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  • 7/28/2019 Report of ROBI


    Career Planning & Developmentin ROBI

  • 7/28/2019 Report of ROBI



    Table of Contents


    Executive Summary...............................................................................04




    Report Objective.

    05Methodology.............................................................................. 05


    Company Overview................................................................................06






    Major Milestones of Robi....................................................................07

    Statement of the Topic........................................................................08

    Training Programs in Robi..


    Importance of T&D Process InRobi..09

    Training Process In Robi.....................................................................10



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    Foreign Training.


    Supervision of training by ROBI HR


    Objectives of Training


    Training Plan



    Training Needs.

    ...12Training Time....


    Training Place....






    Table of Contents

    Development Programs in


    Importance of Development


    Development Process In Robi

    Way of Conducting Development


    Job Rotation.


  • 7/28/2019 Report of ROBI



    Junior Board.


    Problems of T&D Process in Robi...









    The term paper on is prepared forDr. Zahed Husain Sikder, the course instructor of

    undergraduate program, School of Business at American International University of

  • 7/28/2019 Report of ROBI



    Bangladesh (AIUB). This report is the partial requirement of HR Planning and Forecasting

    (BBA-00986) course during the Summer-2011 and submitted at the same semester.

    Executive Summary

    Telecom industry is one of the significant industries of Bangladesh. There are some

    very strong participants in this sector, which has made this a very competitive market.

    Despite the high entry costs, new companies are gradually coming into this industry.

    Currently there are 6 competitors in this telecom market in our country. AXIATA Group take

    over the ownership of AKTEL and very recently they have been reformed with new slogan,

    new motto and last but not the least, they have changed their brand name to ROBI from what

    it was earlier, AKTEL. Good quality with providing full customer satisfaction is the main

    mission of ROBI. As because AXIATA Group came with a new name and new mission, they

    have set their target customers primarily will be young generation and apart from that they

    will try to reach more of their existing customers with their new products and services and

    also they want to make huge contribution in the socio-economy of our country. So their focus

    is to provide refreshment to the customers in a comparatively cheaper call rates and other

    customer services. ROBI have some competitors for example: GrameenPhone Ltd, Bangla

    Link, Airtel Bangladesh, City Cell Ltd, and Tele Talk. ROBI wants to make huge impression

    in this industry and they will try to capture more and more market shares, so they will inform

    all aged people by following advertising and other sales promotion. As it has changed their

    name, it is little bit difficult to capture the customers attraction and once the customers will

    familiar with the product, and then it will be very easy to launch our product in its selected

    areas. ROBI is always trying to focus improving its products and services based on customer

    demand, satisfaction and preferences.


    Primary Objective:

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    The primary objective of this project is to learn about the Training and Development

    process of the ROBI mobile company.

    Report objective: Detailed information about Training and development process of the company.

    To focus on different types of Training programmes, Supervisor of the

    programmes, Trainee, Trainer, Training time, Training place, Training needs,

    Trainee evaluation.

    To focus on different Development programmes and different Development


    To know the problems of Training and Development process and recommendation

    for that problems.


    We used Secondary data to make this report. And that is why the data and

    information is taken from newspaper, business magazines, and catalogs and also from the



    The major limitation factor for this report was primarily the reluctance and strict

    devotion to confidentiality maintenance attitude shown by the official website of ROBI

    mobile company. Moreover, some information was withheld to preserve privacy of the

    company. So, we couldnt give the exact information always. Most of all we had very little

    time to finish this project. If we had some time more the project could have been better. But

    inspite of that we have tried our level best to make the report data more meaningful.

    Company Overview

    Robi is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication solutions provider.

    It is a joint venture company between Axiata and NTT DoCoMo, Japan. Robi was officially

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    commenced its operations in 1997 among the pioneers GSM mobile telecommunications

    provider in Bangladesh. Covering all 64 districts of the country, Robi has become the first

    mobile operator to connect Tetulia and Teknaf, the northern and southern most points of

    Bangladesh and the first to provide seamless coverage along the Dhaka-Chittagong highway.

    Robi supports 2G voice, CAMEL phase 2 and GPRS/EDGE service with high speed internet

    connectivity. It has the widest International Roaming coverage in Bangladesh connecting 440

    operators across 203 countries. Robis GSM service is based on a robust network architecture

    and cutting edge technology such as Intelligent Network (IN), which provides peace-of-mind

    solutions in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationwide network coverage, and multiple

    global partners for international roaming. Robi customer centric solution includes value

    added services (VAS), quality customer care, easy access call centers, digital network

    security, and flexible tariff rates.

    With its strengths and competencies developed over the years, Robi aims to provide the best

    quality service experience in terms of coverage and connectivity to its customers all over


    Vision:To be a leader as a Telecommunication Service Provider in Bangladesh.

    Mission: ROBI aims to be achieving its vision through being number One not only in

    terms of market share, but also by being an employer of choice with up-to date knowledge

    and products geared to address the ever changing needs of our budding nation.

    Theme: Customer First

    Major Milestones of ROBI

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    First time introduced the 'mobile Plus (PSTN Incoming Connectivity only) Product

    Services' in Bangladesh.

    First time introduced the Tele-Ramadan (Timing of Iftar and Sehri during Ramadan)

    under Tele-info Services in Bangladesh.

    First time introduced the Seamless Coverage throughout the Dhaka- Chittagong

    Highway and named it as 'Chittagong Dhaka Corridor (CDC)'.

    First time introduce the full fledged IVR based Customer Services (Call Center) in

    telecom market.

    First time introduced cellular services in the most northern part of Bangladesh by

    launching ROBI Service in Rangpur and Dinajpur in 2002.

    TMIB brought Twenty Six (26) Districts and the outskirts under ROBI network by

    the end of Year 2002 successfully.

    Introduced the automatic system generated bill amount and payment request for the

    Post-paid subscribers in 2002. The automatic unbarring facility, after necessary payment

    making by the subscribers, is also a part of this system.

    Today, ROBI is recognized as a leading brand in Bangladesh and this is driven by our

    persistent pursuit of quality and technology, putting it clearly ahead of the rest. The future

    with ROBI is promised to be exciting as we strive to employ the best resources and latest

    technology in offering many more innovative and exciting products and services

    Statement of the Topic

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    We have selected the topic of Determination of Training and Development needs in

    ROBI for our report.

    Training Programmes in ROBI

    The training program is a vital link in the process of converting the recruit into

    productive representatives. The money, which is spent on recruiting and selecting people,

    may be wasted if their selection is not followed up with the proper training programs.

    Additionally, experienced reps may not improve or even maintain their productivity if they

    are not provided with an adequate amount of continual training. So the purpose of training is

    to relate and improve the specific performance related skills, attitudes, perception and

    behaviors require peoples success with the state of readiness of the force. As ROBI is the

    leading provider of telecom services, they always want to serve their best. That is why, they

    have very strong and effective training department to train the best training to their

    employees. At ROBI the top-level management believes that their primary competitive

    advantage comes from their employees. In the ever-changing mobile industry, all of they

    must continuously upgrade their skills and knowledge in order to maintain this competitive

    advantage. Their training programs are based on the job natures and the performance of the

    employees. Their goal is to attract, retain and motivate the very best and to do that they

    support training, development, and business education.

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    Importance of Training and Development Process

    in ROBI

    Training and Development is the field concerned with organizational activity aimed at

    bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. In other words

    it means taking human inputs recruited or even existing employees and turning them into

    productive part of the company.

    ROBI believes that Training programs should be taken as a continual, ongoing process,

    which improve the scenario in different dimensions such as:

    Training process is conducted to provide the freshers the basic knowledge which is

    required to perform their specific job perfectly. Robi provides practice session for the new employees, to implement the basic

    knowledge. Because Robi believes on the more practice the more perfect empolyee.

    Training provides the people with better improved knowledge, working habits,

    working techniques which are essential part to achieve both employee and company

    satisfaction and thus retaining them in the long run.

    Training programs also help trainee to develop positive attitude about themselves and

    company as a whole.

    As a developing country, Bangladeshi people, in general, are not very aware about the

    technological changes that are taking place. Through Training and Development process

    ROBI wants to make the each and every employee that much capable so that they can prove

    themselves as one of the most vital weapons to achieve overall, long-run goals of the

    organization. And from these discussions we can realize that how important the Training and

    Development process is in ROBI.

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    Training Process in ROBI

    ROBI uses different training technique depending on the training content, purpose of the training

    program, participants of the program as well as time required for the completion of the training.

    The training program of ROBI is conducted before sending the entry level employees to the


    The training need of each employee is analyzed through two processes:

    TNA: Training Need Analysis

    SGA: Skill Gap Analysis

    The results of these two Training Need Analysis processes measures how much training each

    employee needs

    There are two types of training process:

    1. In-house training: This training is provided through the vendors. Employee

    supervisors or line managers provide a coaching for the new employees. In coaching, lectures are

    delivered to provide knowledge related to the specific jobs. A lecture is the best way to present a

    basic outline of a subject in a shorter time to a larger number of trainees than any of the other

    techniques. For example, when information about ROBIS products, new services, and new

    findings in the research and company information, market condition is to be given to the trainees

    then the training department adopts lectures. With this technique, a trainer can handle a higher

    number of participants and give greater volume of information within a short time period

    2. Foreign training: To implement new technology Robi have to train their new

    employees from foreign countries. They have arranged for international training for their

    employees according their performance .In this case the employee has to sign a Bond assuring

    the company that he will not leave company next few years. This duration varies based on the

    training. Employees are mainly sent to Malaysia for this higher training. The cost of relocations,

    the whole expense of food and housing are providing by ROBI Company as long as they are in

    the abroad for training.

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    Job rotation: ROBI provide job rotation to the entry-level employees. In this process they

    dont send their employee of one department to another department for training. What they do is

    that they just send employee of one branch to another or one region to another.

    Discussion: In ROBI, when any new system is launched or when there is any need for

    changing the technique or policies, discussion is used as a training method where both the trainer

    and the trainees can share their thoughts and opinions. During the leadership training, induction

    training as training on advanced selling skill; the training department usually prefers discussion.

    Sometimes, when cases are given to the trainees to solve the problem and suggest

    recommendation, group discussion also takes place among the trainees.

    Supervision of training by ROBI HR Department

    Though the training programs are provided by different departments, the overall supervision is

    upon the HR department. They look after the overall process and do some routine functions.

    They are as follows:

    Prepare, maintain and update training related database.

    Prepare career development plan

    Prepare induction training manual/modules

    Evaluate training program

    To Make agreement between ROBI and employees for overseas training

    To communicate with different local training institutions

    To communicate with trainers/instructors.

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    Objectives of Training Programs in ROBI

    A primary objective of many training programs is to teach the force how to be more

    productive. Usually, a persons productivity will increase with experience. But if training can

    substitute for some of the needed experience, higher productivity levels should be reached


    Training Plan

    Training gives new employees the skills required to perform their jobs perfectly. So make the

    training program perfect ROBI plans some steps, which are helpful for the fresher.

    ROBI follows the following steps to conduct training.

    Trainee: As newly hired person doesnt have enough knowledge about the company

    and his job, training can help them in this regard. Although experienced people have

    knowledge about their job still they need training to cope with the changing world.

    Training needs: ROBI mainly follows need based training. That is, whenever

    the supervisor finds that his/her subordinates need sufficient training; they immediately

    take necessary steps and arrange training programs. They are as follows:

    Performance testing

    Job analysis

    Force survey

    Performance survey


    Training times: Timing of the training has two basic attitudes. Some

    organizations prefer training first than go for the job, where as some organizations want

    training based on after job performance. ROBI, the Training programs are made as yearly

    basis for providing training on techniques and skills for all level of their employees

    including the ones from other departments because they believe that in a organization

    everybody needs to have skill. The marketing department, sales department and HR

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    department altogether do the overall plan. This yearly plan for training is enhanced by the

    monthly meetings held in every spots where ROBI has subsidiaries. These meetings are

    referred to as Pre- cycle Briefing meeting. These meetings try to find out in which areas

    and for which employees training is needed. In the beginning of the training, expectations

    from each participant in the training program are assessed and according to that the

    managers design the content of the training. At every meeting, each department discuss

    and analysis the performance of the worker of their department in the past month and

    identifies whether they are performing accordingly or not. If someone fails to perform

    and cannot reach the objective then the need for training arises. Plan of every individual

    department also has significant impact on the training plan because only proper training

    can ensure the implementation of the plan. The yearly plan for providing training makes

    sure that it can be helpful for the achievement of the objective of the plan. The training

    department plans the training before 2-3 months from the time intended to provide the

    training to the employees. The Training Manager is responsible for preparing the

    budgeting, plan on which training for whom in all department, planned actions, and also

    give guidelines to the Human Resource Department for recruitment and selection.

    However, Training Manager specifically works with the related training. According to

    the companys perspective, everybody should have knowledge about their related job. So,

    the Training Manager plans what type of training is required for new recruits and the

    existing personnel and how the training is going to change the current performance and

    will help in achieving the desired level of performance. Both the managers analyze the

    performance of the trainee after attending the training program taken place in the last

    month and set strategy for the next months training plan.

    Training place: Training can be provided in both centralized and decentralizedmanner. Centralized training occurs when all the people come to one central location

    (often home office) to have training. On the other hand decentralized training of people is

    usually held in field or regional offices. ROBI follows both centralized and decentralized

    training. General management training program for the top level executives are mainly

    held in the home office because centralized school normally has more formal facilities for

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    training than are available in the field. As top-level executives need more advanced

    training, thats why, it usually held in the head-office. On the other hand, those whose

    works are mainly field based, they often have to go with their senior people to the field,

    have to do on-the-job training, attend seminars, conferences etc to increase their outer


    Trainer: A trainer is the person on whom the success or failure of the whole training

    program is dependent. There are three types trainers by, they are-

    I. Regular line executives

    II. Staff personnel and

    III. Outside specialists.

    Because each has certain advantages, it is not unusual to find organizations using all these

    three types as well as using one or two types. It basically depends on the size of the firm, the

    characteristics of the product line, the focus of the training where the sessions are held etc.

    ROBI has both line executive trainer and outside specialists. The HR manager and senior

    supervisor usually train their own force. In that way, the trainer can get better understanding

    about the laggings of their force and can take necessary steps according to that. On the other

    hand, force also get known environment because of their own supervisor as their trainer.

    Robi also bring outside specialists from abroad like Malaysia. In this way, they get the most

    advance and recent information from their competitors.

    Trainee Evaluation: In ROBI, The effectiveness of a training program is

    measured by evaluation of the trainees. This evaluation is necessary in terms of assessing the

    value of the training and in terms of improving the design of future programs. There are

    mainly four outcomes based on which the organization evaluates the success or failure of

    each training program. The four outcomes are- reaction, learning, behavior and results.

    After each training session, each must have to submit an annual assessment. In the annual

    assessment, each trainee is asked to do report regarding the training program and is asked to

    do presentations on the items they have learnt. During the training, quizzes and assignments

    are also given among the trainees. The effects of training on their performance are evaluated

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    through the performance they have done after taking part in the training compared to the

    performance they used to do before the training and by this the organization measure the

    effectiveness of that training program. The trainees who have gone abroad for attending the

    training program are required to submit a report regarding on the materials taught in the

    whole training program. This type of evaluation helps both the trainers as well as the

    trainees. The trainees can compare their own performance and try to improve according to

    that. The trainers can judge the effectiveness of training and can develop better strategy for

    the upcoming training program.

    Development Programmes in ROBI

    Management development is any attempt to managerial performance by impartingknowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills. For the past few years management

    developments focus has been shifting from preparing managers to fill higher level slots to

    preparing them to meet the challenges of managing in past paced environment. Increasingly,

    therefore, the emphasis is on developing a managers ability to learn and make decisions

    under conditions of rapid change. The management development program may be aimed at

    filling a specific position, such as CEO, perhaps with one of two potential candidates. When

    it is an executive position to be filled, the process is usually called succession planning.

    Succession planning refers to the process through which senior level openings are planned

    for and eventually filled.

    Importance of Development Programmes in ROBI

    When ROBI selects their own employees to fill the vacant higher positions they look for the

    employee who are ready to get the higher position. As they do not follow the personnel

    replacement chart or position replacement card they have to make those employees ready toacquire the higher position ROBI conducts development program for them. It helps those

    employees to have the ability to take decisions those are required in the higher-level position.

    Those who deserve the higher position receive a development process conducted by ROBI

    but its true that their development programs are not well organized though they take some

    necessary steps for developing their employees who are working inside the organization.

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    Development Process in ROBI

    Way of Conducting Development Process : Before starting a

    development program they analyze the employees to what extent they need the development

    to be fit for the higher position. To analyze this they go through SGA (skill gap analysis).

    On the basis of the SGA every employee has to have a yearly 40 hours development

    process. It depends on the current skill of those employees. Every employee of ROBI (from

    manager to managing director) goes through a career succession planning. Through this

    career succession planning employees develops their skills to deserve the vacant higher


    The Development Process: To conduct a development process ROBI

    follows the following on the jobs techniques:

    1. Job rotation: ROBI provide job rotation to the managerial employees also. But the

    idea of ROBIs job rotation policy is limited only to the department. That means they dont

    send their employees of one department to another department. What they do is that they just

    send employee of one branch to another or one region to another. For example, for job

    rotation they send Marketing manager of Chittagong branch to the Marketing department of

    Dhaka branch as a manager which position is vacant, but they dont send a marketing

    manager to the sells department or HR department or any other branches.

    2. Junior Board: It is used for operational decisions in most cases. But sometimes it is

    used to take very few strategic decisions (example: to design training program). To attend

    junior board all employees should already receive the initial coaching. In junior board top

    level managers have a sit with the sub-ordinates and encourage them to provide possible

    suggestions regarding a decision. The sub-ordinates try to give suggestions through

    brainstorming using the knowledge provided in the initial coaching.

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    Problems of Training and Development Programs

    in Robi

    Though ROBI follows most of the rules and regulations of standard training programs butstill they have some problems with their existing training and development programs. Some

    of the problems are listed below-

    They dont have action-learning program. As a result employees dont get scope to

    increase their project skill and to know about the problems of another department.

    They dont concentrate on off the job training. We know, off the job training is

    sometimes more important to know about the job.

    Review system is not strong enough. As a result it becomes quite difficult to

    understand how effective the training was.

    Lack of motivation in the training side. ROBI dont motivate that much while

    employees took training. They took training just like they are doing their regular


    Less scope of developing for the senior employees. Senior employee especially the

    aged employees dont have sufficient idea about the changing environment of


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    Recommendation and Ways of Implement of

    Training and Development Programs in Robi

    In order to solve the problems with the existing training and development system, werecommend the following suggestion. The ways of implementing those recommendations is

    also discussed.

    1. From the problem part, we become able to know that ROBI dont follow action

    learning training and off the job training. We would not recommend implementing action

    learning training. But ROBI should provide off the job training. Because, for some sectors

    or jobs off the job training is more valuable than on the job training. In order to implement

    off the job training in the company they can follow those steps: -

    Select the sectors and employee for this training

    A time horizon for the training. It will be selected by the discussion with the


    Then the trainer would be selected. They dont need to hire new trainer for this, they

    can provide off the job training with their existing trainer.

    Sufficient training materials should be provided to the employees.

    2. They should motivate employee to give more concentration on their training. The

    reason is that motivations dont cost enough money, but it helps to the employees to learn

    rapidly. If they are motivated and learn the job then not only they will be benefited, at the

    same time they will serve the company with their best effort. In order to motivate them,

    ROBI can provide them various incentives, like- informing them about the benefit of the

    training, how it will help them, etc.

    3. Senior employees should also be developed always. We already mentioned that in

    ROBI senior employees do not get enough facilities and time to develop themselves. As a

    result they always have lack of idea about the technological change. In order to provide

    training for the senior employees ROBI may need to provide different sessions like action

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    learning, case study method, management games. So, it may cost ROBI. But in the long run,

    they will be benefited.


    ROBI is trying to cope up with the changing market situation and that is why they

    have come with a new name, new slogan and new mission. To be very frank, the telecom

    sector of our country is totally dominated by GrameenPhone Ltd, with its extreme

    superior network coverage and customer services. Also in last year, Bharti Airtel made

    its entrance in our country by capturing the ownership of WARID telecom. So this

    telecom industry will be in a fluctuating situation within a very short time.

    Technologically ROBI is lagging behind far more than GP. So to make progress andcapture the more market share it needs drastic steps to make improvement. ROBI has a

    very passionate and hard working marketing department, very dedicating customer

    service team who are trying their level best to take ROBI one step ahead because

    previously its slogan was ONE STEP AHEAD. Although its slogan has been changed

    but its vision should be like this to cement its place into this industry. We hope ROBI

    will be successful with its new brand name and its products and services.

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    Name of Websites Are-