russian actress) avium mmmm

.s 4 ".7 v. v 4. 3 J. ' V. avium I Vil After ever meal . ' ,: r i&CL 'J '" ... f: :i Soldiers Sailors and Nurses know the comfort and refreshment bad from It allays thirst and fatigue soothes throat stomach helps digestion. A Stock of ii mm II Fort opp. Catholic unurch "m art 8ptrrx n all to be the and j St.. Sak MM u4 Into gov, d4 BQk u4 2Ut)a wtur .ir t , if 1 . i i - It i 4 The flavor lasts Complete Oriental Novelties. - - , .... (- - . o ; Use thU and , vou will one of those K Nw- - baking triumphs HMwr COMPANY.- CaLfotaia Recipe Drocluce t V uiat deiigmea , nunareas, or thousands ' at the ranama- - . Pacific Exposition, where fiiiiiiiii W I Was awarded the Grand Prize, ki tak la ket 0m i uic xugnesc possioie nonor. i ou , are aiways certain or imiforni baking when you use Sperry Flourwhether it be in rnaldng bread, cake, ; piei boscuits, mufiSns, doughnuts or the 100 and; ! other things that flour is used for. vEvery ounce of Sperry Flour is subjected to' 7 . distinct scientific and practical tests to make sure ' ; of absolute - uniformity in gluten quality and content. . ': -- ' .V Orider Sperry Floiir of Your Grocer vSPERRY: FLOUR . TW ! a Spmrr Mitt wkfala I -- v Sny ; 'resulla ! i HOXOLCLU 8TAR.BULLETIN.-MONT)Ar- r DECEMBER 3, 1917. 1HEATRIGAL iff ERING5 Ma tinee 2:15 Tonight 7:40 IMPRESSIVE TALE STRANGE VEDD NG OF SLAV TYRANT AT THE LIBERTY E PETROVA Typical of the unbridled autocracy which for centuries has ground the peasantry of Russia beneath the heart- less heel of czarism and forced her people Into ignominy and serfdom "is the current Bijou film. "The Tyranny of the Romanoffs," a super feature production featurinc the great Illiodor, the renowned foreign actor, who is seen in the spectacular role of Ivan tilt Terrible, the founder of the houba of Romanoffs, which was brought to an end with the downfall of Nicholas Russian in atmosphere from the veiy icnies that are seen crossing thj eteppes and snowy waters of Siberia to the scenes and characters themselves, the play gives an accurate idea of the yoke of oppression and tyranny under which the masses of benighted Rus- sia were throttled by their licentious, cruel, savage and merciless rulers. Ivan is pictured as a monster clothed by a human body, who flaunts hypocritical piety as a cloak to licen- tiousness, who feeds on the lust of the l cdj' and to whom neither maiden .irtue or bond of w edlock is sacred. Whore royal will is concerned it must have its w ay, no matter w hat the price the governed must pay. Neither old men or women, girls or mothers are safe from the vampire whose lust- - pocked path is strewn with the blood of those whose innocence has invoked the wrath of the tyrant. The spectacle of a peaceful people writhing under the .monstrosities of a ruler whose despotism is revolting opens the door of understanding to the plight of slave-boun- d Russia; serves as the stepping stone to appreciation of the countless suffering of a peopla whose patience and endurance, ex- hausted in the course of centuries, rose up in rebellion against a system that exacted an impossible toll and put an end to the reigning house re- sponsible for its miseries and threw off the yoke of bondage. The film will run tonight and tomor- row night OLGA PETROVA AT THE HAWAII The story of-- Robert Service's cele- brated poem, "My Madonna," is trans- ferred to the screen in the picture of the same- - name which is the feature offering of the new bill at the Hawaii theater, and Madame Olga Petrora, who has been called the greatest emo- tional actress of the present time, plays the leading part in the story. While the critics have disagreed in theif comments concerning the star's earlier, picture, 'The Undying Flame," which was presented In Honolulu some months ago, My Madonna has called forth only unstinted praise wherever it has appeared. It Is a tragic story of the suffering of a woman who makes a great sacrifice and who ulti- mately triumphs. In lighter vein a Fox comedy is in- cluded in the program. It is called The Social pirates," with Charles Ar-lin- g in the leading part. One of thenost thrilling scenes of the serial, "The Railroad Raiders," is shown in the present instalment, the sixth chapter of the story, which has the title -- 'The Overland Disaster," While the , Instalments of the serial tell a connected story as they appear, each is complete in itself. With his third recital In Mission Hall tonight,, Max Sellnsky will con clude his announced appearances be fore the music-lovin- g public of Hono lulu. His program is well chosen and nicely balanced between the lighter and heavier styles of musical composi tion. Mendelssohn's Concerto and the Sonata of Franck should appeal to all, and the "Ballade en Polonaise by Vleuxtemps is a number which Is al- ways a favorite. Frank Moss will accompany Selins-k- y, as he has at the earlier recitals. The Laurentio Storioni violin of 1793, owned by Hadolf Buchly, will be played by Sellnsky tonight The won- derful tone of this instrument is high- ly praised by the distinguished vis- itor, who says that it is a delight to play upon it for its softness and rich-nes- s. Its jaaker.was one of the last of the famous violin makers of Cre- mona, home of marvelous violins for centuries. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI WILL BANQUET TONIGHT The annual banquet of members of the High School Alumni association will be held at 7 o'clock this evening 4 on the-Joun- g hotel roof garden. The Russian orchestra will furnish the mu- sic while the old grads talk over the old days. A number of short talks will be given by alumni men. Four of the recently commissioned reserve offi- cers will tell their old schoolmates how they did -- It. These officers who will bewailed upon are: Capt. R. B. King. Lieut Lester Marks, Lieut. Samuel Carter and Lieut A. B. "Bus- ter" Carter. . ' " m tm William Hunter Kendall, actor and theatrical manager, died in London. Our main line is Service our side line is advertising. But our ; side line' will most benefit you; while 6ur , main lines will most benefit us. A wen known story, a brilliant star; and a Lasky production is a combina-- 1 tion that is making tile feature pic-- . ture, "Her Strange vVedding," a draw-- ; ing card at the Liberty theater. The ' star is the popular English actress, Fannie Ward, who came into instan- - j taueous favor with film patrons by ' her work in "The Cheat," the vehicle w hich also caused the Japanese actor, ' Sessue Hayakawa, to spring into fame. With her In the present cast are her husband,' Jack Dean, and Tom Form an. Miss Ward as Coralie Grayson is a young society girl in love w ith Dr. Max Brownell. Arrangements for their marriage are completed, when the doc- tor's scapegrace brother Lee appears upon the scene and immediately sets about to win his brother's sweetheart. Local color is introduced into the pic- ture when the couple, leading on a boat for Honolulu, find that Max has also taken passage on the same boat A quarrel between the brothers en- sues and the story reaches a happy climax when Coralie reinstates Max in her affections. Miss Ward is given an opportunity to wear a number of the handsome gowns for which she is famous. The second episode of the new se- rial, "The Mystery of the Double Cross," and the Pathe Weekly are In- cluded in the program. YAirasr TOMORROW NIGHT I Ellen Beach Yaw, the world's- - great- est colorature soprano, has perfected herself In the Hawaiian numbers ste j will sing during her two recitals, the i first tomorrow evening and the second jon Friday, in Mission Memorial Hail. The chorus of Hawaiian girls who are to support her in these features of her programs are 'letter perfect," and all is in readiness for the first curtain to be raised before the great artist in Honolulu. The program for tomorrow evening will be announced ' in tomorrow's pa per in detail. It is replete with a va- riety of numbers which are certain to bring rounds of applause from the ca- pacity house which, from the sale of tickets, is sure to greet the California Nightingale; Ernest K. Kaai, the local idol of lovers of Hawaiian music, who is to reappear locally, after a prolonged ab- sence from the footlights, promises entirely new departures from the us- ual run of Hawaiian music tomorrow night . Frank Moss, local pianist, who is to accompany Miss Yaw, is also to have a prominent place Individually in the recital tomorrow evening. Seats for these concerts are on sale nt the Territorial Messenger Service. chSias TREES NOV Place your orders now for green Christmas trees, at Henry May & Co., Ltd. Phone Adv. STAR-BULLETI- N GIVES YOU TODAY'S NEWS TODAY The General and Universal Film SERVICES. Dally Matinees (except Saturdays and Holidays) from 1:00 to 4:00 o'clock. Saturday end Holiday Matinees from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 o'clock. Evening (two shows) 6:30 and 8:45 s'clock. PICTURES CHANCED DAILY Prices: 10, 20 cents v DANCING - Take a private lesson from Madame Lester, Honolulu's leading teacher, and have your faults corrected. Removed from L O. O. ?. hall to The M. Lester Dancing Academy, Lu-nali- lo and Alapai streets. Phone 6251. Punahou car passes academy. (The Renowned Russian Actress) IN Mmmm Taken from the Famous Poem of the Same Name written jj the story of a Woman's Sacrifice and Triumph. It is to be counted among the season's Sensational Photoplays. Charle3 Arling in THE SOCIAL PIRATES Fox Comedy 1 1 U 4S- t-- HELEN HOLMES in "THE OVERLAND DISASTER" 6th Chapter of the Sensational Serial "THE RAILROAD RAIDERS" BOX OFFICE OP6:30 Prices 15, 25, 35 Cents Prices Cents. SCHEDULE Social Pirates 7:40 Overland Disaster 8:05 My Madonna 8:30 tV Wednesday STEVENS ml" I no ' oi i. r ; :ck . TheirangeWMiif fANNItWAfcD 15, 25, 35 PICTURE of A POWERFUIi, STORY OF E VERY-DA- Y LO VE A WARD J ' Second Episode of Mystery of the Double Cross" Featuring 3eautifnlJ XINO. Keep np Serial It's a PATHE WEEKLY NEWS PICTORIAL PHONE 5060 Coming EMILY Star "The Slacker" 'Homo f HUMAN FOR MOLLY with Wonder! in TIME TABLE Path Weekly 7:40 P.M. 8erlal ; - 7:55 P.M. Feature ' 8:30 P. M. Reserve'd 55 COMING THURSDAY BILLIE BURKE "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" gm GET YOUR SEATS EARLY HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY , THE BIG HIT OF THE SEASON ' THE : . OF THE TRIUMPH v ''ALSO':,.. ." The Official Pictures of the United States Navy indorsed by Presi dent Wilson. Special Music. Augmented Orchestra. BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5th " "THE BARRIER" by REX BEtl MA 35 MAMIE We have large assortments of Oriental goods. Now we are conducting a sale for Christmas. We sell at the very lowest prices. Come, and get your Xmas gifts. We have put the prices at 10, 20, 50 per cent discount Hotel Street MISS "The "this' Cents ... Between Kuuanu and Szaltli i

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Post on 29-Dec-2021




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Page 1: Russian Actress) avium Mmmm




v. v4.





aviumI Vil

Afterevermeal. ' ,: r



'" ... f: :i

Soldiers Sailorsand Nursesknow the comfortand refreshment

bad from

It allays thirst and fatigue

soothes throatstomach helps digestion.

A Stock of

ii mm IIFort opp. Catholic unurch


art 8ptrrx n


to be

the and



Sak MM u4 Intogov, d4 BQk u42Ut)a wtur .ir





. i i -






Complete Oriental Novelties.- -, ....

(- -.

o ;

Use thU and, vou will one of those

K Nw- - baking triumphs





t V uiat deiigmea , nunareas, orthousands ' at the ranama--

.Pacific Exposition, where

fiiiiiiiiiW I Was awarded the Grand Prize,

ki tak la ket 0m i uic xugnesc possioie nonor.i ou , are aiways certain orimiforni baking when

you use Sperry Flourwhether it be in rnaldngbread, cake, ; piei boscuits, mufiSns, doughnuts orthe 100 and; ! other things that flour is used for.

vEvery ounce of Sperry Flour issubjected to' 7 .

distinct scientificand practical tests to make sure

'; of absolute - uniformity in glutenquality and content. .

': --' .V

Orider Sperry Floiir ofYour Grocer


. TW ! a Spmrr Mitt wkfala


-- v




! i


1HEATRIGAL iffERING5Matinee 2:15 Tonight 7:40


OF SLAV TYRANT AT THE LIBERTY E PETROVATypical of the unbridled autocracy

which for centuries has ground thepeasantry of Russia beneath the heart-less heel of czarism and forced herpeople Into ignominy and serfdom "isthe current Bijou film. "The Tyrannyof the Romanoffs," a super featureproduction featurinc the great Illiodor,the renowned foreign actor, who isseen in the spectacular role of Ivantilt Terrible, the founder of the houbaof Romanoffs, which was brought toan end with the downfall of NicholasRussian in atmosphere from the veiyicnies that are seen crossing thjeteppes and snowy waters of Siberia tothe scenes and characters themselves,the play gives an accurate idea of theyoke of oppression and tyranny underwhich the masses of benighted Rus-

sia were throttled by their licentious,cruel, savage and merciless rulers.

Ivan is pictured as a monsterclothed by a human body, who flauntshypocritical piety as a cloak to licen-tiousness, who feeds on the lust of thel cdj' and to whom neither maiden.irtue or bond of w edlock is sacred.

Whore royal will is concerned itmust have its w ay, no matter w hat theprice the governed must pay. Neitherold men or women, girls or mothersare safe from the vampire whose lust- -

pocked path is strewn with the bloodof those whose innocence has invokedthe wrath of the tyrant.

The spectacle of a peaceful peoplewrithing under the .monstrosities of aruler whose despotism is revoltingopens the door of understanding to theplight of slave-boun- d Russia; servesas the stepping stone to appreciationof the countless suffering of a peoplawhose patience and endurance, ex-

hausted in the course of centuries,rose up in rebellion against a systemthat exacted an impossible toll andput an end to the reigning house re-

sponsible for its miseries and threwoff the yoke of bondage.

The film will run tonight and tomor-row night



The story of-- Robert Service's cele-

brated poem, "My Madonna," is trans-ferred to the screen in the picture ofthe same- - name which is the featureoffering of the new bill at the Hawaiitheater, and Madame Olga Petrora,who has been called the greatest emo-

tional actress of the present time,plays the leading part in the story.While the critics have disagreed intheif comments concerning the star'searlier, picture, 'The Undying Flame,"which was presented In Honolulu somemonths ago, My Madonna has calledforth only unstinted praise whereverit has appeared. It Is a tragic storyof the suffering of a woman whomakes a great sacrifice and who ulti-mately triumphs.

In lighter vein a Fox comedy is in-

cluded in the program. It is calledThe Social pirates," with Charles Ar-lin- g

in the leading part.One of thenost thrilling scenes of

the serial, "The Railroad Raiders," isshown in the present instalment, thesixth chapter of the story, which hasthe title -- 'The Overland Disaster,"While the , Instalments of the serialtell a connected story as they appear,each is complete in itself.

With his third recital In MissionHall tonight,, Max Sellnsky will conclude his announced appearances before the music-lovin- g public of Honolulu. His program is well chosen andnicely balanced between the lighterand heavier styles of musical composition. Mendelssohn's Concerto and theSonata of Franck should appeal to all,and the "Ballade en Polonaise byVleuxtemps is a number which Is al-

ways a favorite.Frank Moss will accompany Selins-k- y,

as he has at the earlier recitals.The Laurentio Storioni violin of

1793, owned by Hadolf Buchly, will beplayed by Sellnsky tonight The won-

derful tone of this instrument is high-ly praised by the distinguished vis-itor, who says that it is a delight toplay upon it for its softness and rich-nes- s.

Its jaaker.was one of the lastof the famous violin makers of Cre-mona, home of marvelous violins forcenturies.


The annual banquet of members ofthe High School Alumni associationwill be held at 7 o'clock this evening 4

on the-Joun- g hotel roof garden. TheRussian orchestra will furnish the mu-

sic while the old grads talk over theold days.

A number of short talks will begiven by alumni men. Four of therecently commissioned reserve offi-cers will tell their old schoolmateshow they did --It. These officers whowill bewailed upon are: Capt. R. B.King. Lieut Lester Marks, Lieut.Samuel Carter and Lieut A. B. "Bus-ter" Carter. .

'" m tm

William Hunter Kendall, actor andtheatrical manager, died in London.

Our main line is Serviceour side line is advertising.But our ; side line' will mostbenefit you; while 6ur , mainlines will most benefit us.

A wen known story, a brilliant star;and a Lasky production is a combina-- 1

tion that is making tile feature pic-- .

ture, "Her Strange vVedding," a draw-- ;

ing card at the Liberty theater. The'star is the popular English actress,

Fannie Ward, who came into instan--j

taueous favor with film patrons by '

her work in "The Cheat," the vehiclew hich also caused the Japanese actor, '

Sessue Hayakawa, to spring into fame.With her In the present cast are herhusband,' Jack Dean, and Tom Form an.

Miss Ward as Coralie Grayson is ayoung society girl in love w ith Dr. MaxBrownell. Arrangements for theirmarriage are completed, when the doc-tor's scapegrace brother Lee appearsupon the scene and immediately setsabout to win his brother's sweetheart.Local color is introduced into the pic-

ture when the couple, leading on aboat for Honolulu, find that Max hasalso taken passage on the same boatA quarrel between the brothers en-sues and the story reaches a happyclimax when Coralie reinstates Maxin her affections. Miss Ward is givenan opportunity to wear a number ofthe handsome gowns for which she isfamous.

The second episode of the new se-rial, "The Mystery of the DoubleCross," and the Pathe Weekly are In-

cluded in the program.



Ellen Beach Yaw, the world's- - great-est colorature soprano, has perfectedherself In the Hawaiian numbers ste

j will sing during her two recitals, thei first tomorrow evening and the secondjon Friday, in Mission Memorial Hail.The chorus of Hawaiian girls who areto support her in these features of herprograms are 'letter perfect," and allis in readiness for the first curtain tobe raised before the great artist inHonolulu.

The program for tomorrow eveningwill be announced ' in tomorrow's paper in detail. It is replete with a va-riety of numbers which are certain tobring rounds of applause from the ca-pacity house which, from the sale oftickets, is sure to greet the CaliforniaNightingale;

Ernest K. Kaai, the local idol oflovers of Hawaiian music, who is toreappear locally, after a prolonged ab-sence from the footlights, promisesentirely new departures from the us-ual run of Hawaiian music tomorrownight .

Frank Moss, local pianist, who is toaccompany Miss Yaw, is also to havea prominent place Individually in therecital tomorrow evening.

Seats for these concerts are on salent the Territorial Messenger Service.


Place your orders now for greenChristmas trees, at Henry May & Co.,Ltd. Phone Adv.


The General and Universal FilmSERVICES.

Dally Matinees (except Saturdays andHolidays) from 1:00 to 4:00 o'clock.

Saturday end Holiday Matinees from10:00 a. m. to 4:00 o'clock.

Evening (two shows) 6:30 and 8:45s'clock.

PICTURES CHANCED DAILYPrices: 10, 20 cents


Take a private lesson from MadameLester, Honolulu's leading teacher, andhave your faults corrected.

Removed from L O. O. ?. hall toThe M. Lester Dancing Academy, Lu-nali- lo

and Alapai streets. Phone 6251.Punahou car passes academy.

(The Renowned Russian Actress)


MmmmTaken from the Famous Poem of the Same Name written

jj the story of a Woman's Sacrifice and Triumph. It is tobe counted among the season's Sensational Photoplays.

Charle3 Arling in THE SOCIAL PIRATES Fox Comedy

1 1

U 4S- t--


BOX OFFICE OP6:30Prices 15, 25, 35 Cents

Prices Cents.

SCHEDULESocial Pirates 7:40Overland Disaster 8:05My Madonna 8:30




ml" Ino ' oi i.

r ; :ck. TheirangeWMiif


15, 25, 35





Second Episode ofMystery of the Double Cross"

Featuring 3eautifnlJ XINO.Keep np Serial It's aPATHE WEEKLY NEWS PICTORIAL

PHONE 5060


EMILYStar "The Slacker"





with Wonder!



7:40 P.M.8erlal ; -

7:55 P.M.Feature' 8:30 P. M.

Reserve'd 55








v ''ALSO':,.. ."

The Official Pictures of the United States Navy indorsed by President Wilson. Special Music. Augmented Orchestra.





MAMIEWe have large assortments of Oriental goods.Now we are conducting a sale for Christmas.We sell at the very lowest prices. Come, andget your Xmas gifts. We have put the pricesat 10, 20, 50 per cent discount

Hotel Street





... Between Kuuanu and Szaltli i