resources and equipment edited version

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Resources and Equipment

Resources and Equipment

By Emily marsh , Caitlin plummer , Katie wiselka and lilli turner

Hardware-Camera and Accessories

Software- Final Cut Pro will be using final cut pro to edit our production , the main editor is lili. The software will available on the schools macs. We will mainly be using cuts but also a fade at the beginning and end of the opening sequence. We will be doing colour grading on the footage to help create the effect with colour that we wanted throughout the film.

For filming we will be using:Canon 70D , we will be shooting on manual so on the day we will change the ISO , aperture and white balance according to the light conditions. We will need to change the settings so that we get the correct exposure in the films , if we get this correct we will also need to do less colour correction in post-production.

Polarizing filter ( for the shot of the sky)



Shoulder Rig

The camera and filter is sourced from one of the group members and the shoulder rig is from fellow student Peter Cotter. The rest are from the media department and have been booked for the filming dates.

Hardware- Audio and Lighting audio we will be using:H4n handy recorder

- dead catRode boom pole

Rode shotgun mic

For lighting we will be using:Red heads studio lights

Soft box

4 sided reflector

Red , orange , yellow and blue gel filters for the lights. these will be used to create the effect of colour that we wanted in our film. The blue will be used when we are filming the everyday routine scenes , this will create a monotone effect and connotes her feelings of being alone and isolated. The red , yellow and orange filters will be used when she discovers the art studio , the yellow lighting is what the focus group wanted, and it also connotes a new hope within her life.

All of this equipment will be sourced from the media department , and have been booked out for the 21st , 22nd and 29th.

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