reco deb, june 21, 1866. · the sabbath recorder, june 1866. nell on thursday m front of the cap...

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Page 1: RECO DEB, JUNE 21, 1866. · THE SABBATH RECORDER, JUNE 1866. nell on Thursday m front of the Cap tal With a rattan cane m retalia tion for an attaok upon the former gentleman m rema

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Page 2: RECO DEB, JUNE 21, 1866. · THE SABBATH RECORDER, JUNE 1866. nell on Thursday m front of the Cap tal With a rattan cane m retalia tion for an attaok upon the former gentleman m rema

wa 0

appomted as follo s Jon S T W Po e .A W Coon

sapprovmg taki g no action m r mat~

RECO DEB, JUNE 21, 1866.

J Clark Crandall moved tha the financIal part 0 our mJl!S ary oper at ons be pIa d m the hauds of Ge ral Board The 0 on as re

n by G E TomhnsOD e table

Page 3: RECO DEB, JUNE 21, 1866. · THE SABBATH RECORDER, JUNE 1866. nell on Thursday m front of the Cap tal With a rattan cane m retalia tion for an attaok upon the former gentleman m rema

In the Senate pl'oYlde for the safe ---'r-....

ho money mtrusted to dlsbuj:sITlg fieers was passed It that pubho money shall be: de,pOJl~teid Assistant Tfeasurers of States aiiiHJresc ~bes pUlnisllPl,ent for lendlDg any money intll'usltedl bm SlDg officer Mr the Military Committee r€1)drted

to cont nue ill force mth

In the Senate the b)ill~l~{ lti:f:r~~~ passed ID the House to n

the safety of the 1 ves on board of steam ·v" •• ,.k

struction amenClm~mt tlOn were ~aken under c~,~st!~~~~:; at the expIratIOn of the hour '.[Ihe amendments curred m by a vote of and the Speaker decilared' resolutIOn pllssed by a tWcl-tllircls maJonty I ~

THURSDAY ID. the Senate, the bill ,rEjl:ati'i'e

thE! appomtment of pa3rm~'8t~rs navy was passed late the appomtment and :41!Jin.e number of officers m the create~ the rank of adlnir:~l passed A diSCUSSIon .en~u~id quei8~ic'n of the French ,Occ~pancy'.

on the cODIsidfra1Gion


nell on Thursday m front of the Cap tal With a rattan cane m retalia tion for an attaok upon the former gentleman m rema ks made by the latte m the House on Monday A dlscuss~on ensued on the request of Mr Bmgham to offer a ~oncurrent resolution requestmg the President to forward COPICS of the new amend ment to the oOnstitutlOn to the sev eral States for ratlfiQation Mr Le Blond of OhIO objected to the m troductlon of the concurrent resol/1 t on and algued that It should not be adopted until the Jomt resolution propOSlDg the amendments was sub mltted to and signed by the Exeeu t ve The Speaker made ~engthy deCISIon fOitified by CitatIOns to the effect that the JOint resolution propos­ng amendments to the const tut/on

should not be submitted to the PreSI was then made to of the concmTent the obJectIOn was

SATURDA'l: June 16th

In the House Ml Morrill ofVt stated that he believed thiS would be the last day of general diSCUSSIOn

he- hoped members would make most of It ~nd be prepared to

work every other day of the seSSIon whlCi"h he hoped would now be short Mr Garfield of Oh~o gave notice that he would on Monday offer a resolut~on directmg the Committee on Mileage to report what dlscrepan cy If any there was between the /lmount of mileage received by mem bel'S of the III-st Congress and the amount cIa med by them and duecl!­mg the comm ttee to allow no mo e m leage m future t.,o a member than claimed by him


sec etary of legatIOn to Chma wlltes home

There are now about 1100 rro testant and 4,,0 Romlsh rmsslOnanes III Chma and truth IS spreading mto unexf!ected places ThiS week I heard of a B dh st pnest who IS

rIch enough to own a temple gods altars and aU who Wishes to throw do :l'n hiS gods and take the Lord to be hiS God tu n hiS temple mto a church and beg n preachmg selVice the e One chapel m Pekm was an Idol shrme only fOil months ago

now seats 200 01 300 hearers of the gospel Wlthlll 1ts walls three 01 four times a week When I came to Canton over thi t;y years ago thel e seemed mOre I keI,ihood of 1 each n" the nortl,t pole oy sh ps than Pek ~ and J aRan by m ss ons But when God s tlf.Ie has come h s agents al e not fa ~h nd

TIlE MONIlO? DOCTRINE IN EUROIE -J Lothrop Motley Umted States M n ster to Aust la has wlltten II

letter remonstratmg aga nst the send 109 of troops fi om that country to subvert the Republican government of Mex co It s an able and powel ful a gument lD favor of the doctrllle of non mtelvent on by European gov e nmenta With fhe govp.rnments of th s cont nent J\ll Motley lD com lll"UvlUg, announces that he hilS e

of a gl ave natu! e ~ om hiS gOTe nment n rega d to the subject He then goes on to say that m the oplmon of the govern ment of the Umted States the repub llCan government of MeXICO IS th~ only legitImate authonty: of that country and that \ts subverSIOn by fore gn arms otJannot be submitted to and he says that the people of thiS country aIe unan mously opposed to armed European mtmierence for the purpose of revollt on z ng the pol cy and controhng the destlllY of Amer Jean Rep lblics }\Illlonsdorf Austn an Minister m h s reply announc ng that the departUl e of the Austnan t oop has been suspended says It IS done m the firm convICtIOn that the cabmet at Washmgton 'YIn see m th s proceedmg a further motive to p eservc ItS neutral attitude towards MeXICO I

• TnE ea ly tnal of J eft. IDaVls or

hiS 1 berat on on ba I IS strenuously urged by hiS counsel Messls OConnor a.nd Shea The f()llowlD~ statIStiCS will suggest a reason fo~

l-granting, theIr request RIChmond was evacuated by the

rebel Government on the Dlght of :Apnl 2d 1865 Lee surrendered on the 9th Johnston s final surrender followed on the 26th Tlie .Presl dent s proclamatIOn chargmg J elf. DaVIS With the assassmatlOn of Presl dent Lmcoln 'and offenng l100 000 for hiS captur~ appeared May 2 His capture near Irwmsville Georgia took place May 10 and lie was de hvered at Fortress MonroerMay 19

For more than a year therefore he has been m the hands of the Gov ernment and lIDprlsoned directly under Its eye It IS not conCeIvable that any facts bearillg essentIally on hiS guilt or mnocence rernam to be discovered or establl8hed The PreSident has proclaimed the rebellion suppressed and the lI'3l" at a.n end All hIS fellow pnsoners illcluding OI:!e or more who were like Wlse charged With comphCIty ill Presldeut Ll,Dcoln s assassmatlOn and ,rewards offered for theIr oapture have been hberatea Without trial

dIan authontles arc to be tried l8 presumed SOljle of them be executed Most of those oaptured by the Umted States forces have ether been acqmtted or released on ball

GEN LEWIS CASS died at DetrOit MlCh at four 0 clock on Sunday mOlDmg June 1 th H s age was eighty l,lItee years



In Brooklyn on a morDing lI!Irs Moses Str'OU!lp.

on the floor bed In takmg

clothes a plstol fell from pillow to the floor and ed the bullet bram of the CrOwin

The s~~~h(~~~:~~it~ Mutual Coal excltmg meetmg jj()stCJ~ The result of the dpc~ra1~io~ls were stated as entIre cash capital 'lI'U",Vl'LI

The ltahan sh p Napoleon Cane ate liabihties accrulDg vero whICh sailed lfi om Macao for busmess $25 000 total Callao on the 8th of March Wlth SIX Mr H K Potter hundred coohes on board wail burn was crushed to ed on the second day out and all on a large stone hoard are supposed to have penshed m smking It recluiI:ecjl The coolies revolted early lD the hour s time With day an,(l. when ordered to surrender twelve men and a threw some burnmg matenhlmto the remove the stone SUtlllCIc~ntiIY hold of the vessel The crew man away the body aged to lower a boat and escape m A It but there bemg eight mos Arnold of Weedpprt N Y boxes of Chinese fire orackers m the was recently strIcken doJVll Wlth a hold an explOSion took place before disease wh ch paralyzed t\le organs

of the throat and stomach and lived the coolies could escape hirt t y mne days Without swalloWlng

About fifty sa 1 may on any day be a mouthful of nOUrIshment of any seen from the heights about Hunt kmd mgton L I about mId way of the The history of the IJnV"'L"er sound draggmg for boxes of goods bams IS bemg writteil lost fi om the steamer C ty of Nor Raphael Semmes It wlch at the burn~nlg _~f that tveshsel account of her crUlses some time ago "' U\a.l plOper y as ha lr d ! :~tld~1~~~~~ been recovered and a number of a s a ea y been 0

dead bodies found fO! one that of land ~~1~:r~:~ of the the son of aNew York gentleman a e

They have a fashon m New Orleans at the theaters of presenting the spec tators Wlth sml'll bouquets on enter mg the door The effeot IS to make the auditorlUm III odor and appear ance resemble a huge flower garden

At a faIr m Chartres France month thirty SIX thousand five hun dred sheep were offered for sale and all found lmmediate purchasers

The wife of ex P,reslojlent Ftllmore said to be one of the leaders of

j.filll)1ie'n In PaIl8 and dl8plays dtll monds With a reneshing brilliancy

Dr Mary E Walker who serv~d as a 8~rgeon.. III the army has been arrested lU New York for wearing male atti e

A man was recently arrested at Co dova one of the Argent ne pro VlUces for the commrsslOn of twenty eight murders

Dan el RoblUson the editor of the lJIa ne Farmer s Al nanac died at Hal lowell m that State on the 16th hiS wife on the day folloWlng

John Dale of TitUSVIlle >-l'""n,,. while on his way to be marrred week was shot by hIS nval and most mstantly kIlled

Mrs Payne of BIrmrngham land has become famous She du.ced a boy and two girls at a and all live

Lleut Gen G ant spay raw establl8hmg the fu11rank n.··Un";

eral will be about $15 000 num

reward of $1 000 wa~ given The It IS stated that tt:h~;e:s~i~h~~~: steamer has been partly ralsed men by Canada mCI Charles Sprmger of Bangor

a clcrk lU the Wa Department 'JUJll-' I

of mltted SUICide lU a pistol gallery are at work With submanne armor m illvaSlOn up to water. about one hundred feet deep ~e est1mated at a SUIll

A d f d d b h ;j;1 500000 and that Will be Biifi'alo en an um man w 0 was largely mcreased before

walkmg upon a railroad tack 1D ter subSides mto t the mat- Utah has a poetess-Miss E CarmIChll\ll A volume of her poems s about to be pubbsbed at the

10 va recently was struck by the qu e ness cowcatcher and thrown qUlte a dl8 One of tbe Methodist mll~ist;ers tance nto the aIr The tram was the Boston convent on stopped as soon as pOSSible to look stated that hiS salary after the supposed dead man but to year s preachmg consisted the su pnse of everyone he was hat and a bushel of ap:pl~S, found wnlklDg along the track as then he has been more ~or'Wlla1,e, cooly and del berately as though no havmg received about $9" thmg had happened ] He lllllI<ln,n

A new temperance orgamzatlon ron mmes called the Hartford NatIOnal Union for higher wages and an mdependent tb ng has been compensatlOu IS $2 per organ zed m that c ty Pa ties who employers are ,resolved JOID must throwaway not only theIr more than that cpps but theu tobacco boxes pouch DnrlDg a thunder "Wlml~ e~ and meerchaums The orgamza the bghtn ng struck UI"llUlIUg t on IS m the hands of young men PoughkeepSie N :y of ages rangmg fi om nmeteen to the workmen were thll'munl twenty fou and already numbers knees by the shodk s xty one memhers se ousl y nJured

At a recent meetmg of the c t zens <\. run On a London of Pme Bluff county Ark Gen stopped and the crowd Yell offe ed resolutIOns declarIng fectually dispersed m "Ulll~."ILl' ,,"gll~, that they w shed to be rei eved fi om by the Simple expedient of iimmt:v;ncp mOl bid feelings and msane Ideas a bag of flour over them that States have no r ght to secede upper wmdow that negloes should be allowed all VV B JohnsoD of CIVIl r ghts that a stay law should the finest reSidence l;~:~"r~r~~'~~~~: be passed that Imm grat on should palace modeled ,l: be favored In order not to

A propOSitIOn IS pendmg before cost he destroyed the Post naster General whICh if they were pa d adopted will, ery matenally reduce Two sharp young IlOtmtl'Y the postage now charged on books cently caught seven between thiS country and Great Rockford TIl They BrItam It Ilontemplates the levy ng town and made the sUI,ery.nte,nd,ent by each country of Its rate of domes believe they were wolves tic POQtGgo-..on~ upon. bookS trAne h $ m tted III the malls between the two t ey got 70 bounty countries L eut Heath of W".LUW',,"

At Randolph Tenn May 24th J has wntten thc LOt d s Dickey a merchant aged about 60 t r,nes m the CIrcumference

cent piece The letters art~IS:lid years was killed by a white man and qUlte clear and two negroes The head or Mr through a ms'gnify'ing was literally hacked to pleces and OD(! hundred hiS throat cut! 1\loney WIIS the ob aCl~es'OI Jcct of the htoody act and about located three mtles

expense of her admirers A Roman Cathohc Tract SOCiety

has been formed 1n New York for the purpore of diffuSlUg more mdely Cathohc truth

The Internal Revenue rec€lpts lU San Francl8co for the month of April were $190346 23

A ten year old boy m LOUlsVllle recently forged h s mother's name to a note which ralfled forty dollars

A man lU Haynes county MISSl!> Sippi recently had a comfortable nap of fifty SIX ho Irs

The mothe of Hon Charles Sum ner d ed lD Boston last Flday at the age of 87 years

A large part of the tunnel on the MountjOY b anch of the Pennsylva ma Railroad caved lU the other day

It 18 estlillated that the nnmber of Gyps es III th s country and Europe l8 not far from four millions

The West Indies will give us 12 000 hogsheads of sugar thIS year and 3 000 hogsheads of rum

A tournament for the benefit the Tennessee orphans Yielded 000

The bills of the State Ma ne mll be refused by th:':"e'~~~~}~~' al Banks after the 28th

A French miser was lately found dead at St Maude In hiS wrlatclled lodgmgs were 48 000 fi aucs

A twenty mch cannon fifty tons ISI:to be sent from to the PanS! Exhlblt on

The J\Iemphls not was dreadful and so are Its consequences -two thous~nd pages of testimony

ConnectICut has mnety banks capt.o' -" Q'11'\ 182 243 It costs Englanii ~,,~ "'l" $600 were obLa ned by the murde MisSlSSIPPI were Bold at aUiJtl(lll

ers All of the c lmmals have been long ago for thirty five an annum to collect her taxes arrested acre

A young gul named Molly Mo Two young Ig~:Ir~l~sa~!~~f~~ han accompan ed one of the Feman to fi Ighten a CI reglIDents from Wlsconsm to the her on the mlUCI"U field as Its daughter She IS SIx: was apprQach ng The t}en years old the <laughter of a kill her but the engme Umon sold er who died of wounds CalvlD ~'le,tc~ler, received at the battle of South lest citizens of .LU'''''',lI'', M6untam She IS saId to be h1ghly dianapol s last educated She wears a short woolen estate varlOusly,~] dress and trousers on WhiCh lS em 000 000 ty $2 000 000 brOidered the Irish harp m silk George W Andrews

A woman latelypurchllsed of Ken master at North Eastoin, dall & Co of Bufihlo a draft for $7 kuocked down on ,,,,,'nIl!,, I on New YOlk and after altenng It Saturday evemng of to $ 0 offered It at the 1st National robbed of a gold watch Bank at Hornellsville SUspecting The publishing houses something was wrong the bank offi have ISsued 821 000 vol$i~s cers had the woman a rested and she books whICh have been IS now held to answer The same $2 000 QOO The largeJ!t game IS bemg extenSIvely practiced been those of .tI.e,aalley'·s ll."'.lH'V,

Two or three Boston clerks have Edmund Pendleton a InotoriotlS been affiicted mth a painful breaking plCkpocketl died m a out of the neck which a physIC an delph a last week attrIbutes to the p0l80nous properties a cell most of the time of art eles used ill the preparation of thirteen years of age enamelled collars which by the Ross Wmans has sweatlDg process or otherWise have CIgar sh1p m .Ellglaudj been absorbed mto the system made a successful If):,ancle

James Llttleworth, of Tennessee back He IS eX])ected now seventy eIght years old IS the fa- AtlantiC durmg prElSelli ther of thirty one children the oldest of whom IS fiftyyears and the young Rosslm has Wrltten est four months He IS livmg Wlth him to remove his fourth wife whom he ma rICd at prevents the the age of fifty rune she bemg then female vOICes In a bttle Indian squaw of 14 churches III Italy

Col W W Seaton well known as Catharme Snyder one of the editors and propnetofs of and daughter aged tIDe Natwnal Intellyencer died m arrested III New York, Washington recently of cancer stealing goods from the mth which disease he had been a.f T Stewart fhcted for several months He was Twenty four gentlemen aged about erghty one years Oarolina who went 0 It on

,Miss Catharme Yeates the found explditlOn recently have er of and sole contnbutor to the es Wlth thirty two hundred tablislimg of the Yeates Institute delhl sqUIrrels deSigned for the eduolitlOn of young The OQmmerClal Bulletin

SAlfrA ju,kA, ON MExIco -General men for the Epl8copal mrmstry died Englishmen III Canada, Santa Anna who IS now on a ViSit to at Lancaster Penn on Thursday at aVOid placmg green

St:r~~r;~:~~ci~lthe Umted States has lssued an ad the advanced age of 83 years theIr noses lest It be ~. It will be some satisfactIOn to hOIsting the green above dress to th~ people of Menco m

mornmg newspaper men to know Mrs R E Noah who which he defines hiS position ill that Dr r W Bell an emlllent been connected Wlth the reference to the present aspect of phys Clan of LOUlsville makes this press and was part prc)pr:ielC)f MeXican politics and the reports of observation m regard to cholera Sunday Times died hiS truckllDg to Ma.xJ.milian He The cause of the disease acts alone week says he did not many Dlanner com at mght and upon sleep ng perso\!s Peter J Donnelly wblo·s·~eilad.dleid promise himself WIth the empIre all{l A large gorilla measurmg two from Montreal to escape claims to have belonged entirely to metres seventy centimetres from the now locked up at East C/,mblritllge the Mencan republIo He ~ects crown of hiS head to the heel has ra- for assaulting a man all MeXicans to umte and drive the cently been brought to Havre It Mass usurpers from theIr soil and offers was captured at Gabon where It had hiS own servICes to the cause A been carryrng off a native woman monarchy m Menco he declares to fro~ a plantation be an ImpOSSIbility and the restora-tion of the republic IS the height of South Carolma Georgia Alabama, hIS ambItion Mis818Slppiand Loumana have recent­

ly been VISited by a sUccesSIon of THE FENIANS as was m..illnated 1D ram hail and wind storms of a Via-

.;) lent character Much damage U ... ' .... L"L~· 1UJ!~:li~i~cii~: our last week s paper have Hretty been mflicted on the groWIng crops h;rin.r;;riii;~,tlY: 0

generally returned to theIr homes It IS thought that the leg1slatures of Emlploymeljt abandonmg for the present, at least, nearly I\ll the northern States will be the conquest of Canada. The prjsc\lners called together soon to ratify who fell mtb the hands of the 0aJla-l neW" amendinent to the OoDStitutiOD


forty d Iferent Byles adapted to Baored and Beeu ar wnFlc., for .80 to 5600 each Fom OllB OLD or SILVK. ME.itS or othe drst prem urn'!! awar~ed them mustra ad ea a logue free_ress 11.1.80" .if H.un !I Bo8 ton orMAsW!"llBR ~.w York






Page 4: RECO DEB, JUNE 21, 1866. · THE SABBATH RECORDER, JUNE 1866. nell on Thursday m front of the Cap tal With a rattan cane m retalia tion for an attaok upon the former gentleman m rema


b~i~~~~~J~~!::~rup to the samlDlt Every objectEld that the foot was less PI;O .fi who VISIts RIO ought to see tel3teli, and consequently more liable

this wonderful road Donng the to mJory, to which the mventor re asceut of the mountalD a cOntlDuatlOn plIed that horses m a state of nature of new Vlews tlelIghts the eye of th~ have no shoes, that the frog hardens, traveler I the most magnificent and he has been for months fslls, J;IIvrmurmg nvulets, the Pans ommbus horses, tI ees, and the rICh green of trOpICal whIch pass over very rough streets, vegetatIOn m hiS new fashIOn, and With great

After the lapse of an hour-about success half way up-4he mules were chang ed, aud we had;lD the forest sohtude HOW TO ESCAPE THE OHOLERA the pleasmg VIew of a httle fann M~ch IS bemg saId and wntten re

Before the door stood a specting how the cholo13 may be German and hiS wife.. The avoided should It become prevalent

L" __ '-L her anns a little hght the present season but we have seen After a short delay we nothmg on thIS subject more senSI

onward, before long we ble than the followmg from the lower stratum of clouds be Round Table

Imiatn us, snd the world seemed to be Every senSible person IS or should covered With a large white vale At be more careful of hIS diet lD the last the summIt was gamed and the summer than In the wmter The

ey~s of our little palty system does not requrre as much 10()ked upon a new world meat In warm weaj;her as In cold for

hIgh above the clouas, a Instance and It IS ~. VIOlation of one 'pe.a"tleflll valley lay before us On of nature B laws to lact upon an -op

SIdes of the ~oad stood neat poslte theory clean looking houses surrounded by Agam the veg tables and frUlts gardens filled With the most fragrant which a kind PrOVIdence prepares flowers ThIS valley IS elevated so for man m the warm season are m hIgh above the earth that It almost tended to be eaten and, more than seems as if nothmg could dl8turb Its that the human system craves for

and peace them The persoIl, therefore, who The land upon which Petropolis eschews them really does Violence to

was bmlt formerly belotJged to the a natural law and depnves himself of Emperor When the German colo a preventive agamst disease Vege­DlStS anlved every one of them re tables and fruits are palatable, cool celved a pIece ofland for which lDg and nutrItIOUS, whIch are Just had to pay a small yearly sum the properties to be deSIred ill food money to the government All the durmg the time of warm weather p~ople here have flesh, healthy look and should not be dIscarded by reas

and mg con;tplexlOus, even consumptive on of a false theory of hygiene The Wlthm five patIents who come to thiS place from pomt where care IS to be taken IS tank: was a thIck RIO, find tbe locatIOn to theIr advan that they be fresh for the momeut mid brIlhant tage The alI IS always mIld, fresh that the process of decomposItIOn be-watcher clImbed Into and mOist we could feel Its bene gms that moment they are deleter ed tl ee ficml effects upou the system after ous

After wmtmg two hours the first twenty four hours of our To sum up In a few words what saId he 'an unusullllylarge elephaut stay hele If we expose01llsehes to we conSider the snrest way of escap Is~ued from the dense cover and ad: the laYs of the sun, we, of com;se mg the cholera, we would say vanced -cautIOusly across the open feel It as a BraZIlIan sun IS al1;va·vR.1 1 Eat Just such food as you ordl grodbd to "Ithi,ri a hundred) aMs of felt but a fresh breeze IS most mlllly, would m war~ weather the bank, where he stood perfectly ways blowmg so that we cannot 2 Partake of vegetables and frUIts motIOnless So qmet had the ele all complmn of heat III the shade Without hesitatIOp, only take cal e phants become although they had mSlde of the house In the mornmg that they be npe and fre~h

tented at the BeSides, ex­hausted nature reqIW1BS II SUltable bme to recruit ltS energJes, and should have It

THE EDuqATED Y6mm LADy-It 18 no fancy s.ketch whICh Mrs Stowe cO~)les from Tom Hood, of a teacher of all the crafts and arts whIch are supposed to make up a fine gentle woman, who IS stranded III a rude Gennan!DO With her father WrIthing m the angUIsh of a severe attack of gastno mflammatIon The helpless lady gazes on her suffermg parent longmg to help him and thmkmg over all her vaoous little store of ac complIshments, DOt one of which bears the remotest relatIOn to the ease She could kmt hIm a bead purse, or make hIm a guard cham, or work hml a foot:-stool, or festoon him With cut tissue paper, or sketch his hkeness, or crust hIm over WIth alulll...crystals, or stICk hIm over WIth lIttle rosettes of red and white wafers, but none of these bemg appltcable to hiS present case, she SIts gazmg m reSigned lDlbecility tIll finally she desperately resolves to ImprOVise some gruel, and after a labonous tum m the kitchen-after burDlng her dress and blackmg her fingers­succeeds only ill bnngmg hIm a bl/wl of paste

'I HE BEST VARIETY O~ BEETS -The best vanety for household purposes IS the red or blood beet A deep nch light SOIl should be selected m WhICh to depOSit the seed As the shell or covermg of the seed IS VCly hard retardmg germmatlOn, espec la11y if the weather some tlDle after sowmg be Vel,] dry, It IS recommend ed to soak the seed m water a couple of days before sowmg thus render mg germmatIOn Inore certam and precIpitated Sown In drills they may be thmned out, when young and used for greens or be transplant­ed to other ground In the latter case, care should be taken that the fibrous roots are not mJ11l ed or doubled up Sow In May about the middle, or thereabout -Rural Nefe Yorker..-


been roarmg and breakmg the the weather IS always fine m the 3 By: no means allow your system gle throughout the da:r and e~'"lll.[lg·, afternoon however ram falls r egu to run down for you will need all that not a movement Was now to lady Tbe mornmg hours ale con the VItal energy yo. can command to heald The huge ndette remamed seqnently mostly selected for walk Withstand the depressmg mflnenc!) CURE FOR HrnROPHOBIA -TheLeIp In hIS POSltIOu, still jls a rock for a mg out We get hele good flesh of the season cholera or no chc)lm:a.1 SIC (German) Journal pubhshes the few IInnutes and then made three hald butter while the same artlCle m 4. Do not worry yourself about followlDg antidote for the bIte of a successive stealthy advances of sev RIO IS put on the table m a lIqUId ) our health any more than usual nor mad dog, which It says, was an exclu eral yards haltmg for ~some mmutes stllte Tins lIttle colony seems t6 me watch the workings of your system sn;e secret With a Saxon forestel but between eacb, With ea II bent fom m d qmte a paradise It has all the ad as If It contamed mtro glycerme and who growrng old was unwillmg to to catch the slIghtest sound, and III \ autages of the most fav ored places were lIable to explode every moment, let It dte WIth him, and therefore thiS way he moved sldwly up to the on carth rather let It take care of Itself and procured Its pllbhcatIOn He IS smd water S edge StIll h4 did not 'i en Last Sunday we went to church for DIne tlDles out of ten any httle rr to have used It for fifteen years, and tm e to queneh hIS thIrst for though the first time smce we left home How regularIties "hich you might mls rescued many human bemgs from hiS fore tl)Ct were partl~, m the tank uuutteraply happy we felt when we take for symptoms of cholera will be the featful death of hydrophobIa hnd hiS vast body waslrellected clear hemd the words of nope and confi rectified by nature WIthout your hfllp The antidote Take ImmedIately m the wa~r he rema~ned for some dence which the venerable pleacher 5 In two WordS-BE SENSIBLE warm vmegar or tepId water, wash mmutes I1iItemng m perfect stillness I·utterec!. They greatly comforted us the wound clean thereWIth, and then

ot a motIOn could b~ perCeIved In and assured us that the LOId IS near SARDINES dry It, then pour upon the wound a himself or lmll shadow He returned us m clywhere even on the remote The lovers to the lIttle fishes few drops of hydrochlollc aCid, be-cautIOuslY, and slowly 0 the position mountmn& of BraZil hlled • ~ lie should know that the fish cause mmeral aCIds destroy the pOlson he had first taken {>ri Ejmetgmg flOm "hlOh furnIShes them such a dehclOus of the salava, by whIch means the toe forest Hele au a lIttle while h~ CARLYLE ON HEALTH lepast belougs to the henmg family latter IS neutralized was Jomed by fiTe othdrs, With WhICh In hiS address to the students of and genus alosa The popular name he agaiIi proceedlld as cautIOusly, EdmbUlg Ulllverslty rhomas Car was gIVen to It by Cuvler, who was ODDS AND ENDS but less slowly than befor~ .t;!l WIth lyle gives the follOWIng excellent ad the first to assIgn It to a dlstmctplace The New Bedford 'rer,cUleJ' m a few yards of the tauk ailll post- VICe m the finny tribe He called It story of a Witty" CO"ll'oniel Jjj __ ,"

rgehf:r~:t~~sd cRolleecttb,r\;oen~ndthI: ' F~nally gentlemen I have one dina from whICh It IS known as sar wuo, wben on hIS d:~~!tft,e~:ie;~~ ~ ;e adVice to gl1IC you, whiCh IS practi dme SardlDes are caught prInCIpal near m" dmnllre 3l!5IU"a lLI8 the whole which must havEj cally of very great nnportance, ly along th(\. coasts of Buttany, and that he could not pOSSIbly surVive been between mid a hundred though a very humble one I have to a less extent m Portugal The many hours 'Nonsense Colonel, mdivlduals, led the no doubt you will havei among you fishenes employ a large number of remarked one, your ground With the people ardently bent to conSIder hfe men and women The fis~ are warm and no one ever died composure and qlIlet:ue!!s cheap, for the purpose of for sels-of clgltt or ton tons each, car till the extremIties became cold ed the advance guard, Ward m what they ale on a crew of from SIX to ten-go 'Don t tell me that, squealed out them fior ~ moment cr-mree leagues from land, h ,..

Q high, and you are to watch. for shoaTs of fish When t e sUuerer do you thmk John Ro former _reI30!lLllOiss:an<:e thronghout much mOl" ,I ~- 0 \luue ger s feet were cold Just before he the tank pr~ ~ .. ",,"lIemtn IS a thmg to they see them they spread theIr gill dIed' apparently satisfied lllfn:,,;'U.u''''~~~' ":II-li,,, attended to contmually-that you nets for them and scatter on the was safe heeJ,~l~Ilr:;~·(lJ:;hc:e~ regard that as the very highest water the bait WhICh has been pI e A fi' II Oonfederate officer relates

i, temporal thmgs for you (Ap pared and whICh conS18ts of the flesh 0 owmg pretty large story pl:mse.) There IS no kmd of achieve of fish, espeCially of cod and mack A Confederate soldier tell dUrIng

uld k h erel and some"me~ of salted fish the progress of a battle On exam ment you bo ma e ID t e world .,.. • h J." d h h al J: 1 h al h WI Lm ge quantitIes of sardines n-e taken IDlng 1m It loun t at a Yankee t at IS equ to pene t e t lat ~ b II h-~ k h h

II ID thiS way Some are salted on n et au. struc 1m lU t e mlddl e ar e nuggil'ts ah<l ml IOns 7 The f h fi h d d h d d F h fi d Al h board, and others are carned on 0 t e are ea an e was regar e renr nanCler sal , as W y IS kill d tr ht b t t th ffi ~A h i I Ibid 0 Sl shore lIud eIther sold fresh or pre as e ou Ig u a e a cer 0 t ere no seep to e so, eep h J." d hi " h

h k Par ed for shipment. For the latter snrpnse e lonn m a lew ours was not m t e mar et at any quota I fi h {L h d I I Purpose they are salted and packed ater g tmg tIOn aug tel' an app ause ) t

IS a CUrIOUS thmg that I remarked away lD tID cans WIth melted butter The way for a mall. to truly sue-I d ha t1 d and ohve 011 which IS poured upon ceed IS to d~ what he thmks best ong ago an v:e 0 ten turne m my head, that the old word for them m au almost boiling state rhe worth his domg It! the way he '"holy lD the German language- cans are sealed up to prevent the aIr thmks It! ought to be~one Let hIm

$tisfilld LJUe111-1 heil,g-also means 'healthy And reachmg the fish and are then ,.n.''',.1 never step aSide from hiS path eIther ~"L.ull~ SO Hhilbroun means 'holy well or fot shipment for profit or praISe, d he will have

, healthy well We have m the all the success tha IS pOSSible to SCotch 'hale, and I -suppose, our THE POETo LAUREATE o~ EliGLAliD him an~ all that IS worth havmg EnglISh word 'whole, WIth a' w -The succeSSIOn of royal poets-or A half. drunKen rtffiian stopped a all of onll plecey Without any hole m Poets Laureate-from the trme of the qUIet Plttsburger tne other Dlght It IS the samlj word I find that you 'Father of EuglISh Poetry, WIth th~ rough sal4tatIon 'Here could n,ot gel; any better defiDltIOn been as follows, With the dlrte of then stop now, what have !you got m your what • holy really IS than' healthy acceSSIOn to office poc1ret ~ A three 1~arreled revol - completely Ji.ealthy Mens saua Geoffrey Chaucel A D 1373 ver, was the mstant reply The lD corpore sano (Applause) A Hemy Scogan 1400 burger passed namolqsted mau With hIS mtellect a clear, plam John Kay 1461 It IS observed that ~he mo!t censo geometrIC mll"l'Or, brilliantly sensl Andrew Barnard 1485 nousaregenerallyth'1leastJudlCIOus tlve of all objects and ImpreSSions John Skelton 1510 who, hvmg nothinj; to around It, and Imagmg all thmgs lD Edmund Spencer 1090 themselves wU1 be fi~~g fault With therr corrlct pr oportIOns, not tWISted Samuel Damel 1099 No man en~s the ment of up mto convex or concave, and dis Ben Johnson 1615 another that has any fhis own tortmg everything so thathe cannot SIr W Davenant, Kt 1638 Pnde IS as cruel a eggar as want, see the truth of the matter Without John Dryden 16~O a great deal mor saucy When endless gropmg and manirl1iliLtioln-:'1 Thomas Shadwell 1689 youllave bought on~fute thing you healthy clear and free Nahum Tate must buy ten more t at york appear about him We can never attam ance may be of a pie e It IS e~SIer

were st~m that at all In fact, the ~~ I ~:~~~n:~~. to suppress the first d SIre- than satis o~~~~ Bay of RIO, we have got mto are destructIVe fy all that follows It .s Ion the oppo It You cannot, if you are gOlDg to They say' cotton IS declinmg,

IS 80 large do any deCISIve lDtellectual opera excl:nmed an old lady, as she remov seirer:alllOn.dnld ISI tlOn, If you are gomg to WrIte a book her spectacles and laId down her

nUl[llD'er of -at least, I never cOl~ld""';·Wit;hOut paper " I thought so, ' she contmu ive1r6.¢01rjlr'ed With lux gettmg deCidedly made ill ed, "for the last thread I used waS"

houses really ~ou must If It IS your bllJsin,esB:;·1 very fooMe" and you must follow out what are at and It sometImes IS at the SELECT A cobbler ouce returned ~9Jllnlt81

tr()pi(lall pense of health Only remember throug"h the neWBpa~ers to all tlDles to get back as fast as pas department for savmg Sible out of It mto health and regllrd This lilu.ghloor;

real equillbrmm as the center of

NEW SYSTEM OF S)l'oElNG HOMES. -The ParIs co?:espondent of the Dall!! Pelegraph gIves the fGlloWlDg ACCOunt of II new system of shoemg horses, the lOvention of a Pans black


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