salary income tax final

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  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final



    for Salariedfor Salaried


  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    Income tax is boring and its payment is painful.Income tax is boring and its payment is painful.

    PricePrice forfor civilizationcivilization..

    NothingNothing isis suresure exceptexcept deathdeath andand taxestaxes..

    BeingBeing SocioSocio--EconomicEconomic law,law, variousvarious exemptionsexemptions andanddeductionsdeductions havehave beenbeen providedprovided.. LifeLife isis changingchangingfast,fast, soso isis IncomeIncome TaxTax lawlaw;; hencehence alsoalso calledcalled oneonetimetime ticketticket..

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    Assessee:: InIn incomeincome--taxtax aa personperson whowho hashas toto

    complycomply hishis taxtax obligationobligation oror toto getget refundrefund oror

    againstagainst whomwhom anyany proceedingsproceedings areare takentaken isis

    calledcalled anan assesseeassessee..

    Assessment Year:: AssessmentAssessment yearyear meansmeans thethe

    periodperiod ofof 1212 monthsmonths startingstarting fromfrom 11stst AprilApril ofof

    everyevery yearyear andand endingending onon 3131stst MarchMarch ofof thethe nextnext

    yearyear.. HereHere wewe areare goinggoing dealdeal withwith AYAY 20122012--1313

    Financial year:: IncomeIncome earnedearned inin aa financialfinancialyearyear isis taxabletaxable inin thethe nextnext year year calledcalled

    AssessmentAssessment YearYear..

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final



    TheThe formsforms toto bebe usedused forfor filingfiling thethe returnreturn ofofincomeincome areare mentionedmentioned belowbelow::--

    ITRITR 11:: ForFor IndividualsIndividuals havinghaving incomeincome fromfromSalary/Salary/ Pension/familyPension/family pensionpension && InterestInterest;;

    ITRITR 22:: ForFor IndividualsIndividuals andand HUFsHUFs notnot havinghavingincomeincome fromfrom BusinessBusiness oror ProfessionProfession..

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final



    YEAR 11YEAR 11--12 A.Y. 1212 A.Y. 12--1313 InIn thethe casecase ofof aa IndividualIndividual (MALE)(MALE),, incomeincome upup toto

    RsRs.. 11,,8080,,000000 isis exemptexempt;;

    InIn thethe casecase ofof WomenWomen incomeincome upup toto RsRs..11,,9090,,000000 isis


    InIn thethe casecase of of SeniorSenior CitizensCitizens incomeincome UpUp toto

    RsRs..22,,5050,,000000 isis exemptexempt.. ((AssesseAssesse shouldshould bebe 6060 yearsyearsandand above)above)

    InIn casecase ofof SeniorSenior CitizensCitizens havinghaving ageage aboveabove 8080 yearsyears

    theirtheir incomeincome isis exemptexempt upup toto RsRs..55,,0000,,000000..

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    Tax Rates for Current Financial YearTax Rates for Current Financial Year

    andand Asstt.YearAsstt.Year 20122012--1313

    RsRs..11,,8080,,001001 55,,0000,,000000 1010%%..

    Rs.Rs.5,00,0015,00,001 8,00,000 20%8,00,000 20%

    Rs.Rs.8,00,001 upwards 30%8,00,001 upwards 30%

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    B.-Income from house property.

    C.-Profits and gains of business or profession.

    D.-Capital gains.

    E.-Income from other sources.

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    SalarySalary receivedreceived oror receivablereceivable fromfrom thethe employeremployer;;

    IfIf receivedreceived byby aa partnerpartner fromfrom thethe firmfirm itit isis notnot

    salarysalary incomeincome.. "Salary","Salary", "perquisite""perquisite" andand "profits"profits inin lieulieu ofof

    salary"salary" defineddefined..

    Salary,Salary, wages,wages, feesfees commission,commission, advanceadvance salary,salary,leaveleave encashmentencashment

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    PERQUISITEPERQUISITE"" includesincludes--

    RentRent--freefree accommodationaccommodation oror ConcessionConcession

    providedprovided byby thethe employeremployer;;

    InIn casecase ofof furnishedfurnished accommodation,accommodation, increaseincrease itit

    byby 1010%%..

    AnyAny sumsum paidpaid byby thethe employeremployer inin respectrespect ofof anyany

    obligationobligation payablepayable byby thethe employeeemployee;;

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    ""Profits in lieu of salary"" includesincludes--

    AnyAny paymentpayment whichwhich isis notnot exemptexempt fromfrom taxtax

    AnyAny paymentpayment receivedreceived fromfrom thethe employeremployer beforebefore

    joiningjoining andand afterafter leavingleaving thethe serviceservice..

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    Salary Structure of EmployeesSalary Structure of Employees

    Particulars Amt (Rs) Deductions to be allowed

    Basic Salary (PA) 1,80,000 Ded u/s 80c

    D.A (PA) 1,08,000 Contribution to RPF 34,560

    Bonus 24,000 Investment in NSC 20,000

    Total (A) 3,12,000 LIC premium (sum assured



    Education (2 Children) 2,400 Contribution to PPF 30,000

    Hostel (2 Children) 5,274 Ded u/s 80ccf

    Transport 9,600 Investment in Infra Bond 20,000

    HRA (rent paid 9K) 1,08,000 Ded u/s 80D

    Motor Car 19,200 Medi claim Premium 35,000

    Contribution to RPF 34,560 Total Deduction (B) 155000

    Profession Tax 2,400 Taxable Salary (A-B) 1,57,000

    Interest on RPF (9.5%) 6,566

    Total (A+B) 5,00,000

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    Assumptions for this ComputationAssumptions for this Computation

    HRA working:HRA working: 1) Does not live in his own house1) Does not live in his own house

    2) Rent paid by him is 12,000 P.M2) Rent paid by him is 12,000 P.M

    Exemption:Exemption: 1) HRA actually received1) HRA actually received

    2) Rent Paid2) Rent Paid 10% of Salary *10% of Salary *

    3) 40% of salary (Employee is residing in Ahmedabad)3) 40% of salary (Employee is residing in Ahmedabad)

    Motor Car Allowance:Motor Car Allowance:

    1)1) Employee owns the motor car but the actual running & maintenance chargesEmployee owns the motor car but the actual running & maintenance charges

    (including chauffeur's remuneration)are met by the employer.(including chauffeur's remuneration)are met by the employer.

    2)2) cubic capacity of engine exceeds 1.6cubic capacity of engine exceeds 1.6 litersliters

    3)3) reimbursement is partly for official purpose & partly for private purposereimbursement is partly for official purpose & partly for private purpose

    Education perks:Education perks:

    1) His son is studying in the same school made by the same company in which he is1) His son is studying in the same school made by the same company in which he is


  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    Particulars Amt.

    Basic Salary (PA) 300000 Deduction U/S 80C & 80 CCF

    D.A (PA) 200000 Contribution to RPF 60000

    Total 5,00,000 Investment in Post Office scheme 15000

    Allowances Exempt U/S 10 Investment in MF U/S 10(23) 25000

    HRA 250000 Investment in Infra Bonds 20000

    Education (2 Children) 2400 Deduction U/S 80D

    Hostel (2Children) 7200 Medi Claim Premium 35,000

    Uniform 9600 Deduction U/S 80E

    Telephone 24000 Interest on Educational Loan 1,25,000

    Motor Car 32000 Deduction U/S 80DDB

    Contribution To RPF 60000 For Medical Treatment 40,000

    Interest on RPF (9.5%) 11400 Total ( C ) 320000

    Sports Club 65000 Taxable Salary 1,80,000

    Food Allowance 36000

    Professional Tax 2400

    Total 10,00,000

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    AssumptionsAssumptions for this Computationfor this Computation

    HRA working:HRA working: 1) Does not live in his own house1) Does not live in his own house

    2) Rent paid by him is 25,000 P.M2) Rent paid by him is 25,000 P.M

    Exemption:Exemption: 1) HRA actually received1) HRA actually received

    2) Rent Paid2) Rent Paid 10% of Salary *10% of Salary *

    3) 40% of salary (Employee is residing in Ahmedabad)3) 40% of salary (Employee is residing in Ahmedabad)Motor Car Allowance:Motor Car Allowance:

    1)1) Employee owns the motor car but the actual running & maintenance chargesEmployee owns the motor car but the actual running & maintenance charges

    (including chauffeur's remuneration)are met by the employer.(including chauffeur's remuneration)are met by the employer.

    2)2) cubic capacity of engine exceeds 1.6cubic capacity of engine exceeds 1.6 litersliters

    3)3) reimbursement is partly for official purpose & partly for private purposereimbursement is partly for official purpose & partly for private purposeEducational Loan:Educational Loan:

    1 Principal Amount:1 Principal Amount:-- 10,00,000/10,00,000/--

    2 Interest Rate:2 Interest Rate:--12.5%12.5%

    Assumed that the total amount of interest paid all the year round tenta amounts to RsAssumed that the total amount of interest paid all the year round tenta amounts to Rs


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    Particulars Amt (Rs) Amt (Rs)

    Basic Salary (PA) 4,92,000 Profession Tax

    Gifts allowance



    D.A (PA) 3,17,229 Total (B) 6,02,030

    Bonus 88,740 Deduction U/S 80C & 80 CCF

    Total (A) 8,97,969 Contribution to RPF 96,000

    Allowances Exempt U/S 10 Investment in MF U/S 10(23) 4,000

    Uniform 20,000 Investment in Infra Bonds 20,000

    Food 36,000 Deduction U/S 80D

    Education (2 Children) 2,400 Medi Claim Premium 35,000

    Hostel (2 Children) 7,200 Deduction U/S 80E

    Transport 9,600 Interest on Educational Loan 1,50,000

    HRA 2,99,983 Deduction U/S 80DD

    Motor Car 32,400 For Medical Treatment of father 1,00,000

    Entertainment 5,000 Deduction U/S 24(b)

    Sports club facilities 55,000 Interest on Housing Loan 1,50,000

    Education perks 12,000 Total ( C ) 5,55,000

    Contribution to RPF 96,807 Taxable Salary (A-C) 3,42,969

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    AssumptionsAssumptions for this Computationfor this Computation

    HRA working:HRA working: 1) Does not live in his own house1) Does not live in his own house

    2) Rent paid by him is 35,000 P.M2) Rent paid by him is 35,000 P.M

    Exemption:Exemption: 1) HRA actually received1) HRA actually received

    2) Rent Paid2) Rent Paid 10% of Salary *10% of Salary *

    3) 40% of salary (Employee is residing in Ahmedabad)3) 40% of salary (Employee is residing in Ahmedabad)

    Motor Car Allowance:Motor Car Allowance:

    1)1) Employee owns the motor car but the actual running & maintenance charges (includingEmployee owns the motor car but the actual running & maintenance charges (including

    chauffeur's remuneration)are met by the employer.chauffeur's remuneration)are met by the employer.

    2)2) cubic capacity of engine exceeds 1.6cubic capacity of engine exceeds 1.6 litersliters

    3)3) reimbursement is partly for official purpose & partly for private purposereimbursement is partly for official purpose & partly for private purpose

    Education perks:Education perks:

    1)1) His son is studying in the same school made by the same company in which he isHis son is studying in the same school made by the same company in which he isworking.working.

    Educational Loan:Educational Loan:

    1 Principal Amount:1 Principal Amount:-- 15,00,000/15,00,000/--

    2 Interest Rate:2 Interest Rate:--10%10%

    Assumed that the total amount of interest paid all the year round tenta amounts to RsAssumed that the total amount of interest paid all the year round tenta amounts to Rs1,50,000/1,50,000/--

  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    Computation of Taxable IncomeComputation of Taxable Income

    Particulars For 5 Lacs For 10 Lacs For 15 Lacs

    Gross Taxable Salary 1,57,000 1,80,000 3,42,969

    Less : Basic Exempt.


    180000 180000 180000

    Taxable Nil Nil 1,62,969

    Tax @ 10% Nil Nil 16,297

    Edu. Cess @ 2% Nil Nil 326

    High Edu. Cess @ 1% Nil Nil 163

    Total Tax Payable 16,786

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    DeductionDeduction inin respectrespect ofof lifelife insuranceinsurance premiapremia,,providentprovident fund,fund, etcetc.. butbut notnot moremore thanthan RsRs..11..22 laclac

    Any sums paid towards:Any sums paid towards:

    Insurance premiumInsurance premium ContributionContribution toto ProvidentProvident FundFund

    National Saving CertificatesNational Saving Certificates

    TuitionTuition FeesFees ofof self,self, spousespouse oror childchild (not(not moremorethanthan 22))

    Installment of housing loanInstallment of housing loan

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    FDR forfor periodperiod ofof notnot lessless thanthan fivefive yearsyears withwith aascheduledscheduled bank,bank, asas per per schemescheme notifiednotified byby

    CentralCentral GovtGovt asas perper BankBank TermTerm DepositDeposit SchemeScheme


    Deduction in respect of health insuranceDeduction in respect of health insurance


    [[UptoUpto RsRs..1515,,000000//--,, andand inin thethe casecase of of seniorsenior

    CitizenCitizen itit isis RsRs.. 2020,,000000//--]]

    RsRs..2020,,000000//-- infrastructuralinfrastructural bondsbonds..

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    Deduction in respect of maintenance including

    medical treatment of a dependant who is a

    person with disability U/s 80DD.


    InIn casecase ofof severesevere disabilitydisability itit isis RsRs.. oneone laclac..

    [Medical[Medical certificatecertificate isis requiredrequired toto bebe attachedattached withwith

    thethe returnreturn..]]

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    RsRs.. 4040,,000000//--;; butbut inin thethe casecase ofof aa seniorsenior citizencitizen itit isis


    ProvidedProvided itit isis actuallyactually spentspent for for thethe specifiedspecified


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    Deduction in respect of interest on loan

    taken for higher education 80E.

    ForFor self,self, spouse,spouse, dependentdependent childchild oror for for whomwhom

    assesseeassessee isis guardianguardian BeginningBeginning yearyear andand fourfour immediatelyimmediately followingfollowing


  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    Deduction in respect of donations paid

    in cash only U/s 80G100100%% ofof thethe followingfollowing::

    ((ii)) thethe NationalNational DefenseDefense FundFund;; oror

    (ii)(ii) PrimePrime Minister'sMinister's NationalNational ReliefReliefFundFund;; (iii)(iii) NationalNational FoundationFoundation forfor CommunalCommunal

    HarmonyHarmony;; oror

    (iv)(iv) LocalLocal authorityauthority anyany for for thethe purposespurposes ofofimprovementimprovement ofof primaryprimary educationeducation inin villagesvillages andand


    (v)(v) NationalNational oror StateState BloodBlood TransfusionTransfusion CouncilCouncil

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    (vi)(vi) StateState GovernmentGovernment FundFund toto provideprovide medicalmedical

    reliefrelief toto thethe poorpoor;; oror

    (vii)(vii) ArmedArmed forcesforces CentralCentral WelfareWelfare FundFund forfor thethe

    welfarewelfare ofof thethe pastpast andand presentpresent membersmembers ofof suchsuch

    forcesforces oror theirtheir dependantsdependants;; oror

    (viii)(viii) NationalNational SportsSports FundFund;; oror

    (ix)(ix) thethe NationalNational CulturalCultural FundFund;; oror

    (x)(x) FundFund for for anyany GovtGovt.. for for thethe purposepurpose ofof

    promotingpromoting familyfamily planningplanning;;

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    50% of the following:



    und forfor of of thethe GovernmentGovernment oror anyany locallocalauthority,authority, forfor anyany charitablecharitable purposepurpose;; oror

    (vi)(vi) anan authorityauthority forfor satisfyingsatisfying thethe needneed for for

    housinghousing accommodationaccommodation

    (b)(b) anyany sumssums asas donationsdonations forfor thethe renovationrenovation oror

    repairrepair ofof anyany suchsuch temple,temple, mosque,mosque, gurdwara,gurdwara,

    churchchurch or or other other placeplace of of extraordinaryextraordinary


  • 8/6/2019 Salary Income Tax Final


    80U. Deduction in case of a person with80U. Deduction in case of a person with


    Rs.Rs. 50,000/50,000/-- to resident individual with disability;to resident individual with disability;

    Rs.Rs. Rs.1,00,000/Rs.1,00,000/-- with severe disability.with severe disability.

    Certificate from the Prescribed medial authorityCertificate from the Prescribed medial authorityshall be attached with the return of income.shall be attached with the return of income.

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    We are thankful to KPC who gave us the opportunity to workWe are thankful to KPC who gave us the opportunity to workas a team to share our skills and knowledge through thisas a team to share our skills and knowledge through thispresentation.presentation.

    From : TeamFrom : Team -- 22

    JatanJatan WalaWala JatinJatin PatelPatel

    ShreyaShreya ShahShah

    BrijeshBrijesh ShahShah


