result--anothe- the advent term of for catalogue, address€¦ · will be quito bnay before the end...

STATE OHEONIOlE, SUNDAY, AUGUST 3. POLICE SENSATION. CITY CHURCHES TO-D- AY. RALEIGH IN BRIEF. IT. MARY'S SCHOOL. Services will be held in our city sustained, he will be under the charge of "manslaughter," and will be allowed to eive bail for his appearance at court. The easo is exceedingly un for tnnate, and is regretted and deplored by every body generally. It may be said the ban of fate seems to be pronounced against .HOliUE KILLS A MAW RESISTING A 11 REST. OFFICER WHILE local iiaimm:nin;s in nh AUOl iM) T11L CAPITAL. Short Items of News Gathered on the Fir by the Chronicle's Reporters. Proctor's new building on Wilmington RALEIGH, il0 The Advent Term of the Session of '90 and '91 will begin September 1 1th. For Catalogue, address THE RECTOR, BENNETT SMEDES, A. M, jnly3-2- m RALEIGH, N. C. churches to-da- y as follows : EPISCOPAL. Church of the Good Shepherd. Rev. W. M. Clark, Rector. Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Morning prayer, sermon and holy communion at 11 a.m. Evening prayer and sermon at 8:30 p. m. Services during the week: Wednesday the Hogua family; for some years ago another member of the family rested un- der the misfortune of having killed a fellow being in this city. An Kxciti ng Chase with Fatal Result--Anothe- ir Man Accidentally fthot The Officer Jailed to Await the Re-M- ilt of . an Investigation. Raleig'n had the biggest sensation and excitement yesterday she has experi 'laleish Swept the Deck. street is about completed. Excursion to Richmond via R. & G. railroad. Cars for whito people If rumors be true, Raleigh contractors will be quito bnay before the end of this year. enced si) ace the famous Boyle case. (Transfiguration) and Friday at 10 a. m. All seats free. Polite ushers. All cor- - The Chronicle maintains that THE PERFECT SUMMER RESORT, Raleigh and vicinity is the best place for dially invited to attend an j thing that can be fonnd anywhere. jjl u rN A Yxrv fyviii: HOTEL, HOT SPRINGS, UST. O. Bracing mountain air, beautiful scenerv. The statement does'nt need any proof, but if it did there is always something Officer Hogue,of the police force, shot and killct a colored mm named Julius Jones. Hogue was trying to arrest the negro. Tho trouble started on Wilmington street in front of Woodward's store. A white man named Bob Frazierand Jones were talking. Frazier cursed Jones. occurring to prove it. The latest Collections in this, the Fourth Inter- nal Revenue District, for the month of July wcro $73, 0S9.21. There were ninety-tw- o arrests made by tho polico force during the month of July, thirty-thrc- o white and fifty-nin- e colored. Next Saturday night is the time for weep" for Raleigh was at the Mt. pleasure, home comforts and an unexcelled table, bill- iard room, bowling alley, shooting gallery, tennis, a well-equippe- d livery, ball room, music, swimming pool Christ Church. Rev. M. M. Marshall, D. D., Rector. Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday-scho- ol 9:45 a. m. Divine service and holy communion at 11 a. m. Evening prayer at 6 p. m. Services during tho week: Wednesday, (Feast, Transfigura- tion) at 10 a. m. ; Friday 6 p. m. Polite ushers. All cordially invited. METHODIST. Edenton Street M. E. Chnrch. Rev. J. H. Cordon, D. D., Pastor. Holly fair. Raleigh grapes were on ex ami miming suits as at seasnores. hibition and they just took $193 of the 6211 offered as premiums. How is that? Jones struck Frazier and knocked him down, and had drawn back to strike How would it do to pitch in and beat HOTEL. KATES : - - - - $15.00 to 821.00 Per Week. COTT 4.GE BOARD : .... I8.O0 to$12.0O Per Week. WHAT GOV. FOWLE SAYS: Hot Springs, Sept. 2, 1889. ' In 1 860 I was a visi Hickory on an opera house ? How would again, when Mr. Wm. Utley, who hap- pened to be standing by stepped forward it do to crow over Winston in a big ho tel? How would it do to lav out Greens boro in the - steel furnace business ? tho meeting of tho Raleigh primaries. May bo some ward politicians will be on tho go this week. Thcro will bo a meeting of tho local board of health w at 12 o'clock m. at tho Mayor's office. A full atten- dance is desired. Tho sucreestion made in the Chroni tor at this delightful spot. For twenty-nin- e years the recollections of that visit were constantly in my mind. Again it has been my good fortune to visit w ithin the and caught Jones' arm for the purpose of parting the men and preventing fur- ther trouble. Jones wheeled on Mr. How would it do to beat the whole State as a railroad centre. We can do all this, and we ought to do it. Utley and struck him a terrific blow un Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preach- ing at 11 a. m. and at 8:30 p. m. The public cordially invited to attend all services. Central Methodist Church. Rev. L. L. Nash, D. D., Pastor. Sunday-scho- ol at 9:15 a. m., R. C. circle ol these beautilul mountains, and I can consist- ently declare that nowhere in America have I found a der the eye, knocking mm backward Then he broke and run. sweeter or more restiui spot than these springs. It Is cle recently tbat Raleigh purchase and New Boarding House. Officer Hogue was on the street, south the Gem of the Mountains. In air, baths and waters it operate her own plant for lighting the of the place where the trouble was going w r 1 H " IT The Pullen place, on East Edenton city i3 meeting with approval. Redford, Superintendent. Preaching on. ne saw tne negro striKe lur. u uey has no superiors. May it continue to prosper, giving health . and strength and rest . to the s;ek and weary, . and Jl - --1 A A - by the pas street, will for some time in the future and run, and started after him. Mr. at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m., tor. A cordial welcome to all. Seats Utley was also in pursuit. They were bo a boarding place. It has been rented runuing northward toward Hargett free. Polite ushers. Brooklyn M. E. Church. The last will and testament of William Underbill, deceased, was admitted to probate to day before Judge 0 D. Up church, James D. Underhill executor under tho.will. The practice of throwing water mel- - street. Some parties report that the by Mr. J. R. Barklej, whose reputation as a caterer is too well and favorably auamg a more auunuanx enjoyment xo tne robust and healthy." DAK'L G. FOWLE. HEALTHIEST PLACE IN AMERICA. Rev. J. D. Pegram, Pastor. officer fired at the negro while running on Wilmington street, but the shot did not take effect. At the corner of Wil Sunday school at 3. p. m. Preaching known in Raleigh to need comment. The house is already open for guests, and will doubtless prove to be a delight lon rinds upon tho street is still being at 11 a. m.. and 8:00 p. m. by the pas mington and Hargett street Mr. Utley done and the Mayor will rigidly enforce th d in BCQG ful stopping place. tor, Rev. J. D. Pegram. All are cor dially invited to attend. POLLY-TICK- S. the law in this respect whenever a party with him whea the" officer arrested mm. A Prize for the First Bale of Cotton. Cincinnati Produce Market. rORK Regular pork 12.2512.37; family 120012.12K. LAUD Kettle-drie- d GK6. BACON Snort clear sides 6.206.25. WHISKEY Sales 1002 barrels finished The negro turned and struck Mr. Hogue and then there was another scuffle dur BAPTIST. First Baptist Church. Rev. J. W. Carter, D. D., Pastor. The Chronicle has already announced ing which the officer's billet dropped to the trround. Nobody seems to be that Mr. J.A. Higgs, the genial and popu shall bo reported to him. Thcro is a movement to g5 back to gas as a means of lighting the city, to be run on tho "moon schedule " If the Raleigh people don't like this they had bettor say so and say it quick. Unusual quietness prevailed in the Sunday school at 9;20 a. m., T. H. high goods on the basis of 1.12 per gallon for winea. able to tell which picked up the billet, lar commercial representative of Hurst, Briggs, Superintendent. Preaching at but the negro broke from the officer and 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.y by the pastor Purnell & Co., has offered a prize of $10.00 to the planter who brings the first Strangers in the- - city and the pub run again, up Hargett street towards Fayetteville. The officer gave chase and lie cordially invited to attend a' these services. i bale of new cotton to the Raleigh mar polico court yesterday. Not a case upon tho docket, and his honor whiled away fired his pistol at mm again. Naval Stores. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 2. Spirits tur- pentine Bteady to-d- ay at 38. Itoain firm; strained 1.00; good do. 105. Tar firm at 1.45. Crude Turpentine firm; hard 1.25; yellow dip 2.33; yirgin 2.35. COKN-Fi- rm. White 53; yellow 50. This was a very bad and unfortunate ket this season. The offer holds good, and the winner may call on Mr. D. T. shot. The ball struck Mr, Furman Betts, Baptist Tabernacle. Rev. J. J. HAiiL, D. D., Pastor. tho morning hours signing warrants for July expenses of the city government. When tho Chronicle finds a good who was standing in the door of his Swindell, of the Racket store, for the father's grocery. It went into the premium. Howdy, howdy, howdy'e do, How is your wife and how are you,. And how is the baby too. EVAPORATED CREAM, EVAPORATED CREAM, A perfect and Natural Food for infants, moro readily digested than dairy MILK. A A DELICACY For Coffee, Fruits, Deserts, Ice Cream &c, &c, o Highland Brand Evapora- ted Cream, thigh, inflicting an ugly and painful Sunday School at 9:00 a. m. N. B. BroughtOn, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor Subject at 11 o'clock "The Lost Image and How Re The Citv Cotton Market. Raleioh, fc. C, Aug. 25 p. m. wound but not a dangerous one, SPECIAL NOTICES. Middling iyin Good Strict In the excitement prevailing no one noticed that Mr. Betts was shot. The 111 thing it wants the people to know it. It had the opportunity of testing a glorious watermelon from the ice cellars of Jones and Powell where the finest melons are kept constantly on ice. It was delightful. Middlim officer still pursued tho negro, and a few Middling HKll Strict to Middling 11 Stains 11HX Market nominal with nothing doing. yards further on caught mm again. stored!" Subect at 8 p. m. "The Bible and the. People." All cordially invited. CHRISTIAN. Christian Church. Rev. J. L. Foster, Pastor. mi i 1 i lie I t'UUi la ui wuctu wuuucu at iuw it fni e t :i j:s l UU1UL XlUill eve vviiucasca uu uui uai- - City Produce Market. lion ol i.uuo ior cuaniy nieuiciue, 1 . - oh nU.!,ifln. .fcM , th monize. The officer says the negro was The Low IJates will Surprise You. The Grand United Order of Odd Fel- lows will run the mammoth Richmond Excursion on August 13th, by way of the R. & G. road. Fare, round trip, is only $2.50. The managers have made arrange- ments with the Odd Fellows of Rich- mond to run an excursion from Rich- mond to Washington, D. 0. Rates low. Reported for the State Chbonicxe by Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. by the lowing fight and that while he was Bcrupulous care and wise judgment in with him he heard scuffling parties cry of charitv wrescriDtions 1:?'? out, -- shoot him, shoot him; he's got w. v. a. n. atronacn, Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Raleigh, N. O.-- . Augr .2 Geese, iOc Sweet potatoes. 60c Dried peaches,peeled, 10c. lb Ducks, 25 to 40c Turkeys, 10c. lb Chickens, 15 to 32 l-- 2c Eggs, 10 to 11c Dried peaches, un- - peeled. da lb appropriation been expended. for this fiscal year has ze u o ViT P It J afamTst wP th nirn-n- h 3 domen and fell over at A representative of the San Vapor once and the struggle, of course, was at Street Light company is in the city in an end. the interest of his lighting system. It is Some eye witnesses say that the negro something new in the way of street lights was not showing fight, but was trying to and may bo the thing Raleigh is looking get away from Hogue, when ho (Llogue) For further information apply to Warren A. Alston, Raleigh. jy25 sun. wed. to aug. 13. Fork, 6c Beef, 5c Hams, 11 to 12 l-- 2c Dried apples, 1 to 5c lb Dried damsons, lOp lb Dried blackberries, 8c i i pastor. All cordially invited to attend these services. PRESBYTERIAN. First Presbyterian Church. Rev. John S. Watkins, D. D. Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a, m. Preach- ing at 11 a. m. At 6 p. m. sermon to the young and baptism of infants. All services by the pastor. Polite ush- ers. Seats free. All cordially in- vited. CATHOLIC. Church of the Sacred Heart. There will be services at the Church jjnea wnortieoer- - White peas, bush. 1.35 Black and clay do. 1.20 Endorsed by the Medical Fraternity. TRADE SUPPLIED AT MANUFAC- TURERS' PRICES. -B- y- W. C. & A. B. STRONACII. GROCERS AND CANDY MANU- FACTURERS, RALEIGH, N. C. ries, 10c Hay, per hun. 50c for. It is proposed to put up one of tho threw ono arm around tho neero to hold lights in It his city in some accessible a. C Cut Uerrirg, iG,50 Bbl. " Gross " 2,50 Bbl him. and with the other hand fired the Fodder, " 90 to 1.00 Shucks, " 40c W. H. & R S. Tucker & Co. can offer to the trade to day the very best grades of carpets in all the new and desirble patterns and colors, and every piece has been marked to sell at a very moderate profit. Having given our order for these new place to be inspected by the board of aldermen, and also by tho public " Mullets, 3,00 Bbl Wheat straw, 40c Broom straw, 2c bun. lioe Herring, $3,00 1-- 2 Bbl At the State Horticulture! Fair at Mt. Holly, Messrs. Whiting Bros, made a good hit on their fine, fancy grapes. fatal shot ioto his stomach. A tremendous crowd congreated at the scene with lightning rapidity. It was almost impossible to get tho wounded nogro through it, but he was taken up and carried into an open court in tho roar of Williams & Haywood's drug store. Physicians were immediately summon ed, the first one called being Dr. Hines. He came down to the scene, and some FOR SALE. Car lots of Bagging and Ties. Correspond ence solicited. arrivals before the advance in the price of tho raw material and bought for cash, we are prepared to sell to purchas- ers now the same grades for less price than can be sold later in the season. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. of the Sacred Heart at the usual hours, conducted by Father Bernard, O. S. B. PROIITIVE BAPTIST. Elder J. D. Draughn, of Mt. Airy, by appointment, will preach in the Primitive Baptist church, this city, at 11 a. m. Public are cordially invited to attend. WHOLESALE PRICE $G 50 per case of 43 cases, 1 1.75 cts. per dozen. Special: Seven (7) Cars Pieced Ties, for immediate shipment. aug3-- 2t ALF. A. THOMPSON. They sent seventy-thrc- o pounds and re- ceived in premiums enough to net them twenty cents per pound. This is a splendid showing for amateurs, consid- ering live years ago their place was an old wasto sedge field. They have orders ahead now for five and ten pound bas- kets of those nice grapes. - COMIN(i AND UOINK. Ice ! Ice ! one directed nim to go to mv. r urman Ttftt.tsi vehn was nfffrine' from his wound. NOTICED Dr. Hines thought he had been called to As some of the papers stated the THE W0KL1TS COMMEKCE. attend Mr. Betts, and, stopping to dress oiner uay mat our ice iaciory nao Deen l nereby announce myself a candidate for tho office of Sheriff of Wake county, before as some or our mends and hi3 wounds, it was some time oia, d,nu the Democratic County Convention, which IMPERIAL GBAMJJI, oo 00 THE GREAT MEDLSINAL FOOD FOR IN- FANTS, INVALIDS AND CHIL- DREN, From per jonal knowledge and use of IMPERIAL GRANUM. Know and before he got to where Jones was. Dr. customers very naturally supposed we were out of the ice business, we wish meets on the lGth of August, 1890, subject to Borne ol The Folks You Their Doinss. me acuon oi saia convention. aug3-d&w- lt J. It. WOMBLE Rev. J. L. Foster has returned to the A BARGAIN. to correct that impression and state that the Raleigh Ice Factory, which was sold was never our property, or it would not have been sold as it was. We were agents for the sale of the ice and are still agents for the new - owners and ready to fill orders of all sizes of the best, purest and hardest ice made by nature or art. New York, Aug. .2 Messrs. Hub- bard, Price & Company, in their cotton circular to-nig- ht say : The cot- ton market has been very dull to-da- y and absolutely devoid of any features.-Liverpoo- l closed last evening over the bank holidays and will not reopen until Wednesday morning. Spinners have generally shut down for the entire week, and many it is thought will prolong the holiday for a fortnight. The trading here has been very small and prices are substantially unchanged. The Chronicle this morning reports Will sell a thoroughly gentle Marc and comfortable Top Buggy at a Bargain. aug3-2- t ALF. A. THOMPSON. WE, Goodwin came into the open court first, and Dr. Hines came directly afterward through another entrance. They exam- ined the wounded man, and a moment afterward Dr. Hines said, "It's useless to try to do anything. The wound is fatal." A few minutes afterward the poor' unfortunate colored man had breathed his last. After some con- sultation among the city authorities, it was decided that an inquest was un- necessary, and Jones' body was turned over to his friends who took it to his home on Goodwin's' farm, near Ram- - G. & A. B. STRONAUtf, city. Capt. Wm. Smith has gone to More-hea- d. Maj. S. M. Finger returned to the city yesterday. Miss Effio Broughton is visiting f rionds in Apex. Judge II. G. Connor, of Wilsrn, was in Raloigh yosterday. . Mr. W. E. Worth, of Wilmington, is Fine watermelons kept cool in our the Believe Imperial Granum to bo - best of all Infant Foods. ice cellar opposite the postoffice. Jones & Powell. khatte, where he worked . TRADE SUPPLIED AT IMPORTED PRICES. Cream Lunch Biscuit, Officer Hogue Arrested. Officer Hogue was in the open court We Have Not Received Our Fall stock of Carpets yet ; still we have a very nice line for you to select from on the balance of the stock we have on hand. We have made lower prices than any made heretofore to close the entire line, so that we shall have all the with the fatally wounded man for some time, and showed great impatience at the delay in the arrival of tho physici- ans. He talked freely to the reporters who were present, buf said he could not tell exactly how tlie matter occurred. Ho said he had become greatly excited in general satisfactory weather in the cotton belt for the week, and that the crop is making good progress. Receipts at the ports to-da- y estimated at 200 bales, against 105 bales last week. Sales of futures to-da- y 3,300 bales. . Spot cotton closed dull and easy at unchanged prices; middling uplands 12 1-- 4; sales 180 bales. Futures closed irregular as follows: August 11 93- -9 September 11 0192 October 10 6566 November 10 5051 December 10 4950 January 10 5455 Februarv 10 5859 March 10 6162 The best in tho World Delicate and Delicious. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Ijarrabee's Cream Iamcli. F i n e Luscious Ef rape s. The demand for nice grapes continue good and we are now prepared to fill orders for 5 lb baskets, assorted, of the following line va- rieties: Delaware, Duches, Diana, Wyoming Red, Empire State, Niagara, Amber Queen. the melee and could not tell all the min- utiae of what hadhappened. He could not tell whether or not in the first registered at the Yarboro. Mr. J. D. Boushall has returned from a viiit to Camden county. Mrs. C. D. Osborne, of Oxford, is the gaost of Mrs. W. B. Mann. Mrs. W. G. Thomas has returned from a month's visit to Portsmouth. Miss Callio Fuller, of Smithfield, is visiting Miss Lizzie Norris, of Apex. Dr. G. W. Blackball and Mr. D. T. Swindell went down to Morehead yes- terday. Judgo Armflold passed yesterday en route for Dnplin wnero he holds court noxt week. Ho looked happy over his renomlnation. Miss Dora Huskoy and Miss Emma Boll havo returned to their homo in this city, having had a most delightful visit to rolativos and friends in tho pleasant town of Fayottovillo. struggle, his billet had fallen to the ground, or whether Jones had gotten it. W. C. & A. B. STRONACH, Manxtfactubess' Agents He said he was in the act of transfer jttuy, ijiuuiey, uoiaen, liiacK Hiagie, iSrign-to- n, Salem, Eaton, Moore's Diamond, Pock-lingto- n, Agawan etc., etc. A BASKET OF THESE make as pretty a sight as "you ever laid your ring it frhm his left to his right hand, room possible to place fall goods. We intend handling carpets more extensive- ly this season than we have ever done, and to begin the season with a brand new line, out and out. We sacrifice the goods we now have and we confidently believe that we can offer you some cheaper carpets than you have ever seen. We have always sold carpets very cheap; everybody knows that ; and now we come to you saying that we will do still more for you. We will sell you any car- pet now on hand at a reduction of fifteen per cent from our former lowest price. Read this offer and think of it carefully.' It is to your interest to buy from us and we assure you that we shall be glad to sell jyou. Big bargains always to be found at Swindell's. April 10 6368 Holiday in Liverpool to-da- y. Cotton. when Jones tried to get it; but he could not tell whether Jones knocked it from his hand to the ground, or had secured TOBACCO FLUES. I am makinrr a lot of TnVn nnr Tlnoa all eyes on in me way oi Styles and Sizes. I claim . GRAPES. Some of these varieties are selling as high as a dollar a basket in tho Northern markets. Hue as any one In the State. I put it. He came out of the open court and walked up and down tho street s ev-er- al times and then went to the Mayor's SEVEN RIVETS !H EVER? JOINT. 51b BASKET, ASSORTED, 50cts. SPECIALTIES City. Sale Tone. Mk't Ret-- Ex. Galveston, Nom'l 11 1-- 8 73 Norfolk, 26 Steady 11 7-- 8 269 Baltimore, Nom'l 12 1-- 4 Boston, Easy 12 1-- 4 65 Wilmington, ... Firm 11 1-- 8 15 Philadelphia .... Firm 12 5-- 8 Savannah, Easy 11 7--16 34 New Orleans 100 Firm 11 3-- 4 8 Mobile, Noml 11 5-- 16 3 Memphis, . . Nom'l 11 1-- 2 5 Augusta, Quiet 11 3-- 8 6 ... . Louisville, Steady 12 0-- 0 St. Louis, Nom'l 11 Jl-- 2 10 OANE MILLS, CANE MILLS, Weather Report. Raloigh yesterday: Maximum temper aturo 90; minimum temperature 71 ; rain fall 0.00 inches. LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink. EVAPOKATORS, EVAPORATORS, For biliousness and consumption, take Local forecast for Raleigh and vicinity for to-da- y: Fair weather: stationary tem COOK STOVES, COOK STOVES, perature followed by thunderstorm with office. Very soon after tho shooting, a colored man namod William Jones went before M. B. Barbee and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Officer Hogue on a charge of murder. Deputy Newsom served the warrant and arrested the of- ficer in the Mayor's office. After the arrest had been made, Jus- tice Barbae came in and arrangements were made at once for a preliminary hearing. Hogue in Jail Pending a Decision. Justice Barbee called the case for hear- ing at alittle after five o'clock, and the investigation continued without inter- ruption until nearly ten o'clock p. ra. Ten witnesses were exhaustively exam- ined. Messrs. J. N. Holding and J. C. Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. ram towaras evening. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, Aug. 2., Wheat opened very strong; corn opened very strong; oats steady; provisions active and higher. Closings: Washington, D. C, August 1. For Virginia: Local showers; southwesterly AND TOBACCO TOBACCO FLUES. FLUES. or sleeplessness ana nervousness, winds; warmer in northern, stationary lemperamre in soutuern partion. WHEAT August 91 ; Heptember 93 93; May 1.00. cORN August 47; ' September 47V; May 52. or North Carolina: Local showers In eastern, fair western; southerly winds -- Wj'(r.- Respectfully, O. S. LUMSDEN, BALZIQH, N. C. J. OATH August 3li34; September 34K take Lemon Hilixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named dis- - stationary temperature. Valuable Land for Sale PORK Closed August 12.10; September 840 Acres. Raleigh's Mortuary. 11.50. LARD Closed 6.20. August L. Harris appeared for Hogue, and Messrs. T. R. Purnell and Thos. P. Deve- - I offer for sale, privately, the tiact of land eases, all of which arise from a torDid or C.02X; 5.20; September September HENNESA HOUSE, Murphy, N. C. This nonnlar Hotel h&a bean tiawIv fur reux, and Ed. Johnson, colored, appear- - diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bow RIBS Closed August 5.355.37K. belonging to the estate ot Edwin Hollcman, deceased, containing 843 acres; or, if desired, I ill sell in smaller tracts to suit purchasers. krA iT nnt arAA Vtr 4Va 1 fUV. nf fnrhor 1 Of"l T ed for the prosecution. els. nished all through and enlarged to meet the demands of increasing patronage, and lor tho comfort of health -- seekers. New York Produce Market. FLOUR Closed heavy and weak; Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozlet, At- lanta, Ga. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle, at drug will, on that day, sell it public auction the homestead tract oi land of the late Edwin After the examination was concluded, Justice Barbee announced that he would reserved his decision until Monday. Hogue, in the meantime, is confined city 2.75 Holleman, deceased, containing 161 acres mills extras 4,604.85; Minnesota extras BOARD REASONABLE. julyl8-2- m J. H. HENNESA, Prop. (&5.8d. large dwelling, large barn, an a tne necessary out-house- s, good well in the yard. Said gist. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of ereat suffering homestead is two miles south of New Hill Wake county, on the Fayetteville road, anc During tho month of July there were twenty-on- e deaths in the city, of which threo were white and eighteen colored. Eleven of these deaths occurred among children under five years of age, one of which was white and ten colored. Nine interments were made hereof deaths oc- curring elsewhere, making the total number of burial permits issued thirty. Attention,!. O. O. F.! Every member of the Encampment branch of the order who wishes to join a Canton of Patriarchs Militant is re- quested to' meat in the office of Mr. Chas. M. Basbee on Monday evening next at WHEAT Closed strong; No. 2 red winter 99 cash; September 97. CORN Closed steady; No. 2. mixed 5i cash; August 64. OATS Closed quiet; No. 2 mixed 41 cash; August 39. FORK Closed dull and unchanged; mess 13.0014.00. about 50 acres are in original woods and well timbered. Those wishing to purchase can apply to the undersigned, or can examine the premises by calling on H. J. Barker, at the in jail to await the judgment. The decision of Justice Barbee will decide whether or not Hogue shall be al- lowed bail or committed to jail without the privilege of bail. The charge brought by the warrant under which Hogue was arrested was murder." If it shall appear that there is good -- cause for the charge, Officer Hogue must wait the next term of court in jail. If this charge shall not be fully from indigestion with great nejvous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid- neys and constipation I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. Rev. O. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church, South. residence of the late Edwin Holleman, de BURTON & TRAVIS, I Halifax, N. C. ROBERT O. BURTON, JR., Attorney at Law. 11th and Bank streets, Richmond, Va., will practice in the Courts in Richmond and sur- rounding counties; in Halifax and Northamp- ton counties, N. C; in the Supreme and Fed- eral Courts in Raleigh, and wherever bis ser- vices may be desired in North Carolina, julyi3-t- t . ceased. Terms one-ha- lt cash, the other half in six months with interest Irom date of sale at 6 per cent, and title reserved until last LARD-Clos- ed steady; September 6.38. SUGAR Refined dull and lower; cut loaf and crushed ti', granulated C; mould A 6 11-1- 6. . COFFEE. Closed steady; fair Bio cargoes 19. No. 28. TatnalLSt.. Atlanta, Ga. payment is made. .C. S. & E. H. HOLLEMAN, aug($-w2- m Executors. till octlst. i Thur&Sun r

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Page 1: Result--Anothe- The Advent Term of For Catalogue, address€¦ · will be quito bnay before the end of this year. enced si) ace the famous Boyle case. (Transfiguration) and Friday



sustained, he will be under the chargeof "manslaughter," and will be allowedto eive bail for his appearance at court.

The easo is exceedingly un for tnnate,and is regretted and deplored by everybody generally. It may be said the banof fate seems to be pronounced against


OFFICERWHILElocal iiaimm:nin;s in nh


Short Items of News Gathered on theFir by the Chronicle's Reporters.Proctor's new building on Wilmington

RALEIGH, il0The Advent Term of the Session of '90 and '91 willbegin September 1 1th. For Catalogue, address


jnly3-2-m RALEIGH, N. C.

churches to-da- y as follows :

EPISCOPAL.Church of the Good Shepherd.

Rev. W. M. Clark, Rector.Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday

school at 9:30 a. m. Morning prayer,sermon and holy communion at 11 a.m.Evening prayer and sermon at 8:30 p. m.Services during the week: Wednesday

the Hogua family; for some years agoanother member of the family rested un-der the misfortune of having killed afellow being in this city.

An Kxciti ng Chase with Fatal Result--Anothe- ir

Man Accidentally fthotThe Officer Jailed to Await the Re-M- ilt

of . an Investigation.Raleig'n had the biggest sensation and

excitement yesterday she has experi 'laleish Swept the Deck.

street is about completed.Excursion to Richmond via R. & G.

railroad. Cars for whito peopleIf rumors be true, Raleigh contractors

will be quito bnay before the end of thisyear.

enced si) ace the famous Boyle case.(Transfiguration) and Friday at 10 a. m.All seats free. Polite ushers. All cor- -The Chronicle maintains that THE PERFECT SUMMER RESORT,Raleigh and vicinity is the best place for dially invited to attend

anj thing that can be fonnd anywhere. jjl u rN A Yxrv fyviii: HOTEL,HOT SPRINGS, UST. O.Bracing mountain air, beautiful scenerv.

The statement does'nt need any proof,but if it did there is always something

Officer Hogue,of the police force, shotand killct a colored mm named JuliusJones.

Hogue was trying to arrest the negro.Tho trouble started on Wilmington

street in front of Woodward's store. A

white man named Bob Frazierand Joneswere talking. Frazier cursed Jones.

occurring to prove it. The latest

Collections in this, the Fourth Inter-nal Revenue District, for the month of

July wcro $73, 0S9.21.

There were ninety-tw- o arrests madeby tho polico force during the month of

July, thirty-thrc- o white and fifty-nin-e


Next Saturday night is the time for

weep" for Raleigh was at the Mt. pleasure, home comforts and an unexcelled table, bill-iard room, bowling alley, shooting gallery, tennis, awell-equippe- d livery, ball room, music, swimming pool

Christ Church.Rev. M. M. Marshall, D. D.,Rector.

Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday-scho- ol

9:45 a. m. Divine service andholy communion at 11 a. m. Eveningprayer at 6 p. m. Services during thoweek: Wednesday, (Feast, Transfigura-tion) at 10 a. m. ; Friday 6 p. m. Politeushers. All cordially invited.

METHODIST.Edenton Street M. E. Chnrch.

Rev. J. H. Cordon, D. D., Pastor.

Holly fair. Raleigh grapes were on ex

ami miming suits as at seasnores.hibition and they just took $193 of the6211 offered as premiums. How is that?

Jones struck Frazier and knocked him

down, and had drawn back to strike How would it do to pitch in and beatHOTEL. KATES : - - - - $15.00 to 821.00 Per Week.COTT 4.GE BOARD : .... I8.O0 to$12.0O Per Week.WHAT GOV. FOWLE SAYS:Hot Springs, Sept. 2, 1889. ' In 1 860 I was a visi

Hickory on an opera house ? How wouldagain, when Mr. Wm. Utley, who hap-

pened to be standing by stepped forward it do to crow over Winston in a big hotel? How would it do to lav out Greensboro in the - steel furnace business ?

tho meeting of tho Raleigh primaries.May bo some ward politicians will be ontho go this week.

Thcro will bo a meeting of tho localboard of health w at 12 o'clockm. at tho Mayor's office. A full atten-dance is desired.

Tho sucreestion made in the Chroni

tor at this delightful spot. For twenty-nin- e years therecollections of that visit were constantly in my mind.Again it has been my good fortune to visit w ithin the

and caught Jones' arm for the purposeof parting the men and preventing fur-ther trouble. Jones wheeled on Mr. How would it do to beat the whole

State as a railroad centre. We can doall this, and we ought to do it.Utley and struck him a terrific blow un

Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preach-ing at 11 a. m. and at 8:30 p. m.The public cordially invited to attendall services.

Central Methodist Church.Rev. L. L. Nash, D. D., Pastor.

Sunday-scho- ol at 9:15 a. m., R. C.

circle ol these beautilul mountains, and I can consist-ently declare that nowhere in America have I found ader the eye, knocking mm backward

Then he broke and run. sweeter or more restiui spot than these springs. It Iscle recently tbat Raleigh purchase and New Boarding House.Officer Hogue was on the street, south the Gem of the Mountains. In air, baths and waters itoperate her own plant for lighting the of the place where the trouble was goingw r 1 H " IT The Pullen place, on East Edentoncity i3 meeting with approval. Redford, Superintendent. Preachingon. ne saw tne negro striKe lur. u uey has no superiors. May it continue to prosper, givinghealth


and strength and rest. to the s;ek and weary,. andJl - --1 A A -by the passtreet, will for some time in the futureand run, and started after him. Mr. at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m.,tor. A cordial welcome to all. SeatsUtley was also in pursuit. They were bo a boarding place. It has been rented

runuing northward toward Hargett free. Polite ushers.Brooklyn M. E. Church.

The last will and testament of WilliamUnderbill, deceased, was admitted to

probate to day before Judge 0 D. Upchurch, James D. Underhill executorunder tho.will.

The practice of throwing water mel- -

street. Some parties report that the by Mr. J. R. Barklej, whose reputationas a caterer is too well and favorably

auamg a more auunuanx enjoyment xo tne robust andhealthy." DAK'L G. FOWLE.HEALTHIEST PLACE IN AMERICA.Rev. J. D. Pegram, Pastor.officer fired at the negro while running

on Wilmington street, but the shot didnot take effect. At the corner of Wil Sunday school at 3. p. m. Preaching

known in Raleigh to need comment.The house is already open for guests,and will doubtless prove to be a delightlon rinds upon tho street is still being at 11 a. m.. and 8:00 p. m. by the pasmington and Hargett street Mr. Utleydone and the Mayor will rigidly enforce th d in BCQG ful stopping place. tor, Rev. J. D. Pegram. All are cor

dially invited to attend. POLLY-TICK- S.the law in this respect whenever a party with him whea the" officer arrested mm.A Prize for the First Bale of Cotton.

Cincinnati Produce Market.rORK Regular pork 12.2512.37; family

120012.12K.LAUD Kettle-drie- d GK6.BACON Snort clear sides 6.206.25.WHISKEY Sales 1002 barrels finished

The negro turned and struck Mr. Hogueand then there was another scuffle dur

BAPTIST.First Baptist Church.

Rev. J. W. Carter, D. D., Pastor.The Chronicle has already announceding which the officer's billet droppedto the trround. Nobody seems to be that Mr. J.A. Higgs, the genial and popu

shall bo reported to him.

Thcro is a movement to g5 back to gasas a means of lighting the city, to berun on tho "moon schedule " If theRaleigh people don't like this they hadbettor say so and say it quick.

Unusual quietness prevailed in the

Sunday school at 9;20 a. m., T. H. highgoods on the basis of 1.12 per gallon to tell which picked up the billet, lar commercial representative of Hurst, Briggs, Superintendent. Preaching at

but the negro broke from the officer and 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.y by the pastorPurnell & Co., has offered a prize of$10.00 to the planter who brings the first Strangers in the-- city and the pubrun again, up Hargett street towards

Fayetteville. The officer gave chase and lie cordially invited to attend a'these services. i

bale of new cotton to the Raleigh marpolico court yesterday. Not a case upontho docket, and his honor whiled away

fired his pistol at mm again.

Naval Stores.Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 2. Spirits tur-

pentine Bteady to-d- ay at 38. Itoain firm;strained 1.00; good do. 105. Tar firmat 1.45. Crude Turpentine firm; hard 1.25;yellow dip 2.33; yirgin 2.35.

COKN-Fi- rm. White 53; yellow 50.

This was a very bad and unfortunate ket this season. The offer holds good,and the winner may call on Mr. D. T.shot. The ball struck Mr, Furman Betts, Baptist Tabernacle.

Rev. J. J. HAiiL, D. D., Pastor.tho morning hours signing warrants forJuly expenses of the city government.

When tho Chronicle finds a goodwho was standing in the door of his Swindell, of the Racket store, for thefather's grocery. It went into the premium.

Howdy, howdy, howdy'e do,How is your wife and how are you,.

And how is the baby too.


A perfect and Natural Food for infants,moro readily digested than dairy



Coffee, Fruits, Deserts, Ice Cream

&c, &c,o

Highland Brand Evapora-ted Cream,

thigh, inflicting an ugly and painfulSunday School at 9:00 a. m. N. B.

BroughtOn, Superintendent. Preachingat 11 a. m. by the pastor Subject at 11o'clock "The Lost Image and How Re

The Citv Cotton Market.Raleioh, fc. C, Aug. 25 p. m.wound but not a dangerous one, SPECIAL NOTICES. Middling iyinGood

StrictIn the excitement prevailing no onenoticed that Mr. Betts was shot. The 111

thing it wants the people to know it. Ithad the opportunity of testing a gloriouswatermelon from the ice cellars ofJones and Powell where the finestmelons are kept constantly on ice. Itwas delightful.

Middlimofficer still pursued tho negro, and a few Middling HKllStrict to Middling 11

Stains 11HXMarket nominal with nothing doing.yards further on caught mm again.

stored!" Subect at 8 p. m. "TheBible and the. People." All cordiallyinvited.

CHRISTIAN.Christian Church.

Rev. J. L. Foster, Pastor.

mi i 1 i lie I t'UUi la ui wuctu wuuucu at iuwit fni e t :i j:s l UU1UL XlUill eve vviiucasca uu uui uai- -

City Produce Market.lion ol i.uuo ior cuaniy nieuiciue, 1 . -

oh nU.!,ifln. .fcM , th monize. The officer says the negro was

The Low IJates will Surprise You.

The Grand United Order of Odd Fel-lows will run the mammoth RichmondExcursion on August 13th, by way ofthe R. & G. road.

Fare, round trip, is only $2.50.The managers have made arrange-

ments with the Odd Fellows of Rich-mond to run an excursion from Rich-mond to Washington, D. 0. Rates low.

Reported for the State Chbonicxe bySunday school at 9:30 a. 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. by the

lowing fight and that while he wasBcrupulous care and wise judgment in with him he heardscuffling parties cryof charitv wrescriDtions1:?'? out, --shoot him, shoot him; he's got

w. v. a. n. atronacn, Wholesale andRetail Grocers.

Raleigh, N. O.-- . Augr .2Geese, iOc Sweet potatoes. 60c

Dried peaches,peeled,10c. lb

Ducks, 25 to 40cTurkeys, 10c. lbChickens, 15 to 32 l-- 2c

Eggs, 10 to 11cDried peaches, un- -

peeled. da lb

appropriationbeen expended.

for this fiscal year has zeuo


ItJ afamTstwP th nirn-n-h3

domen and fell over atA representative of the San Vapor once and the struggle, of course, was at

Street Light company is in the city in an end.the interest of his lighting system. It is Some eye witnesses say that the negrosomething new in the way of street lights was not showing fight, but was trying toand may bo the thing Raleigh is looking get away from Hogue, when ho (Llogue)

For further information apply toWarren A. Alston, Raleigh.

jy25 sun. wed. to aug. 13. Fork, 6cBeef, 5cHams, 11 to 12 l-- 2c

Dried apples, 1 to 5c lbDried damsons, lOp lbDried blackberries, 8c

i i

pastor. All cordially invited to attendthese services.

PRESBYTERIAN.First Presbyterian Church.

Rev. John S. Watkins, D. D. Pastor.Sunday School at 9:30 a, m. Preach-

ing at 11 a. m. At 6 p. m. sermon tothe young and baptism of infants.All services by the pastor. Polite ush-ers. Seats free. All cordially in-


Church of the Sacred Heart.There will be services at the Church

jjnea wnortieoer- -White peas, bush. 1.35Black and clay do. 1.20

Endorsed by the Medical Fraternity.


-B-y-W. C. & A. B. STRONACII.



ries, 10cHay, per hun. 50cfor. It is proposed to put up one of tho threw ono arm around tho neero to hold

lights in It his city in some accessiblea. C Cut Uerrirg,

iG,50 Bbl." Gross " 2,50 Bbl

him. and with the other hand fired the Fodder, " 90 to 1.00Shucks, " 40c

W. H. & R S. Tucker & Co. can offerto the trade to day the very best gradesof carpets in all the new and desirblepatterns and colors, and every piece hasbeen marked to sell at a very moderateprofit.

Having given our order for these new

place to be inspected by the board ofaldermen, and also by tho public

" Mullets, 3,00 Bbl Wheat straw, 40cBroom straw, 2c bun.lioe Herring,

$3,00 1-- 2 BblAt the State Horticulture! Fair at Mt.Holly, Messrs. Whiting Bros, made agood hit on their fine, fancy grapes.

fatal shot ioto his stomach.A tremendous crowd congreated at the

scene with lightning rapidity. It wasalmost impossible to get tho woundednogro through it, but he was taken upand carried into an open court in thoroar of Williams & Haywood's drugstore.

Physicians were immediately summoned, the first one called being Dr. Hines.He came down to the scene, and some

FOR SALE.Car lots of Bagging and Ties. Correspondence solicited.

arrivals before the advance in the priceof tho raw material and bought forcash, we are prepared to sell to purchas-ers now the same grades for less pricethan can be sold later in the season.

W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co.

of the Sacred Heart at the usual hours,conducted by Father Bernard, O. S. B.

PROIITIVE BAPTIST.Elder J. D. Draughn, of Mt. Airy,

by appointment, will preach in thePrimitive Baptist church, this city, at11 a. m. Public are cordially invited toattend.

WHOLESALE PRICE$G 50 per case of 43 cases, 1 1.75 cts. per dozen.Special: Seven (7) Cars Pieced Ties, for

immediate shipment.aug3-- 2t ALF. A. THOMPSON.

They sent seventy-thrc- o pounds and re-ceived in premiums enough to net themtwenty cents per pound. This is asplendid showing for amateurs, consid-ering live years ago their place was anold wasto sedge field. They have ordersahead now for five and ten pound bas-kets of those nice grapes.



Ice ! Ice !one directed nim to go to mv. r urmanTtftt.tsi vehn was nfffrine' from his wound. NOTICEDDr. Hines thought he had been called to As some of the papers stated the THE W0KL1TS COMMEKCE.attend Mr. Betts, and, stopping to dress oiner uay mat our ice iaciory nao Deen l nereby announce myself a candidate for

tho office of Sheriff of Wake county, beforeas some or our mends andhi3 wounds, it was some time oia, d,nu the Democratic County Convention, which




From per jonal knowledge and use ofIMPERIAL GRANUM.

Know and before he got to where Jones was. Dr. customers very naturally supposed wewere out of the ice business, we wish

meets on the lGth of August, 1890, subject toBorne ol The Folks YouTheir Doinss. me acuon oi saia convention.

aug3-d&w- lt J. It. WOMBLERev. J. L. Foster has returned to the

A correct that impression and statethat the Raleigh Ice Factory, which wassold was never our property, or it wouldnot have been sold as it was. We wereagents for the sale of the ice and arestill agents for the new - owners andready to fill orders of all sizes of thebest, purest and hardest ice made bynature or art.

New York, Aug. .2 Messrs. Hub-

bard, Price & Company, in theircotton circular to-nig- ht say : The cot-

ton market has been very dull to-da- y

and absolutely devoid of any features.-Liverpoo- l

closed last evening over thebank holidays and will not reopen untilWednesday morning. Spinners havegenerally shut down for the entire week,and many it is thought will prolong theholiday for a fortnight. The tradinghere has been very small and prices aresubstantially unchanged.

The Chronicle this morning reports

Will sell a thoroughly gentle Marc andcomfortable Top Buggy at a Bargain.

aug3-2- t ALF. A. THOMPSON. WE,

Goodwin came into the open court first,and Dr. Hines came directly afterwardthrough another entrance. They exam-ined the wounded man, and a momentafterward Dr. Hines said, "It's uselessto try to do anything. The wound isfatal." A few minutes afterward thepoor' unfortunate colored man hadbreathed his last. After some con-sultation among the city authorities,it was decided that an inquest was un-

necessary, and Jones' body was turnedover to his friends who took it to hishome on Goodwin's' farm, near Ram- -

G. & A. B. STRONAUtf,

city.Capt. Wm. Smith has gone to More-hea- d.

Maj. S. M. Finger returned to the cityyesterday.

Miss Effio Broughton is visitingf rionds in Apex.

Judge II. G. Connor, of Wilsrn, wasin Raloigh yosterday.

. Mr. W. E. Worth, of Wilmington, is

Fine watermelons kept cool in our theBelieve Imperial Granum to bo- best of all Infant cellar opposite the postoffice.Jones & Powell.

khatte, where he worked .TRADE SUPPLIED AT IMPORTED


Cream Lunch Biscuit,Officer Hogue Arrested.

Officer Hogue was in the open court

We Have Not Received

Our Fall stock of Carpets yet ; stillwe have a very nice line for you to selectfrom on the balance of the stock we haveon hand. We have made lower pricesthan any made heretofore to close theentire line, so that we shall have all the

with the fatally wounded man for sometime, and showed great impatience atthe delay in the arrival of tho physici-ans. He talked freely to the reporters whowere present, buf said he could not tellexactly how tlie matter occurred. Hosaid he had become greatly excited in

general satisfactory weather in thecotton belt for the week, and that thecrop is making good progress.

Receipts at the ports to-da- y estimatedat 200 bales, against 105 bales lastweek.

Sales of futures to-da- y 3,300 bales.. Spot cotton closed dull and easy at

unchanged prices; middling uplands12 1-- 4; sales 180 bales.

Futures closed irregular as follows:August 11 93- -9September 11 0192October 10 6566November 10 5051December 10 4950January 10 5455Februarv 10 5859March 10 6162

The best in tho World Delicateand Delicious.


Ijarrabee's Cream Iamcli.

F i n e Luscious Ef rape s.

The demand for nice grapes continue goodand we are now prepared to fill orders for 5lb baskets, assorted, of the following line va-rieties: Delaware, Duches, Diana, WyomingRed, Empire State, Niagara, Amber Queen.

the melee and could not tell all the min-utiae of what hadhappened. He couldnot tell whether or not in the first

registered at the Yarboro.

Mr. J. D. Boushall has returned froma viiit to Camden county.

Mrs. C. D. Osborne, of Oxford, is thegaost of Mrs. W. B. Mann.

Mrs. W. G. Thomas has returned froma month's visit to Portsmouth.

Miss Callio Fuller, of Smithfield, isvisiting Miss Lizzie Norris, of Apex.

Dr. G. W. Blackball and Mr. D. T.Swindell went down to Morehead yes-terday.

Judgo Armflold passed yesterday enroute for Dnplin wnero he holds courtnoxt week. Ho looked happy over hisrenomlnation.

Miss Dora Huskoy and Miss EmmaBoll havo returned to their homo in thiscity, having had a most delightful visitto rolativos and friends in tho pleasanttown of Fayottovillo.

struggle, his billet had fallen to theground, or whether Jones had gotten it.

W. C. & A. B. STRONACH,Manxtfactubess' AgentsHe said he was in the act of transfer

jttuy, ijiuuiey, uoiaen, liiacK Hiagie, iSrign-to- n,

Salem, Eaton, Moore's Diamond, Pock-lingto- n,

Agawan etc., etc.A BASKET OF THESE

make as pretty a sight as "you ever laid your

ring it frhm his left to his right hand,

room possible to place fall goods. Weintend handling carpets more extensive-ly this season than we have ever done,and to begin the season with a brandnew line, out and out. We sacrifice thegoods we now have and we confidentlybelieve that we can offer you somecheaper carpets than you have ever seen.We have always sold carpets very cheap;everybody knows that ; and now wecome to you saying that we will do stillmore for you. We will sell you any car-

pet now on hand at a reduction of fifteenper cent from our former lowest price.Read this offer and think of it carefully.'It is to your interest to buy from us andwe assure you that we shall be glad tosell jyou. Big bargains always to befound at


April 10 6368Holiday in Liverpool to-da- y.


when Jones tried to get it; but he couldnot tell whether Jones knocked it fromhis hand to the ground, or had secured

TOBACCO FLUES.I am makinrr a lot of TnVn nnr Tlnoa all

eyes on in me way oi

Styles and Sizes. I claim. GRAPES.

Some of these varieties are selling as high asa dollar a basket in tho Northern


Hue as any one In the State. I put

it.He came out of the open court

and walked up and down tho street s ev-er- al

times and then went to the Mayor's SEVEN RIVETS !H EVER? JOINT.


City. Sale Tone. Mk't Ret-- Ex.

Galveston, Nom'l 11 1-- 8 73Norfolk, 26 Steady 11 7--8 269Baltimore, Nom'l 12 1--4

Boston, Easy 12 1-- 4 65Wilmington, . . . Firm 11 1-- 8 15Philadelphia .... Firm 12 5-- 8

Savannah, Easy 11 7--16 34New Orleans 100 Firm 11 3--4 8Mobile, Noml 11 5-- 16 3Memphis, . . Nom'l 11 1-- 2 5Augusta, Quiet 11 3-- 8 6 . . . .Louisville, Steady 12 0--0St. Louis, Nom'l 11 Jl-- 2 10


Weather Report.

Raloigh yesterday: Maximum temperaturo 90; minimum temperature 71 ; rainfall 0.00 inches.


EVAPORATORS,For biliousness and consumption, takeLocal forecast for Raleigh and vicinity

for to-da- y: Fair weather: stationary temCOOK STOVES,COOK STOVES,

perature followed by thunderstorm with

office.Very soon after tho shooting, a colored

man namod William Jones went beforeM. B. Barbee and swore out a warrantfor the arrest of Officer Hogue on acharge of murder. Deputy Newsomserved the warrant and arrested the of-ficer in the Mayor's office.

After the arrest had been made, Jus-tice Barbae came in and arrangementswere made at once for a preliminaryhearing.

Hogue in Jail Pending a Decision.Justice Barbee called the case for hear-

ing at alittle after five o'clock, and theinvestigation continued without inter-ruption until nearly ten o'clock p. ra.Ten witnesses were exhaustively exam-ined. Messrs. J. N. Holding and J. C.

Lemon Elixir.For indigestion and foul stomach,

take Lemon Elixir.For sick and nervous headaches, take

Lemon Elixir.

ram towaras evening. CLOTHIERS SHATTERSChicago Produce Market.

Chicago, Aug. 2., Wheat opened verystrong; corn opened very strong; oats steady;provisions active and higher.


Washington, D. C, August 1. ForVirginia: Local showers; southwesterly



FLUES.FLUES.or sleeplessness ana nervousness,winds; warmer in northern, stationary

lemperamre in soutuern partion.WHEAT August 91 ; Heptember 93

93; May 1.00.cORN August 47; 'September 47V; May52.

or North Carolina: Local showersIn eastern, fair western; southerly winds

-- Wj'(r.-

Respectfully,O. S. LUMSDEN,


J.OATH August 3li34; September 34K

take Lemon Hilixir.For loss of appetite and debility, take

Lemon Elixir.For fevers, chills and malaria, take

Lemon Elixir.Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not

fail you in any of the above named dis- -

stationary temperature. Valuable Land for SalePORK Closed August 12.10; September 840 Acres.Raleigh's Mortuary. 11.50.LARD Closed

6.20.AugustL. Harris appeared for Hogue, and

Messrs. T. R. Purnell and Thos. P. Deve- - I offer for sale, privately, the tiact of landeases, all of which arise from a torDid orC.02X;





This nonnlar Hotel h&a bean tiawIv furreux, and Ed. Johnson, colored, appear- - diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bow RIBS Closed August

5.355.37K.belonging to the estate ot Edwin Hollcman,deceased, containing 843 acres; or, if desired,I ill sell in smaller tracts to suit purchasers.krA iT nnt arAA Vtr 4Va 1 fUV. nf fnrhor 1 Of"l T

ed for the prosecution. els.nished all through and enlarged to meet thedemands of increasing patronage, and lor thocomfort of health --seekers.

New York Produce Market.FLOUR Closed heavy and weak;

Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozlet, At-

lanta, Ga.50c. and $1.00 per bottle, at drug

will, on that day, sell it public auction thehomestead tract oi land of the late Edwin

After the examination was concluded,Justice Barbee announced that he wouldreserved his decision until Monday.

Hogue, in the meantime, is confinedcity2.75 Holleman, deceased, containing 161 acresmills extras 4,604.85; Minnesota extras BOARD REASONABLE.

julyl8-2- m J. H. HENNESA, Prop.(&5.8d. large dwelling, large barn, an a tne necessary

out-house- s, good well in the yard. Saidgist.A Prominent Minister Writes.

After ten years of ereat sufferinghomestead is two miles south of New HillWake county, on the Fayetteville road, anc

During tho month of July there weretwenty-on- e deaths in the city, of whichthreo were white and eighteen colored.Eleven of these deaths occurred amongchildren under five years of age, one ofwhich was white and ten colored. Nineinterments were made hereof deaths oc-

curring elsewhere, making the totalnumber of burial permits issued thirty.

Attention,!. O. O. F.!

Every member of the Encampmentbranch of the order who wishes to join aCanton of Patriarchs Militant is re-

quested to' meat in the office of Mr. Chas.M. Basbee on Monday evening next at

WHEAT Closed strong; No. 2 red winter99 cash; September 97.

CORN Closed steady; No. 2. mixed 5icash; August 64.

OATS Closed quiet; No. 2 mixed 41cash; August 39.

FORK Closed dull and unchanged; mess13.0014.00.

about 50 acres are in original woods and welltimbered. Those wishing to purchase canapply to the undersigned, or can examine thepremises by calling on H. J. Barker, at the

in jail to await the judgment.The decision of Justice Barbee will

decide whether or not Hogue shall be al-

lowed bail or committed to jail withoutthe privilege of bail.

The charge brought by the warrantunder which Hogue was arrested was

murder." If it shall appear that thereis good -- cause for the charge, OfficerHogue must wait the next term of courtin jail. If this charge shall not be fully

from indigestion with great nejvousprostration, biliousness, disordered kid-neys and constipation I have beencured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir andam now a well man.

Rev. O. C. Davis,Eld. M. E. Church, South.

residence of the late Edwin Holleman, de


Halifax, N. C.

ROBERT O. BURTON, JR.,Attorney at Law.

11th and Bank streets, Richmond, Va., willpractice in the Courts in Richmond and sur-rounding counties; in Halifax and Northamp-ton counties, N. C; in the Supreme and Fed-eral Courts in Raleigh, and wherever bis ser-vices may be desired in North Carolina,

julyi3-t- t .

ceased. Terms one-ha- lt cash, the other halfin six months with interest Irom date of saleat 6 per cent, and title reserved until last

LARD-Clos- ed steady; September 6.38.SUGAR Refined dull and lower; cut loaf

and crushed ti', granulated C; mould A6 11-1- 6. .

COFFEE.Closed steady; fair Bio cargoes19.No. 28. TatnalLSt.. Atlanta, Ga. payment is made.

.C. S. & E. H. HOLLEMAN,aug($-w2- m Executors.till octlst. i Thur&Sun
