rss - creation and destruction of time by i h - liceo machiavelli - nov. 2013

Creation and destruction of time

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Creation and destruction of


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Time in the Neolithic age and for Sumerians

One of the problems that accompanies the history of man is related to time. The man of the Neolithic age had to concretely identify the suitable seasons for sowing and harvesting. The Sumerians created the first calendar based on what today we call: rotation of the earth (day), lunation (month) and revolution of the earth (year).

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Page 4: RSS - Creation and destruction of time by I H - Liceo Machiavelli - Nov. 2013

Time in ancient Greek mythology I

Since time became calculable,it started to haunt man. So the first big time myth was born ,the time of the Western world (Greeks). Greeks thought time was a primordial God (Chronos), he was born to the Earth (Gea), who was born to Chaos.

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Time in ancient Greek mythology II

Time would work in two ways: castrating father Urano and trying to avoid doing the same end. For this reason he swallowed his children born from his union to Rea. The absence of Chronos’s children estabilishes the Golden Age.

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• Schema mitologia

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In the Mesopotamian area the same idea is found in

the Gilgamesh story, because Gilgamesh wants to

find his lost happiness (immortility).So Gilgamesh goes to Utnapishitim (the only immortal man in the

world) and asks him how to become immortal.

Utnapishitim says to Gilgamesh that the only solution is the herb of

eternal youth.

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Immortality today

Still in our Modern society, the happiness model implies deleting time. There are beauty creams

(today these cosmetic products are also for men), beauty’s antiage treatment,crash diets, plastic surgery and a lot of sport training. Today these activities for our men and our women are like a

slice of the “immortality cake”.

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Noara Brozzesi, Cecilia Scuotto,Erika Montano

class1 H 2013/14Liceo Machiavelli, Rome

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