
Reyzele Paper lacework Form 11-a Malik Katherine Adviser : Iryna Fridman

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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Paper lacework

Form 11-a

Malik Katherine

Adviser : Iryna Fridman

HistoryEveryone knows, that the first sheet of paper

was invented in China (2 century B.C.) and the first ornament, that was clipped off of paper had also appeared there. However, only magnates could afford this kind of ornament, because paper wasn’t a cheap material.

In the 7-th century B.C. the art of paper cutting began to spread abroad. Firstly, it came to Japan and then, along the Silk Road to other countries of Eurasia.

This art has very fast and became native in some countries. In 19-20 century, when it was very easy to get paper, literally in every village in houses (on the walls, ceilings, windows) you could see the ornaments, cut from paper. They had different names everywhere.

Ukraine – vitinanki

Russia – virezanki

Belarus – vitsepianki

China – Tszianchji

Lithuania – popieriaus karpiniai

Poland - wycinanka



The Name

Reyzele – translated from Yiddish means “rosette”

Rose (shoshana) is one of the

symbols of Jewish nation. The

love to God is often called rose.

The beloved girl is also often

called a rose. And in those

times, when the Jewish

population of Western Europe

took over the art of clipping off

of paper, the girls mostly were doing it. Here is the connection.

California, the end of ХХ century


If something from other nations appears in Jewish culture, this something

never ever can break the canons of Jewish tradition.

For example, there is a taboo on picturing human being, on Reyzele you’ll never see it.

It is clear, that the bunch

of grapes, from the

Promised Land was

carried by people, not by

Philippine monkeys, but

when you can’t picture

people – you turn to


Each time Jewish masters take something from the surrounding nations, they try to add something own.

The symbol of New

Zealand is a small bird

kiwi. In this Reyzele the

New Zealand and Jewish

culture are connected.

We can understand it

from the seven-branched


(menorah), typical

symbol of Israel.


You’ll need:

A piece of coloured paper

A piece of black paper (or

just dark)

A knife for paper (stationery

knife will do it)

A pencil

Fold the paper twice

Paint whatever

we will paint. The

main thing is that

details must be

connected, anoth

er way they will

simply drop out.

Cut the painted part. Unwrap

Put the glue on the piece of black


It is best to use a glue stick.

We put the glue on the Reyzele,

because otherwise it will live the prints

on the black paper.


And now a small quiz!!!




Is Reyzele only a Jewish kind of art?

Which of the symbols below the most often appear in Reyzele, indigenously Jewish?

None of these symbols are Jewish

What or which symbols of this Reyzele points (point) on its Jewish origin? Paint it (them)

To your mind to which country does each Reyzelebelong? Explain your answer