rev1 9 16 15mkhs course catalog15 16 · accurately using academic vocabulary specific to each ......

COURSE CATALOG Mark Keppel High School 501 E. Hellman Ave. Alhambra, CA 91801 (626) 943-6700 School Website: Parent Portal:

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Mark Keppel High School

501 E. Hellman Ave. Alhambra, CA 91801

(626) 943-6700

School Website: Parent Portal:



Principal’s Office John Scanlan, Principal

Rose Anzardo, Office Manager Business & Activities TBD, Assistant Principal

Patty Welch, Office Manager Curriculum & Instruction Marisa Meyka, Assistant Principal

Rebecca DelCastillo, Office Manager School Counseling Cynthia Prentice, Assistant Principal

Consuelo Arechiga, Office Manager Student & Employee Welfare Alejandra Perez, Assistant Principal

Cathy Lee, Office Manager


Career Technical Education: James Horton English: Patrice Flores Mathematics: Thomas Riley Physical Education: Andrew Shapiro Science: Ellen Hake Social Science: Tim Gillette Special Education: Kevin Hardy World Languages: Isabel Dominguez Visual and Performing Arts: Page Phillips


Wendy Duanes A – Gao Tracy Tang Gap – Huw Halinh Matsuo Huy-Mai Irma Preciado Maj-To, H. Elizabeth Sesztak To, I.-Z


Mark Garcia


MARK KEPPEL HIGH SCHOOL Student Learning Outcomes: § Students will demonstrate the characteristics and benefits of ethical behavior and personal integrity in

school and the community. § Students will communicate effectively in the target language through reading and interpreting a

significant grade-level appropriate text. § Students will create a product which synthesizes and interprets materials from multiple sources,

accurately using academic vocabulary specific to each discipline. § Students will use a variety of analytical skills to interpret data and solve problems. § Students will create and deliver multimedia presentations with information from several sources. § Students will demonstrate skills necessary for college and career opportunities.


Table of Contents

General Information…………………………………………………………………………………………..5

California Scholarship Federation…………………………………………………………………………....6

School Counseling Program and Services……………………………………………………………………8

High School Graduation Requirements……………………………………………………………………....9

Course, Report Card, and Transcripts Codes………………………………………………………………..10

Alhambra Unified Open Enrollment Policy…………………………………………………………………11

Honors and Advanced Placement Course Contract Form………………...…………………………12

Honors and Advanced Placement Drop Request Form………………...……………………………13

College Information…………………………………………………………………………………………14

Course Information

Career Technical Education (CTE).…………………………………………………………………16



Physical Education (PE) ……………………………………………………………………………28


Social Science……………………………………………………………………………………….32

Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) ……………………………………………………………….34

World Languages…………………………………………………………………………………....37

Non-Departmental Courses………………………………………………………………………….41


GENERAL INFORMATION Annual Registration: Students are given the opportunity in the spring of each school year to select courses for the following year. It is important that courses be selected in cooperation with the student's parent, along with high school graduation requirements, UC/CSU a-g admissions requirements, and career objectives in mind. Course selection represents a commitment on the part of the student that he or she will satisfactorily complete the schedule of classes chosen. Students should check carefully to ensure that they have taken the proper prerequisites for each course selected. Please note that enrollment in selected courses will depend on course availability. Units of Credit: Five units of credit will be earned for each on-campus semester course completed with a passing grade. To be on track for graduation, students should meet the following criteria:

Grade Classification Credits Freshman (9th grade) 60 credits Sophomore (10th grade) 120 credits Junior (11th grade) 180 credits Senior (12th grade) 210+ credits

Repeated Courses: Students may repeat a course to improve a grade through a credit recovery program; however, units of credit will not be awarded in the repeated course unless the original grade was an "F." Off-Campus Courses: Students who wish to take off-campus courses for high school credit must have prior approval from the Assistant Principal of School Counseling. This regulation covers courses taken during the summer and/or during the regular school year at the community and state colleges. Note that all such course work is to be taken at an institution or agency accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Schedule Changes/Transfer Policy: Students select their own classes in consultation with their parents, their teachers, and their counselor. Changing classes after school starts is discouraged. However, it is recognized that circumstances may warrant a schedule change, such as an error, failure to complete a prerequisite course, or a graduation or university requirement omission. Any student who chooses to drop a class after the sixth week of the Semester will receive a grade of “F” on his/her transcript for that course. Attendance: All persons under 18 years of age who have not graduated from high school are required by state law to attend school. Students are expected to attend each of their scheduled classes promptly and regularly. Regular attendance is one of the greatest contributing factors to success in school. Absences should be avoided whenever possible. State Proficiency Certificate: Legislation now provides that persons 16 years old and over may be exempted from compulsory school attendance if they have demonstrated satisfactory proficiency on the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE). Students who pass this exam will receive a "Certificate of Proficiency" and are allowed to end secondary schooling with written parental consent. Students who terminate their high school courses will not be permitted to go through graduation ceremonies. Students who elect to continue their education, even though they have received a "Certificate of Proficiency," may take part in the graduation ceremonies, assuming the regular graduation requirements have been met.


California Scholarship Federation: Alhambra Chapter No. 21 SC The California Scholarship Federation (known as CSF) is a statewide organization whose purpose is to recognize students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. Qualifying for membership is on a semester basis. Freshman semesters qualify students for associate membership. To become a lifetime member (Sealbearer) students must have qualified for four semesters during their last three years of high school, including one semester in the senior year. At graduation, lifetime members receive a gold seal on their diploma, a lamp pin, a gold stole (100% membership) or a gold cord (life membership) to be worn at the ceremony. Requirements for Membership: Membership is determined by a point system. A student must earn a minimum of 10 points entirely from curricular studies. The first 4 points must be from LIST I (unless a student is a senior applying for membership in February or June). The first 7 points (including the 4 described above) must be from LISTS I & II. The remaining points may come from any LIST (I, II, III). No more than five courses may count to qualify. CSF Point System: 1. A grade of A = 3 CSF points 2. A grade of B = 1 CSF points (AP or designated honors courses earn 2 CSF points) 3. A grade of C = 0 CSF points 4. A grade of D or F in any course, even in one that doesn’t qualify, shall bar membership for one semester. 5. Two Ns or one U in citizenship in any subject, including physical education, bars a student from membership for one semester. When a student is taking more than five curricular courses, only the best five grades will be used to compute eligibility. Students who take college courses on college campuses, as part of their normal high school class load shall be granted CSF credit for this. High school credit must be granted. In the interpretation of eligibility requirements, it is expressly stated in the CSF state constitution that students who are otherwise eligible, but in the judgment of the advisor and principal are unworthy citizens, shall be barred from both semester and life membership.


The California Scholarship Federation has approved the following course lists: I, II, and III:

LIST I LIST II LIST III ENGLISH English Intensive I & II *English 1/2, 3/4, H American Literature 5/6, English Language & Comp. AP World Literature 7/8, *ERWC English Literature & Comp. 7/8 AP WORLD LANGUAGES French 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 French Language 1/2 AP Mandarin Chinese 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 Chinese Language & Culture AP Spanish 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10 Spanish 1/2 Heritage, ¾ H, 5/6 Native Speaker Spanish Literature 1/2 AP, 3/4 AP Spanish Language 1/2 AP, 3/4 AP MATHEMATICS *Integrated or Accelerated Math I, II, III *Geometry 1/2, H Informal Geometry Trig/Pre-Calculus 1/2, H Calculus AB & BC IS, 1/2 AP Statistics 1/2 AP LABORATORY SCIENCE *Biology 1/2, H, 3/4 AP *Chemistry 1/2, H, 1/2 IS, 3/4 AP Physics 1/2 , 1 , B1/2 AP, C1/2, AP *Environmental Science 1/2, AP Principles of Microbiology 1/2 Physiology 1/2 SOCIAL SCIENCE *American Govt./Civics, AP *Economics, Economics AP, Economics and Entrepreneurship *U.S. History 1/2, AP *World History 1/2, H

BUSINESS Accounting Computer 1/2, 3/4 ENGLISH Journalism 1/2,3/4, 5/6, 7/8 MATHEMATICS Math Computer Programming COMMUNICATIONS Debate 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8

ENGLISH Yearbook / Journalism BUSINESS Computer Keyboarding/Word Processing 1/2 Computer Literacy VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS Band/Orchestra Choir/Chorus Drama Drawing & Painting Dance CTE Industrial Technology classes Woodworking Architecture Drafting OTHER SEI 1/2, 3/4, 5/6 ROP

*SDAIE class offered


SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM AND SERVICE The School Counseling staff at Mark Keppel High School is committed to implementing a comprehensive guidance program in educational counseling, career planning, and personal counseling. The following services are available: Academic Counseling: • Ninth grade pre-enrollment orientation for parents and students • Registration, appropriate scheduling, and remediation as needed (school initiated) • Specific testing, program interpretation and parent conferencing (school initiated) • Special grade and attendance checks and progress report by parent request • College and Financial Aid information night for students and parents (school will advertise) • Information about student's progress toward graduation, credit deficiencies and subject area credit status for students and parents (school initiated) • Post-secondary information • Planning and financial aid information • Post-secondary testing information, PSAT, ACT, SAT (student/school responsibility) • Scholarship information Career Planning • Assistance in the student's search for a career direction • Career Center: work experience, job placement Personal/Social Counseling • Counseling assistance, crisis intervention, and referral information for special needs of parents and students. School, district and community programs will be evaluated to identify the best program (school and/or parent initiated). • On site psychologist may provide counseling as needed. Please note: • Counseling appointments are made through the School Counseling Office staff. • Counselors are available before school, after school, and during lunch.


Alhambra Unified School District High School Graduation Requirements



English (EN)

40 credits

Math (M)

30 credits

Class of 2017- and below-Students are required to complete Algebra I and Geometry Class of 2018+ and above-Students are required to complete Integrated or Accelerated Math I, and Integrated or Accelerated Math II (Class of 2018 and above)

Science (SC)

20 credits

Life/Biological (10) (SC-L) Physical/Earth (10) (SC-P)

Social Science (SS)

30 credits

World History (10) U.S. History (10) American Government (5) Economics (5)

Physical Education (PE)

20 credits

Fine Arts or World Language (FA)

10 credits

Elective Courses (EL)

60 credits


210 credits

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: The School District Board requires that all students participating in the graduation ceremony must first have completed all requirements for graduation.




B = Above Average C = Average D = Below Average F = Failed, no credit I = Incomplete NM = No mark, no credit P = Passing

Course Code: AP = Advanced Placement

H =Honors SDAIE =Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English

(SDAIE classes are designed for intermediate or advanced level limited English proficient students. Through course content and hands on activities, students engage in vocabulary development and further enhance their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.) Citizenship: O=Outstanding S=Satisfactory N=Needs Improvement U=Unsatisfactory Rank: Includes all marks and credit from the summer before 10th grade through the end of 11th grade. (challenge tests, repeat courses, and failed classes included) Not included are P.E., Drill, Pep, Sports, Pass (P) classes, No Mark (NM), and Incomplete (I). Grade Point Average (GPA): 1) Each letter grade is given point values based on number of credits awarded or attempted. (SEE CHART BELOW) 2) GPA= Total of grade points divided by total of credit given/attempted 3) Upper Level HONORS/AP – add an extra 5 grade points A,B,C, grades only) Grading:

Letter Grade

Point Value

Credit earned (each semester)

Total Points

A 4.0 5.0 20 B 3.0 5.0 15 C 2.0 5.0 10 D 1.0 5.0 5 F 0.0 0.0 0


ALHAMBRA UNIFIED BOARD POLICY: OPEN ENROLLMENT Alhambra USD | BP 6141.5 Instruction To encourage all students to challenge themselves academically and to enable students to be more competitive when applying for admission to postsecondary institutions, the Governing Board shall provide opportunities for college-level coursework that will prepare interested high school students participate in Advanced Placement examinations. The Board desires to provide multiple Honors and Advanced Placement courses at each high school. The Superintendent or designee shall recommend subject areas for Honors and Advanced Placement courses at each school based on student interest, availability of qualified certificated staff, and availability of instructional materials and other resources. To increase the capacity of the school to offer these courses, the Superintendent or designee shall provide staff development and support to Honors and Advanced Placement teachers. (cf. 6164.2 - Guidance/Counseling Services) All students shall have equal access to Honors and Advanced Placement courses.


Alhambra Unified Mark Keppel High School



Alhambra Unified



COLLEGE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS In California, post-high school education is divided into four sub-divisions, three of which are publicly supported: (1) the California Community Colleges; (2) the California State University system; (3) the University of California; and (4) the privately supported independent California colleges and universities CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Examples in our area include East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles Trade Tech, and Pasadena City College. The Community College provides: • General education for all students • Two-year Associate of Arts Degree • College academic program for students planning to transfer to a four-year college • College academic program for students planning to transfer to a four-year college • Career technical education for people seeking employment • Life-long education for residents of the community Admission Requirements: Any high school graduate, the recipient of a Certificate of Proficiency, or adult 18 years of age or older may attend the community college. Community colleges require an English and math examination for placement. The last semester of the senior year of high school is the appropriate application period for most community colleges (usually beginning April 1). Additional information about California Community Colleges can be found on the following websites: CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (CSU) The 23 State Universities and Colleges provide instruction through the master's degree. The State University System admits the upper one third of the California high school graduates. The CSU include: Bakersfield, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Chico, Dominguez Hills, Fresno, Fullerton, Hayward, Humboldt, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Northridge, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Marcos, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Monterey Bay, Merced, and Maritime Academy. For additional information regarding admissions to the CSU system, go to: or CSU Mentor is an electronic outreach, pre-admission, admission, and financial aid program available to students via the Internet. It is available free of charge, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (UC) Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego, and San Francisco (graduate studies only)


The University of California provides instruction through the doctoral degree at nine campuses throughout the university system. All of the campuses adhere to the same admissions guidelines and high academic standards; yet, each one has its own distinct character. Among the campuses, there are five medical schools, three law schools, and a school of veterinary medicine, as well as professional schools of business administration, education, engineering, oceanography, and many others. Over 350 major academic areas of study can be found within the university system. The University of California admits the top twelve and a half percent of California high school graduates. For additional information regarding admissions to the UC system, go to Course Lists Available Online: UC certificated course lists are now available on the following web-site: (at CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Examples in our area include University of Southern California, Occidental, and Loyola Marymount. The Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities consists of more than 70 institutions. is a guide that provides an interactive college search.



CTE: BUSINESS Accounting Computer 1/2 EL, M (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 11, 12 Prerequisite: Integrated or Accelerated Math I The student is introduced to the principles and processes involved in manual, double-entry accounting systems. Computer applications and automated accounting software will be integrated throughout the course as the student learns about the accounting cycle and other specialized functions such as banking, payroll, and personal income tax. Computer Keyboarding & Applications, or Computer Applications SDAIE EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None During semester one this course will develop or improve upon students’ touch-typing skills and techniques. Students will produce letters, memos, tables, and MLA reports. Emphasizing proper keyboarding techniques the course will develop student’s speed and accuracy in completing computer applications projects using Microsoft Word. Semester two will introduce students to Excel spreadsheet projects, Access databases, PowerPoint presentations, and Internet Explorer and online research strategies. Computer Applications will prepare students to succeed in other high school and post- secondary courses and in careers. Digital Media 1/2 EL (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Computer Keyboarding/Applications or basic keyboarding skills An introduction to digital media concepts featuring digital media hardware and software tools and techniques, survey of digital media applications, and issues relating to the use of digital media. Digital Media design principles will be introduced and applied using Photoshop CS3, Corel Video editing software,

Course Descriptions The MKHS courses are listed by department. To the right of each course title is an abbreviation for the graduation and “a-g” requirement met by that course. The graduation requirements subject areas and their abbreviations are listed in the table below: Graduation Requirements: English (EN) Elective Courses (EL) Fine Arts or World Language (FA) Mathematics (M) Physical Education (PE) Science (SC) Life/Biological (SC-L) Physical/Earth (SC-P) Social Science (SS) CSU, UC: “a”=History/Social Science (2 Yr. Req) “b”= English (4 Yr. Req.) “c”=Mathematics (3 Yr. Req., 4 Rec.) “d”=Laboratory Science (2 Yr. Req., 3 Rec.) “e”=Language Other than English (2 Yr. Req., 3 Rec.) “f”=Visual and Performing Arts (1 Yr. Req.) “g”=College Preparatory Elective (1 Yr. Req.)

Please note: Course offerings are based on current student enrollment, staffing, credentialing requirements, and student interest. Classes that are not currently offered are in grey text.


Dreamweaver, Animation, and Audacity. Students will learn to take creative control of their research and presentation projects by using text, graphics, audio and video. Students will complete a digital Portfolio of their projects. Economics and Entrepreneurship 1/2 EL, SS, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 11, 12 Prerequisite: None This course satisfies the History-Social Standards for Economics while emphasizing entrepreneurship and the principles and practices of effective small business management. Computers and the Internet are used extensively for economics research and projects, business planning and research, and document preparation. UC/CSU approved and fulfills Economics and elective graduation credit. Finance 1/2 EL Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to provide students with skills and knowledge required to develop a financial plan for their lives. Units include: goal setting and budgeting savings and bank instruments, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchanged traded funds, real estate, collectibles, risk management/insurance, automobile purchasing and ownership, retirement and estate planning, and taxation. Students will maintain a financial journal and create Internet research based multimedia projects. International Business 1/2 EL, (CSU, UC, “g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: None This course will provide students with knowledge of how businesses operate within today’s global economy. Students will explore how companies import and export goods, trade relations and agreements, foreign exchange, global marketing, laws in other countries, cultural influences on business, and other aspects of doing business internationally. The course will address the California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards for the Marketing, Sales, and Service Industry Section: with primary emphasis on the Career of International Trade.

CTE: DESIGN Video Game Design and Development EL, (CSU, UC, “g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: None This course will provide students with knowledge of how to develop a sound foundation in game design, animation, graphics, and computer software and hardware. Students will learn key programming constructs using Game Maker software to create original graphics and sound engineering software to create and edit sounds for games. No programming experience is needed. The software used to create the games in this class is a drag and drop software with a physics driven engine. Computer Web Design EL (CSU, UC, “g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None This elective course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to design Web pages. Students will develop skills in designing, implementing, and maintaining a Web site using authoring tools. They will be provided with a basic understanding of the methods and techniques of developing a simple to moderately complex web site. Students will be introduced to the structure of web page documents, using (X) HTML, good markup techniques, and the concept of validation. Students will use a plain text


editor to write HTML and an FTP program to upload the pages to the web, but will also be encouraged to utilize web page software such as Dreamweaver. Functional topics will include text formatting, using graphics, sound, lists, tables, and a brief intro into JavaScript.CTE: Industrial Technology

Graphic Design (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None The Graphic Design course will explore the ever changing trends in the global field of design. Student will understand the impact of the arts and design throughout history and in various cultures. Students will learn methods and theory such as elements and principles of design to enhance their artistic vision and style. Through two and three-dimensional design projects students will develop problem solving skills, artistic perception, critical thinking, and self-reflection. Art critiques and presentations will provide opportunities for students to grow as artists. Learning and using the three min industry computer software, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator and Quark Xpress will provide students with professional environment and responsibilities as graphic designers. The course aligns with and/or incorporates the California Career Technical Content Standards, LACOROP Expected Student Learning Results, Language Arts, Math, Visual and Performing Arts Standards, and the California High School Exit Exam. Architecture 1/2 EL (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Drafting 1/2 This is an advanced technical drawing class for those interested in Architectural Drafting because they wish to be a drafter, an engineer, an industrial designer, an architectural drafter, an architect, or those with the interest in one of the many professions that require knowledge of architectural drawing. Architectural drafting is an exact means of visual expression where accuracy is the main objective. This course includes the study of architectural graphic standards related to drawing construction drawings such as floor plans, foundation plans, foundation details, site plans, exterior elevations, roof and plot plans for a one story residential structure. Emphasis is placed on symbology, conventions, and techniques to develop technical skills necessary for an entry-level architectural drafter. Construction methods, building codes, design factors, planning, and use of reference materials are discussed and applied. Architecture 1-4 EL (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 11, 12 Prerequisite: Drafting ½ and Architecture 1/2 This course is open to students that have completed Architectural Drafting 1/2. This is an advanced technical drawing/modeling class for those interested in Architectural Drafting because they wish to be a drafter, an architectural drafter, an architect, or those with the interest in one of the many professions that required knowledge of architectural drawing. Architectural drafting is an exact means of visual expression where accuracy is the main objective. This course includes the study of architectural graphic standards related to drawing construction drawings such as floor plans, foundation plans, foundation details, site plans, exterior elevations, roof and plot plans for a two-story residential structure. Emphasis is placed on symbology, conventions, and techniques to develop technical skills necessary for an entry-level architectural drafter. Construction methods, building codes, design factors, planning, and use of reference materials are discussed and applied. Drafting 1/2 EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None This is a technical drawing class for students interested in Mechanical Drafting. Mechanical Drafting is an exact means of expression where accuracy is the main objective. This is a basic course in technical drawing


and graphics for students with no previous drafting skills or training. Students interested in becoming future engineers, drafters, architects, commercial artist, etc., should take this course. The class is useful for all industrial technology students. Practical application will be provided with the tools, techniques, standards, and practices used in industries that need technical drawings and graphics. Career guidance, math, and English are included in the subject materials. Drafting 3/4 EL Grade Level Option: 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Drafting 1/2 This course is open to anyone that has completed Engineering Drafting 1/2. This is an advanced technical drawing class for those interested in mechanical and architectural design, manufacturing, illustration and engineering related designs. Students will produce 2D orthographic, isometric, and 3D models, solutions of mechanical and architectural applications. Students interested in becoming engineer’s drafters, architects, commercial artists, and machinists, should take this course. The class is useful for all Industrial Technology students. Career guidance, math, and English are included in the subject material. This course will also introduce the student to the concept of Computer Aided Design (CAD). CAD allows designs and technical drawings to be made on the computer. This course will show how to apply CAD to specific disciplines in mechanical and architectural design; manufacturing, illustration and engineering related designs as well as creating the solution with traditional board drawings. Wood Construction 1/2 EL Grade Option: 9-12 This introductory technology course emphasis is on the acquisition of woodworking knowledge and skills through the hands-on process of manufacturing such projects as a table, an "amazing" folding chair and stool, etc. Students will understand planning and layout processes, how to safely use tools and machines to process materials, follow standard assembly procedures, and perform finishing processes. Wood Construction 3/4 EL Grade Option: 11, 12 Prerequisite: Wood Construction 1/2 This is an advanced woodshop course in the use of machine tools in furniture and cabinet making. It provides basic information about the construction industry and teaches the principles of carpentry It is a prerequisite for Wood Construction 5/6.

CTE: INDUSTRIAL ARTS Automotive Technology 1/2 EL Grade Level Option: 9- 12 Prerequisite: None This first year course in auto technology is designed to introduce the student to the fundamentals, principles and maintenance-service procedures that pertain to the automobile. The course is divided into three main units. Semester one covers the basic automotive engine, theory of operation, related engine systems (i.e. lubrication, cooling, engine, fuel), and basic mechanical processes, safety, and standard working procedures are also covered. Second semester is divided into two general areas: electrical/tune-up and chassis/suspension. In addition, students will become knowledgeable concerning possible occupational choices relating to the automotive field. Automotive Technology 3-6 EL Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Automotive Technology 1/2


These courses are designed to reinforce the fundamentals, principles, and maintenance-service procedures covered in Automotive Technology 1/2. The course is divided into three main units: automotive engine, theory of operation, related engine systems (i.e. lubrication, cooling, engine, fuel), safety, and standard working procedures. Second semester is divided into two general areas: electrical/engine performance and chassis/suspension and wheel alignment. In addition, there are a series of written assignments, tests, and projects to be completed to reinforce the learning process, to develop the basic motor and mental skills necessary in any type of mechanical service procedure, and to reinforce the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics. UC Auto Engineering /Auto Specialization 1/2 ROP EL (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 10-12 Prerequisite: Auto 1/2 This activity centered course gives students a chance to explore the world of modern industrial technology. Sections may include: drafting, metals, woodworking, machines, computers, and automobiles are taught in six week segments. Freshmen begin their student of industrial technology by taking this course. Automotive Engineering is a study of the interaction of science and technology as they apply to the automotive transportation system and the engineered sub-systems that responsible for the functioning of the automobile. These include integrated mechanical, electrical, chemical, and computer engineered systems. The mathematics and scientific concepts associated with these systems will also be explored. Students will develop their understanding of science, as it applies to the study of engineered automotive systems, by building on their knowledge of physics and mathematics while conducting investigative research.

CTE: CULINARY ARTS Foods 1/2 EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None This is an introductory course that covers a wide range of foods and cooking techniques. Culinary Arts 1/2 EL Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Foods 1/2 Food preparation labs cover a wide range of foods and cooking techniques. The course includes units in proper food preparation and presentation, proper nutrition, buying foods and marketing, manners and entertainment, consumer issues, and career application.


Mark Keppel High School's core English courses are aligned with California State Standards. Four years (40 credits) of English are required for students to demonstrate competence in listening and speaking skills, academic research, advanced reading comprehension, language usage and writing, literary analysis, and critical thinking. English forms the basis of all academic disciplines. The ability to read, analyze, and draw conclusions from written language is necessary for students to succeed in their studies of other disciplines and in life.


English Intervention: English Learners Structured English Immersion 1/2 EN, EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Placement test Entry Level: Semester entry permitted This one-year Structured English Immersion (SEI) course is designed for students new to English. This course emphasizes six standards – listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cross-curricular study skills and the language skills necessary for living in a new country. Structured English Immersion 1/2 is a two- hour block. This two-period course provides (5 credits) for English and (5 credits) for electives per semester. Structured English Immersion 3/4 EN, EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of SEI-Beginning or Placement Test Entry This one-year Structured English Immersion (SEI) course is designed for English language learners who have been in the United States for five years or less or who are recommended for or placed in the program according to District criteria. This course emphasizes six standards – listening, speaking, reading, writing, cross-curricular study skills, and the language skills necessary for living in a diverse society. Structured English Immersion 3/4 is a two-hour block. This two-period course provides (5 credits) for English and (5 credits) for electives per semester. Structured English Immersion 5/6 EN, EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of SEI 3/4 Entry This one-year Structured English Immersion (SEI) course is designed for English language learners who have been in the United States for five years or less, or who are recommended for or placed in the program according to the District criteria. The course emphasizes all four-language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – and prepares students for mainstream environments. This two-period course provides (5 credits) for English and (5 credits) for electives per semester. SEI Content Prep Science/ Social Science EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Co-requisite: SEI 1/2 or 3/4 This one-year Structured English Immersion (SEI) course is designed for students new to English to better prepare their academic vocabulary in the areas of science and social science. The course prepares English learners for success in SDAIE (Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English) content classes.

English Intervention: Supplemental Stretch 9 & 10 EL Grade Level Option: 9, 10 Prerequisite: Basic and Below basic on CST Students selected for this class receive support in individualized reading instruction in word study, vocabulary, comprehension and spelling. Students read leveled reading passages and books and high- interest paperbacks in all genres to build reading and writing skills and to develop fluency.



English 1/2 , SDAIE EN, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 9 Prerequisite: None Students study and respond to historically, culturally, and socially significant works of fiction, non- fiction, Shakespearean drama, mythology, and poetry. Study of these forms provides the basis for student writing in a variety of modes, which reflect the California State Standards in the language arts. In addition, students respond to literature through speaking and listening activities. Students study vocabulary, conventions of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Students write a research paper. English 1/2 Honors EN, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 9 Prerequisite: None Students participate in an intensive study of the short story, Shakespearean drama, poetry, non-fiction, and the novel. Study of these forms provides the basis for student writing in a variety of modes, which reflect the California State Standards in the language arts. Students will write compositions that demonstrate higher-level analytical skills. In addition, students respond to literature through speaking and active listening. Students study vocabulary, conventions of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. No extra point for GPA calculation. English 3/4, SDAIE EN, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 10 Prerequisite: None Students study poetry, non-fiction, the epic, Shakespeare’s works, and the novel to enrich their literary experience. Study of these forms provides the basis for student writing in a variety of modes, which reflect the California State Standards in the language arts. Students study vocabulary, conventions of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Students will write a research paper. English 3/4 Honors EN, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 10 Prerequisite: None Students participate in an intensive study of poetry, non-fiction, the epic, the literary essay, Shakespearean and Greek drama, and the novel to enrich their literary experience. Study of these forms provides the basis for student writing in a variety of modes, which reflect the California State Standards in the language arts. Particular emphasis is placed on analytical essays responding to literature. Students study writing style, vocabulary, and advanced grammar. Students write a research paper. No extra point for GPA calculation. English Intensive I & II (2 Periods) EL, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 9, 10 Prerequisite: Below basic and Far Below Basic on CST, SRI Lexile Test Students selected for this class receive small group teacher-directed and individualized reading instruction in word study, vocabulary, comprehension and spelling. Students read leveled reading passages with computers, leveled audio books, and high-interest paperbacks in all genres to build reading and writing skills and to develop fluency. Instruction is directed to the individual needs of the students. English Language and Composition 5/6 AP EN, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 11


Prerequisite: None Students read and carefully analyze a broad and challenging range of prose selections and develop their awareness of how language works. Through close reading and frequent writing, students develop their ability to work with language and text with a greater awareness of purpose and strategy while strengthening their writing skills. The reading assignments feature expository, narrative, descriptive, and persuasive essays from a variety of authors and historical contexts. Students examine and respond to literary works of American writers. Students will write a research paper. Summer reading and writing is recommended. Students prepare for the Advanced Placement Examination in English Language and Composition to earn possible college-level credit. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” World Literature 7/8 EN, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: None Students study world literature—poetry, non-fiction, Shakespearean drama, the short story and the novel—with a particular emphasis on social and cultural comparison and universal literary themes. Study of these forms provides the basis for student writing in a variety of modes, which reflect the California State Standards in the language arts. Students study advanced vocabulary, writing style, critical reading, and composition skills. Students will write a research paper. Contemporary Themes in Literature 7/8 EN, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: None This course covers the same state content standards as World Literature but takes a thematic approach to the study of literature. Traditional and contemporary literature is the basis for integrating reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The literature selections include fiction, non-fiction, essay, drama, and poetry. Four themes--Ethics, Leadership, Work, and Success--are examined through the literature and are used as a basis for expository and persuasive writing and project assignments. This class emphasizes real-life application of curriculum. English Literature and Composition 7/8 AP EN, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: None Students participate in an intensive study of world literature—poetry, Shakespearean drama, the literary essay and the novel—with a particular emphasis on those skills necessary for the AP English Literature and Composition Exam. Study of these forms provides the basis for student writing in a variety of modes, which reflect the California State Standards in the language arts. Particular emphasis is placed on analytical essays responding to literature. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) EN, (CSU, UC-“b”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: None The Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) was designed to improve the readiness of high school students for English competency in college, whether in the CSU, UC, or the California Community College (CCC) systems, and employs a research based effective practices approach for teaching both reading and writing. Students earning a C or better are qualified to waive the California State University Placement Exam in English.

English Electives Advanced Journalism: Editing, Design, & Management EL, (CSU, UC-“g”)


Grade Level Option: 9-12 Students design, prepare for publication and promote the school's yearbook, Teocali. In this class students work together, develop consistent work habits, and meet publishing deadlines. Student assignments include theme layout, picture schedules, sales promotions, financial accounting, copy writing, art design, photography, and record maintenance. Desktop publishing skills are learned and used extensively. Creative Writing 7/8 EL, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 11, 12 Prerequisite: English 5/6; Students must be concurrently enrolled in a “b” English class or 5/6 or 7/8. This course offers students the opportunity to create written texts of varying lengths in their own areas of interest. They will be given an opportunity to experiment with poetry, the short story, and drama. Above all, creativity will be stressed. Journalism 1/2 EL, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 This course introduces students to the field of journalism in theory and practice, including the technical, production, and business aspects. The fundamentals of basic journalism and publishing are learned, refined, and used in this activity-oriented setting. Students learn the place of newspapers in our society, survey career opportunities in journalism, and learn the basic skills necessary for writing and producing a newspaper. Journalism3-8 EL, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grades Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Journalism 1/2 The work in these courses consists entirely of writing, editing, publishing, and distributing the student newspaper, The Aztec. Student editors are assigned on the basis of ability and experience.


Math Intervention Integrated Math I Extension 1/2 EL Grade Level Option: 9 Prerequisite: None Math I Extension is an elective, intervention class for students enrolled in Integrated Math I that need extra support. In this class, teachers use collaborative learning groups and other strategies to re-teach core concepts from the Math I course. Students have time to complete homework assignments, review critical concepts and build technical literacy in the computer lab as they work through the Math I online curriculum at their own pace. Integrated Math II Extension 1/2 EL Grade Level Option: 10 Prerequisite: None Math II Extension is an elective, intervention class for students enrolled in Integrated Math II that need extra support. In this class, teachers use collaborative learning groups, adaptive software and other strategies to reinforce core concepts from the Math II course. Students receive support on homework/assignments, review critical concepts and build technical literacy in the computer lab as they work through the Math II online curriculum at their own pace.


Math Integrated Math I 1/2, SDAIE M, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 9 Prerequisite: None Integrated Math 1 is the first course of a three course sequence including Integrated Math 1, Integrated Math 2, and Integrated Math 3. This course satisfies the California Common Core Standards for Integrated Math 1 and is intended for all ninth graders. Integrated Math 1 builds and strengthens students’ conceptual knowledge of functions, linear functions, equations, inequalities, sequences, basic exponential functions, systems of linear equations, systems of linear inequalities, one variable descriptive statistics, correlation and residuals, analyzing categorical data, mathematical modeling, and both coordinate and transformational geometries. Integrated Math II 1/2, SDAIE M, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 10 Prerequisite: None Integrated Math 2 is the second course of a three course sequence (Integrated Math 1, 2, 3). This course satisfies the California Common Core Standards for Integrated Math 2 and is intended for tenth graders. Math 2 introduces quadratic functions, comparing them to linear and exponential models from Math 1. Students use the Pythagorean Theorem from Math 1 to represent circles and parabolas. Students explore the complex number system during their exploration of quadratic equations. Students extend their statistical work from Math 1 by exploring probability models and prediction. Finally, students use similar triangles and right triangle trigonometry to solve real-world problems. Students also construct formal proofs and build up a series of crucial geometry theorems. Integrated Math III 1/2, SDAIE M, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 11 Prerequisite: None Pending Approval Accelerated Math I 1/2 M, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 9 Prerequisite: None Accelerated Math 1 is the first course of a three course sequence including Accelerated Math 1, Accelerated Math 2, and Accelerated Math 3. This course satisfies the California Common Core Standards for Integrated Math 1 and is intended for accelerated, gifted and/or highly motivated ninth graders. Accelerated Math 1 builds and strengthens students’ conceptual knowledge of functions, linear functions, equations, inequalities, sequences, basic exponential functions, systems of linear equations, systems of linear inequalities, one variable descriptive statistics, correlation and residuals, analyzing categorical data, mathematical modeling, and both coordinate and transformational geometries. Special emphasis will be paid to enrichment activities, projects, mathematical discourse and development of critical thinking and analysis skills. No extra point for GPA calculation Accelerated Math II 1/2 M, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 10 Prerequisite: None Accelerated Math 2 is the second course of a three course sequence (Accelerated Math 1, 2, 3). This course


satisfies the California Common Core Standards for Integrated Math 2 and is intended for accelerated, gifted and/or highly motivated tenth graders. Accelerated Math 2 introduces quadratic functions and compares them to linear and exponential models from Accelerated Math 1. Students use the Pythagorean Theorem from Integrated Math 1 to represent circles and parabolas. Students explore the complex number system during their exploration of quadratic equations. Students extend their statistical work from Integrated Math 1 by exploring probability models and prediction. Finally, students use similar triangles and right triangle trigonometry to solve real-world problems. Students also construct formal proofs and build a series of crucial geometry theorems. Special attention will be paid to introducing trigonometry concepts such as: Law of Sines, Law of Cosines, the Unit Circle and graphs of trigonometric functions. Special emphasis will be paid to enrichment activities, projects, mathematical discourse and development of critical thinking and analysis skills. No extra point for GPA calculation Accelerated Math III 1/2 M, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 11 Prerequisite: None Pending Approval Algebra IB M, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra I A Completion of this course will meet the Algebra I “c” mathematics entrance requirement for the University of California and California State systems. Informal Geometry 1/2 M, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Algebra I 1/2 or Algebra I B The content of this course is the same as Geometry ½ the difference is a focus on inductive rather than deductive reasoning. The course of study includes applications to the real world, congruence, similarity, polygons, circles, transformations, right triangles, area and volume. Geometry 1/2 , SDAIE M, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Algebra 1/2; Algebra I B This rigorous course of study includes the development of deductive and inductive reasoning, applications to the real world, congruence, similarity, circles, transformational geometry, right triangle trigonometry, area, volume, and locus. Practical Geometry 1/2 M Grade Level Option: 11, 12 The focus of this course emphasizes hands-on and real world application. The course of study includes congruence, similarity, circles, transformational geometry, right triangle trigonometry, area, volume, and algebra integration. The course meets the graduation requirement for Geometry. Algebra II 1/2 M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Geometry 1/2 This course includes the study of linear functions, quadratic functions, polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential functions and logarithms, series and sequences, matrices, conic sections, probability, and statistics.


Algebra II 1/2 Honors, EL, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 This is a rigorous course, which includes the in-depth study of functions--linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic—and their applications, matrices, linear programming, series and sequences, probability and statistics, and conic sections. No extra point for GPA calculation. Algebra IIA 1/2 M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Geometry 1/2 or Geometry Informal This course includes the study of linear functions, polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential functions and logarithms, matrices, Completion of this course and Algebra II B will meet the Algebra II “c,” Mathematics, entrance requirement for the University of California and California State University systems. Algebra IIB 1/2 M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Algebra II A or Algebra II, Semester 1. This course includes the study of quadratic functions, series and sequences, conic sections, probability, and statistics. Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus 1/2 M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c/g”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: Integrated Math III The course covers the study of trigonometric and circular functions and graphs, trigonometric identities, law of sines and cosines, right triangle trigonometry, vectors, limits, polar and parametric equations, partial fractions, mathematical induction, and polynomials operations. Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus 1/2 Honors M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c/g”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: Integrated Math III This course is a rigorous and accelerated program, which covers trigonometry and pre-calculus and beginning calculus topics. It includes the study of trigonometric and circular functions and graphs, trigonometric identities, law of sines and cosines, right triangle trigonometry, vectors limits, polar and parametric equations, partial fractions, mathematical induction, analytic geometry, and an introduction to differentiation and integration. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Statistics and Probability 1/2 M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c/g”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: Integrated Math III This course is an introduction to the study of probability, interpretation of data and fundamental statistical problem solving. It will provide students with a solid foundation in probability and the facility to process statistical information. The course content includes measures of central tendency, variability, normal curves, skewed distributions, and statistical inference. Probability of events will be modeled through simulation techniques. Use of technology will be emphasized. Statistics 1/2 AP M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c/g”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: Integrated Math III This course introduces students to the major concepts and tools of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students will be exposed to four broad conceptual themes:


exploration of data, the planning of a study, anticipating patterns by producing models using probability and simulation, and statistical inference. Graphing calculators will be required. This course is designed to prepare students for the AP exam. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Elementary Calculus M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c/g) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: Integrated Math III Prerequisite: Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus 1/2 Students study functions, limits, continuity, differentiation and integration of rational polynomials, circular- exponential-logarithmic functions, inflection points, curve analysis, area between two curves, volume of revolution, and applications to problems in science. Calculus AB 1/2 AP M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c/g”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: Integrated Math III Students study functions, limits, continuity, differentiation and integration of rational, polynomial, and exponential-logarithmic functions. Students also learn graph analysis, area between two curves, volume of revolution, and applications to problems in science. This course is designed to prepare students for the AP exam. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Calculus BC 1/2 AP M, EL, (CSU, UC-“c/g”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: Integrated Math III This course is the second of two entry-level college calculus classes. It includes the study of analysis of functional behavior, infinite series, Taylor’s series, parametric equations, arc length, multiple integration, differential equations, and dynamics of particle motion. Students enrolled take the Advanced Placement exam in May. This course receives special GPA “weighting. Math Computer Programming M, EL, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 10-12 This course will introduce computer programming by using the concepts of a few languages such as C++, Visual Basic, and Java. The course will also cover the basic concepts of computer networking.


Physical Education courses are designed to provide a cross section of competitive, recreational, and spectator sports activities. Emphasis is placed on rules, terminology, and basic fundamentals for each activity studied. Students are required to earn 20 units of Physical Education credit, 10 of these credits to be earned in Grade 9.

Physical Education1/2 PE Grade Level Option: 9 This introductory course is designed to develop fitness and basic skills through individual and team activities. Classes are offered that increase strength, flexibility and cardio-respiratory endurance while focusing on the cognitive, social, and emotional well- being of the student. The appreciation and knowledge of the effects of exercise on the body as well as the development of a lifetime fitness program are the goals of the course. Use of the text Fitness for Life helps to connect cognitive and practical applications.


Physical Education 3-8 PE, EL Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: PE 1/2 This course is designed to develop fitness and knowledge of movement skills through individual and team activities. Students participate in activities that increase strength, flexibility and cardio-respiratory endurance as well as focusing on cognitive, social and emotional well-being. Aerobics PE, EL Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: PE 1/2 This course is designed to improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance through aerobics. Students learn to develop and maintain a lifelong personal fitness program and to improve muscle tone and strength through weight and flexibility exercise. Athletic Theory PE, EL Grade Level Option: 9- 12 (subject to eligibility and coaches’ approval) Prerequisite: Approval of coach; 2.0 GPA, and proof of insurance The theory classes are designed to meet the needs of students who have demonstrated exceptional athletic skills and abilities through theoretical and physical preparation and instruction. The classes are designed to prepare students for interscholastic competition. Athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA. These classes shall develop basic skills, teach advanced skills, and promote strategies along with analytical and theoretical thinking. Basketball Fitness PE, EL Grade Level Option: 10, 11, and 12 Prerequisite: PE 1/2 This class provides students with the opportunity to participate in basketball as an individual and team sport. Students are exposed to the fundamentals of basketball. Sportsmanship, mental and physical conditioning, and strategy are emphasized. On conditioning days students will lift weights, run and participate in other individual or team sports activities. Weight Training and Conditioning PE, EL Grade Level Option: 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: PE 1/2 This is a one-year co-ed course that covers the principles of weight training and fitness with adaptation for individual students to successfully complete the course. The weight program follows a progressive resistance experience with special attention given to proper technique and use of equipment for each exercise and safety procedures. Terminology, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, nutrition, and other basic factors of a total strength and fitness program are also cover.


Life/Biological Science Biology1/2, SDAIE SC-L, (CSU, UC- “d/g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12


Students study living organisms, their structure, function, and human impact on the environment and man. Laboratory activities are an integral part of the course and involve both individual and team study of biological concepts. Biology 1/2 Honors SC-L, (CSU, UC-“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 9, 10 This course has the same objectives as Biology 1/2; however, it is an accelerated and enriched course. In addition, students study biological concepts such as structure and function of plants and animals, diversity of type and unity of pattern, change in organisms through time, genetic continuity, and features of the environment, homeostasis, and behavior. Scientific investigation and inquiry will be emphasized. Laboratory work and research are integral parts of the course. Biology 3/4 AP SC-L,EL(CSU, UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 11, 12 Units covered include the diversity of life, the biology of plants, and the biology of animals, the chemistry of living things, energetics, genetics, ecology, and physiology. This course is designed to prepare students for the AP exam. This course receives special GPA “weighting.”

Interdisciplinary Science Environmental Science 1/2 SC-L/P,(CSU, UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Designed as a laboratory class, this course explores the inter-relationships between the various living and non-living systems on Earth. Topics include the exploration of ecosystems that covers an understanding of habitats, biodiversity, energy flow, and nutrient cycling. Students will explore air and water pollution, endangered species, recycling, human impact on natural resources, and land-use planning. Emphasis will be placed on analysis and problem solving in relation to environmental concerns. Environmental Science 1/2 AP SC-L/P,(CSU, UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Biology 1/2 The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Basic topics will include basic science processes, environmental history, ecology, geology, population dynamics, food water and geological resources, pollution, how humans alter the environment, endangered species, legislation, economics, and politics. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Physiology 1/2 SC-L, EL(CSU, UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Biology 1/2, Chemistry 1/2 This is a lab science course in which the student investigates anatomical and physiological concepts of the human organism. Principles of Microbiology1/2 SC-L, EL(CSU, UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Biology 1/2, Chemistry 1/2


This course is a general survey of microbiology, which includes the study of cell structure and function, basic chemicals of life, historical aspects, sterilization and disinfection, antibiotics and chemotherapy, and various groups of microorganisms during the first semester. Semester two deals with the study of microbes related to disease and wellness as well as industrial and applied food microbiology. Designated laboratory activities provide hands-on application of theory.

Physical Science Chemistry 1/2, SDAIE SC-P, EL(CSU, UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Integrated Math I Students study the composition and changes of matter. They are exposed to the fundamental concepts and techniques in chemistry. Laboratory experiments with written reports are an integral part of the course. Chemistry ½ Honors SC-P, EL(CSU, UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 This course has the same objectives as Chemistry 1/2; however, it is an accelerated and enriched course. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Chemistry 3/4 AP SC-P, EL(CSU, UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 In this college level course, students continue their study of chemistry. In-depth discussions of physical chemistry and organic chemistry are included. Laboratory work is an integral part of the course. This course is designed to prepare students for the AP exam. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Earth Science SC-P, EL(CSU, UC “g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 This is an introductory Earth Science course that covers all of the State of California standards for Earth Science. These standards include geology, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, weather, anatomy of the Earth, mapping, astronomy, and environmental processes and concerns. Physics 1/2 SC-P, EL(CSU, UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Through mathematics and laboratory experiments, students explore motion, energy, electricity, optics and modern physics. Physics 1 1/2 AP SC-P, EL(CSU,UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 In this college level course students study classical and modern physics. Topics include mechanics, kinetic theory and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, and modern physics. Students will apply these topics in problem solving exercises. The class is designed to prepare students for the AP exam. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Physics C 1/2 AP SC-P, EL(CSU,UC“d/g”) Grade Level Option: 11, 12 This enriched and accelerated college level course is designed for students planning to major in the physical sciences or engineering. Students engage in an intensive and analytic study of physics with a strong emphasis on problem solving. Topics covered include mechanics, electricity and magnetism, with the use of calculus in problem solving and in derivations expected to increase as the course progresses. This course is designed to prepare students for the AP exam.


This course receives special GPA “weighting.”


Mark Keppel High School’s social science courses are designed to incorporate state standards into all required courses. Three years of social science are required for graduation, including one year of World History, Culture, and Geography; one year of United States History; one semester of American Government and Civics; and one semester of Economics.

World History, Culture, and Geography 1/2, SDAIE SS, (CSU, UC-“a/g”) Grade Level Option: 10,11, 12 Prerequisite: None In this course, students examine major turning points in the shaping of the modern world, from the late eighteenth century to the present. The year begins with an introduction to current world issues and then continues with a focus on the expansion of the West and the growing interdependence of people and cultures throughout the world. Research projects are required and tests include essays. World History, Culture, and Geography 1/2 AP SS, (CSU, UC-“a/g”) Grade Level Option: 10 This course has the same objectives as World History, Culture, and Geography 1/2; however, it is an accelerated and enriched course. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” United States History/Geography1/2, SDAIE SS, (CSU, UC-“a/g”) Grade Level Option: 11 Prerequisite: None In this course, students examine major turning points in American history in the twentieth century. After a brief review, certain themes will be emphasized: the expanding role of the federal government and federal courts; the continuing tension between the individual and the state and between minority rights and majority power; the emergence of a modern corporate economy; the impact of the technology on American society and culture; change in the ethnic composition of American society; the movements toward equal rights for racial minorities and women; and the role of the United States as major world power. Essay exams, oral reports, and research papers are required. United States History 1/2AP SS, (CSU, UC–“a/g”) Grade Level Option: 11 This course has the same objectives as United States History/Geography 1/2; however, it is an enriched and accelerated course designed to prepare students for the AP exam, given nationwide in the spring. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” American Government/Civics, SDAIE SS, (CSU, UC-“a/g”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: None Length of Course: One semester


In this course, students apply knowledge gained in previous years of study to pursue a deeper understanding of the institutions of American government. In addition, they draw on their studies of American history and of other societies to compare different systems of government in the world today. This course should be viewed as the culmination of the civic literacy strand that prepares students to vote, to reflect on the responsibilities of citizenship, and to participate in community activities. This course is taken back to back with Economics. Research papers and essay exams are required. Economics, SDAIE SS, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 12 Prerequisite: None Length of Course: One Semester In this one-semester course, students deepen their understanding of the economic problems and institutions of the nation and world in which they live. They learn to make decisions on economic issues as citizens, workers, consumers, business owners and managers, and members of civic groups. Students add to the economic understandings they acquired in previous grades and apply tools (such as graphs, statistics, and equations) learned in other subject fields to better understand and appreciate the complexity of our economic system. This course is taken back-to-back with American Government/Civics. Economics AP SS, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 12 Course: Year-long course This yearlong course has the same objectives as Economics; however, it is an enriched and accelerated course that offers students the opportunity to do introductory college level work in Economics. Essay exams and research papers are required. This course also prepares students for Economics AP exams in macro/micro economics. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Human Geography AP SS, (CSU, UC-“a”) Grade Level Option: 9 Prerequisite: None The purpose of the AP course in Human Geography is to introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth's surface. Students employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences. They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their science and practice. Psychology 1/2 SS, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 11, 12 Prerequisite: None This elective course is in the area of Social Science. The class provides a comprehensive study of Psychology with practical applications in the areas of learning, motivation, development, personality, abnormal psychology, intelligence, social psychology, biology, perception and sleep and dreams. Psychology 1/2 AP SS, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 11, 12 Prerequisite: None This course has the same objectives as Psychology; however, it is an enriched and accelerated course that offers the student the opportunity to do introductory college level work in Psychology. Essay exams and research papers are required. This course also prepares students for the AP exam in Psychology. This course receives special GPA “weighting.”


Visual and Performing Arts

Visual Arts Program Art History AP FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 9, 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: None This course is a survey of art form prehistoric to modern times. No prior experience in art or art history is required. Students who enjoy history and literature or any of the studio arts are encouraged to enroll. Mastering the course content will provide the student with an opportunity to qualify for college credit by taking the advanced placement exam in the spring. Drawing and Painting 1/2 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None In this year-long art course students engage in an assortment of drawing and painting activities which explore a range of techniques and media. Emphasis is placed on learning and implementing the language of art and design while developing and exhibiting individual work. All classroom assignments serve as foundations for personal art work and advanced portfolio development. Drawing and Painting 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Drawing and Painting 1/2 In these courses, students continue to develop drawing and painting skills while closely studying specific design principles. Students may work independently on advanced assignments to develop a personal portfolio.

Communications Debate 1/2 EL, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 9- 12 Prerequisite: None This course provides students with introductory experiences in speaking formally before audience as well as opportunities for students to participate in and prepare for speech and debate tournaments. Students will study the fundamentals of written a and oral communication, will experience a wide variety of writing opportunities and participate in various real-life situations/projects essential in helping students prepare for success in the world of work, higher education and forensic competitions. Each novice must participate in a minimum of four tournaments per semester, practice in class, after school, and become a member of the National Forensic League. Debate 3-8 EL, (CSU, UC-“g”) Grade Level Option: 10,11, 12 Prerequisite: Debate 1/2


Students will continue to gain knowledge and understanding of the use of research skills, reasoning ,writing and critical thinking. They will apply these skills in the debate of current events through composition, analytical reading, and oral communication in preparation and practice for speech and debate events at weekend tournaments; events include Lincoln-Douglas and team debate, extemporaneous speaking, Congress, persuasive speaking, oratory and interpretation. Students are required to attend three (3) weekend tournaments each semester to receive credit.

Drama Drama 1/2 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 9, 10, 11, and 12 Prerequisite: None The course is designed to introduce the art of the actor through performance. Through various processes, each student will discover what is encompassed in the history of drama and the dramatic profession. Through vocabulary building, reading scripts, writing short essays and journals, acting and lecture, students will have a beginning understanding of the history of drama and the process of acting. Students are required to attend outside theatre performances, work on a theatre production and complete two group or independent projects. Drama 3-8, H FA, EL, (CSU,UC-“f/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Drama 1/2 In this intermediate drama course students will further develop communication skills and participate in a more in-depth study of the theatre, including acting and technical theatre terminology, theatre history, the structure of the play, and play criticism. Students will study improvisation, pantomime and movement acting techniques. Students are required to attend outside theatre performances, work on a theatre production and complete several independent projects. Technical Theatre I FA, EL. (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 This course consists of a study of the theory and practice of set design, construction, sound and lighting for plays, dance productions, choral and instrumental productions. Students make scenery, furniture, props, and learn about stage lighting and sound equipment, act as stage crew during assemblies and for school and civic performances. Students are required to be available to work on evening performances each semester to pass the class. Technical Theatre II FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Technical Theatre I Students will create the designs for the sets, lights, costumes and sound for school productions, including sketches, ground plans, renderings, color charts/swatches and models. Students will work as crew chiefs and supervise the Tech I students during construction and production. Stage Management responsibilities, with full prompt books will also be required for each production. Students will investigate the history of theatre architecture and stage design. Problem solving and working well under pressure will be stressed.

Dance Dance 1/2 FA, PE, EL (CSU, UC“f”) Grade Level Option: 9-12


Prerequisite: None In this course students participate in various aspects of movement. The student will obtain aesthetic perception and valuing, creative expression, and will study dance heritage. Those goals will be accomplished by various activities and performance throughout the course. Expression exploration of dance style and forms will take place through creative development of space, time, and force. Dance 3-8 FA, PE, EL Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Dance 1/2 In this course students participate in advanced aspects of movement as a continuation of Dance 1/2. The student will obtain aesthetic perception and valuing, creative expression, and will study dance heritage. Those goals will be accomplished by various activities and performance throughout the course. Expression exploration of dance style and forms will take place through creative development of space, time, and force.

Music Program

Music education in high school develops and refines students’ ability to read, play, analyze, compose, and appreciate music. Classes include performance, rehearsal, and theory work. All courses in the Music Department satisfy the graduation requirement of 10 credits in Fine Arts.

Orchestra (Mark Keppel Aztec Orchestra) FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Audition This course gives the student an opportunity to learn and perform orchestral literature in school, musical theatre, and community concerts. Basic goals include the development of advanced instrumental techniques and music theory. String, wind, and percussion instrumentalists are included in Orchestra. Advanced Band (Concert and Marching Band) FA, PE, EL(CSU, UC “f”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Intermediate/Advanced wind and percussion players or director approval This course gives students an opportunity to learn and perform popular and classical band literature. Basic goals include the development of advanced instrumental techniques and music theory. Wind and percussion instrumentalists are included in Band. Guitar 1/2 FA, EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: none This course gives students an opportunity to learn and perform various genres of guitar music, including folk, popular, and classical. Students learn fundamentals of good guitar technique, note and chord reading, improvisation, and composition. Students perform in two concerts a year. Piano FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f/g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None In this, introductory piano course students study the elements of music (melody, harmony, rhythm, and form) and how they are used to create style. Students will be introduced to the different genres of music for the piano including Classical, Jazz, Gospel, Rock, Popular Song and Ragtime and learn to identify musical elements unique to that style. They will also study the historical period in which the genre was developed, as well as the roles of musicians in those periods. Emphasis is placed on learning and appropriately using


musical terminology, reading music, and developing musicianship in both solo and ensemble playing. Students will be required to participate in class performances. World Drumming FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None This course gives students an opportunity to learn and perform percussi0n and drum music from many world cultures, with an emphasis on African and Latin American music. Note reading, snare drum rudiments, and drum set are also included. Students perform in two concerts a year. Mixed Chorus FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None Students perform beginning and intermediate level literature from various selected eras of musical histories. In addition to the techniques of rehearsal and performance, students learn the theory and history of the music performed. The director schedules required performances. Outside rehearsal and performance is required. Classroom studies include vocal technique and unison to four-part music. The course may be repeated for additional credit. Advanced Choir (Aztec Singers) FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“f/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Audition and previous experience in a choral group This advanced choral class offers students many performance opportunities at concerts, festivals, and school and community events. A variety of choral literature will be studied throughout the year. This course also includes study in music theory, sight-reading, solo/ensemble performance, and intermediate to advanced vocal technique. Attendance at performances is mandatory and participation is required for the entire year. Outside rehearsal and performance is required. Submission of a personal research portfolio is required. Course may be repeated.


The primary purpose of world language study is to provide students with opportunities to acquire communication skills beyond the limits of their native language and culture as well as to provide reinforcement of native languages, literature and cultures. These courses fulfill the graduation requirement of 10 credits in foreign language or fine arts.

Placement Criteria for AP Foreign Language Courses: The criteria for placement in all foreign language Advanced Placement courses have been standardized for Alhambra School District. Students interested in taking these courses must meet the following criteria: Spanish Language 1/2 AP Grade Level Option 10, 11, & 12 Requirement for Standard Spanish Student:

Spanish Literature & Culture 1/2 AP Grade Level Option 10, 11, & 12 Requirements:


Completion of Spanish 1/2, 3/4, and 5/6 or 3 years. Requirement for Heritage/Native Spanish speaking students: Completion of Spanish NS 1/2, NS 3/4, and NS 5/6. (Some students may be allowed to skip 5/6 with teacher recommendation.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - French Language 1/2 AP Grade Level Option 10, 11, & 12 Requirement for Standard French Student: Completion of French 1/2, 3/4, and 5/6 or 8 years or by teacher recommendation

Completion of Spanish Language 1/2 AP and teacher recommendation - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chinese Language and Culture AP Grade Level Option 10, 11, and 12 Requirement for Standard Chinese Student: Completion of Mandarin NS 5/6 and/or teacher recommendation.


French 1/2 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to develop basic communication skills for the beginning student. The stress is on developing, listening and speaking skills with meaningful input. Students are allowed to progress naturally through the developmental stages: comprehension, early production, and speech emergence. Reading, writing, and cultural awareness are introduced as well. French 3/4 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: French 1/2 or credit by examination This course is designed to strengthen skills acquired in first year. Additional vocabulary is acquired and basic structures are reinforced. Stress continues to be on communication in spoken and written form. Reading selections and audiovisual material expose students to French culture and civilization. French 5/6 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: French 3/4 or credit by examination This course is designed to develop effective use of the language in oral and written expression. Cultural, historical and literary reading selections provide greater understanding of the French-speaking people. The class is conducted in French. This course is a prerequisite for French 7/8. French 7/8 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: French 5/6 or credit by examination This course is designed to make effective use of the language in oral and written expression. Students explore art, architecture, music, science and literature of the language and their influence on other cultures. French Language and Culture AP FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12


Prerequisite: French 5/6 This course covers the equivalent of a third year college course in advanced French composition and conversation. It stresses oral skills, composition and grammar. The course seeks to develop language skills that are useful in themselves and that can be applied to various activities and disciplines rather than to the mastery of any specific subject matter. Extensive training in the organization and writing of composition is an integral part of the course. This course receives special GPA “weighting.”

Chinese Mandarin 1/2 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e”) Grade Level Option: 9-1 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to develop basic communication skills for the beginning student. The stress is on developing listening and speaking skills through the use of meaningful input. Students are allowed to progress naturally through the developmental stages: comprehension, early production, and speech emergence. Reading, writing, and cultural awareness are introduced as well. Mandarin 3/4 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Mandarin 1/2 or credit by examination This course is designed to strengthen skills acquired in first year Mandarin. Additional vocabulary is acquired and basic structures are reinforced. Stress continues to be on communication in spoken and written form. Reading selections and audiovisual material expose students to the culture and civilization. The class is conducted in Mandarin Chinese as much as possible. Mandarin 5/6 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Mandarin 3/4 or credit by examination This course is designed to develop the more complex grammatical patterns of oral and written expression. Cultural, historical and literary reading selections provide greater understanding of the Mandarin Chinese speaking people. The class is conducted in Mandarin Chinese as much as possible. Mandarin 7/8 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Mandarin Chinese 5/6 or credit by examination This course is designed to make effective use of the language in oral and written expression. Students explore art, architecture, music, science and literature of the language and their influence on other cultures. The class is conducted in Mandarin Chinese as much as possible. Chinese Language and Culture AP FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Mandarin 5/6 This course is designed to deepen students’ immersion into the language and culture of the Chinese- speaking world. The AP course prepares students to demonstrate their level of Chinese proficiency across the three communicative modes (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) and the five goal areas (communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities). Its aim is to provide students with ongoing and varied opportunities to further develop their proficiencies across the full range of language skills within a cultural frame of reference reflective of the richness of Chinese language and culture. AP Chinese teachers plan and implement a course that focuses on language proficiency while interweaving level and age-appropriate cultural context throughout the course. This course receives special GPA “weighting.”



Spanish 1/2 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None This course is designed to develop basic communication skills for the beginning student. The stress is on developing listening and speaking skills through the use of meaningful input. Students are allowed to progress naturally through the developmental stages: comprehension, early production, and speech emergence. Reading, writing, and cultural awareness are introduced as well. Spanish 3/4 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Spanish 1/2 or credit by examination This course is designed to strengthen skills acquired in first year Spanish. Additional vocabulary is acquired and basic structures are reinforced. Stress continues to be on communication in spoken and written form. Reading selections and audio-visual materials expose students to the culture and civilization. Spanish 5/6 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Spanish 3/4 or credit by examination This third year course is designed to develop the more complex grammatical patterns of oral and written expression. Cultural, historical and literary reading selections provide greater understanding of the Spanish-speaking people. The class is conducted in English and Spanish with Spanish used as much as possible Spanish 7/8 FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Spanish 5/6 or credit by examination This fourth year course is designed to make effective use of the language in oral and written expression. Students explore art, architecture, music, and literature of the language and their influence on other cultures. The class is conducted in Spanish as much as possible. Spanish1/2 Heritage FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Spanish placement test This course is designed for the Hispanic heritage student who needs to develop the basic language skills in reading, writing, and grammar in the Spanish language. Elements of culture found in the many Spanish- speaking countries are introduced. The course is a prerequisite for Spanish 3/4 Native Speaker. This course is not available to students who have been classified FEP (fluent English Proficient.) Spanish 3/4 Honors FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Credit by examination or Spanish 1/2 NS, Heritage This course is designed for English Language Learners whose primary language is Spanish or heritage students who have met the pre-requisite. Its purpose is to improve upon the skills of reading, writing and grammar in the Spanish language. It emphasizes elements of culture found in the many Spanish-speaking countries of the world, thereby expanding the student's consciousness of other peoples and customs. This course is not available to students who have been classified FEP (fluent English speakers.)


Spanish 5/6 Native Speaker FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Credit by examination, Spanish 3/4 NS and teacher recommendation This course is designed to meet the needs of the native or near-native speaker of Spanish. It develops the more complex grammatical patterns of oral and written expression and provides an introduction to the art, history, music and literature of Spain and Latin America. It also acts as an introductory course for the AP Spanish Language program. This class is conducted in Spanish. Spanish Language 1/2 AP FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Spanish 5/6 and teacher recommendation This course is designed to prepare the student to pass the AP Test in Spanish Language. This course covers advanced Spanish composition and conversation. It stresses oral skills, composition, and grammar. The course seeks to develop language skills that are useful in themselves and that can be applied to various activities and disciplines rather than to the mastery of any specific subject matter. Extensive training in the organization and writing of composition is an integral part of the course. This course receives special GPA “weighting.” Spanish Literature & Culture 1/2 AP FA, EL, (CSU, UC-“e/g”) Grade Level Option: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Spanish Language 1/2 AP and teacher recommendation This course is designed to prepare the student to pass the AP Test in Spanish Literature & Culture. The course covers the equivalent of a third-year college course in advanced grammar, composition, conversation and literature. The course seeks to develop the language skills of composition, conversation, reading and literary analysis. This course receives special GPA “weighting.


Conflict Resolution EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: None Conflict Resolution is a one-year course that will instruct students in specific techniques that enhance the resolution of interpersonal conflicts. It includes readings and activities that encourage exploration of the various factors that promote stereotyping and racial and gender intolerance. Models of personal and cultural communication patterns and conflict resolution skills will be developed. Leadership EL Grade Level Option: 9-12 Prerequisite: Election or appointment to student body office Length of Course: One Semester This class is composed of the officers of the Associated Student Body and meets one period each day. The Leadership course develops the qualities and skills needed for effective student government. Emphasis is placed on learning through study, discussion, and direct experience in such areas as parliamentary procedure, group leadership, student activities, and the Associated Student Body budget. It is an opportunity for the class members to learn more about themselves as well as others.


Teacher/Office Aide EL Grade Level Option: 11, 12 Prerequisite: Assignment to certain teachers or offices may call for such skills as bookkeeping, lab experience, typing or other specific skills. Other aide positions may require no specific skill or prerequisite. Under the supervision of a certificated/classified staff member, students enter an employee/employer relationship with their teacher/supervisor. The students perform a variety of clerical, tutorial and supportive roles depending on the needs of the teacher/supervisor. The students have an opportunity to learn good work habits, and attitudes while providing valuable assistance in the classrooms and offices. Students will earn a pass/fail for this class.