s- ii d 01 euth iidnouncol c qs- i airp hionyx.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cpn7f/data/0677.pdf · 1 s r 1 4...

1 s 1 r 4 k S Hartford Republican Jud bT the l1artoll lubUbIDgCODlIIlJl- JcoBrORl111 JOHN hENRY TUOHASEdllor ttZt2ilp ON2C- C =brlan43GRo- UCh RSvJ33 FRIDAY APRIL 3 Jtiifte 01 AIrrUahrf- raDIDt a4erttomeflta 40e peI Inch fret lrtloD oc per inch each addltloDallDeertioD b Special ratce on 7eftrlV contrnctl Local noUcee toe per fine lint Innrtlon Gc per line each addltlonallnerUOD Card 01 thanks eoIutIona RnI oblluarlee10- CDte II line Cah In IIdrILDC ANNOVNCEnEXri For alate Hellator- w are aatborIzed to annoUnce liON A S- IIESSETT as II candidate for Stllte ILenntor- f m the Seeuth Snntorlftl fltetrlrt ubJect to the acUuu 01 the nepubhean party we art authorized announce SL STE VES- aa candidate for State Senator troiii the H- euth Senatorial IMtrtct ubJect to the action ol the IteputIlcan party- Wearonnthorlzed to IIDnounCOl D UAKF1- ltILOAI3S al II candidate for State Senator from the Seventh Senatorial dtrlct eut3ei4 to the IIctlon of the IlepubUcan party For ClreuItCourCluk We lire authorized to announce F b SANDE FUR ne a elndldate for Clerk Otto CIrcuit Coort- eubjeet to the action of the ItepubUcan party Weare authorized to announce E O nA1I- JlAfS 11811 candidate for Clerk Ohio ClrcultCou- rlublct to the action of the nepDbllcaD patty lor lteprCllelltaUye We art nuthoriztl to announce DR A fl- PARKaI a eDndldnt for n1Dtatire from Ohio county ubJect to the nctlon of the 1IpuJl- lcaD party TuG LouiviI1e Herald carries an index onils first page that is very helpful to the busy reader DEAR reader remember that In Turley COB voting contct for the ugliest man your editor is a candi date HENDRICK sayehedoea not want an office if ho has to steal it from a Republican What could Beckliam say Ir men were ns anxious to attain goodness as they are to achieve great fleas their very goodness would make them great TOE historian of five hundred yeara hence will refer to the murders and lynchings of the 20th century as the work of semi savages TOE greatest wealth that man can lose is courage This once lost ho IOllows the line of least resistance which leads to the almshouse A SotrrnAItoLINA1AN shot at a preacher in the pulpit and tho preach er returned the fire That preacher had the courage to reprove sin in all its forms TUEIIU were 250 murders in South Carolina last year A character of civilization to be expected in a State that sends Ben Tillman to the United States Senate ALL the world is a court and every man is on trial Against the few false witness is borne and they are punished unjustly but the many get their just deserts It the Big Chiefs of the Republic an party in Kentucky wilt conclude an armistice until after the elec tion and turn their guns on the com mon enemy the next Governor of Kentucky will be a Republican TIlE con teet which clusea tomorr- ow for the Republican nominations for Representative and Circuit Court Clerk has been conducted in a man ncr which does credit to each of the contestants and inures the umtni lnOUlt8Upport of the party at the No- vember election for the nominees A YOUNG New Yorker who had dissipated 820000 in two years went hence bytho laudanum route He left a note saying People are fool- ish to work and struggle when death can be purchased so easily and brought about so painlessly The young gentleman is doubtless having a warm time now TOE Hartford Heralds insinuating question of What does the City Council do with the 2000a year sa loon tufmay lead its readers who do not know the members of that body to believe they are plundering the city treasury but it fools nobody here Our town trustees are gentlemen of unquestioned integrity however lack- ing they may be in spirit of public enterprise THAT 8100000 appropriated to buy perjured testimony to hang Taylor and damn the Republican party IS about exhausted and nobody has yet been hung Not daring to make an other appropriation the Beckham gang hit turned to the economical expedient of ofrering freedom to life convicts to furnish the desired testi- mony and Youtsey wilt go on the stand next week- ANOTLIER judicial farce in Judge Cantrills court is billed for Frank lort next Tuesday when Jim How ards third trial on a charge of mur- dering Senator Ooebel will begin The infamous Tom Campbell wilt conduct the prosecution and Henry Youtsey who is perhaps the real murderer of Goebel will be brought out of the penitentiary under prom J80 of freedom to swear away thoI Ucs of Jim Howard and Caleb Pow- ers p HERE is a motion to organize a Farmers Institute in Ohio county Every other cla88 of men hold meet- Ings at stated intervals for an inter- change of Ideas about their business and why not the fRrmers of Ohio county Many Other counties have perfected organizations of this char- acter with great profit to themselves and why not ours If n half dznp- rogrcaaivp farmers will authorize in person by letter fir telephone the editor of this paper to sign their names to a call for a farmers conven tion wo will publish it without charge and a meeting can be held yet before the crop season advances very far Throogh the luflnenceof lion D II smltb we have received liD tnvitaUon to be prt8tnt at the celbratioDol the ODeIluadredtbAuD- ITertarr of the aequiition of the loalellluB- TerritorTI1l1rtford herald We regret that the managers of the St Louis Worlds Sair had such a grievance against the Herald that it required the influence of CongressmanL Smith to get its editor to be prcsnt at the dedicatory serv ices at St Louis April 30 and May 1 and 2 1903 The editor of TnE RErUDLICLi received an invitation without the intervention of the spe- cial influence of a Congressman as doubtless did all other newspapers oiI the country with the exception the Herald TOE Republicans of the Sixth Ju dicial District shouldat once set about the selection of an able wise and conservative lawyer for the office of Circuit Judge The nomination by the Democrats of Mr Birkhead- a gentleman pleasant enough as such but wholly wanting in legal aMity to discharge the dutIes of the high office of Circuit Judge into whose hands the security of the lives and property of the citizens of the district must be entrusted presents a problem too eo- nous to be passed over lightly Un Ieee we misjudge the patriotism and good judgment of the Democrats ol the district 1 large number of them are willing to recognize the danger ous mistake their party has made in nominating Mr Birkhead and from patriotic motives will support any capable man the Republicans may nominate The only hope for the election of a Circuit Judge fitted for the position depends now upon the action of the Republicans and their course must be guided by an unsclri- Bb regard for the people of the dis trict NARROWS Mr Pltzhugh Renfrow Is making quite an Improvement on his dwell- Ing house Mr Jiio Johnson has just complet- ed his new resldenee- lIIr A R Denrow will move Into our town In a few day We shall be glad to welcome Mr Renfrow Into midstMr George Wade has moved Into the house vacated by Mr Tom liar rlson Mr Roy Coppage has lately moved Into our town Mr David Maxwell of Glendeane was In town Friday Misses Effie Wimsatt awl Noun Renfrow of Dundee visited relatives herti this week Miss Allie Davidson was the guest of Miss Elsie Thompson Sunday = Miss EWe Bean went to Louisville Monday to select her new sprIng hatsMr A R Renfrow and wife went to Louisville Monday Miss Verna Renfrow went to Olaton Vrlday Mr W C Sutherland of Paducah Ky was here this week taking up railroad timber Mr n C Powers shipped two car loads of lumber this week Dr J H Maxwell who has been attendeng a Medical College at Loulsvl11ewl11 return home this week to resume his practice We will be pleased to have him with us again Mrs Ona White has been on the sick list for some time In the solemn hush of night when old mother earth was wrapt In peace ful slumbers and all nature seemed at rest the angel of death spread its wings over thejhome of Mrs Amanda Park and awaited only the moment when his sword should fall Two oclockl the chimes had played the hour when In the garb of gentle sleep death came and claimed the soul of Mr Wm Park He was a member of the Methodist church was a de voted christian and a kind husband and hither No Race Suicide Here Is a case that may relieve the PresIdent of any fears of race suicide Mr L Deter ofNo4o Orchard street has raised sixteen children eIght boys and eight girls the youngest of which Is five years old and the oldest twenty four of whom only one has died and the remainder are now In good health and most of them self supporting Mr Betars wife Is for tyslx years old and a welt preserved motherly woman wellfitted for the raising of such a large family Both f Mr Betar and his wife are Germans and came to Owenaboro from Tell City a few years ago Since coming here they have kept their children th school as long as they were of school age and they taught each of the boys a trade Mr Betar Is a gardener and a hard working one at that and Is now milking plAns to buy a homeIn quirer- a INQUIRERS VOTlNG i of Contest for Most Popular Girls and Where the Rubber Tired Buggies Went The TwlceaWeek Oweusboro In- quirer announcedthe fir8t of the year it would give an So rubbertlred buggy to the most opular yonug lady In each of the four counties of Diviess Ohio HAncock and MeItan to be determined by a voting cotitest in whkh each subscriber to that paper would be entitled to we votes Admirers of the beauties In each of the counties presented candidates and the voting was spirited until the con teat closed at noon Monday The reo suit of the contest as announced In The Inqulrtr of Monday evening and the InnersarOUla COUNTY Miss Jessie Reynolds Fordljvllle C 20874 Miss Lelia Hunter Smallhous second wIth 475S- UWIESS COUNT V Miss Maude Dawson Masonville 46727I with 39817 MLJAN COUNTY Miss Myrtle Coleman Congleton 21649 Miss Gertrude Stroud Sacramento second with 15020 1JAiCOCK COUNTY Miss Agnes Gordon 113a3 Miss Mamie Glllians 5072 LSULPH SPRINGS Miss Versa Boswell was the guest of her aunt Mrs Susana Moseley last week Mr and Mrs Arthur Wilson who have been visiting 4rJrs Wilsons mother for the past week returned home Sunday Miss Llda Bean Ivisited relatives at Dundee Saturday and Sunday Prof J W Petty Is here this week Mrs Fannie Dernell Pordsville Is visiting her brother MrCharlie Hull this week Miss Emma Hull vIsited friends and relatives here last week Mrs W P Allen who was report ed very sick lu our last letter has we are glad tosayrecoveredand gone to her home near Select Prof J E Mitchell passed through here Sunday en route to Dundee Mr W S Deans Dundee was here last week Master Douglas Tabor Is visiting his grandparents Mr and Mrs War- ren Hines at Owensboro Mr and Mrs N G Doswell visited Mrs Joswells parents Mr and Mrs Tom Sanders last week Mr Noah White Frledaland was here Sunday SMALLUOUS Quite n number of our young pea pIe attended church at Ceralvo Satur day night and Sunday Mr P B Taylor went to Evans yule Sunday on the steamer Crescent City Mrs Jas Trunnel and little daugh ter Utica Ky will visit her parents Mr and Mrs Robert Hunter and other relatives thIs week Messrs Chester Ross and Luther AddIngton have enlisted In Uncle Sams service They left last Satur day Rev G H Lawrence attended the S S Convention at Waltons Creek church Saturday and Sunday The farmers of our vicinity are reo jolclng over the exit of the back water which has been up so long and are very busy repairing fences and sow oatsMr C 11111 went to Central City TuesdayMr Bullock went to Green yule Monday Mr Jesse C Hill has rented Mr Prank Downs farm near South Car roilton and will move to same In the near future We regret very much to see them go Messrs Jo C Overhuls and C O Hunter are expected home Saturday They will return to Hartford Sunday or MondayMr Sclilreter the photogra pher will be at Smallhous April 4 5 null 6 L a 4 REYNOLDS Mrs Alice Harrison Philpot visit ed her mother Mrs Black here Slit urday and Sunday Miss Myrtle Lawson of Fordsvl11eI Is the guest of Miss Rosie Reynolds thill week Miss Selma Barrett entertained soy esal of her friends Saturday night Mrs Mollie Lyons was called toI the bedside of her father Mr Loyd who Is very sick Mlsn Eliza Griffin oDeanfieid vis- Ited Mrs Alvin Keatou Ii few days last week Miss Fannie Keaton of FordJvllleI was In town Friday and Mrs Ella Barnett entertained a number of the young peopleMonday- night Mr EsUl Board Phllpot visited rlends here Saturday and Sunday Miss Bettle Owen and brother were guests of Miss Mabel Chambliss- Fordsvllle Saturday night and Sun day Mr Coda Gaines of Pordsville was here Saturday night Reached an Agreement Loulsvllle March 31The agreet mont of the miners and a L which w sreached Monday altcrnoou was based On an Increase r to per- cent for all classes of mine p rators Th agreement goes Into effect to morrow and will contlnbe In force Ipr one year Doth sides seem to be pleased with the settlement R FORDSVILLE Misses Jessie Reynolds and Nancy Smith have returned from a few days stay In Louisville Mrs W W Camp anti Miss Amble Camp of Habit went to Avoca Tues day to visit relatives for a few days Miss Alma Ford who Is attending school at Owensboro spent a few days last week with her parents Mr and Mrs T S Ford MIss tmmR Lou Moorman who has been visiting here for some time has returned to her home at Glen deaneMr Charlie Reynolds went to Ow ensboro Monday Miss Alma Mottlngly of Glen deane was the guest of Miss Nancy Smith from Saturday until Monday Mrand Mrs Clarence Snittli and others formed a theaterpariyjto Qs- enabono Wednesday to see the comic opera King Dodo Dr H W Ford and daughter1 Miss Nancy of Hartford were the guests of relatives here Monday and Tues dayMr and Mrs I C Adair went to Uawesvllle Tuesday for a day or two Miss Olla Gaines han returned from an extended visit to relatives In LouisvilleMr Lloyd who wes stricken with paralysis several days ago Is much Improved Mr and Mrs J J Tlllord and little son Paul and Miss Evelyn Ford went to Louisville last Wednesday re- turning Thursday night Mrs Annie Graham and son DouglasofNarrows are the guests of Mrs Mack Smith Mrs Jennie Quisenberry has reo turned from Louisville with her mil- lInery goods and Is already being rushed with the sllle of her goods Mr S K Allen has purchased the printing office Irons Rev Ratcllfl and has opened a sewing machine office Mrs A B McMarty returned Mon day nIght from a visit to relatives In Oweusboro I Mrs Bettle Johnson has moved In to her home recently purchased of Mrs John Walker The hotel Is be- ing repapered and repaired generally Messrs Ilarrass and Sandefur can- didates were In town Saturday Mr and Mrs Mack Smith nave moved to the Johnson property which Mr Smith recently bought FORT NIAGARA N Y Unlike our friend In Colorado i see stars differently up here Now the North Star Polaris Is some five degrees higher than a sober man In Kentucky will see It Down In Manilla BayPaloris stands fifteen degrees above the horizon while the Great Bear goes out of sIght once In every twentyour hours Then too the Southern Cross stands tiptoe on the horizon slightly out of drawing but looking softly towards the North Star as In hopes ofa unIon of the North and South Again at San Juan Hill when that spent Mans er bullet hit my funny bone I saw a new constellation but I did not get the name Spring Is here and our base balllsts are out In force trying through toll to reach the stars The beautiful Ice bridge at Niagara Falls has floated away but still the river III full of Ice rom Lake Erie The Ice lewela have dropped from the trees o Prospect Point and they stand moist und dripping rthn the mists of the Falls J C Died of Heart Trouble Mr William C Tanner died Mon day at his home near Thruston of heart disease He had been In feeble health for some time and his death wa not unexpected He as seventy nine years old and was well known all over Davless McLean and Ohio counties He was for many years keeper of Elm wood cemetery and had many friends In the city He Is sur vived by his wife and many relatives The funeral took place at the Yellow creek Baptist church at J I oicloc- kTnesdayInqulrer Y M C A Notes Hartford Association heM the usual meetings last Sunday Th boy meeting I1t 13o and the mens meet- Ing at 230 p m These meetings lire open to the publIc The boys department Is growIng rapidly and new names are being added every week The boys Bible class meets on Saturday mornings at 930 oclock The regular monthly business meet- Ing of the local Executive Committee will be held In the Assocltlon rooms next Monday afternoon The reading room Is full of good things Come In and rta1 with us The Beaver Dam Association will meet In the M E Church South next Friday utght at 8 oclock All men are Invited Have you ever read any of Sweden borgs Works II not will you send me your addrfls enclosing a stamp ur two and I will mall you one of hIs books FREE State whether you want It In English or In German Adolph Roeder 8o Cleveland Street Orange N J- s YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAK lUG Wheu you take flroyee Totele Chill Toniul all the formula Ie plainly lirlntttl on ever 1ot- ie IbnwlDIf that It II aituply Iron and luinine In tuetcl4 form So Core So Pity llc I 4 FRUITLESS SEARCH For lien Rogersthe Negro Muw derer In Render Minesa Given Upg nA tt- On Wednesday of last week that Benin Rogers who murtIered Al Chi n the d engineer for the coal company at that tb place ten days before had been seen fohiding mine and l searching party was atte once organizeds A strong guard was at once placed at the shaft anti froth ten to twenty armed men kept up the search for Rogers until Sunday morning when they despaired of finding him and It was then dccietI to flood the mIne with smoke to drive him from his It hidIng place Twentyfour hours no If tlce of the smokIng process had been posted about the mine tor the protec thin of the Innocent and Sunday mornIng the alrshalt were capped S- and volumes ofsulphur and ct1yenne pepper futpes were fanned through themine for four bourn after which no life could exist tn the mine until the poisonous fumes were driven out and replaced with pure airp In the meantime however a clew be to Rogers escape was developed that strongly discredits the theory of his being In hiding In the mine Sun- day morning after the klllingon Sat- urday night a farmer living near Cromwell went to his barn to teed his stock and found Rogerslu his hay In loft The farmer knew Rogers very well the negro having been raIsed In that community and asked him why In he had slept In the barn Rogers told the farmer a story of coming out to wake a trade with a white man and arriving there late and no negroes living In the community he hndde- cided to sleep In the barn The far- mer had not heard of the killing and accepted the negros story without further Inquiry toter In the day Sunday another farmer living near Green river saw at a distance seine one hall a down river packet and goh on board andhe now believes It Rogeist light until a few days ago but ii fol lowed up would no doubt result In the capture of the fugitiveb BEDA Farmers are very busy plowing Mr Warren Ward No Creek has moved to Mr E Crabtrees farm near y hereMr E G Barrass Taylor Mines was the guest ofMr Stephen R Ben nett Tuesday nIght Mr John Gorman znqved to his farm receently purchosed from a Mr Stevens near Beaver Dam last Tuesday Little MissMabel Ashbywho Is at tending school at this place visited her parents near Hartford Saturday and Sunday Mr Robert Rowan and Miss Antha Bennett lleflin were married lit the residence of Rev W H Cook Thurs- day evening Mr Azro Roan and eon went to helm Sunday Mr Reuben LeIsure went to Hart ford last Thursday Mr W C Ashley Is ou the road again with his stage Rev R D Bennett Hartford at tended services at the M It Church Sunday Mr Plummer Bennett Hartford passed through our town Monday Miss Blanche Greer spent Tuesday with Miss Ethyl Bennett School at this place Is progressing nIcely Mr Kncx Westerfitld and family Adahburg have moved to this neigh borhood Do Fire at Livermore A fire at Ltvllrmore Tuesday after noon destroyed two houses and serio ously damaged another one A two story tenement house belonging toJ R Moseley was totally destroyed and two families occupying the house lost all their household goods An unoccupied store house ownedlby Mrs Overhouse was burned to the ground and Mrs Overhouses realt dence which stood near the business house was scorched and badly dama aged e Separation aMensa et Thoroo A Virginian husband has devised a novel way of settling a matrimonial infelicity HIs relations with thet partner whom he took for better or h fur worse reached that acute stage T where husband and wife can no Ion ger live under the s lme roof When he married her he believed he loved her and no doubt she felt In like wnnner toward him She may feel so yet for women have very different ways of showing their affection It Is Indeed quite as possible for a scolding wife to love a husband as It Is for a drunken husband to love his wife The Virginians wife had a habit of assailing him bitterly every time he entered the house It seemed In deed us if all her spare time were given to thinking out charges to hurl 4every In sleep Some men might have put up with the dally onnightly fusillade m FoRage taste and iXPpetite Others might hlve called on the courts forrclle other again used the- orsewbip Qn the nagging wIfe hile n ia few would have gone way rom the scene of cfiiagreemeni- ithout telllng where they pnrp6rel- oing Tbs gallant Vlrglulan did one of these things 1e erected a- nt in the front yard and moving to It the furnishings required wells there In peace undisturbed b wlbal assaults of his pugnacious parter Ills chivalric VIrginia blood rbade him to quit lie could not a deserter lIe just changed quar rs stepping out to serve as a sort of- entinel at the approaches to the house wherein he tailed totind hap plness Equipped with everythiug ceded hIs tent laa pleasant and tie Jlchtlul habitation lie Is ina posr- tllln besides to command his wlCes- sulmlsslolJ LI she comes to the tent must be on terms agreeable to him he goes back to the houselt muatbe alter she has pledged herself to keep tbe peace The neighboring women ale enjoyIng their sisters dilemma ite has a husband and yet Is hits bandless To reacquire him she must unconditionallY surrender that dear wifely privilege of glvlrlg hith a piece of het mind That VirginIa husband ic In truth a sage and a philosopher Ills example may well followed by othet husbands with nagging wives Tents In the front yard may become fashionable In many placesEx Burk Found Guilty Mike Butte was convicted Monday the Hancock Circuit Cotirtof the murder of old man Mcarver severl years ago and sentenced to two years the penitentiary Burl Is well knon In the northern part of this county having sawmllled through that section several years ago Argon Oil A great medical discovery Cures Rheumatlsln and Kidney Trouble For sale by all druggists PubUc Sale On Tuesday April 7 i93 at Cen tertown Ky I will offer for tale the ollowing Five head of good farm orses eight buggIes four mowers ne combined road and hay wagon wo rakes four road wagons one dIsc harrow a lot of plows and gearing and other farming utensils Terms f sale All sums under 5 cash In and Sums over 5 six months time with good note and approved secnrlty F M AruNC- entertowis Ky Tired Out Ie I was very poorly and CQuI- dlIardly get about the house I was tired out all the time Turn I tried Ayers Sarsaparilla and It only took two bottles to mate me feel perfectly well Mrs N S Swln nay Princeton Mo Tired when you go to bed tired when you get UI timeIiy pure thats the reason You are living on the border line of nerve ex AyersSarsaparihla IMoIIItqu Ask your dtor whit ho thick of Jr He know abnttbte grind clii rmllJ medicine Follow hlledoe and- we viii w citiafled J C ATill Co Lowell Mass Thirty Days Was My Lifes Limit Agony From Inherit ed Heart Disease Dr Miles Heart Cure Cured Me heartUnless easily become a diseased heart A little extra onhis f sudden death Dr Mile Heart Cure will one the hearts action enrich the blood Md Improve the circulatIon Itavelways xperienced wIth heart I had the usual symptoms of sleepledncu lost appetite con ihortnesf dft left arm My mother suUered In the same way and I suppose mine was an inherited tendency At one time I was In agony I so seerely and became so weak thirtyaye nervousnesshe ofthe LtverIll symj toms disappeared under the Influence Inbeller forltI recommendluithem Waxahaehle Tex bottie AddressDr Cumberland TELEPHONEAND t rolegrapli Co Incorporated Theres nothing the matter with- y business I have the Cumber Telephone In my residence and ace of business My business has creased and my wifes voice lSnev heard to grumble about the Tote one Yours for good service and ntlemanly competition B p NOYh1 Manr y = A- 4r Ulllousncsa fA4ttlakcs 0 allds f When the Uvec is torpid sod fAlIa to do ill Work the bile easer the libel ii a trulellt potion n- eomce constipation bIlIousness lick headaChe fnere I and malaria The only treatment that cttII the tITer jUt Jr the ngh teueh sat smart Natures Work In the right I manners d DMONS LIVER PILLS ANDTONIG PELLETS fij 1bo pm touchoe tho t and tbcIpe1Joll 1oG00 be f > system PdoaealotfldaleoeCODIIandUD f1- 2ee your CaM is eedcgl you win be IIU before you Snub thorn tuplo free Fur IA1e at 1 atl desiers j j I > For sale byJ H Williams Druggist Hartford KyI l i 4 I New 1 SpriI3g Goods 41 41 I h We hIo just returned from ike Eastern markets where we purchased a t brannewuptodatespring E and Summer Stock of Dry Goods Glothuiig I 1 And many other things too t numerous to mention E u 1 We Want Your Trade J- f 9It wont cost you anything to look bit 4 through our stock These new goods have 41 41 41 arrived and arc now open and ready for 1 41 your inspection Call and see what we ei have and we guarantee that we can please tit C 41 you Give us one trIa 41f or business tit J t SAM BACH Hartford Ky1 w I I BARNEs buyers have just returned from the IiOur and we are placing on sale the elaborate line of General Merchandise t ever shown Before this ad roaches fort i are invited and expected to visit our store J and see our magnificent array of everything I 4chandseof ESTERI Our limo of Easter Millinery is now opon nml 4 ready for distribution Eer thing now and styles different and prettier than ovor befOre If you will- favor us with a l okin this dopartmont wo are sure > riestdistributors course you JIaVO u much largor variety to select from hero BARNES is the place to buy your HAlS I NEIL SKIRT I IAnd a now Wttist juo ns necessary us tito now Hat and wo uro weU prepared to meet aU your wants ill this line We handlo an elegant hue of Tailormade Skirts und your eyes ziovor behold such a IinoofVnistings Suitings and Skirtings as wo are displaying and soiling If you fail to see this lino you win miss tim opportunity of lifo Miss Fannie Barnes will bo assisted in this dopartmont by Mrs Josio Plumpior Austin who is a Practical dress maker and who is ready at all times to give informu- titm concerning the latest styles to nil inquirers MEN 2ND BOYS All ages and sizes ot tim malo sox Our lines of Olothin Hats Shoes Uridoryoar Neckwoar and cvorytliing you wear are ready for your inspcotioll opportunityto 1 see It willcost you nothing to look and if wo can not please you you dont have to buy F1RMERS We han lo u comploto hue of Horso and Mule SaddlesFQrks 1crop Remember the Place EP Barnes BroJ BeaverDam fli +++ + + ++ + ++ ++ + + + + ++ + + + + ++ + ++ t ++ + + + j lQ U cJ 1 OW nsQoro Ky Stain Htreet between Triplet lad Dollnr nt ntteiition given to stock headquarter for Ohloeouat7 reopl I JAMES REYNOLDS Proprietor r I 5 1 J I 0 r JL

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Page 1: S- II D 01 euth IIDnounCOl C Qs- i airp hIonyx.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cpn7f/data/0677.pdf · 1 s r 1 4 k S Hartford Republican Jud bT the l1artoll lubUbIDgCODlIIlJl- JcoBrORl111 JOHN



1r 4 k


Hartford RepublicanJud bT the l1artoll lubUbIDgCODlIIlJl-



ttZt2ilp ON2C-C=brlan43GRo-UCh RSvJ33


Jtiifte 01 AIrrUahrf-raDIDt a4erttomeflta 40e peI Inch fret

lrtloD oc per inch each addltloDallDeertioD

b Special ratce on 7eftrlV contrnctlLocal noUcee toe per fine lint Innrtlon Gc per

line each addltlonallnerUODCard 01 thanks eoIutIona RnI oblluarlee10-

CDte II line Cah In IIdrILDC


For alate Hellator-w are aatborIzed to annoUnce liON A S-

IIESSETT as II candidate for Stllte ILenntor-

f m the Seeuth Snntorlftl fltetrlrt ubJect tothe acUuu 01 the nepubhean party

we art authorized announce SL STE VES-

a a candidate for State Senator troiii the H-

euth Senatorial IMtrtct ubJect to the action ol

the IteputIlcan party-

Wearonnthorlzed to IIDnounCOl D UAKF1-

ltILOAI3S al II candidate for State Senator from

the Seventh Senatorial dtrlct eut3ei4 to theIIctlon of the IlepubUcan party

For ClreuItCourClukWe lire authorized to announce F b SANDE

FUR ne a elndldate for Clerk Otto CIrcuit Coort-

eubjeet to the action of the ItepubUcan party

Weare authorized to announce E O nA1I-

JlAfS 11811 candidate for Clerk Ohio ClrcultCou-rlublct to the action of the nepDbllcaD patty

lor lteprCllelltaUyeWe art nuthoriztl to announce DR A fl-

PARKaI a eDndldnt for n1Dtatire from

Ohio county ubJect to the nctlon of the 1IpuJl-

lcaD party

TuG LouiviI1e Herald carries an

index onils first page that is very

helpful to the busy reader

DEAR reader remember that In

Turley COB voting contct for the

ugliest man your editor is a candi


HENDRICK sayehedoea not want

an office if ho has to steal it from a

Republican What could Beckliam


Ir men were ns anxious to attaingoodness as they are to achieve great

fleas their very goodness would make

them great

TOE historian of five hundred yearahence will refer to the murders andlynchings of the 20th century as thework of semi savages

TOE greatest wealth that man canlose is courage This once lost hoIOllows the line of least resistancewhich leads to the almshouse

A SotrrnAItoLINA1AN shot at apreacher in the pulpit and tho preacher returned the fire That preacherhad the courage to reprove sin in allits forms

TUEIIU were 250 murders in SouthCarolina last year A character of

civilization to be expected in a Statethat sends Ben Tillman to the UnitedStates Senate

ALL the world is a court and everyman is on trial Against the few

false witness is borne and they arepunished unjustly but the many gettheir just deserts

It the Big Chiefs of the Republican party in Kentucky wilt concludean armistice until after the election and turn their guns on the common enemy the next Governor ofKentucky will be a Republican

TIlE con teet which clusea tomorr-

ow for the Republican nominationsfor Representative and Circuit CourtClerk has been conducted in a manncr which does credit to each of thecontestants and inures the umtnilnOUlt8Upport of the party at the No-

vember election for the nominees

A YOUNG New Yorker who haddissipated 820000 in two years wenthence bytho laudanum route Heleft a note saying People are fool-

ish to work and struggle when deathcan be purchased so easily andbrought about so painlessly Theyoung gentleman is doubtless havinga warm time now

TOE Hartford Heralds insinuatingquestion of What does the City

Council do with the 2000a year saloon tufmay lead its readers who donot know the members of that bodyto believe they are plundering the citytreasury but it fools nobody hereOur town trustees are gentlemen of

unquestioned integrity however lack-

ing they may be in spirit of publicenterprise

THAT 8100000 appropriated to buyperjured testimony to hang Taylorand damn the Republican party IS

about exhausted and nobody has yetbeen hung Not daring to make another appropriation the Beckhamgang hit turned to the economicalexpedient of ofrering freedom to lifeconvicts to furnish the desired testi-

mony and Youtsey wilt go on thestand next week-

ANOTLIER judicial farce in JudgeCantrills court is billed for Franklort next Tuesday when Jim Howards third trial on a charge of mur-

dering Senator Ooebel will begin

The infamous Tom Campbell wiltconduct the prosecution and HenryYoutsey who is perhaps the real

murderer of Goebel will be brought

out of the penitentiary under prom

J80 of freedom to swear away thoI

Ucs of Jim Howard and Caleb Pow-

ers pHERE is a motion to organize a

Farmers Institute in Ohio countyEvery other cla88 of men hold meet-

Ings at stated intervals for an inter-

change of Ideas about their businessand why not the fRrmers of Ohiocounty Many Other counties haveperfected organizations of this char-

acter with great profit to themselvesand why not ours If n half dznp-

rogrcaaivp farmers will authorize inperson by letter fir telephone theeditor of this paper to sign theirnames to a call for a farmers convention wo will publish it withoutcharge and a meeting can be heldyet before the crop season advancesvery far

Throogh the luflnenceof lion D II smltbwe have received liD tnvitaUon to be prt8tntat the celbratioDol the ODeIluadredtbAuD-ITertarr of the aequiition of the loalellluB-TerritorTI1l1rtford heraldWe regret that the managers of the

St Louis Worlds Sair had such agrievance against the Herald that itrequired the influence of CongressmanLSmith to get its editorto be prcsnt at the dedicatory services at St Louis April 30 and May1 and 2 1903 The editor of TnERErUDLICLi received an invitationwithout the intervention of the spe-

cial influence of a Congressman asdoubtless did all other newspapers

oiIthe country with the exceptionthe Herald

TOE Republicans of the Sixth Judicial District shouldat once setabout the selection of an able wise

and conservative lawyer for the office

of Circuit Judge The nominationby the Democrats of Mr Birkhead-

a gentleman pleasant enough as such

but wholly wanting in legal aMity todischarge the dutIes of the high office

of Circuit Judge into whose handsthe security of the lives and propertyof the citizens of the district must be

entrusted presents a problem too eo-

nous to be passed over lightly UnIeee we misjudge the patriotism andgood judgment of the Democrats ol

the district 1 large number of them

are willing to recognize the dangerous mistake their party has made innominating Mr Birkhead and frompatriotic motives will support anycapable man the Republicans maynominate The only hope for theelection of a Circuit Judge fitted forthe position depends now upon theaction of the Republicans and theircourse must be guided by an unsclri-

Bb regard for the people of the dis


NARROWSMr Pltzhugh Renfrow Is making

quite an Improvement on his dwell-

Ing houseMr Jiio Johnson has just complet-

ed his new resldenee-

lIIr A R Denrow will move Intoour town In a few day We shall beglad to welcome Mr Renfrow Into

midstMrGeorge Wade has moved Into

the house vacated by Mr Tom liarrlson

Mr Roy Coppage has lately movedInto our town

Mr David Maxwell of Glendeanewas In town Friday

Misses Effie Wimsatt awl NounRenfrow of Dundee visited relativesherti this week

Miss Allie Davidson was the guestof Miss Elsie Thompson Sunday =

Miss EWe Bean went to LouisvilleMonday to select her new sprIng

hatsMrA R Renfrow and wife went

to Louisville MondayMiss Verna Renfrow went to Olaton

VrldayMr W C Sutherland of Paducah

Ky was here this week taking uprailroad timber

Mr n C Powers shipped two carloads of lumber this week

Dr J H Maxwell who has beenattendeng a Medical College atLoulsvl11ewl11 return home this weekto resume his practice We will be

pleased to have him with us againMrs Ona White has been on the

sick list for some timeIn the solemn hush of night when

old mother earth was wrapt In peaceful slumbers and all nature seemed atrest the angel of death spread itswings over thejhome of Mrs AmandaPark and awaited only the momentwhen his sword should fall Twooclockl the chimes had played thehour when In the garb of gentle sleepdeath came and claimed the soul ofMr Wm Park He was a memberof the Methodist church was a devoted christian and a kind husbandand hither

No Race SuicideHere Is a case that may relieve the

PresIdent of any fears of race suicideMr L Deter ofNo4o Orchard streethas raised sixteen children eIghtboys and eight girls the youngest of

which Is five years old and the oldesttwenty four of whom only one hasdied and the remainder are now Ingood health and most of them selfsupporting Mr Betars wife Is fortyslx years old and a welt preservedmotherly woman wellfitted for theraising of such a large family Both f

Mr Betar and his wife are Germansand came to Owenaboro from TellCity a few years ago Since cominghere they have kept their children thschool as long as they were of schoolage and they taught each of the boys atrade Mr Betar Is a gardener and ahard working one at that and Is nowmilking plAns to buy a homeInquirer-



Contest for Most Popular Girls

and Where the Rubber

Tired Buggies Went

The TwlceaWeek Oweusboro In-

quirer announcedthe fir8t of the yearit would give an So rubbertlredbuggy to the most opular yonug

lady In each of the four counties of

Diviess Ohio HAncock and MeItanto be determined by a voting

cotitest in whkh each subscriber

to that paper would be entitled to wevotes

Admirers of the beauties In each of

the counties presented candidates andthe voting was spirited until the con

teat closed at noon Monday The reo

suit of the contest as announced In

The Inqulrtr of Monday evening andthe


Miss Jessie Reynolds FordljvllleC 20874

Miss Lelia Hunter Smallhoussecond wIth 475S-


Miss Maude Dawson Masonville46727Iwith 39817MLJAN COUNTY

Miss Myrtle Coleman Congleton21649

Miss Gertrude Stroud Sacramentosecond with 15020


Miss Agnes Gordon 113a3Miss Mamie Glllians 5072

LSULPH SPRINGSMiss Versa Boswell was the guest

of her aunt Mrs Susana Moseleylast week

Mr and Mrs Arthur Wilson whohave been visiting 4rJrs Wilsonsmother for the past week returnedhome Sunday

Miss Llda Bean Ivisited relatives atDundee Saturday and Sunday

Prof J W Petty Is here this weekMrs Fannie Dernell Pordsville Is

visiting her brother MrCharlie Hullthis week

Miss Emma Hull vIsited friendsand relatives here last week

Mrs W P Allen who was reported very sick lu our last letter haswe are glad tosayrecoveredand goneto her home near Select

Prof J E Mitchell passed throughhere Sunday en route to Dundee

Mr W S Deans Dundee was herelast week

Master Douglas Tabor Is visitinghis grandparents Mr and Mrs War-ren Hines at Owensboro

Mr and Mrs N G Doswell visitedMrs Joswells parents Mr and MrsTom Sanders last week

Mr Noah White Frledaland washere Sunday

SMALLUOUSQuite n number of our young pea

pIe attended church at Ceralvo Saturday night and Sunday

Mr P B Taylor went to Evansyule Sunday on the steamer CrescentCity

Mrs Jas Trunnel and little daughter Utica Ky will visit her parentsMr and Mrs Robert Hunter andother relatives thIs week

Messrs Chester Ross and LutherAddIngton have enlisted In UncleSams service They left last Saturday

Rev G H Lawrence attended theS S Convention at Waltons Creekchurch Saturday and Sunday

The farmers of our vicinity are reo

jolclng over the exit of the back waterwhich has been up so long and arevery busy repairing fences and sow

oatsMrC 11111 went to Central City

TuesdayMrBullock went to Green

yule MondayMr Jesse C Hill has rented Mr

Prank Downs farm near South Carroilton and will move to same In thenear future We regret very much tosee them go

Messrs Jo C Overhuls and C OHunter are expected home SaturdayThey will return to Hartford Sundayor

MondayMrSclilreter the photogra

pher will be at Smallhous April 4 5null 6 L a 4

REYNOLDSMrs Alice Harrison Philpot visit

ed her mother Mrs Black here Sliturday and Sunday

Miss Myrtle Lawson of Fordsvl11eIIs the guest of Miss Rosie Reynoldsthill week

Miss Selma Barrett entertained soy

esal of her friends Saturday nightMrs Mollie Lyons was called toI

the bedside of her father MrLoyd who Is very sick

Mlsn Eliza Griffin oDeanfieid vis-

Ited Mrs Alvin Keatou Ii few dayslast week

Miss Fannie Keaton of FordJvllleIwas In town Friday and

Mrs Ella Barnett entertained anumber of the young peopleMonday-night

Mr EsUl Board Phllpot visitedrlends here Saturday and Sunday

Miss Bettle Owen and brother wereguests of Miss Mabel Chambliss-

Fordsvllle Saturday night and Sunday

Mr Coda Gaines of Pordsville washere Saturday night

Reached an AgreementLoulsvllle March 31The agreet

mont of the miners and a


which w sreached Monday altcrnoouwas based On an Increase r to per-

cent for all classes of mine p ratorsTh agreement goes Into effect tomorrow and will contlnbe In forceIpr one year Doth sides seem to bepleased with the settlement


FORDSVILLEMisses Jessie Reynolds and Nancy

Smith have returned from a few daysstay In Louisville

Mrs W W Camp anti Miss AmbleCamp of Habit went to Avoca Tuesday to visit relatives for a few days

Miss Alma Ford who Is attendingschool at Owensboro spent a fewdays last week with her parents Mrand Mrs T S Ford

MIss tmmR Lou Moorman whohas been visiting here for some timehas returned to her home at Glen

deaneMrCharlie Reynolds went to Ow

ensboro MondayMiss Alma Mottlngly of Glen

deane was the guest of Miss NancySmith from Saturday until Monday

Mrand Mrs Clarence Snittli andothers formed a theaterpariyjto Qs-

enabono Wednesday to see the comicopera King Dodo

Dr H W Ford and daughter1 MissNancy of Hartford were the guestsof relatives here Monday and Tues

dayMrand Mrs I C Adair went to

Uawesvllle Tuesday for a day or twoMiss Olla Gaines han returned from

an extended visit to relatives In

LouisvilleMrLloyd who wes stricken

with paralysis several days ago Ismuch Improved

Mr and Mrs J J Tlllord and littleson Paul and Miss Evelyn Fordwent to Louisville last Wednesday re-

turning Thursday nightMrs Annie Graham and son

DouglasofNarrows are the guests ofMrs Mack Smith

Mrs Jennie Quisenberry has reo

turned from Louisville with her mil-

lInery goods and Is already beingrushed with the sllle of her goods

Mr S K Allen has purchased theprinting office Irons Rev Ratcllfl andhas opened a sewing machine office

Mrs A B McMarty returned Monday nIght from a visit to relatives In


IMrs Bettle Johnson has moved In

to her home recently purchased ofMrs John Walker The hotel Is be-

ing repapered and repaired generallyMessrs Ilarrass and Sandefur can-

didates were In town SaturdayMr and Mrs Mack Smith nave

moved to the Johnson property whichMr Smith recently bought


Unlike our friend In Colorado isee stars differently up here Nowthe North Star Polaris Is some fivedegrees higher than a sober man InKentucky will see It

Down In Manilla BayPaloris standsfifteen degrees above the horizonwhile the Great Bear goes out ofsIght once In every twentyour hoursThen too the Southern Cross standstiptoe on the horizon slightly out ofdrawing but looking softly towardsthe North Star as In hopes ofa unIonof the North and South Again atSan Juan Hill when that spent Manser bullet hit my funny bone I saw anew constellation but I did not getthe name

Spring Is here and our base balllstsare out In force trying through toll toreach the stars

The beautiful Ice bridge at NiagaraFalls has floated away but still theriver III full of Ice rom Lake ErieThe Ice lewela have dropped from thetrees o Prospect Point and theystand moist und dripping rthn themists of the Falls J C

Died of Heart TroubleMr William C Tanner died Mon

day at his home near Thruston of

heart disease He had been In feeble

health for some time and his deathwa not unexpected He as seventynine years old and was well known allover Davless McLean and Ohiocounties He was for many yearskeeper of Elm wood cemetery and hadmany friends In the city He Is survived by his wife and many relativesThe funeral took place at the Yellowcreek Baptist church at J I oicloc-kTnesdayInqulrer

Y M C A NotesHartford Association heM the usual

meetings last Sunday Th boymeeting I1t 13o and the mens meet-Ing at 230 p m These meetingslire open to the publIc

The boys department Is growIngrapidly and new names are beingadded every week The boys Bibleclass meets on Saturday mornings at930 oclock

The regular monthly business meet-Ing of the local Executive Committeewill be held In the Assocltlon roomsnext Monday afternoon

The reading room Is full of goodthings Come In and rta1 with us

The Beaver Dam Association willmeet In the M E Church Southnext Friday utght at 8 oclock Allmen are Invited

Have you ever read any of Swedenborgs Works II not will you sendme your addrfls enclosing a stampur two and I will mall you one of hIsbooks FREE State whether youwant It In English or In GermanAdolph Roeder 8o Cleveland StreetOrange N J-



Wheu you take flroyee Totele Chill Toniulall the formula Ie plainly lirlntttl on ever 1ot-ie IbnwlDIf that It II aituply Iron and luinine Intuetcl4 form So Core So Pity llc



For lien Rogersthe Negro Muwderer In Render Minesa

Given UpgnAtt-On Wednesday of last week that BeninRogers who murtIered Al Chi n the dengineer for the coal company at that tbplace ten days before had been seenfohidingmine and l searching party was atteonce organizeds

A strong guard was at once placedat the shaft anti froth ten to twentyarmed men kept up the search forRogers until Sunday morning whenthey despaired of finding him and Itwas then dccietI to flood the mInewith smoke to drive him from his IthidIng place Twentyfour hours no Iftlce of the smokIng process had beenposted about the mine tor the protecthin of the Innocent and SundaymornIng the alrshalt were capped S-

and volumes ofsulphur and ct1yennepepper futpes were fanned throughthemine for four bourn after whichno life could exist tn the mine untilthe poisonous fumes were driven outand replaced with pure airpIn the meantime however a clew beto Rogers escape was developed thatstrongly discredits the theory of hisbeing In hiding In the mine Sun-day morning after the klllingon Sat-

urday night a farmer living nearCromwell went to his barn to teed hisstock and found Rogerslu his hay In

loft The farmer knew Rogers verywell the negro having been raIsed Inthat community and asked him why In

he had slept In the barn Rogers toldthe farmer a story of coming out towake a trade with a white man andarriving there late and no negroesliving In the community he hndde-cided to sleep In the barn The far-

mer had not heard of the killing andaccepted the negros story withoutfurther Inquiry toter In the daySunday another farmer living nearGreen river saw at a distance seineone hall a down river packet and gohon board andhe now believes ItRogeistlight until a few days ago but ii followed up would no doubt result Inthe capture of the fugitiveb

BEDAFarmers are very busy plowingMr Warren Ward No Creek has

moved to Mr E Crabtrees farm near y

hereMrE G Barrass Taylor Mines

was the guest ofMr Stephen R Bennett Tuesday nIght

Mr John Gorman znqved to hisfarm receently purchosed from a MrStevens near Beaver Dam lastTuesday

Little MissMabel Ashbywho Is attending school at this place visitedher parents near Hartford Saturdayand Sunday

Mr Robert Rowan and Miss AnthaBennett lleflin were married lit theresidence of Rev W H Cook Thurs-day evening

Mr Azro Roan and eon went tohelm Sunday

Mr Reuben LeIsure went to Hartford last Thursday

Mr W C Ashley Is ou the roadagain with his stage

Rev R D Bennett Hartford attended services at the M It ChurchSunday

Mr Plummer Bennett Hartfordpassed through our town Monday

Miss Blanche Greer spent Tuesdaywith Miss Ethyl Bennett

School at this place Is progressingnIcely

Mr Kncx Westerfitld and familyAdahburg have moved to this neighborhood


Fire at LivermoreA fire at Ltvllrmore Tuesday after

noon destroyed two houses and serioously damaged another one A twostory tenement house belonging toJR Moseley was totally destroyed andtwo families occupying the houselost all their household goods Anunoccupied store house ownedlbyMrs Overhouse was burned to theground and Mrs Overhouses realtdence which stood near the businesshouse was scorched and badly damaaged e

Separation aMensa et ThorooA Virginian husband has devised a

novel way of settling a matrimonialinfelicity HIs relations with thetpartner whom he took for better or

hfur worse reached that acute stage Twhere husband and wife can no Ionger live under the s lme roof Whenhe married her he believed he lovedher and no doubt she felt In likewnnner toward him She may feel soyet for women have very differentways of showing their affection ItIs Indeed quite as possible for ascolding wife to love a husband as ItIs for a drunken husband to love hiswife

The Virginians wife had a habit ofassailing him bitterly every time heentered the house It seemed Indeed us if all her spare time weregiven to thinking out charges to hurl4everyIn sleep Some men might have putup with the dally onnightly fusillade m

FoRagetaste and iXPpetite

Others might hlve called on thecourts forrclle other again used the-

orsewbip Qn the nagging wIfehile n ia few would have gone

way rom the scene of cfiiagreemeni-ithout telllng where they pnrp6rel-oing Tbs gallant Vlrglulan didone of these things 1e erected a-

nt in the front yard and movingto It the furnishings required

wells there In peace undisturbed bwlbal assaults of his pugnacious

parter Ills chivalric VIrginia bloodrbade him to quit lie could nota deserter lIe just changed quar

rs stepping out to serve as a sort of-

entinel at the approaches to thehouse wherein he tailed totind happlness Equipped with everythiugceded hIs tent laa pleasant and tie

Jlchtlul habitation lie Is ina posr-

tllln besides to command his wlCes-

sulmlsslolJ LI she comes to the tentmust be on terms agreeable to himhe goes back to the houselt muatbe

alter she has pledged herself to keeptbe peace The neighboring womenale enjoyIng their sisters dilemma

ite has a husband and yet Is hitsbandless To reacquire him shemust unconditionallY surrender thatdear wifely privilege of glvlrlg hith apiece of het mind That VirginIahusband ic In truth a sage and aphilosopher Ills example may well

followed by othet husbands withnagging wives Tents In the frontyard may become fashionable Inmany placesEx

Burk Found GuiltyMike Butte was convicted Mondaythe Hancock Circuit Cotirtof the

murder of old man Mcarver severlyears ago and sentenced to two years

the penitentiary Burl Is wellknon In the northern part of thiscounty having sawmllled throughthat section several years ago

Argon OilA great medical discovery Cures

Rheumatlsln and Kidney TroubleFor sale by all druggists

PubUc SaleOn Tuesday April 7 i93 at Cen

tertown Ky I will offer for tale theollowing Five head of good farmorses eight buggIes four mowersne combined road and hay wagonwo rakes four road wagons one dIsc

harrow a lot of plows and gearingand other farming utensils Terms

f sale All sums under 5 cash Inand Sums over 5 six months

time with good note and approvedsecnrlty F M AruNC-

entertowis Ky

Tired OutIe I was very poorly and CQuI-

dlIardly get about the house I wastired out all the time Turn I triedAyers Sarsaparilla and It onlytook two bottles to mate me feelperfectly well Mrs N S Swlnnay Princeton Mo

Tired when you go tobed tired when you getUI timeIiypure thats the reasonYou are living on theborder line of nerve ex


Ask your dtor whit ho thick of JrHe know abnttbte grindclii rmllJ medicine Follow hlledoe and-we viii w citiafled

J C ATill Co Lowell Mass

ThirtyDays Was My Lifes

LimitAgony From Inherit

ed Heart DiseaseDr Miles Heart Cure

Cured Me

heartUnlesseasily become a diseased heart A little extraonhisf sudden death Dr Mile Heart Cure willone the hearts action enrich the blood

Md Improve the circulatIonItavelwaysxperienced wIth heart I had the usual

symptoms of sleepledncu lost appetite conihortnesfdft left arm My mother suUered In the sameway and I suppose mine was an inheritedtendency At one time I was In agony I

so seerely and became so weakthirtyayenervousnessheoftheLtverIllsymj toms disappeared under the InfluenceInbellerforltIrecommendluithemWaxahaehle TexbottieAddressDr


t rolegrapli CoIncorporated

Theres nothing the matter with-y business I have the Cumber

Telephone In my residence andace of business My business hascreased and my wifes voice lSnevheard to grumble about the Toteone Yours for good service and

ntlemanly competition

B p NOYh1 Manr

y =



fA4ttlakcs 0

allds f

When the Uvec is torpid sod fAlIa to do ill Work

the bile easer the libel ii a trulellt potion n-

eomce constipation bIlIousness lick headaChe fnereI

and malaria The only treatment that cttII the tITer jUt Jrthe ngh teueh sat smart Natures Work In the right I


1bo pm touchoe tho t and tbcIpe1Joll 1oG00 be f >system


2ee your CaM is eedcgl you

win be IIU before you Snub thorntuplo free Fur IA1e at 1

atl desiers j



For sale byJ H Williams Druggist Hartford KyIl


I New1




hWe hIo just returned

from ike Eastern marketswhere we purchased a tbrannewuptodatespring Eand Summer Stock of

Dry Goods Glothuiig I1

And many other things too tnumerous to mention E

u 1

We Want Your Trade J-

f9It wont cost you anything to look bit

4 through our stock These new goods have414141

arrived and arc now open and ready for 1

41 your inspection Call and see what weei have and we guarantee that we can please titC41 you Give us one trIa

41for business tit J

t SAM BACH Hartford Ky1w


I BARNEsbuyers have just returned from theIiOur and we are placing on sale the

elaborate line of General Merchandiset ever shown Before this ad roachesforti are invited and expected to visit our store Jand see our magnificent array of everything

I 4chandseofESTERI

Our limo of Easter Millinery is now opon nml 4

ready for distribution Eer thing now and stylesdifferent and prettier than ovor befOre If you will-favor us with a l okin this dopartmont wo are sure

> riestdistributorscourse you JIaVO u much largor variety to select fromhero BARNES is the place to buy your HAlS


IAnd a now Wttist juo ns necessary us tito now Hatand wo uro weU prepared to meet aU your

wants ill this line We handlo an elegant hue ofTailormade Skirts und your eyes ziovor behold sucha IinoofVnistings Suitings and Skirtings as wo aredisplaying and soiling If you fail to see this linoyou win miss tim opportunity of lifo Miss FannieBarnes will bo assisted in this dopartmont by MrsJosio Plumpior Austin who is a Practical dressmaker and who is ready at all times to give informu-titm concerning the latest styles to nil inquirers

MEN 2ND BOYSAll ages and sizes ot tim malo sox Our lines of

Olothin Hats Shoes Uridoryoar Neckwoar andcvorytliing you wear are ready for your inspcotiollopportunityto 1see It willcost you nothing to look and if wo cannot please you you dont have to buy

F1RMERSWe han lo u comploto hue of Horso and MuleSaddlesFQrks1cropRemember the Place

E P Barnes BroJ BeaverDam fli++ ++++ +++ + +++++ + ++++ +++ ++ ++t+++++ jlQ U cJ 1

OW nsQoro KyStain Htreet between Triplet lad Dollnr nt ntteiition given to stock headquarter for

Ohloeouat7 reopl IJAMES REYNOLDS Proprietor rI 5 1



0 r