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1 REPORT “Introductory Workshop on Economic Education for Senior High School Economics Teachers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia” YOGYAKARTA ECONOMIC EDUCATION SOCIETY (YEES) UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA (YOGYAKARTA STATE UNIVERSITY) INDONESIA APRIL 2008

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“Introductory Workshop on Economic Education for Senior High School Economics Teachers in

Yogyakarta, Indonesia”






In Indonesia, including Yogyakarta economics is not popular/interesting

subject for most students. Students have opinion that economics is just a theory,

abstract, and unreal. This opinion lead student become passive, reluctant, and

apathetic when they are attending economics class. Because of that condition the

achievement of senior high school students in economics is not good enough. The

average score of national examination in economics is low, indeed too low in certain

area. One of factors influencing above phenomenon is the way economics teachers

in Indonesia teach their class and deliver the topics. Most teachers in Indonesia is

still rely on traditional approach (direct instruction) to teach class. If this traditional

teaching method is used continuously without any variation of other approaches

(more interesting teaching method), it will make students are not interested in

economics. The result of it is low motivation of student to study economics, so that

students do not fully understand economic concept.

Based on above description it is necessary to equip economics teachers with

“non-traditional” teaching method through workshop on economic education. We

believe that this activity will be useful for the economic education development in

Yogyakarta which will positively impact to Economics teachers from 5 regencies and

their students. And also, we strongly believe that this step will also valuable for

NCEE programs in gaining a better education of economic through the world.


a 30 economics teachers from 5 regencies in Yogyakarta Province will be

trained to incorporate economics into their classroom instruction.

b Increasing the knowledge of economics teachers in Yogyakarta Province with

new implementation models of economic education.

c Increasing and connecting the network among workshop participants that is

Yogyakarta Economic Education Society - UNY and MGMP and National

Educations at Province and Regency levels.

d Sharing data and information for improving the quality of economic education

at Senior high School level.


e Encouraging an understanding and cooperation among three key parties :

national education at Province and Regency levels; Economic Teachers

Organizations, and YEES – UNY.


The purpose of introductory workshop in economic education is to increase the

knowledge of the teachers in teaching and learning process and methods.

a Introducing the new model of teaching and learning process in economic

education by giving some examples of economic teaching and learning in

applicative models. The model will provide a real model in class that will

impact on reality class and to show that economic education is not the boring

and scarring lessons. Economic is an applicative and interactive lessons. .

b Improving the teacher’s orientation whereas the teaching is not teachers

oriented anymore but students oriented. Basically, the principle in learning of

economic is pleased to look at life reality of society’s economy.

c Increasing the competency of the teachers whereas impacted to the life skills

of students.

Time and Venue

Date : Tuesday 18 March – Sunday 23 March 2008

Time : 08.00 AM – 16.30 PM

Venue : Ki Hadjar Dewantara Room and Tjut Nyak Dien Room, Social

Sciences and Economics Faculty, Yogyakarta State University,

Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta

Participants and Guests

a. Dean of Social Sciences and Economics Faculty, Yogyakarta State


b. Vice Dean of Social Sciences and Economics Faculty, Yogyakarta State


c. Economics Education Head of Department


d. Economics Education Deputy of Head of Department

e. Economics Education Department Lecturers

f. High School, Islamic High School and vocational School Economics

Teacher from 5 regencies of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY)

g. High School, Islamic High School and vocational School Economics

Teacher from Surroundings Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Central


h. Economics teacher from West Java

i. Islamic Higher Education Institution lecturer (Solo-Central Java)

j. Administrative staff of Economics Education Department

k. Staffs of Social Sciences and Economics Faculty Public Relation

l. Staffs of Yogyakarta State University Public Relation

m. Press/Journalists

Participants Recruitment Mechanism

Initially this alumni project workshop would be dedicated for

economics teacher in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Province only. But,

when YEES socialized this program many economics teacher from

surrounding DIY insisted to join the workshop. Then YEES decided to make a

bit change in participant criteria and recruitment mechanism. In order to

reach more economics teacher in DIY and surrounding areas we announce

the program directly and indirectly to economics teachers. Directly we send

information and workshop leaflets to head of Economics Teacher Association

in DIY, Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, and Gunung Kidul, High

School, Islamic High School School, and Vocational School Headmasters in

DIY and surrounding areas, economics teachers in DIY and surrounding areas

via mail, phone, fax, and SMS. Other ways to distribute information about the


workshop program, we up loaded the information to Yogyakarta State

University website and used newspaper advertising/publicity.

Economics teachers in DIY and YEES

Economics Teacher Association (MGMP): DIY Province level and 5 regencies level

Yogyakarta State University website

Newspaper adv

Distributng leaflet and information in some teacher activities (workshop, seminar, etc)

Sending leaflet and information directly to School Headmasters

and economics teachers

Economics teachers in DIY and

surrounding areas

Economics teachers in DIY and

surrounding areas


ics teachers in DIY


surrounding areas


ics teachers in DIY


surrounding areas

Workshop Material and Topics

For this workshop we used material and topics from National Council on

Economic Education (NCEE) Introductory International Seminar for

Indonesian Trainers. We made some adaptation and modification of the

original lesson plan to make them more suitable to Indonesia environment

and participants’ (students) characteristics.

Instructur (presenters)

Losina Purnastuti.: alumni of ToT 2006, the director of YEES – UNY

Daru Wahyuni : alumni of ToT 2006


Aula Ahmad Hafid : alumni of ToT 2007

Dean of Social Sciences and Economics Faculty (opening address)

Head of Economics Education Department (speech: opening ceremony)

Deputy of Head of Economics Education Department (speech: closing




Workshop “Introductory Workshop on Economic Education for Senior High School Economics Teachers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia”

Pengenalan Metode Pembelajaran Materi Ekonomi untuk Guru SMA di Yogyakarta1

Yogyakarta Economic Education Society-Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Group A)



Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

07:30 – 08:00 Registrasi peserta Panitia

SESI #1 08.30 – 10.00

Pembukaan dan Perkenalan Pembukaan, perkenalan dengan instruktur, penjelasan skema workshop

Direct Instruction, Simulasi

Panitia, Dekan FISE, Ketua Jurusan, Direktur YEES

10.00 – 10.30 Rehat Kopi

1 Kegiatan ini merupakan Alumni Project tahun 2007 yang didanai oleh National Council on Economic Education (NCEE) dengan judul: “Introductory Workshop on Economic Education for Senior High School Economics Teachers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia”


SESI #2 10.30 – 12.00

Pre-test dan Pengantar Workshop Test Kemampuan Ilmu Ekonomi Evaluasi Formatif

Panitia, Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang

SESI #3 13.00 – 14.30

Permasalahan Dasar Ekonomi (Kelangkaan); Mengapa Manusia Berdagang Melampaui Batas Negara?

Keinginan, Sumber daya yang produktif, kelangkaan, manfaat saling menguntungkan dari perdagangan

Ceramah, Simulasi, diskusi

Aula Ahmad Hafid

14.30 – 15.00 Rehat Kopi

SESI #4 15.00 – 16.30

Garis Besar Sasaran Sosial dari Sistem Ekonomi – trade off

Kebebasan ekonomi, efisiensi, modal, keamanan dan pertumbuhan. Ekonomi Normatif vs Ekonomi Positif

Ceramah, aktivitas Kel., diskusi

Daru Wahyuni


Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

08:00 – 08:30 Pembahasan Refleksi hari pertama

Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid


SESI #5 08.30 – 10.00

Pengambilan Keputusan Ekonomi – pendekatan marginal

Perbandingan antara keuntungan marjinal dengan biaya untuk memaksimalkan total keuntungan; penurunan keuntungan marjinal dan kenaikan biaya marjinal

Simulasi, Ceramah Losina Purnastuti

10.00 – 10.30 Rehat Kopi

SESI #6 10.30 – 12.00

Bagaimana mengalokasikan Kaos (dan sumberdaya ekonomi lainnya)

Pasar, Tradisi, Perencanaan terpusat, kesempatan, kekuatan, popularitas, harga, dll. Model pengamblan keputusan

Aktivitas Kelompok, Ceramah, dan diskusi

Aula Ahmad Hafid

12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang

SESI #7 13.00 – 14.30

Mendesain dan menyesuaikan pelajaran di kelas

Pengantar metode pedagogi dan penugasan kelompok kecil (tugas untuk sesi 20)

Ceramah, aktivits kelompok, diskusi.

Daru Wahyuni

14.30 – 15.00 Rehat Kopi

SESI #8 15.00 – 16.30

Penawaran, Permintaan, dan Harga

Menentukan harga keseimbangan pasar; harga pasar sebagai pengukur kelangkaan relative

Simulasi, diskusi, dan ceramah.

Losina Purnastuti



Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

08:00 – 08:30 Pembahasan Refleksi hari kedua Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #9 08.30 – 10.00

Mengapa harga berubah? Faktr-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap permintaan dan penawaran

Aktivitas kelompok, Ceramah, dan diskusi.

Losina Purnastuti

10.00 – 10.30 Rehat Kopi

SESI #10 10.30 – 12.00

Interaksi Pasar: Dapatkah kita merubah “hanya satu harga”

Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penawaran dan permintaan, saling ketergantungan di pasar, konsekuensi dari kebijakan public.

Aktivitas Kelompok kecil, ceramah.

Daru Wahyuni

12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang


SESI #11 13.00 – 14.30

Pengantar Produktivitas: Pabrik Buku

Output/Input; Spesialisasi dan pembagian pekerjaan;penurunan hasil; investasi pada barang-barang modal dan manusia; peraturan di lingkungan kerja

Simulasi, Ceramah, diskusi

Daru Wahyuni

14.30 – 15.00 Rehat Kopi

SESI #12 15.00 – 16.30

Kewirausahaan: Kesepakatan Invensi

Kewirausahaan, keuntungan, pendapatan, biaya, dan permintaan input.

Simulasi, diskusi Aula Ahmad Hafid

HARI 4 – JUM’AT 21 MARET 2008 DAY 4 – FRIDAY 21 MARCH 2008

Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

08:00 – 08:15 Pembahasan Refleksi hari ketiga Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #13 08.15 – 09.45

Ketika Pasar tidak lagi persaingan sempurna

Struktur pasar, interdependensi, kompetisi dan atau kolusi, persaingan harga dan non harga

Ceramah, aktivitas kelompok, dan (pilihan – keterbatasan waktu), simulasi.

Daru Wahyuni


09.45 – 10.15 Rehat Kopi

SESI #14 10.15 – 11.45

Peran Pemerintah dalam Ekonomi Pasar

Fungsi Dasar Pemerintah dalam perekonomian (lingkungan sosial dan hukum, barang public, esksternalitas, kompetisi, distribusi ulang pendaftaran, stabilisasi makroekonomi)

Ceramah, aktivitas kelompok, diskusi

Aula Ahmad Hafid

11.45 – 13.30 Makan Siang

SESI #15 13.30 – 15.00

Dua Kegagalan Pasar Barang Publik, eksternalitas, pajak pemerintah, dan kebijakan pengeluaran

Simulasi, aktivitas kelompok, ceramah

Losina Purnastuti

15.00 – 15.30 Rehat Kopi

SESI #16 15.30 – 17.00

Dari Ekonomi Mikro ke Ekonomi Makro: Arus Melingkar

Arus melingkar, sumberdaya manusia, sumber daya modal.

Simulasi, diskusi, cermah

Losina Purnastuti

* Waktu pada hari Jumat berubah, untuk menyediakan waktu Shalat Jumat


Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters


08:00 – 08:30 Pembahasan Refleksi hari keempat Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #17 08.15 – 09.45

Memahami dan mengukur Permasalahan dasar ekonomi Makro

Pengangguran, inflasi, resesi, PDB nominal VS Real, siklus bisnis

Ceramah, aktivitas kelompok, analisis data, diskusi

Aula Ahmad Hafid

09.45 – 10.15 Rehat Kopi

SESI #18 10.15 – 11.45

Pengantar Kebijakan Fiskal

Kebijakan Fiskal yang otomatis dan fleksibel, efek pegganda, pengakuan, keputusan dan implementasi

Roleplay, diskusi, dan ceramah

Losina Purnastuti

11.45 – 13.30 Makan Siang

SESI #19 13.30 – 15.00

Pengantar Uang dan Kebijakan Moneter

Fungsi dn karaketeristik uang, instrument kebijakan moneter, persamaan pertukaran, independensi bank sentral

Simulasi, roleplay Daru Wahyuni

15.00 – 15.30 Rehat Kopi

SESI #20 15.30 – 17.00

Perdagangan Internasional dan Hambatan Perdagangan

Keunggulan komparatif dan manfaat bersama dari perdagangan, efek bunga special, tariff, kuota, subsidi, dan standar kesehatan atau hukum

Aktivitas kelompok, diskusi, dan ceramah

Daru Wahyuni


HARI 6 – MINGGU 23 MARET 2008 DAY 6 – SUNDAY 23 MARCH 2008

Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

08:00 – 08:30 Pembahasan Refleksi hari kelima Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #21 08.15 – 09.45

Nilai Tukar

Penawaran dan permintaan; faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh pada penawaran dan permintaan valuta asing

Aktivitas kelompok, diskusi dan ceramah

Aula Ahmad Hafid

09.45 – 10.15 Rehat Kopi

SESI #22 10.15 – 11.15

Quiz Bowl

Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #23 11.15 – 12.15

Post Test dan Evaluasi Workshop

Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid


SESI #24 12.15 – 12.45

Penutupan Panitia, Dekan FISE, Ketua Jurusan, Direktur YEES

12.45 – 13.45 Makan Siang


Workshop “Introductory Workshop on Economic Education for Senior High School Economics Teachers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia”

Pengenalan Metode Pembelajaran Materi Ekonomi untuk Guru SMA di Yogyakarta2

Yogyakarta Economic Education Society-Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Group B)



Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

07:30 – 08:00 Registrasi peserta Panitia

SESI #1 08.30 – 10.00

Pembukaan dan Perkenalan Pembukaan, perkenalan dengan instruktur, penjelasan skema workshop

Direct Instruction, Simulasi

Panitia, Dekan FISE, Ketua Jurusan, Direktur YEES

10.00 – 10.30 Rehat Kopi

2 Kegiatan ini merupakan Alumni Project tahun 2007 yang didanai oleh National Council on Economic Education (NCEE) dengan judul: “Introductory Workshop on Economic Education for Senior High School Economics Teachers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia”


SESI #2 10.30 – 12.00

Pre-test dan Pengantar Workshop Test Kemampuan Ilmu Ekonomi Evaluasi Formatif

Panitia, Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang

SESI #3 13.00 – 14.30

Garis Besar Sasaran Sosial dari Sistem Ekonomi – trade off

Kebebasan ekonomi, efisiensi, modal, keamanan dan pertumbuhan. Ekonomi Normatif vs Ekonomi Positif

Ceramah, aktivitas Kel., diskusi

Daru Wahyuni

14.30 – 15.00 Rehat Kopi

SESI #4 15.00 – 16.30

Permasalahan Dasar Ekonomi (Kelangkaan); Mengapa Manusia Berdagang Melampaui Batas Negara?

Keinginan, Sumber daya yang produktif, kelangkaan, manfaat saling menguntungkan dari perdagangan

Ceramah, Simulasi, diskusi

Aula Ahmad Hafid



Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

08:00 – 08:30 Pembahasan Refleksi hari pertama

Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #5 08.30 – 10.00

Bagaimana mengalokasikan Kaos (dan sumberdaya ekonomi lainnya)

Pasar, Tradisi, Perencanaan terpusat, kesempatan, kekuatan, popularitas, harga, dll. Model pengamblan keputusan

Aktivitas Kelompok, Ceramah, dan diskusi

Aula Ahmad Hafid

10.00 – 10.30 Rehat Kopi

SESI #6 10.30 – 12.00

Pengambilan Keputusan Ekonomi – pendekatan marginal

Perbandingan antara keuntungan marjinal dengan biaya untuk memaksimalkan total keuntungan; penurunan keuntungan marjinal dan kenaikan biaya marjinal

Simulasi, Ceramah Losina Purnastuti

12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang

SESI #7 13.00 – 14.30

Penawaran, Permintaan, dan Harga

Menentukan harga keseimbangan pasar; harga pasar sebagai pengukur kelangkaan relative

Simulasi, diskusi, dan ceramah.

Losina Purnastuti


14.30 – 15.00 Rehat Kopi

SESI #8 15.00 – 16.30

Mendesain dan menyesuaikan pelajaran di kelas

Pengantar metode pedagogi dan penugasan kelompok kecil (tugas untuk sesi 20)

Ceramah, aktivits kelompok, diskusi.

Daru Wahyuni


Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

08:00 – 08:30 Pembahasan Refleksi hari kedua Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #9 08.30 – 10.00

Interaksi Pasar: Dapatkah kita merubah “hanya satu harga”

Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penawaran dan permintaan, saling ketergantungan di pasar, konsekuensi dari kebijakan public.

Aktivitas Kelompok kecil, ceramah.

Daru Wahyuni

10.00 – 10.30 Rehat Kopi

SESI #10 10.30 – 12.00

Mengapa harga berubah? Faktr-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap permintaan dan penawaran

Aktivitas kelompok, Ceramah, dan diskusi.

Losina Purnastuti

12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang


SESI #11 13.00 – 14.30

Kewirausahaan: Kesepakatan Invensi

Kewirausahaan, keuntungan, pendapatan, biaya, dan permintaan input.

Simulasi, diskusi Aula Ahmad Hafid

14.30 – 15.00 Rehat Kopi

SESI #12 15.00 – 16.30

Pengantar Produktivitas: Pabrik Buku

Output/Input; Spesialisasi dan pembagian pekerjaan;penurunan hasil; investasi pada barang-barang modal dan manusia; peraturan di lingkungan kerja

Simulasi, Ceramah, diskusi

Daru Wahyuni

HARI 4 – JUM’AT 21 MARET 2008 DAY 4 – FRIDAY 21 MARCH 2008

Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

08:00 – 08:15 Pembahasan Refleksi hari ketiga Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid


SESI #13 08.15 – 09.45

Peran Pemerintah dalam Ekonomi Pasar

Fungsi Dasar Pemerintah dalam perekonomian (lingkungan sosial dan hukum, barang public, esksternalitas, kompetisi, distribusi ulang pendaftaran, stabilisasi makroekonomi)

Ceramah, aktivitas kelompok, diskusi

Aula Ahmad Hafid

09.45 – 10.15 Rehat Kopi

SESI #14 10.15 – 11.45

Ketika Pasar tidak lagi persaingan sempurna

Struktur pasar, interdependensi, kompetisi dan atau kolusi, persaingan harga dan non harga

Ceramah, aktivitas kelompok, dan (pilihan – keterbatasan waktu), simulasi.

Daru Wahyuni

11.45 – 13.30 Makan Siang

SESI #15 13.30 – 15.00

Dua Kegagalan Pasar Barang Publik, eksternalitas, pajak pemerintah, dan kebijakan pengeluaran

Simulasi, aktivitas kelompok, ceramah

Aula Ahmad Hafid

15.00 – 15.30 Rehat Kopi

SESI #16 15.30 – 17.00

Dari Ekonomi Mikro ke Ekonomi Makro: Arus Melingkar

Arus melingkar, sumberdaya manusia, sumber daya modal.

Simulasi, diskusi, cermah

Daru Wahyuni

* Waktu pada hari Jumat berubah, untuk menyediakan waktu Shalat Jumat



Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

08:00 – 08:30 Pembahasan Refleksi hari keempat Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #17 08.15 – 09.45

Pengantar Kebijakan Fiskal

Kebijakan Fiskal yang otomatis dan fleksibel, efek pegganda, pengakuan, keputusan dan implementasi

Roleplay, diskusi, dan ceramah

Losina Purnastuti

09.45 – 10.15 Rehat Kopi

SESI #18 10.15 – 11.45

Memahami dan mengukur Permasalahan dasar ekonomi Makro

Pengangguran, inflasi, resesi, PDB nominal VS Real, siklus bisnis

Ceramah, aktivitas kelompok, analisis data, diskusi

Aula Ahmad Hafid

11.45 – 13.30 Makan Siang

SESI #19 13.30 – 15.00

Pengantar Uang dan Kebijakan Moneter

Fungsi dn karaketeristik uang, instrument kebijakan moneter, persamaan pertukaran, independensi bank sentral

Simulasi, roleplay Losina Purnastuti

15.00 – 15.30 Rehat Kopi


SESI #20 15.30 – 17.00

Perdagangan Internasional dan Hambatan Perdagangan

Keunggulan komparatif dan manfaat bersama dari perdagangan, efek bunga special, tariff, kuota, subsidi, dan standar kesehatan atau hukum

Aktivitas kelompok, diskusi, dan ceramah

Aula Ahmad Hafid

HARI 6 – MINGGU 23 MARET 2008 DAY 6 – SUNDAY 23 MARCH 2008

Sesi/Waktu session

Topik/Kegiatan Topic/Activity

Materi Concept/Content

Metode Methodology

Petugas/Pengajar Presenters

08:00 – 08:30 Pembahasan Refleksi hari kelima Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #21 08.15 – 09.45

Nilai Tukar

Penawaran dan permintaan; faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh pada penawaran dan permintaan valuta asing

Aktivitas kelompok, diskusi dan ceramah

Daru Wahyuni

09.45 – 10.15 Rehat Kopi

SESI #22 10.15 – 11.15

Quiz Bowl

Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid


SESI #23 11.15 – 12.15

Post Test dan Evaluasi Workshop

Losina Purnastuti, Daru Wahyuni, Aula Ahmad Hafid

SESI #24 12.15 – 12.45

Penutupan Panitia, Dekan FISE, Ketua Jurusan, Direktur YEES

12.45 – 13.45 Makan Siang



Initially YEES would recruit 30 economics teachers from 5 regencies in

Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Bantul, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Kulon Progo, and

Gunung Kidul). After we socialized workshop program in many events and

discuss it to economics teachers, we consider to accommodate their

suggestions. They suggested that YEES should invite more than 30

participants to get wider impact. Another thing was many economics teachers

from Central Java Province asked YEES to let them to join to introductory

workshop on economic education, since they already heard from other

teachers who have participated in YEES previous programs that YEES

conducted interesting training in economics instructional model used NCEE


Finally we decide to provide two parallel groups/classes Introductory

Workshop on Economic Education. First class consist of 40 economics

teachers, while second class consist of 42 economics teachers. As

consequence of this change we must rearrange the budget. We shift

transport cost for participants to other items. So, we do not provide

transport cost to all participants. We reduced budget for presenters expenses

and presenters transport cost & accommodation by reducing fee per session

and did not invite presenter from other cities.

Introductory Workshop on Economic Education is an effective way to

disseminate “creative and innovative” instructional model and methodology.

Based on evaluation form from participants, we conclude that this workshop

give significant benefit for all parties involved in this program. All participants

give comment that instructional model and NCEE lesson plan that YEES

introduce to them in that workshop are interesting, useful, and applicable.


Majority of participant stated that they will apply workshop subject/lesson to

their class.

Two weeks after workshop some of the participants inform us that

they have already applied lesson plan that they got from the workshop, and

they said that their student were very happy and exciting. Second comment

from evaluation form that YEES highlighted is most of the participants ask

YEES to conduct other workshops with different topics.

Few days after the workshop, four different groups offered YEES to

conduct workshop or training program. The first group is private

organization in Bantul regency. This organization invited YEES presenters to

deliver one day training for economics teacher in Bantul regency. This one

day training conducted in 13 April 2008. Second group is local government of

Kulon Progo. Kulon Progo local government provided grant to YEES to

conduct 2 days workshop for Kulon Progo economics teachers. We plan to

conduct this workshop in May 2008. Third offer came from Economics

Teachers Association (economics MGMP) in Magelang Regency Central Java.

Magelang Economics MGMP invited YEES presenters to deliver 2 days

workshop for economics teachers in Magelang Central Java. This workshop

will be conducted in June 2008. The fourth group is from business sector –

PT. Grasindo. PT Grasindo is one of well-known publishers in Indonesia that

publish references and text books for elementary, junior and senior high

school. PT Grasindo will sponsor two of YEES presenters (Losina Purnastuti

and Daru Wahyuni) to conduct some training for economics teacher in some

cities in Indonesia, such as Bandung, Surabaya and Medan. Previously, PT

Grasindo have became YEES sponsor several times in conducting training for

economics teacher in Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta.


Yogyakarta 16 April 2008 Director of YEES - UNY




Appendix 1. List of Participants and Guests

Appendix 2. Copy of news articles (selected)

Appendixes 3. Pictures

Appendix 4. Financial report