s. p .i.e.s:


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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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S. P .I.E.S:. PHYSICAL. In your notes write down:. “Is there pressure to look good?” Write down your answer. PHYSICAL. DISCUSS. Do girls criticize their physical appearance more than guys? If so, why do think this is? Do guys face pressure to look a certain way? . PHYSICAL. WATCH. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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In your notes write down:“Is there pressure to look good?”

Write down your answer.

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DISCUSS Do girls criticize their physical

appearance more than guys? If so, why do think this is?

Do guys face pressure to look a certain way?


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WATCH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=


…forward to 1 min 30 sec

- Dove Real Life Beauty sketches-


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What does the media tell us is “beautiful”?


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It Begins Early! Look at This . . .


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DID YOU KNOW…• Barbie’s waist is the

same as her head.• Her neck is twice as

long as an average human’s.

• Her legs are 50% longer than her arms. Average woman? 20%.

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Watch This!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U

Dove Evolution – takes a woman and transforms them into supermodel MANIPUTLATION


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Watch This!Photo of Real life Barbie:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/29/valeria-lukyanova-vice_n_3672260.html

(watch only 45 sec.)

Real Life Ken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KNWWUX38W0(1:40)


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And Ken Doesn’t Help Things Either…


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Boys and Body Imagehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_I17cK1ltY takes a man and transforms them uses MANIPUTLATION

…forward to 2 min 40 sec

The Morning Show - Styled With Love Interview on Teenage Boys Body Imagehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-naFDzUJTA


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Self-Esteem How we perceive ourselves is directly

linked to whether or not we have low or high self-esteem.


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Self-Esteem Building a healthy self-image requires time, energy

and patience.

The foundation of a healthy self-image is unconditional love. Unconditional love does not need to be earned. It is given freely and completely.

Ideally, unconditional love is offered first by our parents and then by other significant people in our lives.


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We will also receive negative messages from others at certain times in our development. These messages may have a damaging effect upon the development of our self image, but this negative effect can be offset by love, acceptance and respect.

As we mature, we develop the capacity to choose which messages from others we wish to use to build our self-image and which messages we wish to reject as untrue or unimportant.


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A Christian Perspective on How to View our Bodies

We are called to look at ourselves and others as human beings with dignity that deserve respect, not our critique or belittlement.


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Imperfectly Beautiful


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DISCUSS Why is it important to remember NOT to

judge a person based on how he/she looks?


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“A Body Fit for God” (BWM 22-24)

Using the text, answer the below questions in your notebook:1. The fact that the son of God came as an

unborn child shows us that …2. Jesus’ suffering teaches us about how we

should respond to those who are sick or suffering because …

3. We learn about human dignity from the fact that Jesus’ wounds were not healed in the resurrection because …


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Journal: A Body Fit for God1. Some ways we show lack of respect for our human bodies are . . .

2. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is an important message because . . . 3. I am made in the image of God. This helps me to remember to treat myself with dignity. This means . . .