report on robi

Page | 1 Organizational Consulting Project BUSA: 695 Report Title An Analysis of the Level of Employee Satisfaction in Robi and Understanding Its Effect on the Competitive Position Prepared For RobiAxiata Limited Prepared By KhandakerMdQuamrulAhsan RRU ID: 316479

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employee satisfaction of Robi


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Organizational Consulting ProjectBUSA: 695

Report Title An Analysis of the Level of Employee Satisfaction in Robi and Understanding Its Effect on the Competitive Position

Prepared For RobiAxiata Limited

Prepared By KhandakerMdQuamrulAhsan RRU ID: 316479

Date of Submission July 30, 2012

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TABLE OF CONTENT Name of the TopicChapter One 1.0 Introduction . 10


Chapter Two 2.0 Business Environment 11

Chapter Three 3.0 History 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 20 20

The objective of the company

Purpose and Principles of the Company Shareholder of the Company Product and Services 3.4.1 3.4.2

Prepaid Package Postpaid Package


Marketing Strategy of Robi 3.5.1 3.5.2 Product Positioning Marketing Mix

3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 Chapter Four 4.0

Market Share of Robi

Different Departments and Divisions of Robi Organization Structure SWOT Analysis of Robi . Relationship among Different Departments

Problem Study Literature Review 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Job Satisfaction


Chapter Five 5.0 25 25 26 27 27 28 29 30

Factors of Jos Satisfaction

Relation between Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance Effect of Job Satisfaction with Ultimate Organizations Performance Motivator Relation between Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction Effect Of Job Satisfaction

Chapter Six 6.0 Research Introduction 6.1 32 33 Benefit of The Study

Page |3 6.2 Management Interest 34

Chapter Seven 7.0 Research objective 7.1 7.2 Chapter Eight 8.0 Research Methodology 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Research Design Target Population Sampling Frame.. Sampling Design Survey Method Questionnaire Design 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 44 44 36 36 38 Research Questions Objectives of the Report

Questions Rating and Justification Data Analysis and Interpretation Five Steps of Research Plan

Chapter Nine 9.0 Survey Data Analysis 9.1 9.2 Chapter Ten 10.0 Summary of The Findings 10.1 10.2 10.3 . 65 66 66 67 Quantitative Findings Qualitative Findings Overall Findings Frequency Analysis .. 45 46 58

Qualitative Analysis

Chapter Eleven 11.0 Recommendation 68

Chapter Twelve 12.0 Implementation Conclusion 71

Chapter Thirteen 13.0 77

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LIST OF TABLE1. Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh 2. Responses of the Questionnaire Rating Scale 3. Patter of Responses and its value 4. Employees Feedback towards the Company and their Supervisor 5. Employees feedback towards Corporate Environment 6. Employees Feedback towards Remuneration and Responsibility 7. Employees Feedback towards Motivation and Development 8. Employees Feedback towards Benefits and Incentives 9. Employees Feedback towards Safety, Security and Cleanliness 10. Summary Findings of the Chi-square Tests of the Survey Questions

LIST OF FIGURE 1. Organizational Hierarchy of Robi 2. Frequency Analysis of Respondents Age 3. Frequency Analysis of Respondents Sex 4. Frequency Analysis of Employment Year 5. Frequency Analysis of Respondents Level of Education 6. Frequency Analysis of Respondents Marital Status 7. Employees Feedback towards the Company and their Supervisors 8. Employees Feedback toward Corporate Environment 9. Employees Feedback towards Remuneration and Responsibility 10. Employees Feedback towards Motivation and Development 11. Employees Feedback towards Benefits and Incentives 12. Employees Feedback towards Safety, Security and Cleanliness

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTCompiling a research is a rewarding task that requires both mental stamina and attention to detail. The varied nature of the matters dealt with has entitled references from too many sources, starting from books to brochures. I gladly acknowledge my indebtedness for all these ideas and information they have provided.

First of all, I would like to thank almighty Allah, who gave me the ability and strength to carry out this report. Then I would like to convey my gratitude to Md. SajedurRahman,Chief Operating Officer, PML, for instructing me to do this research in a proper way.

I am highly grateful to Mr. Md. MizanurRahman, General Manager (Administration, Robi), Mr. SK NasirAhamedRazib, Manager (HR, Robi) and Mr. Shariful Islam, General Manager, (Administration, Robi), for helping me with their valuable time and company information. I am also thankful to them for suggesting other departments to cooperate me. I have taken a collection of information from the website address of Robito complete my research.

I am very grateful to my family who always give me constant support and encouragement. I would like to thank my seniors who helped me greatly to complete this report. In addition, I will mention my friends who also inspired and helped me to finish my work.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARYBusiness Environment Communication in Bangladesh is based on Telephone, mobile communication, TV Broadcast, Radio, Internet etc. The mobile phone is becoming a very common measure of communication in our country. The number of mobile users is increasing day by day. Today is the era when telecom companies in our country are fighting with each other to grab the market share of customer. The fights can decently be named as Healthy Competition. Each and every silly single issue needs to be observed and handled in a competitive way to survive and win the competition. Bangladesh telecom sector possesses such healthy competition by 6 competitors, where Grameenphonehas held the peak strongly for several years. Robi has been just behind of Grameenphone.

There can be thousands of issues behind this competitive position of Robi, among which employee satisfaction can be a significant one. This is because, the employee is the one who prepare the product, convince the customer, deliver the product and make them the loyal one. So, if companys profit and growth depend upon customer then the employees are the medium to bring that profit into the home. Robis Background Robi is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication solution provided. It is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. RobiAxiata Limited, formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh), commenced its operation in 1997 under the brand name Aktel among the pioneer GSM mobile telecommunications service providers in Bangladesh. Later, on 28th March, 2010 the company started its new journey with the brand name Robi. There is no doubt that Robi has earned name and fame in telecom industry in Bangladesh. It might have not achieved the peak but it has surely left some competitors behind. Unfortunately, the business world is completely unpredictable where a small negativity can pull the company down anytime.

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Problem Study A casual look at the top list of telecom companies can count the name of GrameenPhone at first and Robi is roaming around between 2nd and 3rd. So, why Robi is remaining behind of GP? Or at which points GP excels the level of Robi? Careful observations may bring out the inappropriateness in any one or more than one department of Robi. Issues can be raised from the human resource section of the company. And this has influenced this project to scrutinize the employee satisfaction level of Robi through which the project will be able to be specific and organized.Human resource is a kind of resource that runs and empowers all other resources of an organization.

The Overall Research The research plan has started out from the review of the literature to draw the research questions, figuring out the whole research population and designing the sample, fixing up the questionnaire, conducting survey on the sample and finally analyzing the collected data. The main objective of this report is to find out the effect of employee satisfaction on Robis competitive position. In order to initiate the analysis and design the roadmap of it, some very basic questions have been fixed up at first as the research questions. Research questions are set to identify the level of satisfaction related to the job prevailing at the present state of satisfaction compared to other contemporary telecom company in the country. In order to conduct the survey employee of Robis head office was taken as sample unit. Among them 80 people, including male female equally, were picked up randomly under the Simple Random Sampling Method. All these respondents were being interviewed on a one to one questionnaire approach. Primary data were collected through this questionnaire survey and secondary data was collected from Robis website and other newspaper, journal, etc. Although this research project has been conducted upon a business organization but the base of research is not related to profit earning concern. This research has been signified the role of human resource aspect of an organization under the category of descriptive research. The entire research has been encompassed by both quantitative and qualitative aspects. In case of both aspect survey method has been applied to data collection and it was one and same survey for both aspect to keep the base or data of analysis exactly same.

Findings Quantitative and qualitative both analyses showed that employees are quite satisfied with Robis employee policies. However, an exception to this, employees have a dissatisfaction

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stand on corporate environment and remuneration and responsibility issues. Besides, some employee suggested few suggestions to improvise disciplinary and regulatory acts and policies more to make the company more competitive.These findings indicate that, employee satisfaction cannot be the reason behind Robis competitive position. This is because, the analysis found out that employees are quite satisfied and giving their best to the company and Robi also giving appropriate return to them.

Recommendation This is true that, complete satisfaction is hard to achieve, but it's also true that Robi has ensured a level of employee satisfaction, where employees think themselves as an integral part of the company and serves as their best. And now they need to remove every point of dissatisfaction and enhance the existing level of satisfaction. This can be done by many activities like-Salary review, increasing training and development, upgrading corporate environment etc. The recommended steps can be implemented by Employee development program, reverse evaluation method, HR Policy implementation and monitoring committee etc. Besides the employee satisfaction, there are lots of other issues that can hamper Robis competitive position. In fact it would be better to say, that those issues are more powerful than employee satisfaction. Robis competitive position is might be suffering for any one or more of these issues that need to be investigated properly.

Implementation On the basis of recommended guidelines, implementation strategies have been outlined to enhance the existing level of satisfaction or to retain the present level. Robis employees expressed dissatisfaction on Robis corporate environment and to improve it the research suggested to initiate policy implementation and monitoring committee for 6 months duration. The committee will be stood up by the employees of Robi and they will be selected through an electoral process. This committee will do several things. Robi can conduct an employee development program for a different duration period by both internal and external experts. Robi can offer different appraisal programs including advertisement by their own employees. All these implementer actions might raise some risks, especially, Robi needs to incur financial expenses for employee development program and salary review. This might initiate a financial risk, even though its worthy of the long term benefit of the company.

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Benefit of the Study to Robi Primarily three benefits come up on focus that Robi can avail from this study. First of all, Robi got a chance to review their human resource policy and compare it to the standard policy for human resource in telecommunication sector. Robi got a scope to review that the personality of the employee matches to the type of the job being allotted to the employee. So, now it is easy for them to determine that whether employee satisfaction or human resource issues are affecting their competitive position or not. Secondly, Robi knew the level of satisfaction of their employee and the factor that can create dissatisfaction into the employees. This employee satisfaction study helped them to make any necessary rectification through desirable development programs, promotion, reward etc. As an additional aspect, these motivational steps inspired the employee get more dedicated toward the work. This will increase the work but will decrease the employee turnover rate. Finally, this study also helped Robi and the employees to find the gap in between them and they got the chance for clarification and erosion of all kinds of misunderstandings. Al these surely helped Robi to increase productivity and upward its performance. Besides, Robi will also be able to refer this paper for further consultancy in case of any relevant problems and research.

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CHAPTER ONE1.0 Introduction Watson, come here: I want you.This has been the first message ever transmitted from one place to another, through a device called the telephone. American genius, Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) along with his assistant Thomas Watson invented the device. It was March 10, 1876, an important day for human civilization, the first step towards developing means of communication1. Weve come a long way since then. Today, the telephone is a part of our everyday life. Besides telephone, now-a-days mobile phones are playing a great role to communicate from one place to another. Today, The Globe is a village and telecommunication has become a day-to-day necessity of the people. Communication in Bangladesh is based on Telephone, mobile communication, TV Broadcast, Radio, Internet etc. The mobile phone is becoming a very common measure of communication in our country. The number of mobile users is increasing day by day. Presently there are six companies in the market. Robi is one of the leading companies in this sector.

It is not so before when BTRC land line telephone was the only means of verbal communication in our country. And today is the era when telecom companies in our country are fighting with each other to grab the customer. The fights can decently be named as Healthy Competition. Each and every silly single issue needs to be observed and handled in a competitive way to survive and win the competition. Bangladesh telecom sector possesses such healthy competition by six competitors, where Grameenphone has held the peak strongly for several years. Robi has been just behind of Grameenphone. There can be thousands of issues behind this competitive position of Robi, among which employee satisfaction is a significant one. This is because, the employee is the one who prepare the1

Alamgir & Anand, A Study of Bangladesh Telecom Market (Master Thesis in Business Administration, School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology Mlardalen University, Sweden, 2008): 1-2.

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product, convince the customer, deliver the product and make them the loyal one. So, if companys profit and growth depend upon customer then the employees are the medium to bring that profit into the home.

CHAPTER TWO2.0 Business Environment

The term competition defies definition because the view of competition held by different group varies. Most firms define competition in crude, simplistic and unrealistic terms. Some firms fail to identify the true source of competition; others underestimate the capabilities and reactions of their competitors. When the business climate is stable, a shallow outlook toward business might work, but in the current environment a business strategy has to be real competition oriented.

The telecommunication sector in Bangladesh is the most attractive and booming sector at present. The concept of mobile telephone has become largely familiar and astonishingly in our country since early 90swith the ongoing technological advancement. Since then the entire mobile phone companies have tried to attract their subscribers through various worthwhile offers.

The mobile phone operations decisions were never being influenced by any International agreement but held up as an independent entity for making the market grow. Self learning and liberalizing the mobile phone sector shaped up in a sequential strategy for Bangladesh. From 1993 till 1996 the mobile phone services were monopolized by one company; Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Ltd. which didnt let the customer benefitted, however, with the commissioning of mobile phone service by Grameen Phone Limited and Aktel in 1997, the situation started to improve in terms of price reduction and quality. The later period could be said Grameen phone Ltd. golden period, but the arrival of Banglalink in (2005) the mobile phone market brought immense price competition. The intensity of competition came as a blessing for the customers. This change in trend forced every player to adjust their price policy and quality.

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The Telecom regulatory authority of Bangladesh with the related agencies has been doing a crucial role of monitoring. The Bangladesh experience of mobile phone liberalization has a rich experience and presents a role model and suggests some important lesson for others; that is, in an industry like the mobile phone sector where network externalities and switching costs are important, Moreover, in liberalizing the telecom sector, the policy makers should keep in mind that a minimum number of players (May be three, four or more, depending on the market size, Tele-density and availability of radio spectrum) are needed in the sector to have a competitive environment.

In the telecom sector of Bangladesh, the competition is really strategy oriented. Ever changing technological advances, customer demand and scope of investment in this sector has made Bangladesh a profitable target for various multinational companies to set up their business plant here. Currently there are 6 mobile operators in Bangladesh, among them Teletalk Bangladesh is the only government owned company and another 5 are privately owned. They are namely

Grameenphone Joint venture ownership between Telenor and Grameen Telecom. Robi Joint venture between Telecom Malaysia Berhad TM and A. K. Khan& company limited Banglalink Joint venture with Orascom Telecom Co. Originated from Egypt. Airtel An investment in Dubai and Abu Dhabi Group UAE. Citycell Joint venture with SingTel Asia pacific investment Pvt. Limited.

Robi's major competition comes from all the four companies mentioned above. All of them are aggressively marketing their product. Especially when the Orascom entered the market, it has given the competition a new edge. The entry of Banglalink in February 2005 has sparked a price war. The Banglalinks attractive launch offer included a new connection and handset at a low start-up cost. Following Banglalink, three other private operators Grameen Phone, Robi and CityCell have also come up with various value-added offers resulting in an intense price battle. The development of a competitive mobile phone market is expected to prompt an easing in cell phone tariffs going forward, after years of escalation in what was a captive market. Consumers will also benefit from cheaper connection and call rates. State-owned

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operator Teletalk, however, is expected to struggle in this new environment as it is still grappling with poor network coverage and inefficient management.

The explosion of telecoms penetration in the last decade has been extra ordinary. As reported by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), the number of Mobile Phone Active Subscribers was 72.963 million at the end of March 2011 and at the end of February 2012, this total number of Mobile Phone Active Subscribers has been increased by 14.924 million new subscribers and reached at 87.887 million with an compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.45% per year. In fact Bangladesh telecom market is growing at a CAGR of 53.8% in last fouryears period 2005-20092. According to the BTRC report of May 2012, the chronology of the companies in terms of subscribers is as follows-

Table 1: Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh Operators Grameenphone Banglalink Robi Airtel Citycell Teletalk TOTAL Source: BTRC Report of May 2012 3 **Subscribers in Millions **The above subscribers' numbers are declared by the mobile operators Active Subscribers 38.412 25.252 18.733 6.667 1.713 1.342 92.120


Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh,Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, Accessed June28,2012, =96:2011&Itemid=8503

Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh,Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, accessed June28, 2012,

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In our developing economy mobile phone industry is one of the fastest growing areas, as we can see the number of customers is increasing day by day. So, the rising demand says that it will continue to develop vigorously in the near future.

CHAPTER THREE3.0 History Robi is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication solution provided. It is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. RobiAxiata Limited, formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh), commenced its operation in 1997 under the brand name Aktel among the pioneer GSM mobile telecommunications service providers in Bangladesh. Later, on 28th March, 2010 the company started its new journey with the brand name Robi.

Robi is truly a customer-oriented brand of Bangladesh.Robi marches ahead with innovation and creativity having the local tradition at its core. To ensure leading-edge technology, Robi has the international expertise of Axiata and NTT DOCOMO INC. It supports 2G voices, CAMEL Phase II & III and GPRS/EDGE service with high-speed Internet connectivity. Its GSM service is based on a robust network architecture and cutting edge technology such as Intelligent Network (IN), which provides peace-of-mind solutions in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationwide network coverage and multiple global partners for international roaming. It has the widest International Roaming coverage in Bangladesh connecting 550 operators across 205 countries. Its customer centric solution includes value added services (VAS), quality customer care, easy access call centers, digital network security and flexible tariff rates.

With its strengths and competencies developed over the years, Robi aims to provide the best quality service experience in terms of coverage and connectivity to its customers all over Bangladesh. Together with its unique ability to develop local insights, Robi create distinct services with local flavor to remain close to the hearts of its customer.


Objective of The Company

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RobiAxiata Limited started its commercial operations as a GSM cellular phone operator with the objective of offering state-of-the-art and modern telecommunication services to the people of Bangladesh at competitive prices.


Purpose and Principles of the Company

Robi is unique. Our new brand is people-centric. We exist because of them. Anything is now possible. Any new idea is appreciated no matter where it comes from within the organization. It is all in our own hands now.

In order to help people to understand the idea mentioned above, the company described the new brand in terms of purpose and principles.

Purpose The purpose statement is to set a common direction for new brand, a framework for all their strategic planning. Robis purpose is also to empower their customers. They claim that, We are there for you, where you want and in the way you want, in order to help you develop, grow and make the most of your life through our services. The new brand is here to help people to empower and enable them to make a better life. They also believe that, We will keep our promises and deliver. We will innovate, execute fresh ideas and, as a nationwide organization, we will be respectful of our customers and stakeholders.

Principles Principle statements define how people want to behave with each other in the organization. The statements are about how the organization will value customers, suppliers, and the internal community.


Shareholder of the Company

RobiAxiata Limited is a Joint Venture company between Axiata Group Berhad (70%) and NTT DOCOMO INC. (30%) Axiata Group BerhadAxiata is an emerging leader in Asian telecommunications with significant presence in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Cambodia. In addition, the Malaysian grown holding company has strategic mobile and non mobile telecommunications operations and investments in India, Singapore, Iran,

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Pakistan and Thailand. Axiata Group Berhad, including its subsidiaries and associates, has approximately 50 million mobile subscribers in Asia, and is listed on Malaysias stock exchange (Bursa Malaysia).


Products and Services

Robi offers an array of different packages. In addition to offering the fundamental pre-paid and post-paid mobile services, it offers a wide range of value- added products and services such as, SMS, GPRS, EDGE, International Roaming SMS banking, Caller Ring Back Tone, MMS, Voice Greetings, Call Blocking on 4 August 2008, which give the subscriber to control which call he or she receive or not and Bengali SMS. Robi has got the widest International Roaming coverage among all the operators in Bangladesh. Robi has 20 Customer Care Centers and 430 Robi Care Points in 64 districts all over the country. Robi has over 25,000 retail selling points along with 100,000-voucher sales point all over Bangladesh.

Product Portfolio Robi mainly offer two types of product based on the subscription category for general subscribers-Pre-paid and postpaid.

3.4.1 Prepaid package: Robi'sPrepaid package is continually offering new features and plans to provide absolute freedom to the customer.Robi offers a single prepaid package with different tariff plans to meet different types of needs instant, easy and multiple migration facility from one tariff to another. Tariff plans are as follows Robi Club Tariff Plan RobiProthom Muhurto Tariff Shoccho Tariff Shasroyee Tariff Shorol Tariff For the entrepreneurs Robi offer a different package called Uddokta& Easy Load Tariff. Robi Prepaid has everything to offer; a single package that delivers simplicity and flexibility

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at the same time. Robi has the single prepaid package with the best rates in the market. Moreover, there are different tariff plans in one package to meet different types of needs of customers. There is instant, easy & multiple migration facility from one tariff plan to another. A customer can have 5 FnF to any operator mobile with one Robi partner facility. There is full BTCL connectivity with FREE BTCL incoming. There is extended and simplified refill validity for ease and freedom. Moreover, there are nationwide Easy Load facility and highspeed internet connectivity. All available Value Added Services (e.g. SMS, MMS, Goon Goon, ringtone, wallpaper, games, and animation download) are available in the service. Customers can recharge their Robi Prepaid by using scratch cards and Easy Load facilities.

3.4.2 Postpaid Robi also offers post-paid service; along with the various packages. Robi Push Mail is a secure, reliable and feature rich email solution for price customers can afford. Now, customers can work as if at their desktop from anywhere. Customers can know their bill information through Web Bill, E-Bill, SMS, USSD and Customer Care Center

Customers can pay their bills by following: Scratch Card Auto Debit Easy load Bank Customer Care Center


Marketing Strategy of Robi

Robi always wants to achieve a desired sales growth and customer base and also wants to encourage the existing customers to use more of their services.

3.5.1 Product Positioning Initially the target of Robi was to reach the top, but the other mobile operators were also targeting the grassroots level and thus increasing their customer base. Robi wants to be the leader with good quality and designing products for all classes of people.

3.5.2 Marketing Mix Product Continuous improvement of quality Repositioning of products to different target markets Always branding Robi with all packages with a GSM service

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Price Necessary changes in tariff structure, and changes and terms and condition Penetration pricing in the face of competition Skimming policy

Promotion Brochures with all necessary information Press ads TV Commercials Billboards

Place Make effective use of distribution Make the product service delivery system more effective and less time consuming Wider distribution network to make services more accessible


Market Share of Robi

Robi, formerly known as AKTEL, owned by Axiata (Bangladesh) Ltd, remained in the third position with 11.10 million customers. It added 2.25 million subscribers in last one year raising the total number of its customers to 11.10 million. In terms of subscriber or customer size Robi has got 19.08% market share in the Telecommunication industry in Bangladesh and is in the third position among 6 companies. When the revenue matter comes, Robi is in second position with its number of valuable customers.4


Different Departments and Division of Robi

RobiAxiata Limited operates by following Divisions and Departments having its establishment in different locations in Dhaka, Chittagong and other regions of Bangladesh.

4Robi achieves 19.08pc market share in 3 yrs, (2012) daily sun, Business,

[online],accessed: 26 May 2012,

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Offices in Dhaka: Head Office, other offices and Customer Care Centers are situated in Dhaka. Offices in Chittagong: There are corporate offices and Customer Care Centers in Chittagong. Other Regional Offices: There are Customer Care Centers situated in Bogra, Khulna, Sylhet, Comilla, Coxs Bazar, Feni, Rajshahi and Barisal. Moreover, Regional Technical Offices are in Khulna, Sylhet, Bogra and Coxs bazaar.


Organization Structure

The organization is headed by its Chief Executive designated as the Managing Director entrusted with overall responsibilities of business direction of the organization and leading dynamically towards the attainment of its purpose and principles. In attaining the purpose and principles, the Chief Financial Officer, General Managers & department Heads assist the MD.Robi has established a strong and formidable sales channel, which consists of direct dealers and its own sales force.Chairman

Managing Director

Chief Technical Officer

General Manager IT

Chief Financial Officer

Head of Marketing

Head of Human Resource

Head of Customer care

Other Department s

General Manager Finance Head of Corporate Sales Head of Dealer Management

Head of Internal Audit

Head of Administration

Head of Corporate Strategy

Head of Corporate Affairs

Head of Revenue Assurance

Head of procurement

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Figure 1: Organizational Hierarchy of Robi The organization has an executive committee, which includes Chairman, Directors, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer and other General Managers. 3.9 Relationship Among Different Departments

An organization is like complex machinery consists of different parts. Different functional divisions and departments are the different part of this organizational machinery. Therefore, to make an organization a success, the divisions and departments must work accordingly. In Robi, all the departments and divisions are closely tied with one another.

Sales unit makes sales forecast, identifies market potential opportunity and sends it to the technical division for doing the plan for the new coverage area. These two divisions jointly plan for increasing coverage area. If there is any complaint regarding the network, customer relation management unit informs it to the technical division to solve it. Again customer relation management unit informs the marketing division about the problems and suggestions regarding the product and their selling procedure. Finance division is related to all the divisions for fund allocation and fund management for all sorts and for giving salary to all the employees. The human resource department meets the employee need of every department by conducting total recruitment process.


SWOT Analysis of Robi

Strength Quality of management: Robi has ensured a standard management system in the entire organization from top level to field level. And because of this it has hardly any rumor or negative impression in general.

Quality of billing system: Billing system of Robi is very up to date. Robi postpaid and prepaid customers can pay their bills or can recharge their credit in through various convenient modes. The example includes: web bill, E-bill, auto debit, Easy load etc. This flexibility has made Robi more preferable than others.

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Quality of customer care system: Robi is committed to serve their customers at their best. To make the customer service more easy and user friendly, Robi has a detailed guideline for how to seek help to the customer service officer promptly.Moreover, Robihas developed numbers of service and the number of options to make those services more and more available to the customer.

Strong dealer network: Robi has a wide dealer network around the country which includes 25,000 retail sales points along with 100,000 voucher sales point.Market research unit: Robi has an efficient market research unit that keeps researching on customers emerging demands and solution to their problems. Loyal customer base: Robiis the third largest mobile phone operator in Bangladesh with more than 18.2 million subscribers as of April 2012.5

Weakness Lack of brand appeal: Compare to Grameenphone, Robis brand appeal doesnt possess a strong effect on customers mind.

Lower and declining ARPU (Average Revenue Per Unit): Robi might achieve a higher profit on overall sales but it has a lower average revenue in terms of per unit calculation.

Poorer coverage than the leading telecom service provider GP: Although Robi has a huge arena under their coverage but still there are some remote areas where Robi couldnt reach yet.

Opportunity New technology: World is getting upgraded everyday with new technology. Robi can adopt more and more new and advanced technology from developed countries.


Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, accessed June28, 2012,

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Network Up gradation: Main competitor has a congested network because of its unplanned customer growth. Robi can use the opposite aspect of this problem as their opportunity.

Growing middle class population: Cell phone has become the almost a basic need of a person nowadays. Even a day labor can afford a mobile at present and this is an opportunity sector for Robi to increase the number of customers.

Public sector unable to meet the demand: Inability of the government to fulfill the huge demand of cell phone network and to give proper service is an opportunity of Robi to flourish its business.

Product with very long life cycle:Robi can make offers which can grab the customer for a long time like corporate offers.

Threats Robis business line has some threat that can turn their strength into weakness, these are as followsPossible Health Risk: nowadays, awareness of health risk from the use of mobile is in focus. Several articles and reports are coming up with internet everyday regarding this issue. This can be a hidden threat for Robi along with other competitors.

Hostile government policies: Sometimes government takes some policies that might help in one way but hamper in many other ways. Telecommunication sector is not free from this policy effect. The government has already applied tax on mobile SIM and planning to apply a tax on every call. People are already fighting with the price hike, if government applies the tax on call rate, then people might lose motivation to keep on mobile phone.

Political culture: Political culture badly affects our businesses including mobile companies. Sudden strike, violence, unrest all these are very common in our country and hampers the regular work of the company.

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Chapter Four4.0 Problem Study Like any other construction every organization needs to be built and stand upon the strong pillar. And employees of the organization act just like the pillar for that organization. The strength of these employees can enhance the power of the organization and at the same time, if these employees lose their strength then the whole organization can collapse.

This is why employee satisfaction significantly matters to the success of the organization. Measuring employee satisfaction is very imperative because several issues are directly engaged with employee satisfaction such as employee retention, increase productivity, increase customer satisfaction, reduce turnover, recruiting, and training costs, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, improve teamwork and so on.

The reason for which job satisfaction matters are also the reason for which job dissatisfaction matters. In fact the negativity of job dissatisfaction works two times more than the positivity of job satisfaction works. Job dissatisfaction is by definition unpleasant and people intended to search for the means to remove that unpleasant. And result appears in job switch, low productivity, and customer dissatisfaction. End of the day the company has to face low profit figure and tough competition from the competitors.

This is how the employee component of the organization signifies its consideration to ensure companys success. A company might have 5 or 50 departments but satisfaction of every employee in every case is important. This is because some of each single turn into a whole. Moreover, dissatisfaction of one employee can be transmitted into another one.

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Consequently, we need to measure the employee satisfaction in fact on a regular basis. So that, the company can be aware is there any negativity is rising or not and take step according to that.

There is no doubt that Robi has earned name and fame in telecom industry in Bangladesh. It might have not achieved the peak but it has surely left some competitors behind. Unfortunately, the business world is completely unpredictable where a small negativity can pull the company down anytime. A casual look at the top list of telecom companies can count the name of GrameenPhone at first and Robi is roaming around between 2nd and 3rd. So, why Robi is remaining behind of GP? Or at which points GP excels the level of Robi? Careful observations may bring out the inappropriateness in any one or more than one department of Robi. Issues can be raised from the human resource section of the company. And this has influenced this project to scrutinize the employee satisfaction level of Robi through which the project will be able to be specific and organized.

These inner issues do not become vigilant by the employee only. It can come from completely the opposite side but root will be that same employee dissatisfaction issue. These issues are like Employee Turnover- High turnover rate in entry and mid-level position-this is the effect that directly comes from the employees actions. This problem has been raised in Robi because of career growth and the remuneration package compare to the competitors. Sometimes, employees accept a lower ranked company if that gives higher remuneration. Low financial performance- This is an indirect but a severe effect of employee dissatisfaction. When an employee keeps working with his disappointment, he loses his motivation to speed up his work. And this results in a low productivity as well as lower financial performance. Customer Service- Customer service is directly related to employee satisfaction. Very obviously a satisfied employee serves a customer with full of spirit and opposite appears in case of a dissatisfied employee.

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Employee training and development program- Employee development programs are essential to improve morale as well as to motivate the employees to perform well. Employees like to learn new skills and meet challenges and they are more motivated when they feel there is great potential for personal growth. When the company shows interest in employee development, the employee naturally has a greater interest in the company's development too. All the above issues are directly or indirectly linked up with employee performance and involvement. A satisfied group of employee can change the route of success. So, finding a critical level of satisfaction of employee can direct towards the solution of the above issues. CHAPTER FIVE


Literature Review


Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction has remained a remarkable area of discussion in the field of management, psychology and especially in organizational behavior and human resource management, for a long period. Many economists have paid attention and inclination towards this subject in recent years6. Job satisfaction is phenomenon of different aspects to which employees in organization respond effectively7. Job satisfaction as stated by Dawes is having two components: a cognitive component and an affective component8. McNamara defines job satisfaction as: Ones feelings or state of mind regarding the nature of their work. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors, e.g. the quality of ones relationship with their supervisor, the quality of the physical environment in which they work, the degree of the fulfillment of their work, etc.9.

According to Ramayah, Jantan, and Tadisina, Job satisfaction explain how employees are buoyant to come to work and how they get enforced to perform their jobs 10. What are the6

Kosteas and Vasilios.D, Job Satisfaction and Promotions, Social science research network, (2009): 1-2, accessed June25, 2012. 7 Kreitner, R. and Kinicki, A. Organizational Behavior (New York: McGraw Hill, 2006), 32-34. 8 Dawes, M. Hersen& J.C. Thomas (Eds.), Job satisfaction: Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment.(Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons).Vol. 4,470-481. 9 Job satisfaction, McNamara (1999), Retrieved December 6, 2006, from accessed 20th July 10 Ramayah, T., Jantan, M., &Tadisina, S.K,Job satisfaction: empirical evidence for alternatives to JDI. (32nd Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Track OB2, San Francisco: USA, 2001)

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things that make happy an employee for doing work and not to leave the job? Other researchers narrate job satisfaction as being the outcome of the workers appraisal of the extent to which the work environment fulfills the individuals needs11. According to Locke, job satisfaction is a state of emotional gladness, results from the achievement of the goals that one gets through performing his part of contribution inside an organization12. Rao in his study discussed that satisfaction in the job for a person acts as a motivation to work 13. In addition motivation leads people to their job satisfaction. It is not only self-satisfaction and identity pleasure, but also blends of psychological and environmental effect of the people for their happiness with their work14.


Factors of Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is a result of employee's perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. Job satisfaction is so important in that its absence often leads to lethargy and reduced organizational commitment15. Lack of job satisfaction is a predictor of quitting a job16. Job satisfaction is essentially controlled by factors described in Adeyemo's perspectives as external to the worker17. From this viewpoint satisfaction on a job might be motivated by the nature of the job, its persistent social climate and the extent to which workers peculiar needs are met. Working conditions that are similar to local and international standard18, and the extent to which they resemble work conditions of other professions in the locality. Other inclusions are the availability of power and status, pay satisfaction, promotion opportunities, and task clarity19. High levels of job satisfaction are observed in those professions that are of good standing in society. It includes compensation11

Dawis, R., &Lofquist, L. A psychological theory of work adjustment. Minneapolis, MN,(University of Minnesota Press, 1984)112-130. 12 Locke, E. A, What is job satisfaction? Organizational Behavior and Human Performance,(CA: Sage Publications, 1969): 4, 309336. 13 RaoSubbaP,Essential of HRM & Industrial Relationships,(Newyork: Wiley, 2005): 480 482. 14 Khan N.V,Personal management,(Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH,2006): 132-134. 15 Moser, K.,Commitment in organizations.Psychologies,(Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press, 1997): 41 (4), 160-170. 16 Alexander, J.A; Liechtenstein, R.O, & Hellmann, E, A causal model of voluntary turnover among nursing personnel in long term psychiatric setting. Research in Nursing and Health 21 (5), (NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1998) : 415-427. 17 Adeyemo, D.A,Job involvement, career commitment, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the Nigerian police.A multiple regression analysis. Journal of Advance Studies in Educational Management, 5(6), (2000): 35-4 18 Oshagbemi, T,How satisfied are academics with their primary tasks of teaching research and administration and management. International Sustainable in Higher Education 1 (2),(2000): 124 -136. 19 Gomez-Hernandez, R., Max, J.E., Kosier, T., Paradiso, S. & Robinson, R.G,Social impairment and depression after traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 78 (12),(1997): 132136.

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and benefits, advancement opportunities, and technological challenges. The result of some other studies has shown meaningful relations between job satisfaction and wages, management policy, working conditions, possibilities of promotion, gaining respect, the size of the organization and self-development and achievement in the use of talents20.


Organizational Commitment

Organization's commitment can be defined as affiliation of employees to the organization and involvement in it. Porter et al. defines the organizational commitment as believing and accepting the goals and values of the organization and possessing and showing a desire to be part of the organization21. Committed employees show strong intentions to serve their organizations and are low at intentions to leave22. Emotional attachment to the objectives and values of an organization is committed23. Organizational commitment is the aggregate internalized normative demands to perform in a manner which meets organizational objectives and interests 24. Relation Between Job Satisfaction And Employees Performance


The argument that employee satisfaction improves service quality is grounded in the theory of equity in social exchanges25. In the context of social exchange theory, when an employer offers favorable working conditions that make its service employees satisfied, the latter will


Ergenc, A, Kose, M.R,Yincir, G. A study of job satisfaction of employees in three research organizations in Turkey. (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1990): 401.21

Porter, Steers, Mowday, and Boulian Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover among Psychiatric Technicians, Journal of Applied Psychology, (1974), Vol: 59, 603-609. 22 Porter, Steers, Mowday, and Boulian Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover among Psychiatric Technicians, Journal of Applied Psychology, (1974), Vol: 59, 603-609.23

Buchanan, B., II. Building organizational commitment: The socialization of managers in work organizations.Administrative Science Quarterly, 1974. 19, 533-546.24

Wiener, Commitment in Organizations: A Normative View, Academy of Management Review, (1982), Vol: 7, No: 3, 418-28.25

Gouldner, A. W,The norm of reciprocity: A preliminary statement. American Sociological Review 25 (2), 1960: 161-178. Homans, G. C, Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms,1961. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London. Blau, P. M,Exchange and Power in Social Life(Wiley, New York. 1964).Organ,D. W,A reappraisal and reinterpretation of the satisfaction-causes-performance hypothesis, (Academy of Management Review 2 (1)1977) : 46-53.

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in return tend to be committed to making an extra effort to the organization as a means of reciprocity for their employer26, leading to a higher level of service quality.

Velnampy in his study on job attitude and employee performance concluded that job satisfaction contains positive influence on the performance of the employees as it enhances job involvement and the higher performance also makes people feel more satisfied and committed to the organization27. The satisfaction and performance of the employee work in a cycle and are interdependent. Job satisfaction and involvement of the employee leads him to have high levels of performance. Studies conducted by Opkara and Samad concluded that if the workforce is satisfied with their job as well as the organizational environment including its colleagues, compensation, and leadership they will be more committed with their organization as compared to when they are not satisfied28,29



Luthans asserts that motivation is the process that arouses, energizes, directs, and sustains behavior and performance30. Motivation encourages people internally towards the actions which helps them to achieve a preferred task employ effectiveness is a way which can inspire people to their work and can bring more work motivation to their commitment of their jobs. Intrinsic motivation, however, can be defined as the motivation to perform an activity for it, in order to experience the pleasure and satisfaction inherent in the activity31. According to cognitive evaluation theory and self-determination theory32, rewards that are interpreted as information about ones competence and satisfy the individuals need for autonomy, will enhance intrinsic motivation.


Wayne, S. J., L. M. Shore, R. C. Linden.Perceived organizational support and leader-member exchange: A exchange perspective,Academy of Management Journal 40 (1)(1997): 82-111. 27 Velnampy T. Job Attitude and Employees Performance of Public Sector Organizations in Jaffna District, Sri Lanka. GITAM Journal of Management, (2008)Vol. 6, Issue-2, (66-73) 28 Okpara, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: Are there differences between American and Nigerian Managers Employed in the US MNCs in Nigeria? (Academy of Business & Administrative Sciences, Briarcliffe College, Switzerland,2004). 29 Samad, Assessing the Effects of Job Satisfaction and Psychological Contract on Organizational Commitment among Employees in Malaysian SMEs, (The 4thSMES In A Global Economy Conference 2007). 30 Luthans, F. Organizational Behavior, (Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill 1998), 8th ed. 5631

Deci, E. L., Connell, J. P., & Ryan, R. M. Self-determination in a work organization, Journal of Applied Psychology 74 (1989):580590.32

Deci, E. L., Connell, J. P., & Ryan, R. M. Self-determination in a work organization, Journal of Applied Psychology 74 (1989):510530.

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Simon has clearly defined in his research work, why motivation is mandatory33? The essential confront for all companies nowadays, are to motivate their staff towards work for the organizational goals, but Pfeffer has also given his findings in his research that, the companies who had learned the tactics of how to utilize and manage their employees would be victorious in the long term34. And also know how to build importance of work and having satisfied personnel in their organization is a way to organizational effects.

Frey showed that extrinsic rewards, like monetary benefits may interact negatively with the intrinsic work motivation35. It has just seen that there is crucially dependence of intrinsic motivation on the extrinsic incentives. Wright and Pandey described in their work that emotional attachment and loyalty is one of the most important factors of employee motivation that binds the employee to stick to the organization, many other benefits associated with the organization are also part of the motivation36. Horwitz et al predicted that employees get high motivation through challenging work environment and support of the top management37. If the employees are competitive and want to do work with full efficiency as it will utilize all their capabilities, then challenging work is the best motivator. Many of the employees like to make relationships and thus need to contact more and more to the higher authorities, so making more regular contacts make them feel that they are being observed and work with more motivation.


Relation between Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Gupta & Joshi have argued the impact and the connection between the job contentment and work inspiration for the employees in this research38. Productivity in the work of an employee is an outcome of satisfaction and productivity can be taken as an indicator of


Simon, Herbert. Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organizations, (New York, NY: Macmillian Company. 5th edition), 165-180.34

Pfeffer, J. Competitive Advantage through People: Unleashing the Power of the Workforce. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press 1994), 290-295.35

Frey, Bruno. Not Just For the Money. An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation.(Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1997), 106-115.36

Wright, E. B. &Pandey, K. S. Exploring the Nomological Map of PublicService Motivation Concept. (Universityof North Carolina atCharlotte.Department of Political Science.2005). 6437

Horwitz, M. F., Heng, T.C., &Quazi, A.H. Finders, Keepers? Attracting, motivating and retaining knowledge workers,Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 13 No 4,( 2003), 23-4438

Gupta K. Shashi& Joshi Rosy.(Human Resource Management, 2008):20.9-20.17.

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satisfaction. Employees have to spend most of their time in the workplace and need satisfaction at that place. Herzberg et al.s has described a relationship between two variables as Job Satisfaction is the result of two kinds of factors, intrinsic and extrinsic factor; intrinsic factors appraised the job satisfaction and extrinsic factors cause dissatisfaction and reduce the level of job satisfaction39. The extrinsic factors were also called as hygiene factors. According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors results in the form of dissatisfaction and these were external or environmental features e.g. company policy and administration, supervision, work conditions, salary and benefits. The intrinsic factors are also called satisfiers and motivators, included creative or challenging work, responsibility and advancement opportunities. Kovach also tried to identify the relationship; the need to provide the basic necessities of life motivates most people which in return make the employees satisfied with their jobs40. Whereas Brown examines that when an organization is having some satisfied or delighted employees, it is likely to have satisfied or delighted customers41. Brown said the employee satisfied and delights as a prerequisite of customer satisfaction. Thus Wagar explained that in the global market, one can be successful when it has highly motivated, skilled, and satisfied workforce that can produce quality goods at low costs42.


Effect Of Job Satisfaction With Ultimate Organizational Performance

Job satisfaction and employees performance, the importance of these two areas cannot be overlooked because they are the key factors that influence employee turnover, the employee's performance, and their productivity. Satisfied and committed workforce is usually are contributor and performer towards enhancing organizational productivity. On the basis of above given literature it is evident that employee compensation has some positive impact on the employees job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Organizations that have a better compensation management system put a very positive impact on their employees. It is39

Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., &Snyderman, B. S. (The Motivation to Work. New York, NY: Wiley & Sons. 1959). 84-86.40

Kovach, K. What Motivates Employees? Workers and Supervisors Give Different Answers. Business Horizons. (1987). 384-390.41

Brown, Mark G. Keeping Score: Using the Right Metrics to Drive World-Class Performance. (New York: Quality Resources. 1996). 109-111. 42 Wagar, Terry H. Determinants of Human Resource Management Practices in Small Firms: some Evidence from Atlantic Canada.Journal of Small Business Management, (1998). 13-23.

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also logical that employees with better compensation will be more satisfied with their job and also committed to the organization. According to the Sociotechnical approach, organizational performance depends on congruence between the technical and social structures of the organization. Building on this notion, the Human Relations perspective posits that satisfied workers are productive workers43,44. Thus, organizational productivity and efficiency is achieved through employee satisfaction and attention to employees physical as well as socioemotional needs.

Schneider et al. report analyses of employee attitude survey data aggregated to the organizational level of analysis45. These authors explored the relationships between several facets of employee satisfaction and organizational financial (return on assets; ROA) and market performance (earnings per share; EPS) using data from 35 organizations over a period of eight years. Thus, in contrast to previous studies, Schneider and his colleagues study were able to make some inferences about directional causality (i.e., are employee attitudes a stronger cause of organizational performance than the reverse). Their results showed consistent and statistically significant positive relationships (over varied time lags) between attitudes concerning satisfaction with security, satisfaction with pay, and overall job satisfaction with financial (ROA) and market performance (EPS). Although these findings are consistent with applied researchers and managers implicit beliefs, their study was not without some surprises. One of the more surprising findings was related to overall job satisfaction and the performance criteria. Results demonstrated that the causal directionality flows from financial and market performance to overall job satisfaction. This latter result does not deny the fact that there were significant relations going from overall job satisfaction to ROA and EPS; nevertheless, the reverse direction relationships tended to be stronger in magnitude. Moreover, the relationship between satisfaction with pay and the performance indicators appeared to be reciprocal in nature.

43 44

Likert, R. L,The human organization, ( New York: McGraw-Hill1961). 64-65. McGregor, D, The human side of enterprise, (New York: McGraw-Hill 1960). 35-36. 45 Schneider, B., Hanges, P. J., Smith, D. B., &Salvaggio, A. N,Which comes first: Employee attitudes or organizational financial and market performance? Journal of Applied Psychology, (2003): 88, 836-851.

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Research Introduction

A company consists of a number of departments and each department runs with numbers of employees. The success of each of these departments comes from the efficient contribution of every employee. And an Integration of all these success results in the overall success of the company. Efficiency and dedicated involvement of each employee can bring the Big Change for the organization. Its all about team work and participation of each member is very important. If the entire employees are satisfied with the company obviously they will give their best effort to increase productivity, customer satisfaction and loyalty. When this individual effort will turn into an improved team effort then this will surely reduce the employee turnover rate and increase the employee retention rate. And the result will place the company on top of the competitors. So, it is very much clear that success of few individuals cant hold the overall companys success. Satisfied employee delivers their maximum input and loyalty where a dissatisfied employee has delivered just the opposite. Interestingly, dissatisfaction works 2 times more than satisfying works. That is why, Measuring employee satisfaction is very imperative to determine the ultimate success of the organization.

Robi rightly positioned in the market place but with the fact of being behind from the peak. It has every resource along with human resource to run those resources. Unfortunately, the power of all resources sometime leaks out through the improper use of human resource. And this might be the case for Robi as well.

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Like any other company, there are several issues in Robis human resource that can make the simple loophole into a big hole by which success goes in vain. Remuneration package, facilities, promotion, reward, acknowledgement all these boost up an employee satisfaction, and then the employee are motivated to contribute more dedicatedly.

In this regard, employee development is crucial for any organization specially company like Robi which has to face a tough competitive market. The more capable and qualified the employees the better the performance of the company. When they are well trained, they can easily handle situations, please customers ensuring customer retention as well as resolve any glitches easily without much ado. Moreover, training for development creates a hope and opportunity for the employee to avail a promotion with better salary and facility package.

All these factors related to human resource do exist in Robi, whether they are in a competitive shape or not is a considerable issue. Because, this can be the reason for which employee satisfaction of Robi might go down pulling the companys success along with it.


Benefit of the Study

Human resource is a kind of resource that runs and empowers all other resources of an organization. Through this study Robi will be able to review the actual present scenario of their human resource and its effect on their position in the completion. In present Bangladesh, telecommunication sector is the most challenging and competitive one. Primarily three benefits come up on focus that Robi can avail from this study. First of all, Robi will get a chance to review their human resource policy and compare it to the standard policy for human resource in telecommunication sector. Robi will get a scope to review that the personality of the employee matches to the type of the job being allotted to the employee. After that it will be easy for them to determine that whether employee satisfaction or human resource issues are affecting their competitive position or not.

Secondly, Robi will get to know the level of satisfaction of their employee and the factor that can create dissatisfaction into the employees. This employee satisfaction study will help them to make any necessary rectification through desirable development programs, promotion, reward etc. As an additional aspect, these motivational steps will inspire the employee get

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more dedicated toward the work. This will increase the work but will decrease the employee turnover rate.

Finally, this study will help Robi and the employees to find the gap in between them and they will get the chance for clarification and erosion of all kinds of misunderstandings. Al these will surely help Robi to increase productivity and upward its performance. Besides, Robi will also be able to refer this paper for further consultancy in case of any relevant problems and research.

Every day, competitors throw a new challenge to each other and also defeat another with unique ideas. Robi has designed itself with all the competitive attributes but still it is behind from the peak and the problem can be hidden with their human resource policy. So knowing the level of employee satisfaction can enhance the possibility of formulating and implementing right strategic planning for the upcoming future.


Management Interest

Robi views its people as the prime capital of the company. The company represents a world of opportunity, challenge and fulfillment. This is a performance driven organization, which believes that performance comes from belongings and ownership and they always reward the performers in all aspects. Functional skills development focuses on developing & sharpening the technical skills of their people that they may be the best-in-class in their areas of expertise technology, marketing, sales, finance, customer analytics, strategy, and human resource, internal audit, regulatory & legal.

Robi is truly a customer-oriented brand of Bangladesh.Robi believes that quality is continuous and never ending journey because quality ensures the satisfaction and loyalty of the customer. This is the point where customer satisfaction needs to be based upon the employees satisfaction as employees are the one for whom the customer is getting the quality service. This is why, measuring employee satisfaction is very imperative to Robi.

Robi cares about their people and their development. Here they will find opportunities for continued education and training. The organization is also working on the process and strategies to empower their people through leadership program. Robi is committed to help

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their people learn, develop & enhance their functional skills, leadership capabilities & personal effectiveness.

Their leadership development focuses developing leaders who think before they act and act according to the values that the organization embraces.

This is the reason for which Robi paid its full concentration and support to conduct this research. This research will help Robi to know whether their efforts to ensure employee satisfaction is on the right track or not, whether their employees are truly satisfied or not. If they are happy with the companys policies then what are those positive drives that should continue and if they are unhappy then what are the missing points.

Management showed their honest and serious interest to this research as this will also help Robi to convey companys limitations, rules and intentions to the employees. So that employees can adjust their expectations within that. Through this paper Robi will also be able to know whether employee satisfaction is pulling them behind in the competition or not and this can instigate the need of conducting other research.

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CHAPTER SEVEN7.0 Research Objectives This research project has two dimensions to study on, namely employee satisfaction and competitive position. The analysis is aimed to find out whether employee satisfaction hinders Robi to achieve peak or not. The main objective of this report is to find out the effect of employee satisfaction on Robis competitive position. In order to initiate the analysis and design the roadmap of it, some very basic questions have been fixed up at first as the research questions. Research questions are set to identify the level of satisfaction related to the job prevailing at the present state of satisfaction compared to other contemporary telecom company in the country. Research Questions focus some of the factors that are related to satisfaction and competitive position. Some of those factors are common to every company and some are completely unique to the Robi. These questions instigated the research and answer of these questions will automatically formulate the entire analysis.


Research Questions 1) Is Robi more preferable workplace than other telecom companies? Robi is a joint venture of two foreign companies and working in Bangladesh for so many years. So, apparently Robi is a desired company to work at, but sticking up with a company in a competitive industry depends upon the complete satisfaction with that company. And this satisfaction depends upon many other factors like salary, benefits, companys employee policies, fairness, promotion, progression etc. All of these issues are proportionally significant to ensure employees satisfaction and employee retention in the competitive industry.

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2) Does Robi possess truly efficient and competent line managers? Line manager or supervisor is a very important concept for the companies in any competitive industry. This is because a company cannot hold the promising employees only with high salary. These promising employees always tend to grab new things and enrich themselves. If they dont find anything to learn from their supervisor then they lose their motivation to work on and might switch to the competitor company. As a modernized telecom company Robi has to have efficient supervisors to supervise these promising employees who will bring in the profit.

3) Does Robi have a competitive salary policy? Salary is the one and only prime issue that is considered at first to measure job satisfaction. It motivates the employee from not only the financial aspect but also from the dignity and the social recognition aspect. That is why salary structure, salary increment, salary handover time all these are top most concerned issue to save employees from the competitors. In a situation where Robi has to face a tough competition at every point, it must offer comparatively higher salary than the toppers.

4) Are the work load and the compensation for extra hour duty justified? The workload is another issue that pulls down employees satisfaction. Workload for any special occasion can be ignored but if it becomes a regular practice then it makes employee tried to continue with the company. This can be adjusted with satisfactory compensation which is another competitive issue in the telecom industry. Although telecom companies have regular work pressure but Robi has to adjust that with a satisfactory compensation package. This can be overtime payment for extra hour duty or day offs or pleasure trip after every 6 months. Whatever the scheme Robi adopts, that has to be competitive enough and satisfactory to the employees.

5) Is Robi up to date in performance appraisal and training and development activities for the employee? Performance appraisal is a very important issue for employee satisfaction. If the employee doesnt get his recognition for good effort then he loses his spirit to give more effort or to keep doing the same. And this directly hampers companys overall performance and competitive position. The same happens in case of the company's training and development offers to the employees.Robi has to be up to date about each

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and every employees performance and they should appraise that regularly. Robi has to offer up to date training to the employees to make them more efficient.

6) Does Robi provide competitive benefits and incentives package? Benefits and incentives are something more to add up with salary in order to increase more satisfaction. Sometimes these become one of the priority factors of the employees to be satisfied with the company. This is because it helps the employee to perform their job with ease, as it includes transport, retirement schemes, bonus, medical facilities, leave with pay etc. In order to survive in the competition with Robi has to offer all the mention benefits in at least one step higher level than the competitors. Otherwise Robi might lose its soldiers to beat the fight.

7) Does Robi have better career progression compared to other telecom companies? Every employee faces a point in his career when he looks for career progression rather just the salary and benefits. If they cannot provide the opportunity to go up then the employee is sure to find it by himself by switching to somewhere else. As a telecom company Robi must ensure an environment where an employee can enrich himself and explore the ladder of progression. It might provoke employee to switch to any other better option but this risk turns out in positive most of the time. Exception to few cases, generally progression opportunity motivates employee to be more loyal to the company and serve more for it.


Objectives of the Project

The objective of this project can be defined into two aspects: 1. Broad objective 2. Specific objectives

Broad Objective The broad and overall objective of the project is to measure the employee satisfaction level of the RobiAxiata Limited and its effect on the companys performance in the competition.

Specific Objectives Remuneration package- To figure out Robis present remuneration package and judge its appropriateness according to the employees designation and market competition

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Job stress- To define the extreme and less both level of work load of employees. Corporate environment- To define the standard and state of Robis corporate working environment Performance appraisal- To measure the performance appraisal policy and category of Robi for its employees Employee development- To figure out the competitiveness of the employee development program of the company Career growth- To identify the availability of career growth opportunities for each employee of Robi Overall facilities for the employees- To identify and analyze the appropriateness of the facilities that Robi has fixed up for its employee Employees expectation level- To figure out what is the employees expectation level of Robifrom the company Other effects on employee satisfaction- To determine the macro-environmental forces that affect the employee satisfaction, if there is any.

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8.0 8.1

Research Methodology Research Design

Although this research project will be conducted upon a business organization but the base of research is not related to profit earning concern. This research will signify the role of human resource aspect of an organization under the category of descriptive research. This is because; descriptive research involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection. With the aim to find out the actual condition of an employee satisfaction level of Robi, the descriptive research approach will be an appropriate approach to it.

The entire research has been encompassed by both quantitative and qualitative aspects. In case of both aspect survey method has been applied to data collection and it was one and same survey for both aspect to keep the base or data of analysis exactly same.

The research plan has started out from the review of the literature to draw the research questions, figuring out the whole research population and designing the sample, fixing up the questionnaire, conducting survey on the sample and finally analyzing the collected data.

In case of a competitive market like the telecommunication sector in Bangladesh, possession of a loyal and spirited human resource team is like a strong weapon to win the battle. In order to recommend for maximization of employee satisfaction some other relevant issues such asstandard procedure of Recruiting, Employee Development Process, Provide competitive and employee favored facilities has also been highlighted.

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Target Population

The population of the research includes all employees of Robi working in different branches in different districts throughout Bangladesh. However, due to the time and resource constraints, all employees of the Robiscorporate office in Dhaka are targeted as population to determine the present state of employee satisfaction and its effect on Robis competitive position.


Sampling Frame

The corporate office of the Robi in Dhaka city is taken as the sampling frame for the quantitative research. Employees list of this head office has been collected. In order to keep the research simplified, the survey just focuses on the executives of Robi. Randomly selected executives of the Robi branches located in Dhaka city are the major sampling frame.


Sampling Design

Marketing research is the sequential designing, collecting, analyzing and reporting of data and findings relevant to a company situation for the measurement of a company's opportunities and potential threats. Based upon this, research sampling design is formed. Sampling unit The sample unit is the executive employees of Robi. The analysis considered 5 Divisions of Robi and collected the list of employees in each division. After that, 16 employees from each division have been picked up randomly. As a result the total number of sampling units is 80. This 40 respondent consists male and female both categories in equal number that is 40. Sample size In order to get a clear picture of the situation the survey has been conducted at least over about 80 people. It was a bit more or less depending upon the availability of the employee and other variable issues like time, appointment and so on. So, the ultimate sample size is 80. Sampling method

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Simple Random Sampling (SRS) method has been followed in terms of Researcher's convenience and judgment.


Survey Method

The survey method has been applied to the defined sample which is employees of Robi. The factors of survey method were as follows-. Data Sources- This research project tried to apply a standard research methodology. Under this methodology, the project considered secondary and primary both data sources. Secondary Data-Articles published in different Newspapers, books & booklets, internet, different research papers, monthly & annual newsletter published by Robi. Primary Data-The primary data was collected through direct

questionnaires. Survey Approaches - The interviewee conducted the interview (questions) face to face, over the telephone and through e-mail & internet. Survey Research. Behavioral Data: Behavioral aspects of employee group. Research Instruments Questionnaires, which had closed end questions to get definite opinion.


Questionnaire Design

The questionnaires had close ended question. So, interviewee got a chance to point out the issues specifically and quantify the result with meaningful statistics. Through this, it became easy to bring out the problem and actual scenario accurately. The questionnaire had 25 questions and all 25 questions were segmented under 6 different categories. The categories were not shown in the questionnaire to get the bias free responses from the respondents. The Categories are as follows Company and Supervisor Company and Supervisor Remuneration and Responsibility Motivation and Development Benefits and Incentives

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Safety, Security and Cleanliness


Questions Rating and Justification

The whole questionnaire has followed a definite pattern of responses. The pattern consists the flow of strongly positivity to strongly negativity. Every question has the same pattern within different wording according to the questions. As a result the analysis became free from biases mostly and it became easy to align the data under statistical format. The rates of the responses and their justifications are as follows-

Table 2: Responses of the Questionnaire Rating Scale Responses Strongly positive Positive Neutral Negative Strongly negative Equivalent Numerical Scale 5 4 3 2 1

The collected interview information from an individual has been analyzed to determine the level of employee satisfaction within this mentioned scale and with following justification.

Strongly Positive: This is the top most positive answer for the question and 5 is the highest weighted on the scale 1-5. That is why this response is valued with 5. Highest favorable situation prevails in the company in respect to the industry. The company, Robi, is performing very well with the weighted value. Positive: This is the 2nd positive answer for the question where respondent might agree with the question or situation but he /she had the reverse experience as well. As a result, he/she cannot respond strongly. That is why this response is valued with 2nd highest weighted on the scale that is 4. Favorable situation prevails in the company in respect to the industry. The company, Robi, is performing well with the weighted value.

Neutral: In this case the respondent feels neutral or average. This is because, he/she might have equally faced positive and negative situation or he/she might have no definite answer for

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this. That is why this response is valued by the middle or average number of the scale that is 3. Average situation prevails in the company in respect to the industry. The company, Robi, is performing on average with the weighted value.

Negative: This the initial negative answer for the question where respondent might disagree with the question or situation but he/she had the reverse experience as well. As a result, he/ she cannot respond strongly. That is why; this response is valued with 2nd least weighted on the scale that is 2. Unfavorable situation prevails in the company in respect to the industry. The company, Robi, is performing poorly with the weighted value.

Strongly Negative: This is the most negative answer for the question and 1 is the lowest weighted on the scale 1-5. That is why this response is valued with 5. Most unfavorable situations prevail in the company in respect to the industry. The company, Robi, is performing very poorly with the weighted value.


Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data gathered from the survey have been analyzed by both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative Approach-The research used the gap analysis to analyze the data from qualitative view. Quantitative Approach- Collected Raw Data is analyzed using the most useful statistical tool SPSS.

Interpretation of the analysis is according to the findings of the analyzed data. As the analysis is from two aspects, so initially each analysis approach has an individual interpretation and after that the research has an overall finding or the integrated interpretation.


Five Steps of Research Plan

The Research is both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The Research has been accomplished in the following five steps as below; Step One: Defining the situation, problem and research objective. Step Two: Developing the Research Plan, as described below; Step Three: Collecting required information

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Step Four: Analyzing the gathered information. Step Five: Presentation of the findings of the study will be done in the following steps; Draft Report - A draft report has been submitted to Robis appropriate authority for their valuable comments and evaluation. Final Report: The final report will be handed over to the Robi authority after minor adjustment (if any in the draft report). Presentation - The final report's synopsis will be presented by the researcher.

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CHAPTER NINE9.0 Survey Data Analysis

The questionnaire is formatted and followed a particular pattern of responses. The pattern consists the flow of strongly positivity to strongly negativity. Every question has the same pattern within different wording according to the questions. The rates of the responses and their justifications are as follows-

Table 03: Patter of Responses and its value Responses Strongly positive Positive Neutral Negative Strongly negative Equivalent Numerical Scale 5 4 3 2 1

There are 25 quarries available in the questionnaire. We have segmented the whole questionnaire into 6 categories. Though each question expresses the different pattern of responses but the flow is same from positivity to negativity. For the easiness of the analysis, we set same response options for six categories. The categories and response options are as followsResponse Options Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Ratings 5 4 3 2 1

Categories Company and Supervisors Corporate environment Remuneration and Responsibility Motivation and development Benefits and Incentives Security, Safety and Cleanliness

Frequency analysis of individual question with bar chart are given in the appendix part for better understanding.

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Frequency and Categorized Topic Analysis

The process of determining the number of times a score occurs, that is, the frequency of its occurrence. The basic features of the data with the frequency analysis provide simple summaries about respondents. In this report, it covered respondents age, marital status, and sex. It brought out the significance position of respondents in terms of the above factors.

9.1.1 Respondents Age Respondents are classified in four categories in terms of age groups- 18-24, 25-35, 36-40, 40over.The average ages of majority respondent are from the age group of 25-35 years (51.25%). 18y-24y, 36y-40y, and 41y-over groups are holding 13, 16, 10 respondents respectively.

Number of Respondents

Respondents Age

Figure 02: Frequency Analysis of Respondents Age

The age group is very important to measure the satisfaction level. Depending upon the age individuals demand varies. The majority of respondents are from 25-35 year group and individuals feel diversified demand in this group. According to majority group respondents' feedback, they desired to be stable in family life and corporate life. They are behaving as opportunity seeker.

9.1.2 Respondent's Sex The research is conducted on 80 numbers of respondents. For better findings, the researcher took equal numbers of male and female participants. 40 male and 40 female respondents were selected for questionnaire survey. As character of individual is unique, we got different

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feedback from male and female. After the completion of the survey, we got some pattern considering different factors.

Figure 03: Frequency Analysis of Respondents Sex

9.1.3 Employment Year The year of employment is a very important factor to measure the satisfaction of the employee. Level of loyalty, expertise, and relationship between supervisor and employees, and employee turnover are directly engaged by the year of employment. From survey, we found that about 52% of employees are from 2-4 years group.

Figure 04: Frequency Analysis of Employment Year 9.1.4 Level of Education To determine the relationship between education level and job satisfaction, the data have been divided four groups according to the education level. The groups are primary, high school, graduation, and post graduation. Level of education affects the job satisfaction level. More educated persons have more professionalism, ability to understand the critical situation, ability to