review of meeting objectives · 2012. 2. 16. · 2012-2016: erosion and tritium retention for...

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Review of Meeting Objectives CM on Procedures for Evaluation of AM/PMI Data for Fusion B. J. Braams, H.-K. Chung, K. Sheikh Atomic and Molecular Data Unit, Nuclear Data Section Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences February 7-9 2012

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Page 1: Review of Meeting Objectives · 2012. 2. 16. · 2012-2016: Erosion and Tritium Retention for Beryllium Plasma-Facing Materials 2013-2017 (tentative) Plasma-Wall Interaction of Tungsten

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

Review of Meeting Objectives CM on Procedures for Evaluation of

AM/PMI Data for Fusion

B. J. Braams, H.-K. Chung, K. Sheikh

Atomic and Molecular Data Unit, Nuclear Data Section

Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences

February 7-9 2012

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• Who we are:

IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data Unit

• What we do:

IAEA AM Data Unit Activities

• Why we are here:

Long-term Goal : Establishment of the Fusion Relevant Evaluated

Data Library for Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Material Interaction


Short-term Goal : Expansion and International Coordination of Data

Evaluation Activities

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About IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data Unit

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International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

• Founded in 1957

• Vienna, Austria

• 152 Member States (As of November 2011)

• 6 Departments

• 2200 Staff

• assists its Member States, in the context of social and economic goals, in planning for and using nuclear science and technology for various peaceful purposes, including the generation of electricity, and

• facilitates the transfer of such technology and knowledge in a sustainable manner to developing Member States;

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Nuclear Fusion Programs in IAEA

• Physics Section

Fusion Energy Conferences and Meetings on Fusion Research

Nuclear Fusion (Journal)

IFRC (International Fusion Research Council)

• Nuclear Data Section

FENDL (Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library)

IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data Unit

• History

1978: EC, Japan, USA, USSR for EPR (Experimental power reactor)

2007: Formal agreement of 7 ITER members for ITER at IAEA • Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for

the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project

• Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the ITER International Fusion Energy

Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project

2008: Co-operation Agreement between IAEA and ITER

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IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data Unit

• 5 November 1976 at Culham Laboratory, UK

first meeting of the Joint IFRC/INDC Subcommittee on A+M data for fusion

• Review progress and achievements of A+M/PSI data for Fusion


• Stimulate international cooperation in measurement, compilation and

evaluation of A+M / PSI data for fusion

• IAEA A+M Unit formed Jan-Feb 1977

• Currently Two Professional Staffs and One General Staff

Unit Head: Bastiaan Johan Braams [email protected]

Atomic Physicist: Hyun-Kyung Chung [email protected]

Database Clerk: Khalid Sheik [email protected]

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About IAEA A+M Data Unit Activities

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Coordinated Research

Projects (CRP)

Theories Measurements

Fusion Plasma




Databases (AMBDAS, GENIE,


Publications (INDC, APID,










International Coordination of

AM/PSI Data Research for Fusion

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CRP: Coordinated Research Project

IAEA Coordinated Research Projects (CRPs) are a valuable mechanism for

stimulating research in IAEA Member States of relevance to Agency programmes


Generation, compilation and evaluation of data

Establishment of databases

Development of new techniques

Joint research on Nuclear Data and A+M/PMI Data for fusion: Unique Opportunity for Comprehensive and Synergistic Collaboration

Representatives from 10 to 15 institutes world-wide

Duration 3-5 years; 3 Research Coordination Meetings

Data and results:

Journal publications

Technical Reports

Numerical databases and libraries

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Past, Present and Future CRPs

2002-2006: Tritium Inventory in Fusion Reactors

2004-2008: Atomic and Molecular Data for Plasma Modelling

2005-2009: Atomic Data for Heavy Element Impurities in Fusion Reactors

2007-2011: Data for Surface Composition Dynamics Relevant to Erosion Processes

2008-2012: Characterization of Size, Composition and Origins of Dust in Fusion Devices

2009-2013: Light Element Atom, Molecule and Radical Behaviour in the Divertor and Edge Plasma Regions

2010-2014: Spectroscopic and Collisional Data for W from 1 eV to 20 keV

2011-2015: Data for kinetic modelling of molecules of H and He and their isotopes in fusion plasma

2012-2016: Erosion and Tritium Retention for Beryllium Plasma-Facing Materials

2013-2017 (tentative) Plasma-Wall Interaction of Tungsten and its Alloys in Fusion Devices

(More tentative) Data for kinetic modelling of hydrocarbon ions in fusion plasma

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CRP on Spectroscopic and Collisional

Properties of Tungsten from 1 eV to 20 keV

Data needs

• Electron-impact, radiative and

photon-induced, and heavy

particle collision processes

• Cross-sections for kinetic


• Rate coefficients for macroscopic


• Spectroscopic signatures for


Research Coordination Meetings

• First RCM: 13-15 December 2010


•Concerned with W in all plasma regions, edge to core

•Theory and experiment are both represented, with overlap among and between the two

•Aim to produce validated database for tungsten in plasma


A. Müller University of Giessen

N. Nakamura University of Electrocommunications

P. Beiersdorfer LLNL

A. Ryabtsev Russian Academy of Sciences

W. Tchang-Brillet/ Observatoire de Paris

A. . Wyart

R. Srivastava IIT Roorkee

C.-Z. Dong Northwest Normal University

M. Trzhaskovskaya/ St Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute

V. Nikulin

N. Badnell, University of Strathclyde

V. Lisitsa, Kurchatov Institute

F. Koike Kitasato University

J. Colgan, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Yu. Ralchenko, NIST

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International Network : Collaboration

for AM/PSI Data for Fusion

Data Centre Network

ADAS, Summers H.


IAEA, Braams, B. J.

JAEA, Nakano, T.

KAERI, Rhee, Y.

Kurchatov, Martynenko, Yu.

NIFS, Kato, D

NIST, Wiese, W.L.

NFRI, Yoon, J

ORNL, Schultz, D. R.

Fusion Laboratories





ASDEX-Upgrade, IPP





Code Centre Network

Curtin Univ. I. Bray

Kitasato Univ. F. Koike

Univ. Autonoma de Madrid I. Rabadan

Univ. P&M. Curie, Paris, A. Dubois

Univ. of Bari, M. Capitelli

Kurchatov Institute, A. Kukushkin

Lebedev Institute, L. Vainshtein

FZJ, D. Reiter

NIST, Y. Ralchenko

PPPL, D. Stotler

LANL, J. Abdallah Jr.

IAEA, B. J. Braams

Univ. of Toronto, D. Elder

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Univ. ,R. Schneider

HULLAC M. Klapisch

CNEA, P.D. Fainstein

Data Users

Data Producers








Data Evaluators &


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Atomic Molecular Data Information Services

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More International Collaboration and Coordination are needed for

ITER project!

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ITER – the biggest tokamak ever built

JET(EU) Vplasma 80 m3, Ip ~ 3 MA

Pfusion ~16 MW, 1s

tplasma ~30 s

ITER Vplasma 830 m3, Ip = 15 MA

Pfusion ~500 MW, 300 – 500 s

tplasma ~ 600 – 3000 s

TEXTOR(FZJ) Vplasma 7 m3, Ip ~ 0.5 MA

Pfusion 0 MW

tplasma ~ 12 s

ITER is twice as big as the world’s largest currently operating tokamak (JET)

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16.4 m

7.80 m 4 m

- Vessel







_____________ 9 segments, 600 tons steel each

5400 tons steel total

ITER Design

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 DEMO

D. Reiter, ICTP-IAEA Workshop (2012)

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18 toroidal coils


11.3 Tesla (max)

5.3 Tesla on axis,

530 tons steel each

9500 tons steel total

- Vessel

- Toroidal Coils







Eiffel tour:

8 700 tons steel

D. Reiter, ICTP-IAEA Workshop (2012)

ITER Design

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 DEMO

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Peak heat load:

10 MW / m2 on 8 m2

(Carbon based material,

or, maybe, Tungsten )

Discussion 2012-2013…

- Vessel

- Toroidal Coils

- Divertor






D. Reiter, ICTP-IAEA Workshop (2012)

ITER Design

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 DEMO

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- Vessel

- Toroidal Coils

- Divertor

- Poloidal Coils

- Wall / Blanket




D. Reiter, ICTP-IAEA Workshop (2012)

ITER Design

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 DEMO

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70 MW heating

- Vessel

- Toroidal Coils

- Divertor

- Poloidal Coils

- Wall / Blanket

- Ports



D. Reiter, ICTP-IAEA Workshop (2012)

ITER Design

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 DEMO

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- Vessel

- Toroidal Coils

- Divertor

- Poloidal Coils

- Wall / Blanket

- Ports

- Cryostat


- 270 oC

D. Reiter, ICTP-IAEA Workshop (2012)

ITER Design

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 DEMO

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- Vessel

- Toroidal Coils

- Divertor

- Poloidal Coils

- Wall / Blanket

- Ports

- Cryostat


- Heating Systems

- Diagnostics

- Tritium Plant

- Remote Handling

- Control & Data


ITER Design

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 DEMO

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ITER Plasma Modelling:

Broad range of space and timescales ELECTRON TRANSIT


10-8 104 sec 102 100 10-2 10-4 10-6 Ωce









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Pfus 540-600 MW

He flux 2 · 1020s-1

PSOL86-120 MW

ns (2-4)·1019 m-3

Sinj ≤ 10·1022 s-1

Spump ≤ 200 Pa·m-3/s

Zeff ≤1.6

CHe ≤6%

qpk ≤10 MW/m2

Provide sufficient convection without accumulating tritium

and with sufficiently long divertor lifetime (availability).



The ITER divertor design challenge: Control and Operation of Reactor!

D from wall ion flux or Gas puff

Gas pumped out of reactor

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Typical edge transport code runtime (for same model, same equations, same grid size)

1 day

1-2 weeks

3 months

TEXTOR (R=1.75 m) Jülich, GER

JET (R=2.96 m), Oxford, UK

ITER (R=6.2 m), Cadarache, FRA

Because of more important plasma chemistry

(increased non-linearity, non-locality, in sources).

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• Data needs to be “verified” by an expert

• Data needs to be “robust”

• Data needs to be “comprehensive”

• Data needs to be easy to use

• Version control: know what data was used for a particular run, and

which runs used a particular version of the data

• Needs to be efficient

• Needs to be able to address special needs

Requirement for Plasma Modelling: Reliable data sets for AMNS data

Require a Recommended & Internationally Agreed Library for

Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Surface Data

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For Nuclear Data:

Compilation, Evaluation and Dissemination

• Nuclear Reaction Data

NNRD (International Network of Nuclear

Reaction Data Center)

EXFOR (Experimental Data)

EXchange FORmat (1966 1st meeting)

Originally neutron-induced reaction data

and currently charged particle data and

higher energies

~ 19100 exp and 141600 data tables

Maintenance at NDS (IAEA)

ENDF (Evaluated Nuclear Data File)

• Nuclear Structure/Decay Data

NSDD (International Network of Nuclear

Structure and Decay Data Evaluators

ENSDF (Evaluated Data File)

Mass chain evaluations

Data for over 3800 nuclides

Regular meetings since 1974

~ 16 evaluation centres

Master database at NNDC (Brookhaven)

FENDL: Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library

• neutron transport cross-sections up to 150 MeV for 180 materials

• n-, p- and d-activation cross-sections up to 60 MeV for 816 materials

• covariances of the evaluated cross-sections

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For AM/PSI Data: Long-term goal….

Data Users

Data Producers

Data Evaluators

Data Needs

Experimental and Theoretical

Data Production

Data Compilation, Evaluation

and Recommendation

Global Network towards the Internationally Agreed Data Library

for Fusion and other Plasma Applications



Data Centres

Data Evaluators

Code Centres

CRP participants

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Expansion and Coordination of Data

Evaluation Activities with DCN

• Data Collection

Priority List of Data Needs from Data Users (DCN meetings)

Compilation of Available Theoretical and Experimental Data (Local)

Collection at Centralized Location for Unified Access (GENIE)

Agreed Data Exchange Format (XSAMS)

• Data Evaluation

Agreed Guidelines of Evaluation Methods

Methods of extrapolating/interpolating existing data sets

Methods of producing missing data sets

We are Here to Discuss the Roadmap to expand Data

Evaluation activities and possibly an Extended Network.

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Meeting Objectives

• Discussing a Data Evaluators Network (Session 1-2)

Database of Data Evaluators in the world

Database of Existing Evaluated Data


• Agreed Guidelines of Evaluation Methods (Session 3-4)

Evaluation Methods of Experimental and Theoretical Data

Estimate of Uncertainties

• Methods of extrapolating/interpolating existing data sets

• Planning the Future Activities (Session 5)

Effective way to increase the visibility of data evaluation activities in fusion


Effective way of the IAEA A+M unit to help the data evaluation community

and fusion community altogether