research focus of ethiopian institute of agricultural research (eiar)

Research focus of Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) Fentahun Mengistu, EIAR 06/12/22 EIAR Research Focus 2015-2020 1 Ethiopia - CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) Country Collaboration and Site Integration Meeting, Addis Ababa, 11 December 2015

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Page 1: Research focus of Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)

Research focus of Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)

Fentahun Mengistu, EIAR

05/03/23 EIAR Research Focus 2015-2020 1

Ethiopia - CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) Country Collaboration and Site Integration Meeting,

Addis Ababa, 11 December 2015

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Research Priorities: guided by the Agricultural /agro-industry Sector goals

Ethiopia’s Development trajectory• Agricultural Development Led Industrialization • Climate-Resilient Green Economy strategy

Ethiopia: 2025 low middle income countryAgriculture a major sources of growth:Food security; employment, incomeRaw materials for industry Adequate supply for export Macroeconomic stability

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Smallholder farmers'/herders’ central to agriculture growth; increase contribution of Private sector NRM- based irrigated agricultureDevelopment Zone based agricultural development

Basic directions of the Agriculture sector

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Ensure agricultural Development is aligned and contributed to Green economy strategyScaling up of best practices Increase income of growers; shifting towards high value commoditiesEnsure youth & women are benefited from RDImprove livelihood & resilience capacity of people in the arid & semi-arid areas

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Rural socio-economic & environmental dynamics affecting R&D activities

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• Aggressive NRM activity; Ecological restoration• Agricultural productivity at increase; seen as a business • Input use (fertilizer, seed) & management practices are at increase• Technological/technical change - farm implements• Technological demand increased• Infrastructure(road, transportation, water, electricity, telephone, etc)

Education, health expansion• Urbanization

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Capacity improved: •Farmers’, extensionists , policy makers, etc;- knowledge, skill, awareness, planning & management and analytical capacity improved•Social capital and interaction improving Development focus areas changed•Agro-industry, export•Nutrition •Value addition, production/value chain•market•Specialization/diversification•Social inclusiveness- women, youth•Climate change

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Challenges related to agricultural technology supply

Knowledge and Technology availability related to:•Yield stagnation/lack of improved varieties•Improved animal breeds•Biotic and abiotic constraints•Irrigation technology•Farm implements/ mechanization•Technologies for Industrial and export commodities•Product quality; Nutrition quality•Post-harvest technologies; value addition•Climate change•AEZ complexity; too many priorities

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Challenges related to agricultural technology supply

• Less addressed segments/customers:

• Commercial farmers• Youth & women• Herders• Trade• Industry

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• Less addressed AEZs: • moisture stressed • Dry lands• Frost prone highlands• Pastoral, semi-pastoral areas• western humid-hot lowlands • urban/ suburbs

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EIAR’s Key Functions

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BreederCrop protectionist


Etc.Multidisciplinary team

Multi-institutional team

Research execution: Commodity as a planning unit

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• Food Security & Nutrition, income generation• Agro-industry & Import substitution• Market (Export market)• Environmental & livelihood resilience;

Climate Change

Thematic areas

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• Horticulture• Livestock• Biotechnology• Irrigation• Mechanization• Climate change

Relatively new commodities & areas of focus:

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Food Security & Nutrition•Productivity with desirable quality•Vertical Yield enhancement•Technological Change- hybrids, GMOs •Nutrition, processing, safety Pests, diseases, weeds•Agro-technics & practices•Sustainable intensification •post-harvest loss•Farm mechanization•Biotechnological methods

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Industrial raw materials/Import substitution

•Wheat(DW)•malt barley•oil crops (soy, Noug, etc)•energy crops, etc•Hides and skins•Meat, Dairy•Fruits

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Market/export/•Coffee•livestock & L. products•Pulses (CB, CP, L)•oil seeds (sesame, etc)•High value commodities: Fruits, veg., spices•Value addition

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Natural Resource ManagementWater management •Irrigation, WUE •Land and water conservation•IWM, landscape re-construction •Integrated soil fertility management•Acidity, salinity, vertisol management

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Research on:

•CSA: Adaptation, Mitigation, productivity•Conservation Agriculture•Climate information•resilient commodities

Climate Change

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Livestock: •Breed improvement: indigenous; exotic (milk, beef)•Feeds•range land management •Value addition; post-harvest

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Farm implements /mechanization

Pre-harvest: •plough, row planters, weeders, •Enhancing horse power- tractors, tractor appendages, etc.

Harvest, Post-harvest : •Harvesters, threshers, hullers, driers•Storage facilities

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Agricultural Economics & Extension Research

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• Farming Systems Dynamics• Technological adoption, innovation and impacts• Production economics • Agricultural Value chains • Sub-sector analysis of agro-industrial commodities• Agricultural technology transfer• Agricultural innovation through stakeholders' R&D platforms

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Comments on NARS-CGIAR partnership

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• Increased focus and commitment of the Government for economic and agricultural R&D

• The country’s diverse AEZ, socio-economics dynamics presenting diverse opportunities and challenges

• A relatively, strong, robust, responsible NARS/AKIS• Existence of 11 CGs• Successful experiences and impacts of CG-NARS



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• Inadequate alignment to the national priorities• Inadequate synergy among the different CGs Centers• Lacking uniform working modalities with NARS• Task overlaps between CGs and CG-NARS• Less visibility; inadequate impact with some• Inadequate focus on building the capacity of NARS• Clear role at national, regional and global mandates• Program organization differences with NARS• Inadequate finance mobilization & allocation to NARS -

commensurating with the work


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Possible areas of NARS-CGIAR collaboration

1. Germplasm enhancement and exchange 2. Collaborative research; research alignment3. Help adopt/adapt technologies, production techniques, practices4. Capacity building: How can NARS make a catch up?• Science capacity of NARS to catch up; contribute to the world- Labs facilities, cold stores, vehicles, etc- Technological infrastructure: Common use research facilities e.g. Cutting edge sciences- Getting NARS access to CG facilities• Technical backstopping; training, mentoring, etc.4. Research financing: adequate mobilization, transparent allocation

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• Non-research activities• Visibility at higher layer institution• Overlaps/ redundancies among CGs; CGs-NARS• Short term objectives• Piece-meal funding

What needs to be improved?