of w. l. mackenzie king, o.m.g. , cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the...


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Page 1: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots




A. 1908

--W . - L. - MACKENZIE - KING1 V.~I.G.- - --------- -- - -










~~~No. 741-190R.]

Page 2: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots



Commissioner : ►V. L. MACKENZIE KING, C .M.d . ,

Deputy Minister of Labour.

-Counsel rep resenting Chinese ciaimants-: 3. ~cl~ssx, --

-_ Interpreter : DAVID C . LEW- _

Stenographers : F. EVexs and Mis ; FsecU»O,% .

74f-1 ;

Page 3: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots


To His Bscellsncy the Biyht Honoarable Sir Albert Henry George, Bari Grey,Viscount Howick, Baron Grey of Howick, in the County of Northumberland,in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, and a Baronet ; Knight Grand Cro" oftlw Most Dirtinpuiahed Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, &c., & .,Governor Oeneral and Commander in Chief of the Dorninon of Canada


The undersigned has the honour to submit to Your Exoellency the report ofW. L. Mackenzie King, C.a[.G., Deputy Minister of Labour, as Commissioner appointedto investigate into the loues auetained by the Chinese population of Vanoouver, BA. ,

- - on the occasion of the riots in that city in September, 1907 .`-_AU of which ir reFpeotfully submitted .


Yin+ster of Labour.

Ottawa, June 28, 1908.

Page 4: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots

of the Faith, Emperor of India .

Apoointing William Lyon Mackeazie King, Esqc-ire, C .M.G., a Commiseloner -

Whereas in and by an Order of our Governor General in Council, bearing date

the seventh day of March, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and

a,,.,.. .a .,..,niRinn has been made for an investigation

y ourChineae population in the city of Vancouver in the province of British Columbia, I m

Cl1S LY, a wKy v . .. ... ..- . -•. ------ ---

I Commissionr therein and hereinafter nan :ed, into the loeaea sustained by the

the occasion of the riots in that city in the month of Sepwmber, 1801 .

Now Know Ye that by and with the advice of our Privy Council for Canada, W e

do by tle preaenta nominate, constitute and appoint William Lyon Mackenzie King, :.-- - - - - --- - Minister of Labour,

C.M.G•, of the City of Ottawa, in the province of Ontario, ï)8put y

Coxx in siox :

--- couver, B .C., on the occasion of the riots in that city in September, investigate into the losses sustained by the Chinese population-of V an-

Edward the Seventh by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great

Gazy . (Seal). -- --



B ri tain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the Seae, King, Defender

to ourto the sai d

be Commission" to conduct such inquiry.To have, hold, exercise and enjoy the said office, piace and trust un

is hereby appointed to examine.

William Lyon Mackenzie King, together with the rights. powers, privileges, an d

emoluments unto the said office, place and trast, of right and by law appertaining

during pleaeure.And We do Hereby, under the autLority of the Revised Statute Reepeetin g

Inquiries Concerning Public Metters, confer upon our said Commissioner the power of

summoning before him any witnesses, and of requiring them to give evidence on oath ,

• ox on solemn affirmation if they are persona entitled to affirm in civil matters, and

orally or in writing, and to produce s, :ch doçumente and things as our said Com-

miaeioner shall deem requisite to the full inv,,tigatiion of the matters into which h e

And we do Hereby require and direct our said CommisRioner to report to ou r

tlovernor General of Canada in Counci't the result of his investigation, together with

the evidenoe taksn before him, and any opinion he may see fit to eiPreea thereon .

In Teatimony Whereof, We bavé csueed these out Letters to be made Patent and

the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunta affixed . Witneaa: Our Right, Trusty and

Right _11 -belored cousin the Right Honourable Sir Albert Henry Geoige, Earl Grey ,

Yisoount Howick, Baron Grey of Howick, in the County of Northumberland, in the

7 -

Page 5: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots


7-8 EOWAAO VIL, A. 19U8Peerage of the United Kingdom and a Baronet, Knight Orand Cross of Our MostDietinguiahed Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, I

e ., irc., (}oyemor Generaland Commander in Chief of our Dominion of Canada.

At our Goverument House, in our City of Ottawa, this eeventh day of Marchin the year of Our Lord, one thousad nine hundred and eight, and in the eigh~

year of our reign .

(Signed) E . L ivEW( .`OMBa,Deputy Minister of Justice,


By Command.

__ (Signed) - J . POPE,Under $ecratary of 81ate.

Page 6: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots


Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *neaPopulation of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots in that City inBeptes ►ber, 1907.

-- -----_ -------_, To Hts EzaBr.UCNcY :aiz Govsiuraa t#xase.t. nt Cooxcu, :

I have the honour to submit the following report on the resultr of my investiga-tion into the loam of the Chineee residents of the city of Vancouver, B .C., occasionedby the anti-Asiatic riots of September, 1907. This investigation was undertaken inpurauance of the Royal Commieeion issued to me on the 25th diny of Yarch, 1908, acopy of which is annexed hereto.

At the time the Commission was issued, I was absent in England on a mission toconfer with the authorities of Great Britain on the subject of oriental immigration toCanada, and immigration from India in,particular. I left for Vancouver as soon aspossible after my return to Canada, arriving there on Sunday, the 24th of May . TheChinese Government lias not any consular or other representative in Canada . I foand,however, on arriving in Vancouver, that Yr. Tung Cheng-Iang, attsom of - theImperial Chinese Legation at I.ondon, England, had come to this oountry to be presentAt the. inquiry, and that ][r. Owyang King, Chinese Consul at San Francis(*, andMr. Yoy Nok Hin, Chinese Consul at Portland, Oregon, were also present in Van-couver for the saute purpose. -- -__---_

_` (3n Mondat, the 95th of May, I eaueed the-following notice to b e iuaerted in thethree daily newspapers of Vauoonïér,and a translation of the same notice in the two--looal Chinaae newspapers, one of which appears daily, and the other tri-wPakls .

' Pus= Noncr •

'The undersigned, appointed Commissioner under the authority of theRevised Statute RespOeting Inquiries Concerning Puolie Matters, to investi-gate the losses sustained by the Chinese population in the City of lanoouver ,on the occasion of the riots in that city in the month of'September, 1807 ,hereby notifies all parties hrving claims to prevent that he will be at FenderHall, Fender street, between the hours of 10.80 u.m. and 4.8() pin. on Tuesday,Wedaeaday and Thursday, the 88th, 27th and 28th inst., respectively, toreoeire such claims ; also, that no claim will be entitled to consideration whichis not presented within the time herein specified. The investigation of thesaid claims will be commenced forthwith, and the unr:ersigned will be preparedto bear the representations of any parties desiring to appear or to be hear dbefore the commission in respect of a_n,y _ or- a:l -of the said claims. •


Dated at Vancouver, May 96 , 1t10e3.' .~

:. . ~ . .k ;


Page 7: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots


7- 0 EDWARD VII., A. 1908

this number including most of the claimants, the Chief of Police, the Chief Inspecto r

The same day I sent a special nommunicatio u to Mr . George Cowan, X-C., solicitor

for the city of Vancouver, drawing his attention to the public notice concerning the

investigation of the claims of the Chinese residents. f also had interviews with Mr.

Tung Cheng-Ling, Mr . Owyang King, and Mr. Arthur McEvoy, who had been retained

as counsel by the several claimants, and informed these gentlemen of the intended

method of procedure at the inquiry which was to open on the following day. At the

time of the occurrence of the riot in September last, the Vancouver Chinas Board of

Trade, a body composed of the leading Chinese merchants, retained the services of Mr.~__ 3icEvo}~ toaasist in proteçting the inter

_.sts of tho Chinese residents, and undertook

all the work necessary in estimating the losses and preparing in detail statements of

the several claims. Mr. Owyang King was deputed by the embassy at Washington to

proceed to Vancouver and act as a ipecial representative of the Chinese Government.

While in Vancouver, Mr. Owyaug King, with the assistance of the members of the

Chinese Board and tfieir solicitor, made a careful estimate of the actual and resultant

damages sustained by the Chinese residents, and the amounts of the losses v erc set

forth in individual declarations, notarial copies of which were forwarded to the Chinese

Ambassador at London, atid were by_him transmitted, through the Secretary of State

for Foreign Affairs, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, by whom they were

forwarded to the Canadian Government .

When the inquiry opened, Mr. MeEvoy appeared on behalf of the ChineE e Board

of Trade and the several claimants. His Worship, Mayor Bethune, and Mr . Cowau,

city solicitor, were present, but took no part in the proceedinga . Notarial copies of

the several claims, as presented through official channels, were put in by the solicitor on

behalf of the several claimants . In presenting these claims Mr . McEvoy pointed out

that althouFh the number was considerable, several had been omitted,'and asked if any

such might be added. As my commission directed me to inquire into all lo®eee, irres--

pective of whether claims for the same had been made or not, I intimated, as stated

in the public notice, that I would be prepared to consider any claim which might be

presented within three days of the opening of the Commission . Mr. McEvoy thereupon

put in a few additional claims, and a day or two subsequently these were supplemented

by another claiin put in by Mr. J . K. Macrae, barrister, of Vancouver, on behalf of

clients, Chinese residents of Vancouver.I

The claims as presented through Eugland amounted in all to $25,774•81, of whic h

amount E2 ,5 68.98 was on account of expenses incurred by the Chinese Board of Trade,

$3,877.88 for actual damages, and $19,928 for reeultant damages. As amended by theaddition of neor claims and the alteration of amounts in certain of the original claims

during the of the inquiry, the revised tetal amounted to $26,917 .12, of which

$3,190.14 Ras on account of actual damages, and a80,458 for resultant damages . In

all there wer. : 227 claims presented, 125 being for actual, and 102 for resultant damage,a.

The sittings of the Commission were held at Pender Hall, Pender street, and the .

Commission rai- continuously from the morning of Tuesdaÿt May 9 9, f,d rrtday, June °

5, inclusive, with the exception of Sunday, May 81 . In all 118 witneaees were ezamined,^

of Police, and one or two other persons. An opportwiity was given to anyone whowished to do so, to appear before the Commission and make represeutations in regardto the suhject-matter of the inquiry, Irrespective of whether or not s reqiu»t had

Page 8: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots

8E861ONAL pAP=R Na 74f

made for his appenranee, but o :+lv one citizen voluuteered ar.s statement. The exami-nation of the witnesses was conducted by myself as Commissioner, ][r. McEvoy also

F. W. Giddens, of the Departu ent of Labour, acted as secretary, and Mr. F. Evans

and Miss Ferguson as stenographers of the Commiesion.

- The evidence taken before a previous Commission appointed to inquire into the

Vancouver, acted as interpreter when an interpreter's services were necessary . .------their ezamination• Mr. David C. Lew, a recognized interpreter in the courts of

examining wherever in his opinion it waa detirable. Several of the Chinese claimants

spoke English fairly well, and it was not necessary to have an interpreter to assist i n

les sustained in the aame riot by the Japanese resi dents was filed as an exhibit ,

and the same, in so far as it had a bea ring upon the ezistence and e:tent of the riot

and the relative losses of the Chinese and Japanese, was taken into account in

assessing the losses of the Chinese residentr . The subject in this particular having

been ez2uustive/y dealt with in the previous inquiry, there was a- eonsiderable saving

in the amount of time necessarily devoted to this phase of the investigation . A

further economy in time was e$ecW by the statements which acx,~ompanied the severa l

declarations, and which set forth in detail the basis on which the amounts claimed

had been estimated. Tbe6e statements had been prepared with care by Mr . Owyang

King and Mr. McEvoy at the time the several claims were drawn up in September

and October of last year, After a careful examination into each of the several claims,

I found that the lor,eea amounted in all to W,68U, of which amount ,185 was on

account of damage to property, $2 ,569 on account of losses incurred by the Chineee

Board of Trade, and i90,286 on account of losses consequent upon the suspension of

elaimant. if a tenant, was allowed the actual loss only where it was show n that it haùseveral claimants for azvounta expended. In the case of damages to property,

actual damages were easily assessed. They were almost ezclusively . incurred o

n accountof broken windows, signs and glass, a good portion of the glass being plate .

The accuracy of the estimates prepared wàs vouched for by members of the firm by

rrhich they had been made, and was further verified b, the production of receipts by thethe

to seeing that full justice was accorded to every claimant .

With the exception of the estimates prepared immediately after the rioi by,one

of the leading hardware companies of the city of Vancouver at the instance of theChinese Board of Trade, on which estimate the several claims for actual damages

were based, there did not appear to be any estimate of actual losses . The civic

authorities took no steps to ascertain the amount of damage done ; nevertheless the

public moneys, the trust nature of whi ,h cannot be too constantly kept in mind, each

claim was eonsidered in the light of the material facts and circumstances, with a view -

while a strict -regard was had for the fact that all payments would be defrayed fromâwounts alloweû to the respective clai muita were arrived at,-other th-u. to say that

business and in other ways.

It can serve no useful purpose to set forth in detail the bases on which the several

fallen nnon him. andnot upon the-owneF.--Às with but one or two ezoeptiona, the

claimants in the case of damaged property were the owners and Chinese reamaenv,

there was not, as in the case of the settlement of the claims of the Japanese tenants

for damage done to property owned by white peoAe, the cost of the damage was

prolpsrly cSargnable. In the case of broken plate, glasa, the several elaimaats were

Page 9: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots


7-8 EDWAi'iD ViF.. A. 1 9 09

questioned in regard to insurance, and an examination made of insurance policies,where such existed, but in no case did it appear that the policies bsld by them were

of such a nature as to entitle the claimants to any compensation from the companies

with which they had insured.

In the case of the resultant losses, which were largely in the nature of businesslosses on account of the necessary cessation at the time of and days immediatelyfollowing the riot, the accuracy of the several stateme.nts presented with the individual

---claims was vouched for by-Mr. Owyang King, under whose supervision the same had---- - --- - thew_ been prepared. I t was stated by llir. Owyang ]Eng that in the preparation of

__ - ----statements a careful examination of the books of the several claimants had been made

wherever this was thought necessary or desirable. Before the Commission these atate-

ments, which related to business being done at the time of the riot, were tested by a

comparison with the businesses of the several claimants, as actually existingat the time of the sittings of the commission, as well as by a eomparison in each

case with the total business of the year, and by a comparison of the business of

one firm with that of others claiming like or di& -ent amounts. The claimants

appear almost without exception to have exercised moderation and a sense of fairness

in the amount at r•hich their respective business loeeea were estimated . In only two

cases was a claim made for losses beyond a period of six days . Some of the claimants

took account only of losses on account of expenditure for the time during which their

places of business had been closed, and omitted any reference to loss of profit durùng

the same time. The only cases in which there was any real difficulty in aseerEaining

resultant losses was in the amounts claimed for psyments to guards in proteahng Pro-

perty and for boarding Chinese from different parts of the city, who too6c refuge in

the dwellings of_ocrtain of the merchants during the time of the riot and the days --- ----- - -- --_-- ture _ -iaimediately following. In assessing 2hese losses, _ir.eesrd was had W* na

Yremiaes protected and the, it.asonabieuess of the number of persons alleged to have

b,-en employed or sheltered, and the amounts alleged to have been e :pended ._EZcep

t in the case of restaurant who lost some perishable goods, there were few claim s

for spoikd or damaged merchandise, and there were but one or two claims on accountof lom of c.rders which it was alleged had been cancelled because of not being filled at

the time of the riot.

It appears that during the time of the riot, the Chinese reeidnnts yurchaaed a

considerable quantity of Srearms and ammunition. The claimants were qt.ite frank

in ::,cir admission that these weapour had been purchased for ~Ae purpose of dafr .&oe,

and wculd in all probability, have been used, had further unwananted attacks been

made uton them . As it appeared that there was r neoeasity for the purchase of thae

firearma, any amounts claimed for payment on this score vers wholly diaallowed, as _._ _-were also tundry small charges for the purchase of lantemu, hose and the like, which

some of the claimants alleged they had obtained as means of protecting their propertJ

` in-the event if ineudi4riam,The evidence being concluded, I prepared a detailed statement of the amountb

which it appearen reasonable to award to the several claimants on account of theaetual and resultant damages. A copy of this statement is given as an appendix to this

report. On Tuesday, the 9th June, I sent the following message, advising of the total

Page 10: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots

. , ---- _. : . _ .GHINEBE CLdIY$ 1i

SÉ881ONAL PAP1:R Nt . 74f

amount of the loeaea, and reoommending that in addition to the payment of this

amount, the sum of a1,00() should be allowed to claimants on accourit of legal erpenaea

'Son. IIoaot.rxa Lzueuz,

'Minister of Labour,----- -` Ottawa .

M June 9, 1908.

'After careful examination iRto loe .ea of Chinese residents Of Vancouver,occasioned by anti-Asiatic riots, I find that total kerA, including actual and

---=---- - ------ -- -nsultant, amount to i25,990. Claimants have been ropreeented before EJom-- - ----- - -- -mieeion by oounsel, who haa materiall,7 aasiated progress of inquiry. - WGuld

--recommend that an additional thousand dollars be allowed to claimïnts on

account of legal ezpenees, mahing as sum total of amount recommended for

payment, $N,990 .' (sgd.) W. L. MACKENZIE MG,


Having received, on the morning of June 11, a telegram informing me that the

sums as recommended foc payment had been approved by Council, and instructing me

to inform Mr. Tung 'Cheng-Ling, attaché of the Imperial Chinese Lzgation, that the

amount would be put in the supplementary estimates and paid to the claimants as

soon as voted by psrL•ament, I sent the following communication to Mr. Tung Cheag- -------

Ling`' VAtrooucart, June 11, 1908.

'$m,-•i have the bonour to inform you that having maae a careful

examination, ande• Royal Commission, into the losses sustained - by the---__ ~

_Cbinese residente of the city of Vancouver, iu consequence of the anti-Asiatic ---

----riots in September of last year, I have, as directed in my Commteuon, --- -

reported to the Governor General of Canada in Council the result of theinvestigation so far an relates to the total losses sustained, which I havo

estimated as amounting to $25,990. I reeommended that, in addition to this

amount, the sum of t1.009 should be allowed to the claimanta on account of

legal expenae s`I have ple.-sure in farther informing you that I have to-day received

from Ottawa a telegram stating that Council has approved the sums reoommended for paymeni, and that an amoutht covering the same will be put

in the eupplementary estimmatee to be presented to Iarliament at the present _

session, a--td will be paid to the claimants as soon as voted-

~ I have the honour to be, air,• -' Your obedient servant, -

'(Sgd.) W. L. MACKENZIE KING,Coa►as+atimff.

' .Air. Tuxo CeYxa-Lnra ,' Attaché to the Imperial Chinese

` Legation of London ,

' Vancouver.'

Page 11: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots


7-41 EDWARD VII ., A . 1 900

On the 1Sth of June I received the fo llowing t~ommunication in reply :

dune 13, 1908 .

• Sta,-I have the honour to acknowledge the rece ipt of your favour of

the 11th irst ., informing me that after having made a careful examination ,

under Royal Commieaion, into the losses sustained by the Chinese residents

of the cit :- of Vancouver, in consequence of the itnti-Asiatie riots of Septem-

ber last year, you have reported to the t*overnor General oi Canada in Council

the result of the investigation so far as relates to the total losaee sutained,

wh ch you have estimated as amounting to $25,980, with the reoommeu-48tionithat an additional atun of $1,000 be aücwed to the claimants on aoount of legalexpenses, and further informing me that you have received from Ottawa a

t:legram stating that council has approved of the sum recommended for pay-ment . and that an amount cove ring the "me will be put in the supple.mentary

estimates to be presented to parliament at the present session, and will be paid

to the claimants as soon as voted .

`I have the honour to inform you that I will .,ommunicat,e the contents

of your note to our Minister at London, and I have no doubt that he will be

much pleased at the result.

'In the recent inquiries conducted by you, I beg to qtste that, althoag'i•

officially, neither my colleagues nor myself could have been anything otherthan that of a spectator . yet personall,v we were much gratiûad by the fairnesswith which the inquiries were made, and for the many courtesies you haveshowr. us we degire to express to you our high appreciation and sincere thanka . *

'I have the honour to be, sir,

Your obedient servant,

(Sgd. ) ' TUNCi Cfi.Li1Q-LINO . '

' To Ur. MACKENZIE KING, C .M .G .,`Royal Commissioner, he. ,

---- -

I have made mention of the presence of Mr . Tung Cheng-Ling and other Chinese

officials at the rittings of the Commission. Their presence waa not only gratifying as----

- an evidence of the appreciation by the Chinese government of the action of the Cana-

dian government in instituting the investigation, but was also salutary as affordingto the several claimants an assurance, if any such were needed, that their interests

would be fully protected before the commission. I have pleasure in acknowledgingtheir assistance and courtesies wherever opportunity afforded . I desire to make special

mention of the important services rendered by Mr . Owyang King in the preparationof the several claims, and of the valuable asaistanee given the Commi,ssion by Mr .McEvoy, the able counsel who appeared'on behalf of the several claimants . But for

the forethought and ;ood judgment exercised by Mr. Owyang King and Mr. McEvoy

at the time of the riots, and in the preparetion of the several claims, as well as in

their presentation, the duties of the Commission would have been arduous indeed, andthe time necessary for investigation consider.tbly prolonged.

Page 12: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots

CHI\1 SBS CLd/ll$


In concluding this report I desire respectfully to bring to the attention of Your

Excellency in Council a matter of serious significance and importance which wasdisclosed during the course of the inquiry under the present commission. In the

investigation of the di!--xent lowea, a claim was made for $800 by each of two opium

manufacturera on acouunt of lois of business for six days, their places of manufacturehaving been closed for that length of time in consequence of the riots . I was some-

wbat surprised at the presentation of claims for losses in such a business. There does

not appear, however, to be any existing legislation prohibiting the importation of crudeopium, or its manufacture in Canada, and the only restraint upon the manufactureof that article in the city of Vancouver is the municipal regulation requiring the tak-ing out of a license and the payment therefor of a fee of $500 before the manufacture

can be carried on within the city limitaIn ascertaining the basis on which the above losses should be computed, I went

somewhat fully into the nature and extent of the business of the two concerns on behalf

of which claims were presented. I also personally inspected the premises and saw the

process by which the manufacture of opium is catried on . In the case of one of these

establishments it was stated by the proprietor that he had been engaged in the business

for a period of ten years, and was emplnying, at the time of the riot, ten persons ; that

his gross receipts from this source alone for the year 1907, totalled $180,000 ; that his

wage bill for the month amounted to $W) ; and that his estimated net profit, for the

year 1907, was 520,000. This was after deducting 0 ,820 for wages, $1,080 for rent,

and $500 for license fee. In the case of the other concern, the proprietor stated that

while keping a small store, his main business was that of carrying on the manufacture

of opium, in which he had been engaged for a period of twenty-one years ; that he

was enlploying . at the time of the riot, nineteen persons ; that his gross receipts

totaUed between $170,000 and $180,000 for the year 1907 ; that his wage bill for the

montt. amounted to $1,585 ; and that his estimated net profit for the year 1907 was

$15,000, after deducting $18,300, wages, $1,800 for rent, and $500 for license fee .

Both manufacturera stated that they sold to white people as well as to Chinese

and other Grientals ; that the opium was consumed in different parts of the Dominion ;

and that, in Addition to their own factories, there were three or four other opium

factories in the city of Victoria and one in New R'e4tn_inster, att'of whtch were dotng

an extensive business .- Regarding it as an anomaly that the Government of Canada should, under any

circumstances, be held bound to make good pecuniary losses in an industry so inimical

to our national welfare, and having regard to the discretion given me by my commission,

I feel it my duty respectfully to submit that the operations of the opium industry inCanada should receive the immediate attention of the parliament of the Dominion,and of the several legislatures with a view to the enactment of such measures as will

render impossible, aave in so far as may be necessary for medicinal purposes, the

continuance of such an induetry within thP confines of the Dominion, and as wil l

assist in the eradication of an evil which is not only a source of human degradation

but a destructive factor in national life. This industry, I believe, has taken root and

haa developed in an insidious manner without the knowledge of the people of thi s

country. Its baneful influences are too well known to require comment . The present

would seem an opportune time for the government of Canada and the governments

Page 13: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots


7-8 EDWARD V1 1 ., A. 19O6

of the provinces to co-opersie with the governments of Great Britain and China in

a united effort to free the people from an ,vil so injurious to their progress and well-

being. Any legislation which may be to this end, will have the hearty enèlorae-

ment of a large proportion of the Chinese residents of this country, who, as mernbe:s

of an Anti-Opium LeaBue, are doing all in their power to enliQhten their fellow

citizens on the terrible eonse9ueLCes Of the opium habit, and to suppress, as effec':ua11J

ai possible, the trac which, for so many years, has been carried on with impunity.

All of which is respectfulty submitted.

(Sgd) W. L. MACKENZIE KING,G omrn+aaioner.

Page 14: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots




Statement showing amounts allowed claimants for actual losees :-

Chinex Empire Reform Association,Shanghai `t . (alro 529 Carrall St .4

Chow Lee Co ., 75 Du pont St . . . . . .Chung Kee Co . . 530 Carrall St . .

F'ook Chui Yuen Co., 547 Carroll St . .

FonKoun Co ., 100 Hastings St . . .

t}im Lee Yuen Co ., 565 Carroll St . .

( ;in Sing We Co., 73 2 Weatmnnater

Ave . . . . . .Hai Hing Lung Co., 513 Carrall St . .Hang Foo Low Co ., W Carroll St . .He Chong, care Chinese Board of

'Prade . . .Hong On Jung Co., 559 Carrall St . .

Hung Fong Co . . 550 Carroll St . .

Hung Hing Chan Co. `AO Carroll St.

King Hung Co . . =4 ~upont St . .

Kiug Fung Co . . . . . . . . . .

Kong Hi -I g Co ., 531 Shanghai St . . . .

Kwong We Lung Co ., 13 Yender St . .

Kouan Yee Oee Co ., S!9 Carroll St . .

K wung luen & Co., 539 Westminster

21 551 90

71 00

Quong Man Sang Co., 531 Carroll St . .Quong Wo Yuen Co ., 67 Dupont St . .Quong Ying Chong, S13 Carroll St . .Sam Fiee, 433 Carrall St . . . . . . . .Sang Chong Co, 94 Dupont St . . . . . .

177 80 Sing Lee Co-, 445 Carroll St . . . . .228 70 Sing Les Wa.h Co . . 430 Columbia Ave .

Sang Lune Co., 51,4 Carroll St . . . .120 00 ;ni Ying Chong lA . . 5SS Carroll St . .

a0 00 ; Sun Tai Co., 545 Carrall St . . . . . . . .

80 25112 501S Be19 000 0022 751E 0020 8 02 75

Kou; Yuen, 96 Pender S t . :S

Lee Kar, 45 Dupont St . . . . . . . . . . 63, 45;0 ~

Lee Yuen Co., 37 Dupont St . . . .

Lee Wai, 437 l :arrall St . . . . . . . .

Lun Chong Co., 17 Du~nt ~t . . .Loo Gee µ ing, 45 Po . . .

Man Chu .ig Lung Co ., 81 Dupont St . .Man Hun g Low Co., 513 Carroll St . .Man On Tong Co ., bll Casrall St . . . .Mee Wo Co ., 25 Dupo nt St . . . . . . . .

y Co 32 1lupont St . . . . . .

1137 30153 00

1 4 252 7619 0010 0012 2558 0 0Mee uen

--- Mow Sang Jee Co ~ueu Co, n Dupont St 12 6560

Old Oim l.A 3 1 1 Dupont St . . . . 19 00

QVuou g

noag l'hi


Co ., 104 Dupontnt St . . . . 1 Be

Lee On Co . . 45 1)upont St . . . . . . . . ~

See Lee We Co ., 1 Canton 3t . . . . . .Sun We Co., 34 Pender St . . . . .

Son Toy • Kwan Luk- L11 Hactingsat . .

Tai ding Co ., 19 Pender St . . . . .Tai Wo Chong Co . . SSJ Shanghai St . .

Sam Sing . 1 Canton St . . . . . . .

Wab Hing Co ., 27 Dupont St . . .Wah Lung Che.og Co ., 510 Carrr ll

Wah Yick Jung Co., 516 Shanghai St.Wing Jung Ynen Co ., 1 Dupont St . .Wing liet Chung Co., 17 Pender St . .Wing Lee Ln"_ Co ., bbS Shanghai St .Wing Mow Co ., 11p Dupont St . . . . . .Wing Hong On Co ., 76 Pander St . .w in Sang Co ., 51 Dupont St . . .we ~ng Co., 3 0 Ha+Anp St . . . . . .

we sang, 50 Hastings St. . . . . . ••We Yuen Co., 134 Dupont St . . . . . .

Yee Sang, 14 C,lanton St . . . . . . .

Yet Sing Co., 18 Hastings St . . . . . .

Yiok Wo Co ., 13 Dupont St . . . . . . . .

Yuen Yuen Co., 31 Dupont St . . . .Yuen Sun Low Co., W Carrall St . .

:. : 101G31'E 93

166 tlo4 50

0 co28 60

17 602 15

19 8518 30

27 2

0 2300tl8 :567 80

335 0 03 7

5 6 6064 0031 4534 7040 0 0

4 3511 15135 4016 5067 6060 0010 009 00

87 8047 0011 0018 75

Page 15: REPORT...REPORT OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING, O.M.G. , Cotnmisaioner appointed to inveetigate into the Loues wstained by A. *nea Population of Vancouver, B.C., on A. occasion of the Riots

rdhCobt',VR RIOTB

APPENDI%-Con ~inued.

7-8 EDWARD VII ., A . 1908

Statement showing amountP allowed claimanta for reeultént loeees :-

Bow Yum Co ., 26 1 Dupont St . . . . . .s 150 00Ching Chung Co., 574 Shanghai St . . 1~

00Chow Lee Co ., 75 Dupont St . . .Chung Ilee Co . . S90 ( 'arrall St . . 200 00

Fook Chui Yuen Co ., 547 Carroll St . 160 00

Fon c nun ( 'n . . 100 Ha,t ing+ St . . . . :p'O 00

Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .

Rai Hing LunR Co . . 513 0+rrall st •5 00

Rang Foo Low Co ., SJ3 Carroll St . 200 00

Gin Sing Wo Co . . 732 Westminster

Carrall S .(lim l .e~+ Yaen Co .. 56490 00(also 3 8 Dupont St .) . .230 00

Hing Ke. , 45 Pender St . . _ . • . .lling Lung Co ., 9 Pender St . . . . . bo 00

How Kow & Chinese Board of Trada, 160 00

42 Pender St . . . • •• •• 100 00Ilip Sing Co., 4 Dupont St . . . . . .

Hip Tuck Lung, 4 Dupont St . . . 600 00

Ilung Hing Chan Co . . 500 Carroll St . 400 00

Hop )'ictz Lung Co . 566 Shanghai S t . 1 00 00

liunK (ln JunR Co. . 557 Carroll St . . . .6

0 250 ~Hung Fnng Co . 550 Carroll St . .Jung Quan . 67 bupont St . . • .

. so 00'• 150 00Kee Sing, 607 Westminster Ave . . f~

onKing YunK Co . . 517 Carroll St . . . . . . ~ W

King Ilung . 24 Dupont St . . . . . . . .

lkne Loo. 111 Dupont St . . . . . 200 00

Hong Ifing Co ., 534 Shanghai St . . . . 60 00

Kong On Co . 557 Carroll St . . . . . . 96 00

Kung Yuen Co ., 1 Shanghai St . . . . 96 00

Kwong Wo Lung Co ., 13 Pender St 360 00

h ouun l'ee (i- ('o ., 529 Carroll St . . 120 on

kwong 1'uen A('o ., 558 Weatminater 1~

00Ave . . • • • •40 00Lai Fong Co., 109 Dupont St . . . . . .

l .un (1iong Co ., 17 Dupont St . . . . . . 160 00Ime On Co . . 45 1)upont St . . . . . 200 00Lee Fook A Chinese Board of T rade,

430 Carroll St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Ning co,, 5 4 Hastings St . . . . . . 125 00Los Yaen, 37 Dupont St . . . . . . . . . . 600 00Lin \Yn l'o . 85 Dupont St . . . . . __ E50 (nL . W . Transfer Co., 557 Carroll St . . 400 00Man ('hung Co ., 567 Carroll St . . . . 7i 01)Man Chang Lung Co., 81 Dupont St . . 13 0 00Mark Long b Co . . 23 Hastings St . . . . 800 00Man Hung Low Co ., 51J Carroll St . . 200 00Man On Tong Co ., 511 Oarrmll St . . . . 150 00Mee Wo Co ., 25 Dupont St . . . . . . 160 00Mee Yuen Co ., 32 Hastings St . . . . 160 00Mow Sang ~ Co., 86 Canton St . . . . 80 00On Kee Co, 434 Columbia Ave . . . . 160 00Quoug Chiug Co., 3 1 1 Dupont St . . . . 80 00

$ uoag Fong Low, !g Dupont St . . 580 00uong Hop Co ., 104 Dupont St., 40 00

Quong Ling Ring Co ., 79 & 83 DupontSt .. 96S 00

Quon Man Sang Co . . 551 Carrait St. t.9U 00Quong Sing Co ., 522 Carroll St . . . . . 190 00Quon Wo Yuen Co ., 67 Dupont St . . Y00 00UuonR Ying ( 'honR, 54 3 ('arrall St . . to 00Sam Kee Co ., 433 Carroll St . . . . . . 847 00See Lee Wo Co ., I Canton St . . . . . . 264 00,-i ng ('hnnR Co . . 94 Dupont St . . . . . . 91i(1 00

Sing Loo Co . . 445 Carroll St . . . . . . 100 00Sing Lee N'Nh, 490 Columbia Avh . . 160 OBSang Lung Co., 534 Carrs!l St . . . . . 1.180 001~ni Ying ('honq Co . . â54 Cerrall St . . Ml) (Ml

Sun Tai Co . . 545 Carrall St . . . . . 160 00Tai Chung Co ., 409 Columbia Ave . . 25a 00Tai Fung Lung Co ., 28 Dupont St . . 180 00

Titi Sing Co ., 19 Pender St . . . 500 00

THi n'n ('hontt Co ., MA Shanghai St . . 21M ► 00

Thom" Ke.e A Co., 110 Haetinge St . . 161 00Tnng IA-* Co,, 411 Columbia Avw . . . . 11 1 1 (N)

Tong Sing Tod Co . . 542 Caarall St . . 120 00Wah Chan A Co ., 95 Pender St . . . 180 00Wah Lung Chang Co., 510 Carroll St . 100 00With Tin Lock . Shanghai St . . . 1,311 ) 00Wah Yick Jung Co . . 548 Shanghai St . 2(ro (UWab H :ng Co ., 87 Dupont St . . . . . 40 00Wing Uhin Tong Co ., 518 Cwral'. St . . 65 00

Wing Jung Yuen Co., I Dupont St . . . . 21= 00Wing Uet Chung Co., 17 Yender St . . 2 75 WWing Hing Co., 594 Shang hai St . . . 80 00Wing Lee Lung Co ., 559 Shanghai St . 160 00Wing Mow Co . . 102 Dupont St. . . . . 100 00Wing Sing Co ., 77 Dupont St . . . . . . 85 00Wing hwig On Co ., 38 Pender St . . . . 275 PO

W ing Yu n Co ., 16 Dupont St . . . . 160 00

Wo On Co ., S4 Hastings St . . . . . . . . 1 20 00

Wo Sang Co ., 50 Hastings St . . . . . . 300 OU

(ti'o Yuan Co ., 134 Dupont St . . . . . . 80 00

Wing Sang Co ., 51 Dupont St . . . . . . 550 00

Tee Sang, 14 Canton S t .----- 90 01►

Y Pe Yee ( uong Co . . 5S8 Shanghai St . -- 150 00Tat Lam Kin Co ., 516 Carroll St . . . . 120 00Tick Wo Co., 13 Dupon! St . . . . . . 80 00Tick Ynen Co ., 437 Carroll St . . 200 00Yick Sun Low Co ., 5 39 Carroll St . . 16 0 00Yueu Sing Co ., 1 3 6 Dupont St . . 195 00Ynen Y uer Co ., Si Dupont St . . . . . . 9~ 001'et Su~g Co ., 16 Hestingx St . . . . . . .

200 00Yuen Wah, S i'ender 9t . . .Young Sun Co ., SU Pender St . . 1 20 00

Chinese Board of Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8,689 00

Also-Allowance on account of 1 , gal u :penw s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 0f)

Total allowed on actual claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 3,185 00 _ .__ .

Total allowed on resultant claime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E0,286 00

. . $26,990 00