rules - expansions (ru)

1 Hive / Улей - Правила дополнений к игре Hive / Улей - Правила дополнений Базовая игра: Улей / Hive (2001) Официальные дополнения: Улей: Москит / Hive: e Mosquito (2007); Улей: Божья коровка / Hive: e Ladybug (2010). Неофициальные дополнения: Улей: Скорпион / Hive: e Scorpion; Улей: Мотылек / Hive: e Moth; Улей: Стрекоза / Hive: e Dragonfly; Улей: Мокрица / Hive: e Pillbug. Малоизвестные, экспериментальные дополне- ния: Улей: Блоха / Hive: e Flea; Улей: Богомол / Hive: e Praying Mantis; или такой вариант

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rules for the bichos legacy


  • 1 Hive / - Hive / - :

    / Hive (2001)


    : / Hive: The Mosquito (2007);

    : / Hive: The Ladybug (2010).


    : / Hive: The Scorpion;

    : / Hive: The Moth;

    : / Hive: The Dragonfly;

    : / Hive: The Pillbug.

    , -:

    : / Hive: The Flea;

    : / Hive: The Praying Mantis;

  • 2 Hive / - : / Hive: The Wasp;

    : / Hive: The Jewel Wasp;

    : / Hive: The Centipede;

    : ;

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    : / The Butterfly.

    : / The Worm

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    The Scorpion (en)The Scorpion is a new unofficial addition to the standard Hive set and is placed in the same way as other pieces. When placed, it moves two fields along the hive. Both one hive and freedom of movement rules apply to the Scorpion. It can paralyze an adjacent creature of the opposite colour but only after it was moved (stinging a creature before being moved is not allowed). The tile of a paralyzed creature must be flipped and is unable to move, unless its owner spends a turn to flip it to the original position. The creatures that are able to climb the hive, can not stop atop a flipped tile. A Scorpion can not paralyze another Scorpion.

    Scorpion & Mosquito: note that the Mosquito can mimic the moving pattern of an adjacent creature, but not its abilities. Therefore the Mosquito can move as a Scorpion, but is unable to paralyze other cratures while doing that.

    (ru) - Hive

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    The Moth (en)The Moth is a new unofficial addition to the standard Hive set and is placed in the same way as other pieces. When placed, the Moth moves on top of the hive and stops on the nearest tile (or a stack of several tiles) of the colour opposite to its own (i.e. the black Moth stops on white tiles, the white Moth on black tiles only). It is able to crawl up from a surrounded field. In next turns the Moth moves in the similar manner, but it must remain atop the hive (it can not descend to the ground level). There is no limit to the number of fields a Moth can travel in one turn, however it must always stop atop the first opposite-colour tile it moves over. The creature that it lands on, is unable to move. One hive rule applies to the Moth: while moving, it can not get separated from the hive by crossing a gap. Note that the Moth is a defensive piece only and can not be used to surround opponents Queen (but it can still immobilize it).

  • 4 Hive / -

    Possible moves for the white Moth (marked olive) after placement (top) and during next turns (bottom).

    The moth can move to the fields marked green. Red-marked fields are inaccessible: getting to one of them would require either breaking one hive rule or moving over more than one black field.

    Moth & Mosquito: to avoid problems when playing both Moth and Mosquito, the following modification to the original wMosquito rules is proposed: The Mosquito can copy the movement of any uncovered creature on an adjacent field (on any level), but only if this movement does not end on top of the hive. In other words: the Mosquito can not move on top of the hive! Alternatively, you can use one of the solutions for Dragonfly: Mosquito interactions:

    Moth & Dragonfly: there are no problems when playing both the Moth and the Dragonfly. Note that being transported by the Dragonfly is the only way for the Moth to return to the ground level!


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    The Pillbug (en)The Pillbugs basic movement is similar to the Ladybug; it moves up onto the hive, then down, but without the ladybugs extra step. The Pillbugs special ability is the ability to flip any adjacent piece to any other space adjacent to itself. The flipped piece is stunned for the next turn, and cannot move or be moved.The usual hive integrity rule applies at all times. You cant flip a piece that would break the hive, even temporarily. Beetles and Mosquitos on top of the hive cannot be flipped. Mosquitos acquire the full powers of adjacent Pillbugs of either color.

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    The Ladybug (en)These pieces can be added to a standard Hive set and are placed in the same way as other pieces. Once in play, the Ladybug moves three spaces, two on top of the hive then one down. It must move exactly two on top of the hive and then move one down on its last move. It may not move around the outside of the Hive and may not end its movement on top of the hive. Even though it cannot block by landing on top of other pieces like the Beetle, it can move into or out of surrounded spaces. It also has the advantage of being much faster.

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    The Mosquito (en)The Mosquito pieces can be added to a standard Hive set before the start of the game giving each player 12 pieces to play with.

    During the game, they are placed in the same way as the other pieces. Once in play, the Mosquito takes on the movement characteristics of any creature it touches at the time, thus changing its characteristics throughout the game.

    Exception: If moved as a Beetle on top of the Hive, it continues to move as a Beetle until it climbs down from the Hive.

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    The Dragonfly (en)The Dragonfly pieces are a new addition to the standard HIVE set. The pieces can be placed in the same way as the other pieces. A Dragonfly moves two fields. One field ahead in any direction and one forward-left or forward-right. The Dragonfly is also allowed to land on top of another piece. Starting its move from atop another animal, it is taking the animal underneath with it, but only if the hex field to land on is free. Otherwise, the Dragonfly is moving alone. Only the one single animal directly underneath the Dragonfly piece can be transported.


    1. The Dragonfly itself can not be transported by another Dragonfly;

    2. The transportation of an animal is illegal if that separates the hive into two or more pieces. Neither whilst moving, nor at the end of a turn is it allowed to leave the hive unlinked. The one-hive rule always applies.

    Dragonfly & Mosquito: When playing with both, Mosquito and Dragonfly pieces, the Mosquito can only adapt the movement of the Dragonfly, if placed next to it and the Dragonfly is uncovered. Precondition is an unoccupied hex field to land on. Accordingly, a Mosquito can not get on top of the hive using the Dragonfly move, neither can it use the Dragonflys transportation ability. As hitherto, a Mosquito will only move onto the top of the hive as a Beetle, then continue to move as a Beetle until it climbs down.

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    The Flea (en)Background

    The standard HIVE game is excellent en very well balanced. Nothing has to be changed about it. But that doesnt mean that the hardware cannot be used for another game.

    I know that people have thought about a HIVE variant in which the players choose their bugs (except for the mandatory Queen Bee of course). Therefore the players will have different sets of bugs. The bugs will have their original characteristics. However it is a bit poor when there are only 4 pieces to choose from. Other pieces would be nice to have, like the Mosquito and the Dragonfly. The piece i am supporting is the Flea.

    The idea is that the Flea, being a parasite, can only enter the HIVE via your opponents bugs. Once in the HIVE the Flea will move by jumping.


    The Flea may REPLACE a Grass Hopper.

    When entering the game, the Flea has to be placed next to one of your own bugs (as is the general rule) AND next to a bug of your opponent, which is not covered by one of your Beetles. However the Flea may not touch the opponents Queen Bee when it enters the game (even if it is covered by a Beetle).

    The Flea moves in the same way as a Grass Hopper.


    The strength of the Flea lies in the fact that it can enter the game like no other bug is able to do. Although it probably has less possible spaces in which to enter the game than a Grass Hopper, the Flea is still useful because of his unique ability. A Grass Hopper and a Flea are better than two Grass Hoppers in most cases. The movement is the same as that of a Grass Hopper, so no extra strategy there.

    Mosquito and Flea

    No problems here, the Flea acts like a Grass Hopper. A Mosquito next to a Flea could therefore also act like a Grass Hopper.


  • 7 Hive / - This tile has been designed with the choose your own HIVE bugs in mind. It is clearly a variant on the Grass Hopper. I dont think that all the new bugs should be drastically different from the original bugs (like for example the ingenious Dragonfly).

    Version 2

    This version is weaker than the original version. That Flea could enter the game without having to touch one of its own bugs. Not only is this a strong ability it turned out that it was kinda broken. When white plays a Flea as its second tile, directly opposing the first white tile, blacks only move is to play its Flea too.

    The current version doesnt have this problem, but is weaker. It could be released as part of a bigger expansion. However it is not spectacular enough to be released on its own, like the Mosquito.

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    The Praying Mantis (en)In real life, the Praying Mantis (commonly just referred to as the Mantis) is a voracious predator, constantly looking for its next meal. Here in the hive, it captures another bugs and flies off with it, temporarily removing it from the game.

    Movement The Mantis moves one, two or three spaces in a standard manner, except when using the special movement ability mentioned below. It may not climb atop the hive and must conform with the One Hive and Freedom to Move Rules.

    In the first Figure, the Black Mantis can move to any of the shaded spaces, except space A. It is prohibited from moving to space A by the Freedom to Move Rule.

    Placement Mantis placment must obey all standard placement rules.

  • 8 Hive / - Special Rules The Mantis has the special ability to remove itself and an adjacent bug (friendly or opposing) from the hive. In order to do this the One Hive Rule must not be violated, but the Freedom to Move rule may be ignored as it applies to both the Mantis and the bug being removed.

    In the second Figure, the Black Manits may remove White Spider #1 but not White Hopper #3. White Hopper #3 is prohibited from moving by the One Hive Rule and therefore may not be removed by the Mantis.

    The Mantis is immediately returned to the reserve and can be reintroduced to the hive on a later turn. Friendly bugs are also returned immediately to the reserve.

    Different rules, however, apply to opposing bugs removed in this manner. If the opposing Queen is removed, she is returned to the reserve immediately. Any other opposing bug is not returned to the reserve until the Mantis is reintroduced to the hive. When the Mantis is played into the hive, the opposing bug is returned to the reserve and can then once again be played into the hive.

    Just as in the opening moves of a game, a player may not move any bugs until the Queen has been played into the hive. Likewise, a player cannot win unless the opposing Queen is in the hive. There is no limit as to the length of time that a Queen may be withheld. But a player may not pass. If there are bug placements available, they must be made.

    Interaction with Mosquito The Mosquito inherits the Mantis moving ability, both the standard movement and the special movement. The only difference is that an opposing bug removed by the Mosquito is immediately returned to the opponents reserve.

    (My apologies to any that have posted similar bugs in the past. Please feel free to refer to any previous posts and claim credit for the original idea upon which this bug is based!)

    The Wasp (en)The Wasp can fly to any position on the board including enclosed spaces so long as it doesnt end its movement on top of the Hive or adjacent to either Queen Bee.

    Or, instead of moving, the Wasp can sting another piece that isnt on top of the Hive and only if that piece can move away from the Wasp on its next turn.

    If a players piece has been stung they must move it away from the Wasp on their next turn.


    The Wasp cannot be placed or move next to either Queen Bee. Neither can a Queen Bee move next to a Wasp.

    The Wasp cannot move or sting if covered by a Beetle or Mosquito.

    The Mosquito can only steal the movement ability and not stinging ability.

    Queen Bee: the Sting

    The Queen can sting only one adjacent enemy piece during the game.

    The stung piece is immediately removed from the Hive and added back to the players hand .

    Once the Queen has used its sting it can no longer move.


    The Queen Bee cannot sting if it has a Beetle or Mosquito on top of it, nor can it sting another Queen Bee.

    The Mosquito can only steal the movement ability and not stinging ability.

    Note: the Mosquito cannot use the Wasps movement to fly next to the Queen as this is not a legal Wasp move. Also once a Queen Bee has used its sting and can no longer move an adjacent mosquito can also no longer use the Queens movement.

    Design inspiration

    The three aspects of Chess which have inspired these

  • 9 Hive / - Hive additions are:

    1. The King and Queen.

    2. Check - forcing a player to move a piece.

    3. Castling; a special move for the King.

    1. Not a King and Queen per se, rather a Queen and Worker Wasp to defend the hive.

    They share the same dichotomy of powers.

    The Queen Bee is much like the King in Chess, the Wasp is more like the Queen in Chess.

    2. Just like having to move the King when in Check, when the Wasp stings another piece that piece must move away from the Wasp on its next turn. There are also similarities with threatening to take a piece in chess when moving the Wasp next to another piece.

    3. The Queen Bee sting can only be used once. The piece it stings is removed from the Hive but is added back to the players hand and can re-enter on a future move. Once the Queen Bee has used its sting it can no longer move.

    The stinging powers are designed to reflect the insects abilities in real life, with wasps being able to sting as many times as they like. Although in reality a queen bee can also sting as many times as she wants, she is less likely to sting. Bees in general are known only to only sting once.

    The Wasp is designed to re-balance the additional attacking focus of the Ladybug.

    It provides a more powerful Ant like defender to pin other pieces but cant act as a direct attacker.

    It can also force pieces to move in order to try and free your Queen Bee, other pieces or make room for an attack or placement.

    Possible tactics

    NB: Throughout the following explanations I use some terminology introduced by Randy Ingersolls superb book Play Hive Like a Champion.

    The Wasp is by no means over-powerful though. A Wasp can be pinned by Beetles and Mosquitoes.

    It is also possible for your Wasp to be pinned if a piece moves such that the Wasp becomes a connecting part of the Hive so you must be aware of such possibilities.

    You may even ignore this threat and sacrifice the Wasp to being pinned if you can see you have the moves to win without it, you may even move next to a beetle to

    temp it to pin you!

    A Wasp can be used to gain tempo by making other pieces adjacent to it move. However you can also lose tempo if you are not careful as it might take two moves in order to move a piece, one to move adjacent to the piece and another to sting it.

    Bringing the Wasp into play may also lose you tempo as you are bringing into play a piece which cant directly win the game. However if you wait too late to introduce it you might not be able to defend adequately when required.

    You can restrict the opposing Queen from moving if placed near to it so it cant move next to the Wasp.

    Although not a direct attacker the Wasp can be used to attack indirectly.

    You can force pieces to release gates to allow your Ants in to attack or force a piece into a position so that it can then be pinned. You may be able to move other pieces to allow one of your own pieces, or even the Queen Bee to be free to move. You could even make space to allow a new piece to be brought into play.

    Even if you had no attacking pieces left you could potentially force an opposing piece to surround its own Queen if you stung a grasshopper and its only move was to move next to its own Queen. This could also be the case with a Spider or Mosquito.

    The act of moving a Wasp next to another piece is a threat similar to threatening to take a piece in Chess. How you respond will entirely depend on what that piece is currently achieving, you may sacrifice it being stung depending on your plans, your opponent may not even want to sting that piece. There are many possibilities.

    The Wasp can be used to make pieces move from around your Queen Bee, though since it cant touch the Queen Bee it can only really guard one adjacent side to the Queen, forcing that to be the last place to be filled.

    You can move a Wasp in to defend against a fill if you get there first, however it cant defend against the last fill as the game will have been won before you get chance to sting.

    The Queen Bees sting can be used to sting a piece to create an enclosed space which may be difficult to refill.

    An alternative less powerful variant is for the Queen Bees one sting to act as the Wasps does. This reduces it power somewhat as a piece is no longer removed from the Hive and you can only force pieces which can escape

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    Hive / - enclosed spaces to move. You couldnt for example sting a trapped Ant which cannot move, whereas you could have done with the original rule so long as the One Hive Rule isnt broken.

    These two new additions can also be played with independently if so desired. They are compatible with all official expensions but I have yet to consider other unofficial expansions. The Queen Bee sting move might extend the play time a bit as might the additional Wasp piece due to the additional options available.

    Any general thoughts and play testing would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Stephen.

    The Jewel Wasp (en)A variant on the WASP - introducing mind control

    The Wasp can fly to any position on the board including enclosed spaces so long as it doesnt end its movement on top of the Hive or adjacent to either Queen Bee.

    Or, instead of moving, the Wasp can move an adjacent piece using the movement of that piece (mind control). The piece moved by the Wasp is then frozen for one turn.

    i.e. the other player cant move that piece straight away on his next turn, he must wait a turn.


    The Wasp cannot be placed or move next to either Queen Bee. Neither can a Queen Bee move next to a Wasp.

    The Wasp cannot move or move other pieces if covered by a Beetle or Mosquito.

    The Mosquito can only steal the movement ability and not the mind control ability.

    Note: It can move a piece it is touching on top of the hive, this would be useful to free a bug trapped by a beetle as it would be frozen on its next turn, allowing the other piece to move.

    Also Im 100% whether the mosquito should or should not gain the power of the bug as it would also work that way. Im just worried the mosquito is getting evermore powerful much like when combined with the Pill Bug. I guess further play testing is required. Stephen.

    The Centipede (en)Overview

    The Centipede is a very simple piece which could be used equally well for attack and defense. Its movement characteristic is similar to its life counterpart, whereby it slitheres or carves its way slowly through the hive.

    When attacking, it can easily reach any part of the hive without climbing on top of it. When defending, it allows a player to remove (or swap) a dangerous opponent piece lying in its path. Therefore, this forces the opponent to constantly move/rethink his strategy because any piece left in the same spot for too long could potentially be disrupted by the Centipede.

    Numper of pieces

    One per side.


    1) The Centipede moves by swapping places with any one of the contiguous ground tiles it touches. This tile must be single (i.e. uncovered). As long as there is at least one adjacent uncovered tile, the Centipede must swap with it.

    2) The Centipede cannot swap places with any stacked tile nor with the entire stack. As such it must move around the stack which acts as a natural barrier. A stack is composed of 2 or more tiles.

    3) If the Centipede cannot swap places (i.e. because it only touches stacked tiles), it may move one space in any direction by itself, along the edge of the hive.

    4) The Centipede is not allowed to climb on top of the hive.

    5) If a Centipede is covered by another insect, it cannot swap places vertically and remains blocked on the ground.

    6) At all times, the One Hive rule must apply. For the purpose of swapping, the swap is considered instantaneous and as such cannot break the hive.


    1) A Centipede can swap places with the opponent Centipede, however on the next immediate turn, the opponent Centipede cannot swap back to its original spot. This rule also applies when the Centipede swaps places with a Mosquito and that Mosquito chooses to act as a Centipede on the next turn.

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    Hive / - Characteristics

    Ground speed: 1/5

    Fighting power: 4/5

    Defensive capability: 3/5

    Offensive capability: 3/5

    Game considerations

    The Centipede is easy to grasp and although unassuming, it rivals in power with any top-of-the-hive crawling insect except that it does so on the ground. It is less powerful than a Beetle, as it cannot climb on top nor immoblize another insect. Nor can it move large number of spaces in one turn so its reach is limited.

    In strategy it can be compared to the Rhino Beetle which can also plow through, but in a somewhat different way. It is particularly useful in protecting its own Queen, by removing dangerous pieces out of the way.

    Another consequence of its swapping ability is that it cannot be blocked on a string of tiles, or in some corner, where pieces are prevented from moving because of the One Hive rule. It can simply swap its way back to the middle of the hive.

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    The Butterfly (en)

    The Butterfly piece would have a caterpillar on one side and a butterfly on the other. The caterpillar always starts out in play. The Caterpilar can move into any space between pieces even if you can not slide it into position. As long as there is an opening, the caterpillar can move into it.

    At any time the player may- as his turn- flip a placed caterpilar over to the Butterfly side. The butterfly may move anywhere but may not ever touch an opponents piece! The beetle can not move on top of the butterfly. The mosquito may not take the attribute of the butterfly. The butterfly may not touch either queen except by landing on her. Maybe.

    The butterfly may not touch either queen except by landing on her. Maybe.

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    The Worm (en)The Worm moves three spaces under the Hive and must finish its turn under another piece which isnt in a stack.

    This creates a worm hole which swaps the two pieces, moving the other piece to the Worms starting position, with the Worm taking its place.

    For practicality reasons during a game you would just count three spaces then swap the two pieces rather than actually moving under the Hive.

    Note: the one Hive rule must be upheld; the Hive must not be broken, even whilst swapping the pieces.

    Interaction with Mosquito: The Mosquito can take on the Worms power and movement when adjacent to it.

    Or, if using my suggested alternative Mosquito rules: See

    The Mosquito suppresses the Worms power and therefore movement as well. The Mosquito would itself have no movement ability if solely adjacent to a Worm.