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RKUD 2999

SEM 1: SESSION 2010/2011




RESEARCH PROPOSAL:A Study on the Patterns of Mobile Phone Usage among

IIUM Students.

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Mobile phone has becoming an important device in the modern life. With most of

its users are from the young people. Therefore the purpose of this mini research is to

understand the usage pattern of mobile phone among International Islamic University of

Malaysia (IIUM). Through random sampling techniques, data were collected by means of

questionnaire from 15 undergraduate students. Results suggest that IIUM students in

using mobile phone used it mainly in the aspect of communicating with their family and

friends, whereby exchanging of information is the main scenario and topic matters of

mobile phone usage. More than that, this mini research reveals the attitude of mobile

phone usage among IIUM students, which can still be considered as being reasonable and

practical and not being too obsessed in using mobile phone in their daily life.

1. Introduction

Mobile phone technologies are now in the hands of almost 2.5 billion people of the

6.47 billion people on this planet1. In its early time, mobile phone is seen as a luxury and

only be used by businessmen. However in this millennium era today, mobile phone is

becoming part of an important necessity in this modern life, owned by small kids to youth

in the colleges and universities, without limitation to the businessmen only. These

increase in numbers of mobile phone users are indicator of the growth and reach of

mobile phones among large number of population in this world.

1, 2.5 Mobile Phones In Use. Retrieved October 15, 2010.


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Furthermore mobile phone is widely used as a common means of communication

in this millennium era. This is made possible by the easy access to mobile phone, with

many kiosks and shops selling mobile phones are made available at many place. Adding

to it, more and more telecommunication service providers are offering best bargains to

mobile phone users, resulting in the increase of mobile phone users each day.

Mobile phone today go beyond just voice communication and provide a multitude

of other features and services including text messaging (SMS), multimedia messaging

(MMS), photo display and recording, video playback and recording, calendaring, etc.

Hence each day new models of mobile phones are being introduced to the market, with

each having a more sophisticated and latest technologies and features in it.

Seeing this change in the usage pattern among mobile phone users, the researcher

is called up to explore the usage patterns of mobile phone users among International

Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), as a start to understand the usage pattern of

mobile phone among its students, hoping to extract in general the patterns of mobile

phone usage among IIUM students.

2. Problem Statement

As mobile phone technology evolves and improves, it is becoming an affordable

option for mobile communication; consumers from all walks of life are taking advantage

of the available technology. With the ability to access email or surf the internet from


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anywhere, even students, stay at home moms and retirees are turning towards mobile

phones to help them with their mobile communication needs. These days, mobile phones

that are internet and email capable are no longer just the tools of those involved in

business, but also of people of different usage background, especially the university

students, which are among the high number of users of mobile phone.

However there is no research being done in defining the usage patterns of mobile

phone among International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) students. The

researcher sees the need in understanding the usage patterns among IIUM students

because of the increase in usage of mobile phones in the campus. Hence encouraging the

researcher to understand the social change it brings to the IIUM students as a whole.

Therefore the researcher is called up to write this research, as a platform to

explore the usage patterns among the IIUM students, also it is hoped that this research

will encourage a more comprehensive research to be done in the future.

3. Research Objectives

1. To explore number of mobile phone users among IIUM students.

2. To understand the main reasons cited behind the possession of mobile phones.

3. To discover the main usage of mobile phones scenarios among the IIUM students.

4. To acquire the attitudes of IIUM students in using mobile phone.

5. To discover what are the other possible activities that students can do.


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5. Research Questions

1. How many number of mobile phone do each of IIUM students posses?

2. What are the main reasons behind the possession of mobile phones?

3. What are the scenarios for the use of mobile phones?

4. What are their attitudes in using mobile phones?

5. What are the possible scenarios of the IIUM students without mobile phones for

one day?

6. Justification of Research

This research is expected to deliver an overall picture of mobile phone usage

among IIUM students, by looking at the reasons behind the usage of mobile phones, also

by understanding the main topics and scenarios put forward in the usage of mobile

phones. On top of that, this research also tries to explore the budget allocated for credit

top up, also length of time allocated for mobile phone usage, hence gaining an

understanding on the usage patterns of IIUM students’ mobile phones users.

7. Research Methodology

This research is a questionnaire-based method, whereby the researcher collects all

the relevant data from the IIUM students, a random sampling was done in collecting the

data. The questions are formed by comparing it with previous findings done by various


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researchers. Therefore some modifications are made to the questions to suit the

background of IIUM students.

8. Literature Review

McGuigan2 (2005) in his article Towards a Sociology of the Mobile Phone stated

that, the mobile phone is a prime object for sociological attention both at the macro and

micro levels of analysis. He studied the strengths and weaknesses of four methods for

studying the sociality of the mobile phone, that are: 1) Social demography; 2) Political

economy; 3) Conversation, discourse and text analysis; and 4) Ethnography, the different

kinds of knowledge they produce, and the interests they represent. He arranged his

writing by putting forward the researches of different sociologists that wrote on mobile

phone usage by using the above four different methods. He highlighted all those ideas put

by the sociologists and criticizes some of the ideas put forward by them3.

McGuigan writing really helps the researcher in giving a very broad view of

different methods applied by sociologists that had done research on mobile phone usage.

Thus helps the researcher in understanding the change in usage patterns of mobile phone

from different perspectives.

2 His name is Jim McGuigan from Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, UK.3 McGuigan (2005, April). Towards A Sociology of The Mobile Phone. An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments. Volume 1(1). p. 45-57. Retrieved September 30, 2010, from


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While in a research done by Hazrina Hassan4 and Mohd. Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir5

(2008, September) The Use of Mobile Phones by Older Adults: A Malaysian Study, put

forward on the recent growth of mobile phone usage is an observable fact that crosses all

age and gender boundaries in Malaysia. Mobile phone is seen as a significant role in

assisting older people in many ways, especially in terms of maintaining social

relationship, providing sense of safety and accessibility. However, these older person

seems to be a neglected user group in the design of mobile phone devices and services.

Hence, their paper reports on the issues which are related with the design of mobile

devices and services for older people aged 56 years old and over in Malaysia6.

Furthermore this research revealed the preferred physical design of mobile phones

for older persons. It is clear from their study that mobile phone design and usage for older

persons is not necessarily limited to or based on old style, out-of-date model, and

supporting only very basic calling functions. They come up the findings that, there is a

need to find functions which can be customized to older user needs and perceived to be

senior-friendly and reliable.

4 Hazrina Hassan received her bachelor in computer science majoring in Networking from the University Putra Malaysia. Currently, she is serving as a Researcher in the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya and currently pursuing her Master in Computer Science by Full Dissertation from University Malaya. Her research for her Master’s dissertation concentrated on Incorporating software agent in PSP Automated Tool.5 Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir received his Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons.) specializing in Software Engineering and Masters of Computer Science (by full research) from University of Malaya in 2003 and 2005 respectively. He is currently serving as a lecturer in the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya. His area of specialization includes software process, software quality, programming languages, open source development for web-based application and software process. His research for his Master’s dissertation concentrated on automating a modified Personal Software Process.6 The use of Mobile Phones by Older Adults: A Malaysian Study. Sigaccess Newsletter, Issue 92, September 2008. p. 11-16.


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This research gives an insight to the researcher on different usage patterns for the

older people, which somehow directing the researcher to the different usage pattern

among the younger people, that are more sophisticated with the use of different features

and applications in the mobile phones.

The researcher also came across a thesis written by Sayan Chakraborty (2006,

April), Mobile Phone Usage Patterns Amongst University Students: A Comparative Study

Between India and USA7. This thesis put forward a study that is done in universities in

both India and USA, that discusses on the most common usage of mobile phones amongst the

university students in a mature (USA) versus a developing market (India)? What patterns can

be found across cultures and demographics? Are there any cross-cultural differences in

the perception of phone usage in public places? What is the prevalence of non-traditional

or non-voice applications of mobile phones in the studied sample?

As mobile phones today go beyond just voice communication and provide a

multitude of other features and services including text messaging (SMS), multimedia

messaging (MMS), photo display and recording, video playback and recording,

calendaring, etc. This exploratory study investigated usage patterns of, and attitude about,

mobile phones among university students in a mature market (United States) and a

rapidly growing new market (India) by surveying students in each country.

7 A Master’s paper by Sayan Chakraborty submitted to the faculty of the School of Information and Library Science of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Information Science in April 2006. Retrieved September 30, 2010, from


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This thesis dissertation is really beneficial to the researcher, in gaining ideas in

forming questions for the questionnaire. More than that, it also helps the researcher to see the

comparison between university students of different countries, hence giving a better

understanding of the social change in different countries, pertaining to mobile phone usage.

9. Tentative Chapterization.

CHAPTER 1: Introduction.

A. Introduction.

B. Statement of Problem.

C. Research Question.

D. Objectives of Research.

E. Justification of Research.

F. Methodology of Research.

G. Literature Review.

CHAPTER 2: Mobile Phone:

A. Definition of Mobile Phone.

B. Historical Background of Mobile Phone.

CHAPTER 3: Mobile Phones in Society:

A. The Importance of Mobile Phone nowadays.

CHAPTER 4: Mobile Phone Usage among IIUM Students.

A. Types (model) of mobile phone.

B. Reasons behind the Usage of Mobile Phones.

CHAPTER 5: Conclusion.


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10. Conclusion

Mobile phone is now seen as part of human life in this millennium era, whereby its

applications is now widely accepted among users of different ages, from as young as nursery

children to as old as our grandparents. It has also becoming a very competitive competition

between companies and service providers in inventing and providing best mobile phones

features and services to attract more and more users.

With advancement in technologies, it helps in improving and maximizing the

different features and applications in mobile phone, hence it is expected to see a change in

usage trends, especially among the youth in upcoming years. As mobile phone is now making

its users more globalize, just like the internet users and who knows, mobile phone in the

future will replace the use of personal computers (PC), laptops and notebooks.

However, all these advancement in mobile phone, is in need to be studied, in order to

identify, all the changes that it brought to the users, from the aspects of their social life,

attitudes and behaviors of users, the impact it brought to life nowadays, also the new culture

that is created, that comes from this excessive use of mobile phone among different ages and


Therefore it is hoped that this exploratory research may be useful as a preliminary

background for others to extend further research pertaining to mobile phone users in the



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Primary Sources:

Hazrina Hassan, Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir. (2008). The use of Mobile Phones by

Older Adults: A Malaysian Study. Sigaccess Newsletter, Issue 92, September


McGuigan, J. (2005). Towards A Sociology Of The Mobile Phone. An Interdisciplinary

Journal on Humans in ICT Environments. Vol. 1 (1). Retrieved September 30,

2009, from

Sayan Chakraborty. (2006). Mobile Phone Usage Patterns Amongst University Students:

A Comparative Study Between India and USA. Retrieved September 30, 2009,



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Secondary Sources:

Esharenana E. Adomi. (2006). Mobile Phone Usage Patterns of Library and Information

Science Students at Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. Retrieved September

30, 2009, from

Mizuko Ito. Mobile Phones, Japanese Youth, and the Re-Placement of Social Contact.

Retrieved September 30, 2009, from

(2006, September 8). 2.5 Mobile Phones in Use. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from


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Appendix A

Mobile Phone Usage Survey

This survey is done to collect data for my Research Methodology (RKUD 2999) to

investigate the usage patterns of mobile phones among International Islamic

University of Malaysia (IIUM) students.

The survey is anonymous and no information that might personally identify you will

be collected during the survey.

1. Do you possess a mobile phone?

Yes No

2. When you start using mobile phone?

Primary school

Secondary School

Matriculation Centre


3. Why did you start using a mobile phone? Rank 1 or more of the items that apply.

Please number the box in order of preference from 1 to 5

To use in case of emergency or personal safety

Everyone I know had one

To keep in touch with friends and other social contacts

To keep in touch with parents and family

For information access (phone numbers, internet and etc)

Others: ___________________________________________________.

4. How long have you been using mobile phone?

Less than 1 year

More than 1 year, please specify ____________________.

5. How many mobile phones do you possess?

One only


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3 and more

6. How often do you use text messaging or SMS service?

Please choose only ONE of the following:

Once a day

Multiple times a day

1 to 5 times a week

Rarely or once every few weeks


7. What are your common mobile phone usage scenarios? Select and rank one or

more items.

Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to 9

Staying in touch with friends

Staying in touch with family

Discuss schoolwork

Check e-mail

Web browsing

Listen to music or radio

Watch movie

Calendaring and appointment

Clock and alarm

Other, please specify _________________________________________.

8. When is your mobile phone likely to be in silent or vibration mode?

Please choose all that apply:

While in class

While in the Library

Attending programmes, talks or lectures

At hospital

At a movie


Phone is never in silent or vibration mode


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Other, please specify __________________________________________.

9. When is your mobile phone turned off?

Please choose all that apply:

My phone is never switched off

While in class

While charging the phone

While sleeping

Other, please specify __________________________________________.

10. What time of the day do you usually use your mobile phone?




Late night

11. Budget allocated for your mobile phone credit top up per month.

RM 10 and less

RM 30 to RM 50

RM 50 and more

12. Important features or applications that MUST be included in your mobile phone.

Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to 7



Text Messaging

Multimedia Messaging

Mp3 or Mp4




Others, please specify _________________________________________.

13. Length of time allocated for mobile phone use per day

1 hour or less


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2-3 hours

3 hours and more

14. What are the topics or subject matters of your mobile phone usage?

Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to 5

Academic matters

Family matters/affairs

Love matters/affairs

Social matters

Religious matters

Other, please specify __________________________________________.

15. What are the benefits you gain by using mobile phone?

Please choose all that apply:

Promote interpersonal relationships

Assisted me in obtaining academic information quickly

Helped me to exchange information at anytime

Using the multi-features and application of the mobile phone

Other, please specify __________________________________________.

16. What will it be like to live without mobile phone for one day? Please state your





******Thank You******