representation of disability

Emma Harrison In the extract from the episode skins there is a range of techniques that represent the Disability presented. An example of this is camera work, there is a close up shot of Tony when he’s sat on the bus and he gets scared, it shows him holding onto maxi showing his vulnerability. Another extreme close up shot is shown when Tony can’t open his zip on his trousers without help from somebody. As he can’t do this himself it shows him relying on somebody else which causes relationship change signifies how difficult a disability can be in everyday life. A low angle shot is used when Tony is walking to show him as the only one in the shot and how independent a disability can make you feel. Another technique used from the extract skins to represent disability is editing. An example of editing is the lighting used on Tony’s face after the others dance. It shows him as he’s own world and not able to do many physical things unlike others. Another editing technique is a shot reverse shot from Tony to Maxi showing general conversation but with difficulty to understand what is happening around him. A third technique used in the episode skins the sound. This can show emotions shown in representation and make an impact towards the audience in how they are feeling towards their situation. An example of sound is a diegetic sound when Tony’s sister is using the equipment and the machinery makes a noise. It is exaggerated and bold to the scene as it is expected to cause more drama towards the audience. Another diegetic sound is when Tony and Maxi are on the bus and when it goes past it’s sounded loud as it is represented as what he can hear in comparison to anybody else without the disability that he has got. An example of non-diegetic sound is the soft music when Tony’s mum is in the bathroom thinking about the equipment Tony needs to use because of his disability. This has been added in to make it look as though she is upset of the disability her son has and is setting the atmosphere for the audience. A final technique used in the extract skins is mise-en-scene. An example of this is the bathroom in Tony’s house in the bathroom when all the equipment is shown, this is shown towards the audience to show the difficulty that happens when a family member gets a disability and how challenging it can be for them. Another example

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Representation of disability

Emma Harrison

In the extract from the episode skins there is a range of techniques that represent the Disability presented. An example of this is camera work, there is a close up shot of Tony when he’s sat on the bus and he gets scared, it shows him holding onto maxi showing his vulnerability. Another extreme close up shot is shown when Tony can’t open his zip on his trousers without help from somebody. As he can’t do this himself it shows him relying on somebody else which causes relationship change signifies how difficult a disability can be in everyday life. A low angle shot is used when Tony is walking to show him as the only one in the shot and how independent a disability can make you feel.

Another technique used from the extract skins to represent disability is editing. An example of editing is the lighting used on Tony’s face after the others dance. It shows him as he’s own world and not able to do many physical things unlike others. Another editing technique is a shot reverse shot from Tony to Maxi showing general conversation but with difficulty to understand what is happening around him.

A third technique used in the episode skins the sound. This can show emotions shown in representation and make an impact towards the audience in how they are feeling towards their situation. An example of sound is a diegetic sound when Tony’s sister is using the equipment and the machinery makes a noise. It is exaggerated and bold to the scene as it is expected to cause more drama towards the audience. Another diegetic sound is when Tony and Maxi are on the bus and when it goes past it’s sounded loud as it is represented as what he can hear in comparison to anybody else without the disability that he has got. An example of non-diegetic sound is the soft music when Tony’s mum is in the bathroom thinking about the equipment Tony needs to use because of his disability. This has been added in to make it look as though she is upset of the disability her son has and is setting the atmosphere for the audience.

A final technique used in the extract skins is mise-en-scene. An example of this is the bathroom in Tony’s house in the bathroom when all the equipment is shown, this is shown towards the audience to show the difficulty that happens when a family member gets a disability and how challenging it can be for them. Another example of mise-en-scene is when Tony’s friends are dancing they have glass windows and equipment for dancing around them, whereas Tony is in total blackness signifying he is on his own and independent because of his disability. This makes the audience feel sad for the character and they get to see the inside truth of how disabled peoples have restrictions because of their condition.