red c travel mini wow book

Email BOOK Mini W O W Travel Edition

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Travel Edition

Emails from travel companies tend to receive their highest open rates during the winter months. Whether recipients are dreaming about booking their summer getaway or hoping to escape the dreary winter weather, holidays are on the brain.

As expected, emails from travel brands have come f looding in over the past few months to offer some much needed holiday inspiration. From the many we’ve received, we’ve chosen our hot picks - the emails that showcase email marketing done right - and put together our f irst ever Travel Wow Book.

So here it is‘ our offering of t rave l WOW-sp i rat ion!


Steve WhiteStrategy Director


Exped i a

Roya l Ca r i bbean

Voyage P r i ve

J e t 2

Vi r g i n Tra i n s

One f i ne s tay

Kuon i Trave l

Ea syJ e t

Eu ros ta r


Euro t unne l

Mr & Mr s Sm i t h

J e t se t te r

F i r s t C h o i c e

Travel EditionT he Ema i l M i n i Wow B ook

T h o m son

Date: 4th December 2014Subject line: Travel gifts


Nick Holt Senior Art Iirector

Date: 2nd January 2015

Subject line: The best of 2015

with two incredible offers

Royal Caribbean

This email was timed perfectly, offering gift ideas during the time I was planning present purchases.

It made the prospect of buying a getaway gift simple too, as the email kept their website’s top navigation, which takes recipients directly to the section of the website they require. Introducing the top navigation to the design of the email generally leads to a more purposeful click-through, with conversion rates often higher when directed via navigation rather than a product or service message.

Unlike a lot of travel emails I receive, I wasn’t overwhelmed by offers and promotions. In fact, I had to click the “See deals” CTA to discover what Expedia had to offer. It’s refreshing to receive an email that doesn’t lose its premise by being bogged down with sale pushes.

A strong hero image and headline is important to every email. Often travel companies will use a breath-taking destination shot, so I like this twist on the main image.

While not showcasing a destination, it’s still an impressive and alluring view, with an equally provocative headline.

All the right lines are pulled out in bold and capitals too, such as “all inclusive” and “buy one get one half price.” By bolding, capitalising and boxing off statements such as these, the eye is immediately drawn to the most important sales messages in the email. It’s a winner from top to bottom.

Katharine MitchellAccount Director

Date: 12th January 2015Subject line: Welcome to Voyage Privé

Voyage Priveé

Sonya Clibbens Senior Art Director

This superbly timed email arrived on the very Sunday afternoon that I was starting to plan our 2015 holiday. Like many families, we tend to go on holiday at a similar time each year, and so I am usually browsing destinations and planning a trip in early January.

I loved the nostalgic visual reminder of Venice with its ‘You were here’ sticker and the very clickable peel-back call to action. Spookily, I was already researching The Algarve via Faro! Can you read my mind, Jet2? Or is this just timely, relevant and personal direct marketing, so good it seems almost telepathic in its messaging?

I’ve booked now, by the way. The Algarve, via Faro, with Jet2!

Under the skin

Why Customer RelationshipMarketing Matters

Every action, every transaction, every decision we make in our

daily lives is determined by a complex set of inherited attitudes,

learned behaviours and information extracted from our personal

‘knowledge bank’. When we are dealing with companies, as

consumers, or with organisations, as citizens, the same kind of

aggregation of rational and emotional factors comes into play.

Our decision to choose one High Street store over another, or

to save with one bank against another, is determined by our

touchpoints with that organisation.

First impressions are important, and can create instant positive or negative attitudes

to a company. But you can’t build a relationship on a single date. Strong bonds

between an organisation and its customers or citizens are only created by long-term

consistent experience of multiple touchpoints, accumulated over time. That’s why

Customer/Citizen Relationship Marketing (CRM) is important for every organisation

wishing to significantly influence consumer behaviour.

In this short document, we have attempted to show you how Red C works with its

clients to develop those strong bonds that can positively influence behaviour. In the

public sector, our work with demonstrates how these

‘relationship-building’ techniques are equally valid with a business or professional

audience. More recently, Red C’s work building relationships with daycare settings, on

behalf of the Children’s Workforce Development Council, shows how powerful the

combination of personalised direct mail and trusted sector press can be in engaging

with an audience.

Perhaps the most complete illustration of how effective a CRM programme can be in

delivering organisational objectives is our work with Bupa, with whom we have been

privileged to work on CRM programmes for nine years. By definition, CRM is a long-term

strategic investment, and the highly sophisticated Bupa CRM programme we have

shown here is the result of several years of evolution and refinement.

It demonstrates one of the most important principles of good relationship marketing –

use the knowledge you have about your customers effectively to make your contacts

relevant. The data mining techniques we are applying on behalf of Bupa to ensure

relevance have clearly and measurably improved retention rates and contributed to

their market dominance in the sector.

I hope this helps to clarify the Red C approach to CRM. I look forward to your

comments and questions.

Adrian Rowe Hon F IDM

Red C

Welcome to an agency that believes

in getting under the skin of a client’s

business and customers to create

effective creative communications.

Adrian Rowe, Managing Director

Adrian RoweChairman

Date: 11th January 2015

Subject line: How time flies! It’s a year

since you booked Venice


Voyage Privé is a travel company that I’ve only signed up to recently. After filling in my details, I immediately received this welcome email – good email marketing practice for any brand with an online channel.

The email offers an enticing description of what the company had to offer, as well as the option to create alerts, download the app and invite friends. It ticks all the boxes content-wise for a welcome email!

The fun hero image gives me a taste of the brand’s personality – and makes a nice change from the usual destination shot.

By thinking a little differently, they’ll be at the forefront of my mind when I come to book a holiday.

Date: 14th January 2015Subject line: Kick off your shoes in this well-heeled London apartment

Frankie MetzingerSenior Account Executive

Kuoni Travel

Date: 23rd January 2015

Subject line: You need a holiday

What I like most about the emails I receive from Onefinestay is the compelling copy. They have a distinctive tone of voice that brings alive every email. As opposed to the usual “Book now” CTA, OneFineStay adds lovely little creative touches with “This way please” and “After you, I insist” for CTAs.

Instead of promoting special offers and discounts, they sell their homes through their descriptive copy, littered with fine details about the history of each property. I end up reading about all of them – not because of pricing offers or for the fact that I’m looking for anywhere to stay – but purely because each snippet of copy is a great little read.

Leigh Whitnall Account Director


The sympathetic subject line - ‘You need a holiday’ - is a great little opener from Kuoni. They kept it simple, free of any punctuation, symbols and capital letters, which can sometimes be off-putting. Instead, they chose to empathise with (and attempt to cash in on) my January blues.

The hero image, headline and design of the email maintain Kuoni’s luxury branding, despite the fact they’re pushing their sale.

Date: 20th January 2015Subject line: This will kick-start your New Year

Virgin Trains

Tanya CebasevaJunior Account Executive

Date: 24th January 2015Subject line: Stuart, visit dream destinations for great value fares

Not the kind of person who likes lying on a beach for a week? I’m certainly not, so a headline that read ‘Calling all adventurers’ immediately intrigued me.

By targeting a certain type of traveller, rather than the masses, this EasyJet email is likely to be opened by people who have a genuine interest in what they’re offering, which in turn will hopefully give them a higher click-through and conversion rate.

Their use of striking landmark images and highlighting cheap starting prices isn’t ground breaking for a travel email, but it tells the recipient everything they need to know quickly and clearly. And they’re sure signs of a great email.

Stuart Clark Senior Copywriter

Adding personalisation into an email is nothing new. But in this case, it’s worth a mention because it’s very nicely done: Forget ‘January Edition’ this is the ‘Tanya Edition’.

As always with Virgin, their copy is short, sweet and oh so cool. The headlines are to the point and strongly benefit-led (important if you want the recipient to read on). And the CTA uses cool person speak for ‘book now’ – a simple but effective tweak.

They’ve even sneaked in some value added content in the form of a video which begins with a still of a freshly poured pint. Yes please!

Virgin always opts for clean and clever over complicated – and for me, it works every time.


Date: 27th January 2015Subject line: Final call for £69 fares – speed to Paris or Brussels with Eurostar this March


Jess Wood Account Executive

Date: 18th December 2014Subject line: Hit the slopes with 50% off ski trips. Plus, Qatar, BA and Malaysia Airlines sales

Natalie LoweSenior Account


Over Christmas, STA launched a “12 days of Christmas campaign” where they released deals every day.

What I liked most about these emails, was that as well as pushing their deals, they contained some great content too. For example, this email featured a “How to survive Christmas abroad” article and a #ASKSTA Twitter Q&A. By adding content like this, the email doubles its appeal by becoming a source of useful information.

As an added bonus, there was a link for me to update my preferences to ensure that only the most relevant emails land in my inbox. This shows that STA puts a lot of thought into the emails they send out, and who receives what – a fine example of good email marketing practice.

Sometimes when it comes to creating an effective email, less is more. Eurostar has taken this approach in this email, focusing simply on a single sales message.

Supporting copy such as ‘Final call’ and ‘Don’t miss out!’ tackle the job of creating a sense of urgency. And the centring of the text makes taking in the information effortless.

I was also impressed by the ‘rate this email’ button, taking me to a short survey page. This small gesture makes me feel like Eurostar value my opinion and are striving to improve their email marketing.



Date: 27th January 2015

Subject line: Day trip special offer

at just £20 return. Book now!

Euro Tunnel Le Shuttle are usually spot on with their email marketing and this email was no exception. This email had a great responsive design and was a perfect fit for both my desktop and my iPhone with the panels dropping down to accommodate a mobile view. The email even contained a click-to-call function – it’s the little things that make all the difference!

Mr & Mr s Sm i t hDate: 20th January 2015Subject line: Your way out of winter – from just £81 a night

The clever copywriting is definitely what makes emails from Mr & Mrs Smith so strong.

Their tone of voice is fabulous: friendly, witty and funny all in one. Have a read and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

Every brand needs something that they’re especially good at – something that sets them apart from similar brands. And for Mr & Mrs Smith, they’ve hit the nail on the head with their copy. It’s a USP that will keep recipients opening their emails time and time again.

Jess Williams Senior Account Executive

Abi McSherryCopywriter


Date: 16th January 2015

Subject line: Quick Pack your Bags,

10% Off All Warm Weather Escapes

First Choice

Date: 29th January 2015

Subject line: Still looking for Tunisia

holidays? We’ve got the All

Inclusive holiday for you

After showing interest in Tunisia on the First Choice website, I received this gem of an email. I’m always impressed when my interaction with a brand doesn’t go unnoticed. By simply following up on my search, First Choice has greatly increased their chances of me booking with them.

What really impressed me about this email was the buttons which were pinned on a map, with each location clicking through to individual landing pages with information already pre-filled into a form. Talk about a quality user experience!

Overall, First Choice has proved that they’re on the ball with their email programme.

Steve White Strategy Director

Has a greater headline ever been written in the midst of January, than Jetsetter’s ‘Escape the Cold and Save’? In just five words, it perfectly sums up what everyone wants to do that month.

The 48 hour time restriction paired with the discount creates a strong sense of urgency. People are less likely to wait to act if there is a time restriction.

The decision to omit prices is interesting. While it could be considered risky not putting the most important information up front, it is a good way to ensure people need to interact with the email to find out more.

Sophie Bardsley Account Executive


Date: 15th December 2014

Subject line: Fly to Morocco in style

After booking my holiday to Morocco I was very excited to say the least. As an email marketing junkie, I was even more excited when I received this brilliant email from Thomson. This email included all the components that a post-purchase email should have. It was personalisation galore, featuring a countdown calendar and timeline along with varied cross-selling content, giving me the option to book all the excursion activities and flight extras that I wanted. It’s probably the most useful email I’ve ever received!

20 15Design Stuff

To find out how we can give your email marketing

the WOW factor, contact Steve

on [email protected] or call 0161 872 1361

Azania McFarlaneJunior Account Executive