saints news - · i smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will...

1 Saints News No. 43 March 2013 Seigakuin Atlanta International School Minako Ahearn, Principal Have you heard of “differentiated instruction?” Ever since SAINTS adopted two-way immersion education, we have emphasized the importance of “cooperative learning” and “differentiated instruction.” In Japan, we have started to hear the phrase “learning from each other” (i.e., cooperative learning), and in the USA, where diverse children learn in one classroom, all teachers are working on differentiating their lessons. It is not a coincidence that our approach at SAINTS, which we have valued for the last eight years, has become more mainstream in both countries. We frequently have educational researchers visiting our unique school because what we do here is a microcosm of today’s society with various needs. Even though we used to educate all children with a one- size-fits-all approach, educators have long known that children are interested in different fields and have varied learning styles. Today more than ever, students come from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Students are very motivated to learn about things that intrigue them, but they tend to put things that don’t interest them on the back burner. In one SAINTS classroom, we have a Japanese student who recently arrived from Japan, and she is able to tell her classmates the most popular and current Japanese colloquial- isms. In the same classroom there is an American-born student who knows all about American football from watching games with his father. They teach each other. Among SAINTS students, English proficiency level is always widely different. Our teachers use “differentiation” by asking different types of questions and giving different in-class projects with varying levels of difficulty, length, and quality. “Circle the correct picture.” “Draw a diagram to explain the experiment we just did.” “Choose among the four choices.” “Write a brief summary.” Differentiated learning goals and objectives, projects, and assessments are given to each student. It takes a long time for our teachers to prepare a lesson, but it has become the norm at SAINTS. Our ultimate goal is to differentiate and maximize each student’s learning by observing and accepting who they are. For those interested in further reading about differentiation: How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Class Rooms, 2 nd Edition (2001) by Carol Ann Tomlinson. 校長 エイハーン みな子 Differentiated Instruction(区別化指導)という言葉 を聞いたことがあるでしょうか。セインツでは2004年に日 本語と英語を同時に学習するツーウェイ・イマージョン教 育を導入して以来、その教授法においては、「協同学習」 と「区別化指導」を用いてきたことが特徴です。日本の学 校でも最近「学び合い」という言葉がきかれるようにな り、「協同学習」の良さが認識されるようになりました。 また様々な国から来た児童が一緒に学んでいるアメリカの 学校では、教師達は、「区別化指導」の研究に余念があり ません。セインツが過去8年かけて築いてきた教育におい て大切にしてきた教授法が、二つの国でより一般的に認め られるようになってきたことは偶然ではありません。セイ ンツを訪問する教育者・研究者が途絶えないのも、セイン ツで用いられている教授法は、大変ユニークなようであり ながら、現代社会において普遍的な価値があるからでしょ う。「協同学習」については、時々紹介してきましたの で、今回は「区別化指導」について書いてみようと 思います。 一昔前のような画一的な教育をしようとしても、生まれ 育った背景・文化、関心のある事柄は人 それぞれですし、各自学び方も異なるた め、うまくいかないことがあります。自 分が関心を持っていることは自然ともっ と学びたいという気持ちが起こります し、好きな勉強は楽しんでやることで しょう。苦手なことは、人間、どうして も後回しにしたくなるものです。セイン ツには、一つの教室に、日本から来たば かりで2012年の流行語を、クラスメート に紹介してくれる児童もいれば、お家の 人とフットボールの試合を数え切れないほど解説入りで見 て育った、英語を第一言語とする児童もいます。セインツ の児童の英語のレベルには特に大きな差があります。そこ で「区別化指導」が用いられています。授業中、問いかけ る質問の種類も、各自に与えられる課題、問題の種類、量 や質、難易度が、異なっていて、各自に適した到達目標を 設定しています。たとえば「磁石を指差して。」「今日実 験して分かったことを絵で表したり、図に書いてみましょ う。」「この定義は4つの言葉の中のどれでしょう。選ん でください。」「実験結果をまとめて文章にしてみましょ う。」といった異なる指示が同時に一つの教室内で出され ることもあります。教師にとっては指導案をいくつかに分 けて作成することになり、時間がかかりますが、それはい まや当たり前のことになりました。セインツは、ひとり ひとりが認められ、限りなく大切にされている学校 を目指しています。 Differentiation 「みんなちがってみんないい」

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Page 1: Saints News - · I smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will become acquainted with the true events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each morning


Saints News

No. 43 March 2013 Seigakuin Atlanta International School

Minako Ahearn, Principal

Have you heard of “differentiated instruction?” Ever

since SAINTS adopted two-way immersion education, we

have emphasized the importance of “cooperative learning”

and “differentiated instruction.” In Japan, we have started to

hear the phrase “learning from each other” (i.e., cooperative

learning), and in the USA, where diverse children learn in

one classroom, all teachers are working on differentiating

their lessons. It is not a coincidence that our approach at

SAINTS, which we have valued for the last eight years, has

become more mainstream in both countries. We frequently

have educational researchers visiting our unique school

because what we do here is a microcosm of today’s society

with various needs.

Even though we used to educate all children with a one-

size-fits-all approach, educators have long known that

children are interested in different fields and have varied

learning styles. Today more than ever, students come from

diverse backgrounds and cultures. Students are very

motivated to learn about things that intrigue them, but they

tend to put things that don’t interest them

on the back burner. In one SAINTS

classroom, we have a Japanese student

who recently arrived from Japan, and she

is able to tell her classmates the most

popular and current Japanese colloquial-

isms. In the same classroom there is an

American-born student who knows all

about American football from watching

games with his father. They teach each

other. Among SAINTS students, English

proficiency level is always widely different. Our teachers

use “differentiation” by asking different types of questions

and giving different in-class projects with varying levels of

difficulty, length, and quality. “Circle the correct picture.”

“Draw a diagram to explain the experiment we just did.”

“Choose among the four choices.” “Write a brief summary.”

Differentiated learning goals and objectives, projects, and

assessments are given to each student. It takes a long time

for our teachers to prepare a lesson, but it has become the

norm at SAINTS. Our ultimate goal is to differentiate and

maximize each student’s learning by observing and

accepting who they are.

For those interested in further reading about differentiation:

How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Class

Rooms, 2nd Edition (2001) by Carol Ann Tomlinson.

校長 エイハーン みな子

Differentiated Instruction(区別化指導)という言葉














































Differentiation 「みんなちがってみんないい」

Page 2: Saints News - · I smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will become acquainted with the true events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each morning


Kindergarten Gallery


Field Trip to the farm: What a cute goat!


Play Day: Pulling for the win!


Our first tea ceremony


Post Office Play: Buying “stamps” to send letters.

2012年度幼稚部クリスマスページェント Pre-school/Kindergarten Christmas Pageant 2012

Page 3: Saints News - · I smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will become acquainted with the true events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each morning


Little Evangelists 小さな伝道者たち

年少組担任 密山 トニー


「どうしてクリスマスのお祝いをするのか知っていますか?」 「サンタさんが来るから!」 「イエスさまがどこでお生まれになったか知っていますか?」 「アトランタ!」 「イエスさまのお母さんは誰ですか?」 「天使」

そのうちにイエス様の誕生にまつわる正しい出来事について知ってくれる事を思いながら、これらの答えに思わず微笑んでしまうのでした。 毎朝、幼稚部教室のピアノの前に集まって、ページェントの練習をします。彼らが歌う歌詞は、簡単ですが、とても美しい歌詞です。日本語と英語で上手に歌いながら、この奇跡の意味を理解してくれているようです。 私たちのアドベントのリースも教室内に飾られています。礼拝のときに一つ一つのろうそくに火がともり、クリスマスのお話が始まります。ページェントが本番になるころには、子どもたちとのやり取りはこんな風になる でしょう。

「クリスマスにお生まれになったのは誰ですか?」 「イエスさま!」 「イエス様はどこでお生まれになりましたか?」 「ベツレヘム!」 「イエス様のお母さんは誰ですか?」 「マリア」

ページェント当日は、子どもたちはみんな小さな伝道者になります。子どもたちの演技を通して、ご父母の皆様、お友達、ご近所の方々が、初めてのクリスマスのお話を聞くことができます。神様は、子どもたちの小さな声を使って、世界への大きな愛を人々に知らせているのです。このようなすばらしい行事に毎年参加することができて、私は とても幸せに思います。

~Dikembe Mutombo’s Visit to SAINTS~

Toni Sasayama, 3-year-old Class Teacher

Every year in the beginning of December I make it a point to interview the children with questions about Christmas. This year it went something like this: “Who knows why we celebrate Christmas?” “Santa comes!” “Does anyone know where Jesus was born?” “In Atlanta!” “Who was Jesus’ mother?” “An angel!” I smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will become acquainted with the true events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each morning we gather in front of the piano in the kindergarten to practice for our pageant. I am amazed how simple and beautiful the lyrics to the songs are. The children sing earnestly in Japanese and English, all the time absorbing their miraculous meaning. Our advent wreath is displayed in the kindergarten hall. With the lighting of each candle during worship times, the Christmas story unfolds. By the time our pageant rolls around the children are answering my questions like this: “Who was born on Christmas?” “Jesus!” “Where was Jesus born?” “In Bethlehem!” “Who was Jesus’ mother?” “Mary!” On the day of the pageant, the children become little evangelists. Through the children’s performance parents, friends, and neighbors hear the story of the first Christmas. God uses their small voices to make known His great love for the world. It is a privilege to be part of it each year.

One of our service-learning projects this year was “The Congo Project.” Our students wrote get well cards and brought gifts for the sick children at Mr. Dikembe Mutombo’s* hospital , Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital in the Congo. Before our Christmas worship service and pageant, Mr. Mutombo himself came and picked up the gifts. We were truly honored as he spoke and interacted with our students. It was an experience that no one will soon forget.

*Dikembe Mutombo, an eight-time NBA All-Star and first four-time Defensive Player of the Year in league history, is not only known for his sports accomplishments, but also

Continued on next page


ロ ジェクトの一つとして、コンゴの病院に














Page 4: Saints News - · I smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will become acquainted with the true events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each morning


Elementary Gallery

被害にあった仙台の子どもたちにバスケットボールクリニックも開催なさいました。このムトンボ氏ご自身が、クリスマス礼拝の当日に、セインツの子どもたちがコンゴにあるムトンボ氏の病院の子どもたちのために書いたメッセージやプレゼントを受け取りに来てくださいました。子どもたちの前で話し、子どもたちの質問に快く答えてくださるムトンボ氏に感動しました。この日のことは、長く私たちの心に残ることでしょう。 ディケンベ・ムトンボファンデーションについての詳細は、www.dmf.orgをご覧ください。

SAINTS Students Organize School-wide Presidential Election

Brittany Joseph, English Teacher

2012 was an election year, and as the 6th grade class

studied and learned about election processes, we thought

it would be fun and a great learning experience to hold a

school-wide election. The 6th graders created posters,

voter registration cards, and came up with

requirements for voting. They were very

excited for the days leading up to the

election. They asked around to make sure

their underclassmen and teachers were

registering to vote. During class time, the

students would discuss the current polls

that they heard about on the news and

even the discrepancies that they had found

among different news media. All of these

things helped the students feel more

connected to what they were learning in class and helped

it come to life. We were able to connect classroom and

textbook material to real life situations, which is a

powerful tool in education. On School Election Day

(which was the same day as our National Election), the

students lined up to make their anonymous votes. After

they cast their ballots, the 6th graders gave them an "I

Voted" sticker, which they proudly wore around the

school. Overall this experience made Social Studies come

alive for the students, and I think it helped them under

stand a little more about our political system.


英語担当 ジョセフ ブリテニー


















投票した児童は、6年生から受取った「I Voted」の





for being a philanthropist. He is the NBA’s Global Ambassador and participates in the Basketball without Borders program around the world. He attended Japan’s first ever Basketball without Borders camp which he ran in conjunction with a clinic for children in Sendai after the devastating earthquake. He also started a foundation to help people of his native country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and one of the foundation’s major projects was opening a new hospital in 2007. For more information about Dikembe Mutombo and his work, please check out his website:

Dikembe Mutombo’s Visit to SAINTS continued

Page 5: Saints News - · I smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will become acquainted with the true events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each morning


Bilingual Environment

Megumi Bush, Japanese Elementary Teacher

One day, Japanese language students from Oglethorpe University came to our school and observed the 3rd grade Japanese math class. We were studying decimals at the time, and I encouraged the university students to get involved in our class activities. Some of the university students raised their hands and shared their answers as much as our third graders did. Our students and I were amazed at how well the university students understood and spoke Japanese. I am sure that the university students were reassured of their excellent Japanese language skills through this experience. At SAINTS, students experience the same learning style, “a complete language immersion” every day. At SAINTS, the students also have the privilege of studying both American history starting from the 3rd grade and Japanese history starting in the 6th grade. They study Japanese history from 5500B.C. and American history from the 18th century. In 1853, the U.S. president, Millard Fillmore, sent Admiral Matthew C. Perry to Uraga port and demanded that Japan open for trade. Since SAINTS students have also been learning U.S. history in English social studies, they can understand this historical account from both perspectives. The students learned that firearms used in a Japanese civil war were actually the firearms used in the U.S. Civil War which ended shortly before. When they read journals kept by Americans, Edward Morse and William Griffis, who lived in Japan about “peculiar Japanese life styles,” the students could understand what was written because they are able to compare the two cultures. When I think about the education our students are receiving, I feel that they are so fortunate to be immersed in a bilingual and bicultural environment. Learning both languages and cultures must broaden their world view and will surely produce global citizens of the future.


小学部教師 ブッシュ 恵

三年生の日本語算数の時間に、オグルソープ大学で日本語を勉強している大学生が見学に来られました。せっかくの機会ですから大学生に「小数の計算」の授業に参加してもらいました。中には、三年生にも負けず劣らず積極的に発表する学生もいました。日本語算数の授業に参加し、日本語で発表し、賞賛されたという体験の中から、自身の語学習得の手ごたえを感じた学生がいたことでしょう。セインツではこの大学生と同じ体験が毎日積み重ねられています。児童は日々基礎となる両言語を学び、それを使って複数の教科を学んでいます。改めて、セインツの環境は素晴らしいものだと感じました。 セインツではアメリカの歴史を3年生から、日本史を6年生から学んでいます。日本史は紀元前5,500年から学習を始めますが、アメリカの歴史は18世紀頃から学習を始めます。18世紀というのは日本史で言う江戸時代です。1853年に第十三代フィルモア大統領がペリーを浦賀に送り開国を迫った事件を学んだ際も、すでにアメリカの歴史を学んでいる児童には、アメリカ側から開国時の日本の姿を想像することは難しくありません。戊辰戦争で使われていた中古銃器は、南北戦争が終結して日本に渡ってきた武器であったことや、エドワード・モース、ウィリアム・グリフィスなど、お雇い外国人の日記から見た、当時のアメリカ人から見ると不思議に見える日本人の生活など 、 両 方 の 歴 史 を 重 ね な が ら 理 解 しています。 セインツの児童が日本だけに目を向けるのではなく、『世界の中の日本』という見方ができるのも、この学校の二言語の環境にいて、両方の文化 を理解しているからこそなのです。


Making sandwiches for the homeless.

D.C.で上院議員と「はいチーズ」Posing with Senator Isakson in D.C.

学校の美化のため水仙の球根を植えています。 Planting daffodils on school grounds.

Page 6: Saints News - · I smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will become acquainted with the true events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each morning


Elementary Student’s Gallery

習字 「大」 3年生 杉尾 有梨

Calligraphy “Big” by Yuri Sugio, 3rd Grade

パワーショベル 1年生 磯 尚暁

Power Shovel by Naoaki Iso, 1st Grade

6年生が修学旅行の思い出をパワーポイントで表現しました。上段左から右:清水和、マルム摩利子 下段左から右:井野たた、ムラカーエミリ 6th Grade PowerPoint Slides from their school trip to Washington DC : Top L-R: Nodoka Shimizu, Mariko Malm Bottom L-R: Tata Ino, Emily Mlakar

Power shovels dig dirt at construction sites. There is an arm in the front of

the machine. Attached to the arm is a bucket. The house of machine can

move 360 degrees. When the ground is really hard, they use a bucket with

teeth on it.

Page 7: Saints News - · I smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will become acquainted with the true events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each morning


2012年度小学部クリスマスページェント Elementary Christmas Pageant 2012

Excerpt from Research Paper on Steve Jobs by Aiko Webb, 4th Grade

スティーブ・ジョブズに関するリサーチの一部より 4年生 ウェブ 愛子

Haiku by Momoko Abe & Thomas Mlakar, 5th Grade

俳句 5年生 阿部 桃子、ムラカー トーマス






The sunny

autumn day

covers the

mountains. It

is so fresh.


Clouds move

slowly, then

it is time for

the sunset.


Page 8: Saints News - · I smile at their answers knowing that in the next few weeks they will become acquainted with the true events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each morning


Seigakuin Atlanta International School 5505 Winters Chapel Rd. Tel 770-730-0045

Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax 770-730-0245


Non-profit Organization Presorted Standard

PAID Atlanta, GA

Permit No. 1484


SAINTS ALUMNI AMAZING UPDATES While some of our alumni are getting happily married and having children, others are enjoying their middle/high school and college lives in both countries. Here are some recent updates:

Served as a drum major in the High School marching band

Studying towards becoming a pilot

Received a swimming award

Poem was selected to be published

Studying at Emory University MBA program

Freshman at Tokyo University majoring in science

セインツ卒業生の近況! アメリカまたは日本で、幸せな結婚をした卒業

生もいれば、もう子どもが いる卒業生もいます。









2013-2014 School Year Important Dates

2月9日 (土)

Saturday, February 9 定期募集考査日(1)

Entrance Exam 1

4月4日 (木)

Thursday, April 4 入園・入学式および1学期始業日

Entrance Ceremony, First Day of the 2013-2014 School Year

5月21日 (火)

Tuesday, May 21 オープンハウス(1) 要予約

Open House 1 RSVP required

7月3日 (水)

Wednesday, July 3 1学期終業日

Last Day of the 1st Term

8月21日 (水)

Wednesday, August 21 定期募集考査日(2)

Entrance Exam 2

8月26日 (月)

Monday, August 26 2学期始業日

First Day of the 2nd Term

10月17日 (木)

Thursday, October 17 オープンハウス(2) 要予約

Open House 2 RSVP required

12月20日 (金)

Friday, December 20 幼稚部2学期終業日

Last Day of the 2nd Term for Pre-School/Kindergarten Department

12月21日 (土)

Saturday, December 21 小学部2学期終業日

Last Day of the 2nd Term for Elementary Department

1月8日 (水)

Wednesday, January 8 3学期始業日

First Day of the 3rd Term

3月14日 (金)

Friday, March 14 卒園・卒業式および学年修了日

Graduation Ceremony, Last Day of the 2013-2014 School Year

SCHOLARSHIPS 奨学金に関心のある方は下記メールアドレスにご連絡下さい。

Scholarships available. Please email us for details.

[email protected]

Lamb Group こひつじグループ

-Trial Classes for 2.5~3 year-olds 2歳半~3歳のお子さん対象

-Two or three days per week 週に2日か3日、セインツに通ってみませんか。

Come experience SAINTS Education $35/day (9 a.m.~1 p.m.)