s discove rwo ds - pearson

New language Vocabulary: family words Functions: saying who people in a family are Pre-teach: family Preparation: Unit introduction. Bring a family photograph from a magazine or one of your family. Exercise 3. Ask students to bring family photographs to class. Unit introduction (Books closed) Show the class a family photo. Ask them to tell you any family words they know or talk about your family. Translate if necessary. (Books open) Ask a student to read the speech bubble, and use an idea suggested in the Introduction to focus on In this unit. Disc o v e r W o r d s Exercise 1 1.17 (Books open) Ask the students to look at the pictures. Point to Jilly and say: granny. Point to the other monster family members. Elicit more family words. Give pairs time to do the matching exercise. Play the recording. Pause as you go along to ask students for each monster’s name, e.g. (Recording) Mum. Student: Jess. Play the recording again. Pause for the class to repeat each word in chorus. Answers student page Exercise 2 Give the students time to do the exercise in pairs. Check answers. Answers student page Exercise 3 Do two or three examples with confident students. Give the students time to do the activity in pairs. Suggestion: Ask students who have brought family photographs to come to the front of the class and speak about them, e.g. Antek is my brother. If all your students have photos, tell them to talk to each other about their families in groups of three or four. Suggestion: Have students draw and label their families. 23 in this unit: the family adjectives to be asking how you feel places Disc o v e r W o r d s 3 Work in pairs. Pracujcie w parach. A I’m Zac. Izzy is my … B Sister! the family 2 Complete the families. Uzupełnij imiona członków obu rodzin. 1 1.17 Match the words with the pictures. Listen and repeat. 'opasuj wyrazy do obrazków. Posłuchaj nagrania i powtórz te wyrazy. Zac sister (x2) ________ ________ brother ________ granny ________ Lulu brother ________ mum ________ granddad ________ dad ________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 mum 4 dad sister brother granny granddad Milly Families Families Hi, I’m Alex. Today the Discovery Magazine is about families. 9 2 1 6 5 3 Izzy Billy Jilly Ed Jess Jed Fred

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Page 1: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson

New languageVocabulary: family words

Functions: saying who people in a family are

Pre-teach: family

Preparation: Unit introduction. Bring a family photograph from a magazine or one of your family. Exercise 3. Ask students to bring family photographs to class.

Unit introduction (Books closed) Show the class a family photo. Ask them to tell you any family words they know or talk about your family. Translate if necessary.

(Books open) Ask a student to read the speech bubble, and use an idea suggested in the Introduction to focus on In this unit.

Discover Words

Exercise 1 1.17

(Books open) Ask the students to look at the pictures. Point to Jilly and say: granny. Point to the other monster family members. Elicit more family words.

Give pairs time to do the matching exercise.

Play the recording. Pause as you go along to ask students for each monster’s name, e.g. (Recording) Mum. Student: Jess.

Play the recording again. Pause for the class to repeat each word in chorus.

Answers student page

Exercise 2 Give the students time to do the exercise in pairs.

Check answers.

Answers student page

Exercise 3 Do two or three examples with confident students.

Give the students time to do the activity in pairs.

Suggestion: Ask students who have brought family photographs to come to the front of the class and speak about them, e.g. Antek is my brother. If all your students have photos, tell them to talk to each other about their families in groups of three or four.

Suggestion: Have students draw and label their families.


in this unit:• the family • adjectives• to be • asking how you feel• places

Discover Words

3 Work in pairs. Pracujcie w parach.

A I’m Zac. Izzy is my …B Sister!

the family�

2 Complete the families. Uzupełnij imiona członków obu rodzin.

DDiissccooovveerrr WWWWWWWoooorrrdddsssthe familythe family�

1 1.17 Match the words with the pictures. Listen and repeat. opasuj wyrazy do obrazków. Posłuchaj nagrania i powtórz te wyrazy.


sister (x2) ________ ________brother ________granny ________


brother ________mum ________granddad ________dad ________


2 3




mum 4 dad sister brother granny granddad


FamiliesFamiliesHi, I’m Alex. Today the Discovery Magazine is

about families.


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 11-10-31 11:57

2165 3



Page 2: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson


New languageGrammar: to be affirmative and contractions, subject pronouns (singular and plural)

Pre-teach: happy, birthday, thank you, guitar, you’re lucky, it’s from, too

Preparation: Exercise 5. Copy tapescript 1.20 for weaker students.

Exercise 1 1.18

Tell the students to look at the photo. Ask them to name the children and tell you any words they know.

Play the recording once while the students follow the dialogue and point.

Exercise 2 1.19

Give students time to look at the pictures and match before they listen to the recording twice.

The second time, stop and ask the whole class to repeat the target language, copying the intonation, and ask for each answer.

Answers student page

Suggestion: Tell students to practise the dialogue in Exercise 1 in groups of six.

Discover extra words: Have strong students or fast finishers find extra new words.

Grammar Tell your students to look at the photograph again.

Say: Alex is eleven. He is eleven. Have the students repeat he in chorus after you. Using examples from the photo, text and

grammar box, have the class repeat the other pronouns and forms of to be in chorus.

Tell the students to study the grammar box.

Exercise 3 Give students time to do the exercise individually or in pairs.

Check the answers.

Answers student page

Exercise 4 Do the example first with the whole class.

Point out that the correct subject pronoun for guitar, this ball and today is it.

Give the students time to do the exercise individually.

Check answers.

Answers student page

1 1.18 Listen and read. Point to Matt and Alex.Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj dialog. Wskaż na zdj ciu Matta i Aleksa.

Talking Tips!2 1.19 Listen, repeat and match.

Posłuchaj nagrania, powtórz zwroty i dopasuj je do obrazków.

1 Watch out! 2 mile!

1Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj dialog. Wskaż na zdj ciu Matta i Aleksa.Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj dialog. Wskaż na zdj ciu Matta i Aleksa.

Talking Tips!2

Posłuchaj nagrania, powtórz zwroty i dopasuj je do obrazków.Posłuchaj nagrania, powtórz zwroty i dopasuj je do obrazków.


Sophie Happy birthday, Alex! Alex hank you!Jenny How old are you?Alex I’m eleven. Jenny I’m eleven too. Alex ook at my guitar. It’s from Mum and ad.Sophie ool! You’re lucky! Matt Now … a photo for the Discovery Magazine! Alex Mum and ad! You too!Mum and Dad We’re here! Matt mile!Jenny Matt! Watch out!

Jenny is with Matt, Sophie and Alex. They’re happy. Alex is eleven today.

Discover extra words. Go to page 94.Discover extra words. Go to page 94.5


Happy Birthday!Happy Birthday!


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 10 11-10-31 11:57

Grammar to be







We YouThey


3 Read and write. Use he, she, it or they.Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując he, she, it lub they.

1 He is eleven.2 ______ are Sophie and Jenny.3 ______ is eleven too.4 ______ is cool.5 ______ are my mum and dad.

4 Circle the correct words. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

1 You am / are ten.2 The guitar is / are cool.3 They are / am my brother and sister.4 his ball are / is from my granddad.5 We am / are happy.6 Today is / are my birthday.

Listening5 1.20 Listen to Sophie and Alex. Match

the object with the person. Posłuchaj ophie i Aleksa. opasuj przedmioty do osób.

1 brother 2 granddad 3 dad 4 granny 5 mum

6 Write about the objects in Exercise 5. pisz przedmioty z ćwiczenia .

The bag is from my granddad.

Grammar to be: contractions

I am

You are

He isShe isIt is

We areYou areThey are





7 Write sentences. Use ‘m, ‘re or ‘s. Napisz zdania,

używając ’m, ’re lub ’s.

1 He my brother He’s my brother.2 I / happy3 She / my granny4 hey Matt and Alex5 We twelve6 It / a dog

FFFFun Zun Zun Zun ZooooonnnneeeeFun Zone�


8 1.21 Listen and complete the rap. Usethe words in the box. Then listen and rap. Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij tekst piosenki, używając wyrazów z ramki. Nast pnie słuchaj i rapuj.

1 ____ my dad And 2 _____ my mum,

ne, two, three!3 _____ my brothers And my sisters.We’re a happy family!4 _____ my granny. _____ my granddad,ne, two, three!

I 6 _____ lucky!We 7 _____ happy!Come and meet my family.


He’s (x 2) am are They’re She’s she’s



M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 11 11-10-31 11:57


Page 3: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson


Exercise 5 1.20

Ask the class to name the objects.

Play the recording while the students listen and match.

Play the recording again. Tell the students to shout: Stop! or to put their hands up when they hear the name of a family member, then elicit or give the answer.

Tapescript end of notes

Answers student page

Exercise 6 Give the students time to write.

Ask individuals to write the answers on the board.

Grammar Ask students to look at the bag in Exercise 5. Say: It is blue. Use your fingers to indicate that the three words are separate. Say: It’s blue. Bring two fingers together to demonstrate the contraction.

Have the class repeat all to be contractions after you in chorus.

Tell them to study the grammar box.

Exercise 7 Give the students time to do the exercise individually.

Ask volunteers to write the correct contractions on the board.

Answers student page

Exercise 8 1.21

(Books closed) Play the rap while the students listen. You could tell cooperative classes to stand up every time they hear a family member.

(Books open) Play the rap again while the students follow in their books, then give them time to complete it individually or in pairs.

Play it again, stopping before each space to elicit and check the answers.


Answers student page

Exercise 5 – Tapescript

Sophie: Hey! Cool ball, Alex.Alex: Yes. It’s from my brother.Sophie: And this book is nice! Alex: It’s from my granny. And the bag is from my granddad.Sophie: And the pens?Alex: They are from my mum.Sophie: And the red and white football shirt?Alex: The football shirt is from my dad.Sophie: You’re lucky, Alex! Happy birthday!

Extra words practice, Workbook, page 71.

1 1.18 Listen and read. Point to Matt and Alex.Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj dialog. Wskaż na zdj ciu Matta i Aleksa.

Talking Tips!2 1.19 Listen, repeat and match.

Posłuchaj nagrania, powtórz zwroty i dopasuj je do obrazków.

1 Watch out! 2 mile!

1Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj dialog. Wskaż na zdj ciu Matta i Aleksa.Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj dialog. Wskaż na zdj ciu Matta i Aleksa.

Talking Tips!2

Posłuchaj nagrania, powtórz zwroty i dopasuj je do obrazków.Posłuchaj nagrania, powtórz zwroty i dopasuj je do obrazków.


Sophie Happy birthday, Alex! Alex hank you!Jenny How old are you?Alex I’m eleven. Jenny I’m eleven too. Alex ook at my guitar. It’s from Mum and ad.Sophie ool! You’re lucky! Matt Now … a photo for the Discovery Magazine! Alex Mum and ad! You too!Mum and Dad We’re here! Matt mile!Jenny Matt! Watch out!

Jenny is with Matt, Sophie and Alex. They’re happy. Alex is eleven today.

Discover extra words. Go to page 94.Discover extra words. Go to page 94.5


Happy Birthday!Happy Birthday!


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 10 11-10-31 11:57

Grammar to be







We YouThey


3 Read and write. Use he, she, it or they.Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując he, she, it lub they.

1 He is eleven.2 ______ are Sophie and Jenny.3 ______ is eleven too.4 ______ is cool.5 ______ are my mum and dad.

4 Circle the correct words. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

1 You am / are ten.2 The guitar is / are cool.3 They are / am my brother and sister.4 his ball are / is from my granddad.5 We am / are happy.6 Today is / are my birthday.

Listening5 1.20 Listen to Sophie and Alex. Match

the object with the person. Posłuchaj ophie i Aleksa. opasuj przedmioty do osób.

1 brother 2 granddad 3 dad 4 granny 5 mum

6 Write about the objects in Exercise 5. pisz przedmioty z ćwiczenia .

The bag is from my granddad.

Grammar to be: contractions

I am

You are

He isShe isIt is

We areYou areThey are





7 Write sentences. Use ‘m, ‘re or ‘s. Napisz zdania,

używając ’m, ’re lub ’s.

1 He my brother He’s my brother.2 I / happy3 She / my granny4 hey Matt and Alex5 We twelve6 It / a dog

FFFFun Zun Zun Zun ZooooonnnneeeeFun Zone�


8 1.21 Listen and complete the rap. Usethe words in the box. Then listen and rap. Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij tekst piosenki, używając wyrazów z ramki. Nast pnie słuchaj i rapuj.

1 ____ my dad And 2 _____ my mum,

ne, two, three!3 _____ my brothers And my sisters.We’re a happy family!4 _____ my granny. _____ my granddad,ne, two, three!

I 6 _____ lucky!We 7 _____ happy!Come and meet my family.


He’s (x 2) am are They’re She’s she’s



M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 11 11-10-31 11:57







I’m happy.She’s my granny.

It’s a dog.We’re twelve.

They’re Matt and Alex.

Page 4: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson

New languageGrammar: to be negative and contractions, at (the) + place

Vocabulary: places

Functions: speaking about where people are

Pre-teach: big, your, friends

Preparation: Exercise 1. Bring flashcards 1–5.

Culture notesPhoto A shows the Baker family. Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt play the mother and father in the 2003 comedy film, Cheaper by the Dozen and Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005).

Photo B shows Juni, Carmen and their parents in one of the Spy Kids trilogy films (2001–2003).

Photo C shows a scene from the Princess Diaries films (2001 and 2004), starring Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews as Princess Mia Thermopolis and Queen Clarisse Renaldi, respectively.

Exercise 1 1.22

(Books closed) Use flashcards to pre-teach places vocabulary. (See Introduction.)

(Books open) Ask a student to read the speech bubble. Tell the students to look at the photos. Use L1 to ask if they have seen any of the films.

Ask the class to tell you any words they know in English. Recycle family words in particular.

Play the recording while the students follow the texts.

Suggestion: Ask individuals to read aloud. (See Introduction.) You could set up a reading rota to make sure that every student has a turn.

Exercise 2 Give the students time to read the texts again and do the exercise individually.

Have them compare their answers with a partner.

Check the answers.

Answers student page

Discover Words

Exercise 3 1.23

(Books open) Give the students time to do the matching exercise individually or in pairs.

Play the recording, pausing for the students to repeat each word in chorus.


Hi! Look at the pictures from three films about families.

Hi! Look at the Hi! Look at the Hi! Look at the



2 Juni and Carmen are brother and sister. In this photo they aren’t at school, they’re at work. They’re spy kids!


1 This is a big family – seven brothers, five sisters and a mum and dad too!



3 Mia is in a school shirt, but she isn’t at school in this photo. She’s at home with Granny – Queen Clarisse!

Fantastic Film Families!Fantastic Film Families!


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 12 11-10-31 11:57

1 1.22 Read and listen. Posłuchaj nagrania

i przeczytaj teksty.

2 Read again. True or false? Przeczytaj teksty ponownie i napisz, czy zdania są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.

1 ueen larisse and Mia are sisters. false2 Mia is with ueen larisse in the photo.3 Juni is at school.4 armen and Mia are sisters.

3 1.23 Match the words with the pictures. Listen and repeat. opasuj wyrazy do obrazków. Posłuchaj nagrania i powtórz te wyrazy.

park home school work beach

Discover Words

Grammar to be: negative



am not

are not

at home.HeSheIt

is not


are not

I am not = I’m not he is not = he isn’twe are not = we aren’t

4 Circle the correct words. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

1 Juni and Carmen isn’t / aren’t at home.2 Mia aren’t / isn’t a granny.3 My friends isn’t / aren’t at the park. 4 Queen Clarisse aren’t / isn’t at the beach. 5 I ’m not / aren’t a dad.

5 Complete the negative sentences. Uzupełnij zdania,

używając form przeczących czasownika.

1 I’m not eleven. I’m ten.2 My dad _______ at the park. He’s at work.3 Your friends _______ at school. hey’re at home. 4 I _______ at the beach. I’m at the park.5 We _______ brothers. We’re friends.6 You _______ at home. You’re at school.


6 Tick (�) and say. Work in pairs. Postaw znak �

w odpowiednich kratkach tabeli. Nast pnie porozmawiajcie w parach.

3 __________


5 __________

1 ____park


5 __________

2 __________



My mum dad


My friends

beach home work school park

Fantastic Film Families!

I’m not at the beach. I’m at . . .

Watch Out!Watch Out!

homeat at school work

the parkthe beach


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 13 11-10-31 11:57

Page 5: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson

Answers student page

Watch Out! Draw the students’ attention to the use of the.

Grammar (Books closed) Say: Juni is not at school, shaking your head. Demonstrate the contraction is not = isn’t, using your fingers. Have the class repeat isn’t in chorus after you.

Use your fingers in a similar way to demonstrate I’m not and we aren’t.

(Books open) Tell the students to study the grammar box.

Exercise 4 Do the example first with the whole class.

Give the students time to do the exercise individually or in pairs. Work with the whole class if your students are weak. Ask the students to compare answers with a partner.

Check answers, referring to the grammar box.

Answers student page

Exercise 5 Give the students time to do the exercise individually. Tell them to use the grammar box to help.

Have them compare answers with a partner.

Check the answers. You could invite individuals to write them on the board.

Answers student page

Exercise 6 (Books closed) Tell the students to close their eyes for a few seconds and to imagine where their mum/dad/friends are. Ask the class for ideas. Use L1 if necessary.

(Books open) Tell students to complete the table individually. Tell them to use their imaginations! Tell them you refers to a partner.

Give the students time to do the activity in pairs.

Fast finishers: Ask them to write some of their sentences in their notebooks.

Tip: Writing activities like this usually help students to focus, which is especially useful at this stage in the class. A speaking activity may work better earlier on.

Photocopiable resource 1, page 124.


Hi! Look at the pictures from three films about families.

Hi! Look at the Hi! Look at the Hi! Look at the



2 Juni and Carmen are brother and sister. In this photo they aren’t at school, they’re at work. They’re spy kids!


1 This is a big family – seven brothers, five sisters and a mum and dad too!



3 Mia is in a school shirt, but she isn’t at school in this photo. She’s at home with Granny – Queen Clarisse!

Fantastic Film Families!Fantastic Film Families!


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 12 11-10-31 11:57

1 1.22 Read and listen. Posłuchaj nagrania

i przeczytaj teksty.

2 Read again. True or false? Przeczytaj teksty ponownie i napisz, czy zdania są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.

1 ueen larisse and Mia are sisters. false2 Mia is with ueen larisse in the photo.3 Juni is at school.4 armen and Mia are sisters.

3 1.23 Match the words with the pictures. Listen and repeat. opasuj wyrazy do obrazków. Posłuchaj nagrania i powtórz te wyrazy.

park home school work beach

Discover Words

Grammar to be: negative



am not

are not

at home.HeSheIt

is not


are not

I am not = I’m not he is not = he isn’twe are not = we aren’t

4 Circle the correct words. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

1 Juni and Carmen isn’t / aren’t at home.2 Mia aren’t / isn’t a granny.3 My friends isn’t / aren’t at the park. 4 Queen Clarisse aren’t / isn’t at the beach. 5 I ’m not / aren’t a dad.

5 Complete the negative sentences. Uzupełnij zdania,

używając form przeczących czasownika.

1 I’m not eleven. I’m ten.2 My dad _______ at the park. He’s at work.3 Your friends _______ at school. hey’re at home. 4 I _______ at the beach. I’m at the park.5 We _______ brothers. We’re friends.6 You _______ at home. You’re at school.


6 Tick (�) and say. Work in pairs. Postaw znak �

w odpowiednich kratkach tabeli. Nast pnie porozmawiajcie w parach.

3 __________


5 __________

1 ____park


5 __________

2 __________



My mum dad


My friends

beach home work school park

Fantastic Film Families!

I’m not at the beach. I’m at . . .

Watch Out!Watch Out!

homeat at school work

the parkthe beach


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 13 11-10-31 11:57








’m notaren’taren’t

Page 6: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson

New languageGrammar: to be questions and short answers

Vocabulary: adjectives for speaking about how we feel Functions: speaking about how we feel

Pre-teach: octopus, shark

Discover Words

Exercise 1 1.24

(Books closed) Draw a smiling face on the board and elicit happy. Elicit any other of the target adjectives you think your students already know.

(Books open) Play the recording while students listen. Mime each word as you go along to reinforce meaning.

Play it again, pausing for the students to repeat and mime each word.

Exercise 2 1.25

(Books closed) Using L1 if necessary, tell your students they’re going to read and listen to another episode of The Magic Mirror.

Ask them if they can remember the names of the characters. (Oscar, Jo-Jo and Mr Big, the dog.) Ask: How old is Oscar? (Ten.) How old is Jo-Jo? (Eleven.)

(Books open) Tell the students to look at the cartoon. Ask them to tell you all the words they know and pre-teach octopus and shark.

Play the recording while the students follow the dialogue.

Give them time to complete the matching exercise individually.

Check answers with the class.

Answers student page

Grammar Tell the students to look at picture 5. Hold your book up, point to the baby octopus and ask a confident student: Is she hungry? (No, she isn’t.) Ask the class to repeat the question and answer after you in chorus.

Ask the class: Are you hungry? Elicit the answer from a volunteer or give it. (Yes, I am./No, I’m not.) Ask the class to repeat the question and answer after you in chorus.

Have the class repeat two or three more examples in chorus of other pronouns and affirmative and negative short answers.

Ask the students to study the grammar box. Tell them the subject and verb are inverted for to be questions.



Jo-Jo: Hello. I’m o o and this is scar, my brother.Billy: Nice to meet you. I’m Billy.Oscar: And this is Mr ig.


Billy: his is my brother.Oscar: He’s happy!4

Billy: he’s my baby sister.Jo-Jo: Is she hungry?Billy: No, she isn’t. he’s thirsty!


Oscar: Is he your dad?Billy: Yes, he is. He’s tired today.

Oscar and Jo-Jo: ye!



Billy: Hello, Granny. How are you today?Granny: Not great. I’m cold. How are you, illy? Billy: I’m fine, thank you.

The Magic MirrorThe Magic Mirror1

I’m hungry!


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 1 11-10-31 11:57

Discover Words

2 1.25 Look at the cartoon. Listen, read and match. Posłuchaj nagrania, przeczytaj historyjki połącz cz ści zda .


Am I tired?Are you tired?Is he tired?Is she tired?Is it tired?Are we tired?Are you tired?Are they tired?

Yes, I am.Yes, you are.Yes, he is.Yes, she is.Yes, it is.Yes, we are.Yes, you are.Yes, they are.

No, I’m not.No, you aren’t.No, he isn’t.No, she isn’t.No, it isn’t.No, we aren’t.No, you aren’t.No, they aren’t.

Grammar to be: questions

1 1.24 Listen and repeat.Posłuchaj nagrania i powtórz zdania.

3 Circle the correct words. Match with the answers. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy. Połącz pytania i odpowiedzi.

1 Are / Is you happy today? a No, I’m ten.2 Is / Are she your sister? b Yes, they are.3 Are / Is they tired? c No, she’s isn’t. 4 Are / Is you eleven? d Yes, he is.5 Am / Is he happy? e Yes, I am.

4 Write the questions. Ask and answer in pairs.Pracując w parach, zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytaniai odpowiadajcie na nie.

1 you / hungry / today? Are you hungry today?2 your teacher / happy / today?3 your friends at the beach today?4 you / tired / today?

1 The __ __ __ __ __ is hungry.

2 The __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is happy.

8 Act out the Magic Mirror cartoon with your friends. degrajcie historyjk Magiczne lustro z kolegami i koleżankami.


1 He’s bored. 2 He’s happy. 3 She’s tired.

4 He’s hungry.

2 My dad is 2 My brother is3 My granny is 4 My sister is


7 She’s thirsty.6 He’s hot.5 She’s cold.

Functions: asking how you feel5 1.26 Listen and repeat. Posłuchaj nagrania

i powtórz dialogi.

6 Ask and answer. Work in a group. Pracując

w grupach, zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

A How are you today?B I’m happy.

A How are you today?B Not great. I’m tired.

A How are you today? B ine, thank you.

8 He’s sad.


Break the code. Rozszyfruj kod.

1 2


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 15 11-10-31 11:57

Page 7: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson

Exercise 3 Give the students time to circle and match individually or in pairs.

Have them compare answers with a partner.

Check answers with the class, referring to the grammar box.

Answers student page

Exercise 4 Give the students time to write the

questions. Move round, checking and prompting.

Invite different students to write corrected questions on the board before they do the speaking activity in pairs.

Answers2 Is your teacher happy today?3 Are your friends at the beach

today?4 Are you tired today?

Exercise 5 1.26

Play the recording twice. The second time, pause for the students to repeat. Make sure they imitate the intonation.

Tip: Don’t forget that How questions have a falling intonation.

Exercise 6 Demonstrate the activity with a volunteer, then ask the students to continue in groups of three or four.

Exercise 7 Give the students time to break the code individually or in pairs.

Remind the students to look in the cartoon frames for question 1 and on page 95 for the code breaker.

Ask volunteers for the answers. Ask them to spell the words too.

Answers student page

Exercise 8 Ask the class to work in groups of four and allocate roles.

Play recording 1.25 again, pausing for the students to repeat their lines in chorus.

Have them practise in groups and change roles.

Ask some students to perform for the class.

Grammar worksheet 1, page 110.



Jo-Jo: Hello. I’m o o and this is scar, my brother.Billy: Nice to meet you. I’m Billy.Oscar: And this is Mr ig.


Billy: his is my brother.Oscar: He’s happy!4

Billy: he’s my baby sister.Jo-Jo: Is she hungry?Billy: No, she isn’t. he’s thirsty!


Oscar: Is he your dad?Billy: Yes, he is. He’s tired today.

Oscar and Jo-Jo: ye!



Billy: Hello, Granny. How are you today?Granny: Not great. I’m cold. How are you, illy? Billy: I’m fine, thank you.

The Magic MirrorThe Magic Mirror1

I’m hungry!


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 1 11-10-31 11:57

Discover Words

2 1.25 Look at the cartoon. Listen, read and match. Posłuchaj nagrania, przeczytaj historyjki połącz cz ści zda .


Am I tired?Are you tired?Is he tired?Is she tired?Is it tired?Are we tired?Are you tired?Are they tired?

Yes, I am.Yes, you are.Yes, he is.Yes, she is.Yes, it is.Yes, we are.Yes, you are.Yes, they are.

No, I’m not.No, you aren’t.No, he isn’t.No, she isn’t.No, it isn’t.No, we aren’t.No, you aren’t.No, they aren’t.

Grammar to be: questions

1 1.24 Listen and repeat.Posłuchaj nagrania i powtórz zdania.

3 Circle the correct words. Match with the answers. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy. Połącz pytania i odpowiedzi.

1 Are / Is you happy today? a No, I’m ten.2 Is / Are she your sister? b Yes, they are.3 Are / Is they tired? c No, she’s isn’t. 4 Are / Is you eleven? d Yes, he is.5 Am / Is he happy? e Yes, I am.

4 Write the questions. Ask and answer in pairs.Pracując w parach, zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytaniai odpowiadajcie na nie.

1 you / hungry / today? Are you hungry today?2 your teacher / happy / today?3 your friends at the beach today?4 you / tired / today?

1 The __ __ __ __ __ is hungry.

2 The __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is happy.

8 Act out the Magic Mirror cartoon with your friends. degrajcie historyjk Magiczne lustro z kolegami i koleżankami.


1 He’s bored. 2 He’s happy. 3 She’s tired.

4 He’s hungry.

2 My dad is 2 My brother is3 My granny is 4 My sister is


7 She’s thirsty.6 He’s hot.5 She’s cold.

Functions: asking how you feel5 1.26 Listen and repeat. Posłuchaj nagrania

i powtórz dialogi.

6 Ask and answer. Work in a group. Pracując

w grupach, zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

A How are you today?B I’m happy.

A How are you today?B Not great. I’m tired.

A How are you today? B ine, thank you.

8 He’s sad.


Break the code. Rozszyfruj kod.

1 2


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 15 11-10-31 11:57

s h a r k

c t o p u s


Jo-Jo: Hello. I’m o o and this is scar, my brother.Billy: Nice to meet you. I’m Billy.Oscar: And this is Mr ig.


Billy: his is my brother.Oscar: He’s happy!4

Billy: he’s my baby sister.Jo-Jo: Is she hungry?Billy: No, she isn’t. he’s thirsty!


Oscar: Is he your dad?Billy: Yes, he is. He’s tired today.

Oscar and Jo-Jo: ye!



Billy: Hello, Granny. How are you today?Granny: Not great. I’m cold. How are you, illy? Billy: I’m fine, thank you.

The Magic MirrorThe Magic Mirror1

I’m hungry!


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 1 11-10-31 11:57

Discover Words

2 1.25 Look at the cartoon. Listen, read and match. Posłuchaj nagrania, przeczytaj historyjki połącz cz ści zda .


Am I tired?Are you tired?Is he tired?Is she tired?Is it tired?Are we tired?Are you tired?Are they tired?

Yes, I am.Yes, you are.Yes, he is.Yes, she is.Yes, it is.Yes, we are.Yes, you are.Yes, they are.

No, I’m not.No, you aren’t.No, he isn’t.No, she isn’t.No, it isn’t.No, we aren’t.No, you aren’t.No, they aren’t.

Grammar to be: questions

1 1.24 Listen and repeat.Posłuchaj nagrania i powtórz zdania.

3 Circle the correct words. Match with the answers. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy. Połącz pytania i odpowiedzi.

1 Are / Is you happy today? a No, I’m ten.2 Is / Are she your sister? b Yes, they are.3 Are / Is they tired? c No, she’s isn’t. 4 Are / Is you eleven? d Yes, he is.5 Am / Is he happy? e Yes, I am.

4 Write the questions. Ask and answer in pairs.Pracując w parach, zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytaniai odpowiadajcie na nie.

1 you / hungry / today? Are you hungry today?2 your teacher / happy / today?3 your friends at the beach today?4 you / tired / today?

1 The __ __ __ __ __ is hungry.

2 The __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is happy.

8 Act out the Magic Mirror cartoon with your friends. degrajcie historyjk Magiczne lustro z kolegami i koleżankami.


1 He’s bored. 2 He’s happy. 3 She’s tired.

4 He’s hungry.

2 My dad is 2 My brother is3 My granny is 4 My sister is


7 She’s thirsty.6 He’s hot.5 She’s cold.

Functions: asking how you feel5 1.26 Listen and repeat. Posłuchaj nagrania

i powtórz dialogi.

6 Ask and answer. Work in a group. Pracując

w grupach, zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

A How are you today?B I’m happy.

A How are you today?B Not great. I’m tired.

A How are you today? B ine, thank you.

8 He’s sad.


Break the code. Rozszyfruj kod.

1 2


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Page 8: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson

New languageSkills practised: reading, listening, speaking, writing

Vocabulary: birthday cake, candles, bed

Pre-teach: bike

Preparation: Exercise 4. Copy tapescript 1.28 for each student. Exercise 6. Bring a birthday card in English. Bring paper, crayons and scissors for the students to make cards.

Exercise 1 1.27

(Books closed) Using L1, ask the class who can remember dreams. Ask one or two students to tell you about a memorable dream. Ask for or give a translation into English.

Tell the class they’re going to read a picture story about a dream.

Try this! Read the text to the class (use L1 if necessary). Tell students that pictures can give clues to the meaning of a text and to unknown words.

Tell the students to look at pictures 1–4. Ask the class to tell you all the words they know in each picture in turn. Encourage complete sentences and contractions, e.g. He’s happy.

Don’t pre-teach birthday cake, candles, bed unless a student asks you.

Play the recording while students listen and read the story.

Exercise 2 Give the students time to do the exercise individually. Tell them to underline the key parts of the text. This helps to ensure they’re practising their reading skills rather than just relying on memory.

Ask them to compare their answers with a partner.

Check answers orally with the class.

Answers student page

Exercise 3 Give the students time to find the words individually.

Check the answers orally with the class.

Answers student page

Ask if they thought looking at the pictures first helped them understand.




2 Read the story again and complete the sentences.Przeczytaj ponownie historyjk i uzupełnij zdania.

1 Jack is twelve today. 2 The __________ is from his mum and dad.3 Dan is a __________.4 Jack isn’t at __________ in picture 3.5 Jack is __________ in picture 2.

The DreamThe Dream

Now Jack is with Dan. They aren’t at home.

They’re on the bike.

Dan ook, ack! Your mum and dad are here too!

1 1.27 Listen and read the story. Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj historyjk .

Now Jack is tired. He’s in bed.

Jack hank you, Mum. hank you,

ad. My bike is great.


1 Jack is happy. Today he is

twelve. Look at the birthday

cake. It’s white and the

candles are green and yellow.

Jack is with a friend, Dan.

Dan Nice bike!

Jack Yes, it’s from my mum

and dad.

Dan You’re lucky!

4 Jack ool! Great dream!

Try this!• irst look at the pictures, then read.

Pictures help you with new words!

bike twelve home tired friend


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 1 11-10-31 11:57


3 Look at the pictures. Find the words in the story.Podpisz obrazki wyrazami z historyjki.

1 This is a ___________.

2 This is a ___________.

3 This is a ___________.Writing6 Make a card. Choose. Wybierz osob , a nast pnie

przygotuj dla niej kartk urodzinową.

Speaking5 Ask and answer. Work with a friend.

Pracując w parach, zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

A Is your brother at school today?B No, he isn’t. He’s at home.

brother mum dad sister friend

1 2

3 4 5




2 This is a ___________.

Listening4 1.28 Listen to Dan and Jack. Match the person

with the place. Posłuchaj ana i acka. opasuj osoby do miejsc.

mum dad brother sister granny granddadschool work home


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 17 11-10-31 11:57



Page 9: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson

Tip: Although students of this age can’t explain their ideas very well, it’s good practice to obtain as much feedback from them as you can to help lesson planning and promote student reflection about learning.

Exercise 4 1.28

Ask individuals to name the family members and the places.

Play the recording once or twice while the students listen and match.

Play the recording again, stopping before each place to elicit and check the answer.

Suggestion: Give a weak class the tapescript to follow to check answers.

Tapescript end of notes

Answers student page

Exercise 5 Ask two volunteers to read the example.

Give the students time to do the activity in pairs. Move round, checking and prompting.

Exercise 6 Ask the students in L1 when we give birthday cards.

Tell the students you want them to make a card like the one in the picture.

Ask the class to choose who the card is to.

Tell the students to begin their cards Happy Birthday! Tell the students it’s common to end a card Love from + first name.

Give the students plenty of time to make their cards. Ask them to take them home to show the person they’re for.

Exercise 4 – Tapescript

Jack: Hey! Nice photos, Dan. Is she your granny?Dan: Yes, she is.Jack: Is she at the beach?Dan: Yes, she is. And that’s my granddad.Jack: Is he at home?Dan: No, he isn’t. He’s at the park, but my dad is at home. Look!Jack: And is she your mum?Dan: Yes, she is. Jack: Is she at home too?Dan: No, she isn’t. She’s at work. Jack: And is she your sister?Dan: Yes, she is. She’s at school!




2 Read the story again and complete the sentences.Przeczytaj ponownie historyjk i uzupełnij zdania.

1 Jack is twelve today. 2 The __________ is from his mum and dad.3 Dan is a __________.4 Jack isn’t at __________ in picture 3.5 Jack is __________ in picture 2.

The DreamThe Dream

Now Jack is with Dan. They aren’t at home.

They’re on the bike.

Dan ook, ack! Your mum and dad are here too!

1 1.27 Listen and read the story. Posłuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj historyjk .

Now Jack is tired. He’s in bed.

Jack hank you, Mum. hank you,

ad. My bike is great.


1 Jack is happy. Today he is

twelve. Look at the birthday

cake. It’s white and the

candles are green and yellow.

Jack is with a friend, Dan.

Dan Nice bike!

Jack Yes, it’s from my mum

and dad.

Dan You’re lucky!

4 Jack ool! Great dream!

Try this!• irst look at the pictures, then read.

Pictures help you with new words!

bike twelve home tired friend


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 1 11-10-31 11:57


3 Look at the pictures. Find the words in the story.Podpisz obrazki wyrazami z historyjki.

1 This is a ___________.

2 This is a ___________.

3 This is a ___________.Writing6 Make a card. Choose. Wybierz osob , a nast pnie

przygotuj dla niej kartk urodzinową.

Speaking5 Ask and answer. Work with a friend.

Pracując w parach, zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

A Is your brother at school today?B No, he isn’t. He’s at home.

brother mum dad sister friend

1 2

3 4 5




2 This is a ___________.

Listening4 1.28 Listen to Dan and Jack. Match the person

with the place. Posłuchaj ana i acka. opasuj osoby do miejsc.

mum dad brother sister granny granddadschool work home


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 17 11-10-31 11:57

birthday cake



Page 10: s Discove rWo ds - Pearson

Language revisedGrammar: to be, at (the) + place

Vocabulary: family words, adjectives, places

Functions: speaking about feelings

Revision and ChecklistRefer to the Introduction for ideas on how to work with revision pages (see page 10).

Exercise 1 Give the students time to write the family words.

Check answers.

Answers student page

Exercise 2 Give pairs time to do the word square.

Check answers.

Answers student page

Exercise 3 Give the students time to do the exercise.

Check answers.

Answers2 My mum’s happy.3 You’re my friend.4 My dad’s hungry.5 We’re happy.6 They’re tired.

Exercise 4 Give the students time to do the exercise.

Check answers.

AnswersMy mum is/mum’s at work. Jenny and Sophie are at home. I am/I’m at the beach. You are/You’re at school.

Exercise 5 Give the students time to do the exercise individually.

Check answers.

AnswersMy mum isn’t at work. Jenny and Sophie aren’t at home. I’m not at the beach. You aren’t at school.

Exercise 6 Remind the students to look at the grammar box in Unit 1c (page 15).

Check answers.

Answers student page

Exercise 7 1.29

See Introduction page 10.

Exercise 8 Give the students time to do the exercise.

Answers student page


Functions8 Put the dialogue in the correct order. Ułóż zdania

dialogu we właściwej kolejności.

– Not great. I’m hungry. �– Hello! �– I’m fine, thank you. And you? �– Hi! How are you today? �

4 Look and write. Popatrz na obrazki

i napisz zdania.

Alex is at the park.

Grammar3 Write the sentences. Use contractions.

Przepisz zdania, używając skróconych form czasownika.

1 I am ten. I’m ten. 4 My dad is hungry.2 My mum is happy. 5 We are happy.3 You are my friend. 6 They are tired.

2 Find eight adjectives. Znajdź w diagramie osiem przymiotników.

h o t d l h t ia k i z n p h hb o r e d q i ad p e l w s r ps a d j k d s pf j c o l d t yx h u n g r y l

6 Complete the questions and answers.Uzupełnij pytania i odpowiedzi.

1 Is it a box? � Yes, it is.2 ________ they hot? � Yes, ________.3 ________ brothers? � No, ________.4 ________ it a bag? � No, ________.

Pronunciation /æ/7 1.29 Listen and repeat.

Posłuchaj nagrania i powtórz zdania.

Is the big black bag from Dad?No, the bag’s from Granddad. The magazine’s from Dad.

Words1 Look and write.

Popatrz i wpisz brakujące litery.

5 Write five negative sentences about Exercise 4.Napisz zdania przeczące o osobach z ćwiczenia 4.

Alex isn’t at school.


_ _ d

m _ _ g _ _ _ _ __ _ s t _ _ b_ _ _ _ _ _

Checklist �• I can talk about families.

• I can use to be.

• I can describe places.

• I can use adjectives.

• I can ask how people feel.


g r a n d d a d_ _ _ _ _ _ _


Jenny and Sophie My mum


Let’s Revise !Let’s Revise !

Words1 Look and write.


M01_DEIN_SB_STAPOL_3502_U01.indd 18 11-10-31 11:57

r a n n y

d a

u mr o t h e rs i e r

AreAre you


they arewe’re notit isn’t