rio de janeiro, brazil (by tatiana)


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Page 1: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)
Page 2: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)
Page 3: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)

Administrative Division


• The city is divided into 160 districts, organized in five areas of planning and

33 administrative regions.

• Rio de Janeiro, is the capital of the state of the same name, which is the

southern part of brazil. river, as is popularly known is a city full of life and

culture mix, is also an important economic center of the country. the

city is known worldwide for its famous carnival, incredible monument of

Christ the redeemer, located in the sugar loaf, but above all for their

statuesque women and extensive beaches. first capital of brazil, to the founding of the city of Brasilia, Rio is

the first tourist destination in Latin America. today the city has an

estimated population of 6, 320, 446 million, making it one of the most populous cities in south America.

Page 4: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)


• In the city of Rio de Janeiro are located some of the most important centers of higher education including UFRJ Brazil's first and largest university in the country. The city has four public universities (UFRJ, UNIRIO, UERJ and UEZO), some public and many private institutions of higher education.

• The primary and secondary education are offered by state and private schools, public schools remain, however, much lower, generally suffering from shortage of teachers, teaching materials and laboratory, being frequented by the poorest people. There are some basic and secondary schools renowned and well equipped and sustained boys are also many wealthy families such as the Federal School D. Pedro II, the Military College and teaches Federal Technology Center (Cefet).

• There are over 80 universities / colleges in the city of Rio de Janeiro

Page 5: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)

Copacabana Palace

• Inaugurated in 1923 was one of the first hotels built oceanfront. Its refined style fully reflect the European cultural influence of his time.

• Today besides being a choice of high excellence among the proposed hotel in town is considered part of the historical heritage.

• Has been throughout its history the hotel preferred by artists, politicians, executives and international personalities. In several movies have been filmed but perhaps the most important was "Flying Down to Rio", in which Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers danced together for the first time.

Copacabana Fort (Forte de Copacabana)

• Built in 1914 to strengthen the defense of the city. Within it lies the Army Historical Museum. It also offers a panoramic view of the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema.

• Sugarloaf Mountain (Pao de Acucar)

• This strange mountain with its particular beauty shared the podium with the Corcovado tourist attractions from which one can see the most spectacular views of the city.

• The ascent to it is by a cable car that first makes a stop at the Morro da Urca.

• Besides the beaches of Rio and Niteroi and dense Atlantic Forest is possible to see some historic buildings such as the Forte de Santa Cruz and the Ilha Fiscal

Page 6: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)

The cuisine of Rio de Janeiro has basically four roots: African, Indian, Portuguese and cosmopolitan. When we talk about the kitchen of Rio de Janeiro can say it is one of the most interesting and genuine kitchens throughout Brazil. The delicious and exquisite fruit they have in Rio de Janeiro is one of the strengths in the cuisine of the city such as mango, coconut or guarana.If we focus on the most typical drinks of the city we can highlight the caipirinha, the national drink of Rio de Janeiro. It is made with brandy distilled from sugar cane (cachaça), sugar, lime juice and ice. The fruit smoothies are very common in the city Rio de Janeiro, in which combine natural fruit juices and cachaça.

• We focus on sweets, which include the quindim, a delicious cupcake coconut and eggs, or slime moça, prepared with cinnamon and sugar, coconut milk, similar to Spanish toast. During the warmer months we recommend enjoying a refreshing dessert known as ambrosia melon-like fruit salad, made with melon and fresh grated coconut.

Page 7: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)

THE CARNIVAL OF BRAZIL• The Carnival of Brazil is an

annual festival held forty days or six weeks before the beginning of Easter is in the days immediately before Lent.

• The typical genres of music of Brazilian carnival are in Rio de Janeiro and Southeast Region in general : the samba

• Carnival is the most famous holiday in Brazil and has become an event of huge proportions. Except the industries, malls and the carnival related workers, the country stops completely for almost a week and festivities are intense, day and night, mainly in coastal cities. The consumption of beer accounts for 80% of annual consumption and tourism receives 70% of annual visitors.

Page 8: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)
Page 9: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)


1. Do not take pictures when the guide says not to take pictures. Portraying a dealer can get you in trouble.2. Do not look at women blatantly and especially not talk to them if they do first. You never know who may be the wife, daughter, sister ...3. Do not ask. Never anyone. If you ask, they may suspect you may think you're a cop infiltrated or member of a rival gang and that lead to his death.4. Never go alone inside the Favelas because it would lead to death5. If they ask you to answer.

There are more rules ...

Page 10: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Tatiana)