rhe dead senator lmusnesseno - library of … › lccn › sn83045462 › 1891...have detreboede ft...

TE EVEING STAA AT TOR ffPAR DUILDEG *MURIG uM b.,.. AMR., ...i. b IL Iu ne Evening Stat Newspaper OiingaiW .. . KAU7.AYN. PaWiL . h ?~@' -'l". a .'812El , ..l -.,,i......... 74taioa charsk uga..Dama. a.: :: e :rr ;:s - -.a t'ir own 79.os. N 20,35 WAN Dm lk4*. -o 44c pet mmmln. COJ.sg A th LI MINI m. i&By Mou.ay where ism ruito Lae WSIGO.I.C.MNADEEBR2.19 W Er ~ FINANUIAL. TE AxEmcAx SECURIYI AND TRUST COMPANY. CArrAr 81,25000.00. TRUSTS. The petmepal feature of th beunmees of the Ametarcan Necurty and Treat Campy In etfig in the aperityat Ezeeuer. Aa..s.. .VASe. Trotee. Guardima. IMOMM Ag&. 3eever. Ace rmes. JMsas Eatabs 41. DEPOSITS. 1nteeS pawd em doweite. Thes having moaey ovee md above thebr t. IMPdate reUiNtoe5teahould depaoMt it with me. as such tnwds a teaet et am he shambe ot at aay lime. SAFE BOXES FOR RENT. In the saw vault (the latesta"d only an yet built of this particular pattern) theCeampany has over ali headred sfe deposit bUzee, a am- ber of which ae yet wmaresed. These e ot various eas- sad rest for "5, 07.50. W10. L. 42-. M ad V0 per yewr. Bth besular ad ase eAf sad reed With every maoderm asteguard and esoniemae. X 3TE ATME N T8. For the small as well a0 IaSe eIvetese. we have Detre boede ft eumn of S10. 000 Amn 01.0. partfes Z Pr cest interest. neal Estate rst aergag, metes fag =I% llagin a par c. TEE AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST CO.. M e, 0 sT. . W.. NEW STONE BcumII. A. T. Brttam..... .... PreddrW. C. J. Bell........... Ftrt Vice Preaideal. A. A. Thomma.... Secowd Vice Pftedea Perry B. Metzger........... Treerr. C. T. HAVEZNEN. Wember Wamingtoa Stock Ehehang Real Estate and Stock Broker. aems 0 and 1I. Ataintic buim. IMF stret sothwest. INVESTMENT BECUIRU . Stacks. Bende and Grain boeght and a w s ubor Direct New VoS ad Chicage wires. Telephone 4ia g~L w OODS at CO. BANEEEI. 32|2 F a. i.w. Ae£miet itaat. hrsm., erporatione and capl- taksts solcited. Ow Urtheks arethe b. SEam made em reag sate ad ote availabsee- lateral. EMha6 both freiam A eme ram6 at cm- Sensory s.o=----- Iast et c'edst avatisabe IaB pentse thew fr- WM hae any yew=a for emn ene samhma . CSa er etes anew Iasm Om msema.am gab e Caet WOODS A OO.4 BANKE S. "m AU3ONAE. O AJE DEPOMT COMPAXI OF WAEMmRNTON. .E ZM& rwTZ ST. AND AEW TO= AM CZARTERED BY MPECIAL ACT ON gOrUM JANUARY 2. 18. --e-umMIer at ComceSi2 Z.. !aaantethe bagsin aee TRUST COMPANY a an vartimema.. AILsthe masta SATINGS MAN And efia WME MElIdAT COMPANJ gunmu w aba O* thsan sholesm aa m maat ... ma eaeams . -- - * ef s iema t mmea Iewster. aim ad esncam ae iaW mdessW Wis st " mths Eaeteeammey depoadta -mm at UER CENT5 StMdsm ad alows bmert th . Mony depemted befeo the amt dm ad esateat. Sedd thed day.et themeunh u E baym a bmen the bat day. Sam aams "S. ammtmesduls as. Sls brt-et peel ods ama e, ....... "ama Sf emad upwd. eeweenILVER WARzame an mSlab at TALE- AeMi uosp depast in e-a-ms Vne uosae -smgms eysad mecussay. muw. .SAUS ia E!130aggag 6gg1 ANMUM. 0"-ga-eftye..ga...& L0.0dw cn th ls-hatljmee es am.Ia sah th ash, day cc each mo..ae We 0 ga sapsate * g CMIu te ath" the3 m Emma -MASS anemw*M WM~ 3AM M-. am~m C. OF O allees Vim cre:am .miLn ,..g... usm-e" *AMM N.JE.SO Cimc raDEer Fo ACK DUS REQUIR. ABMENT JL bT~aVAT ______ Ilkctamt: u AL r ease b sae t R. L n De I n. eul and 13|el,. bon m Pitart*. 10111IM I. oof --&--.-tr pa w co.0a N. W MCeh.E. NoT BACILDUENG149 . N.W. Iwmm temcedrWahue S pe mah e. 0 EUi1 edam. h arI~S e ca. a EET ALD Ohbhkui MIAti hIC Fe IL(. N .6 T a s.PmIS lamm..,eeb.,h ang U saa e o e .MAAYNX Me.- jM~sIE.. C~miow QCP3QWN. AWAL NOTICES. OFICE EVENING STAR. A as bseaa scounts afs tis mpaemyase sweasted to send ihbala f amtil--at befoe, the ceeeof the year. TRE EVERN STAR NEWPAPEB CU OWERS OR CONTROLLERS OF HALLS. s 3ere room or ab=ildis thnt will be aval- abe tor quaarterir GA. IL pOe* diag comniff a- an inw"to am& o guates o ---.-n-e--emmemn. At- laMI60 buibdin iest "Bom dwm ~1auon an prime of t sense. L W T. C4----tee Ac----a-knd no10-1a3 B:EiR & GALT. Esth Towels and W-apper. own tme pertation. Neck De-ms and Gloves. a ha" faeign ad Ameriena smakes, BAIRD & GAL. 44-Ist 92174s. TBET AUX VEtY POPULAR. WHAT? ThOsE 18014 LAIMPH. witht T&K. PITTBBU. SB. AND Z. OR DU- W LE ]KAM (NVRNEMK. JUT 1U IOU PREP A VE IORY, WE CAN bUIT YOU. TRE PRICES ARE AWAY DOWN AND SALES ARE LIVELY. WE ARt. CLOSING OUT OUR bTOCK O1 ANDIRONS AND FENDERS. EL F. BIOKS. u5 15TH ST. S.W. CORCORAN BUILDING. d1S-eoow SCAUTION. -WIHING ALL OF OUR M- cblse to vivo the bsiet dexree of majistac- tion. we particularly caution thawe having old oass of our make afainst allowtzg thena to be adjusted else- where than at t" CON'A N X'S OFFICE, whey none tut imuram parts ame used. ad only the avust lusace. able charges, if any, ar made. oeg by postal will .ea..e a..tet..o.. WMEL.14 & WILSON MG. CO.. 26-tth.a.tr , Crithe431 . nmw. COAL. ICE. WOOD. AMhIlCAN ICE CO. Tetephon. 4f Main oke: Southwest torer10th and JMms. n. w. &%%nth cokes: 4WU Peunsylvania aee L.u. .at and Bs . i. wandlIth a.d 14th .Waarves a. W. Qusitty of FUEL unsurpassed. Pricee reson.- able. &tlslation puaganteemL Call RED WAIUON Sl PISCOT ICE. be24 BICYCLES. Ran 1100 T CO L KER g5 an& C TY C L I K sB 00 1 0 0L pOR XMAS PRESNTS-EVERBODY. e FROM " TO S$14M) AT TE "WHZELKILE " 11t! H ST. N W METWEIN SIXTH AND TENTH TREEIS. Isa.m.. Repsaring. Reua. arl MUTH WIEI. MAXro Co. 8""""' wm You CmwaxAa. UhbdwnYOLES~msf~ aO CBEISTMAL WhdhStesdleticamlsamhete a thita WE OrrE The ted asrment ever shown in this diy. e 3igr-wade mistes. new. shop worm or dalghtly amad. hams 050. OD 10ea emmy isymamin. 010 per BMo vme w OA. % Lob ns 4at.3L Opem s Canm demewr stock. CAPITAL CYCLE 00., 43eom 1704mst..w. ]Bl CEz "A0boy AND GIRLS. A fl MAsh of dMdm Vlmiss ea' Tdaele. ATWATE CTCLE 0OMPANT. 3 2Id26-26 Pma. avs. * . p9smiogvma chsa. UENEUL emunMAS PREasmmN 3.eo we gattesw of the thoussad n nu stal articles suitabae for nlida gifts: Patterms et Wool Deem Ooods fim .25 to 615. Patterns of Black and Colored lkstfrom R75to Oft Guaranteed to wear well. now's a pak af CaMteral Wal Ulamati Prtea 65 to 015 a pair. Bow'san Eidwdow Quilt foroff Raw doesam Unlella strike you? We have them in wnal variety. aging tom su. to ft alk What's mane wasful thma a Gommer Watauproou? We have them far Iadian sA childne ban 0 to Ot LMAWis an" Cild-U ar OfSt Mmw $LOU to *;O. Put US. 118c- to 62. 111 and Liasm Bandkerchistsin embroidered, plain and hia="sL tmm z. to 82 aiscm-put up in fany Any marehmlieIegh vf ala fmt holday pwemia md ivitg am isuym he esebasied after JO1MO5 & LUTTRZLL, 417 713 M-a- space.. W. HAVE MAv- GEATISEPARATIONS FORTE NOL- IDATS NOW S0 NEAR AT RAND. OUR 3MIGIVE-STORY3BUILDIEGONTAINS EVEETTRING TRAT IS NEW AND DE- RmAnM IN MED OO AND PARLOR IURITURRK OUR CAMPET NIGOR I3 1EPLET WITE TEE LATEST AND AND WE INVITE TOU TO INaiPE WE RAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAU. CA3INETS. 1.5*1EW WRITING DESKS, 300KECARES. ANCY BOCEnS NEATLY UPROLSTERED IN 11LO33. RATTAN ROCKERSn ROCES 1I31mmRn IN SIETEENTE CENTUET ST33.E. CHINA ClnSETS. CRINIIOEIRS.n CENTER TAMIES AND A TEOUSAND OTEEE TEE REST TEING A3OUT IT I5 TEE FACT TEAT WE WiLL MARE TEE PAY. DENTS EAWT ON ALL1 TEEEE TEINGS. COE IN AND TALE IT OVER WIT. IHOLIDAY 3&9Tmwo 301T3B1 AND Ii& Phem hsstd IsEsTo , -R CUT AND Emeam * eMS WAR, m m.Tu AuD ag.82 WAN, leMes M *34 ansmmwsseen amss~sasen SPECIAL NOTICES, WAHIGTON CONSISTORY NO. 7. H. P. R. S.. 120 A. A. . 3., wfi hold rendesvous on TUESDAY. December '. 1Pi. at 7:30 p.m.. Wet Ed Masonic Hall corner 3iMb st. ad Pensaylvania are. n. w. Work 1o fll foram. All Bcottish Mte Mons (Cerneau) Invited. By order ANSON U. TAYLA). dlO-2 3!l=. Gr. Sec. EZ NOTICE TO STOCEBOLDER. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wash- ingrton ad Aleandia TurnpikeOimpany Is called for MOINDA 1. J.anuary 4. 1 NW. at I I o'clock a.m.. at the 0a0e of the Wahinurton Southern Railway Cmpsny. Cantrn and Fayette "ta. Alexaunra. Va. Election fr five directors and a clerk and treasure same day n4a 4 tu ALBERT HEWSON. Clerk. IT 18 TIME FOR CHI4LY WEATHER. The true state of affairs-our stock of fne Christman and New Years is hard to dupli- cate. Nxamine them. C. C. BRYAN. 1413 N. Y. ave. THE REST ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOKS hem in Profusion. as well as Art Col oad instructive and pleasing Books for children and older people. The prices will msaaty you. C. C. PURSELL. BOOK STORE. 411-1m 418 Ilth mt. n. w. TO RELIEVE THE COOK OF ALL RE- bil1ty. try our Home-made Cakes and kleus C. C. BRtY AN. d19.34 1413 New York ave. NOT TOO LATE YET. I can still nil an order forcalendars by Jan- uary I If given NOW. A handsone calendar makes an attractive and effective card to inclose with your first- o-the-year accounts. I am selling twice as many to the real estate and insurance men this year as iast. Suppose 'ou elve then, a trial. . L. QUEEN. PRINTER AND PUBLISBER. Telephone itI- iti Ilub-I ltik.st. n.w. -~ FARMERS AND MECHANICb'NATIONAL bank. Georaetoun. 1). C.. December 12. isul.-The annual eaction for tiirecturs of this bank will take place at the bankingr house T UES)A. Jana. Ar1,12. 1102. l'ols open fromu 12 n,. to Il inm. d12-*!,,0. Ja. I E. BERRY. Cashier. WA 'TED--AT ONCE-TO TRADE A NICE iot in a beautiful and prouressive sutdi- vias'on on the ietropolitan branch of the B. and 0. railroad for a horse and buggy. Addreas luiESL AND BGOItY. htaroflice. dl-3, ALEXANbIE FORTIN, FtENCH CA- Szlterer. 18 17th St. n.W.. accept. engage- u*nts for pretrig dinner parties, &c.. as houses of patrons. IrL'hest iefernces. dit;-lw **Who heeds not Experience Trust hin not." The experience of users of Witing Machines today shows conclusively that the REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER till retains by Its merits the supremacy which it long ago achieved. WTCKOFF. SEAMANS & BENEDICT, d15-tr STH AND F STS. N.W. XMAS REQUISITE8 FOR MEN ABOUND in the treal and carefully selected stock of P. T. HALL. UN 1 at. l.w. Call early and secure the choice. 8928.3m 11: ItOR AKE IN A DILEMMA AND WANT the Christmas pr.0bleui wvied. call at 1413 -New hork ave. d1-3" C. C. BRYAN. MINIHTERN ORGANISTS AND CHOIR !!ATTENTIONI! You are cordially invited to call at my ware rooms and examine the beautiful MASON AND JISCH VOCALIONS. I have 3ust accepted the agency for this most uV.IJLU&S UL. UY ALL REED INSThUIENTS. Ifyouhave never heardone it will astonish and please you beyond expectation. E. F. DROOP. ,d10-2w i9 Pennsylvania avenue. A- -YOU WI.L bO WELL - 'o consult us If you have a book or pamphiilet to print. We also do Am Job work at low prices. Call and me -'lee. JOHN F. SBEIRY. Tel one a.Se.. Printer and En OFFICE OF THE MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. OF 1).C.. Washlngion. Dec. 7. 2 . Policy hoders are hereby not*fled to renew their in- surance on or before the LAST ]MONDAY in De- cember lm.il for t year IMr-!. Please attend to your zenewals beees the l ow days and thus avoid the crowd. 07-tojol J. WESLEY BOTELER, Secretary. VE3 'nIL N ARtY. I have returned to the city and resumed practCe. JOSEPH T. BUSHMAN. M. R. C. V. 8. Ofce. 31014th st.a. w. dW2I Telephone. 191L WHAT SHALL I GIVE MY FATHER. z WMOTHER. BROTHER. SISTER. WIFE. HUSBAND. CHILDREN. LOVER OR OWEETHEART. FOR CHRISTMAS. These are questions daily asked and not so easily an- swered. Can't we help you withlee problems? How would a CARVER. with or without a case, do for the father and the husband? Then the SCISSORS and SCISSOR CASES, or pos- sibly a pretty pearl or solid silver-handled POCKET KNIFE may be just the thing your mother, sister or sweetheart Is longing for. You can tickle your young brother or your children by the gift of a pair of SKATEU. or possibly. if akating days are over, a nice RAZOR would be the thing. All these and nmany other articles suitable for Christ- mae Gifts may be found in our Hardware Department. In purchasin Cutlery of usien buy from the largest mock in the city. BARBER & ROS 115-4 11th and 0 ate. n. w. THOMAX 3 THOMAS. REm. htRS. bay claim for Indemnity against the New York Ac- cident Insurance Company was promptly paid in lull as clam d. I shall advise tny friends ah to carry an accident policy with Use 'ew York." J. M. SUNN. d10 Contracto. and Builder. ft, TREE ORNAMENTS. FAVORH. GAMES. Fancy Paper. 'Snow." Glass Bails, Icicles. ains... Bcrap kictures &c. Aunense ,tock of holilda woas. oawssaje and retail. J. JAY UUUL14 421 WE EASTON & RUPP. STATIONERS. 421 11Th ST. N. W. Blank Books. Copying Pies.es, Stands, he.. Iatter Files, Documtent and Cash Boxes. Oice Fixtures. Wedding and Visiting Cards Engraved and Printed. 4-mu 'cHE li.SONOMIA CALIFORNIA WINE CO., 317 9th at. n. w..* are selling their wines at 10l aet cent discount iroig former prices ltr the hoi-. day trade. di-4w b- THE BEST ADVICE WE CAN OFFER-. save your usoney ut~il you have examined ouaridoch ot ChrIstmas supplies. C. C. Bla YAN. dIP-At 1-413 New York ave. R EILOVAL OF THE REAL ESTATE AGENCI OF WITCH. 201 & BROWN. We beg to announce that we have remcoved toe o new oces 5e. -Jam g ef. a. is.. whoee with our superior facilities and laraur acnimnatie. faor bus.es. we will be enabled to give inereesed stidac- tIcn toaor friends. We would call the astmeat those having hornsa to let to our "Senl DsearnI,"te whish gesad at- Smnilen Issiven. IlTCB. ION AND BROWN. Desember 15. '191. 416-4w SI AM NOV ATTENDING MY OFFICE "remaso-*--m-- 231% FM as.w. exa aou...., Nme3&arrcww m Wm 02. 33AB .as 40W11. 1 tiesomhan a srnS. 3 3mmssa33.a en SPECIAL NOTIC!. IZ~T'8~ TIME. IT'S TIME That telle-mere in a Watel than in =aything else. None but a good watch will tel the coste tie. When you her why not get a watch that is warranted to keep esset tlin 8ach watches are here for both ladles and gentlemen. We are over. stacked wi th L.a 1. ea Watchee; we must sell with. out delay; a better oppor- tunity to set a Solid Gold Watch for so little in o a e y will never sent itself. These watches have either Waltham or El- ain movement. I n beautifully eurraved case and our redsc- tien price io only IV. Bet- ter see thenal gRVYou can take Your choice Of anythinr a n d everythlai comiprisini our immense stoc of Jewe!ry and Novelties at a discount of 15 per cent from Whrt they have always been worth. There's nothing in Jewelry. Svier Ware and Nov- elties that cannot be found in our establishinent. WA. L. SALTZSTEIN. JR., Manufacturing Jewte er. 05 SEVENTH BT. W5 d21 The weather i likely to be elighlay warmer; z enerally dloudy weather; southerly winds, robby folowed by rean ean TMeaday. ESTIMATES QUICE. We make estimates on buildings or on relhodeling houses or on repairs about a house free cc Telephone 049 or drop us a Pos- tal and we will give you promapt service. Libbey. Bittingsr & Inlei d21 STE ST. AND NEW YORE AVE, KZ A PRACTICAL FRESENT. Reiember your itends with a ton of my FAMILY COAL. It will Le o use and as sur to prove satifac- tory. Yule Logs for opevartre. *Study the pac ures downby the lgare." J. M AURY DuVE. Coal Merchant. Ofies 21t and I a. w.. 1200 H n. w.'and li M St. nW. d21-&n CHRI.TMA. LAM.. 63.50 Fancy Pittsburg reduced to 42.8. MUDDIMAX. 6a 32T= ST. d21 THE SUCCESS Or AN ARMY GREATLY depends upon the commissary department. The success of a dinner entirely depends upon ine groceries. C. C. BRYAN, 1413 N. Y. ave. d1l9-3t #3.500 WILL BUY A SPLENDID HOUSE on H St. n.e.: press brick- bay-window trout; all m.i.; built by days' work; handsomely an- iahed and complete in every ular.D Arplyto d19-3* 05 Pa. ave. 'lHOSE HAVING IN GEORGETOWN wharf or property adjoininu thereto for sale will do well before selling by calling upon C. H. FICKLINU. 124 &d st. n. w. d15-0t WHAT 18 CHRISTMAS WITHOUT ITS aconapeninents? Ayareeat you pur- case from our store will be h app ed. 41U-3t C. C. BRyA 13 ew ork ave. MERCANTILE WORK. BILL HEADS. W% 3 Note and latter Heads. Envelopes. Circu- lar and blanks of every description exe- cuted proiaptuy and with that sense of Food taste tnat has chaacterized the work of this obilce In the past. WEDDING. RECEPTION AND AT HOME CARDS or Invitations printed almost equal to en- graving. at one-third the coat. latme show you ezamples of this work. ENTERTAINMENT WORK, TICKETS. PLACARDS. Hand Bills, Proirrsiai. &.. printed in an attractive manner and at the lowest rates. BYRON 8. ADAMS. Printer. Telephone om. idlil r*1 11th st. n.w. G. 0. CORNWELL & SON. 1412, 1414 and 1418 Penn. ave.. Ars ready for Christmas with tone of the anet quality CA CANDY. BUTS, SAIBINS, WIGS. be. d9-as At the Lowast Pricee, CHRISTMAS DAIZI TIES for Ch ndoo Christmas Novelties for Youth. Chriatmaa Groceries for Ul Age. Christaas Attractions for All. C. C. BRYAN. 61"-3_ 1413 N. Y. ave. SITE FOR A HOME OR AN INVEST- KIE ENT. Very deatrable lot. 50 by 165 fet.L an Washtngton Heights. north goo Of Cal. avenue. west of Columbia road;over- looks city and Rock Creek valley. is within two squares of carm, and Coax. ave. extended wil come within u feet of the lot. Price. 01.10 per aquare foot. lass desirable lots adjacent have sold for One-third cash. All city ground ca.- veniasnce,. PROCTOR & PROCTOII, d19 i07 Gat. n.w. MR.ALICE E. SELIGS0N. Special reduction am Imparted Rhine Wmnes, 68 par dos.; , bottee California -Wines. *1, bor the holidas only, lane Whiskya front 7c. to $2 per full quart. Best an the city. A lay and varied assow- ntent of Christioa oos badonen bggtigg, c. A* auitable for presenta. Deutos tr th hadajsonjais 416.8.1921.'~mt 12100-2 P'enn. ave. SWILL YOU WANT CANDIES. MINCE. mnet and fancy fralt for Chiratnas? We have aaem. C. C. BitYAN. 49-ait 1413 New York ave. -B ICELAYERS. ATTNNT IIONl The regular meeting of the union w hle held on TUESDAY,* December 52. inasad of Fia. December 2... Every member larequested to ba pres- ent. Business of imnportance tomqal 418-3t JAB. V. AiOCE Be Sdiee'y. b-A HOLIDAY GIFT NOR YOUNG MEN. haousur Men' rsta Aas a~a. rvilge a the gymanasiuma. educational cames lectures. scae reang room. Ac.. tree to wam Tikt.od tor one year, 46. Inqulreat thaa e 41 Ne Task ave. n.y. TolALC1SA ?fS.w Thswill be one it It etobr m COAL AND WO Promn V. BALDWiN JONON. wConoplete facilitaes, bottoaa pheis. tall wig and measureetcsan w. pr4i nb 910 7TR ST. M.w.n. JEn lS. CEISTMA. Debmakr I NE En'.January 1. all da. EjnD CEMBER 38. linl. Jst ene ver ago TSEN we esm ENTIRE coente. Our bemshebwe a s- lariginmssdeg thesse seeWing I a asehlethat t 3. TOLNAN UTEMamES ml 1tsO gC a.w. Da. WAT. -Ww~ 'Kgbe,o NOW M SB .TI .B SPECIAL NOTICEB. NA IUNALIST CLUB GI F ST. N.W.- o. John 0. Otis wll address the club EWAY EVENING at S o'clock. Su t: "usmm EQuality." The public d.,t- jjiR ADQUARTEBS KIT CASUON POST No. 1.0 A Washtgton. D.C. December 21. IML Comrads are invited to attend the funeral of our latecoastade. AlertMK WWf hi ]aarllw "" olu*"'e. e,".t. ."-.."siT8DAY--e :| 8tn at 1:30 p.m. Interment as Ar mwith Iy order of J. P. LOHOP. Poet Comander. 11 JOHN C. S. BUEGER. Adt. TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE WEST 4 End.-The Western Market. corner21st and at.will e open on DECEMBER 24 from 11-a.s to 12 p. h can e found the of -a supplies. d21l3* TH PEOPL8 FIZ IN URANC OOM- PANT OP THE IT r or OLUM The truatene of the company have declared a semi- manual dividend of three per cent on the capital stock of the company, payable at the company's e5. No. 302 Penna. ave. a.a.. on and after January 5. 1 . The annual election of a board of afteen trustees will heold at the same place on MONDAY. January 11. Pol.'sopen at 10. mn.. close at 2 P.m. Books fOE transfer of stock will clas December 26. 11 ande- Yai closed unt. January11. 15W Inclusive HER X.jl1 MIxsO. JOHaW u. ISLAVER d21'-1w secretary. Pre .. "RKESCUE HOME "BRANCH OFC.U.M., 6107that s.w.-this branch has. be-as I its at or work, a Bible elaw and sewing school with I about 40 children, which meets every SATURDAY FTEhNON froau 2 to 4p.m. We intend to give the children a Christuas dinner and preset. Should the reader feel inclined to heip us in this work he can Send I his offering to Mr. L. I. DIETE of above address. superintendent of this branch. where It will be grate- fudly received and wisely distributed. 421-3l* NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK, Wahiro.D. C.. Decem er Mj The annual eletion fur directors of tr will be held in the banking house on TUESDAY. the 12thday I Polai 'be open from 11 o'clock a.. to o'clock p.m. d2l.28ja4&1I4t GEO. H. B. WHITE. Cashier. I W ; CHOICE PLANTS AND CUT FLOWERS I for Christmas by N. ISTUDEB. Flori 016 11IFLANAGAN'S SURPRISERS. The neatest and most attractive display adver- I tisement in today's Star a large number of pet- eons will probably may is that of FLANAQAN'S on the seventh page. LIKE THE 01 INFANTS' RINGS (Gold--Genuine Diamonds) It Is a revelation to the trade and ts the pub- lic to see such an adverttsemnot in The Star. As indicated by the prices heretofore pub- lished equally great surprisers asn now In stock for Christmas presents. 531 Seventh street northwest. it DON'T YOU NEED ONE? The finest. Seeciest and draslees Overcoating is the Montagnae. We have just placed upon our tables a bix lot of this cloth in . Blue. Black and Gray. It Is ready to be cut into the richest and toniest overcoats that the sartorial art can produce and will no doubt soon be sauntering up and down the streets of Washing'- ton, keeping the chill winds from the leaders of the capital city's social and politica life. Don' you need one? OEO. T. KEEN. Custeur TatLer. d21 414 9th st. nW. THE IDEAL XMAS GIFT. If you wish to present a friend or rela- tive with something out of the usual run of gifts, why not let it he an Edison P1OSOGRAPH. It combines every true element of an ideal present. It is almost indispensable to the business or professional man who Ilis considerable writing to do. It Is also instructive and entertaining. With it you can master the foreign languages in asbort eriod. or you can entertain your company with Anusical selections, songs, recitations, &c.. from the greatest living artists. Phonographs sold. leased and seat e bial. THE COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY. M27 E st. 3L w. E. D. EASTON. Prea's. R. F. CROXELIN. Sec'y. si: SHE PAINT11. and with all your hard thinking you have not yet concluded what to give her for a Christmas present. Deped upon it. nothnig, wold please her better t a painting 'outzt of oil or water colors. M e have them in greet variety. Impossibe to do better elsewnere than here. Prices235c. to 810 per outfit. Artus- tic and elegant beat expressee our stock of art prins. fac simile water colors and high-clasm calendars for 'V-. Discount off froum now till Christmas. FRIED. A. SCHMIDT. Artist. Architect antd A'aine, r Supplies. Branen 1I42 Pa. ave. (d2 ] 504 I th At. aw. OUR BABGALN8 IN BIC0CIEs. MONDAY. DEC. 21. IML "IDEAL" TRICYCLE. 34-inch wheels, pries cut from $40 to S30. Every Tricycle has a reliable band brake (an me- mat feature) and is fitted with a saddle ausalto different heIghts. All machinse inisedin black. with gold lest striping and nickel trunming-. Strong and durable. Noting of the toy shout it. GORMULLY & JEFFREY MPG. CO.. d21 1Z235 14th st. n.w- CHRISTMAS GOODS AT BOTTOM Prices. Broken Candy. Candy Balls. Cream uandy. Chocolate and Gum Dropm. Cream Alnond. l In. Nuts. Dates. Figs, Malmra Grapes. Orangs.I Cranberries Gordon and Dolworth's and Atuores1 Mince M Pln Puddings. California PFrits in las and tsNew Engl St. Croix and Jamaic. I Rum. Okt cotch and Pure Bye W akis Sweet Lder. tawba. Sherry and Pert Wines. Ie. &c. MAOUE a JONIS. 0,06 cor. M am Wil S&L. N. 1 PARIS CALENDARS. ENGLISR, FRENC AND GERWAN. Open eventgs ft=o 6t to 2" tuelds 4 V. 4. FUG0ER ART STORE. 021-1 M 35th . 4 b~A RIEF SiORY. A drumniar repmesenting a eloth Importer with an over-- stock of fine troseinta. Did] I wantthem? No, eept ata price. The figurewege given.] Ridiculous, yet I winl tele.- graph your offer to the house.] Te 1oo-dn. ar eeteceam in UndmedWorstd.Ns but lewno wear fine clothes are interested in these. Msn who know quality and appee- cle stl.Men who know whet is bagworn in London] and New yr. Men who] impat theise fne, soft-fin-] mmandresed worsted as ] aen wh her ofe them.g ready-made Tiouse hae never known what it is to teat -Dree .." ntthesyhaveon spar of'Toussses en the Undressed wurstedA. They' 4 ~~gbautiull. gr.c.funly, sai s ani ar g y.AsateaELD I~spEME~ U du ca. Tre. evss.. 'ME~Ta ra amsr n. su eunegawa ussa- ese ma demm w'amhaep Oh Wa RVaatse ustrm n es, ea Gebmstaangued . Wuhimgtu NMw sam 6.4 LITELTS ...... ...........ms S LMUSNESSENO..................... Pm.e S TIDNTR .................... . Pss 7 OARDING ..... ..... .Pa 2 MCUSION .. . . Page a 'AKILT SUJAMM page*rw 71 INA N IALLn ----------------- IT IT M ............................Pase O R INT s ............... page 2 0URNT (0EAL E e .................Poo 2 'OI RENT ( us.. s. ..... ....................ag 6 )OR RENT (..m.........................Paie S OC AE (OuaL .. ............Pae COR S (.o) ............................Pag 2 'OR SAILE (Bgm,"caIaakaa Opus 2 'AL LI ODs......................Page 72 'OALAL . .o.e......................PaCe 2 tO RENT ('.............. .........Pe 2 AICRET (O. ............................Pms, 3 ... RENTIO ..... .... ....ras. 6 CRI . RENT.(..... . ......... ..pae RbRCA3E (tS...........- .Pas 2 [ E NTCA (...b....... .................Pg LONEY WANTED AND TO WAN _.*.*Pame 2 OTALEE PUBLIC...... ......Pae 3 CEAN STEA R ............................Page 3 ROTOAC BI(ER ahS..........Pae St JAN05 AND GANS ....... . ........ S .OT L-........................Pam 2 .AIE'GOOD8 .................. .... ......Pam 3 ROPOALS .I........................ ...PagS S LAILROADS ..............o........0..p%" S I.ECIAL NOTICES..................... ...... 1 I 1PECIALTIES.................... pms a UBTBAN PUOPEU T.............. Pag 2 VANTED (Help)............................... Pm v VANTED (Houm).......................... Pa m2E VANTED (TE N............. ....Pm 2 VANTED (Roa)................... p 2 VANTEAD (sitmE ..................Pae b VANTD (MOIAOTa. ...,.' INTER RESORTs .............. .gS Statement of the circalon ot Tarn RVOMss E NAL. for te week end . Decemb.r . .I.. ,. IOFLAY December 14, .............SAS 'ESDAY. December ... . ...........asm IVEDNESDAY, December Is,80. 33.3.... 35 MURSI)AY, December 17, 101 ..... j~3 LDAY, December i . i........... ..P4a t, PATURLAY December I. .............41 r r TOt .......................Pa a Averve- 3" IUBUB PROPERT..................P C VorsAND (In ........................ase2 11 I (Sta.Y ma t .. t.. ab.e . atre ad Srestatement O the circulatin of TEE EvN- 5 NO rA for t week ending December1 1 . N. WHIT. .RO.. , C"eD eening tar News..... Co I bsAibed and mer to before m. ..t. wen.y. iARa DY DOes Iber, 1.D. agLga #OHN It. C. cLARK, Notary ..bi.. . " Gvra.x.m Bac.mm TODA.-Internal ev- c n.s69,172; ceet1 . .. 3",445L TKE Pasaarnmn ban appointed Idwd W. Imith a carpenter In the navy. Ion swear PaT SAm-Tbe Navy Do- mrtment isinformed of the arrival of he gun mcat Petrel at Port Sai yesterday on her way b o China.v Movxzmu or Snxrnn-The Asms of siamiard lver dollars from~ the intes ma treasury a iNmo during the week ended December lte wee 1 9g97 The Ees during the respondiCg ' *erod of less year amounted to 1260 1h hipats of fractional silver om sln..e the st indtent aggregaed, fl71,i6 C PApuu T~Azrv arnic zmTh Secretary of t, Itate is informed of an amendment to the ty miff in the federalditrict of Mexic by whicha l Ityf o(80 cets er 109 kilograme gross ii reight is estab on rag p.erl ti a OpoEr, wnpping paper (excepc trn pers or wrapping) and unpined papEr ee for AgarettA wrappers).t CmNtarpnte Sinthe Nasy- te ram was received at the Treaury eprtment oday announcing ase Conviction at Seattle iamb., of Olaf Albertasa, alis Olaf Sjodin, for ounterfeitg at P cro a otes of thwedish over ment lbs minister resident of Sweden a ioned the Swedish coimmtissioner ot ad two other witagesek with man =inap9 i5 country To aist" in the inoesationd his Cas. _______ PMMOAUn~z-A. A. Brown of Pitkburg, jobn teads of Boston, H. Coheon of New York ad d .W.Bartlett of ROseNhe va,mwe#AWil- a SDieksc.i of New York, a 1. - >owIer of Newsto. N.. end tese A. ne iueny of New York n ast the A, Udmand Pendleton of Cincinnati, T. B, Cowen Ui I New York,W. a Leagdo o B imor sad 0 !a i_ krMA of ano ae amt t the Agto -ri. in tHubbrda oftridgfeiort Cby whJh. abnyn of 5 Colunts,1 OilogramW. grossd Iap, repptith paperexeptJoh paper of or Nwapprkg Chns.d uckpaer of cpto for lgete wabers) ofNwTraeltteRgs oC ork thmasV. Johpnso Nforia, 111.- 1 ;andHw.a evda rmoamauryaresene a odkayo annotlndn Jth . e oniiof aot seate. Was., Jf C.a Aersono alis Oad A)dams fo roonterfBtn .0roateo the m dish- c L.verwten.Temie - of ocetrN.YA hsweden a emioned Mhe Swedis Nesen-a- of Que- adwoM. othe wthaes ihnsto r hos country to C.siset on thew Lnon s. nL enosso w ekaeathie ase Patro~a.-. . Haoen of ittsbir, Joh hr'.-- bal sotkero N Yor, 3. La. e owert of Non.folk. and H. A. Mee E f lwaofkee Yor e at the Ut. J n __ k SNew Watrman W.A Iangdomrof Vat.,or an D. 1.1 o. DWcestruif ' Care attenAlinon. h ~lobinsonof lsabsOh, L . Aflrig- Bif. Chcg Vn . I'. oronrf Aant, b ohtO., re at the orha.-oh wnf Ioeveand-. T. aos ieof Te== sMm . C. Webb a mtoo.eJ. hmr ofNwYraeaUh ig. U 3o Yrk he*maSW JE 3tPora IR, U ad R H.Aaee h of Dh=== ire a te abitt.-Wdu. by Ji etNemY, Jous. emke of Scotln Joe. L Lake of o R na hel. J.te C. aanss s 4 and Adam * EemphidMS.Etta . lb ofQeeo P a rHE DEAD SENATOR m Easive FuNeral Survioe is th am&%.M..w. Is PRIDEIT ATTEIDI 4any Othef Distinguished Ptonm nethe Diplomatic Corps Prmant L SOLEMN CEREMONY he 3m - orte as&e smter s Mw Vese e-as Tubean to Ma Westr Usmam, A.-mmr- by a n-i- -e Both eeas se et~gres. Today the U. S. Senate, the Hose of Re tatives., the executive ad judicial depar atsof the government, the representtiv foreign powers and his many friends ao ke Washington public paid the hat tribute Ifection and respect to the memory of theisl enator Preston B. Plumb. Early this morning the body was pleed In mndsome cloth-covered casket of ceder, a ke lid of which was a plain silver plate bear Lo following inscription: "Passo B. PWm. "Born October 12, 1837. "Died December 20, 18." During the night the only watchers at 6 meidence of the deceased on lith street were etail of meseengerm from the Capitol ad h rivate secretary. 'his morning thene were m callers at the house, mostly Senate en Loyes, who greatly admired senator "mm k life for his manv charitable eforts in the shalf and held his memory in deepest rre ace Among the callers were Capt. J. G. LiA sy of Kansas, who commanded a cosany enator Plumb's regiment during the war as as his wara personal friend. TAKKx TO TOM CAPOt. At 10 o'clock the casket was berne fE a home to the hearse by eight of the Capit olice under direction of Assistant Sergesat-a rmas Merritt. Immediately the smal funaeri artege consistng of the heare drawn i to coal-black horses caparisoned with hman Abes of black setting, and earriges I -hich rode Mr. Merritt and the private an stary and a few admirers of the late tsmat arted toward the CapitoL There were a oral decorations at the house, and, save mall wreath of white immortelles on the to f the casket sent by the chief clerk of tessaury Department, there was nothieg tori eve the somber blackness of the casket whic Dtained all that remained of the late disti mished Senator. The small o e as owly down 14th street toaa Re, wending its way up thrgthe C al grounds to the northeast front a( the ol, where the casket was removed from a eurse mad carried up the white marble stn I the Senate wing. At the entrance to 0 uilding the remain. were met by tiergeat-. ram Valentine, who escorted them threfg so lower corridors of the building and a lair to the marble room in the rearofUt easte chamber and only a few feet from t ice Presidents chair. There they were plas n a black cu-falque in the center of 11 om and all persons were requested to matie Tax ca===T XOT ersusa. SO"m after the casket was depted In 11 marble room a large number of prsI athered around the door at the eak- maleg to tebe a tlas look at the lstares so dead, but in view of the cooditaen of Q1 ody it was deemed best not to expose theim 1 iew. When the Senate met at noon the chas er was partly arranged for the fase bsqdies. The desk and chairof the deceaft snator were heavily draped. The glen eve crowded with spectator, eacept the dipt utic and the Vice President's galleries, V ere reserved. In the opening prayer Bev. J . Bdter, 0 baplain, referred in a feeling manner to ti eath of Senator Plumb. Sanetiled, he sid- ip last bereavement. Teach as heaveai -idom, and hear as when we comemn d I bee, very tenderly, Thy handmaide in h Atuade an- sadness and .verwsmna agre a her distnat hame. We pray that wi astain br ad comfort her and give her Th soft. On motion of Mr. amieresa the reaing se journal was dispened with. and Mr. lei me to make the forma announcement cf 31 luab's death and to efer the usuad remoh WMAmion Parsma's AWNessCe3Mmr. se aid: Mr. President, I esteem myself p siary afortnste in that, before I have bee member of this body long enegh to have hb sme famltar with even the dimemalms of th aamber in which we sit, I am called I asonace the death at my distiuguihed me egue, whose wonderful reseerees I ha :pectedl to rely Predton I. Plumb, sater from in this city yese my at ten miantes before 12 o'clock Uk at the time nor the occasi topek at Fthe life and public services of the abs snator. The dark drapery about the east og occupied tereiby remAinds his ft w aembers that ty have lest an their most active and ind tr6ien WeW '. His experimen, his practical wa .4mg things, hbe saeaety and hisgu mvrs of enduramhis cns-ency and tat dlem on duty sadib alertness in metis ads hima a co-picuous hgue among ti tong -aa of the matie. But thste are ethem be feel this bereawemeent mnore keenly tha e, upnwhoma the blow ham fates with erust g wih.There s ahem where tids mas e knwn as the world knew him aes p-,s where hearts are heuess ad bleng,,s where a loving famit lbe gaeven in their grlifto reesie w adr wa is heft of the fend husband a ther in whose life theirs were cloely beend a them there ame at least two soures of ee lstion-ens ttis he fell while on duty at i stIn the service cet isant; the oths at there is a fountaia ot imeth nule a wer ad duratten from'hi we 4 ma aw In time ofuased. At the gvreper Urns Mask the Senate to msas a am whenm, my pytrae to -a deeinsd heether iana =====mand ew, Mr. Pasiem% - I== mseummse, 3msed, That the sude deseto me Urn meste. 3. Plumb earnm pssend ew - usp regret to his amsts tae Saaa Ne=seed. That.a esates aflive aSemta eappeisted by the Vise PatseM to ahi 'der witha enemte of the Desse of te herniar Pami, as a ame of ehiseeQabt beis~ he smseed epieto sa tt i bm ae itseab whisk shl hae a poer toems its sesialebe mbet. Baseved, tha the bneht et e teg tend in itehamer the emese ee s tee eese et s amaedass. I ~1he busam emen, skeasamem pg -. me afamsta maamm.. FIRES IN MANY PLACE& 1mm ramm emwaog Gae en Se t Ean W. 3asame ma sweseteft at W smmes sa, f-ed Dre t.o n a vewete r. Tawa. Kax.. Dec. 2.-U-Nb deeat ot ag Piemb is received heo. wth prefeamd esnee. Armasemte ae being mende for hi bety te heta ae an e espoeld t Tapeah ema day o agteebme t vem. Pnumb. as oete hems is B being draped in atormg. asaSt aee e meet he faueral trai s towns ofy nm Wedneeday and eeet it to mbpuses wbgn the remaits of the .aer e be bied. specaiseu s t, smcesmer 0 ive. but oe friends at the dead Penater praser te wnt I& the obeeiaes ae over before therrge s eme .AN ETO A LAmB @&am& a -M Kfi-Eed. Weman Ut WIgM04 butS IMaess e Nm. U======== Pa., Dec. 2.---Panseugr No. a as the lahigh Valey rAreed eam tate a land elide at Mackport this morutg. fIbed Lavelle, an engineer of the Central meed or N ew Jersey, who was riding is the aes W 5 kiled. Me eagineer is charge ct the so E cped. George Weaver, has Oremenss 0 I tally infjred. Weaver haves W= a The pamNages were badly cabbet up sd wmm slightly bruied. he train was rminag at te rate of thirty-Ave amils per bar at the aim o Sthe acci&eat All Ulrsis deoiye" by an a Wrech. 9 TMR GEAKu-tT IN CANADA. rgmse made sat sOssmmet beets amee U.ed --W& ea.* Qrcmac, Dec. 21.-The acties St oieS. M Angiers in damiedag the Mercie gream promies new to wreck e federal geermet at Ottawa abe. It ha -pesed the ms*t 3Mr. Tarte. now Mesie any, ube ereatd a b treMO&Ons m inlt ightt am as met- r isg called in Mer ower'. ineleet bydbieg that is making his fames hSges - t ONtu= relative to the Quebec barber weks bdis m wbich drove ar Hecter Laugevia MAd 808- T Te. Meareevy out of eb&us , he Wag aided and abetted by Sir de;eet-ree aguemd apparent freed but real rival is he embem% Mar A. P. Caron, mainieter of mines and ein d. a to be able tonrove that the federal gere.- meast received 3,I0S, with which is tn tho I-electauaa, d TosouTe OUT.. De. 21.--he Nesiomd eer- y a e of the Toroute Redsiave a he usdrefudsthat it is the isasome o So * Quebec comervative haderstshave W Merese . and ether .-- , s ot the mmee$ edo-siis. tis arreSted em the charge at me..ow" * the previscisl tressery. p uBAPG|B ix maamt M s oenStIes by niew o a S ed in ge Mme SWamow==, Pa.. Dee- 3.-he hetsim by 2ommes Seach and tee. dwei at asene Netch woew burned ths ,esoifg. 1ewa AL 2e guest of te betl amped in aek s Nrac1, 39. T., Dec. 2.-IU bqlan e st destroy" by ares about "40ar bet.e Twelve valuable hormmsad ey easile were brsed to dea. n sisb..t.U. a Tatrmss, Ca-, Ies. 3.-Fir, u ,e4 arWt yeeterday, et ndr e IeeI at 3SM As* aight after smakang a eass swapfaern te , L katang i-k to deevos' bleek. this ins*ab nearly all the oMters half oe "OI. a lowe iever $0e,e; rme j. ne plss, a wocolered with furniture asSeedds. A Sdoen an were inmured, but fet mes . csmactaar. I. . OSDe. 21.-Rerty tM fmoratg ar. ceue feer wmw os don. Jobs I. Gbooptoo's steak derm, baa one " tha city. Four valuable hres aod a lme amoes ot produce woe. Us e Will ament te e,0. a MAS KWUW WO b Melsm A. Beat Ner hae m,. I ., so the Tweta noeima'e nwid. a Jasetow, N. Y., Dee. IL-Meises A. bei a ot this city has ished his 16,M 1 e bispen ,ride an which he started Jamny 5, A.16M, asodg Sthe em wheel na whicb hasdhies goSo r traneentimesisI ride dhe m=w=. at. v ofut Now 4nside e sortmhotee-am 18 dhe be plevies osewed bein bthe bO ya - - ha a. r MI Th Aoaw Manpower Utt M &am St . ~e Pee m e am mas a serious Ken. Pan.o, Dec. 21.-Te Vie ess ee oeeS of Le eaz tePlaz ep he a *amapm pwos Jeseph, whom days e e"t ewas besa a cold, but had alhe"t onikely eeessd, ao had a re" and is sew a vimtet er- open waog e o.f---= St indemne.= lb Sfurther es that the aempterio emsek i t a vimher Ien sce e. eRaw Te.n, Due. L-Uweard I. VI.A a ,ietseed , e., agai p dede1ap * ie when asmed breaae me mesae. CyrM W. Flad .eeling e.. .m. log. His ---a- iss$ -M-'--' 16 ed as it wa as Saturday. Two isdicusients wos eouesed 410 Edward M. Field. Beta ee hamad en he - S t s45de.Uma J.iri. who s Lm-=-, Dee. 31.4ard Nemst WIsse bas bebgum preeins ka esesse hm 1m I Lady Kesed de Wallee has Gams y esm e - 1 gam b h babs ier mesen I wa Whbmmsa4. -aan -Cams, 3. 5., Des. 3.-De pet M Sr epeated "ne beaheads emse" as sem a in. Eis oeens is me. mhes scre e g a tiam eehete Ma fB a s -er St e a iase Ms. 3ideSm ean e.sabes ha as pemin ees. de es- esa assnd be Esma eems hem es SbadmGe wasm a snse- a Ste e I em ad e be me smam em e ess e W st thm M St d inpmpenssmsssmbe wuo Qlemef m Qake \\sa s Gbetrad bede ee ta BSt emess heta aas es hoe be,. Musis em ad e mse mad - e Qe eMbQM be amaarM dma he sas s umaameer smeme Me e -sstm emesmt -se base esmas remne wein MlI e -la ene he .maIe

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Page 1: rHE DEAD SENATOR LMUSNESSENO - Library of … › lccn › sn83045462 › 1891...have Detreboede ft eumn of S10.000 Amn 01.0. partfes Z Pr cestinterest. neal Estate rst aergag, metes


uM b.,.. AMR., ...i. b IL Iune Evening Stat Newspaper OiingaiW

... KAU7.AYN.PaWiL .

h?~@' -'l". a .'812El , IuETAUR..l -.,,i.........74taioa charsk uga..Dama.

a.:::e:rr;:s--.at'ir own 79.os.N 20,35 WAN Dmlk4*. -o44c pet mmmln. COJ.sg A th LI MINIm. i&By Mou.ay where ism ruito LaeWSIGO.I.C.MNADEEBR2.19 W Er ~


CArrAr 81,25000.00.TRUSTS.The petmepal feature of th beunmees of the

Ametarcan Necurty and Treat Campy Inetfig in the aperityat Ezeeuer. Aa..s...VASe. Trotee. Guardima. IMOMM Ag&.3eever. Ace rmes. JMsas Eatabs 41.DEPOSITS.1nteeS pawd em doweite.Thes having moaey ovee md above thebr t.

IMPdate reUiNtoe5teahould depaoMt it with me.as such tnwds a teaet et am he shambeot at aay lime.

SAFE BOXES FOR RENT.In the saw vault (the latesta"d onlyan

yet built of this particular pattern) theCeampanyhas over ali headred sfe deposit bUzee, a am-

ber of which ae yet wmaresed. These e otvarious eas- sad rest for "5, 07.50. W10. L.

42-. M ad V0 per yewr.Bth besular ad ase eAf sad reed

With every maoderm asteguard and esoniemae.X 3TE ATME N T8.For the small as wella0 IaSe eIvetese. we

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neal Estate rst aergag, metes fag =I%llagin a par c.


M e, 0 sT. . W.. NEW STONE BcumII.A. T. Brttam..... .... PreddrW.C. J. Bell........... Ftrt Vice Preaideal.A. A. Thomma.... Secowd Vice PftedeaPerry B. Metzger........... Treerr.

C. T. HAVEZNEN.Wember Wamingtoa Stock Ehehang

Real Estate and Stock Broker.aems 0 and 1I. Ataintic buim.


Stacks. Bende and Grain boeght and a w s ubor

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Ae£miet itaat. hrsm., erporatione and capl-taksts solcited. Ow Urtheks arethe b.

SEam made em reag sate ad ote availabsee-lateral.

EMha6 both freiam A eme ram6 at cm-Sensory s.o=-----

Iast et c'edst avatisabe IaB pentse thew fr-

WM hae any yew=a for emn ene samhma .CSa er etes anew IasmOm msema.am gab e





--e-umMIer atComceSi2 Z..!aaantethe bagsin aee

TRUST COMPANYa an vartimema..AILsthe mastaSATINGS MAN


gunmu w abaO* thsansholesm aa m maat ...ma

eaeams . - - - * ef s iema t mmeaIewster. aim ad esncam ae iaW mdessW

Wis st" mthsEaeteeammey depoadta -mm at UER CENT5StMdsm ad alows bmert th .

Mony depemted befeo the amt dm ad esateat.Sedd thed day.et themeunh u E baymabmen the bat day.Sam aams "S. ammtmesduls


Sls brt-et peel ods ama e, ......."ama Sf emad upwd.

eeweenILVER WARzame an mSlab at TALE-AeMi uosp depast in e-a-ms Vne uosae

-smgms eysad mecussay.muw. .SAUS ia E!130aggag 6gg1


0"-ga-eftye..ga...& L0.0dwcn th ls-hatljmee es am.Ia sah

th ash, day cc each mo..aeWe 0 ga sapsate * g

CMIuteath" the3 m Emma

-MASSanemw*M WM~3AM M-. am~m

C. OF OalleesVim cre:am.miLn,..g... usm-e"




ABMENT JL bT~aVAT______ Ilkctamt:

u AL rease b sae t

R. Ln DeI n.

euland 13|el,.

bon m Pitart*.

10111IM I. oof

--&--.-trpa w co.0a N. WMCeh.E.


Iwmm temcedrWahue S pe mah e.0 EUi1 edam. h arI~S e ca.a EET ALD Ohbhkui

MIAti hIC Fe IL(. N .6

T a s.PmIS lamm..,eeb.,h

angU saa e oe .MAAYNX

Me.- jM~sIE..C~miowQCP3QWN.


OFICE EVENING STAR.A as bseaa scounts afs tis

mpaemyase sweasted to send ihbala famtil--at befoe, the ceeeof the year.


OWERS ORCONTROLLERS OF HALLS.s 3ere room or ab=ildis thnt will be aval-

abe tor quaarterir GA. IL pOe* diag comniffa-an inw"to am& o

guates o ---.-n-e--emmemn. At-laMI60 buibdin iest "Bom dwm ~1auonan prime of t sense. L W T.C4----tee Ac----a-knd no10-1a3


Esth Towels and W-apper. own tmepertation. Neck De-ms and Gloves. aha" faeign ad Ameriena smakes,

BAIRD & GAL.44-Ist 92174s.







SCAUTION. -WIHING ALL OF OUR M-cblse to vivo the bsiet dexree of majistac-

tion. we particularly caution thawe having old oass ofour make afainst allowtzg thena to be adjusted else-where than at t" CON'A N X'S OFFICE, whey nonetut imuram parts ame used. ad only the avust lusace.able charges, if any, ar made. oeg by postal will.ea..e a..tet..o..

WMEL.14 & WILSON MG. CO..26-tth.a.tr , Crithe431 . nmw.


Tetephon. 4f Main oke: Southwesttorer10thand JMms. n. w. &%%nth cokes: 4WU Peunsylvania aeeL.u. .at and Bs . i. wandlIth a.d 14th .Waarvesa. W. Qusitty of FUEL unsurpassed. Pricee reson.-able. &tlslation puaganteemL


BICYCLES.Ran 1100 T CO L KER g5an& C TY C L I KsB0 0 1 0 0 L



Isa.m.. Repsaring. Reua.arl MUTH WIEI. MAXro Co.

8""""' w mYou CmwaxAa.


WhdhStesdleticamlsamhete a thita

WE OrrETheted asrment ever shown in this diy. e

3igr-wade mistes. new. shop worm or dalghtlyamad. hams 050. OD 10ea emmy isymamin. 010 per

BMo vme w OA.% Lobns 4at.3LOpem s Canm demewr stock.

CAPITAL CYCLE 00.,43eom 1704mst..w.

]Bl CEz "A0boy AND GIRLS.

Afl MAsh of dMdm Vlmiss ea' Tdaele.

ATWATE CTCLE 0OMPANT.3 2Id26-26 Pma. avs.

* . p9smiogvma chsa.


3.eo we gattesw of the thoussad n nu stalarticles suitabae for nlida gifts:

Patterms et Wool Deem Ooods fim .25 to 615.Patterns of Black and Colored lkstfrom R75toOft Guaranteed to wear well.now's a pak afCaMteral Wal Ulamati Prtea 65

to 015 a pair.Bow'san Eidwdow Quilt foroffRaw doesam Unlella strike you? We have them in

wnal variety. aging tom su. to ft alkWhat's mane wasful thma a Gommer Watauproou?

We have them far Iadian sA childne ban 0 to OtLMAWis an" Cild-U ar OfSt Mmw $LOU to *;O.Put US. 118c- to 62.111 and Liasm Bandkerchistsin embroidered,plain

and hia="sL tmm z. to 82 aiscm-put up in fanyAny marehmlieIegh vf ala fmt holday pwemia

md ivitg am isuym he esebasied afterJO1MO5 & LUTTRZLL,

417 713 M-a- space..









IHOLIDAY3&9Tmwo 301T3B1 AND Ii&

Phemhsstd IsEsTo ,

-R CUT AND Emeam* eMS WAR,m m.Tu AuD ag.82 WAN,leMes M*34



rendesvous on TUESDAY. December '.1Pi. at 7:30 p.m.. Wet Ed Masonic Hall corner3iMb st. ad Pensaylvania are. n. w. Work 1o fllforam. All Bcottish Mte Mons (Cerneau) Invited.By order ANSON U. TAYLA).dlO-2 3!l=. Gr. Sec.

EZ NOTICE TO STOCEBOLDER.The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wash-ingrton ad Aleandia TurnpikeOimpany Is called forMOINDA 1. J.anuary 4. 1NW. at I I o'clock a.m.. at the

0a0eof the Wahinurton Southern RailwayCmpsny.Cantrn and Fayette "ta. Alexaunra. Va. Electionfr five directors and a clerk and treasure same dayn4a4 tu ALBERT HEWSON. Clerk.

IT 18 TIME FOR CHI4LY WEATHER.The true state of affairs-our stock of fneChristman and New Years is hard to dupli-cate. Nxamine them. C. C. BRYAN. 1413 N. Y. ave.


hem in Profusion. as well as Art Coload instructive and pleasing Books forchildren and older people. The prices willmsaaty you.


bil1ty. try our Home-made Cakes andkleus C. C. BRtY AN.d19.34 1413 New York ave.

NOT TOO LATE YET.I can still nil an order forcalendars by Jan-

uary I If given NOW. A handsone calendar makes anattractive and effective card to inclose with your first-o-the-year accounts. I am selling twice as many tothe real estate and insurance men this year as iast.Suppose 'ou elve then, a trial.


bank. Georaetoun. 1). C.. December 12.isul.-The annual eaction for tiirecturs of this bankwill take place at the bankingr house TUES)A. Jana.Ar1,12. 1102. l'ols open fromu 12 n,. to Il inm.d12-*!,,0.Ja. I E. BERRY. Cashier.

WA 'TED--AT ONCE-TO TRADE A NICEiot in a beautiful and prouressive sutdi-

vias'on on the ietropolitan branch of the B. and 0.railroad for a horse and buggy. Addreas luiESL ANDBGOItY. htaroflice. dl-3,ALEXANbIE FORTIN, FtENCH CA-Szlterer. 18 17th St. n.W.. accept. engage-u*nts for pretrig dinner parties, &c.. as houses of

patrons. IrL'hestiefernces. dit;-lw

**Who heeds not ExperienceTrust hin not."

The experience of users ofWiting Machines today shows

conclusively that the


till retains by Its meritsthe supremacy which itlong ago achieved.


XMAS REQUISITE8 FOR MEN ABOUNDin the treal and carefully selected stock ofP. T. HALL. UN 1 at. l.w.

Call early and secure the choice. 8928.3m11: ItOR AKE IN A DILEMMA AND WANT

the Christmas pr.0bleui wvied. call at 1413-New hork ave.d1-3" C. C. BRYAN.

MINIHTERN ORGANISTS AND CHOIR!!ATTENTIONI!You are cordially invited to call at my ware roomsand examine the beautiful

MASON AND JISCH VOCALIONS.I have 3ust accepted the agency for this mostuV.IJLU&S UL. UY ALLREED INSThUIENTS.

Ifyouhave never heardone it will astonish andplease you beyond expectation.E. F. DROOP.,d10-2w i9 Pennsylvania avenue.


'o consult us If you have a book or pamphiilet to print.We also do Am Job work at low prices. Call and me-'lee.JOHN F. SBEIRY.

Tel one a.Se.. Printer and EnOFFICE OF THE MUTUAL FIRE IN-SURANCE CO. OF 1).C..

Washlngion. Dec. 7. 2 .Policy hoders are hereby not*fled to renew their in-surance on or before the LAST ]MONDAY in De-

cember lm.il for t year IMr-!. Please attend to yourzenewals beees the l ow days and thus avoid thecrowd.07-tojol J. WESLEY BOTELER, Secretary.VE3'nIL NARtY.

I have returned to the city and resumedpractCe.

JOSEPH T. BUSHMAN. M. R. C. V. 8.Ofce. 31014th st.a. w. dW2I Telephone. 191L


These are questions daily asked and not so easily an-swered.Can't we helpyou withlee problems?How would a CARVER. with or without a case, do

for the father and the husband?Then the SCISSORS and SCISSOR CASES, or pos-

sibly a pretty pearl or solid silver-handled POCKETKNIFE may be just the thing your mother, sister orsweetheart Is longing for.You can tickle your young brother or your children

by the gift of a pair of SKATEU. or possibly. if akatingdays are over, a nice RAZOR would be the thing.All these and nmany other articles suitable for Christ-

mae Gifts may be found in our Hardware Department.In purchasin Cutlery of usien buy from the largest

mock in the city.BARBER & ROS

115-4 11th and 0 ate. n. w.

THOMAX 3 THOMAS. REm. htRS.bay claim for Indemnity against the New York Ac-

cident Insurance Company was promptly paid in lullas clam d. I shall advise tny friendsah to carry anaccident policy with Use 'ew York."

J. M. SUNN.d10 Contracto. and Builder.ft, TREE ORNAMENTS. FAVORH. GAMES.Fancy Paper. 'Snow." Glass Bails, Icicles.ains... Bcrap kictures &c. Aunense ,tock of holildawoas. oawssaje and retail. J. JAY UUUL14 421


Blank Books. Copying Pies.es, Stands,he.. Iatter Files, Documtent and CashBoxes. Oice Fixtures. Wedding andVisiting Cards Engraved and Printed. 4-mu'cHEli.SONOMIA CALIFORNIA WINE CO.,317 9th at. n. w..* are selling their wines

at 10l aet cent discount iroig former prices ltr the hoi-.day trade. di-4wb-THE BEST ADVICE WE CAN OFFER-.

save your usoney ut~il you have examinedouaridoch ot ChrIstmas supplies. C. C. BlaYAN.dIP-At 1-413 New York ave.




We beg to announce that we have remcoved toeonew oces 5e. -Jam g ef. a. is.. whoee with oursuperior facilities and laraur acnimnatie. faorbus.es. we will be enabled to give inereesed stidac-tIcn toaor friends.We would call the astmeat those having hornsa

to let to our "Senl DsearnI,"te whish gesad at-Smnilen Issiven.

IlTCB. ION AND BROWN.Desember 15. '191. 416-4w


231% FM as.w.

exa aou....,Nme3&arrcww m

Wm 02. 33AB .as 40W11. 1

tiesomhan a srnS.

3 3mmssa33.a en



That telle-mere in a Watelthan in =aything else. Nonebut a good watch will tel thecoste tie. When you herwhy not get a watch that iswarranted to keep esset tlin8ach watches are here for bothladles and gentlemen.

We are over.stacked withL.a 1.eaWatchee; wemust sell with.out delay; abetter oppor-tunity to set aSolid GoldWatch for solittle in oa eywill neversent itself.These watcheshave eitherWaltham or El-ain movement.I n beautifullyeurraved caseand our redsc-tien price ioonly IV. Bet-ter see thenal

gRVYou can take Your choiceOf anythinr a n d everythlaicomiprisini our immense stocof Jewe!ry and Novelties at adiscount of 15 per cent fromWhrt they have always beenworth. There's nothing inJewelry. Svier Ware and Nov-elties that cannot be found inour establishinent.

WA. L. SALTZSTEIN. JR.,Manufacturing Jewte er.05 SEVENTH BT. W5 d21

The weather i likely to be elighlay warmer;z enerally dloudy weather; southerlywinds, robby folowed by rean ean TMeaday.ESTIMATES QUICE.

We make estimates on buildingsor on relhodeling houses or onrepairs about a house free cc

Telephone 049 or drop us a Pos-tal and we will give you promaptservice.

Libbey. Bittingsr & Inleid21 STE ST. AND NEW YORE AVE,

KZ A PRACTICAL FRESENT.Reiember your itends with a ton of my FAMILYCOAL. It will Le o use and as sur to prove satifac-tory.

Yule Logs for opevartre.*Study the pac ures downby the lgare."J. M AURY DuVE.

Coal Merchant.Ofies 21tand I a. w.. 1200 Hn. w.'and li MSt. nW. d21-&n


63.50 Fancy Pittsburg reduced to 42.8.

MUDDIMAX. 6a 32T= ST.d21

THE SUCCESS Or AN ARMY GREATLYdepends upon the commissary department.The success of a dinner entirely depends upon ine

groceries. C. C. BRYAN, 1413 N. Y. ave. d1l9-3t#3.500 WILL BUY A SPLENDID HOUSEon H St. n.e.: press brick- bay-window

trout; all m.i.; built by days' work; handsomely an-iahed and complete in every ular.DArplytod19-3* 05 Pa. ave.

'lHOSE HAVING IN GEORGETOWNwharf or property adjoininu thereto for

sale will do well before selling by calling upon C. H.FICKLINU. 124 &d st. n. w. d15-0tWHAT 18 CHRISTMAS WITHOUT ITSaconapeninents? Ayareeat you pur-

case from our store will be h app ed.41U-3t C. C. BRyA 13 ew ork ave.

MERCANTILE WORK. BILL HEADS.W% 3 Note and latter Heads. Envelopes. Circu-lar and blanks of every description exe-cuted proiaptuy and with that sense of Foodtaste tnat has chaacterized the work of thisobilce In the past.

WEDDING. RECEPTION AND AT HOME CARDSor Invitations printed almost equal to en-graving. at one-third the coat. latmeshowyou ezamples of this work.

ENTERTAINMENT WORK, TICKETS. PLACARDS.Hand Bills, Proirrsiai. &.. printed in anattractive manner and at the lowest rates.BYRON 8. ADAMS. Printer.Telephoneom. idlil r*1 11th st. n.w.


1412, 1414 and 1418 Penn. ave..Ars ready for Christmas with tone of theanet quality CACANDY. BUTS, SAIBINS,

WIGS. be.d9-as At the Lowast Pricee,

CHRISTMAS DAIZITIES for Ch ndooChristmas Novelties for Youth.Chriatmaa Groceries for Ul Age.Christaas Attractions for All.


Very deatrable lot. 50 by 165 fet.L anWashtngton Heights. north goo Of Cal.avenue. west of Columbia road;over-looks city and Rock Creek valley. iswithin two squares of carm, and Coax.ave. extended wil come within u feet ofthe lot. Price. 01.10 per aquare foot.lass desirable lots adjacent have sold forOne-third cash. All city ground ca.-veniasnce,.

PROCTOR & PROCTOII,d19 i07 Gat.n.w.

MR.ALICE E. SELIGS0N.Special reduction am Imparted RhineWmnes, 68 par dos.; , bottee California

-Wines. *1, bor the holidas only, laneWhiskya front 7c. to $2 per full quart.Best an the city. A lay and varied assow-ntent of Christioa oosbadonen bggtigg,c.A* auitable for presenta.

Deutos tr thhadajsonjais

416.8.1921.'~mt 12100-2 P'enn. ave.

SWILL YOU WANT CANDIES. MINCE.mnet and fancy fralt for Chiratnas? Wehave aaem. C. C. BitYAN.49-ait 1413New York ave.

-B ICELAYERS. ATTNNTIIONlThe regular meeting of the union w hle

held on TUESDAY,* December 52. inasad of Fia.December 2... Every member larequested to ba pres-ent. Business of imnportance tomqal418-3t JAB. V. AiOCE Be Sdiee'y.


haousur Men' rsta Aas a~a. rvilge a thegymanasiuma. educational cames lectures. scaereang room. Ac.. tree to wam Tikt.odtor one year, 46. Inqulreat thaa e41 Ne Taskave. n.y. TolALC1SA ?fS.w

Thswill be one it It etobr mCOAL AND WOPromn V. BALDWiN JONON.

wConoplete facilitaes, bottoaa pheis. tall wigand measureetcsanw. pr4i nb

910 7TR ST. M.w.n.

JEn lS. CEISTMA. Debmakr I NEEn'.January 1. all da.EjnDCEMBER 38. linl.

Jst ene ver ago TSEN weesmENTIRE coente. Our bemshebwe a s-lariginmssdeg thesse seeWingI aasehlethatt 3.

TOLNAN UTEMamESml 1tsO gC a.w.

Da. WAT. -Ww~




o.John 0. Otis wll address the clubEWAY EVENING at S o'clock. Su t: "usmmEQuality." The public d.,t-jjiR ADQUARTEBS KIT CASUON POST

No. 1.0 AWashtgton. D.C. December21. IMLComrads are invited to attend the funeral of our

latecoastade. AlertMK WWf hi ]aarllw""olu*"'e.e,".t. ."-.."siT8DAY--e :|8tn at 1:30 p.m. Interment as Ar mwithIy order of J. P. LOHOP. Poet Comander.11 JOHN C. S. BUEGER. Adt.

TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE WEST 4End.-The Western Market. corner21st and

at.will eopen on DECEMBER 24 from 11-a.sto 12 p. h can e found the of-a supplies. d21l3*

TH PEOPL8 FIZ IN URANC OOM-PANT OP THE IT r or OLUMThe truatene of the company have declared a semi-manual dividend of three per cent on the capital stockof the company, payable at the company's e5. No.302 Penna. ave. a.a.. on and after January 5. 1 .The annual election of a board of afteen trustees willheold at the same place on MONDAY. January 11.Pol.'sopen at 10. mn.. close at 2 P.m. Books fOE

transfer of stock will clas December26. 11 ande-Yaiclosed unt. January11. 15W InclusiveHERX.jl1 MIxsO. JOHaW u. ISLAVERd21'-1w secretary. Pre ..

"RKESCUE HOME "BRANCH OFC.U.M.,6107that s.w.-this branch has. be-as Iits at or work, a Bible elaw and sewing school with Iabout 40 children, which meets every SATURDAYFTEhNON froau 2 to 4p.m. We intend to give thechildren a Christuas dinner and preset. Should thereader feel inclined to heip us in this work he can Send Ihis offering to Mr. L. I. DIETE of above address.superintendent of this branch. where It will be grate-fudly received and wisely distributed. 421-3l*

NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK,Wahiro.D. C.. Decem er MjThe annual eletion fur directors oftr will beheld in the banking house on TUESDAY. the 12thday IPolai 'be open from 11 o'clock a.. to o'clockp.m.d2l.28ja4&1I4t GEO. H. B. WHITE. Cashier. I



The neatest and most attractive display adver- Itisement in today's Star a large number of pet-eons will probably may is that of FLANAQAN'Son the seventh page.

LIKE THE 01 INFANTS' RINGS(Gold--Genuine Diamonds)

It Is a revelation to the trade and ts the pub-lic to see such an adverttsemnot in The Star.As indicated by the prices heretofore pub-lished equally great surprisers asn now Instock for Christmas presents.

531 Seventh street northwest. itDON'T YOU NEED ONE?The finest. Seeciest and draslees

Overcoating is the Montagnae.We have just placed upon ourtables a bix lot of this cloth in .

Blue. Black and Gray. It Isready to be cut into the richestand toniest overcoats that thesartorial art can produce and willno doubt soon be sauntering upand down the streets of Washing'-ton, keeping the chill winds fromthe leaders of the capital city'ssocial and politica life. Don'you need one?

OEO. T. KEEN.Custeur TatLer.

d21 414 9th st. nW.THE IDEAL XMAS GIFT.

If you wish to present a friend or rela-tive with something out of the usual runof gifts, why not let it he an EdisonP1OSOGRAPH. It combines everytrue element of an ideal present. It isalmost indispensable to the business orprofessional man who Ilis considerablewriting to do. It Is also instructive andentertaining. With it you can masterthe foreign languages in asbort eriod.or you can entertain yourcompany withAnusical selections, songs, recitations,&c.. from the greatest living artists.Phonographs sold. leased and seat e


M27 E st. 3L w.E. D. EASTON. Prea's. R. F. CROXELIN. Sec'y.si: SHE PAINT11.

and with all your hard thinking youhave not yet concluded what to give her for aChristmas present. Deped upon it. nothnig,wold please her better t a painting 'outztof oil or water colors. Me have them in greetvariety. Impossibe to do better elsewnerethan here. Prices235c. to 810 per outfit. Artus-tic and elegant beat expressee our stock of artprins. fac simile water colors and high-clasmcalendars for 'V-. Discount off froum now tillChristmas. FRIED. A. SCHMIDT.Artist. Architect antd A'aine, r Supplies.Branen 1I42 Pa. ave. (d2 ] 504I th At. aw.


"IDEAL" TRICYCLE. 34-inch wheels, pries cutfrom $40 to S30.

Every Tricycle has a reliable band brake (an me-mat feature) and is fitted with a saddle ausaltodifferent heIghts. All machinse inisedin black.with gold lest striping and nickel trunming-.Strong and durable. Noting of the toy shout it.

GORMULLY & JEFFREY MPG. CO..d21 1Z235 14th st. n.w-

CHRISTMAS GOODS AT BOTTOMPrices. Broken Candy. Candy Balls. Creamuandy.Chocolate and Gum Dropm. Cream Alnond.l In. Nuts. Dates. Figs, Malmra Grapes. Orangs.ICranberriesGordon and Dolworth's and Atuores1Mince MPln Puddings. California PFrits inlas and tsNewEnglSt. Croix and Jamaic. IRum.Okt cotch and Pure Bye W akis SweetLder. tawba. Sherry and Pert Wines. Ie. &c.MAOUE a JONIS. 0,06 cor. M am Wil S&L. N.



Open eventgs ft=o 6t to2"tuelds 4V. 4. FUG0ER ART STORE.

021-1 M 35th . 4


A drumniar repmesenting aeloth Importer with an over--stock of fine troseinta. Did]Iwantthem? No, eept ataprice. The figurewege given.]Ridiculous, yet I winl tele.-graph your offer to the house.]Te 1oo-dn.ar eeteceamin UndmedWorstd.Nsbut lewno wear fine clothesare interested in these. Msnwho know quality and appee-cle stl.Men who knowwhet is bagworn in London]and New yr. Men who]

impat theise fne, soft-fin-]mmandresed worsted as ]aenwh herofe them.gready-made Tiouse haenever known what it is to teat-Dree .."ntthesyhaveonsparof'Toussses en theUndressed wurstedA. They' 4

~~gbautiull. gr.c.funly,

sais ani arg

y.AsateaELDI~spEME~ U

du ca.Tre. evss..'ME~Ta ra amsr n.su eunegawa ussa- ese

mademm w'amhaep

Oh Wa RVaatse ustrm n es, ea

Gebmstaangued .

Wuhimgtu NMw sam 6.4

LITELTS ...... ...........ms S

LMUSNESSENO.....................Pm.e STIDNTR .................... . Pss 7

OARDING ..... ..... .Pa 2

MCUSION .. . . Page a'AKILT SUJAMM page*rw71INA NIALLn -----------------IT IT M ............................PaseO R INT s ............... page 2

0URNT (0EAL E e .................Poo 2'OI RENT ( us.. s. ..... ....................ag6

)OR RENT (..m.........................Paie S

OC AE (OuaL .. ............PaeCOR S (.o) ............................Pag 2

'OR SAILE (Bgm,"caIaakaa Opus 2

'AL LI ODs......................Page 72

'OALAL . .o.e......................PaCe 2tO RENT ('.............. .........Pe 2

AICRET (O. ............................Pms, 3

... RENTIO ..... .... ....ras. 6CRI . RENT.(..... . ......... ..paeRbRCA3E (tS...........- .Pas2[ E NTCA (...b....... .................Pg

LONEY WANTED AND TO WAN _.*.*Pame 2OTALEE PUBLIC...... ......Pae 3

CEAN STEA R ............................Page3ROTOAC BI(ER ahS..........Pae StJAN05 AND GANS ....... . ........S.OT L-........................Pam 2.AIE'GOOD8 .................. .... ......Pam 3

ROPOALS .I........................ ...PagSSLAILROADS ..............o........0..p%" SI.ECIAL NOTICES..................... ...... 1I1PECIALTIES.................... pms aUBTBAN PUOPEU T.............. Pag 2VANTED (Help)............................... Pm vVANTED (Houm).......................... Pa m2EVANTED (TE N............. ....Pm 2

VANTED (Roa)................... p 2VANTEAD (sitmE ..................Pae b

VANTD (MOIAOTa. ...,.'INTER RESORTs .............. .gSStatement of the circalon ot Tarn RVOMssE NAL.for te week end . Decemb.r..I..,.IOFLAY December 14, .............SAS'ESDAY. December ... . ...........asm

IVEDNESDAY, December Is,80. 33.3....35MURSI)AY, December 17,101 ..... j~3LDAY, December i . i........... ..P4a t,

PATURLAY December I. .............41rr

TOt .......................Pa a

Averve- 3"

IUBUB PROPERT..................P


VorsAND (In ........................ase2 11I (Sta.Y ma t .. t.. ab.e . atre adSrestatement O the circulatin of TEE EvN- 5NO rA for t week ending December1 1 .

N. WHIT. .RO.. ,C"eD eening tar News..... Co I

bsAibed andmer to beforem...t. wen.y.iARa DY DOes Iber, 1.D. agLga

#OHN It. C. cLARK,Notary ..bi... "

Gvra.x.m Bac.mm TODA.-Internal ev- c

n.s69,172; ceet1 . .. 3",445LTKE Pasaarnmn ban appointed Idwd W.

Imith a carpenter In the navy.

Ion swear PaT SAm-Tbe Navy Do-mrtment isinformed of the arrivalof he gun

mcat Petrel at Port Sai yesterday on her way bo China.vMovxzmu or Snxrnn-The Asms of siamiardlver dollars from~ the intes ma treasury aiNmo during the week ended December lte wee 1

9g97 The Ees during the respondiCg '

*erod of less year amounted to 1260 1hhipats of fractional silver om sln..e thest indtent aggregaed, fl71,i6 C

PApuu T~Azrv arnic zmTh Secretary of t,

Itate is informed of an amendment to the ty

miff in the federalditrict of Mexic by whichal Ityf o(80 cets er 109 kilograme gross ii

reightis estab on rag p.erl ti a

OpoEr, wnpping paper (excepc trn pers

or wrapping) and unpined papEr ee for

AgarettA wrappers).tCmNtarpnte Sinthe Nasy- teram was received at theTreaury eprtmentoday announcing ase Conviction at Seattleiamb., of Olaf Albertasa, alis Olaf Sjodin, forounterfeitg at P cro a otes of thwedishover ment lbs minister resident of Sweden a

ioned the Swedish coimmtissioner ot

ad two other witagesek with man =inap9

i5 country To aist" in the inoesationdhis Cas. _______

PMMOAUn~z-A. A. Brown of Pitkburg, jobnteads of Boston, H. Coheon of New York ad d.W.Bartlett of ROseNhe va,mwe#AWil- a

SDieksc.i of New York, a 1. -

>owIer of Newsto. N.. endtese A. neiueny of New York n ast the A,Udmand Pendleton of Cincinnati, T. B, Cowen UiI New York,W. a Leagdo o B imor sad 0!a i_ krMA of anoae amt t theAgto

-ri. in tHubbrda oftridgfeiort Cby whJh.

abnyn of 5 Colunts,1OilogramW. grossd

Iap, repptith paperexeptJoh paper of

or Nwapprkg Chns.d uckpaer of cpto for

lgete wabers) ofNwTraeltteRgs

oC ork thmasV. Johpnso Nforia, 111.- 1;andHw.a evda rmoamauryaresene a

odkayo annotlndn Jth . e oniiof aot seate.

Was., Jf C.a Aersono alis Oad A)damsfo

roonterfBtn .0roateo the m dish- c

L.verwten.Temie - of ocetrN.YA hswedena

emioned Mhe Swedis Nesen-a- of Que-

adwoM. othe wthaes ihnsto r

hos country to C.siset on thew Lnon s.

nL enosso w ekaeathie asePatro~a.-. . Haoen ofittsbir, Joh

hr'.-- bal sotkero N Yor, 3. La. e

owert of Non.folk. and H. A. Mee Ef lwaofkee Yor e at the Ut.J n __ k

SNew Watrman W.A Iangdomrof Vat.,or an D.1.1 o. DWcestruif ' Care attenAlinon.h

~lobinsonof lsabsOh, L . Aflrig-Bif. Chcg Vn . I'. oronrf Aant, b

ohtO., re at the orha.-oh wnfIoeveand-. T. aos ieof Te== sMm . C. Webb a

mtoo.eJ. hmr ofNwYraeaUhig.


3o Yrk he*maSW JE 3tPora IR,


ad R H.Aaee h of Dh=== ire a teabitt.-Wdu. by Ji etNemY, Jous.

emke of Scotln Joe. L Lake of oR na

hel. J.te C. aanss s 4 and Adam *

EemphidMS.Etta . lb ofQeeo P


rHE DEAD SENATORm Easive FuNeral Survioe is th


Is PRIDEIT ATTEIDI4anyOthef Distinguished Ptonmnethe Diplomatic Corps Prmant


he 3m - orteas&e smter sMw Vese e-as Tubean to Ma WestrUsmam, A.-mmr- by a n-i- -eBoth eeas se et~gres.

Today the U. S. Senate, the Hose of Retatives., the executive ad judicial deparatsof the government, the representtivforeign powers and his many friends ao

ke Washington public paid the hat tributeIfection and respect to the memory of theislenator Preston B. Plumb.Early this morning the body was pleed Inmndsome cloth-covered casket of ceder, ake lid of which was a plain silver plate bearLo following inscription:

"Passo B. PWm."Born October 12, 1837."Died December 20, 18."

During the night the only watchers at6meidence of the deceased on lith street wereetail of meseengerm from the Capitol ad hrivate secretary. 'his morning thene werem callers at the house, mostly Senate enLoyes, who greatly admired senator "mmk life for his manvcharitable eforts in theshalf and held his memory in deepest rreace Among the callers were Capt. J. G. LiAsy of Kansas, who commanded a cosanyenator Plumb's regiment during the war asas his wara personal friend.

TAKKx TO TOM CAPOt.At 10 o'clock the casket was berne fEa home to the hearse by eight of the Capitolice under direction of Assistant Sergesat-armas Merritt. Immediately the smal funaeriartegeconsistng of the heare drawn itocoal-black horses caparisoned with hmanAbes of black setting, and earriges I-hich rode Mr. Merritt and the private anstary and a few admirers of the late tsmatarted toward the CapitoL There were aoral decorations at the house, and, savemall wreath of white immortelles on the tof the casket sent by the chief clerk oftessaury Department, there was nothieg torieve the somber blackness of the casket whicDtained all that remained of the late distimished Senator. The small o e asowly down 14th street toaaRe, wending its way up thrgthe Cal grounds to the northeast front a( theol, where the casket was removed from a

eurse madcarriedup the white marble stnI the Senate wing. At the entrance to 0uilding the remain. were met by tiergeat-.ram Valentine, who escorted them threfgso lower corridors of the building and alair to the marble room in the rearofUteaste chamber and only a few feet from tice Presidents chair. There they were plasn a black cu-falque in the center of 11om and all persons were requested to matie

Tax ca===T XOT ersusa.SO"m after the casket was depted In 11marble room a large number of prsIathered around the door at the eak-maleg to tebe a tlas look at the lstaresso dead, but in view of the cooditaen of Q1ody it was deemed best not to expose theim 1iew. When the Senate met at noon the chaser was partly arranged for the fasebsqdies. The desk and chairof the deceaftsnator were heavily draped. The gleneve crowded with spectator, eacept the diptutic and the Vice President's galleries, Vere reserved.In the opening prayer Bev. J . Bdter, 0baplain, referred in a feeling manner to tieath of Senator Plumb. Sanetiled, he sid-ip last bereavement. Teach as heaveai-idom, and hear as when we comemn d Ibee, very tenderly, Thy handmaide in hAtuade an- sadness and .verwsmnaagrea her distnat hame. We pray that wiastain br ad comfort her and give her Thsoft.On motion of Mr. amieresa the reaingse journal was dispened with. and Mr. leime to make the forma announcement cf 31luab's death and to efer the usuad remoh

WMAmion Parsma's AWNessCe3Mmr.se aid: Mr. President, I esteem myself psiary afortnste in that, before I have beemember of this body long enegh to have hbsme famltar with even the dimemalms of thaamber in which we sit, I am called Iasonace the death at my distiuguihed meegue, whose wonderful reseerees I ha:pectedl to rely Predton I. Plumb,sater from in this city yesemy at ten miantes before 12 o'clock Ukat the time nor the occasi topek atFthe life and public services of the abssnator. The dark drapery about the eastog occupied tereiby remAinds his ftw aembers that ty have lest antheir most active and ind tr6ien WeW'. His experimen, his practical wa

.4mg things, hbe saeaety and hisgumvrs of enduramhis cns-ency and tat

dlem on duty sadib alertness in metis

ads hima a co-picuous hgue among titong -aa of the matie. But thste are ethembe feel this bereawemeent mnore keenly thae, upnwhoma the blow ham fates with erustg wih.There s ahem where tids mase knwn as the world knew him aesp-,s where hearts are heuessad bleng,,s where a loving famitlbe gaeven in their grlifto reesiewadr wa is heft of the fend husband ather in whose life theirs were cloely beenda them there ame at least two soures of eelstion-ens ttis he fell while on duty at i

stIn the service cet isant; the othsat there is a fountaia ot imethnule awer ad duratten from'hi we 4 maaw In time ofuased. At the gvreper UrnsMask the Senate to msas a am whenm,my pytrae to -a deeinsd heether iana=====mand ew, Mr. Pasiem%- I== mseummse,3msed, That the sude deseto me Urnmeste. 3. Plumb earnm pssend ew -

usp regret to hisamsts tae Saaa

Ne=seed. That.a esates aflive aSemtaeappeisted by the Vise PatseM to ahi'der witha enemte of the Desse of

te herniarPami, as a ame ofehiseeQabt beis~ he smseed

epieto sa tt i bm ae

itseab whisk shl hae a poer toemsits sesialebembet.

Baseved, tha the bnehtete tegtend in itehamer the emese ee s

teeeese et samaedass.I~1he busam emen,

skeasamem pg -.

me afamsta maamm..


1mm ramm emwaogGae en Se t Ean W. 3asame ma

sweseteft at W smmes sa,f-ed Dre t.o n a vewete r.Tawa. Kax.. Dec. 2.-U-Nb deeat ot agPiemb is received heo. wth prefeamd esnee.Armasemte ae being mende for hi bety teheta ae an e espoeld t Tapeah ema day o

agteebme t vem. Pnumb. as oete hems isB being draped in atormg. asaSt aee emeet he faueral trai s towns ofy nmWedneeday and eeet it to mbpuseswbgnthe remaits of the .aer e be bied.specaiseu s t, smcesmer 0 ive. but oe

friends at the dead Penater praser te wnt I&the obeeiaes ae over before therrge s eme

.AN ETO A LAmB @&am&a -M Kfi-Eed. Weman Ut WIgM04

butS IMaess e Nm.U======== Pa., Dec. 2.---Panseugr

No. a as the lahigh Valey rAreed eam tate aland elide at Mackport this morutg. fIbedLavelle, an engineer of the Central meed orN ew Jersey, who was riding is the aes W

5 kiled. Me eagineer is charge ct the soE cped. George Weaver, has Oremenss 0I tally infjred. Weaver haves W=a The pamNages were badlycabbet up sd wmm

slightly bruied. he train was rminag at terate of thirty-Ave amils per bar at the aim oSthe acci&eat AllUlrsis deoiye" by ana Wrech.


rgmse made sat sOssmmet beetsameeU.ed--W& ea.*

Qrcmac, Dec. 21.-The acties St oieS. MAngiers in damiedag the Mercie greampromies new to wreck e federal geermetat Ottawa abe. It ha -pesed thems*t3Mr. Tarte. now Mesie any,ube ereatd a

b treMO&Ons m inlt ightt am as met-r isg called in Mer ower'. ineleet bydbiegthat is making his fames hSges - t ONtu=

relative to the Quebec barber weks bdism wbich drove ar Hecter Laugevia MAd 808-

T Te. Meareevy out of eb&us , he Wagaided and abetted by Sir de;eet-ree aguemdapparent freed but real rival is he embem%Mar A. P. Caron, mainieter of mines and eind.

a to be able tonrove that the federal gere.-meast received 3,I0S, with which is tn thoI-electauaa,

d TosouTe OUT.. De. 21.--he Nesiomd eer-y a e of the Toroute Redsiave a he

usdrefudsthat it is the isasome o So* Quebec comervative haderstshave W Merese

. and ether .-- , s ot the mmee$ edo-siis.tis arreSted em the charge at me..ow"* the previscisl tressery.

p uBAPG|B ix maamt Ms oenStIes by niew o a S ed in geMme

SWamow==, Pa.. Dee- 3.-he hetsimby 2ommesSeach and tee. dwei at aseneNetch woew burned ths ,esoifg. 1ewa AL2e guest of te betl amped in aek s

Nrac1, 39. T., Dec. 2.-IU bqlan e st

destroy" byares about "40ar bet.eTwelve valuable hormmsad ey easilewere brsed to dea. n sisb..t.U.

a Tatrmss, Ca-, Ies. 3.-Fir, u ,e4 arWtyeeterday, et ndr e IeeI at 3SM As*aight after smakang a eass swapfaern te

, L katang i-k to deevos' bleek. this ins*abnearly all the oMters half oe "OI. alowe iever $0e,e; rme j. ne plss,

a wocolered with furniture asSeedds. ASdoen an were inmured, but fet mes .

csmactaar. I. . OSDe. 21.-Rerty tMfmoratg ar. ceue feer wmw os don.

Jobs I. Gbooptoo's steak derm, baa one" tha city. Four valuable hres aod a lmeamoes ot produce woe. UseWill ament te e,0.


b Melsm A. Beat Ner hae m,. I ., sothe Tweta noeima'e nwid.

a Jasetow, N. Y., Dee. IL-Meises A. beia ot this city has ished his 16,M 1 e bispen,ride an which he started Jamny 5, A.16M, asodgSthe em wheel na whicb hasdhies goSor traneentimesisI ride dhe m=w=. at.v ofut Now 4nside e sortmhotee-am18 dhe be plevies osewed bein bthe bOya - - ha a.r MI

Th Aoaw Manpower Utt M &am St. ~e Pee m e am mas

a serious Ken.Pan.o, Dec. 21.-Te Vie ess ee oeeS

of Leeaz tePlaz ep he a*amapm pwosJeseph, whom days e e"t ewas besaa cold, but had alhe"t onikely eeessd, aohad a re" and is sew a vimtet er-

openwaoge o.f---=St indemne.= lbSfurther es that the aempterio emsek i t a

vimherIensce e.eRaw Te.n, Due. L-Uweard I. VI.A

a ,ietseed , e., agai p dede1ap* ie when asmed breaae me mesae.CyrM W. Flad .eeling e.. .m.

log. His ---a- iss$ -M-'--' 16edas it wa as Saturday.Two isdicusients wos eouesed 410Edward M. Field. Beta ee hamad en he-

S t s45de.Uma J.iri. who s

Lm-=-, Dee. 31.4ard Nemst WIssebas bebgum preeins ka esesse hm 1m

I Lady Kesed de Wallee has Gamsy esm e - 1 gam b h babs ier mesen

I wa Whbmmsa4. -aan-Cams, 3. 5., Des. 3.-De pet M

Sr epeated "ne beaheads emse" as sema in. Eis oeens isme.

mhes scre e g a tiam eeheteMa fB a s -er St e a iase

Ms. 3ideSm ean e.sabes ha

aspemin ees. de es- esa assndbe Esma eems hem esSbadmGe wasm a snse- a Ste e

I em ad e be me smam em eess e W stthm M StdinpmpenssmsssmbewuoQlemef m Qake \\sa s

Gbetrad bede e e taBSt emess heta aas eshoe be,. Musis em ade mse mad - eQeeMbQM be

amaarMdmahe sas s

umaameer smeme Me e

-sstm emesmt -se baseesmas remne wein

MlI e -la ene he.maIe