replacing your sales pitch with people based marketing · replacing your sales pitch with the guide...

$ Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH People Based Marketing

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Page 1: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein


Replacing your sales pitch with


People Based Marketing

Page 2: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

As marketers

Now as consumers

“People just refuse to respond to those

sales pitches we have spent hours on, no

matter how great a pricing or a list of

features we create for them.”

“We are more bothered about how a

product or service adds value to us, than

a list of features or pricing that gets

thrown at our face.”


2 | Introduction

Page 3: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

"it's harder for the customer to say no when you turn your sales pitch into an applied use case that is only made for him"

3 | Sales Pitch

Page 4: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

According to Atlas Solutions by Facebook - the ones to coin the term, people based marketing is a form of

human to human marketing (H2H). The tactic combines philosophy, human psychology and marketing

practices to reach out to consumers across different devices and digital channels.

The tactic came into being with the increasing number of digital channels that businesses can use to reach

out to their target market and the technological advancements that they can make use of.

Let’s face it, we have a marketing strategy for social media, one for those who tend to spend more time

reading up information on third party websites, our mobile audience and one that is completely offline. But

the most overwhelming and distracting one from the above, is social media.

Social media has grown exponentially over the years. With what started as a few platforms where people

could connect with friends or like-minded people, turned into a trend that gave rise to even more social

media channels. Some for sharing daily stories, pictures, sharing thoughts, voicing opinions and more. And

that’s exactly what has the marketers distracted from what the consumers want.

It has all turned into a race where businesses are competing to get their target market’s attention by

establishing themselves on the innumerable channels, and trying to create strategies that would keep them

engaged or convert them into customers.

But where most falter, is not understanding the fact that a typical consumer could be present across multiple

devices and could be active on multiple channels. For instance, an average adult today, at least has 2 social

media accounts - one for personal use and the other for professional networking.

Now if this consumer lies in your target market demographics, a psychologically correct and effective

approach would be to reach out to him with consistent messaging on both the channels. This would help him

understand what your business has to offer to him and how it adds value to him.

4 | Sales Pitch

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Ideal, right?

That’s what most businesses marketers don’t end up achieving. In their zeal to remain ‘on top of their social

media game’ across mobile and desktop internet users, marketers miss out on the one thing that consumers

expect from them - understanding their needs and not overwhelming them with different messages across

the different channels.

The inconsistency of messages across the channels and devices, leads to consumers not understanding

what the business is really trying to offer them. This then leads to them moving away from that business and

searching for alternatives that they can better understand, interact with and probably see value in.

This is why people based marketing is important.

With far too many channels giving opportunities to businesses to market themselves better, it is important for

marketers to create omnichannel marketing strategies that circle around the customer. The main aim of these

strategies need to be able to provide a seamless experience to customers across all devices and all channels

- online and offline, included.

In this ebook, we’re going to take a look at what people based

omnichannel marketing is in the following parts:

1) What is people based marketing

2) Why people based marketing works

3) How to achieve people based marketing

5 | People Based Marketing

Page 6: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein a business is

required to look deeper into his target market’s needs. It includes

identifying the market on an individual basis across various digital

channels and devices used for accessing the internet.

The tactic focuses on creating 360 degree profiles of customers that

help marketers create one-to-one seamless campaigns based on their

behaviour to further enhance their digital experience.

He is reading through

your social media posts you show a popup that promises to

send him a social media ebook

he obviously wants it!

-> you generate a lead!

E-book saved!


Hey get oursocial media ebook

Get Now! Get Now!




John is browsing

your blog


6 | What is People Based Marketing

Page 7: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

Jina enters

your store1

she browses through some dresses in blue colour2 3



she is confused about the size

your store manager helps her decide a size 4 she buys the dress

5 you bag a sale!


7 | What is People Based Marketing

Page 8: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

Even more simply put, people based marketing is a form of behavioural marketing. The tactic focuses on

enhancing the customer experience by offering creating custom campaigns based on his previous interac-

tion, preferences, purchase triggers, social activity and other data.

Here’s a nifty depiction that help you understand this better:

In both the instances seen above, a prospect successfully converts or becomes a customer of the business.

The reason being - the business intervened at the right time with a contextual message, by understanding

what he is looking for and nudging him accordingly to accomplish the same.

That’s people based marketing for you!

8 | What is People Based Marketing

Page 9: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

It helps you create 360 degree profiles of your customer

People based marketing has worked wonders for businesses across various industries in the B2B and B2C sectors.

When executed well, here are a few reasons why it always delivers the expected results:

Personalization has moved from just being

able to list down a few demographics of the

target market. It has become more

customer centric and nudges marketers to

understand each consumer’s preference on

a one-to-one basis; aka people based and

not sales oriented.

Since the tactic is able to help you

recognise what a consumer is looking of,

where he is looking for it, the options

available to him, his purchase triggers and

more, you get a better understanding of the

consumer - almost on an individual basis.

The data can then be used to create

custom journeys for the consumer with

your business.


9 | Why People Based Marketing Works

Page 10: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

It avoids undue advertising expenditures The digital world is ever expanding and there is absolutely

no stopping it. The number of social media channels that

your target audience is present on is increasing day by day.

For a brand to be able to reach out to its consumers, it is

important to stay active on all the channels that their

audience is present on - this has increased the number of

businesses that are advertising their products and services

on these channels.

Since people based marketing helps you create holistic

profiles of your customer, you know exactly who to target

and where. This helps avoid undue advertising expenditures

and increases the ROI on each of your marketing


10 | Why People Based Marketing Works

Page 11: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

valuableto our business



valuableto our customers

It enables you to create valuable content

What is valuable content?

Let’s face it, there is no way you can do without content marketing today. But the amount of competition each

content piece you create needs to face, never seems to decrease! Just about every business out there is trying to

curate or create content that will attract their target market and help their products or services get discovered.

With people based marketing, you are not just making wiser advertising decisions. You are also able to create

content that is valuable to your customers.

You understand what trends they are following, what topics are interesting them, where they are looking for

information and what kind of information is driving them towards making purchases. This pretty much streamlines

your content marketing strategy, right?

11 | Why People Based Marketing Works

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It lets you establish better relationships


People based marketing is all about understanding your prospects and customers better. It is the marketing tactic that not just focuses on customer acquisition, but on how to keep them engaged after a sale by building stronger relationships with them.

It enables you to create campaigns that focus on catering to a customer’s interests from the start to the end. For example, if a customer has purchased sports goods from your store, it makes a whole lot of sense to follow him up with emails that show him products of his interests - instead of broadcasting general sale messages that he might not have an inclination towards.

When a typical consumer has so many options to choose from, it is important to focus on building a loyal customer community. After all, retaining an existing customer is easier and more cost effective than trying to acquire a new one every time.



12 | Why People Based Marketing Works

Page 13: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

Despite the innumerous benefits of people based marketing that all point towards business growth, there are still

many who are yet to adopt the tactic. Some of the reasons being:

> They think it is way to tedious to create holistic customer profiles

> They are not equipped with the right technology

When you take a look at the number of platforms that one needs to keep a tab on to understand one customer, we

don’t blame them. If a marketer isn’t equipped with technology, doing so manually is going to take him ages and

opting for the conventional approach of creating user personas would make much more sense!

That’s where Wigzo steps in.



13 | Getting Started with People Based Marketing

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Wigzo converts your user data into predictive insights and

suggests the best marketing action.

is a smart marketing automation and personalization software that uses advanced machine learning to help you create, convert and retain more customers with omnichannel personalization.

Simply put, Wigzo uses machine learning and does all the difficult mining work for you to enable your marketing personalization and customer engagement strategies.

It tracks your target audience across multiple digital channels, noting the demographics they fall under and the conversations they are actively engaging in. The tool also makes it a point to understand their interests, preferences and conversion triggers to create a 360 degree customer profile.

How does Wigzo help?


Page 15: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

The technology then smartly segments all your audience based on their behaviour across the various channels, letting you create custom and highly personalized marketing campaigns. It also helps you predict future marketing trends to remain prepared for the changing consumer needs.

Right from the time of acquisition, to the number of sessions that the customer has had with you and the last interaction made, it focuses on letting you reach out to customers at the right time with the right message.

Page 16: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

People based marketing is all about when, why, how and with what

you reach out to your customers. Yes, communication is a vital part

of this marketing tactic and the success of it depends on how well

you’re able to execute omnichannel communication and personali-


Wigzo enables you to improve your customer communication with:




16 | Better Communication with Wigzo

Page 17: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

Marketing automation has been around for a while now in the digital industry. Unfortunately, only a hand few of

marketers use the technology to its full potential. This is where Behavioural Automation by Wigzo comes in.

The technology combines marketing automation with individual behaviours of your target market. This opens up a

whole new realm for marketers, boosting their campaign results.

The combination has led to marketers experiencing higher open rates, click rates and conversions on their digital

campaigns - email marketing included. Combining behaviour and automation lets you achieve granularity for

creating segments of one, for effective one-to-one communication.

Here’s a simple math you could do to understand what we’re saying:

1 Behavioural Automation

17 | Behavioural Automation

Page 18: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

Email marketing is still the most effective channel for business communication and marketing, and there is no

denying that! It continues to deliver a 3,800% ROI on every $1 spent, and lets you communicate with customers on

a one-to-one basis.

While 82% of B2B and B2C companies are making use of email for marketing, there are not even 50% of them who

are able to achieve the ROI that the channel can bring them.

The only reason being - lack of personalization.

The consumer market of today no longer wants to hear your sales pitch. They want to know how your product or

service can add value to their day-to-day life. But your target audience comprises of different people and while they

might have similar needs, they are not the same. This calls for 1:1 personalization in emails.

2 Email Personalization

18 | Email Personalization

Page 19: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

Wigzo helps you automate your email marketing campaigns with high level personalization. It combines your target

audience demographics with behavioural data to create smart segments, that enable you to achieve 1:1

personalization in emails.

19 | Email Personalization

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Like we mentioned before, customer engagement is the only way a business can succeed. But you can’t be

emailing them on a regular basis just because you want to stay at the top of their minds. That’s why Wigzo created

another channel for personalized communications - notifications.

Wigzo enables you to send highly personalized browser push notifications that help you deliver the right message

at the right time to the right person - leading to higher retention and conversion rates, without being intrusive!

3 Personalized Notifications

20 | Personalised Notifications

Page 21: Replacing your sales pitch with People Based Marketing · Replacing your sales pitch with THE GUIDE TO TRASHING YOUR SALES PITCH ... People based marketing is a marketing tactic wherein

The technology uses smart segmentation to empower your push notification campaigns. You are able to not just

automate these campaigns, but also keep the customer’s interests and preferences in mind while creating each


Right from the device they are using to the location they are accessing your website from, and the last interaction

they have made, Wigzo enables you to create trigger based campaigns that add value to the customer and are

never intrusive.

21 | Email Personalization

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4 Product Recommendations

Surveys suggest that 70% of consumers expect brands to offer personalization as a standard. They want more

contextual shopping and interaction experiences, based entirely around their interests and preferences. This

interaction includes the product and service recommendations that brands have to offer to their customers.

22 | Product Recommendations

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Wigzo’s machine learning technology helps you understand the changing needs of these customers and optimize

your marketing strategies accordingly. When you know what a customer is looking for, the recommendations you

make become more relevant to him, driving more interaction and sales for you!

23 | Product Recommendations

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The consumer market is much more aware of their needs and the choices available to them. This make

it important for businesses to create a customer first approach for acquisition,

engagement and retention.

The old age formula of reaching out to a target market with a sales pitch no longer works. Think of the

number of times you have unsubscribed or blocked businesses who have been sending you

promotional messages that hold absolutely no context to your interests!

When all your customers are different, why treat them all the same?


“The consumer market is much more a

ware of their needs and the

choices available to them”

24 | Conclusion

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*All results are based on in-house case studies and world wide usage

Need to understand how Wigzo can help personalize your business growth strategy?

Request a demo on [email protected] and we’ll be happy to guide you!