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ReviewReviewWords and expressions

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n. 来源,信息源;根源,原因n. (鼠标)点击;咔嗒声vi.&vt. 点击;(使)发出咔嗒声adj. 大量的,充裕的n. 命令;控制;掌握vt. 命令;指挥;控制

Words Review

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vt. 宣称,断言;索取,认领n. 声明,断言;索款,索赔n. 假定,假设n. (pl.) 统计数字,统计数据,统计资料n. 纽带,联系;债券;枷锁vt.&vi. (使)牢固结合

Words Review

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adj. 多种多样的,形形色色的vi. 通信;相一致,符合;相当于n. 世界,全球,地球仪,球体n. 途径,手段,大街vt. 探讨,解决,处理,向……说话,称呼(某人)

Words Review

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vt. 评估,评价n. 准确性;精确度n. 缺点,不足;弱点;虚弱,衰弱adj. 虚假的,伪造的;错误的;人造的n. 教育工作者,教师;教育学家n. 参考,查阅;提到,谈及;介绍信,介绍人

Words Review

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n. 不受干扰的划定空间(如电话亭、投票间等);临时货摊vi. &vt. 脱离(社会),不与人交往;撤回;取(款)n. (大型的正式)会议,研讨会adj. 直言的,坦率的;清楚明白的,易懂的vt. 使担心,使害怕,使警觉n. 警报(器);惊慌;闹钟

Words Review

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turn to somebody/something

at someone’s command

what is more

up to date

drop out

adj. 最新的,现代的,时髦的退学,辍学,退出,脱离受某人支配向……求助更有甚者,更为重要的是


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Reading an argument

When reading an argument, you can do as follows:1. Find out what the argument is about2. Find the points the person wants to make3. Look for supporting facts4. Find the statement about what the other side believes, and why the debater does not agree5. Find the conclusion

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1. How do you make use of the Internet?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet?

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To gain some information about the effects of the Internet on our lives

To get some ideas about how to read an argument

To master the words and expressions in this reading text

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general ideas

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The reading material is about ________.A. The advantages of Internet useB. The disadvantages of Internet useC. The advantages and disadvantages of Internet useD. The function of the Internet


Reading Comprehension I

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Reading Comprehension II

How is the reading text composed? The reading text is made up of two speeches given by two students.


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specific information

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Reading Comprehension III

1. The first speaker talks about the positive effects of the Internet on our lives. How many main points does she make? What are they? Two. Firstly, the Internet is valuable for people who are looking for information. Secondly, we can build social bonds with others through the Internet.

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2. The second speaker talks about the negative effects of the Internet on our lives.

What are the two points he makes? The first point is that the Internet has too much information that has not been evaluated for accuracy. The second one is that it is transforming the way people spend their time.

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Read the following statements. Write for if the statement supports Internet use, or against if it does not. (C1, Page 36)

Reading Comprehension IV


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1 We cannot always tell if the information on the Internet is true.2 Of regular Internet users, 80 per cent employ mostly to search for answers to questions.3 An unfortunate outcome of Internet use is that it damages people’s ability to live normal lives.




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4 With the Internet, people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can correspond and communicate with others around the globe who have similar interests.5 One of the great benefits of Internet friendships is that they are based on common interests, rather than appearance or age.6 This study shows that people who spend too much time on the Internet tend to withdraw from the world round them.




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Read the facts below and write down the argument each fact supports. (Part C2, Page 36)

Discuss in groupsGroup Work

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Supporting facts Arguments One study shows that 80 per cent of Internet users employ it mostly to search for answers to questions.

Young people from diverse backgrounds and different countries can form friendships that will last their entire lives.

Gathering information is the primary use for the Internet.

People use the Internet to build social bonds.

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Supporting facts Arguments In 2003, 70 per cent of eBay’s problems were with people who sold things that did not exist, or who lied about the products they were selling.

According to one study, 43 per cent of the students who had dropped out were heavy computer users.

The huge amount of false information on the Internet becomes more of a problem every day.

Spending too much time building relationships on the Internet can damage people’s abilities to live normal lives.

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The Internet —— Good or Bad?

For reference

The Bad Easy access to pornography ( 淫秽 , 色情物 ).   Viruses and malicious software that affect our home and business computers. If we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes.If we play computer games too much, we won’t study well or get enough exercise.Not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us.

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The Internet —— Good or Bad?

For reference

The GoodAccess to museums and libraries all across the world.Instant access to the latest news and events.Instant access to friends, family and business associates through e-mail, instant messaging, video conferencing, etc.Shopping without leaving your home.Entertainment—music, movies, books, radio, etc.

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1. Can you say some advantages and disadvantages of the Internet?

2. Tell the meanings of the following: abundant, command, assumption statistics, diverse, correspond turn to sb/sth, at sb’s command what is more, drop out, up to date

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Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1. English-Chinese abundant, claim, diverse, globe, up to dat

e, booth, drop out2. Chinese-English 命令,符合,向……说话,伪造的,撤

退,坦率的,使警觉When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.

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请点击 word图标

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Quiz I. 认真阅读课文的 Reading部分,并根据所读内容在下面空格处填入最恰当的单词 (每个空格只填一个单词 ) 。

The effects of the Internet on our livesPositive effectsA (1) _______ source of information● The Internet is the first source to turn to when people need information, such as news, academic (2)________ and weather forecasts.● Users have easy (3)_______ to the largest libraries and museums in the world.● Users can have direct (4)____________ with experts on all sorts of topics.





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Positive effects

A way of building (5)_______ bonds

● Users make friends based on common interests, rather than appearance, age, background or (6)___________.

● The Internet helps disabled people who have to stay in their homes correspond and communicate with others around the globe.



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(7)________ effects

False and (8)____________ information

● It is difficult to know whether the information is true or not.

● There are potential (9)________ when people buy or sell things online.

● False information brings lots of trouble for students in their papers.




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Unhealthy lifestyle

● Users spend less time together with their families.

● The Internet damages people’s ability to live normal lives, making them (10)__________ from the people and the world round them.


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distant change convenient increase log develop safe

communicate spend beneficial

Quiz II 根据文章内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空。

The Influence of the InternetWith the rapid ____________ of the Internet, it has been influencing our daily life tremendously. The Internet has transformed our lives and the way we _____________, how we learn, how we work and _______ free time. In fact, it has more or less _________ every aspect of human society.




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We can benefit a lot from the Internet. Firstly, it is more __________ than ever before. The Internet has greatly shortened the _______ among human beings. Secondly, we can reduce our cost greatly. Although the Internet has brought us many benefits, there can be no denying that it has brought us many inconveniences, even harms as well. First of all, it is not ____ on the Internet. Maybe thousands of people are staring at you when you ___ onto the Internet.




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On the other hand, with the sharply _________ amount of time spent on theInternet, we are starting to lose ourselves, especially for those youngsters. However, the Internet itself is neither right nor wrong. We can _______ from it and may also suffer from it. Nobody can hold back the step forward of the Internet. If we resisted it, we would certainly lag behind other nations. What we should do is to take full use of its advantages and try to avoid the harms it may bring as well.



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Try to retell the text by using the key words below:

positive, effects, value, ability, information, communicate, at one’s command, sceptical, social bond, negative, drawback, weakness, false, drop out, withdraw, limit, handle

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Preview Grammar and usage on Page 40 and find out what Auxiliary verbs are

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1. Read the passage again and review the new words and expressions. 2. 发挥想象,连词成文 (50-100 字 ).

source, click, abundant, command, claim, assumption, statistics, bond, evaluate, accuracy, weakness, false

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