robert pattinson

Robert Pattinson Robert Pattinson

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Post on 13-Jul-2015



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Robert PattinsonRobert Pattinson

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Robert Pattinson was born in 1986 in London, England, His first Robert Pattinson was born in 1986 in London, England, His first performances were in theater at age 15, Pattinson had started performances were in theater at age 15, Pattinson had started a modeling career when he was twelve, but left four years later.a modeling career when he was twelve, but left four years later.since his childhood he has always shown an interest in music and since his childhood he has always shown an interest in music and theater. He learned to play instruments like guitar and piano theater. He learned to play instruments like guitar and piano and started doing small roles in plays. At age 15, participated in and started doing small roles in plays. At age 15, participated in part Tess of the D'Urbervilles and from there began acting part Tess of the D'Urbervilles and from there began acting professionally. His first film was The Curse of the Ring, made professionally. His first film was The Curse of the Ring, made for television. Shortly thereafter, landed the role of Cedric for television. Shortly thereafter, landed the role of Cedric Diggory, for which he was praised highly at the time, being Diggory, for which he was praised highly at the time, being considered the next Jude Law for British magazines. considered the next Jude Law for British magazines. Thereafter, he participated in some movies for television and Thereafter, he participated in some movies for television and comedy How To Be, who was called up to star in Twilight, a film comedy How To Be, who was called up to star in Twilight, a film that brought him to worldwide success. Then came New Moon that brought him to worldwide success. Then came New Moon and Eclipse, which will debut later this year.and Eclipse, which will debut later this year.

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Robert na infância e adolescência .Robert na infância e adolescência .

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Robert says get pretty surprised when people approach to askRobert says get pretty surprised when people approach to askautographs and photos. autographs and photos. But with great respect for the admiration that fans have for their work.But with great respect for the admiration that fans have for their work.

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/ curiosities/ curiosities The idol came to have a statue in the famous wax museum Madame The idol came to have a statue in the famous wax museum Madame

Tussauds in London.Tussauds in London. The statue, which took four months to be made and cost $ The statue, which took four months to be made and cost $

225,000, also reflects, according to the museum, the "sensuous 225,000, also reflects, according to the museum, the "sensuous expression and disordered hair that are the hallmark of Pattinson.“expression and disordered hair that are the hallmark of Pattinson.“

Pattinson says that the passion of his life at the moment Pattinson says that the passion of his life at the moment ... is your dog. "The only relevance of emotional ... is your dog. "The only relevance of emotional connection I have is with my dog. My relationship with connection I have is with my dog. My relationship with him gets to be ridiculous.“him gets to be ridiculous.“

He is shy.He is shy.

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