rose seeds.docx

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Post on 08-Jan-2016




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Please Follow Cultivation Methods For Successful GerminationHow to Grow Rose of Sharon Bushes From SeedInstructions1.Fill the planting tray with high-quality commercial potting soil. A mix created especially for seedlings is preferable.2.Place the rose of Sharon seeds in the tray and cover them with about 1/2 inch of potting soil. Rose of Sharon seeds should be planted in late winter, about six weeks before the last frost of the season.3.Spray the soil lightly with a mister. Slide the planting tray into a large, clear plastic bag and seal the opening with a twist tie.4.Put the tray in a warm place that gets indirect light. Although you may not have to water the tray while it's in the greenhouse atmosphere of the plastic bag, it should be checked periodically. If the soil appears dry, remove the tray and spray the soil lightly, then return the tray to the bag.5.Watch for seedlings to emerge and roots to develop. When they do, take the tray out of the plastic bag. This will take approximately 15 to 20 days. Move the tray to a sunny window and keep the seedlings moist.6.Transplant the seedlings to small pots when it appears that they are beginning to outgrow the planting tray. After the danger of frost has passed, plant the seedlings outside in a location that gets full sun for most of the day.[ Select ] soilRose seed germination rate is low , it is generally sown need loose soil , air , water holding capacity is high. The soil is generally used vermiculite, peat , sphagnum , perlite, tree fern and other mixed conditions, then you can configure your own ; no conditions are generally acidic soil can be , but there must be no foreign matter in soil ( eg : stones broken bricks and glass ) .[ Seed processing ]The first step : first rose seeds into the warm water of about 40 degrees , the water cooler to soak for 4-6 hours , remove the seeds , the seeds germinate easily after soaking .Step two: the seeds into the soil ( Note: need loose soil , air , good water holding capacity ) , each container can generally 5 to 8 on demand . Depending on growth conditions after germination the seedlings leaving the stronger strain ; thinning after germination , discretionary stay of 1 to 3 seedlings . After planting a container covered with plastic wrap to above ( convenient bags plastic film can ) , fresh stab a few holes in the membrane permeability . The container in the sun , keep the temperature around 20 degrees . Most of the seeds can germinate after a week . After germination the seedlings thrive , such as transplanting into the ground .PS:Rose seeds into first soaked in warm water for about 40 degrees , soak long ah ? Such as the water cooler to soak for 4-6 hours , without the use of seed breeding roses intervals , usually cutting, because the germination rate is low, it is necessary to soak the seed is best sown in spring and autumn Oh, and to do mental preparation, because roses from sowing to flowering takes about 2-3 years, and this is generally not the reasons for adopting seed propagation .[ Processing ] rosebushes1 . Planting can be planted , overwintering . In cold areas should be potted , indoor winter. When using pot leaf mold , garden soil, sand and potting mix , and add the right amount of decomposed manure or cake, fertilizer . Permeable pouring 1 after transplanting , sheltered place to put a few days to move the sun Huanmiao culture .2 . --- Sunny light and temperature can promote good growth . Whether planted , potted plants should be placed in a sunny place , to accept more than four hours a day of direct sunlight. Not enough light in the room where the long-term placement . Winter comes in, put sunny place . Optimum growth temperature 12-28 degrees Celsius, can withstand low temperature -20 degrees Celsius .3 . Watering and fertilizing before planting a tree cavity --- the amount of organic fertilizer was applied , after transplanting irrigated . Planted roses strict requirements for water and fertilizer , manure can generally three times . First, before the flower fertilizer, in the shadow of hair before spring buds carried Summer to add humus decomposition of manure as well. Second, after flowering fertilizer, applied after the flowers fade maturity of the cake residue to supplement consumed Third winter flowering fertilizer, manure after the person leaves applied to ensure the safety of winter roses .4 . --- Potted roses growing nutrients can be applied in thin fertilizer ,10 -15 days, 1 . Rose drought, generally planted in peacetime without water , or when the summer drought 20 - 30 days pouring 1. Potted two days pouring a time , one day during the summer or drought pouring 1.5. Pruning --- generally do not need pruning, repair old lines went close branches, dry twigs, worms branches can be. Roses bloom , with the opening defeat with the pick, pick and then open, otherwise only open a second flower.6. Flowering control --- generally natural flowering as well.