pressure, in circular motions, brushing away from your heart.

MASSAGE: Incorporate regular massage to relieve neck and shoulder tension that can be common for coaches. You may even reward yourself with a lovely day spa experience once you have achieved a particular business goal. Such a treat also provides a great networking and referral opportunity.

“Concentrate on the things that

are going well for you. Be and feel



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SLEEP, REST AND RELAXATION: Try going to bed at a reasonable time each night. Avoid ‘blue’ light which comes from mobile phones and computers for at least one hour before bed. Blue light tricks your brain into thinking it is still daylight and reduces melatonin production - your sleep hormone.

TAKE A BREAK: Taking regular time out for yourself and having something to work towards and look forward to, can feel great for the mind and body. Plan a getaway and feel refreshed and revitalised. You don’t want to burn the candle at both ends and become a burnt out coach.

You now have in your coaches self-care kit, powerful tools to cleanse your mind and body. You will feel lighter and less burdened with emotional and psychological toxins that can accumulate throughout a coaches journey.

What changes will you incorporate daily to enhance your body to detox and keep it feeling healthy?

“A couple of quiet minutes in between clients,

provides time to clear your thoughts and

breathe deeply.


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