research into film/empire house styles

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Related imageResearch into Film/Empire House Styles

Related imageTo create a professional looking magazine cover, I decided to research real media texts first, as this would give me a better understanding of how features and images are placed in magazines. We initially decided to look at Empire Magazine front covers as it is well-known, however, we soon realised that other groups were also creating Empire Magazine covers for their films, therefore, we opted for another film magazine. We decided to look at Total Film magazine as it is also very popular and because no one else had chosen that magazine, we decided that we should as we wanted to be unique and make our product stand out more, as compared to others. Therefore, I started researching Total Film magazines house style and to get an idea of typical conventions they use on all their magazines and the factors that made their magazine look different.

Image result for total film magazine logoImage result for total film magazine logoRelated imageRelated imageThis is the first magazine which really caught my eye, as I was looking through Total Film magazines. The factor which instantly grabbed my attention was the main image and the title of the film below it. The main image is very intriguing due to the angle of gaze of the character, as it is directly looking at the viewer. I think this is effective as it fascinates the audience to buy the magazine and read it, as that is the main aim of the magazine. The main image is a mid-close up of the character and the focus of the camera has been set more on the face of the character, rather than his body, which makes the image look very bold, overall. Also, due to the facial expressions of the character and the weapon he is wearing, we can figure out that the film contains action. The second feature which attracted me was the title of the film, mainly due to the size of it. This feature is the second largest, after the magazine logo, which is why it caught my eye. The font of the film name is written in a serif font, which results in making the title look very prominent, as a whole. Another factor which intrigues me is the colour of the font i.e. white, as it works well with the blue in the background and helps bring out the title. Therefore, taking these factors into consideration, I knew I had to include a very engrossing main image on my front cover, as that is one of the main features which attract the audience. Also, I needed to use an interesting font, which would compliment the main image.

Image result for total film magazine

Related imageThe second magazine cover I looked at was this Star Trek one. The main intriguing aspect of this, in my opinion, is the colour scheme as it results in making the overall magazine look engaging. The colour red really makes the magazine look striking as it highlights the important features on the magazine, for example, the names of the films above the masthead. Furthermore, as the main image is quite dull, the white text used makes the features readable due to the grey and black background. On this magazine cover, I noticed that there was minimal text, similar to the first magazine. I think this is very effective, as even though is doesnt give too much away to the reader, it intrigues them to find out more, especially the main feature which is about Star Trek. Another aspect of the magazine which is quite unique is the white strip on the left, containing other features which will be included in the magazine. The main part of this feature which makes it stand out are the red circles used between each feature, as that is what catches the readers eye the most. There also a red, circle graphic used near the main feature, suggesting that they both link. If you look closely at the graphic, it states collect all 4, which acts as an incentive for viewers to buy the magazine.

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Related imageThis magazine really intrigued me due to the bright orange colour text and graphics, included in the colour scheme. As the background and the main image are in black and white, the orange colour looks very vibrant and stands out the most. Also, the graphic at the bottom of the magazine cover works well with the rest of the graphics and features, as it gives it a very professional look. There is a lot of variety of fonts used on the magazine, which include serif and sans serif. This, overall, makes the magazine look bold and eye-catching, encouraging viewers to read the magazine. Like the previous magazine covers, this cover also has a small amount of coverlines, which makes it look neat and it doesn't look as though too much is going on. Titles such as world exclusive! and unseen pics!, in my opinion, act as an incentive as they engage the audiences' attention. Also, because red isnt one of the major colours in the colour scheme, it looks more bold than the other features. I really think that the sizes of the text make a huge impact on the overall look of the magazine, as they flow together effortlessly. The feature which brings everything together is the main image as that is the first thing the viewer looks at. This image used on this magazine consists of the hero in the film. Also, the angle of gaze, as previously seen, is looking straight at the audience, which is quite effective as it encourages people to know more about the film.

Image result for total film magazine

Related imageOverall, after researching Total Film Magazines house style, I understood that the main image should be the most intriguing feature on the magazine as that is what the viewer looks at first. Also, the angle of gaze on all 3 magazines showed all actors looking straight towards the camera. Therefore, I took this into consideration and decided to choose an image which would be similar. Furthermore, I realised I needed to pay attention to the fonts and sizes I would use for the coverlines, as they result in making the magazine look professional. The colour scheme for my front cover would have to be based on the other products I created, as we mainly used the colours black , red and white. Therefore, I would have to play around with the fonts to make them look bold like the second front cover I researched. The coverlines I would include would have to be quite minimal as real media texts showed that not many words were used, which I thought which was effective. Hence, I would have to use a few words to give a hint of what the coverline would be about, as this would encourage the viewer to buy the magazine.

Image result for total film magazine logoClick to edit Master title style

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