russian architecture

Russian Architecture in the 18th Century

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Page 1: Russian Architecture

Russian Architecture in

the 18th Century

Page 2: Russian Architecture

From the Time of Peter the great to Catharine the great there was a boom in urban growth. This can be seen in the founding

of the city St. Petersburg and its enormous and fabulously designed Buildings. In this we can see the begging of what we

today view as what Russian Architecture is. The building erected in this time period have come to symbolize and define

Russia as a country and a Culture. Some used as places of worship others as luxurious palaces. Some where build for

honoring others to intimidate and impress. All of theses themes and ideas can be found in the Architecture of 18th


Page 3: Russian Architecture

The Stock ExchangeThis building was the idea of Tsar Peter the 1st. It was built on the southern point of Vasilevskiy Island. It served as a stock exchange, a customs office and a warehouse. It was built in 1805-1810 the architect was Thomas de Thomon.

Page 4: Russian Architecture

The Winter Palace Tsar Peter the 1st had the first two Winter Palaces built the first was a simple two story building after having the second one built he later died there. This 3 rd Palace was commissioned by Elisabeth in 1754 and stands on the spot where the second palace was built.

Page 5: Russian Architecture

The Summer Palace The Summer Palace sits in, the Summer Gardens. The building was built by Domenico Trezzini in 1710-1712 and is was of the few buildings that dates back to the time of Tsar Peter 1st that is in such good condition.

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St. Simeon and AnnaThis church was built in 1731-1734 by Mikhail Zemzov it unlike most Russia designs of the time have a 5 domed structure. As it tends to fallow the “ground plans for the Greek Cross.”

Page 7: Russian Architecture

The Twelve Colleges The twelve Colleges are a series of twelve three story buildings. The plans for the construction of this was selected via the first design completion in Russia history.

Page 8: Russian Architecture

In Conclusion we can see from even just these few slides of pictures and information that Russian culture in the 18th century was a big deal. We can see many different types of influences from old Russia to Greece and Western Europe. We can see the mighty strength and self importance that the Russian want to show off but at the same time a more subtle attitude a softer side of the great Russian Bear. From great over done winter palace to the homeliness of the summer palace to the sock exchange , twelve colleges and St. Semion and Anna church there is great diversity and attitude in the Russian culture of the 18th Century.