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Subliminal Racism in America. Trayvon Martin


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Trayvon Martin


©2012 by Arthur J. Graham

And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring flesh upon you,

and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live, and ye shall know

that I am the Lord. Ezekiel 37:6

As we begin a brief but crucial walk through a peculiar “edit game” to asset and to audit the currency values of White America’s ritualized myth of progress, observe when, how, and why Arthur Graham’s August 2009, online social media comment (shown below) was deliberately juxtaposed to the following excerpt from the Cambridge police report on Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates’ “arrest.”

Gates was telling the person on the other end of the call that he was dealing with a racist police officer in his home. Gates then turned to me and told me that I had no idea who I was messing with and that I had not heard the last of it. … I again told Gates that I would speak with him outside. … His reply was, “Ya, I’ll speak with your mama outside.”

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The excerpt above, taken from the Cambridge Police arrest report, was juxtaposed irresponsibly to Graham’s ranting and venting tirade which was aimed squarely at His Wonkiness, Slip Rock Gates:

Con Man vs. Profiling Expert: Gates is a liar, plagiarizer and fraud who ripped off my dissertation “The Manichean Leitmotif” and my works on “subliminal racism” which I coined; he will soon proved to be the Jayson Blair of Academia, in that he is a dunce who knows nothing about “White America” or “Black America.” Ask him who REALLY is “Phillis Wheatley” and where is “Nat Turner,” THE CIPHER who he and William Styron slept with on Martha’s Vineyard while shooting the movie, “Confessions.”

For this “con man” challenge, do search — enter exactly: subliminal racism … manichean leitmotif



Lesson for Sgt. Crowley: Profile “Skip” the Con Man’s “acquired professorship” at Fair Harvard before granting him any “apology” and arrest his “azz” for “signifying his uppity NIG” to pimp your “profiling expertise” and “to publish” a few MORE dumb-down books! Tell Obama, too, “beware of dogs” from Harvard! {end excerpt]

In June 2007, this comment was also posted online, Fox News, social media: “I coined the term ‘subliminal racism’; and I am pleased to see that others are catching on to spot such racist juxtapositions as the linking of Obama’s photo to the language of ‘crime.’”

The positioning of Graham’s plaintive “rants” at Gates together with the Cambridge Police “arrest” report is demonstrative, craft wise, of certain political “strategic communication” juxtaposition; however that may be, we contend that “it” is

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painfully conveyed through linguistic and symbolic “subliminal racial profiling.” This culpable presentation also marks a test case of strategic “hijacking” of the term “subliminal racism.”

Our second observation point brings us in sight of the following paraphrase of Graham’s comment that is taken from his social media FB Wall on 26 March 2012; this posted comment briefly chronicled Arthur Graham’s unintentional embroilment in the GOP so-called “popular uprising” against the Obama Death-panel. However, unlike Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich, Graham’s comment is transformed into that of an inadvertent “complicit enabler” to diss a repugnant political adversary (Bush II Former Press Secretary McClellan), to be entered into a lampooning yet discrete and forensic sounding of the GOPs political mind and worldview, a worldview which systemically telegraphs a reactionary racist vision of humankind that is bent on derailing Obama—if not assassinating him via the hands of a so-called deranged “mechanic,” like Loughner of Tucson, Arizona, and Zimmerman of Sanford, Florida. Well on our journey now, we have discovered that wires of a genuine “conspiracy” do indeed hook up because when “truth comes falsehood vanishes.”

The third observation point leads us time-wise to the year 2012, and to an interpretative summary of trickonological propaganda and condescending doublespeak BS! I had sent to the Obama campaign a copy of the same “comment” that was posted on FOX NEWS ONLINE in August 2009, to more or less save Obama from con-man Gates and for Obama to stop hanging out with certain dumb-down “academic dogs”—and here now, 2012, “it” is rekindled [obviously out of context—

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from 2009 to 2012] to make it appear as if Graham’s denouncement of Gates’ so-called “public intellectual wonkiness,” while upholding Law-Enforcement’s “reasonable MO” detection to profile and arrest “Incog-negro-plagiarizer” Gates, is disavowal of Obama. Obviously, by way of “strategic communication” and discrete “subliminal racial profiling,” Graham’s “innocent” post, taken out of context, is being used as GOP propaganda against “the dumbest armchair president, Obama ….”

Yet there is much more to this hijacking and distorting behavior that is not just with Fox News. It is about an entire culture’s hijacking “myth of progress” that defines at any given time its reason for being Self in extremis to the Manichean Other; or, one might say, the “Hidden Subliminal Language of the Negro.” This peculiar “concealed preparation” language is rooted in White America’s “myth of progress,” and is oftentimes referred to as the “Manichean dualism” (F. Fanon & R. Ellison).

Granted, there are arsenals of approaches or pathways to insights and understanding of the various “thought processes and conceptual patterns” to America’s controlling myth and symbology. Our approach takes into account the entire historiography of American studies and media literacy. For an in-depth description of the metaphor “subliminal racism” and its sexist/racist effect, see Graham’s Subliminal Racism Essays (Amen-Ra Theological Seminary Press, Los Angeles, 2005.) For a concise and penetrating discourse on the etymology of the term racism, see Alan J. Levine’s article, “Redefining Racism: The term racism has evolved over time, for political reasons.” By examining certain “political reasons” and their

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propagandizing connections, Levine noted that “Martin Luther King Jr. once defined racism as ‘a doctrine of the congenital inferiority and worthlessness of a people.’”

At this particular junction on our “edit bio game” excursions for gaining cutting edge insights into all aspects of presentations regarding “race, writing, and difference”—the issue of plagiarism is tantamount and extremely crucial for us to wrestle with. In our particular case study, as was indicated by the related email excerpts and social media comments pointed to, above, Fox News was informed in 2009 about its “none” attribution and hijacking of “subliminal racism.” However, Fox News in 2012, “craft-wise” by way of the narrative device and force of “anamnesis,” co-opted the “2009 comment” by juxtaposition of “a painful reminder—i.e., Gates’ arrest,” next to a negative photo-ad of Obama, thereby hijacking Graham’s metaphor as it otherwise would have related to “criminal profiling,” within the natural or real context of such forensic “congenital inferiority” juxtaposition—or, more precisely, segregated “life by comparison.”

As to the considered and/or implicit worthlessness of a people’s intellectual properties, Fox News chose not to investigate or recognize neither the “intellectual property” source nor the importance of the term’s bedrock “purpose and intent” which is to provide edifying means or viable, studied opinions and arguments that may lead to “solutions” of America’s racial dilemma, through “dignified and elevated composition.” With this aspiring ambition in mind, heart and soul, the term “subliminal racism” may be seen as a generational fulfillment of King’s Dream of the “spiritually beautiful” to sound with pen

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and ink, the dignity and integrity of black manhood. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr. and

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlvEiBRgp2M )

This is not merely a war of words or misapplied hijacking of a metaphor. This is certainly about the expansion and explosion of the metaphor “subliminal racism” in all dimensions of learned understanding of America’s racial dynamics—dynamics seen through the historic and cultural prism of “human detail” research and convincing presentations within the history of ideas. With tenacity, fortitude, and intellectual integrity, this challenge was met and is marked by Arthur Graham’s introduction of the terms “subliminal racism” and the “Manichean leitmotif” at UCSD in 1972. By extension, other works followed that encompass “multi-media studies” to edify our awareness of the “cause and effect” dynamics of our “racial divide” conditions. By harvesting both sublime and ridiculous, “open-mindedness” to myth and symbology, we have developed new and promising examination methodology, improved interpretation skills and insights, and contributed to the canon of explication, in regard to the theory and praxis of an Image Analysts.™

See, for instance, Graham’s “legacy” contribution to American letters:


In view of the track record of the foregoing circumstances and incidents, regarding the affirmation of black scholarship, we demand the respect that is traditionally given to an original-field practitioner who is licensed to practice by way of Graham’s Tetranalysis, ™ an exclusive methodology which pioneered the

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proper contexts and cultural-linguistics usages of the terms “subliminal racism” and “subliminal criminal profiling.” As to diagnosis and prognosis, our forecasting aim, especially through an inter-disciplinary approach, is to identify cultural-linguistic patterns or aspects of the language that may account for the “forensic behavior” that is often attributed to the “psychopathic racial personality” (Bobby E. Wright).

Unlike Fox News hijacking and distortions of Graham’s “intellectual property” in the effort to demonize the identity and to confuse the imagery of President Barack Obama, we re-enter this thread of incidents that are congenitally related to the imagery and symbology of Trayvon Martin’s killing by a sinister “OSB-KKK conspiracy”—the very idea, “stand your ground” right to bear arms Amendment, and the expressiveness of the current “high pith and moment” mystical and diabolical case study of a KKK-CIA-NWO mind-control ritual assassin, George Zimmerman.

With ignorance and lack of concern about the seminal sources and analogues behind the term SUBLIMINAL RACISM, “proverbial” Bill Maher seemed to be cracking jokes about a “Jes Grew” black “spouting” acrostics, as he insidiously mocks at the term “subliminal racism.” (“Jes Grew” implies “just grew” – For a “legacy” coining check within the black critical tradition, see Ishmael Reed’s essay, “Mumbo Jumbo”).


The youtube “video watch” link, directly above, shows Bill Maher arrogantly leading from his anchor” position online, a inner-circle pack of vulture-cult folks, a sinister “media cell” that is bent on repeating the hijacking-fate of “institution