
Project by : Tahreem wafa BSIT F12S002 Robotics 1

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Post on 11-May-2015




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  • 1.Project by : Tahreem wafa BSIT F12S0021

2. A robot is a re-programmable, multifunctional machine that is designed to replace human in hazardous work. Usually it is electro-mechanical machine .A machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions.2 3. Robotics is science of building and designing applications for robots. or Robotics is the branch of technology which deals with the structure ,making and applications of robots. A very simplest definition could be Study of Robots is called Robotics 3 4. The history of robots belongs to ancient myths and legends. The first uses of modern robots were in factories as industrial robots simple fixed machines capable of manufacturing tasks which allowed production without the need for human assistance.4 5. The word robot was introduced to public by Czech writer Karel Capek(1890-1938) in his play R.U.R (Rossums universal Robots), published in 1920. The play begins in a factory that makes artificial people called robots. Capek was reported several times a candidate for Nobel prize for his work.5 6. The word robotics used to describe the field of study , was defined by the Russian born . American scientist and science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) in 1940s.6 7. Robotics is important because of : Speed Accuracy For hazardous places work For doing a task repetitively7 8. First Law : A robot may not injure humanity, or through inaction, not allow humanity to came to harm Second Law : A robot must obey orders given by human beings , except where such orders would conflict with a higher order law Third Law : A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with a higher order law8 9. Most industrial robots have at least five parts Sensor Effector Actuators Controllers Arms9 10. .10 11. Advantages :Going far away on planets. Going far down into the unknown waters and mines where human would be cursed Giving us information that human cant Giving at places 24/7 without any salary and food. Plus they dont get bored They can perform tasks faster and accurate Mostly dont need human helpDisadvantages :People can lose jobs in factories It needs supply of power It needs maintenances to keep it running It cost money to make or buy a robot 11 12. 12