representative sampling

Representative Sampling and Laboratory QA/QC

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Representative Samplingand Laboratory QA/QC


Language of Sampling Types of Samples The Unspoken Assumptions Ideal Sampling Locations Data Quality Objectives Examples:

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


Sampling usually given little thought relative to analysis, even though critical.

Largest errors in results from sampling. Samples are taken:

At the wrong place. At the wrong time. And of the wrong type.

Result: Non-representative results.

Samples vs. Populations

The population is the total or all of the possible answers we might get by sampling. All of the individuals in

this room. Every 100 mL aliquot in 2

MG of influent. We sample because we

can’t count the whole population.

Representative Samples

What is representative? Sample should represent or be typical of

the wastewater it is collected from. If the true value of BOD5 in the wastewater

is 280 mg/L, then the sample should be close to this value.

How do we know the sample is representative? Answer: Statistics

Representative Samples Representative

samples should be very close to the mean value of the population.

How do we know we are close to the mean?

Look at the sample standard deviation.

Population Characteristics




Mean or Average

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation tells us how spread out the data are.

If the mean is 20 and stddev is 2, then 68% of all measurements are between 18 and 22.

Types of Samples

Grab Samples Exactly what it sounds like. One sample

collected at a particular point and time. Composite Samples

Multiple samples collected and added together to make one sample.

Time Composite. Space Composite. Flow Proportional Composite.

Manual versus Automatic

Grab Samples

May be used where population is not changing suddenly or changing a great deal over time.

Must be used for particular analyses: Residual chlorine. Fecal coliform.

Also applicable for estimating performance under a given set of conditions.

Composite Samples

Frequently used to estimate average values over a 24-hour period. BOD5 loading to aeration tanks.

TSS leaving the WWTP in the effluent.

Gives information over a longer period of time or space.

Permit samples are often flow proportional composites.

Composite Samples Consideration must be given to

sample handling and storage during compositing.

We don’t want the sample characteristics to change while we are sampling.

Refrigeration often used to slow biological activity.

Chemicals may also be added as preservatives.

How to Composite

Simple Composite – Add equal volumes of samples collected from different times or locations. Mix thoroughly.

Flow Proportional Composite – Volume of each subsample based on flow. Estimate total volume of sample required. Estimate total flow over sampling period. Calculate sample volume per flow.

Simple vs Flow ProportionalTime Flow (MGD) NH3 -N Simple Flow Prop.Midnight 10 12 12 1204 a.m. 15 15 15 2258 a.m. 18 20 20 360Noon 28 40 40 11204 p.m. 26 37 37 9628 p.m. 14 14 14 196

NH3-N Conc, (mg/L) in Sample = 23.0 26.9

Avg Daily Flow 18.5 MGDTotal Lbs - Simple 3549Total Lbs - Proportional 4146Difference of 15%

Manual vs. Automatic

Manual samples are collected by hand. Automatic samples are collected by


Cautions for automatic samplers: Not necessarily better. Not accurate when collecting <20 mL. Clean frequently; clogging. Variable flows and intake location.

Examples of Autosampler Misuse

The BOD5 Producing Equalization Basin.

The No-Flow at Low-Flow Problem.

The 1 Day MCRT Nitrifying Basin.

Unstated Assumptions

For simplicity, we ASSUME that the population we are sampling from is: Normally distributed. Completely mixed.

We also ASSUME that our sample value approximates the population mean.

These assumptions are not always true.

Guidelines for Representative Sampling

Samples should be collected: Only where wastewater is well-mixed. In the center of the flow channel.

Horizontally and Vertically. Avoids floating scum and settled solids.

Ensure that samplers and sample containers are clean, uncontaminated, and suitable for the planned analysis.

Guidelines for Representative Sampling

Recommended Sample Containers: HDPE appropriate for most analyses. Trace metals, oil and grease, volatiles

should be sampled in glass containers. Pre-cleaned or sterilized containers for

phosphorus testing and fecal coliforms.

When compositing or aliquoting, mix samples well before pouring.

Guidelines for Representative Sampling

Wiers are not good sampling points. Solids settle upstream of weirs. Oils and greases build-up downstream.

Materials tend to collect on the sides and bottoms of channels. Avoid edges.

Before collecting the sample, rinse the sampler and sample container several times.


Language of Sampling Types of Samples The Unspoken Assumptions Ideal Sampling Locations Data Quality Objectives Examples:

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


There are a lot of choices in sampling. What type of sample to take. Where to collect the sample. What time of day to collect the sample.

How do we know what we need?

What data quality objectives (DQOs) are all about.


A sampling and analysis plan of attack. Plan of attack is determined by

answering these questions: Why are we taking the sample? What do we want to know? How will the data be used? What level of QA/QC is needed? Who will take the samples?

Why Collect the Sample?

For process control: Wasting calculations. Calculation of unit process efficiency. Estimating plant capacity.

For permitting: Required analyses for DMR. Required analyses for biosolids disposal. Quantifying receiving water quality.

What Do We Want to Know? Seems like a simple question…… Often neglected in sampling and

analysis plans. Are we interested in:

Average performance? Performance at peak load? Dictates type of sample AND time of day. Dictates sampling location.

How Will the Data be Used? Internally or externally? Public access? Will results prompt capital

expenditures? Does data need to be legally

defensible? Dictates total number of samples,

analysis method, and QA/QC needed.

What level of QA/QCis Needed?

Field and laboratory? Frequency of QA/QC Samples?

Permit required analysis – every time. Process control – weekly perhaps.

Certified standards needed?

Outside laboratory involved?

Who Will Take the Samples?

Daytime sampling and analysis not usually a problem, but….

Nights and graveyards? Week-ends? May limit types of sampling to be done.

Autosamplers eliminate this problem, but still need to be checked.

Example Problems

Plan of Attack

Why are we taking the sample?

What do we want to know?

How will the data be used?

What level of QA/QC is needed?

Who will take the samples?

Sampling location. Grab or composite. Frequency of

sampling. Analytes needed. QA/QC required.

Calculate MCRT

Where to collect samples?

Type of samples to collect?

If multiple basins are in use?

If basins are independent?

Estimate TF Performance

For average performance.

For peak performance.

Develop DQOs.

What if there is recycle?

Quality Assurance/Control

Why Do We Do It? To Check for Contamination To Verify

Precision Accuracy

To Determine if Interferences are Present



Results in a false positive. Caused by dirty glassware and improper

sampling or handling techniques Can happen at any stage of sampling or

analysis Happens when we add something to the

sample Examples: Phosphorus, Fecal Coliforms, BOD5

Precision versus Accuracy

Neither precise nor accurate. Precise, but not accurate. Accurate, but not precise. Accurate and Precise. BOTH


Precision versus Accuracy






Substances in a sample that cause False Positives False Negatives

Look for Interferences at the time of analysis.

How do we know if we are:

Free of contamination? Accurate and precise?

Lacking Interferences?

Checking for Contamination


Filter Blank

Only needed when analyzing for dissolved substances.

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Ortho-phosphorus

Filter Blank

Checks for contamination during filtering. Set up and clean filtration apparatus. Special

cleaning should not be done for blanks. Filter a volume of ultra-pure water. The filtrate is the filter blank. The filter blank should be treated like any

other sample.

Reagent Blank

Ultra-pure water analyzed as a sample. Accounts for differences in reagents

between lot numbers or batches. Often used to “auto-zero” and

instrument. Subtracts out background. Can be a check for contamination.

Limits for Blanks

Blank values should be less than the MDL.

MDL = Method Detection Limit. Lowest concentration used for

reporting. Calculated value that may be different

for different laboratories and analysts. See EPA method for how to calculate.

Acceptable or Unacceptable?

MDL for Nitrate test is 0.5 mg/L Field blank reads 0.2 mg/L Filter blank reads 1.7 mg/L Reagent blank reads 0.1 mg/L Sample results are higher than normal. What happened?

Checking for Precision


Field Duplicate

A second sample taken at the same time and place as the original sample.

Placed into a separate sample bottle. Checks whether or not the sample is representative.

Tells us how heterogeneous the population is.

Relative Standard Difference

RSD = ( A - B) * 100 ((A+B)/2) Where

A = Original Sample ResultB = Duplicate Result

Results from a field duplicate should agree within +/- 20% RPD of original sample.

Relative Standard Difference

Original Sample Result – 300 mg/L BOD5

Duplicate Sample Result – 350 mg/L BOD5

Calculate the RPD100*(300 – 350)

((300 + 350)/2) = (50/325)*100 = 15.4%

Within Limits?

Lab Duplicate

Tests analyst’s ability to take a representative sample from the field sample.

Two aliquots are taken from the same sample bottle and subjected to the same sample preparation and analysis steps.

Don’t confuse a duplicate with a replicate. A replicate is a second reading from the same aliquot.

Relative Standard Difference

Original Sample Result – 300 mg/L TSS Duplicate Sample Result – 180 mg/L

TSS Calculate the RPD

100*(300 – 180) ((300 + 180)/2) = (120/240)*100 = 50.0%


Checking for Accuracy


Standards Contain a known concentration of analyte. Should be within the same range as the

sample concentrations. Standard Methods recommends 5 to 50 times

the MDL. May be purchased “certified” from outside

vendors. Environmental Resource Associates Hach, SPEX, VWR Scientific Products, and others


Standards should be analyzed Each time an instrument is calibrated. Once per sample batch. Once per lot of reagents.

Standard percent recoveries should be within + 10% of the true value.

Exception: BOD5 standard should be within + 15% of the true value.

Percent Recovery Calculation

Certified Standard Concentration = 45.0 mg/L Measured Standard Concentration = 42.0


Percent Recovery = (Measured Concentration / Certified Value)*100

% R = (42.0 / 45.0)*100 = 93.3%

Additional Quality Control Spike Calculations Sample Hold Times and Preservation Instrument Calibration Instrument Logs and Performance

Checks Accurate Record Keeping Secondary Review of Calculations

Hold Times and PreservationParameter Preservative Hold time

Alkalinity 4oC 14 Days

Ammonia Nitrogen H2SO4 to pH<2, 4oC 28 Days

BOD5/CBOD5 4oC 48 Hours

COD H2SO4 to pH<2, 4oC 28 Days

Conductivity 4oC 28 Days

Fecal coliforms 4oC 24 Hours

Hardness HNO3 to pH<2, 4oC 28 Days

Nitrate 4oC 48 Hours

Nitrite 4oC 48 Hours

Total Suspended Solids 4oC 7 Days

Total Dissolved Solids 4oC 7 Days

Total Solids 4oC 7 Days

Trace Metals HNO3 to pH<2, 4oC 180 Days

Instrument Calibration

Minimum of a blank and one standard. Standard Methods recommends a blank

and THREE standards. EVERY time the instrument is used or

once per day.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control: Is it All Really


Permitted Analyses vs. Analyses for Process Control

Remember! Process control decisions are only as good as the data they are based on.

We Do Analytical WorkGOODFAST


Pick Any Two.

QA/QC by Standard Methods Reagent Blanks – One per 20 Samples Duplicates – One per 20 Samples Spikes – One per 20 Samples Instrument Calibration – Every Time

Used Calibration Blank and Three Standards

Not all QA/QC applies to every analysis.
