role of information technology in society


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• Information technology which has revolutionized entire business world has also laid down the foundation of a future society. A society where IT will play a very significant role in everybody’s life.

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CNTD…• 1. Democracy : Democratic sectors like government, elected

representatives, political parties, citizens and voters can use the information and communication technology with in the political process of local communities , states, regions, nation and on global stage.

• 1.1 E-voting : The voter with the use of dedicated link to the polling site can doo line voting which is still a dream in India. Online voting will help NRIs to take part in election. Also far flung areas can be connected to the election process.

• 1.2 E-citizen: There will be more active participation of citizen enabled by internet, mobile communication which will help in more participatory forms of direct citizen involvement in efforts to address public challenges.

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• 2. Governance : Irrespective of rural or urban area, distance will be shortened using information technology. In such a situation an electronic connectivity should emerge between the various State and Central Government Departments for fully committed transparent administration. A networked database with real time updated data exchange will ensure speedy service to the people under one roof for all their government/non-government service requirement. Transparency will have to emerge in governance.

• 2.1 Online consultation: The government can make its consultation framework online. This can be done by having special portal dedicated to open consultation across the government.

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CNTD…• 3. Disaster management : Through the application of information

technology tools sufferings can be minimized.• Internet: A well defined website can provide a new and potentially

evolutionary option for the rapid, automatic, and global dissemination of disaster information. A number of individuals and groups, including several national meteorological services, can experiment with the Internet for real time dissemination of weather observation, forecasts, satellite and other data.

• 3.1 Drought : A database can be maintain of all the land samples gathered from satellite which can be used to target potential ground water sites for taking up well-digging programmes . Also the database provides valuable tools for evaluating areas subject to desertification.

• 3.2 Flood : In case of flood data can be effectively used for mapping and monitoring the flood inundated areas, flood damage assessment, flood hazard zoning and post-flood survey of rivers configuration and protection works.

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• 4 Green technology : IT can be very helpful in reducing the global warming and promoting the green and clean technology. As more and more service sector will come into existence and IT will prevail in every sector as an efficiency enhancer, therefore the information technology provider should provide devices which produce very low heat and pollutants. Right from the home to offices all the hardware should be so efficient and clean that the global warming be in limit.

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• 5 Education : One of the basic requirements of a society to make future generation eligible to understand the need for development is education. As we have vision to be a developed country by 2020 higher education has become essential for both students and parents. However, scarcity of good teachers is visible everywhere. Good teaching and interactive teaching are possible through tele-education and inspired teachers . The education system will become very advance with a vision of PC at every home, books will be largely replaced by soft-books at school level. Teachers inthe villages can easily interact with their counterpart in cities and learn from each others experiences.

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• 6 Medical and health : Medical Informatics will be the key word in the health and medical. It is managing medical and health care through information science and technology. MI deals with the entire domain of medicine and health care, from computer-based patient records to image processing and from primary care practices to hospitals and regions of health care. Effective computerized systems and procedures will be implemented to ensure proper utilization of limited resources toward cost-effective quality health care and the patient satisfaction. Before deciding to go for such system one should have some insight to the implementation of the different modules and evolving user-friendly computerized systems, which are loved and cared by all.

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• Computer-based patient record: Physicians and health administrators can efficiently retrieve data for consequent research from the computerized medical records. Good clinical research needs accurate and detailed clinical information and they significantly improve the medical care. This detailed information can even be used for other processes in the business of medical and health care. The knowledge of advantages and disadvantages of different systems available for recording and codifying are important.

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• Patient education• On the Internet, patients can quickly obtain

the latest information on support groups, therapeutic modalities, late-breaking research, and individual coping strategies. If clinicians incorporate some sort of Computer-assisted patient education in their practice that can empower their patients to make the right individual decisions.

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• 7. Public network: It represents the strategic use of IT to better implement established public policy goals and programs through direct and diverse stakeholder involvement online. Public net-work is a selective, yet public, approach that uses two-way online information exchange to carry out previously determined government policy.


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• Hurdles: But there are always some pros and cons, one side if IT will shape a new society on the other there will be too much use of technology that a persons no more remain full of human emotions, every work will be done by the machine. May be a persons desire for word of appreciation to hear like “what a delicious coffee u made”.

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• Conclusion: Thus it can be concluded that IT which has revolutionized the last 2 decades will surely going to shape a new society where right from the birth a child will be prosper in the environment of technology, amenities, where everything is with in the reach of him.

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